#This kills my NaruHina heart but the girls deserved better
AU where the Konona girls get tired of the boy's bull and sing Lovesick Girls (by BLACKPINK) to them and finally move on with their lives.
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Naruto endgame commentaries and etc.
I just need an outlet to let this thoughts out or this will plague my mind forever lol I haven't properly watched the ending so some ships may not be mentioned. NaruHina: I was always rooting for Hinata. She's so nice. Each time she gets shy around Naruto. I'd be like. "Go talk to him. You can do it." They had interactions but I don't recall anything direct with each other like ????????? I like that Naruto inspired her to be better. Obviously, Naruto is good for her. But I wanted more interactions and developments between them. It's just frustrating that they never meet halfway. All the declarations of love and interest are in thoughts. To me, to fall in love is to spend time with one another, get to know and bare oneself to each other. And you'll know whether you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this person. I'm not expecting romance per se BUT LET THESE TWO FICTIONAL CHARACTERS TALK TO EACH OTHER SasuSaku: I have soft spot for them when they were young. The potential for them to be an amazing couple is just 👌👌👌👌 I have the same problem with these two. What's with Kishi not making two characters talk with one another. What is this? Indirect love?????? Naruto and Sasuke has a more developed relationship than SasuSaku. I don't mean in a romantic sense but as relationship in general. You mean to tell me they are the most precious person to one another with almost zero communications and through thank you's and a poke in a forehead. It's not even taking into account with Sasuke's attempts to kill her. (Without remorse) After that incident, I became neutral to SasuSaku. And I started looking for potential ships for Sakura. And boy, you can pair her with anyone. Lee, Gaara, Sasori, Sai, Obito and even Kakashi I can't really see NaruSaku as a couple. IDK why but fanarts between them are cute. I like her pair with Kakashi the most because she's the only female character I can see being paired to him. No one else. Anyways, when Boruto happened. That was the last fucking straw. My reaction to Sasuke impregnating and abandoning her: "My expectations were low but holy shit." Curse you canon for ruining whatever love I have for this ship. No amount of fanfic can fix this anymore because it's canon. And the novels are not canon to me because I see those as means to plug up plotholes. In other words, you should have left it to an SS shipper to write up the plot for these two. InoSai: What I can recall is Sai saved her and tada! They're a couple now. I can't really complain much because it's like their interactions are all behind the scenes. It's implied that after that, they start to like and fall in love with one another. But you can do better than that. I know Naruto is shonen or shounen?? anime. But can't you make one ep or random snippets on how they get together ShikaTema: This!! Best canon ship. You don't know how happy I am to know they became a couple. I always shipped them as a kid. The fight they had piqued their interest with one another. Shikamaru being a smartass tries to woo my girl Temari. It is seen both of them together. And they got together in the end. It's just so satisfying. Other complaints I have: My girl Anko!! Kishi made a comic relief out of her on Boruto. She deserves better treatment after fanservicing the hell out of her. I'm just really bitter about this. Orochimaru: You mean to tell me after killing the third hokage and thousands of people maybe, kidnapping children, experimenting on them, he got rewarded a peaceful life in Konoha with a family????? I always think about if Shikamaru was the hokage, he wouldn't let this shit happen. Not only that, they made a comic relief out of him. Again. 😤😤😤😤😤 This guy is an iconic villain to me. That time when I was a kid and I watched him transform into a hideous snake, I was legit covering my eyes. He creeps the hell out of me. Shino: What did you do to my amazing cool of a character Shino TT.TT THE CHARACTER DESIGN OF HIM IS REALLY COOL. AND HE'S REALLY COOL. HE DID HIM DIRTY TT.TT Complaint about Kishi: he's right. He doesn't know how to go about female characters. It's hard to understand them and I'm female lol. Such a waste. Good characters and they weren't given enough depth. He's also right that he sucks in doing romance. He didn't have to go all lovey dovey about it. Ex: ShikaTema I just needed to see a solid foundation of a relationship (not necessary lovers but I needed them to have a connection. Direct and real interactions) Not this indirect love and oh this one has feelings for this one. Watch them get together in the end. Like ???????? He mentioned about how he couldn't look at Hinata and Naruto kissing because to him, they're like his children. He should have just done whatever he wanted. I still am unaccepting of Naruto being a crappy father. You mean to tell me he was able to win the hearts of Inari and Konohamaru, but not his own son???? And how he always wanted a family. He would be like this? Are you serious???? And not to mention, Naruto is a child at heart. His voice is even the same all these years. (I'm aware they're kinda okay now but still ) I see now. Kishimoto's weakness in writing. He sees two points and tries to connect them even in the most out of character way possible. I'm aware of many plotholes Kishi did. And Kakashi's character. You mean to tell me he didn't spare a glance at Naruto when he is his sensei's kid even after all the discrimination and hate against Naruto??????? And not to mention, he was able to hold him when he was a baby!!!! Kishi didn't thought his backstory through. He also loves to forget certain characters at the same time information he gave out in the earliest Naruto episodes. Fight scenes that I enjoyed the most: Lee vs Gaara: this is amazing.. no matter how many times I watch this. It's just really cool And all the fights involving Shikamaru What I love about Naruto: Good shit right there. Despite all the complaints above, I love watching this anime. The fight scenes deliver 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 10/10 And the characters is memorable. Really timeless I love most of the characters there. Although, it could have been better plotwise. I could only sigh and post my thoughts about it. And now my mind is at peace lol
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why do sasunaru shippers hate sasusaku more than naruhina/sakura more than hinata? || aka a sasunaru shipper explaining why sasusaku is better than naruhina in every conceivable way
yeah yeah this isn’t my lane as a sasunaru shipper to comment on ss because it’s not my ship but it IS my lane to comment on sasuke and sakura, 2 of my favourite naruto characters.
this is my first post about naruto or any series in quite awhile, so excuse any possible errors on my part, but i’ve been thinking and i’d like to write out my thoughts on a particular subject. i’m back with a controversial opinion, of course because those are the only ones i’ll ever have
if you ship sasunaru and u viciously hate sakura i suggest going into this post with an open mind because... you aren’t gonna like a lot of what is said here but i suggest reading anyways :-)
during my time in naruto fandom i’ve noticed a trend among sasunaru shippers(and anti ending people in general), sakura is the butt of all of the jokes and especially after the manga ending and gaiden being released people have loved to make jokes about SS’s marriage but hinata never gets the same negative treatment and my thoughts are only
act i: underratus sasusakus
i’m going to get straight to the point and say my opinion. sakura and sasusaku especially are given extremely unfair treatment and exaggerated belittlement among the sasunaru fandom. allow me to explain why
if you love this bitch right here
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you should have done enough character analysis to realize these few things about him
1: he was completely deprived of love and any connections from like age 7 up until he met naruto, sakura and kakashi
2: he felt like he had to push everyone he cares about away because he saw it as weak
and 3: underneath all of his trauma he’s kind hearted
so knowing all of these obvious things, why would you say that in moments like these
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he is actually trying to shake off someone he doesn’t like at all and only sees as a girl with an annoying crush?
or alternatively, why would you say he’s abusive and she deserves better but then go and ship him with your favourite character? it’s so transparent and it’s obviously just a filler excuse so you don’t have to actually look into the character dynamics and how they work because you don’t want to admit that your least favourite ship actually isnt awful.
Sasuke isn’t the type of person that would have such disregard and apathy towards a person that’s shown him nothing but love throughout the entire series. that goes against his entire character’s philosophy and most of the arguments seem to be pulled out of thin air also
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He obviously cares about sakura plain and simple, no mental gymnastic argument in the world can disregard plain canon evidence. if youre so set on the idea that sasuke doesn’t give a shit about sakura, then i’m gonna raise the question: why would you have a character who doesn’t care about one of his teammates that supported him as ur fave? which leads me to my next point
there’s obviously gonna be theeese kind of people:
“of course my precious baby sasuke loves his team, but sakura has a selfish love and she will never deserve him!!!!”
there are SO many anti sakura arguments from sasunaru shippers that are just plain wrong so i’m gonna use this opportunity to crush them all
“sakura only liked sasuke cause he was hot and popular”
after sakura was surprised that the kid guessed she liked sasuke, she was informed he was popular with the girls
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so that one panel gets rid of that argument
“sakura doesn’t really love sasuke, she was going to kill him...”
...because she thought it was her ONLY OPTION to save him from himself, she thought he was too far gone and it wasn’t until naruto showed up that she had hope again (which is why sasunaru shippers being as threatened by ss as they are is so dumb and crazy)
personally i don’t like this aspect of ss and heavily prefer the sasunaru dynamic with the whole eternal never giving up on you thing because it scratches my particular shipping itch but it’s foolish to say that sakura doesn’t love sasuke period, she obviously does and she does deeply and she’s one of the closest people to him and always will be
Sasusaku gets tons of unfair hate just because of the long running anti Sakura meme, and it’s always been the scapegoat of the anti naruto ending crowd. But it’s silly to me because it makes sense that if sasuke doesn’t end with naruto, he would end with sakura
aside from naruto, his closest living person is sakura plain and simple. she’s done nothing but love him, maybe not as absolutely and unconditionally as naruto has, and maybe she did falter but it’s more than anyone else in the entire series(besides naruto) has and it’s more than he’s ever got from anyone else (besides naruto lol) so if sasunaru doesn’t happen why on earth would you be upset that the boy who was so deprived of love for his entire life ended up with this girl?
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if not naruto, sakura is the best person for sasuke plain and simple because literally who else in the series (besides naruto) put up with all of his baggage for the entirety of the series, + she raised his child when he was MIA and sarada actually grew up to be a diligent and intelligent ninja. i ain’t even mad when people ship SS
sasuke has recognized all of this, too.
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and has thanked sakura for all of the love she’s ever provided for him throughout the years, even when he was not himself and hurting her, she always just wanted him to be okay, and he appreciates it. so of course he married sakura, duh.
you cant even be threatened by their eye smex
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because sasuke gives naruto bedroom eyes all day long
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he gives a shit about sakura okay?!?! sakura gives a shit about him okay?!?! it’s okay to acknowledge that his canon marriage isn’t the devil while still realizing the objective superiority of your otp!!!!!
all of this can be summarized into, for some reason sasusaku threatens the sasunaru fandom and leads them into having bullshit mental gymnastic arguments against it for no real reason when....
the real monster of the series is naruhina.
act ii: naruheinous disgustus
sorry about coming off a little strong there, but i have a lot to say about this matter, and you know i’m for real when i have a lot to say about something that has so very little.
it seems to me like most sasunaru shippers don’t actually care about naruhina and just give it a free pass cuz it’s boring and she’s nice and cute and whatever
but naruhina is so much worse than sasusaku on every imaginable level
so, so much worse
because where sasusaku at least has friendship
naruhina has nothing
at least where sasusaku has care and chemistry
naruhina has a bland empty space
because hinata is a bland and empty character
[due to plot holes and retcon in the last and other filler, i will only be using kishimoto’s material for this post. but hey, since naruhina is canon only the author written material has to be enough, right? right....? please guys he ships our ship he made it canon i swear he planned everything to end with their epic moon(who sasuke) love story]
we get shown this when naruto gets introduced to hinata and his only impression of her is that she’s a weirdo
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We get this when Naruto never ever noticed Hinata, while Sasuke was actively trying to cheer Sakura up
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naruhina in part 1 has absolutely NO basis at all. it’s absolutely nonexistent from naruto’s side.
unfortunately... it remains that way.
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this moment. this fucking moment is when it all started to go downhill. i mean, naruhina was always at the bottom but this is when it becomes apparent that the ship is never going to pick itself back up.
i’m not going to be one of the people who say that after naruto completely ignored her confession that she should just never think about him again and find a new guy, that’s unreasonable.
naruto completely ignored her confession! in fact, i don’t even think he ignored it. i think it just never occured to him that he should even talk to her which is even sadder imo... sasuke, who is apparently the devil to sasuke, at least y’know... thanked her.
after this happened we never saw hinata’s reaction to this, her feelings on why naruto never replied to her, we never even see her doing anything outside of thinking about naruto/talking to naruto period unless it’s a fight in a flashback
it’s almost like hinata is an NPC in the naruverse programmed to react to anything naruto related and nothing else. you can definitely not say this about sakura, she has a defined personality. Hinata doesn’t.
don’t even understand how this
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[sending her son to fight alone against an enemy of unknown strength and only telling him to... take care of naruto-kun]
could ever be favoured over this
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sakura > hinata
sasusaku > naruhina
sasunaru shippers = dumb for hating on sasusaku and giving naruhina a free pass
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