#Do we get what we deserve? [Rude. HC]
txrks · 2 months
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#Ah. There he is. That motherfucker. What a tool. [OOC]#I'll never find a moment of peace. Even in the silence. [Meme. Specify Muse]#I swear we had the best intentions. [Answer]#I might have wept but there was no one around to prove it. [Queue]#When does a man become a monster? [Veld. Isms]#My heart could be burning but you wouldn't see it on my face. [Veld. Visage]#Is this the price I'm paying for past mistakes? [Veld. HC]#What is grief if not love preserving? [Veld. IC]#You haven't given into fear before. Why start now? [Jules. Isms]#I have always been full of light. [Jules. Visage]#They should be terrified of you. [Jules. HC]#I just wanna laugh through it all. [Jules. IC]#I just want to survive. [Ruluf. Isms]#I am going to find some trouble. I am going to make some trouble. [Ruluf. Visage]#I still know how to take the abuse. [Ruluf. HC]#Careful with me. I'm volatile. [Ruluf. IC]#Plenty of monsters know how to play at being human. [Vincent. Isms]#Not yet corpses. Still we rot. [Vincent. Visage]#This time around I'll make you proud. [Vincent. HC]#An echo of inflicted evil. [Vincent. IC]#Life isn't easy. Life isn't fair. [Ren. Isms]#Who we are versus who we need to survive. [Ren. Visage]#I will be the one to make it out alive. I will be the one to survive. [Ren. HC]#Fight it or accept it. [Ren. IC]#I fell in love with the fire long ago. [Rude. Isms]#He who creates misery also has the ability to destroy it with kindness. [Rude. Visage]#Do we get what we deserve? [Rude. HC]#One of us is gonna lose. [Rude. IC]#Rather die than give up on the fight. [Elena. Isms]#I wanna be loud. So loud. [Elena. Visage]
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ennabear · 3 months
professor!abby hcs 😸
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daily click | boycott tlou
as i’ve said before, if you have time to read this, you have time to help palestine in whatever ways are possible for you. do your daily click, sign a few petitions, boycott zionist companies, and donate if you can. there are so many amazing resources on tumblr, please please utilize them.
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one thing about professor!abby is that she goes crazyyy when it comes to buying more books. her ideal date is strolling around a bookstore together, however, these dates always end with her buying a hundred dollars worth of books.
every single time you let that woman walk into a book store, it’s like you have to keep her on a leash. yes, abby, you can get that one. no, abby, we don’t have bookshelf room for a whole series. she’s unstoppable, she’s like a fat kid in a candy store. but she’s so adorable!!!
her goodreads account is insaneee!!! some of her students follow her, of course. she writes entire in depth reviews about EVERY book she reads. in fact, her favorite part about finishing a book is writing a goodreads review. and you best believe she updates her reading progress every night.
and she’s never not reading a book. she doesn’t prefer to carry a purse or a bag, but she’ll gladly put her book in your bag whenever you go out. she reads EVERYWHERE. at a dinner party? she’s reading. her best friend’s birthday party? she’s reading. at the gay club? reading. and she claims that it’s not rude because “everybody knows i read a lot. if anyone has a problem with it, maybe they’re just not a real friend!!”
she’s a little bit of a coffee freak. a surprising amount of her money goes to buying the most expensive and exotic coffee grounds she can get. there’s nothing she loves more than waking up to you making her coffee before work. sometimes, if she’s feeling extra emotional, she’ll hold your face in her hands and tell you how much she loves you while tearing up. what a big baby she is!!
our girl definitely has anxiety problems. if she ever has to leave the house without you, she’ll text you every 10 minutes asking for advice and reassurance. she trusts you so much, though. your advice is all she’s ever needed.
adding on to the last one, she’s a teeny bit insecure too. her past relationships absolutely wrecked her twenties and she never bothered to start dating again after that. sometimes she thinks she’s too old and unloveable for you, but she’s just being silly. she’s our little kitten princess and she deserves the whole entire world!!!!
on a more positive note, she loves the outdoors. sometimes she’ll wake you up before sun rises and force you to go hiking with her. no matter how much you complain, she knows you still like spending time with her, and the sunrise is always beautiful from her favorite spot.
i think before she became a college professor, she had to student-teach for 3 years, starting with first grade. imagine miss abby with baby muscles going over the spelling bee words with her littles, or playing tag with them at recess. miss abby was definitely their favorite, and a few of her students cried on her last day.
but i don’t think she’d want her own kids, just a dog is fine. it’s too much of a responsibility for her and she wants to dedicate all of her time and energy to you. but she does have a few nieces and nephews from her adopted sister, yara. and she’d be more than happy to babysit.
as much as she loves reading, she likes it more when you read to her. especially because most of the time, she’s exhausted from being awake and grading assignments for so long. so she likes to lay her head on your chest while you read to her, even if you have no idea what’s going on in the book.
watching movies with her is an absolute nightmare. if there was a book version, she’ll keep whispering “god… that’s not what happened in the book.” and then afterwards, she’ll explain everything they changed (aka did wrong) and why the book was so much better.
she definitely has a pair of reading glasses. i don’t think she uses them all the time but sometimes when she’s tired and just wants to read, she’ll use them because they make it easier for her to see the words through her sleepy eyes.
sometimes she so sleepy that she falls asleep while reading. it’s your job to take her book out of her hands and place her bookmark in it before it falls on the floor. on more than one occasion, she’s woken up at 2am to her book face down on the floor, no bookmark, with your head snuggled into her neck. it makes her a little bit grumpy because now, poor poor sleepy abigail has to decide between searching through all of the pages to find the one she was reading last, or taking her girl to bed and tucking her in. such a tough decision!!!
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seireitonin · 26 days
Grlll imma need some moreJeff content. Idk what exactly but I need it, maybe some romantic/ normal headcannons. Whateva u do I will rlly appreciate it and love it
Omg my first boyfriend ever, Jeff!!!! I’m starting to love him all over again he’s so nostalgic! Anyway in no specific order here are more hcs for him! I used Nina as an example of how he views/ thinks of being in relationships (once again I hc Nina as black)
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Jeff is 30 years old
Him and Toby were born the same year but Jeff is a little older
Despite what everybody thinks Jeff is capable of love
But his love isn’t normal or kind
His love is intense obsession and admiration in a way
For example in his own way he really did love Nina
But he’s just such a bad person that he couldn’t or rather refused to properly show it
He admired the was she threw her life away for him he admired the way she was willing to let him run her life for so many years
He was obsessed with her in his own way, the way she worshiped him making him feel like he was above everyone
Nina left him after coming to her senses though, and he constantly plots on how to break her down and get her back, despite being with Toby now
He is very protective over the people he cares about though
Willing to kill anyone who even makes them feel slightly bad
His obsession will make him very possessive
Why would you need anyone but him anyway? He’s literally Gods gift to Earth
You should be happy he loves you this much
He’s very smart with his words and actions
He’s very calculating and cunning
Part of this manipulation to make people stay is because he actually does crave genuine connection in his own way
He just doesn’t know how to do that
He’s always been rude, antisocial, blunt and self serving
All that being worse now that he’s a murderer
He can’t ever change. Not that he wants to
So instead of trying to change he’ll just use his smarts and tactics
He loves the way he is why should he have to change for anyone?
He still thinks of Nina even though he won’t ever admit it
He remembers the nights he’d hold her close and he’d feel her warmth
He remembers how he’d get her small things for her birthday and how her face would light up, shocked that he even remembered
“Hey, got you something”
He throws it towards her
“Jeff! Brass knuckle necklaces?! I love them! How’d you get these!”
“Killed their original owner. You’re welcome. You don’t know how hard it is to find people with shitty taste like yours.”
Nina doesn’t even care about the insult as she excitedly tries on her new jewelry
He remembered how they’d encourage each other toxic and self destructive self serving behaviors
“Wanna rob that Hot Topic?”
“Okay let’s go stab someone so the rest run and we can raid the place.”
“Yay! I love you!”
“I love me too”
He remembers how they were partners in crime together
He misses her smile and bubbly personality
He remembers how Nina would do what he said because they loved each other the same way
Deep obsessive admiration and impulsivity
He remembered when they kissed for the first time
It was rare that he showed affection to her or touched her at all but when they did it solidified in his mind that she was given to him by God himself. He deserved her. She was made for him.
He’d never felt so right. He never thought anyone would make him feel the way she did. She’s perfect to him. Even though he’d never say that. Can’t have her thinking that they’re on the same level
Some nights he’d just stare at her while she slept, touching her skin that felt just like his. Even leaving soft, bloody kisses on it.
He’d only do this when she slept, not wanting her to see him vulnerable or affectionate at all.
“So beautiful. Just like me. Just the way I made you.” He’d say as he traced the permanent smile on her cheeks and her burned dark golden brown skin
God he hates Toby for taking that away from him
Nina and Jeff were perfect together in his eyes
He hates Toby for telling her different and showing her stupid healthy love
Toby took away Nina, Jeff’s God given right.
He should’ve killed Toby when he had the chance
Nina started becoming more “boring” the moment they started talking with each other
Then one day she fought Jeff and left him completely
He should’ve killed Nina too
How could she do that to him? She was his in every sense of the word
He made her
Made her to be just like him
But Toby told her that was “manipulation” and took her from him
He hates them both and is plotting revenge every day
He was actually really close with Toby
So he feels betrayed by 2 people he cared about
His face is severely infected because every time his scars start to heal or close, he opens them right back up
They only get more beautiful each time in his eyes
His hair is long and goes to his mid back
It’s tangled and messy and unkept
Listens to metal music a lot
Actually gets some ideas about how to kill from metal music’s lyrics
Knows Liu is alive
Has mixed feelings about it
On one hand, he loves and misses him
On the other he sees Liu as a failed job of his and finds it insulting that he’s still alive
So he just avoids him until he can’t anymore
“Hey brother, remember me?”
“How could I forget the only person who I failed to kill?”
“You’re a piece of shit, Jeff”
“You’re making me blush, Liu”
They still banter and talk to each other like brothers
They both missed it
They’re the only family they have left
So both hesitate to kill each other
That doesn’t stop them from beating each other up though
Jeff is scared of fire, even though he will never admit it
His skin has healed pretty well over the years
But it’s still not super smooth
Is good friends with Clockwork
They talk shit about Toby and Nina
Who would’ve thought their exes would be together?
Wants her help getting revenge, but Clockwork doesn’t want to hurt Toby
Jeff calls her weak for it
Jeff likes her company a lot, despite that
Part of him wouldn’t mind being with her
She’s brutal, strong, street smart, and pretty
He sees a lot of himself in her and that’s probably why he likes her so much
There’s no one Jeff loves more than himself
Once you get used to him Jeff can actually be a pretty cool friend
He loves to smoke and drink
Used to smoke with Toby before everything happened
Offensive and dark humor
Which is why him and LJ get along sometimes
Jeff is actually extremely loyal
If Nina stayed he would’ve been by her side forever
He feels stupid for caring about her and being so obsessed with her and admiring her
Jeff is 6’2
He smells like blood and beer
He’s pretty skinny
His eyes are dark blue like an ocean which would be pretty in a normal context but on him it’s pretty unsettling
His hips are always swollen but also thinned out because of the permanent smile stretching them outwards so it’s uncomfortable to look at
Jeff’s wardrobe is very simple
Plain black or white shirts, black pants and a random hoodie
Big hands perfect for delivering hard hits to victims and the other pastas he fights
If you were ever gonna be with him you have to accept that what you want and your feelings come second to his
Jeff isn’t a good person by any means
But but he doesn’t care
He knew he was a bad person for years and he’s done hiding it or trying to change
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miwsolovely · 3 months
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pairing: kyle ‘gaz’ garrick x fem!reader
contains: fluff, hc format, kyle being the best lover ever, implications that you and kyle live together, no mentions of yn, mentions of injuries, brief mentions of an asshole past relationship, kyle treating you the way you deserve and more
summary: kyle learns his girlfriend is a figure skater
wc: 1k
a/n: kyle my beloved
a/n 2: requested <3 | this isn’t as long as i want it to be :((
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when you two started dating, he was (and still is!) the purest, more beautiful, gentlemen ever.
im talking opening doors for you, treating you to your favorite things (even if you didn’t ask for them) just to see you smile
“here, got your favorite,” he’d say while behind you, shaking an arm around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.
a tiny box was placed next to you on the counter where you stood in front of the stove, watching the pasta boil. the box was the type of thing that contained small things like a muffin or a cupcake. it had a small bow at the top as well.
“you didn’t have to get me anything,” you turn your head slightly to the side to see his growing smile, and you can’t help but reciprocate it.
“didn’t have to, i know.” he says while turning you around with his hands on your hips. “wanted to.” he rests his forehead on yours and smiles at seeing your smile. then his lips meet yours.
he was surprised at first, when he asked you about your hobbies, and you said figure skating.
but he was happier than the happiest man alive because his lover was a figure skater.
“i figure skate.” you say, flipping a page of your book. you hear silence for a moment, then hurried footsteps to your place on the couch.
you look up and see kyle in all his glory staring at you with a surprised expression on his face.
“you figure skate?” he asks walking the length of the couch to reach you. When he does, he squats in front of you and places his hands on your thighs. firm.
“i do, yeah,” you say worriedly, slowly closing your book and meeting his eyes. “why? is that—is that bad? i mean—”
“bad?” he looks at you as if you’d just told him the sky was green. “love, that’s amazing, what do you mean bad?”
now you are the one surprised. yes, kyle wasn’t your first lover, but the one before him was nothing like him. he was rude and got mad when you mentioned you figure skate. saying it was extremely expensive and wasn’t willing to keep you afloat with his money after you spent all yours on figure skating fees.
“nothing, i just,” you avert your eyes to your lap and start playing with his fingers on your thighs. “just thought that you would want me to . . .”
“quit?” he finishes for you. he reaches a hand out to your chin and uses it to guide your face to meet his. “darling, figure skating is an art, it’s beautiful. why would i make you quit something you love?”
he’d be your number one (in everything)
would go to each and every one of your practices, competitions, etc.
would video, take pictures, everything.
“wait come back, the lighting is really good here. perfect”
wouldn’t even think to care, if you did or didn’t win gold. if you won gold, you’d get a trip to your favorite restaurant. if you didn’t win gold, a trip to your favorite restaurant.
“my girl won gold,” he says wrapping an arm around your waist and laying his hand on your hip.
“gold? kyle this is bronze…” you say looking up at him with glossy eyes.
“all the same in my eyes. plus, the scorers were definitely bribed.”
say you got injured during practice or a competition, he’d be the first person on the ice to maybe sure you’re okay. skates or not, his baby got hurt.
security would hold him down, yeah, but he’d probably almost (and i mean a big almost) fight them to get to you but even though, i don’t feel like he’d be the type to use force to get to you in this situation but if he does,
he’d stop once he sees/knows you’re okay.
“sir i’m going to ask you to step back, we have it handled.”
“handled? if you have it handled then why is she still on the bloody floor?”
you’d notice what was going on and would hop (as best as you can on skates + the ice) to him being mindful of your ankle that you twisted and reassure him.
“kyle, baby, i’m okay,” you say. “they’re gonna take me to the infirmary, you’ll meet me there yeah?”
continuing on this^^, he’d treat you like even more of a queen since you’re injured.
“you comfortable? want me to refill your drink love?”
you’d laugh and say “yes butler, feed me grapes and refill my drink. oh! and get me the heads of my enemies as well.”
“ha ha, very funny you brat.” he said as he threw a throw pillow at you.
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to other platforms !
- likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated <3 !!
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
NSFW & SFW HC for Amit Thakkar
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Photo by Rezoeline on twitter
As an Ominis enjoyer and Sallow Worshipper, I adore them to death. But let me explain why Amit is so perfect for MC
The only character who doesn't ask anything of MC
Actually, in-game he only GIVES to MC.
The telescope. Assistance with Gobbledegook.
He’s devoted to MC.
Will literally do anything for MC.
He is bitter he can't protect MC like Sebastian
So he will find other ways to help
He will take care of MC's wounds when they come back to Hogwarts
Becomes an insomniac ever since meeting MC, due to his anxiety for their safety
A hopeless romantic
Love letters, roses and expensive gifts
His affluent background means he thinks it's NORMAL to spend galleons on you
Will always await MC's return with open arms
Inside his arms is the only time MC can escape from everything terrible about their life
As MC gets dragged further into dark magic because of Sebastian,
Amit will be there to bring them back to the light.
When MC feels like they're surrounded by enemies,
he will show that compassion still exists
When MC grows desperate, and is willing to do anything to protect their friends like use the unforgivables,
Amit will be the grounding figure, leading MC with his strong moral fibre.
He shows that there are ways to care and protect your loved ones without becoming a dark wizard
Literally, Amit is the Sun to MC.
Amit’s smile is so bright, so unbroken and untouched by the cruelty of the world
(Sorry Sebastian, Ominis, Natty, Poppy but we all see your pained smile)
MC will do anything to stay in his innocent world
Amit will shed light on the darkest corners of MC's broken heart.
And bring them back to the light whatever the cost.
Amit will compare MC to his moon.
He says MC "outshines every star in the night sky."
As much as MC outshines everyone, a moon cannot shine without a star.
He is in disbelief that he gets to have something so special all for himself.
And he will always remember that as he treats you with utmost love and adoration.
He will treat you like a literal star, plucked from the night sky that he gets to keep for himself.
He IS possessive and a soft dom.
MC thought he was just a shy boy who needs to be led at all times.
But my god MC was mistaken. He was just raised very strictly to treat women with utmost respect and gentleness,
So he's learned to restrain any of his urges.
He was hesitant at first to display any desires for fear of scaring off MC or being rude.
Displays the amazing self-control that he was raised to have at all times.
He may be inexperienced and shy at first.
But once he gets comfortable, and learns that it’s okay to want MC, he will unleash everything.
His curious Ravenclaw ass wants to study MC.
MC's every moan. What works for them. What doesn't.
Everything is about MC.
He will go down on MC until they're shaking underneath him.
Smiling softly down at them as they have their fourth orgasm.
When MC starts to beg they can't take it anymore, Amit will tilt his head.
And gives the most charming smile as he asks "Your body seems to be begging otherwise,"
As he glances down at MC's core still pulling him in.
Studies everything about sex to please MC.
Reads up on Kama Sutra as he furiously blushes and tries to hide behind the pages.
Will literally train himself to last longer and come back quicker for round 2 and 3 so he can give MC the pleasure they deserve
There WILL be other guys who underestimate Amit and approach MC.
Sebastian offering his scarf to MC because it's cold.
Amit will somehow always find MC in dicey situations and intervene before things escalate.
"Thank you, Sebastian,"
Amit will smile, but his eyes are narrowed into threatening slits.
"But I can take care of MC just fine.”
Rest assured, he would later be taking MC in the Room of Requirement in a domineering display of possessiveness.
His favourite position is missionary.
Snaking his fingers with MC’s as he whispers how adorable MC looks underneath him
His favourite part is seeing a side of MC nobody else has seen before.
The fact that he gets to have their moans, their euphoric expressions, their incoherent babble all to himself
It ignites something he's never felt before
On particularly stressful days, when MC gets distracted by anxious thoughts about exams, ancient magic, etc.,
Amit will pound even faster, deeper, and rougher until MC can't think of anything but him
He pouts, "I want you to be thinking about just me."
He'll smile contently when MC begins to mutter his name like a mantra, knowing they're close.
Making MC come and forget everything is a massive ego-boost for him.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Based on the fic 太陽と月, which has thrusted me fully into Amit phase.
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abstract-crossverse · 3 months
helloo! I love your writing so much, and saw you were taking requests for doors so I decided to slide in!
if I may, could I request a Jeff x Reader thing? only if you want to, I just haven’t seen much of him and I think he deserves more attention :)
Helloo! Im glad writing is enjoyable! I’m still getting into the hang of things again, so do excuse me, its about time I get to doing my long ass how you meet/dating headcanons with fic intervals again One Jeff comin’ up!
Jeff x Reader [Hc/Fic, fluff]
Jeff, the sweetest entity and friendliest one in the Hotel.
Surprise surprise, he's not one of the Human turned Entity ones
Genuine supernatural creature right here
Unlike Jack and Shadow, the founders of the hotel, he’s just here for business, and was also hired as the hotel’s chef, he makes one good pasta I’ll tell you that
Also he’s not a maniac who loves to torture people for funnies like the other two… well, at least that Jack’s whole spiel, Shadow… is too reserved, and we don't know his motives with the hotel, he only helped with the furniture and keeps knocking down bOOKSHELVES
Jeff never really leaves his room after the Library, it's a good room, and he got a pretty good deal with Jack to make his room unavoidable for players, poor things must be famished
Which means if you come over to his room hungry and mentioned, you bet he’s going to sit you down and make you some food, in exchange for some coins of course, this ain't free dining
Most players just stop to take a breather in his room, have a chat with Goblino and buy something they need from his wares
Flashlight? Lucky for you, he has one with a full battery today! Cross? Skull key? Lighter? He has it all, being a shadow like entity has its perks, he slithers around the shadows at times and snatches anything he can get his hands on unnoticed, nothing on drawers though, it's too risky to be seen and Timothy doesn't quite enjoy visitors too much… and Jeff himself is not the biggest fan of spiders
Anyway, you meet like everyone else meets him, get past Figure, get to his room, take a breather from the adrenaline dying down.
He greets you from his stand with a wave of his tentacle as Goblino also greets you, and Bob couldn't even be bothered to look your way
You’re a regular, technically everyone is, but some don't spare too much time to chat or even tip, how rude!
You, however, stick around for a while to talk to either Goblino, buy a snack or one of the things on his stand, and you always tip, because of course you do.
Your friendly nature draws Jeff to you, looking especially happy whenever you come around, waving excitedly, he shakes your hand when you approach as a greeting as he keeps himself in the shadows, the lights hurt his eyes so he’s not crossing his stand ever.
He watches you from his stand as you talk with Goblino, something warm cooking in his heart, he gets flustered when you talk with him, how odd, he’s never felt this before
He doesn't talk, he can, but he doesn't aside low rumbles or clicking/chattering, you're not too sure what those sounds are, he can't speak English or any other language aside his mother tongue, which is cryptic and hard to understand for anyone else who doesn't speak it, though the other entities seem to understand him, even Goblino, you wonder if it's just players who can’t.
He can write, crudely, but he’s trying, after all the S on his sign is backwards, he’s learning, give him a moment.
You two can keep up conversations sometimes, he writes on a notepad you gave him once, and you speak, he’s glad you try to adjust to make him comfortable and include him
His sentences are broken, but you get the gist
You sighed before opening the door to the “Store” room, a familiar tune filling your ears and your heart with relief, Figure had been more aggressive today for whatever reason, you wondered if something upset it or if it was just in a bad mood?
You didn't have a clue, but that didn't matter now, you just hoped they would calm down until you reach the warehouse, for now, you can breathe again. Jeff looked over from his stand, visibly lighting up in mood as he waved an arm at you, turning towards you as Goblino greeted you from his seat.
“¡Oye, amigo! Good to see you in one piece!” the goblin yelled, counting the coins he had snatched from drawers, you waved, about to say something before the goblin turned to the skeleton beside him “what’s that? … HAHAH! Yeah, Bob says you sure don’t look alive!”
It made you chuckle a bit, you knew you didn't, you were getting tired of all these runs and repeated cycles, the adrenaline only fueled you so much, and the runs you actually got to the elevator weren’t feeling as satisfying as they used to be. You silently agreed with the goblin as he went back to counting his coins, sitting on the chair Jeff pulled up next to his counter
Noticing how tired you looked, he moved the radio across the room to the table next to the duo, lowering the volume a bit more to make it ambience noise for you both, you appreciated the small gesture, as much as you liked his music it was starting to give you a headache
He pointed at the items on the counter as his head tilted with a chirp, you shook your head
“Not now at least, buddy, I’m just-... tired…” you said leaning against the counter, he nodded in understanding, moving the items behind the counter, leaving only one of the pillows he previously had set a crucifix on.
His arms pulled a notebook from behind the counter and a pen, gifts from you, it made you smile a bit as you faintly remembered the day you gave him that to talk with you, he looked so happy, though you were brought back to reality when he turned the book to you
“Figure angry tonight, because of Ambush I thinks, you okay? They hurt you?” as you read, he made worried rumbling sounds at you with worried eyes, seeming to look you over for any injuries. His gentle concern was appreciated, smiling warmly at him despite your tired eyes
“I noticed, they didn’t hurt me, I’m alright, I just… I dunno… just tired, this cycle is getting exhausting, I might be starting to realize I won’t ever be able to leave this place…” you let out a couple sad laughs, looking down at the counter, it was true, the possible harsh reality was setting in, and you didn't know how to take it, but it wasn’t well, you may never see your family again, if you even had one, you barely remembered, this place fucked with your memories and you hated it.
Out of your view, Jeff seemed saddened by your mention of leaving, he tried not to think about it much himself, but the idea of you leaving made him scared, sad. He didn't want you to leave, but he knew that this place wasn't built for your survival in the first place. Silence hung thick in the air for a moment before you heard scribbling again, the notebook sliding into your view, “Have you eaten? Drink water? Want anything, friend?” The hospitality made you scoff a fond laugh, shaking your head again, “I'm fine, Jeff, thank you though.”
You heard him chirp again, closing your eyes just for a moment, you felt his arms gently tug at your arms up, you looked surprised as he silently asked you to raise your arms a bit, pulling the pillow still on the counter to you before scribbling again, “rest head, tired friend, you need it. May I play with hair?”
You laughed, warmth rising to your cheeks as he put an arm on your shoulder, gently tugging you down, “sure buddy, god how I am so lucky to have met you?”
He let out a happy thrill as you laid your head on the cushion, sighing as he played with your hair, another arm gently rubbing your back as you crossed your arms over your head, slowly slipping into sleep, he wouldn’t mind if you took a nap, would he? Nahhh…
Jeff looked over your relaxed form, completely forgetting anything else around them as he focused solely on you, your hair, your face, your mannerisms, looking over you softly, love struck as ever, letting out gentle thrills and almost purr-like rumbling, he knew he was completely infatuated with you, he knew his kind’s mannerisms regarding love, he just needed the perfect time and words to let you know
El Goblino and Bob had long moved on, figuring to give the two of you some privacy, despite Jeff completely forgetting they were there in the first place. The lights in the room dimmed with a flick of an arm before gently wrapping around you, pulling another cushion for himself as he laid his shadowy head beside yours, glowing eyes gently casting light on your face for a couple of moments, seeming to either have really fluffy, long hair or fur sprawling on the makeshift balcony as he slipped into sleep himself
I was very tired and sleepy when I wrote this, can you tell I think falling asleep near each other and cuddling is the biggest sign of trust? It's also my favorite thing in couple scenarios, I think it's so cute
Anyway, his shop room is completely off limits for other entities, really only Rush kinda breaks that rule sometimes, he just has no other way to go through, Jeff understands but it's a pain to replace the lamps
Jack can’t do shit if he finds you two being sappy with each other, Jeff isn’t someone he can control like that, he’s a business partner, and he can't just kick the guy out because of something so “petty” in the eyes of other entities, also too much paperwork
He CAN however make the entities go nightmare mode on you out of no where, increased difficulty mf good luck
But he won’t find out, why? Because Jeff is very good at hiding things, including other entities and players, so you’re the only one allowed behind his counter
He’ll hide you behind there if he feels Jack’s presence approaching, it's so dark in there that if you make not sounds he wouldn’t have less of a clue you're even there
I’ll be honest I don’t feel like writing how he confesses atm, so I’ll be owing y’all this one, but let's get into the dating hcs before those ideas cease existing in my mind
Jeff is the softest coziest entity to cuddle with, he goes neck to neck with Rush in that department, with Rush only being a bit tougher due to whatever he is, meanwhile Jeff is all soft all around, squishy
Like the other he has two forms, I like to think as much as he may have smooth tentacle arms and shit, he’s a fluffy ball of shadow, and in his humanoid form, that fluff goes to hair
It's long too, like that shit almost drags on the floor, he loves when you play with his hair just as much as he likes playing with yours
He’ll actually melt in your hands if you play with his hair or trace his face
Usually he wears a long coat in his humanoid form, like a cartoonishly shady seller on the street, not much under it aside black pants and, oddly enough, a ruffled white shirt, he doesn't even wear shoes
He likes cuddling with you in the dark of the room he stays in, it's a comfy little room just like the other bedrooms you can find, it's just different in ways that it's personalized to Jeff’s liking, it’s also connected to the kitchen
Cooking? Amazing. With you? Even better. He’ll call you over to help him cook you anything if you want to, give you a headlight and batteries for it, and get to work!
Best cook for sure, he’ll cook and bake you anything you’re craving, just give him a name and maybe a recipe and he’ll do it
Gift giving and quality time are his love languages, for sure, he adores listening to you ramble about anything you like, explain lore of any media you like for hours, he’ll listen and write down questions for you to answer, sometimes he’ll tune out and just look at you with the dumbest love struck expression ever.
Anything he finds in the hotel floors and stuff that remind him of you are going directly to you when you get to his room, even of how he found it is… less than conventional
“Hey Jeff, how are you, hun?” *happy chirping as he gives you a shiny brooch* “oh that's cool, thank you so much!- why is there blood on it.” *confused thrilling*, he thought he cleaned it well enough, ofc he got it off a corpse
You are not immune to receiving comfy knitted sweaters and scarves from him, he knits as a hobby too, anything he makes for you will be to your preferences and sizes, it can get pretty cold in the hotel sometimes!
Surprisingly, Guiding Light is not a worrywart if you ever tell them you're with Jeff, they like Jeff and knows he’s a good… entity, so he gives you both their thumbs up of approval
The other entities, though? If Jeff ever tells them, it's a lot of mixed feelings
“Oh hey Jeff what's going on?” *chattering and chirping* “oh that's cool glad your business is going we- FUCK YOU MEAN YOU'RE DATING A PLAYER?!?!?!”
BUT LIKE, THEY CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, I mean, this guy is associated with Jack so for all they think, they work under him too, they sometimes fear what he could do if they dare fuck around with him, as much as he’s a sweetheart. Don't hold it against them, though, they're not used to constant niceness from entities like him
Regardless, he’s honestly the best one to date in the hotel, sure Jack would make your runs a nightmare, but he wouldn’t touch you with a 10-foot pole if he can help it, as long as it doesn't hinder Jeff’s job then you’d be fine in theory
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pagodazz · 4 months
Noah Maxwell hcs
for @freezingmcxn
I unprivated my Noah playlist just for this
(I honestly didn't know what kind of music to add for him. so I don't know if this will be him much at all)
One thing I can say for SURE is that I do not have the same kind of hcs for him as I do for everyone else, in fact his are very very angst oriented. so.
Tw for drug and alcohol abuse and shit (bc TT just acts like he doesn't have a problem, when bros literally an addict & alcoholic)
but I'm no where as attached to him like I am attaching to other characters so I cannot promise accuracy
Noah is the kind of guy that would sit in bed all day and wait for other people to reach out to him before be makes any attempt to reach out to them, because honestly, I don't think Noah will think of other people when he's alone. He's too focused on whatever he's dealing with to stop and make time for others unless they demand it from him.
He doesn't exactly mean to do it to be rude, he just genuinely seems to forget other people even exist when he's alone. Unless it's Milo or Kevin, sometimes he'll forget them, but they're usually people he keeps in contact with most, so it's hard to push them out of his memory. his excessive drinking and drug use also is no help with his memory, and neither is the collective.
I think Noah often lays awake at night staring into the darkness seeing if he can see the faces of the collective, or even worse, His own face. So he gives up on sleeping, and he decides to focus all his attention to being online.
He probably keeps the lights on after a while, and he'll learn how to ignore the movement he sees out of the corner of his eyes and he'll distract himself by answering questions, or by ignoring everyone and just binging his favorite shows or doing his own half assed research.
I think that Noah tends to get sick alot, to the point where he can barley tolerate any amount of food in his system without feeling the instant need to vomit it all up. He probably even get in his head telling himself that he doesn't even deserve it, he hasn't worked hard enough to get these things he wants.
I imagine he shakes alot, hes almost frozen to the touch. You'd probably have to give him the biggest and softest blanket you have just to keep him kinda warm.
I also believe he gets aggressive when he isn't able to drink or take something, not like he's demanding to have it, but more like everything is annoying him and he's FREAKING THE FUCK OUT over being out. He cannot handle a single moment alone with his thoughts, he knows he will literally LOSE HIS MIND.
He hates silence for sure but he hates the sound of his own voice even more.
Noah is a very delicate man, and he pretty much expects to be treated as such, but he NEVER is. He's kicked and beaten and thrown around and he gets back up, because he has to.
His ribs will ache and his lungs will burn and he'll hate the way he has to scrub the blood off his skin again and again, and he'll hear the sound of everyone laughing at him and he'll just feel so utterly humiliated by everything that he'll just have to completely hide himself.
He'll crumble over and just sob until he can't anymore and he'll find whatever he can take to ease the pain, and he'll take too much and he'll throw himself onto the bed and he'll start his routine all over again in the morning, and he knows that it'll only ever get worse for him.
I think that Noah genuinely blames himself for the things other people are going through, even tho he has an AWFUL time showing it. we can use firebrand and prebrand as an example, they're both so FULL of guilt and that means obviously Noah is too.
Noah honestly thinks if he acts like he doesn't care at all, nothing bad will happen, but that's just not gonna work, because he can't stay away from the collective, they are coming to him. he doesn't have the option for escape like he thinks he does, he only has a choice in how he ends up. As a god or just a man who was useless and pathetic and has nothing to offer the world.
Yyayy okay there's those,,, Patrick and Michael coming up,,, BUT. HONESTLY IM SORRY IF THESE DONT FIT HIM, I genuinely gotta rewatch tribetwelve when I'm NOT stoned out of my FUCKING MIND. I hope one of these works atleast
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Hi , I wanted to ask if you could do TBP boys relationship / bonds with each one hcs ( U know , Finney with Griffin , Billy with Vance , it might be long or too much but hope you write it whenever you can )
Glad to see you're having fun outside Tumblr <)
thank you!! anons are so nice (sometimes)
1. Finney and Robin
as we all know, they are friends in the movie
so of course i think they’d spend a decent amount of time together.
besides the kidnapping stuff, if the black phone was just your typical 70s slice of life movie, i think i’d love it.
they most likely do the niche things you’d expect middle school boys to do when they hang out. (not nowadays but whatever)
since finney isn’t allowed to watch rated r / horror movies, i think robin would take finn to see one atleast ONCE in their friendship.
they also most likely just have deep and long conversations about their home lives whenever they hang
finney insists on sleepovers, robin is always down as long as it’s at finn’s house (they always end up going to robins house)
robin definitely has and will beat up bullies for finn.
they also have phones in this era, so they have alot of phone conversations, they probably spend hours just sitting and talking to eachother whenever they don’t have to worry about school.
they’re just so iconic together. they don’t fight, if they have disagreements they’re stupid ones, and they’re just bffs for life
2. Bruce and Vance
polar opposites.
in this case, it’s a good thing.
bruce is sweet, he’s nice towards EVERYBODY. even the meanies like vance.
vance fights, he’s loud when he wants to be, he’s a rebellious teenager. (bruce probably got straight A’s)
and vance knows that bruce is just an outgoing and kind dude, which is what he HATES about him.
“why the hell are you so nice to everyone, shitheads don’t fucking deserve it” - (idk take this as you want, i just know vance has said this to bruce before)
vance was shocked when bruce randomly asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime (he thought he was gay) [ reminder it’s the 70s ]
but they have a semi-decent relationship (friends, platonic, blah blah blah)
he grows to be comfortable with bruce and how he is.
so eventually bruce gets to see the softer side of vance.
not always cursing, voice not constantly at volume 350, just Vance Hopper being himself.
i’d like to think Vance is very introverted, he’s rude to people who try to engage with him because he has trust issues and doesn’t want to get hurt (in the sense that i think he’s just like me)
3. Billy and Griffin
they’re so cute
they definitely go to the same school, live in the same neighborhood and spend the majority of their time together
their moms are probably friends i can feel it
they’re probably childhood friends that are gonna grow up to be like brothers to eachother
griffin probably gets into accidents a lot AND I JUST KNOW BILLY KEEPS A FIRST AID ON HIM
they probably take bike rides together in the mornings and afternoons, just talking or laughing together
i’d just imagine they’re completely wholesome
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veespee · 2 months
We need some whisperedfaith stuff in here, I've looked and found nothing. So maybe some headcanons for Sean or Lee like with a partner or just general?
of course!! my fav is Sean, so I'll write some for him :)
Sean/Shiny Headcanons
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-He's actually like,,, a MASSIVE loser lmao. He tries to appear like this sadistic, cold, and manipulative cult leader, but in reality he's just a really desperate junkie. Which in a sense, he is a junkie; he's addicted to the Speaker. Like Lee said in the 'Interrogation' video, he has been listening to the Speaker's whispering in his ear for so damn long, he's addicted to it. Now, i'm not sure what the Speaker could be saying, since from Lee's experience, it was torturous, but for Sean i think it would be the opposite. So i guess the headcanon is: the Speaker feeds Sean's ego, showering him with complimentd about how good of a leader he is, or how strong he is, or anything that would appeal to him, and that's how he keeps Sean under his control.
And that makes sense, because it's the Speaker, it's an honour to even be spoken to by him, and he's getting all these compliments? He must be doing something right, he must be special.
-Also, here's just my theory/HC on why Sean of all the members got to be the cult leader: i think that Sean was the easiest to influence. I believe that as a person, he was always a bit egotistical. That might be because of childhood, or him having to harden up for some reason, (i'm too tired to make a whole theory about his childhood sorry 😭) but i think even before the cult he would act very guarded. Like he would have walls up every second as to not get hurt.
So when he learned about the The Family, he thought, 'maybe that's where i belong'. And his goal from the start would have been to be the leader, to be worshipped and loved. So he came in that cult with determination, he was hard and would do anything the higher ups told him, even hurting people if needed. So The Speaker noticed him, and he thought, 'that's my target'. His ego is easy to feed, and therefore, easy to manipulate. So The Speaker fed him with compliments, making him believe he was the chosen one.
-I actually think Sean's story is really damn sad, but also he kinda deserved it. The man left all of his family and friends, wanting to feel loved and worshiped by someone. With the delusions added on by the other cultists, he was completely blind. Although, of course, nothing is black and white, and i'm sure he knew what he was doing. He was aware he was hurting people, people that trusted him, but he didn't care, and was blinded by greed and hunger for praise. Which in hindsight, made him hated by his followers. He was rude, pretentious, and arrogant. He believed he was the Chosen, the One, the man who would create portals between worlds, and The Speaker's favourite.
But in the end, that was all in vain. Because when he was gone, he was replaced. Lexx took over, and clearly she was more loved than him. So he grew bitter, and angry, even after death. Even in 'Limbo', he was bitter and lonely. I guess that was his fate from the start.
alright sorry for the rambling :) this was actually very fun to write, although ik this post won't get much traction due to how unpopular WF is,,, but it was fun anyway. thank you for the request!🖤
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ctenophora · 2 months
The art community is literally dying
Recently I have seen way too many fanartists get hate for the way they draw/head canon characters from shows and its actually ironic when its mlp, because its supposed to be a show about friendship and kindness yet the people who "claim" to be defending them are always down right disrespectful and rude as hell.
having fun and making headcanons have lost its meaning in why people do it to the point people are so mad that a character that is portrayed with headcanons seems like its the worst thing a person can do to a character. it always has to be what they look like originally. the fact y'all have the audacity to be so racist, transphobic, homophobic and fatphobic over a headcanon, you guys need to log out and shut up.
it is honestly so annoying to me that no one can make art without some asshole tracing over their art work, or calling it a caricature. or making fun of it.
in a few years we'll all be twiddling our thumbs asking ourselves why fan art isn't around anymore? it's because of the hatred people are experiencing today on social media. YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE THAT.
you guys forget why headcanons exist. why headcanons are just for fun. YOU do not HAVE to agree with someones headcanons YOU also do not HAVE THE RIGHTS to make fun of that persons headcanons, or say its wrong unless it is truly HATEFUL in anyway.
If YOU are so mad that you think your favorite wouldn't look like that DO IT YOURSELF. Everyone and their mamas have pen and paper, draw how you think your favorite would look and mind your own business. these talented artists sit here and spend days working on something that they relate to and hope other people do too just for people to criticize them unasked. why is that still happening today? if No one asked for help don't give help its so simple. keep words to yourself a child could follow this easier than grown ass adults can.
Theres always something wrong when people hate on someones art. we cant project anymore, we cant be inexperienced anymore, we cant show representation anymore. its always gotta be "They wouldn't look like that!" "why do they look like a man" "they look ugly"
or even worse telling people to die, and causing them to go private. have we not learned from pass situations!? so many young artists get depressed and broke down over comments that hurt their mental because you couldn't even keep something to yourself.
if you claim to actually be helping people, actually look to the people who whitewash poc characters, or make an originally plus size person thin. look at the actual problems instead of some random artists who wants to see their favorite look like them.
I literally was on twitter and someone drew pinkie pie plus size and with PCOS and everyone thought she looked like a racist caricature because "No black girl looks like that" congratulations welcome to earth. people look like that irl. people are so scared of someone being unconventionally attractive, its actually embarrassing how slow the progression of accepting people for how they look is going. we've gone no where. you people will always judge someone and know nothing about that person.
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that other person on TikTok did not deserve their art getting traced over a bunch of times, y'all will get so scared over women having hair, welcome to how the body works hair and muscles exist on women too, women can look masculine and still identify as a woman, have we not learned from gender non comfirmity, and pronouns don't = gender tiktoks? have we also not learned from "Art lore" y'all are so disgusting, and hateful.
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and Tina from kid vampire yall will be so scared over Tina being black or not being white, for why? the creator literally said they don't care. let people have fun. LEAVE THAT LITTLE GIRL ALONE AND LEAVE PPL WHO HC HER BLACK ALONE TOO. I promise you Tina is not about to jump out of the screen and say thank you. once again headcanons exist for a reason.
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AND the fancast Rapunzel literally sit down and hear yourself right NOW.
for years through stories princesses have always been portrayed from a different culture in there own way, there was a German Rapunzel, a black Rapunzel a Korean Rapunzel, an indian Rapunzel. and so on
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even Cinderella, a bunch of stories have been retold for different cultures for different people all around the world. it is not that serious.
your childhood is not being destroyed over some fancast, innocently made. wake up wipe off those crocodile tears and go into research on why you feel so much hatred for black and brown kids possibly getting representation in media.
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Ok but tossing some thoughts/hc I have putting them out into the world about touchstarved.
Leander: Has some major greed vibes going on with all the green going on his palette it doesn’t help that he has this way of even if you try to say no such as touching his hand he’ll still make you do it. Man will get what he wants regardless but he doesn’t do it in a scummy way but in a very charming way which is fucking terrifying because something like that takes practice and knowledge and we get little hints that he’s had other escapades before so you know he’s had time.I also took time to look up the Oroborus symbol of his earring because I only had vague memories from FMA about it but some places are saying shape shifting is a key element so makes me think that Leander short of makes himself appear differently for different people. I don’t mean psychically but he short of molds him self to the group he’s in and endear himself to different people. But this is a very shady view of this character mind you take with a lot of salt because we legit only had say with me folks one chapter so it’s easy to make things bigger or smaller in your head when you have little to go on.I might be making mountains out of mole hills here.Try to keep your hype in check so you don’t get disappointed.
Ais : there’s clearly more going on the biggest factor is going to be what happened to his group was the pact he made because they where in danger or killed or were they killed by his pact.Clearly Ais is a character that has a lot of hidden depth as on face value it’s very easy to write him off as but the classical otome bad boy with a heart of gold. When in reality he hasn’t done anything that could be considered bad in classical way. Y e s he has done bad things like threaten us but he doesn’t fit the mold of being a rude or stand-offish. Rather as a man that hurts people he views as deserving of it as he didn’t hurt us even going as far as stoping us from showing him our hands when we really show to be uncomfortable with that but beating up the rough neck that threatened us. In fact I feel it’s a bit of the inverse he wears his emotions on his sleeve but maybe over years or just life learned to ether keep in check or down play them for his own and other’s safety keep people at arms length. I find it interesting that they chose a monster of all races to be the warlock of the group seeing as monsters seem to be more physically capable than humans, but that’s just the vibe it’s not really stated in lore yet or anything just a vibe. And it shows how anyway no matter how powerful can fall for the allure of power or an easy out.
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simpforchuchu · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering maybe some HC’s on dating Tsuji or Shibaman would be?
Tsuji | General dating hcs
a/n: Hi, im always happy to write for my fav boy 🥺💕 Hope you like it 🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: not much just usual hnl things
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* Although most people think of Tsuji and Shibaman as like twins, their characters are pretty different.
* Tsuji is quieter, calmer and smarter than Shiba.
* Also stronger.
* But still, I'd say he's also a bit crazy, although he usually chooses to listen everything first
* He is a very cool character with his hair style that he changes frequently and his unique style
* He has a cool vibe, he seems like a bit of a shy person for being cool
* Crazier than Shiba in fights. Doesn't get angry quickly but can be pretty tough
* He's also quite loyal. We all know that Shibaman and him were with Todoroki from the very beginning and they never left him alone.
* No matter how tough and wild he may seem, I think he is very kind hearted, soft and funny to those he loves.
* For him, I think someone between would be great, rather than someone too serious or too loud.
* Someone who is calm but knows how to have fun, is not afraid to say what she thinks, helpful and cheerful.
* I think Tsuji is quite introverted and not showing his feelings. So he'll be grateful for someone who understands him without he tells
* He's pretty big and tall, so it doesn't matter to him whether you're tall or short, fat or slim.
* I don't think he is afraid to take the first step. But I think when he likes someone, he'll hide it for a while and want to be sure.
* Like I said, he's a weird man so it's not easy to figure out who he likes or him
* Not being silly or excited around the person he likes, he is pretty cool about it
* If you confess first, that's okay too. I'm sure he'll be a little nervous if he doesn’t expect this, but he won't be rude to you.
* I think he would be quite happy with someone he believes truly loves him.
* He is a simple guy
* He will walk with his girlfriend home every night and listen to how her day was along the way.
* Gives me a very good listener vibe, even if he doesn't comment much, he's a good listener
* He's okay with physical contact, always holding his girlfriend's hand or his arm on her shoulder
* I think he's a little shy. So not a PDA fan. But he loves the sweet kisses you give when you tiptoe
* He likes to embarrass you but he doesn't go too far
* Your comfort is always his priority.
* His girlfriend is his second best friend.He wants Shibaman and her to get along well. Because Shiba is like his brother.
* I definitely think he'll introduce his girlfriend to Todoroki and Shibaman's older sister. He cares a lot about their opinion.
* I think he can cook well. Sometimes he makes you a meal and comes to your school and gives it to you.
* He really likes to make you feel like a princess because he thinks you deserve the best
* I think he feels strangely insecure ,so I feel like he'll be happy when you compliment him
* He changes his hairstyle often and can do a couple style with you if you want.
* He likes to working with music. I think he is interested in digital music. And he’ll be pretty happy teaching you how to make a new beat.
* He loves your arms wrapping around his neck when he carries you on his back.
* I don't think he'll mind if you want to put makeup on him. Someone who can do masks and makeup with you when you braid his hair
* Good with remembering the special days
* He's not very good with words but he does everything to make you feel his love.
* He usually has clothes that are oversized and pretty big for you but he finds you pretty cute when he sees you get lost in them
* He wears your hair tie on his wrist, I can imagine him playing with it or the necklace you gave him when he misses you
* Like I said, he's not the type to talk about his feelings much, but he talks with Shiba about you often.
* You changed him a little. He now thinks twice before getting into a figh
* He definitely doesn't want you to see him when he's hurt. He won't even tell you about it.
* Not someone to judge you when you cry. When he sees your eyes watering, he will hug you in his arms and quietly stroke your hair until you relax.
* Definitely big spoon, he's huge so he likes to hug you tight in his arms
* I don't think he is very knowledgeable about your period, so he often asks you what you need and wants to help.
* I don't think he will be afraid of anyone or anything easily. But he is quite afraid of harming you. That's why he always wants to protect you
* The thing he fears most is that one day he will hurt you unintentionally or you will be afraid of him. That's why he doesn't want you to see him fighting
* If you belong in their world, he never wants you to see him lose control even you are fighting beside him
* He may be cold to many people but always in his most natural way around you.
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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generalpalacefishgoop · 4 months
just wanna get this off my chest (rant)
saw someone on here said that "the special guest theory is terrible and that BBH doesn't deserve to be coddled by the narrative even more than he already is"
(btw, this is addressed to all to agree and think the same, particularly so, if you JUST TARGET BBH LORE)
as a qBBH main, what the fuck are you on about. genuinely. "DOESN'T DESERVE"??????" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN jfc. also, where do you see the "coddling" WHERE? u mean the lore he wrote himself???? is that coddling?????? the lore that have no relation to the "main lore" ?????? like are you even a BBH pov watcher? or did you fall for the propaganda LMAOOOOOOOOO (i think mostly likely this happened fr).
like im trying to wrap my head around what they mean by "coddled by the narrative"......the special treatment he gets??? THAT MEANS SHIT ALL. THERES NO "SPECIAL TREATMENT" its always just some meta shit IMO. cuz they'll be shit like oh he didnt get ___ like the rest..... but it gets proven wrong quickly after like-. But fans be fans and have fun theorising. its just the usual copium manifesting bs like is this not common usual fan behaviour??? they're just having fun.
Many qBBH fans have been begging for so long for qBBH to be even a tiny bit related to the "main lore" (no luck so far, fans only got Ron and that his silly snow golem prank affected whatever, but be fr, that's hardly anything at all). the special guest theory is like sort of a inside joke, heavy copium type crack theory kinda shit. like i don't think its a thing, but fans do what fans do??? just for funsies? brainrot is real??? like hello??
[side rant] (also for fans complaining about certain ships as being "delulu" like, we know??? 😭what? do you think you can only ship ppl that are canon a thing or?? like whats going on? have you heard of crack ships? 😭 like- why so srs?)
its fine to not like a hc/theory but stop being sooooo hypocritical and just fcking rude and fcking wrong. if u say that u don't like that theory bcus qBBH is "coddled by the narrative", you think qPhil is coddled. qAntoine, qJaiden too, etc etc heck I'll fcking say everyone on the dang island. You see where I'm going with here...
BBH's lore are all written by him. The only relation qBBH has to the "main lore" is kidnapping Ron, but even then, it's hardly anything at all. Hell, qCellbit did way worse by murdering them and leaving them to be found n shit etc etc, like come on. if you call BBH lore "coddling" are you saying the same for qPhil? his lore is mostly written by him too, no? like the enderking etc all linked to his hardcore world, NONE related to the QSMP "main lore" (save for like the wings n shit), exactly like BBH. Are you saying the same for Jaiden? qJaiden is literally the fcking lovechild (?)/beloved (? idk. u get what im trying to say) of the cucus. There's also qAntoine. If anyone is the special guest, my money is on him. but CODDLED BY THE NARRATIVE YOU SAY????? good luck hating on almost ALL the character lore. OH WAIT, it's just BBH lore????? I WONDER WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
ppl say some characters get special treatment. NO. YOUR WRONG. EVERYONE GET SPECIAL TREATMENT.
ppl say there's no main characters in QSMP. NO. EVERYONE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER.
if im misunderstanding/misinterpreting or whatever, i genuinely apologise, but its just that fcking sentence fcking ticked me off with how rude it presents itself and just how dumb n wrong it is yk. its fine to not like something but the reasoning is so fcking wrongggggggg. it irks me.
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brandogenius · 4 months
hihihi!!! okay so hear me out i'm a barista so i had lots of thoughts and delusions about jb and barista!reader...
when jb comes in, reader definitely says the order at the same time as jb and smiles every time they accidentally talk in sync and jb is grinning and apologizing for talking over her and lowkey panicking while reader is writing her order on the cup and some doodles
i know DAMN WELL julien is giving hella tips, at my job our cash tips are split evenly between baristas so i just have the feeling jb is counting the visible baristas and doing the math for how much of a tip exactly she needs to give all together for reader to get the tip jb wants to give her (does that make sense??) + reader is always shocked at how big of a tip julien gives
reader giving her the cute/silly steam stickers that go on the hot drink lids + julien definitely has a little collection in her car on some random paper of every single one she gets (at my job rn we have valentines stickers and they're like conversation hearts with words on them...im imagining reader trying to shoot her shot and putting a sticker on her cup that say 'kiss me' or 'ur cute' or something similar and julien is about to frame this sticker on her wall)
after a certain amount of time (assuming the shop doesn't ask for names) reader learns juliens name and when jb comes in with the boys reader greets her by name and phoebe and lucy are like :0 and juliens grinning walking up to the counter with them and she's like "hiiii 😇🥰"
when there's a rude customer and julien happens to be there she stops reader when they bring her drink be she sees how overwhelmed and frustrated they are and she apologizes for the customer being rude and says something super nice about how important customer services jobs are and how employees deserve sm more than they usually get from those jobs (like that interview she had talking about how she doesn't tell waiters when her order is wrong esp if she can see they're stressed out) and accidentally starts rambling with her big girl words and reader is barely taking in what she's saying but is also on the verge of tears at how sweet jb is
julien comes in and orders her drink but orders something to bring to lucy or someone and reader is like "oh?" and jb is so quick to reassure that it's for her FRIEND not ANYONE in particular just her BESTEST BUD
could you imagine how cute it'd be if the place had themed drinks and stuff for pride month and jb is asking reader about said pride specials and reader is so excited about it all and julien is silently taking notes making sure reader is in fact gay and not an extremely passionate ally
one of these days jb comes in and it's not busy at all so reader and julien get to chit chat about random stuff until she has to actually leave so julien orders and reader writes her number on the back of the cup and says 'text me! :D' or something cute that tells julien she wants to keep talking and julien doesn't even realize bc the writing was facing away from her and when she does notice there's more on the cup than usual she like dies on the spot
OKAY IM DONE I COULD GO ON FOR FOREVER IM SORRY FOR YAPPING SO MUCH AHHH i just LOVE this hc and i can make it sososo accurate as a barista
learning juliens name because they talk so much and reader knows her order like at the beginning it might’ve been like “hey it’s ice latte girl, how are you?” to knowing exactly what time jb comes in she doesn’t even need to wait because you have the coffee just made by the time she walks in
reader listening to her ramble about customer service and the use of big words intrigues them, reader is like… woah
reader who started to draw little hearts on juliens cup 😭 when jb orders something for lucy and reader stops her drawings like “shit shit shit” and jb catching on like NO WAIT IM SINGLE!! bit of angst to add but maybe the next few times reader doesn’t draw any doodles on jbs cup and she misses them until jb is like “you don’t doodle anymore :(“ and readers like “sorry - i didn’t know if i was coming off as weird or something”
STOPPPPP!!! brownie points if reader has a lesbian cup in the corner with their own drink and julien looks at it like 👀 👀
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Finally rereading The Outsiders like I said I would. I think I'll probably be doing a chapter a day, even though it's short enough that I could probably bust it out in one or two sittings. I'm really prone to burnout and I am trying to write a bit each day and I have a job to work and adult tasks to do and such, so a chapter sounds like a good goal with that considered.
Also, I'm sick as a fucking dog while reading this first chapter. Not relevant, just a little fun fact.
Anyway, have my thoughts while I read it!!
The Outsiders Reread : Chapter One Notes
less than a page in and I'm already tired of Ponyboy being Not Like The Other Girls
he's 14, that's positive, I should not be able to stomach a well-written 14 year old on account of them acting very 14, but also shut the fuck up
"yeah, I read books, unlike EVERYONE ELSE" go to hell
not to intentionally misread and water down a character, but Ponyboy saying "but sometimes I just don't use my head" is literally all you need to fucking know. that's it, that's the book
we get it, Pony, you come from a very hot family, yall are all conventionally attractive. paragraphs, ffs
also, I love that Soda doesn't drink. that he has a drunk on life attitude. could absolutely never be me, love that for him, unfortunately I fw Two-Bit's vibes with alcohol a bit more--
and the fact that Soda is the only one that can tease Darry.
there isn't a single positive thing said about Dallas besides "I didn't like him, but he was smart and you had to respect him." but frfr he's so great.
but if I met any of these fuckers irl Soda is the only one that I'd have a chance in hell at not hating. and that's only because he seems like he'd be enough of an emotionally/socially intelligent people-pleaser to actively try to get someone to like him, lol.
kinda salty about Johnny being called the gangs pet, wtf Ponyboy. not like he's one person's main reason to live, is SUCH fucking ride or die, later kills a man for Pony. but yeah, he's a pet. he tags along. what the fuck ever, man. if anything, Ponyboy (you know, the person that's mainly part of the gang bc he tags along with his older brothers, the BABY of the group, the quiet & sensitive one that doesn't have a single braincell outside of pure booksmarts) is the pet. like, sure, Johnny has trauma and is really quiet, but let's be so fr right now.
despite what is said in the book (bc it's Ponyboy's pov so we only get his perspective, obviously) I'm sure Darry gets after Soda too.
also, oldest children that become parental figures in some degree are allowed to be mean to their baby siblings. it's our right. as a 20-something year old with a young teen baby brother with common sense in the negatives, I am very biased in saying that Darry is always objectively 100% correct in every situation ever (heavily exaggerating, I just relate a lot).
forever mad that we don't get more Sylvia!!! my most random fav!!! so much love to her!!! she's basically an oc with how little we get of her and how many headcanons I have, I don't even really like the main fanon version of her either, but GOD she's my girl fr
NO BECAUSE WHEN I WAS 14 IF SOMEONE PULLED THEIR OWN KNIFE TO DO A DISSECTION THE WAY MY TONGUE WOULD BE DOWN THEIR THROAT. Ponyboy, babygirl, you did NOT deserve for that girl to hate on you like that. RUDE.
"Dallas deserves everything he gets, and should get worse, if you want the truth." agreed, that's my though process as I'm making the nastiest headcanons for him. my life's goal is to make this man suffer or make him into a loser, and all my hcs do both
breaks my heart so much how Ponyboy talks about Darry, leave my boy ALONE, dude!!!
my headcanons for Darry are usually the exact opposite of my hcs for Dally, I just want this guy to have the very best ong. I'll get so unrealistic with it too, bitch, YES I'll give you an absolutely stunning sugar mommy, babe!! just stop being stressed and stop having bad things happen for a few minutes!!! I almost struggle making in character, good headcanons for him because I just want to give him fluff and filler only and nothing else--
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mistamorgana · 19 days
( this is not made to hate on anyone and isn’t directed at anyone !!! no matter how you interpret it , i promise this is just something i have had on my mind for EVER that i need to get out )
not to rant on main but as mother’s day was yesterday and i do have a REN kiddo , i’d like to talk about something that really just should not irk my nerves as much as it does : emma getting pregnant 😭
before you click off of this post , i of course respect other’s headcanons and choices with their aus and such but this still makes me a bit ‘oh’ /RESPECTFULLY in an ‘it’s-not-you-it’s-me’ way !! do what makes you happy :D
( i think we all have this for certain things 😭 )
while i am heavily set on the hc of her being a transgender female ( because look at her and tell me she is cis /j i'm not one of those people i promise ) in mostly everything i make of her , i do understand that she’s most definitely 99.9% if not 100% cis in canon . no doubt honestly ( the 0.01% is my delusional ass hoping i get a trans confirmation from one of my favorite pieces of media of all time )
don't get me wrong though because i know sooo many people would take a short look at my headcanons and go ‘what the fuck is this…?’ , so i just scroll and go on with my day instead of doing what a good majority of the internet loves to do and leave hate comments etc. . no matter how much you don’t like something , nobody deserves or wants a hate comment on something they love and or are proud of . especially if it's harmless !!
i do think a large large large part of the reason i still have some tiny problems with NE exclusively on their own ( they HAVE to be NE [ R ] implied for me to really like them together ) is how they’re portrayed at times , such as the way some people can make them such an insufferable and basic , generic mlw ship or their rude fans ( TWITTER… not everyone on there of course , some NE shippers are really nice esp on here yes nikki i am looking at you but also i haven’t had any bad encounters with an NE shipper on here thank god )
one of these ways is how they portray emma , but even before discovering some things i didn’t like NE , i still don’t think i would particularly go for a scenario where emma carries a child in the future
it just does not seem like her getting pregnant fits her character at all , no matter her sex . i will get a little hypocritical right here , no bad ways i don't think , because while i do think emma wouldn't want to be in a romantic relationship with anyone , i am such an obvious sucker for REN 😞 but i do love aroace emma and considering her character i think it fits her well
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i'm not going to pull this sequence from the manga out of my ass and say ‘she wouldn’t wanna have a baby because of isabella etc etc blah blah blah’
while that COULD be a big plausible reason , i think if she really wanted to , she wouldn’t let that effect her decisions in the end . emma isn't like that ; she does what the fuck she wants and that's the emma we know and love 🔥🔥
now i’m just going to flat out say it : i don't have a big ass reason as to why i don’t think she’d get pregnant , should she able to 🤷‍♀️ i'm not going to lie and try and act like i do either
even though i don’t care for the ways some NE artists have portrayed emma , especially in the future , that’s not what i’m putting on here . in my opinion , that’s not really a valid reason and it’s more of an ‘oh i don’t like the way they did it so it’s wrong and not true to canon because i say so’ type of excuse in my opinion , which i don’t like
in truth i just genuinely don’t think emma would try and aim for that . while she would definitely go through with it for whatever reason ( except to become a mama at gracefield , of course ) , unless it was necessary to give up due to a risk to her own health or the baby’s , it’s just NotmyEmma™️ to me .
that just does not feel like emma in my opinion . i think that if she wanted a kid , she’d much rather prefer to adopt than to bring in a child on her own accord when there’s plenty out there in an orphanage or foster care wanting to be loved . that’s all , sorry for the yap session 😭
thanks for coming to my sheldon talk guys remember this is just my opinion please don't put me on the stake 💔💔
don't let this affect your opinions or hcs either ; if your shit truly makes you happy and or brings you comfort , don’t let other ppl ruin that :]
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