#This series has reset my brain (pos)
hikarihenkoyo · 2 years
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Humanity means wearing your mistakes on your skin, means your body becomes a map, leylines connecting one trauma to the next and to the next, like stars in a constellation of pain. Immortals are supposed to be immune to that visceral sort of memory. 
“...why did that scar?”
“It was the greatest betrayal of my life; would you expect it to just fade away?”
- @etherati. Taproot.
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
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These 4
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer's block?
Probably should not ask me of all people about this honestly, because I'm someone who has a really hard time working when their creatively drained.
However for me I think I'd have to say that when working through writers block, there are usually three things that help me the most.
Consume media that you enjoy.
This can honestly be anything. While what first comes to mind for me is books or fic from some of my favorite authors, you can also just do anything that makes you happy.
Listen to your favorite song/playlist, watch a show/movie that you love, maybe even create art if that makes you happy. Sometimes all it takes to get past a brain fart is finding inspiration through enjoyment around you.
I specifically recommend books or fic because a lot of times you can get inspired by an author's writing style, events, character motivations, dialogue, and even just general vibe of a story. Enough so that you can get yourself right back into writing. This isn't a go ahead to plagiarize or anything, but it's also not an English paper.
Write what you enjoy and write from your enjoyment.
2. Self care
I can literally hear you groaning but omg this helps so much. If you're stuck where you're writing, get up and get a glass of water, grab a snack if your hungry. If you've done both then brush your teeth if you haven't yet, wash your face, hell, hop in the shower real quick.
Something about taking a quick break and taking care of your body and mind honestly helps out your writing so much. I can look back on some of my stories and tell just by my writing when I was doing the appropriate self care or not. A little goes a long way!!
3. Fucking Exercise.
This one makes me angry. So mad. I hate that this works but I have to recommend it anyway because it fucking works. However you can, take a quick break and exercise.
Ride a bike, take a hike, go for a swim, hop on the treadmill. Sometimes I'll even pick a hallway and run back and forth a few times to get my heart (and my brain) going.
I literally have never been more productive after running, taking a shower, then eating food/drinking water. Something about doing those things in order really resets my brain and gets me ready to write.
But also like. Be aware. If you don't have time for this, that's okay!!
Anything honestly helps. Take a two minute break from writing to just lay on the floor. Listen to music real quick to clear your brain. Do a couple push-ups, get dressed, make your bed!!
Just changing your environment, your mindset, really, truly helps to get through a writing block/burnout.
Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
Hmmm. That's really hard for me to say. Maybe?
It honestly depends on my mood and how the series will end.
I'm more of an AU fan for my writing, but you never know what'll happen. Maybe I'll find something I like within canon, maybe I won't. We'll see.
Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I've looked it up and alternate universe counts as a trope, so that by definition falls right under my favorite.
However if I had to be more specific I'd say flower shop au's have to be some of my favorites.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
To be honest, I haven't really thought about it with the current works I have up on Ao3. If anyone drew anything from my writing I think I would actually cry (/pos) and I would hang it on my wall.
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whyndancer · 3 years
Loki, Episode 1: Glorious Purpose.
(aka Loki and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.)
Right. Okay. So.
I have thoughts. Lots of them. So I’m going to attempt to lay them out here before ep 2 drops.
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We all remember this, right? The very first glimpse we ever got of the show.  This was the first time the TVA was “introduced”. 
I think this is the endgame. This is exactly what’s going to happen.
Hear me out.
(read more for spoilers)
Mobius M. Mobious  has given Loki literally every reason to see the TVA and the Sacred timeline burn.
a.)According to the Sacred Timeline Frigga has to die.
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 And she has to die because of Loki. Loki, obviously, is not okay with this.
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b.)Loki only exists to be a foil for others to better themselves/only brings ruin and suffering. 
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No matter how hard he tries, he’s supposed to die a horrid death at(in) the hands of Thanos
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This is all he can ever be. All he’s allowed to be. And now he knows exactly why.
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if these things have to happen to preserve the sacred timeline, what motive does Loki have to preserve it
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C.) Beyond all thatTVA is the ultimate force for/expression of “Order”. Authoritarian, totalitarian, no tolerance, always watching
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Why do they even bother with a trial? There’s no real question as to how it will turn out. 
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”freedom is life's great lie”, well apparently so
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Loki is allowed no secrets from them, no privacy- worse than Heimdall
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is Loki not the God of Chaos as well?
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Chaos gods/trickster archetypes exist to break stagnant cycles
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 “Okay, so this is what I need to fuck up in order for my life not to suck”
“Antagonist” Loki may well be the future of variant!Loki
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Collecting ‘pruning’/reset charges in order to ‘prune’ the timekeepers/TVA itself
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We’ve already seen that TVA equipment/personnel can be ‘pruned’
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He maybe yoinked one of the Time gems? which may not work inside the tva, but once he goes out on ‘assignment’...
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I think he uses the stolen time gem from outside of the TVA proper to create branches to lure agents to get more charges
Once the TVA is gone he can use stolen time gem, in concert with the tesseract to go when and where ever in the timeline he wants to ‘fix’ things.
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And we Know that the multiver is going to be a thing.
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So for me right now, the bigger question is whether or not Mobius actually wants the sacred timeline fixed or destroyed. 
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He knows Loki is smart and subversive and defiant. You’d think he’d understand that Loki would take the existance of the sacred timeline as a challenge.
I don’t take credit for all of these ideas, but this is how my brain has put them together.
And props to all the amazing gifmakers
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