#This time around I'll make you proud. [Vincent. HC]
txrks · 2 months
//'Vincent' is aware that he isn't the real thing and he's also aware that the real one is still alive. But he didn't expect the real one to wake up and join the enemy, not long after he was made. It's not the greatest thing for trying to avoid an existential crisis
Moreso post Meteor, he does start to try to consider a separating himself from realVincent and eventually starts calling himself Viktor.
cloneVincent and realVincent wouldn't get along. they should not be locked in a room together.
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
Babe you put in the work while I was asleep! Thank you for all the hard work you put in to all your responses 🥺
As a follow up if you still have energy, I want to hear some more of your personal hcs of your slasher(s) of choice, something self indulgent or something horny (or maybe both)
As for the topic, maybe something as simple as them watching you do some chores round the house. They get to see you move around and just vibe while you pick up or clean, occasionally looking over to them and smiling or even walking over and giving them a little kiss.
I'll get on my knees and beg you, all of your thoughts are valuable and I love to listen to you when you're self indulgent.
Tumblr glitched and didn’t save much of what I wrote and I’m mad about it help
Anytime, love! I always have a good time responding to asks and today is no different—I just happen to have enough words to spare lately 😌 thanks for always being my cheerleader, love.
I still have some energy, I’ve been sipping on a white gummy bear flavored reign energy drink since early this morning so I’m a little wired.
As for headcanons, I’m gonna focus on the Sinclair’s.
His chores around the house are dusting, decluttering, doing the laundry, cleaning up his studio, and vacuuming.
Always watches you while he works because he loves the way that you move.
Will swat your ass with his dusting rag even though it sends dust flying everywhere. He likes the sound of surprise that you make.
Dusts the higher shelves for you and pats the top of your head teasingly
It’s easy to shut the laundry room door and sit you up on the washer during the spin cycle and rail you 😌
Helping him clean his room is always a moot point—he just ends up spreading you out on his bed and nothing gets done. How can he resist when you’re standing there looking so appealing in his tee shirt and a pair of cute panties?
Always finds an excuse to touch you
Just because he can, he’ll hold you on his hip while he vacuums.
His assigned chores around the house are cooking meals, keeping the kitchen clean, and doing dishes/collecting dishes from around the house (cups, plates, etc.)
Absolutely loves it when you come to help him cook or clean. You bought him matching aprons for Christmas so you can match while you’re working in the kitchen.
He washes the dishes, and you dry them. He likes being hip to hip with you while you work. This is a nightly routine.
Will bend you over the counter at any moment.
He plays music while you guys do chores. More often than not you end up dancing and singing along to it together.
Definitely will splash you with water while he cleans and laughs about it. Or he’ll blow bubbles at you with the dish soap.
Loves watching you sway to the music and hum to yourself. He might forget what he’s doing and just stop to watch you for a minute because you look lovely.
When you catch him staring he’ll ask you to come and give him some sugar. You’re all too happy to give him as much sugar as he wants.
He does the yard work, sweeps the floors, takes out the trash, and cleans the bathrooms. Not the most fun tasks but he loves being outside
The two of you started a garden together and he loves working in it with you. He’s so proud to provide his family with homegrown produce that the two of you cultivated together!
Insists that Bo keeps all veggie and fruit trimmings and egg shells for the compost bin. He’ll get upset if Bo throws out useful things
Loves watching you bend over to work in the garden. He’ll wolf whistle really loud and smack your ass, leaving a dirty handprint on your butt
Lays you out by the flower beds and makes some sweet love to you in the sunshine
Sometimes gets bored of whatever he’s doing and decides to come “bother” you. He’ll wrap his arms around you and kiss the side of your neck. You don’t even care that his hands are filthy.
Takes candid photos of you
Is so happy to spend time with you. He’s like an excitable puppy.
If you make him a flower crown from some of the flowers in the garden, he’ll proudly wear it
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txrks · 2 months
Tag Dump 1
#Ah. There he is. That motherfucker. What a tool. [OOC]#I'll never find a moment of peace. Even in the silence. [Meme. Specify Muse]#I swear we had the best intentions. [Answer]#I might have wept but there was no one around to prove it. [Queue]#When does a man become a monster? [Veld. Isms]#My heart could be burning but you wouldn't see it on my face. [Veld. Visage]#Is this the price I'm paying for past mistakes? [Veld. HC]#What is grief if not love preserving? [Veld. IC]#You haven't given into fear before. Why start now? [Jules. Isms]#I have always been full of light. [Jules. Visage]#They should be terrified of you. [Jules. HC]#I just wanna laugh through it all. [Jules. IC]#I just want to survive. [Ruluf. Isms]#I am going to find some trouble. I am going to make some trouble. [Ruluf. Visage]#I still know how to take the abuse. [Ruluf. HC]#Careful with me. I'm volatile. [Ruluf. IC]#Plenty of monsters know how to play at being human. [Vincent. Isms]#Not yet corpses. Still we rot. [Vincent. Visage]#This time around I'll make you proud. [Vincent. HC]#An echo of inflicted evil. [Vincent. IC]#Life isn't easy. Life isn't fair. [Ren. Isms]#Who we are versus who we need to survive. [Ren. Visage]#I will be the one to make it out alive. I will be the one to survive. [Ren. HC]#Fight it or accept it. [Ren. IC]#I fell in love with the fire long ago. [Rude. Isms]#He who creates misery also has the ability to destroy it with kindness. [Rude. Visage]#Do we get what we deserve? [Rude. HC]#One of us is gonna lose. [Rude. IC]#Rather die than give up on the fight. [Elena. Isms]#I wanna be loud. So loud. [Elena. Visage]
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