#This was an idea I had for a while after remembering that DreamWorld and Game Sync were a thing in Gen 5
thatonesubwaypenguin · 3 months
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Looks like the boys have entered the DreamWorld after taking a rest for the day!! Sweet dreams! ✨
...Wait, what if they dream about trains? Wouldn't a bunch of trains just show up in the Entralink (the area in the center of Unova) the next day? That's the spot where anything you see in your dreams appears (including Pokemon with hidden abilities)!
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nonbinaryaubrey · 2 years
Also, because I genuinely want to hear more about it, what's the Revived Mari AU? You've talked about it before and it seems very interesting, but I don't think you've given a proper summary before. I mean, I talked to you about my AUs for days in your ask box, that makes it fair game for you to talk about AUs to me. -🎀
OKAYYYY.. revived mari revived mari. i dont know entireellyyy?? how to summarize it <- theres a lot going on and also i tend to be a bit indecisive so i kinda change things around sometimes. i can answer any other questions you have thoo!!
anyways uhh. basic plot rundown. forgive me for poor wording i kinda struggle to explain this stuff </3. After Mari's death and her being a ghost for a short while, she ends up inside Sunny's headspace, taking the form of headspace Mari.. For awhile being there is actually,, very nice for her. Of course it would be to her, especially at this point.. Its a world where shes alive. Where she still has her friends. Where she feels... a lot less angry and upset. She isnt sure how to feel about.. her brother here. Omori.. silent and near emotionless. It doesn't feel right but when shes here she cant exactly figure out why. But she can easily disregard it for now. This place is nice and shes happy here.!
But,, then headspace resets. She doesnt exactly,, remember it. or what happened before it but. she can kind of tell something is wrong. things feel like theyre repeating. it feels off and. she wants to leave. and she does,,, but. not for long. shes quickly drawn back to headspace.. (<- made up ghost lore stuff. ghosts easily get attached to certain things, such as buildings, people, etc. they can go away from these technically but will always end up being drawn back). Mari cannot leave Headspace pretty much,, even less so the longer she stays there. Things quickly go down hill from there. which is explained in this post but tldr: with each Headspace reset Mari loses a piece of herself and her memories in the process.
Things continue like this for the next 4 years up until Sunny begins going outside again. I think him doing that and him repressing some of his memories a bit less also helps Mari regain some of her memories too. which allows the scene at the dreamworld ocean and the scene at her piano to happen.. though when she really gets all her memories back is first when the black light bulb gets broken and Sunny goes through the truth sequence + when Sunny goes through Memory Lane... She performs the Final Duet with him and watches him leave Whitespace behind before her vision and consciousness fade away. She is happy and shes ready to pass on.
Thats until... she wakes up some time later (a couplee months id say? maybe during christmas break.), in the middle of the night and shes seemingly broken out of her own coffin. Its the most alive she's felt in years, its feels nothing like Headspace. But she feels as if this has to be a dream, another version of Headspace perhaps? One thats more like the real world Faraway town now. But either way she.. kind of has no idea what to do with herself, she no longer has a script to follow like she did in Headspace. Which I imagine is,, quite the sudden change after 4 years. She ends up just kind of wandering for a bit after leaving out the church, eventually finding herself at the old hangout spot (and.. accidentally scaring off Angel and The Maverick, who had decided to sneak out there. idk to be rebellious or what ever <- kind of a joke idea i came up with ig) She sits down at the abandoned picnic blanket and falls asleep there. <- thats kiinda where she hangs out for a little bit. Up until a small black cat runs in and quickly goes over to her, its purple collar having the name Mewo on it, soon followed by 2 younger boys, Sunny and Basil. She immediately stops at the sight of them, and they do the same. The 3 of them are all kind of stunned, but Basil and Sunny almost immediately run off as soon as Mari opens her mouth to say something.
^ ^ thiiiis is kind of where the stuff i have becomes very non-linear. i still have ideas and stuff but theyre more broken apart and inconsistent. but this is most of like the main plot/lore stuff thats important
I HOPE THIS ALL MAKES SENSEE!! heres a little mari for u if u read this all <33
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melohax · 3 years
Why Basil isn’t “evil” or knowingly manipulative:
Warning: Major MAJOR Omori Spoilers Ahead
When people aren’t saying Sunny is a psychopath who deserves to be in jail, they’re saying Basil is an evil obsessive mastermind who tricked poor dissociating Sunny into defacing his sister’s corpse.
I’ve already explained before why I disagree with either interpretation but I haven’t gone in depth with Basil’s character. I’ll write about why I don’t think Basil is this dark yandere intentionally manipulating Sunny into dependance on him.
Basil is a tragic character with bad abandonment issues who legitimately wants to help the people he loves most. Unfortunately he also happens to have a broken “normalcy compass” (common in abused and/or neglected children). This means his well intentioned actions are often more harmful than helpful.
Aubrey says during a part of the real world segment that outside our main friend group, she’s always been an outcast. I think it’s no accident that we see in Sunny’s memories that she was the one who introduced Basil to the friend group, implying he’s also always been an outcast like her.
With Aubrey though, we can attribute her outcast status to things like living in the poorest neighborhood in Faraway town while also living in the visibly most worn-down house of said poor neighborhood.
Aubrey has a hoarding alcoholic mother that neglects her and a strict father (Aubrey casually mentions as a kid that her father is weirdly strict about her appearance) who ends up abandoning her anyway. Aubrey’s hot temper doesn’t help either and so even though she manages to be popular and well-loved among her hooligan friends, the rest of the town judges her harshly as if she’s at fault for her horrible life circumstances.
Then we have Basil. Basil’s economic circumstances are visibly better than Aubrey’s and he lives in a nice house surrounded by pretty flowers. Yet even with everything around him (even his appearance) looking so prim and cute, he’s still treated as an outcast.
We know that mentally ill children are way too often shunned by their peers and the adults surrounding them for being “weird” even though it’s not their fault that they have different brain chemistry. Without counting the bullying Aubrey carried out with her friends, Basil was already being ostracized by people outside the main friend group. In one of Sunny’s memories, Basil tells them that he’d always been alone before meeting them.
This lets us know that there’s always been “something” that’s made Basil unpopular with almost everyone. We see hints of why in the contrast between Dreamworld Basil and Real Basil. Whereas Dreamworld Basil is well-spoken, charismatic and cheerful, Real Basil is a nervous wreck that is prone to panic attacks and bouts of screaming. We could say he’s this way cus of what he did to Mari but from knowing Basil’s always been an unliked outcast, I get the feeling he’s not like this only from the Mari situation.
Then we have the probable root of his very obvious abandonment issues: Basil’s parents’ are completely absent save for some pictures in his home. Sunny himself has never seen Basil’s parents in person. Datamining apparently suggests his parents abandoned him when he was a toddler. To top it off, having a constantly ill and mostly unresponsive grandma as his only remaining family doesn’t help with his mental health issues at all, either. No wonder the kid’s clingy.
There’s also the caretaker at his house, who is introduced as Basil’s caretaker, not his sick grandmothers. Basil is at the age where he can legally emancipate himself yet we’re shown he still needs a caretaker to look after him. That Basil needs looking after kinda says to me that he has issues he can’t be left alone with.
So all these paragraphs were to explain the evidence that point to Basil likely being mentally ill since before Mari’s death. Now we get to the parts that make me think he’s been suffering from psychosis even as a kid.
12 year old Basil doesn’t seem capable of understanding the concept of Sunny being angry and accidentally shoving Mari down the stairs. He seems unable to consider the possibility that it was an argument between siblings just at the wrong place at the wrong time, as if that just can’t happen. To Basil, it HAS to be “Something” maliciously causing the incident and/or forcing Sunny to do it.
About the Mari incident and Basil’s fucked up idea: I think a lot of fans forget that first, not only was Basil a 12 year old kid back then (not even a teen yet) but also a lot of the reasoning behind many of Basil’s most important actions seems to be rooted in delusions he genuinely believes.
The same thing happens when the photo album was scribbled over: in his mind, there was no way any of his friends (*cough* Sunny) could have done this. It had to be the same “Something” attached both to him and Sunny that decided to ruin the photos. Basil doesn’t seem to remember doing anything to the album at all.
We could say all of this isn’t psychosis but metaphors for extreme denial instead, like the way Sunny decides things that remind him of The Truth don’t exist (like the closet door).
I don’t think this is all there is to it, tho.
Basil throughout the game tries to guide Sunny to the truth both in Headspace and that the time in his bathroom where he tries to talk to Sunny about the Something following them. Too afraid to hear him out, Sunny runs away instead while Basil screams for Sunny not to leave him again.
This shows imo that Basil’s brand of denial isn’t the same as Sunny’s. Sunny escapes into his own head and pretends everything involving the incident is either perpetually frozen in a time before anything bad happened or that it simply does not exist. He’s all about repression and suppression.
Basil on the other hand, acknowledges that the incident happened but he saw a Something committing the act instead of Sunny himself.
Then, the final battle against Basil confirms to me that Basil’s delusions and hallucinations go beyond denial of Sunny’s guilt.
Even when the truth is finally out in the open for the both of them, Basil still insists it’s “Something” that did everything. He attacks Sunny because he genuinely believes he is attacking Something evil and that this will protect Sunny from it. The most important detail to me: Basil slashes or gouges Sunny’s eye out specifically on the side where Somethings eye peeks out from Mari’s hair.
Saddest of all, we’re never shown if Basil ever managed to realize that there was never a monster doing everything. Although we are shown the burden of the secret is gone in that last scene between Sunny and Basil, we don’t know if Basil ever understood that Sunny wasn’t forced by any monster to kill Mari.
There’s more that can be said but this post already got long af lol. My conclusion is that Basil isn’t some evil yandere mastermind. He’s a sad wreck of a teenager who’s always struggled with mental illness, trying to do the best he can for those he loves while being plagued by nearly constant delusions and hallucinations.
Tricking his best friend/love interest isn’t part of Basil’s modus operandi when a lot of times he can barely tell what’s real and what isn’t.
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dmsden · 3 years
How Much Prep? - Tips on campaign and encounter prep
Hullo, Gentle Readers. This week's Question from a Denizen comes from my good friend Rourkie, a veteran player of my games and DM in their own right. They ask, “Any hot tips or tricks for long-term campaign planning? There's a couple of games I'd like to run in the future but I'm absolutely rubbish at planning and pacing my adventure out ahead of time, even if I know it'll be better for being pre-planned. Lol”
Campaign prep for me is a delicate balancing act. If you prep too much, you risk your players taking things in a direction you didn't plan for, and you end up having to shelve a lot of work that you've done. If you prep too little, then you run the risk of running out of things to throw at your players during a game session. It's a challenge.
I'll start by saying that, while I don't recommend it to everyone, having a solid idea of the world I'm running the game in works well for me. I started working on the world of the Shattered Pact as soon as 4th edition D&D was announced, and I didn't start running my game for several years after 4e had been released. That gave me lots of time to create a setting I liked...one that felt to me like an old-school setting, but also one that had room for all the things I was hearing about 4e. With a solid world like that, I'm never concerned about running out of things for my players to do. I can always pull something out of my lore or the culture of the area, even if it's just to delay the PCs for the rest of the session so that I can plan for the next one.
Quite often, when I start a campaign, I have a strong opening set piece I want to run, a strong idea of how I want the campaign to conclude, and a number of ideas for things that would be fun to explore during the campaign. I then leave a lot up to player agency. For example, when I started my Swords of the Amanar campaign, I had the idea for a giant showdown at the end in a dreamworld ruled by an Elder Brain Lich. I also had an image of the players being essentially deserted by their mentors in the same town, and then a kobold attack with a mysterious force behind it that would present a mystery. Exploring that mystery would eventually lead to discovering the existence of the Elder Brain Lich, but I had a wide swath of empty space. I dangled various plot threads in front of the players, and I followed the ones they seemed interested in. If they hadn't shown any interest in the mystery behind the kobold attack, I would've put that aside for a time, and, eventually, would've dangled something else related to the Underdark, the Mind Flayers, and the Lich that was ruling them. Ultimately, if they'd shown no interest in that plot at all, I might've developed something else, but, fortunately for me, they were keen to find out why the town had been attacked, and things proceeded from there.
I find it's very helpful to check in with the players, as opposed to their characters, and see if there's any kind of plot lines they're particularly interested in. For example, in my current campaign, a number of people mentioned being interested in exploring a War storyline, so a war against the orcs popped up a number of times as a strong plot element. The PCs even spent some time as voluntary soldiers in that war, and then returned, years of game time later, to assist in its conclusion.
I also like to ask players if there are monsters they'd like to see in the campaign, particular magic-items they'd love their characters to find, NPC cultures they'd like to visit, and so on. That gives me things to build on. If someone wants to fight an owlbear, I would make sure to work an owlbear hunt into one of my stories, or have one lurking in a cave somewhere along the PCs' path. If they want a monster with some strong story elements, such as Drow, Mind Flayers, Dragons, etc, then that gives me a whole storyline to work with. If someone has always wanted to play a character that assembles the Rod of Seven Parts, that gives me a potential element to thread through the whole campaign!
I find it helps to have your over-arching goals, but not to plan more than a level's worth of material at a time, beyond rough ideas. That leaves the flexibility for the players to take things in a direction you weren't expecting. If you're running a campaign where they're fighting ettercaps in a swamp, and they get it in their heads that the ettercaps are serving the will of a Swamp Hag, you can then have the flexibility to create a Swamp Hag and insert her, as if you'd planned it all along. Maybe you intended them to meet an exiled priestess of Lolth instead, but this plot will still be satisfying, and, if the priestess of Lolth is important to your overall plans, maybe the Hag has a letter from the priestess that can steer the PCs back where you need them to go. And if they don't, then follow the PCs' interests. It's their story, too, and they deserve agency.
Once I have a vague idea of what a level's worth of material is likely to be about, I like to create some very sketchy encounters. I look over level-appropriate monsters, using the Challenge Ratings as a guideline, and I pick ones that I think will fit the themes of what I want to run. I rely heavily on the advice in the Dungeon Master's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Everything on XP budgets and such. I might jot these down in my notes with a few thoughts on the setting of the encounter. For example, I recently created an encounter for a group of 6 2nd level characters that were heading into a sea cave that was likely to have undead in it. I chose ghouls, because I think ghouls are pretty nifty and a scary fight, and I chose to make them “lacedons”, the aquatic version of ghouls I remembered from 1st edition D&D, by giving them a swim speed of 30 feet (which, it turns out, had already been done in the adventure Dead in Thay.) I jotted some notes about them attacking from underwater in flooded tunnels. Later, I picked a cool battlemat I had that showed flooded tunnels and noted to myself about where the lacedons would be. Ta dah! Cool and creepy fight, especially in the darkened tunnels.
Rourkie, I don't know if that helps, but I hope so! Roll them bones, my friend, and give your players a great story!
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smolpluto · 3 years
How Captain Spaceboy and Sweetheart relate to Sunny's relationship with Mari (theory)
(No, no incest implications, I know the title sounds wrong but no) (Heavy spoilers ahead, read at your own risk)
Ok let me make clear, first of all, that this whole walltext is all made of my own interpretations and I consider none of them to be fact.
I think most players have already noticed references or foreshadowing during moments with captain spaceboy and/or sweetheart (the most commented being the name of spaceboy battle themes). But as I watched more Omori streams, I started to notice small similarities between Captain spaceboy's actions in Headspace and Sunny's actions in real life, specially when it was in regard to Mari. At first I thought it was just me overthinking stuff but by now my brain has cooked it enough for me to want to spill it out. So guess I'll try.
Let's start with the similarities in chronological order:
• Spaceboy dealt with his heartbreak the same way Sunny dealt with Mari's death: he locked himself away from the outside word and refused to even leave his bed;
• The connection between Spaceboy and Sweetheart was the mixtape with their favorite songs. In the same way, the connection between Sunny and Mari was the final duet, the song they practiced over and over together and was never forgotten by Sunny;
• Spaceboy had a second side to him connected to his bottled up emotions (who we fought in the game), just like Sunny developed a second persona (Omori) to hide from the truth;
• After the gang beats him, Spaceboy leaves in order to try healing together with his friends. Sunny left his home for the first time thanks to Kel (if True Route was chosen);
And now Spaceboy's moment ends for a while. Next, we are introduced to the character os Sweetheart:
• Of course, Sweetheart herself is not a variant for Mari, after all she has her own dreamworld variant. But Sweetheart shares Mari's innate flaw: she is a perfectionist. No one else in Headspace shares that trait, not even dream!Mari herself;
• And just like Mari, that flaw is what causes her demise inside of Humphrey, but it seems Sunny's mind inserts a layer of irony in that: even after seeing a perfect copy of herself in front of her, Sweetheart still refused to acknowledge that her search for her perfect suitor was something so idealized she would never reach it. Looking at Mari, her perfectionism pushed Sunny to the point he exploded due to the pressure. He knew he would never be able to reach the level of skill she wanted;
Next time we see one of the two is in Hikkikomori route, as we fight Spaceboy in the mountains:
• One more time, we can notice how Spaceboy's and Sunny's thought processes are similar. After being dumped for the second time, Spaceboy is forced to confront the fact that he will never be good enough for sweetheart. But he cannot accept it, and prefers to end himself, frozen in the mountains. As for Sunny, he cannot accept the fact that he killed Mari and in Hikki Route prefers to hide behind Omori, who eventually chooses to die or go to the city as the dominant personality (and as we know, stabbing Sunny is an option in real life only when Omori is the dominant one).
If we go along with this parallel, a few things gain a new meaning:
• Remember Spaceboy battle themes, "You're wrong, go back" and "You cannot go back"? Looking at them with this walltext in mind, they could reference Spaceboy and Sunny's denial. "That event is wrong, it never happened, go back to when everything was alright" and "it's impossible to go back, it's better to just die";
• Spaceboy's and Sunny's respective ends are opposite depending on the route. If you choose Hikki Route, Spaceboy is saved from his death wish and reunites once again with his friends, while Sunny will most probably suicide. If you choose True Route, Sunny will be able to forgive himself and move on while Spaceboy would eventually meet his demise since the gang never goes to the mountains;
• When we first meet Spaceboy, he had already been dumped by sweetheart once. In the same way, we know from Basil's photo album that Sunny had already given up on playing the violin once as well before the game events. We do not know the reason for that, but considering the gang had to save money to buy a second violin for him, we can be sure that whatever was the reason, it was enough for the first violin to be disposed of. Could Mari have been part of the reason as well?
• After the fight against Sweetheart, Spaceboy invades the scene and proposes to her out of the blue, even though he said he was going to be together with his crew. And it is never shown what caused him to change his mind. Looking at real life, it was never explained what caused Sunny to drop the violin the first time but we do know he took it again anyway because he wanted to spend time with Mari;
Ok, I'm done with my theory. I've seen a lot of people (mainly in reddit and youtube) dismiss spaceboy and sweetheart as an extra excuse for dungeons and don't relate to Sunny's view of his real life in any way. That was my way of saying no, they are as important as all the other foreshadows and references. And I also wrote this because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE reading people's theory walltexts of games I love so I wanted to write one as well. I know there are weak points in this theory (because ofc, it's just a fan theory), but many thabks if you read it this far and kept up with my crazy ideas.
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
Coffee puns and wayside milkshakes
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Pairing: Seokjin x reader (idol!jin, non-idol!reader, established relationship)
Warnings: some light swearing, really bad puns
Summary: Busy schedules have made it impossible to spend time with your boyfriend but he makes sure to assure you that he is still thinking of you. So even though he has promotions during summer he takes the time to plan an amazing road trip just for the two of you. Even if it is just to the drive thru in the next town over.
Genre: fluff gone into crack or crack gone into fluff
Word count: 3,020
Rating: g
A/N: This is part of the @bangtanwritingbingo event! Chosen square number 1 is 'road trip'. I made it pure fluff which i have to admit i thought i would be completely terrible at, but the more i write the better i get at it (hopefully). I had so much fun writing this! It was also once again meant to be a drabble, but....that is clearly something i have to work on. Enjoy some really bad puns from me!
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox for both the work and the banner
“Tell me again why are we up….” observing the still and dark atmosphere out the window you sighed, “at the ass crack of dawn?”
Normally, you would not question your boyfriend. Even when he would make stupid jokes or do stupid things, which acted contrary to his close-to-30 age. You trusted him completely, you may even say you trusted him with your life. And yet, this morning or night, you were seriously questioning his sanity. Have his schedules gotten to his head? Has the tiredness of constant practice and promotions made him lose it?
“Just you wait, love, i told you it’s a surprise” he shushed you, excitedly jumping out of the warm bed. Not wanting to get up just yet, it was 4am in the morning for God’s sake, you burrowed yourself deeper into the warm sheets whilst commandeering his pillow. “Love, come on get up. The surprise will not work if we are late” Seokjin whined.
“No, 5 more minutes” you grumbled into the pillow. It smelled of him and that comfort was slowly getting you back into the dream world. A dream world where a normal Jin would wake you up at a normal time, and you would get to spend a normal day together, gaming and cooking. But no, reality had to be shattered, instead this Seokjin was tugging at the duvet whilst patting your leg. “Okay, 5 more minutes whilst i go wash up but then you have to get up. We have to be in the car in 30 minutes” he warned, breaking you out of your dreamworld.
Basking in the comfort of the bed until you hear the bathroom door close, you decide that you were awake enough to face the chill of a summer morning. Throwing the blanket off of you, you gave the window a dirty look. As if it was the cause of your distress. It was summer, why was it so dark outside early in the morning? Because you woke up, correction because your lovely boyfriend woke you up at an ungodly hour. “I swear Kim Seokjin….” you mumbled to yourself. Making your way hurriedly to the kitchen, your form still wrapped like a burrito in the blanket you decided you needed caffeine, and fast.
“Love, now is not the time, we can’t be late” jumping at the whiny voice of your boyfriend you turned around, and when recalling this story to his friends, Jin would swear that he physically felt your murderous gaze stabbing him. “Kim Seokjin, if you do not allow me to have at least one cup of coffee before we set out onto this whatever it is” motioning wildly in the air “i swear i will make your life a living hell forever, even after i am dead i will haunt you until you are dead, and even in death i will haunt you” rambling on you failed to notice the amused expression on Jin’s face. God, you were adorable. However, as soon as you had finished your rant and you gazed back at him, for the sake of his life and his family jewels he straightened his pose and nodded at you in an attempt to be serious.
“Of course”
Satisfied you turned back to making your coffee, and some for the road. You knew that as active as Jin was at the moment, once on the road he would harass you for a sip. And if there was one thing you could not stand, it was sharing your coffee.
“Hey Y/N, what do you call a sad cup of coffee?” Oh no, here we go again. “Jiiiiiin” you whined, “it’s too early for this, what do you call it?” despite having complained about his bad dad jokes, you secretly enjoyed it when he made them. The jokes were not amazing most times, but seeing him so happy and hearing his laugh was what made them the best jokes you could have ever heard.
“A depresso” bursting out laughing fully at his own joke made you giggle at him. He was adorable, and he was all yours. Fondly gazing at him you shook your head whilst still giggling. His infectious humour was better at brightening your day than any coffee.
“Very funny baby, now let me finish making this coffee so we can leave. You’re the one in a hurry” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Ah, yes indeed” he rushed to exit the kitchen. Not before turning around to wink at you and blow you a kiss whilst delivering his last one line puncher. “After all, we don’t want to be latte.” You could still hear his laugh even as he reached the other end of the corridor.
“Silly man”
Finally with two coffees in tow, you got yourself strapped into the car and waited for Jin to finish shoving into the back of the car what he presented as “top secret and you are not allowed to peek”. So you did your best to not let curiosity get to you and instead closed your eyes in an attempt to get a few more minutes of sleep. As you were drifting off slowly but surely, all you could hear in the background were the constant complaints of your boyfriend arguing with whatever he was trying to fit into the back of the car. And by the way the car was shaking it felt like he was forcing an elephant in there. You smiled gently to yourself, this is what bliss felt like to you. Not those extra minutes of sleep, not the thought of the planned date- which excited you nonetheless, but the knowledge that today was a day where you could spend some time with Jin and listen to him whine, complain, rant, express his love for you, cuddle you and all that in person.
“You alright there love?” you finally decided to check on his well being after another 10 minutes of grumbling.
“Yes, yes. Just trying….to get this thing to…..fit” heaving he let out a triumphal yell. “Done! Now let’s gogogogogo on this exciting road trip!” enthusiastically he opened the car door and jumped in almost hitting you in the face with his arm and whacking his own knee on the wheel of the car. “Oh my gosh, are you ok, did i hit you?” you stifled a giggle, he did not hit you and yet even though he clearly was in pain he made sure to check on you first.
“Jin, i’m fine babe, but clearly you aren’t. Please be more careful” you chided gently reaching over to rub the sore spot on his shin. With a gentle smile he grabbed your hand in his warm one. Despite the chilly air of the morning, he was warm and inviting, his hand on yours instantly heating up your cold ones. “I’m sorry love, I promise i will be” he reached out to cup your cheek with his free hand rubbing your skin and with care as if you were made out of porcelain he brought his soft plump lips to yours in a brief kiss that left you breathless.
“Hey, Y/N?” his lips a breath away from you that made you swear you still felt them on yours, was that wishful thinking? Maybe. “I love you” your eyes skimmed over his features lost in a world of your own and with a suddenly mischievous grin you pulled back from him fastening your seatbelt.
“I love you too, you mocha me very happy”
With an incredulous scoff, Jin fastened his own seatbelt and put the car into drive. “Careful love, you will become worse than me” he warned amusedly, the pride in his voice unmasked. He did love it when you would one up him on his jokes. Sometimes you would make a competition out of it, an unannounced one so that neither of you could have pre prepared comebacks and see who won. Most times you lost miserably, and the times you won you were absolutely certain that Jin went easy on you. He was the fountain of knowledge when it came to puns.
“But Jin, i am worse than you” giggling like idiots, you turned your gaze to the window prepared for the trip ahead. You had no idea where you were going but as long as you were with Seokjin, you would be absolutely fine.
“I swear to god Kim Seokjin, you plan a trip in the middle of the night to somewhere, lord knows where, and you don’t even think to consider checking the gas tank????”
As the car slowly sputtered and came to a stop at the end of the road you turned to look at your desperate boyfriend. “Oh nononnononono, this can’t be happening. I was meant to stop at a station as soon as we exited the city” trying to get the car to start again you bit your lip. Maybe it was the fact that you had placed your trust fully in him, or the fact that he was so sure of this trip, or the fact that he had bragged about this trip for a while now but this end you had not foreseen, and so it made it incredibly amusing for you. 30 minutes outside of your own city and the car had run out of fuel. If it weren’t for Jin’s distressed pleas for the car to start up and for you to forgive him for ruining this trip you would have burst out laughing a while back.
Deciding to end his misery you grabbed for his hand, now clammy from stress. “Babe, it’s ok. Let's just get out of the car and try to call someone to check the car out. We ran out of gas, it happens” rubbing your finger over the back of his hand in an attempt to call him you used your other hand to try to look for your phone.
Only to remember that in your hurry you had left without it. Groaning, you did not want to panic Jin more than he was so you did not mention your own phones. Knowing him, he’s forgotten his at home on purpose. On days when he had plans with you, he would make it a point to not spend time on his phone. Thanking your lucky stars you at least had your cards with you and some cash.
“I’m really really really sorry love” Jin gave you a pleading look. Shaking your head you sighed and opened your door. “Come on lover boy, let's get this situation fixed”
A couple of steps into the trek you finally hear the car being locked and the sound of pounding footsteps behind you. You walked in silence for 15 minutes, neither of you knowing what to say. You were decently tired and hungry but more worried about Jin’s state of mind. On the other hand your boyfriend was berating himself for ruining a perfectly planned day and probably making you upset for doing so. Finding the service phone by the side of the road you quickly phoned for someone to come and fix the situation and they informed you it may take a couple of hours to get to you. But it was better than nothing. You would probably miss entirely what Jin’s planned for you but you could always make the most of what you currently had. Now, on the way back to the car you finally sneaked a glance at your own boyfriend.
Catching his own worried gaze you looked away. You were in the middle of almost nowhere, stuck, without a car or food, it was still extremely early, and yet all you could think of was how handsome Jin looked. In the soft morning glow reflected on his skin and his messy hair stuffed under his cap, you realised how lucky you were. Misinterpreting your long stare he bit his lip, “Are you angry?” You did not want to respond to him, not yet at least. If you did you would either burst out in giggles or you would end up trying to comfort him, and you had no time to spare at the moment. Was it mean? Probably but you swore to yourself you would make it up to him. “Love” he kept insisting, “Y/N, are you angry?” Only when you heard the sadness creep into his usual tone of voice did you stop and look at him.
You opened your mouth to reply to him, but he would not allow you to speak yet. Afraid that you would start telling him how awful of a boyfriend he is, gone for long periods of time and when he is finally home he clearly cannot do anything proper, he starts stumbling over his words trying to explain himself to you. “Love, i’m so so so sorry. I did not mean for this to happen. I had the whole thing planned, i was going to take us to the seaside today so we can watch the sunrise and sunset on the beach like you have always wanted, and we were going to enjoy a picnic and a nice dip in the ocean and i was going to take you to the fair at night time so we can ride the ferris wheel and have a romantic kiss at the top and…”
As adorable as you found a rambling Jin, his red cheeks, his lips which were now extremely swollen from how much he bit them, you could not let him torture himself much longer. You were worried he may end up having a self induced anxiety attack. And you definitely were not angry as he seemed to think you would be.
“Love” you tried once, but in his distress he had stopped listening to you. “Jin” and again, finally having had enough you took three strides towards him and placed your hand over his mouth in a gentle attempt to get him to stop talking.
“It is ok. I am not angry. Not by a long shot. I don’t care about sunrises, I don't care about sunsets, I don't care about ferris wheel rides, I don't care about picnics. Seeing the hurt in his eyes you immediately added, “ I don't care about all these things if they don’t happen with you. Plans get ruined, that is why they are plans. We could have spent the whole day in our pjs and had a coffee pun competition whilst playing games and i would have not minded. We could have spent the whole day just literally doing nothing but staying in bed and I would have not minded. The thought of you even just planning to put all this together even when you are so busy is more than enough for me. Please stop apologising about this. I am not mad at all”
Jin reached out delicately and lowered your hand away from his mouth. “But it’s because I've been so busy that I have fucked up immensely. I wanted to do something nice for you to show you how much I care about you. Being away all the time is hard especially when all i want to do is have you there with me all the time but knowing that i can’t.” A strand of your hair had been blown into your face by the wind and he took his time to fix it for you, his hand dropping down onto the hollow of your neck.
“Babe, i would want nothing more than to be able to be with you all the time, but unfortunately we can’t. And you would get sick of me anyways” you laughed gently. Jin was about to protest but you continued. “ You show me everyday how much you care about me, no matter how busy you are you always take your time to talk even if briefly. You always send me cute pictures and pictures of food, which make me really jealous by the way” Jin laughed, his eyes crinkling.
“And when we do actually get to spend time together we have the best of times no matter what we do. Not because we are doing something out of the ordinary but because we are spending time together. If i’m with you i don’t care what we are doing, it’s the best time of my life” You slowly rose on your toes to press your lips to his. Seeing it as an opportunity Jin tightly wrapped your arms around your waist and lifted you up, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist with a squeal. A kiss that was meant to last a few seconds ended up with you propped against the side of the car wrapped around Jin’s sturdy frame.
“I love you” he whispered once he settled you back on his feet. “So so so much”
Prepared to answer with a confession of your own, you felt your stomach grumble. The moment now interrupted, both of you started cackling. “I love you too babe,” patting his chest, “but you know what I would love more? Some food.”
“We have a bit more to wait until we get this situation fixed” As if a lightbulb had been turned on Jin jerked away from you. “Wait here” running around to the back of the car he opened it and pulled out a cooler and two tumblrs. Ignoring your inquisitive looks he opened the cooler and got out some vanilla ice cream. Reaching out into the boot again he pulled out a pack of fresh strawberries. Laughing you finally understood.
“Milkshakes?” He held both items in his hands proudly.
When you had told him you would give anything in exchange for spending time with him you meant it. Whether the road trip would have been a success in the end, or you just called it a day after you got your car sorted. But just sitting there on the wayside by the car enjoying your makeshift milkshakes and each other’s company was complete perfection to you and you would not have it any other way.
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arianajbb · 3 years
💕 stay by @you-are-my-sanctuary
A road trip to Arizona goes wrong when you catch the attention of a familiar looking dark haired man with steely blue eyes.
💕 Tell Him, Not Me by @zsiopao
here y/n l/n lands a role in a new television series that will put her relationship to the test.
💕Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
💕 What Could’ve Been by @you-are-my-sanctuary
Steve stays in the past when returning the stones, leaving you behind and erasing everything you two were to each other. Decades pass and he wonders if he made the right decision. Especially since the memories of you still lingers in his mind years after.
💕  Let Your Spirit Fly by @starlightcrystalline
At the end of a long week, all you want is to get home. Fate has other ideas.
💕 painted with bruises by @harryspet
In which Bucky kidnaps you in order to get close to his enemy, Steve, but realizes that Steve isn’t the hero he used to be.
💕 Wolf, Partner, Gloves... by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
💕 Sleeping With A Friend by @wkemeup
You wake up in Bucky’s bed after a night you’re certain will only break your heart.
💕 An Unpredictable Reunion by @head-always-up-in-a-dreamworld
💕 American Boy by @quarantined-with-bucky
Request: So basically buckyxreader where she is a super successful businesswomen and awfully confident but when she’s with bucky she feels insecure as many women want him and she’s insecure of nat. Based on “American Boy” by little mix where bucky is her american boy and the other girl in the song is nat. So like angst with a happy ending (maybe smut if you’re comfortable idk idk).
💕 Uptown Girl by @brooklyns-boys
You’re a spoiled, shallow party girl who enjoys pushing any button you can find. When your parents put their foot down, giving you the choice between marrying a suitor of their choosing, or being cut off from your money, you’ll have to decide between luxury and the only person who’s ever given a damn about you.
💕 pictures of girls by @subtlebucky
you’re prepared for a fun-filled weekend with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. instead, you get a weekend with the guy who sort of rejected you and a camera. what could go wrong?
💕 don’t forget to sing by @sunmoonandbucky
You meet someone new in the most unlikely of ways during the quarantine in New York City.  An alley is six feet apart, right?
💕 bloody by @buckycuddlebuddy
he looked feral; his eyes black, face contorted in something devilish, lips blood red and shiny and the smirk on his face was promising more than he already had given.
💕 Home by @softlybarnes
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
💕 Kiss Me Better by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky has your heart, but he seems to despise you. Loki comes up with a plan to make him realize just what he’s missing.
💕 x by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky receiving his first piece of fan-mail.
💕 My Roommate’s Boyfriend by @angstysebfan
Your roommate’s boyfriend and you do not get along. You don’t even know why anymore. When your roommate has to move unexpectedly across the country, you both begrudgingly drive her car to her new home. Adventure, angst, and secrets come alive.
💕 life with tiny and beefy by @wiensrsoldier
💕 Safe Place To Land by @sunlightdances
You and Bucky are both standing up for Steve and Peggy’s wedding. Checking in at the hotel for the weekend, you’re horrified to realize there’s been a problem. A big problem.
💕 A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Female!Reader is an Omega. Alphas and Omegas are rare, and Reader’s been able to avoid alphas through sheer force of will and luck in equal parts.
💕 we’re up all night to get lucky by  @nsfwsebbie
Your soldier comes home after his prevailing victory.
💕 Jealousy Looks Good On You by @tinymalscoffee
You go to your favorite coffee shop after your date from the morning before never shows up.
💕 x by @sinner-as-saint
uni!seb having a thing for boobies.
💕 Everything by @mariessecretfantasies
💕 Stardust And Starfish by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
“Hey we kissed once in kindergarten but I haven’t seen you since and I couldn’t remember why you were so familiar.”
💕 The Flaw Of Belief by @winterdaybreak
Y/N and Bucky fight over who can be more spiteful, who hates who more. Neither really mean it, but Bucky might just win.
💕 dear... whoever by @whistlingwillows
a mandated series of long and short diary entries from the new head of R&D for Stark Industries.
💕 starring role by @baezen
in which Hollywood’s former hottest movie star faces his biggest challenge yet – proving that he’s still worth the starring role
💕 Mr. and Mrs. Barnes by @cherrypickertheory
You and your husband, Bucky, live a normal life in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Or you did, that is, until you both realize that the other is a spy.
💕 kitten by @buckycuddlebuddy
“you know,” bucky started, voice low and raspy. “i think i have spoiled you too much lately.”
💕 Summer Days by @sleepypanda27
You meet a handsome stranger at the beach.
💕 Power Over Me by @sinner-as-saint
CEO James Buchanan Barnes is a dominant. And he’s spent the last 5 years searching for his perfect submissive. Then one night, he finds you. He thinks everything will fall perfectly into place now; but he thought wrong. Turns out your unfortunate past which still haunts you to this day, and some of his enemies are, well, connected. Things go wrong. And your bond with your dom is tested in many ways…
💕 Bucky & the Beast by @thejamesoldier
💕 House Pride by @delusionalwriterr
After encountering Bucky during a Quidditch game, both of you grow attached to each other. But is the attraction enough to overcome the disapproval of your brother, Tony, and the messy past between your families?
💕 Meet Me In The Hallway by @yikeswtfmate
Y/N and Bucky have hated each other since they were children and now they’re forced to live together, whether they like it or not.
💕 Postcards by @sebbytrash
Takes place after Civil War. Bucky is your best friend but of course you’re in love with him. He goes off to travel the world and rediscover himself, sending you Postcards along the way, whilst you struggle with your feelings.
💕 x by @moteldwelling
(this isn’t a fic but it’s amazing omg)
💕 Helpless by @prongsies
Sirius loved you. Loved you enough to let you go. Loved you enough to selflessly step back, allowing you to love someone he knows could give you the love you deserved - even if it hurts.
💕 What Is, And What Should Never Be by @whoisbxcky
You wake up one morning to find yourself in an alternate reality, in which the Avengers never came to be, and your friends are living perfect civilian lives. However, things are not all they appear to be, and you find yourself facing the worst fear you never knew you had.
💕 Impaled by @revengingbarnes
You’ve been pining after Bucky for months. A compromising situation during a mission brings you a lot closer to him than you expected.
💕 Helpless For You by @sgtjbuccky
A blind date has lead you and Bucky to the fourth date. Each one proving that you’ve got it bad more than prior and it doesn’t quite matter what will happen - you will keep on falling for that handsome devil and you don’t even mind.
💕 Flowers by @bucky-the-thigh-slayer
Love can take a while, but the right love is always worth time, and some old fashioned gestures.
💕 The (not naked) pin-up calendar by @bitsandbobsandstuff
When you ask for a favor, Bucky (very) grudgingly agrees. What can you do to thank him? Return the favor, of course.
💕 Rogue Angel by @harryspet
Bucky tasks himself with deprogramming you, a former hydra soldier. Will he be able to show he cares for you as his Daddy or will your training stop you from seeing the truth.
💕 Saving The Day by @jbbmoved
On your way back home, you are being followed by a couple of creeps. When your eyes fall on the most impressive and handsome Avengers, you don’t think twice and find yourself a fake boyfriend and savior.
💕 Hidden Lagoons and Seashells by @after-avenging-hours
💕 my heart, my angel by @paintedface
valentine’s day candy grams basically show how popular you are in the school, so you expect to get none, however, one, extremely sweet one, turns up on your desk. except you have no clue who it’s from.
💕 Like Silver Glass by @thejamesoldier
Out of all the things you have seen so far in your life – a colorful plethora of alien species, artificial intelligence, an imaginative array of mutants and their abilities, cyborgs, superhumans, assassins, geniuses, etc. – merpeople fell actually pretty low on your ‘Shocking Things That Exist’ list.
💕 Holiday Heist by @avengerofyourheart
When the art gallery you manage is robbed on Christmas Eve, you suspect the handsome stranger who flirted with you earlier in the day, but instead of involving the authorities, you take matters into your own hands with surprising consequences.
86 notes · View notes
cindersandroses · 4 years
Digital Get Down, Chapter 1
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AUTHORS: cindersandroses ( losille2000 and cinderella1181)
PAIRING: Actor!Henry Cavill/ Plus-Sized OFC
GENRE: Romance/Fluff/HUMOR
FIC SUMMARY: When SuperHank met OrcPrincessPeach on the World of Warcraft message boards, it was love at first raid. Now, almost a year later, they’re ready to take the next step and meet in person. Half a world away from each other, both decide to meet in Atlanta for DragonCon, since she was already going to be there for her work as a game designer at Blizzard... never mind that she is a devout nerd. They both have to face the fact that reality is very different from a digital world.
RATING: Mature
AUTHORS NOTES: This idea happened while we were floating around our pool a few days ago. I don’t foresee this being very long, but as always, if you want more, we will write more.
Also on AO3!
Chapter 1
SuperHank: Hey girlie girl, I did it! I got the pass for DragonCon. After almost 10 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days, I’m officially coming to meet you!
OrcPrincessPeach: Yay! Are you sure you can afford it... and the airfare?
SuperHank: Dollface, for you, I would move the oceans and walk to you. I can’t wait. August seems so far away.
OrcPrincessPeach: Be still my beating heart, you sappy romantic. I can’t wait to see you.
SuperHank: Same here. I gotta go raid. I will talk to you later. I’ll text you before I go to sleep. Have a good day at work.
OrcPrincessPeach: I will see you later tonight!
Opal closed the laptop and smiled to herself, trying desperately to keep a squeal of delight from escaping her lips. Nothing ever made her feel as amazing as talking to Hank did, even when it meant little sleep and getting up well before the sun to do it. But Amber, her roommate, would be the first person to yell at her for making too much noise in the morning… especially since it involved Hank, whom Amber did not particularly like for some reason.
Nevermind that he and Amber had never actually talked to each other. And, in fact, Opal had only ever talked to the man herself, too. Well, “talking,” in so much that they called each other, texted each other, and chatted on the World of Warcraft message boards about everything and nothing at all. There was the one time, though, when she had been “talking” with Hank, that she may have gotten too loud during a little early morning (for her, anyway) phone sex.
So maybe Amber did have a point.
Opal’s cheeks heated at the thought, replaying the memory in her head as she pulled on her most adorable red peep-toe pumps. All the boys in her programming pod at Blizzard loved it when she wore them; they always made her feel like she could take on the world. Because, seriously, who was going to mess with a woman wearing sky-high red heels during the day? It was amazing what she could convince her fellow game designer nerds to do when she wore these heels with this outfit.
She smoothed her otherwise fairly normal navy blue sheath dress over her slightly rounded belly and wide hips. These clothes were her armor against the world, much like how her orc character dressed in the game. Opal and her orc both needed the image that they could take on the male-dominated World of game design, when in reality, she could very much be a shrinking violet. Especially when it came to her body.
Hence why she had only shared very, erm, specific photos of her body with Hank, and him with her… in the best light, angle and pose. He had an amazing body, and she, well, she didn’t have an amazing body. It wasn’t terrible, per se. It did the things she needed it to do, but she certainly could have spent more time at the office standing desks or in the employee gym. But her red pumps wouldn’t allow her to do either.
So she just had to hope--and pray--that when he saw her in the harsh light of day that he didn’t run away screaming. Because there certainly had been a few online boyfriends before this who had done just that.
Opal left her room and carefully made her way downstairs to get her bag together for work. Tycho, her rather large ragdoll cat, was laying on the back of the couch, half on the black bag and rubbing his chin on the rigid canvas handle. Clearly, the bag was his now, just like everything else in the house.
“Hey, you better move it, buddy. I gotta get to work so you get good gushy food.” She pointed at him.  “Be gone when I get back in here.”
Tycho rumbled a low meow in response and didn’t move.
“Freeloader,” she mused.
She headed into the kitchen with a huge smile returning to her face and butterflies making her slightly queasy. After almost a year, she was finally… finally… going to meet the boy she’d been dating online. Most people would take that as a sign that this was all it would ever be--online and still fairly impersonal.  To be fair, though, Hank had planned to come and see her once before, but work had not let him.  And it wasn’t like they were on the same continent, normally. They were halfway around the world from each other. But this time, he swore up and down that this was going to be it. They were going to cohabitate in the same hotel suite for a long weekend, and make good on all the very dirty promises they had made each other in the ten months they’d been “together.” Of course, she was well aware that he still may cancel, but for now, she was going to live in her dreamworld.
Amber was already in the kitchen as Opal made it into the room. Her roommate sat bleary-eyed at the kitchen table and stared at her cell phone screen.
“You already made coffee?” Opal asked.
The brunette nodded and motioned her head towards the almost full pot.  “Yeah, cause I didn’t have to get up at a stupid time in the morning to talk to my internet boyfriend.”
Opal rolled her eyes. “Amber, it’s not that bad.”
“Really, Opie? What time did you get out of bed this morning?” she asked, her eyebrow peaked.
Opal sighed. “Six.” Amber shook her head.  “It’s not normal. How long have you been ‘dating’ this dude?” she asked, emphasizing her point with air quotes and all.
“Almost a year, but he and I are finally meeting. We’re going to meet in Atlanta for DragonCon. It’s a halfway point between us, we figured it would be neutral territory,” Opal explained.
“Is Con really ‘neutral’? You’d live at a con if you could.”
Opal ignored her comment. As far as she was concerned, it was neutral… and certainly big enough to get lost in the crowd if things didn’t go well. She certainly didn’t want to bring him around her house if Amber planned to be there to scare him away.
Opal continued with a light, dreamy sigh. “It’s going to be super exciting. I’m ready to meet Hank. He is a fantastic guy; he is kind, funny, loves his family.”
“Sounds like you’re describing a labrador. Next thing, you’re going to tell me he is loyal and in love with you,” Amber replied, shaking her head. “You can’t be in love with someone you have never met in person.”
Maybe Amber was right, after all. How much could someone truly know a person from what they say alone? It’s merely a facet of who they are. Actions were also huge, and he had not yet proven anything to Opal in that category.
But still, Opal was sure Hank was different. She’d had a lot of online boyfriends throughout her life--her life revolved around the computer, so it was only natural. And comparing all the other examples with her current love interest, this just felt different. Like… it might actually be real.
“You can love their heart, and I adore him. He is pretty great. I’m just hoping he’s the one.” Opal grinned.  “We would have an amazing story to tell our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids.”
Amber pressed her lips together into a terse line and returned to whatever was on her phone. “Well, when this all bursts in your face, Opie, you just come home to me and remember that I love you no matter what.”
Opal smiled. “I know, Amber. You’ll pick up all the pieces. But I don’t think that’s going to happen with him. I don’t know. He’s different.”
“Does he know?” Amber asked, the cup of coffee close to her mouth.
“Um... know what?” Opal asked.
“That you’re not some skinny bimbo?” Amber asked, motioning in her direction. Amber’s eyes scanned her body slowly, critically. “All the people on the internet have this idealized image in their head that the person they’re talking to is Giselle Bundchen, not Ashely Graham or Tess Holliday.”
“They are both gorgeous and many men are in love with them,” Opal defended. “And they’re both married.”
Amber shrugged. “I’m just preparing you for it, if it happens. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
This conversation, though, was hurting her. Hank wasn’t the direct cause of it, just a reason for Amber to start this. She knew Amber had her best interests at heart--no friend wants their friend to get hurt--but the way she achieved her goals, and the words she used, were not nice.
Opal sighed. “Look, he knows I’m fat. He knows I have curves and I’m not a size two. He and I have had several conversations about the fact I’m not some little skinny thing. He said he adores my heart, and he doesn’t care what kind of body it comes in.”
He also said he preferred thick women because he didn’t feel like he was going to break them when things got… athletic. But Amber didn’t need to hear that, either.
“My god, if that isn’t a line,” Amber scoffed.
Opal shrugged. “Amber, stop! Your thinly veiled attempt to fat shame me isn’t going to work. I’m going to go to Atlanta, I’m going to meet him, and I may even sleep with him.”
Amber rolled her eyes. “You won’t have sex with him. You’re a 32-year-old virgin.”
Opal shrugged. “You know, stranger things have happened.” She twisted the top on her thermos. “I’m going to be late for work, I’ll see you later.”
She walked back into the living room, removed the cat from his perch, picked up her bag and headed out the door to work. As she walked the block to the bus stop, she pulled her phone out and put on the playlist Hank had built her. She smiled as the songs began to play, each one having a special meaning to both of them. He was always adding new songs with little notes about why he added them.
These little love notes never failed to make her happy again. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if they ever stopped.
She knew what Amber said shouldn’t bother her as much as it did, but she was self-conscious. Her body had always been something that set her apart and had made her shy when it came to men. Of all the potential dates she’d had with online boyfriends, she had only been on three real dates in her adult life. All of them turned tail and ran once she said she was a virgin. So for those very few that were able to get past the body issue, those three considered her lack of experience to be insurmountable.
Hank didn’t make her feel like that. He didn’t seem to care, or if he did, it wasn’t a deal-breaker. If her lack of experience didn’t do it, there was a very real possibility that her other image issues would be the end of it.
When she arrived at the bus stop and sat down, Opal made the decision to push Amber’s nagging voice out of her head. She wasn’t going to let Amber break her confidence. Hank adored her, for who she was, and that was all that mattered.
She turned her music all the way up to block out the self-doubt and scrolled through her playlist, looking for her favorites. At the bottom of the list, added only a few minutes before, was a new song. Opal giggled and clicked on the song, closing her eyes to listen to the electronic 80s synth and Richard Marx croon, “Right Here Waiting.”
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kykyonthemoon · 4 years
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The Dreamweaver
Name: KyKy
Nicknames: Ky, Moon Moon (by Chime)
Rank: S
Class: Soul Dancer
Age: 20 (in most fic)
Gender: Female
D.O.B: Oct, 18
Star sign: Libra
Blood type: AB
Ethnicity: Asian 
Affiliations: Cassell College, Lionheart
Colors: gold, white
Appearance: a short, slim girl with dark hair and dreamy amethyst eyes that change into golden while using EX Skills. Her appearance may give people the impression of harmless, innocent girl, though she’s actually a powerful S-rank hybrid.
Traits: Peacemaker - Spirited - Righteous Ally
KyKy is a dreamer. She’s very creative and daydreams a lot. That’s why she enjoys reading and writing fictions. She’s curious and often gets lost in her own thoughts. She’s a romantic - the type that always makes up a perfect love story in her mind; and an idealistic who sees the world in bright colors.
She might be quiet and distant at first, but she’s actually very sweet. She cares a lot about her friends and loved ones. She’s also sensitive, compassionate and kind. She hopes to use her healing power to help everyone in need. 
She gets shy easily and be speechless. Her friends find that expression cute and often tease her a lot, especially when it comes to her love interest. She can be very clumsy and forgetfull too.
However, KyKy is not always a bright sunflower. She’s very insecure and can be over-dramatic at times. When she’s in a bad mood, she might close herself off to everyone. She doubts herself a lot.
Reading and writing stories - She wants to become a writer one day
Cooking (though she often leaves a mess in the kitchen)
Fears: Darkness, nightmares, being left behind and being forgotten
-She has soul dancer’s skills and talents. -Her power is related to the Moon, therefore, she gets extremely weak on moonless nights, and most powerful during full moon.
-She can enter and alter a person’s dreams (for example: turning a nightmare into a good dream) by touching them or finding them in the dreamworld. -KyKy’s Special EX Skills:
Lullaby: Soothes one’s mind and puts the target to sleep.
Dreamweaver’s Dance: Performs a dance with the gemini and turns the illusions in her dream into reality for a short amount of time. Costs a large amount of Vitality. Cannot be used without The Golden Thread of Dreams. (This skill is like a summoning ritual. She uses it to call upon mythical creatures that aid her in battle.)
Sleepwalk: The Golden Thread creates a portal, connecting dreams and let her travel to a chosen destination. This is a very hard-to-master skill that costs an enormous amount of Vitality. It is not recommended to use without supervision (from Cassell). Without high concentration, the she might be lost between realms and erased from existence.
-Gemini: Gemini might not take the exact image of the soul dancer, but it can be the image of what the soul dancer loves, or deeply connected to. KyKy’s gemini is a spirit came from the dreamworld. It connects to her soul and guides her. The gemini has two forms: one is astral (a mirror image of the soul dancer - as seen in game); and one is physical (the gemini becomes a living creature - other people, beside the soul dancer, can interact with it too). KyKy’s gemini is called Midnight, and it often stays in the physical shape of a cat.
-The Golden Thread of Dreams: Like most soul dancers, KyKy doesn’t use a weapon. But she has a small golden thread tied on her wrist. The thread is endless and made of countless tiny threads, each of them represents a beautiful dream she has encountered (could be her dreams or others’.) The thread is believed to have a connection to her heart and soul. It is also the soul link of a soul dancer. KyKy ties the thread to the one she wants to share a soul link with (and gives them buffs in battle~) The thread can be used as a weapon, or to perform special EX Skills. It cannot be cut by most weapons, and if cut, it will take time to regain power from dreams.
Her bloodline from her mother’s side was very pure, but the clan could not maintain their bloodline, and the later generations have lost their powers. KyKy’s mother was an S-ranked soul dancer. She wanted a normal life, so she changed her name and married KyKy’s father - who is only C-ranked. She lost their unborn child and blamed herself for not being able to save it with her healing power. She never uses her power again.
KyKy inherited her mother’s bloodline. Feared that her daughter would have a tough life of an S-rank, or met the tragedies like her before, she faked her blood test report and found away to suppress KyKy’s power. This caused her power to be unstable.
Brought up in a small town as a normal girl, KyKy was not aware of her powers. When she was in middle school, she started seeing illusions from her dreams becoming real, walking into other places she had never been to. Her wounds from daily activities seemed to heal very quickly too. Yet her mother refused to tell her the truth.
After graduating high school, her powers got out of control. Cassell College found her and offered a special scholarship for the S-ranked. She confronted her mother again and was told the truth. Her parents prevented her from going to Cassell, and warned her about the harsh life, the dangerous missions that they might put her through. KyKy managed to put her parents to sleep, using her new-found special power. She left a letter for them to apologize and ask for their understanding. Eventually, she was able to talk things out with her parents and they let her stay in Cassell.
-Good friends:
Cery (@4-komacery’s MC): roommate - best friend. They met on the train to Cassell and Cery signed up for KyKy to join Lionheart with her (while KyKy had no idea about it.) The two are at the same age. Their traits are different, but they share a lot in common; like arts, creativity, food, fashion,... KyKy often forgets her stuffs, and Cery always has to remind her. She loves to tease KyKy about her crush too. They know almost all of each other’s secrets.
Johann: senior - book buddy. Johann often gives KyKy books to read, although most of them are non-fiction and completely not her cup of tea (she never tells him that.) KyKy knows how crazy her friend Cery is over Johann, and she’s very supportive of their realtionship. KyKy hangs out with him more after he becomes Cery’s boyfriend.
Chisei Gen: beach buddy. They share an undying love for the beach and sunshines. At first, KyKy was mad at Chisei for leaving her team at the bottom of the sea, and what he did to Chime. But as she gets to know him more, she thinks he’s a good friend. She literally goes out of her way to help the brothers reconcile.
NoNo: senior - fashion guru. 
Caesar: senior - sometimes like a big brother to her.
Finger: senior - cooking buddy.
Luminous: seniors - anime friend.
Erii Uesegi: shopping/gaming buddy.
EVA & Adam: KyKy greets them every day in the office. She actually likes talking to them.
Vinya: book buddy. KyKy likes to spend time in the library. She also helps Vinya with tidying up the place, sorting books and cleaning the telescopes.
Chime Gen: KyKy met Chime when they were kids in the dreamworld. She thought he was just her imagination (x) and promised to find him if he’s real. They parted when Chime became a devil (Ruri Kazama) and stabbed by Chisei. She has been looking for him ever since, without remembering his name. She doesn’t know he’s Ruri Kazama until later.
Ruri Kazama: On her mission to Japan, KyKy meets Ruri. She always has a feeling that he’s someone she knew before. Later, she finds out that he’s the one she’s been looking for. But she’s confused and hurt because Ruri doesn’t seem to remember Chime’s dreams with her in the past. 
Dragon Lord Ruri Kazama: KyKy is frightened of this form of him. But she still believes he can regain control and break away from Osho’s grip. She uses her power to help him even though she might get hurt. Eventually, she succeeds and he’s able to remember the past dreams with her.
They might seem to be opposite, but they have a very deep connection, like dark and light intertwining. Her cheerfulness and healing power calm him and get him through darkness, while he protects her like the night sky embracing the moon (hence they call each other “night sky” and “moon moon” - silly, I know!) They’re both crazy about the other, but they don’t know that yet. 
Masterlist: x
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
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A/N: Aaand we’re back to our favorite leader! Please tell me your opinions and just enjoy this “calm before the storm” chapter. Check out the teaser for the next one in my masterlist!
Admin: Heather
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It all felt wrong. The Dreamworld always had this eerie atmosphere that made you feel uneasy, but now it seemed even more unsettling. Like the whole space was bracing itself and anticipating. What? You had no clue. But in current circumstances something was bound to happen.
A slender girl with flowy hair and serene features didn’t sound like a big threat. But her presence contributed to your worries. Yoohyeon was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. Pastel colors of her clothes emphasized the peaceful physique. She had been in this catatonic state for a few days now, ever since Sua found her unconscious body. All details were unknown to you, because Handong was relentless in her “not doing shady nightmare stuff” policy. That’s why you had to do everything on your own.
“You don’t give up easily.” You stiffened, startled. No matter how many horrors you encountered, this voice always made you freeze.
“Jiu.” Almost without making a sound, the girl stood slightly behind you. Always keeping her distance while overpowering you effortlessly.
“I could have seen it coming. You seemed pretty shaken after the scene in the cafeteria.”
Her tone didn’t betray a single emotion. There was no way to guess what was going through her mind. You risked a quick glance in her direction. Her eyes were focused on Yoohyeon’s still form. Her hair turned black and one part was cut shorter. Only her expression didn’t change a bit. Still the same enigmatic and beautiful features.
“You don’t talk much.” Jiu’s gaze switched to you, taking you by surprise. What was even more unusual was the fact that you didn’t feel endangered like during every other conversation. Yes, it felt like she was reading your deepest thoughts, but her demeanor didn’t seem openly threatening.
“Don’t know what to say.” Maintaining eye contact was overwhelming, so you opted for watching Yoohyeon. “Everything happened so suddenly.”
“From your perspective at least.” You waited for some kind of continuation, but nothing came. Jiu always liked speaking in puzzles. Asking her directly wouldn’t get you anywhere and also seemed to be unreasonable. You had some kind of unspoken respect for Jiu. If she didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t ask.
You stood in silence and for some reason it felt right. It was a cathartic experience to stand in such close proximity to Jiu without planning an escape route. In other setting, her presence could be even considered soothing.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell her.”
This was unexpected. You looked at her again in question.
“If you’re talking about Chaeyoung, she’s not a part of this anymore.” You knew she was aware of the involvement of the short girl. Clarification on that matter could keep your friend safe. Even if you two weren’t exactly on speaking terms.
“Not her.” She turned her head in your direction. “Handong.”
“Oh.” Of course Handong made sure to let everyone know you weren’t welcome in Dreamworld. “Thank you, that’s very nice of-“
You didn’t get to finish expressing your gratitude. You looked at your phone and checked the time. Still an hour left, you could sleep a bit more and maybe even talk to Jiu. Fortunately, you fell asleep as soon as you closed your eyes. What you weren’t expecting was to wake up after an hour of dreamless sleep.
 Looking like a creepy stalker was the last thing you cared about. You couldn’t stop observing Jiu, who was standing by her locker and talking with Sua. None of the girls seemed to notice your burning gaze or they were ignoring your whole existence. It’s been two days since your last visit in Dreamworld and it drove you insane. It was obvious that while Jiu assured that she won’t tell Handong, she also made sure to block you from entering their dimension in any way.
“It wasn’t always like this.”
You looked around to find the source of the voice, but no one was even looking in your direction. Maybe you accidently overheard someone’s conversation. Or you were going crazy from inability to learn more about Yoohyeon’s situation. What the hell happened to her?
“It was an accident.”
Again, searching for the person speaking was fruitless. Maybe you really were insane.
“She didn’t mean to.”
“Who is she? And what did she do?” you muttered under your breath to avoid weird looks. No one answered. Of course, you were imagining things again. And you couldn’t even seek for answers in Dreamworld.
“No one is safe.”
You knew that voice.
“Time is running out.”
You knew it too well.
Of course.
You turned your gaze up and bravely locked eyes with Jiu.
“Tik tok.”
Someone slammed their locker door and you jumped at the sudden noise. When you calmed down, Jiu and Sua were gone and Chaeyoung stood next to their previous spot with a frown on her face. You composed yourself and made your way towards the classroom. After you were sure Chaeyoung couldn’t see you anymore, you changed track and bolted to the exit. You had a mission to accomplish.
The sole idea of being alone in the mansion should seem repulsive. But truth be told, you didn’t feel scared anymore. Sure, the hallways were dark and kind of eerie looking. Even though you couldn’t help but remember everything that happened in the last couple weeks. You’ve been through so much because of this place. You came here for answers and you will get them. No matter what happens. You just had to avoid the girls and not get into trouble. Simple.
Finding Dong-hyuk’s working room took you less time than before. Unfortunately, a big part of his evidence was taken by Chaeyoung last time you were here and there was no way in hell or heaven that you would ask her for these notes. You had to work with whatever was left. The first thing that caught your attention was a stack of old looking papers, so you approached it without much hope. To be honest, research was never your strong point. You were much less organized than Chaeyoung and could never make notes as neat as hers. Of course, you were able to do some basic review of gathered information, but it required much focus.
“Damn!” you yelped after the books you accidentally knocked from the table hit the floor with a loud thud. You kneeled down to pick them up, cursing your clumsiness. When you were standing back up, you got startled again. Handong’s face appeared in the mirror and her eyes scanned the room.
“Y/N?” her tone made you wince. It was clear she was dead serious and nothing could redeem you if she noticed you were here. Disregarding her warnings would shatter the fragile bit of trust she offered you, which would ruin the progress you made in your case. So you slid behind an armchair without standing up to stay away from her vision.
“Y/N, I know you’re here.” Handong didn’t sound irritated, more exhausted. “Please just go home. It’s not safe for you.”
You felt a pang of guilt. As much as you kept stating that her concern was just a plan to make you let your guard down, you couldn’t push away the feeling of attachment. It probably meant you were setting yourself for a heartbreak, but Handong just had this effect on you.
“As long as we have each other.”
That was NOT Handong’s voice. It resonated in your head like a secret message meant only for your ears. Not as much as by the lockers when you could swear Jiu was the one messing with you.
“This is not a game.”
“Can’t argue with that.” You thought and started looking for a way out. Waiting for Handong to go away could take a lot of time and you couldn’t waste any more minutes. Then you noticed that another mirror was right behind you. You didn’t know how long would it take for Handong to move from one mirror to another, but covering as many as you could was the safest bet. You took your jacket off quietly and placed in on the object.
“Time is running out.”
“Yeah, I can imagine.” Maybe talking to the nonexistent voice bordered on insanity, but it couldn’t be that bad if you did it inside your head.
You risked a peek from behind the armchair. Handong was still there looking around like a hawk. You had to make her change position. So you decided to use your biggest strength – destruction. Moving to the left, you nudged a tall flowerpot to make it fall. A loud crash of shattered ceramic startled the girl in the mirror.
“Y/N?!” she inquired and tried to take a better look. You got ready behind the armchair and waited. Finally, she disappeared and you could hear a confused gasp from another side of the room. That was your cue to run. You bolted out of the room and sprinted down the hallway, trying to avoid any reflective surfaces.
“Running won’t save you.”
She was probably right, but that didn’t make you stop.
“Why would you do that?”
That or getting scolded by an angry, attractive nightmare lady. Wasn’t hard to choose.
“I’m sorry.”
“I couldn’t protect you.”
What was she talking about?
”I’ll wait for you.”
Was she even talking to you?
“I’ll fight for you.”
Probably not.
“Get out.”
That was some serious case of mixed signals.
“Leave us alone!”
Too late for that.
And then she turned silent. You stopped and leaned against the wall panting. Your mind was racing and heart pounding way to fast. Putting the pieces of your mind conversation gave you a headache. It didn’t seem like the person was talking to you. She seemed angry, frustrated and miserable. But also her words had some kind of vulnerability to them. Maybe even remorse.
“Are you in here?” you tried to contact the voice with your thoughts, but it didn’t work. To be honest, you didn’t expect it to.
Quick observation let you know that you were currently near the main staircase, right above the big door. If anything happened, you had an easy way out. There weren’t any mirrors nearby, so Handong couldn’t get you. The downside was that you had no way to go back to the research room and get the notes or your jacket before leaving. There had to be some other-
“Where are you?”
You turned around and saw a girl standing right next to the you and looking down on the ground floor. Wait.. not any girl.
“Yoohyeon?” the words left your mouth without a second thought, but she didn’t seem to hear them. She hurried down the stairs and you had no other option than to follow her.
It was jarring to see her like this, smiling brightly and dressed in a colorful outfit after witnessing her in the catatonic state with no discernible face expression. Yoohyeon skipped through the rooms and you couldn’t help, but notice the change in your surroundings. There was no sign of passed time on any furniture. The sun was shining through the colorful curtains, covering everything with a warm hue. You followed the carefree girl and tried to remember as many details as possible. The manor didn’t seem chilling anymore. It felt like home.
Yoohyeon stopped in front of another girl, dressed in a matching outfit. A uniform maybe? The girl turned to her with a flip of red hair and your breath stopped for a moment. It was Jiu, but at the same time not Jiu at all. You knew her as a powerful, mysterious leader of the nightmare bunch. In front of you however was a bright girl, looking at her friend with sparkling eyes.
“Come on!” Yoohyeon rushed her playfully. “Bora made lunch.” She took Jiu’s hand and ran away with her. It took you a while to get over the bizarre sight. Were you in an alternative universe or something? There was no other explanation for what just happened. Jiu’s laughter, one of the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard by the way, echoed through the hallway. You watched her disappear around the corner and headed in that direction.
The table in the dining room was laid for seven people and two seats were already occupied. You saw Handong talking to a girl you didn’t recognize. Their voices were quiet, but that didn’t seem out of character for either of them and the soft smiles let you know that they cared for each other deeply.
“Coming through!” A small, cute girl crashed into someone you recognized as Siyeon. It was hard to identify her without a piercing stare and that dangerous smirk of hers. Her eyes turned into narrow creases when she smiled at her friend giving her a back hug. The scene was so heartwarming and weird at the same time. What was going on here?
“Singnie cuddle pile!” an all too familiar voice cheered right next to your ear and Bora darted past you to jump on Siyeon from the front. The girl grunted and tried to look displeased, but her grin betrayed her. Jiu leaned her chin on the top of Handong’s head and a warm smile spread on her face. She looked so peaceful. But wait-
Where was Yoohyeon?
“Y/N!” Jiu dragged you by the hand and ran through the halls. You blinked a couple times in confusion. She wasn’t in her uniform anymore and her hair was black again.
“Jiu?” Dumb question, of course it was her. “What is going on?”
“Run!” she called and picked up her pace. You had to admit, she was fast for someone running in a chic suit. Only Jiu can probably pull that off.
She led you through the corridors without stopping even once. Surprisingly, that didn’t bother you at all. Maybe you got fit? No, you probably never left the Dreamworld in the first place. More probable. But how could that happen? Did this place had layers or something? Or like different dimensions? You should have seen that coming probably, but it didn’t change the fact that it was weird to experience it firsthand.
Jiu turned suddenly and almost made you lose your balance. You stumbled a bit, struggling to keep up with her. Especially, that she clearly knew where she was going and you had no idea how to navigate through the dark halls. Somehow, everything got even more shadowy. Or maybe it was just the contrast with previous setting. You were already starting to miss the happy Jiu. She was so bright and looking like sunshine embodied. This Jiu had this dark aura that made you intimidated, but also was extremely captivating. She was like a black blooming rose-
And then she smashed the mirror.
“Don’t stop!” she commanded and continued running. Trying not to trip on the broken glass, you followed her slightly taken aback. Why did she break it?
Another crash could be heard as Jiu slammed her fist into the next mirror, slowing down only a bit. She did that a couple times more and it made you a bit concerned. Could that hurt her? It was a dream, but did that matter? And what about Handong? What if she was in the mirror in that moment?
“Why are you doing this?” you winced after another smash. “Is this about Handong?”
Jiu let out a little dry chuckle and stopped.
“Handong is not a problem, Y/N.” she looked around and her eyes narrowed. “Go downstairs.”
“What about you?”
“Just go.” She ordered and resumed her sprint. You wouldn’t dare disobeying her, so you descended the stairs and moved forwards. What were you supposed to do now? Leave the building? Get help? Stay there?
You decided to keep moving and think later. Maybe some inspiration would strike you without any warning. Hopefully, only inspiration.
The mansion was back to its unwelcoming nature. But you could swear that it seemed even more hostile and dark than before. It seemed like whatever was going on with Yoohyeon, made everything go deeper into the nightmare. And Jiu was probably trying to stop that. At least you hoped so.
You passed the dining room and looked at the table. It looked horrible without the happy crowd surrounding it. The absence of girls made this place void of any happiness and colors. The only thing left was emptiness. Hollow and dark silence that couldn’t be filled with anything. Not wanting to get into a funk, you turned around only to notice Yoohyeon walking through the corridor. You looked back at the table. None of the girls seemed to notice her absence, all caught up in their carefree world. Yoohyeon cast a quick glance behind and started walking faster.
You followed her back to the place when she found Jiu. She was kneeling in front of a jar and looking at it with curiosity. After a close look, you noticed a white spider sitting in the glass container. Yoohyeon tapped the wall a little and looked in the direction of others again. No one went after her.
“Why did you do that?”
The voice took you by surprise, but didn’t make you take your eyes off Yoohyeon. Something seemed wrong and you wanted to know what was she going to do.
“It all started here.”
A smirk ghosted Yoohyeon’s face, but it didn’t look like her previous smile. It was more mischievous than cheerful. She looked like a child wanting to cause some trouble.
“Such a small thing.”
She took the magnifying glass from behind her back and put it up, turning it to find the best angle. Was she trying to… No it was impossible. Right?
“It was a mistake”
A small cloud of smoke started rising from the jar as the sun rays illuminated the spider. Yoohyeon’s smile grew wider as the small creature burned in its glass prison.
“We still pay the price.”
After finishing her job, Yoohyeon got up and hid the magnifying glass in one of the drawers. Then she turned towards the dining room with the same weird smile. It lasted only for a second before fading back to her bright grin.
“Help us.”
You were staring at the table in stunned silence. Everything was back to normal. There was no jar, no Yoohyeon, no spider. Just an old piece of furniture.
“So now you know.” Even though you should have expected her, you still jumped a bit.
“Did you show me this?” you asked and turned to face her. Jiu nodded.
“You deserve to know the truth. And you were determined to learn it no matter the consequences.”
She had a point. Still, the fact that Jiu made effort to help you learn this vital piece of information was astonishing. Almost like two made some progress together.
“That’s why Yoohyeon is… like that.” The girl sighed and looked at the table. Pain ghosted her face as she nodded.
“The curse, our curse started here.” She explained. “When Yoohyeon burned my spider.”
That made some sense. Yoohyeon didn’t look like herself at that moment. She could have been possessed and started this whole mess that you got tangled in for some reason. And now she was immobilized in the mansion.
“You wanted me to come here?” you had to know. “I heard your voice in school. It sounded like a call for help.
Jiu looked conflicted. As if she was judging whether to trust you or not. The slight hesitation made her seem a little bit more human. She was afraid of making a mistake. She couldn’t let anything happen again.
“Y/N, the Dreamworld is a very complex place.” She started and you nodded slowly. “You encountered me three times today.”
“Was all of them you?” that sounded a bit odd, but there was no other way to word it. Jiu seemed to understand your intention.
“The first one was just a memory. A shadow of the past, sealed in the passed time. You couldn’t change anything there, it’s just a projection.”
“Like a flashback?” Something similar to approval shone in Jiu’s eyes. It made you feel warm inside.
“Exactly. Then we were in Dreamworld.”
“Running through the hallways.” You interrupted. “But something wasn’t right. It didn’t feel the same way like before.”
You didn’t mention that “before” meant the times where she chased you through the same mansion you were in now. It seemed like eternity passed since these days. Back then it was just a strange dream that kept returning.
“Our first encounter was in your dream.” Jiu tapped her fingers on the small table. “I just entered it like we do with many people.”
“Why?” It may have been an insensitive question, but you really wanted to understand. Jiu smiled a little.
“It’s what we do, Y/N. That’s just who we are.”
“That the point!” you exclaimed and quickly calmed down. “Who are you?
The girl glanced away from you. The conflicted expression returned to her features. You prayed she would actually explain everything.
“We are nightmares.” You knew that part already, but you didn’t interrupt. “When Yoohyeon killed an innocent creature… we all had to pay for that. It’s our curse.”
“But you are here. So you have to be mortal right?”
Jiu tilted her head a bit.
“Kind of.” She sighed. “We don’t have the time for details, Y/N and it’s better for you not to know too much.”
Of course. All of this again. Everyone had to protect the poor, little Y/N from evil. Well, it was too late for that. You were in this, whether they wanted it or not. And you weren’t going to give up.
“How can I help you if I don’t know what’s wrong?”
“You can’t help us.” Jiu tried to sound firm, but her voice shook a little. This whole situation was a huge weight for her. “Just like I couldn’t help her.”
That was when you got it. Jiu felt guilty. For not stopping Yoohyeon, not protecting her, not stopping the curse and becoming a nightmare. She wanted to fix this, to save everyone and finally forgive herself.
“But I want to.” You looked her in the eye. “I want to help you, Jiu. All of you.”
She looked at you without any ice in her glare. She seemed as exhausted and terrified as you, but was way better at hiding it. The girls needed your help and you wanted to solve this case and bring them peace. Finish something that Dong-hyuk couldn’t.
“Oh, one more thing.” You added. “What happened to that investigator.”
Jiu’s gaze hardened and you stiffened a bit.
“He wanted to learn about our curse and make us disappear for his own benefit.” She spat. “But it was a huge mistake on his part. He caused us a lot of trouble, though. Capturing Sua, sending those freaks after Siyeon and Yoohyeon.”
“He did all of this?” you were shocked. Suddenly it felt wrong to compare yourself to that guy. He was ruthless and only wanted to gain something from the girls’ tragedy.
“Yes. But we got rid of him pretty quickly.” She smiled. “And gained enough power to switch places with him.”
You didn’t want to ask for details now, but made a mental note to keep this question for later.
“Can I take his papers?” you asked carefully. “It could save me a lot of work.”
Jiu raised her brows subtly.
“I thought your friend took everything.”
Mentioning Chaeyoung made your heart sting a little. You still had to make things right with her and it was eating you from the inside. Jiu noticed that and motioned for you to go and collect whatever you needed.
You entered the room and quickly gathered everything and put it in your backpack. Nothing was left and the room looked much better without the papers laying around. On your way out, you noticed the jacket draped across the mirror. Thankfully, Handong wasn’t waiting under it to give you a piece of her mind.
Jiu was still in the hallway when you came back. She was looking through a window at the setting sun. You stood next to her, not sure what to do.
“Did you get everything?” she asked without looking at you. You patted your packed bag.
“I think so.” You were once again left together in silence and for some reason it felt right. Maybe Jiu was warming up a little. “I want to help you, Jiu, I really-
“Minji.” She interrupted and turned her eyes to you.
“Excuse me?” you whispered in surprise. Your heart started fluttering under her gaze.
“My name is Minji.” She repeated and moved her eyes back at the window.
You also looked in that direction with a familiar warmth spreading on your cheeks. Yes, Jiu- Minji was definitely warming up a little.
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swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.27
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Henry's Dreamscape. Kingdom of Valencia. The Bottle Yard. (Queen Madelena and Gareth enter the tavern in the middle of a brawl. Upon spotting their king and queen however, the patrons settle themselves.) Bearded Man: "Crown!" Queen Madelena: “So, how does this whole bar-fight thing work?” Gareth: “Well, usually, we have a pint or two. And then I catch someone looking at me, I insult his mother, and then away we go.” Queen Madelena: “Oh, good. Let's start. (Looks around:) Oh. What about him? He gave you a momentary glance.” Gareth: “Mm. Did he? (Walks over and shoves the man:) Oi! You got a problem?” Bald Man: “Uh, none at all, uh, Your Highness.” Queen Madelena: “Well, you should. King Gareth just called your mother a two-bit hussy.” Bald Man: “Oh, uh, right you are, My King! My mother is a hussy. In fact, she's the biggest hussy in the land.” Bald Man’s Mother: “Indeed, I am, your grace!” Man 2: (Stands:) “My mother sells herself, as well, Your Majesty.” Man 3: “Mine too! Filthiest woman in the whole red-candle district.” Man 4: “My father's a hussy!” (Soon all the patrons are shouting indistinctly. Annoyed, Gareth turns and leaves, Madelena following him out of the tavern.) Enchanted Forest. Past. (David and his faithful dog, Wilby, are walking through the woods on their way to Longbourn.) David: (Notices something in the dog’s mouth:) “What did you find, Wilby? A cup. Why don't you let me hold your treasure? Come on. We got to get to Longbourn before dark. (The dog whimpers and returns the way it came:) Wilby! Wilby! (Follows:) Wilby! Wilby! (Barking:) Wilby!” (The dog leads him to a wagon, standing alone in the forest.) Peddler: (Stepping out from behind a tree:) “Can I help you?” David: (Turns to face him:) “Oh, sorry to intrude. My dog got something into his head.” Peddler: “Say, that's my cup you have there. Went over a bump a while back and dropped it. I thought it was lost. Not good for a traveling merchant to be so careless with his goods.” David: “Well, that explains it then. Wilby must've gotten the scent of it. My mother says he's a bloodhound in a sweater. (Hands over the cup:) Sorry it's a little battered.”
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Peddler: “Oh, that's all right. Worth it to see such a fine animal like this. (Crouches down to pet the dog:) You are a fine little fella, aren't you? (Chuckles:) Made camp here last night so no brigands would find me.” David: “Brigands?” Peddler: (Stands:) “Oh, yes. I usually never travel this road alone. Say, which way are you headed?” David: “To Longbourn.” Peddler: “Fate has smiled upon our heads. That's exactly where I'm headed. Perhaps we can travel together? My name’s Gabriel.” David: “David. (They shake hands:) That sounds fine.” Gabriel: “Hop on up. I'm eager to get started for the day.” (While David heads to the front of the wagon, Gabriel opens the back, revealing several large chains, armour and axes.) Elsewhere In The Forest. (Blue, still in her human form, walks alongside Snow White.) Blue Fairy: “Do you really have to go, Princess Snow? The fairies can help you. Surely there is a way other than leaving your home.” Snow White: “Home is where your family is, and by now, that's pretty much just the woman who's trying to kill me.” Blue Fairy: “There's an old fairy saying. If someone believes in you, you are never alone. All the people love you.” Snow White: (Scoffs:) “Love.” Blue Fairy: “Love is the most powerful magic in the world.” Snow White: “Really? You know that brooch I sold? My father gave that to my mother because he loved her. She treasured it because it was from him. After she died, you know what he did? He gave it to Regina because he loved her, too. She treated it like trash. His love meant everything to my mother and nothing to my step-mother. See, love doesn't hold its value. The only thing that's maintained its value this entire time is the brooch, and I can't afford to invest in anything less. (Holds up a pouch:) This? This can buy me something that can actually change my life... a ticket out of here. (They hug:) Goodbye, Blue.” Blue Fairy: “Be careful. Danger can look harmless at first.” Henry's Dreamscape. (Ella, Richard & Roberta ride upon their one remaining horse when it stops walking.) Richard: “It stopped. This is what happened to the last one.” Ella: “Okay, okay. Let's just try giving it a kick. It worked before. One, two, three. Kick.” (They all attempt to prod the horse into walking, but the animal does not want to move:) Great.” Richard: “It's useless. (They all climb off the horse:) How could things have gone so bad so quickly? Those stupid bats ate all our food. We all got the same cold. Worst of all...” Ella: “Please don't say it again.” Richard: “We had to eat that family of hobbits.” Roberta: “Ugh. Richard, look, I'm sorry we had to eat hobbits. But we didn't have a choice. We're starving.”
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Richard: (Notices a signpost up ahead:) “Hold on a minute. ‘Sir Arnold Galavant’s Swordsmanship School.’ Huh. This sounds promising.” Ella: “Uh... No. (They turn to face her:) We don’t have time to enroll you in some sword fighting class, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Richard: “Why ever not? Neither of you two have managed to train me.” Ella: “That’s because we’re always too busy fighting off bandits who want to rob and kill us while you scream like a little girl.” Richard: “That is not- (Glances at Roberta:) Okay, fine. But it’s a school. At the very least they’ll have food.” Roberta: (Pleading:) “We ate hobbits.” Ella: “No, we have to keep moving. Look, I'm sure we could find a warm bed and a nice meal in literally any other direction. (They turn to look at other signposts. One reads ‘Nothing for 20 miles’. Another reads ‘Nothing for 50 miles’ and the last simply says ‘This way to certain death’:) Oh, fiddlesticks.” The Land Without Magic. (Emma and Regina are driving back to Storybrooke.) Regina: "So, do you want to talk about what happened back there?" Emma: "What part in particular? The fact that Henry is now trapped in the dreamworld, or the part where we have to ask our friends and family to form an army to save him because we can't?" Regina: "Then you agree, we should stay behind?" Emma: "What? No, I just meant that-" Regina: "Because I think you should seriously consider sitting this one out." Emma: "Me? You're the one who's pregnant here." Regina: "Yes, I'm pregnant, not disabled." Emma: (Winces:) "Look, I'm sorry, but I know what you were gonna say. You think it's a bad idea for me to go through the curse again." Regina: "I saw how you were with Facilier." Emma: "Hey, I did fine with Facilier." Regina: "Only after you realised it wasn't him. I think that speaks volumes." Emma: "I'm not talking about this. I'm going, end of discussion." Regina: (Glares at her, coolly:) "Pull over at the next stop. (At Emma's look:) I have to pee. I’m pregnant, remember?" (Emma nods but says nothing, clearly aware that the discussion is far from over.)
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Storybrooke. Outside Granny’s Diner. (David sits across from Jefferson, a destroyed hat between them.) David: “Can you get me through?” Jefferson: “No.” David: “Can you get them back? Can you get it to work?” Jefferson: (Laughs:) “If you only knew.” David: “Okay, I know you have others so use one of them and take me to wherever Henry and Hook are being held.” Jefferson: “They're in Morpheus’ realm, that's for sure. I just can't go there.” David: “Can’t or won’t?” Jefferson: “I already meddled in Morpheus’ affairs once and it cost me dearly. You can’t win in his world.” David: “So you won't help me?” Jefferson: “My days as a portal jumper are over. I tried to warn you people this would happen and now it has. It’s out of my hands.” David: (Grabbing Jefferson by the scarf:) “I’m not letting you off that easy. How about I just throw you in a cell until you agree to help me?” Jefferson: “Then all we'll do is both sit, thinking of those we’ve lost... Double the pain. Double the suffering.” (Jefferson tips over the table and flees. David chases after him, but is stopped by Lily.) Lily: “David, stop!” David: “Get out of my way!” Lily: “No, what is going on?” David: “He has the way!” Lily: “The way? The way to what?” David: “To saving Henry... (Realising:) And your father.” Lily: “My father? What’s this about?” David: (Sighs:) “Henry and Killian are trapped in the Dream World, and I’m trying to find a way to get to them.” Lily: “And you think the best way to do that is by threatening everyone?” David: “Jefferson’s been there before, he could easily take me there if he wanted to, but he refuses.” Lily: “You want to put your trust in the Mad Hatter’s hat? The rules of that thing change with the wind, it’s far too unstable.” David: “Then what’s your big idea, sheriff?” (Without waiting for an answer, David storms away. Watching him leave, Lily thinks for a moment before getting an idea.)
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Henry's Dreamscape. (The trio arrive outside the swordsmanship school and Ella is still not convinced.) Ella: "Listen, we don't have time for this. I promise to train you myself while we continue our search for an army." Richard: "Unless you can train me while we eat, I'm not interested. (To Roberta:) So hungry." Roberta: "Yeah. (They walk through the gates together:) I wonder if dinner is steak?" Richard: "Hear, hear." (Up ahead, the sound of children can be heard.) Arnold: (Carrying several children:) "Ha ha ha! Ah, greetings! Come in. Boys, make way, make way, make way. Welcome, welcome. (Beckoning them inside:) Come, come, come.” Roberta: “You have a lovely home, sir.” Arnold: “Thank you.” Richard: “You have a lot of children. Your wife must be so sore.” (Roberta hits Richard in the chest chidingly.) Arnold: (Chuckles:) “They're not mine. I run a swordsmanship school for at-risk youth. Have been ever since I retired from the heroics game.” Ella: “A school for children?” Roberta: “Should’ve seen that coming.” (They enter the practice area and are swarmed by more boys.) Arnold: “Hey, boys! Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! One at a time.” The Land Without Magic. Roadside Cafe. (Returning from the bathroom together, Emma walks ahead as Regina takes a seat at a table.) Emma: “David said Jefferson won’t help us, so we’ve got- (Notices Regina isn’t behind her, turns and walks to the table:) What are you doing? We can get a drink to-go.” Regina: “I’m not going anywhere until we talk about this.” Emma: (Pulls out a chair and takes a seat:) “All right, let’s talk.” Regina: “Even if you were willing to relive the curse, you still wouldn’t be able to save Henry.” Emma: “We’ll figure something out. We always do.” Regina: “But that’s just it. Morpheus isn’t going to allow us to share a dreamscape. You’ll be reliving the Black Fairy’s curse and I’ll be god knows where.” Emma: “Then what, Regina? We just give in, let Morpheus rule over us all?” Regina: “At least there’s a chance we’ll still be together.” Emma: “Yeah and there was a chance Hades would’ve lived among us in peace, right up until he killed Robin Hood and almost killed you.”
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Regina: “Fine, then what do you suggest? That we walk blindly into the Dream World and fight Morpheus on his terms?” Emma: “I don’t know what we’re going to do, but I do know that sitting here won’t accomplish anything. (Stands:) So, you coming?” (Regina watches Emma closely, troubled by what lies ahead for them, and for her wife especially.) Henry's Dreamscape. Swordsmanship School. (Richard stands in front of the other students, sword in hand.) Richard: “All right, boys, who's gonna train me? (The boys stand in a line and all draw their own swords:) Oh. (One boy steps forward, twirling his sword menacingly:) Oh! Watch the face! What's wrong with you? (They begin to train:) Good Lord.” (Watching from above are Ella and Roberta.) Ella: “You know, there was a time when I would've paid good money to see this.” Roberta: “It's nice that he's good with kids, though.” Richard: (From below:) “Why, you little... Come here, come here! Ow! Ow! Ow!” Roberta: “Ella, I'm starting to worry that Richard won't be ready when the real battle comes.” Ella: “Careful, Roberta. You're starting to sound like someone who cares for the guy.” Roberta: “In love with him? Me? (Scoffs:) What? I'm not in love with him.” Richard: (From below as the children attack him:) “What's wrong with you people?!” Roberta: “At all.”
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (David and Gabriel continue travelling together through the woods.) David: “I didn't think we'd break so soon.” Gabriel: “Oh, my poor old horse needs a good many breaks. And I like to take a look at the local scenery. Don't think Wilby's complaining, either. (David Chuckles:) Drink up. No more breaks after this. We can make it all the way to Longbourn in one leg.” David: (Takes a drink:) “Thanks.” (David immediately feels woozy, falling to his knees.) Gabriel: “You all right, mate? Oh, mate, you shouldn't take drinks from strangers. (David collapses to the ground, panting. Wilby whimpers:) He's just sleeping. And I have a fun game for you and me to play in the meantime.” Elsewhere In The Forest. (Snow White is walking alone, when she hears a branch snap. Turning quickly, arming herself with a heavy rock, Snow is relieved to see Wilby walking towards her.) Snow White: (Crouching down to greet him:) “Oh, hey. Where did you come from?” (She gasps as an axe lands beside her.) Woodcutter: “I see you met my friend.” Snow White: “The Woodcutter. How did you find me?” Gabriel: (Removing his hood to reveal his face:) “You're nothing but a lost princess. And I came across an excellent sheep dog. They're great at finding strays. They just need to get a scent. (Wilby whimpers and runs off. Snow spits in the Woodcutter’s face, who laughs:) Oh, come on. I'm not gonna kill you. (Grabs her face:) I'm just gonna take you to the queen and get a reward. She'll kill you.”
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
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A/N: It’s finally here! Thank you for waiting this long. Please tell me your thoughts and opinions after reading and check the masterlist for a teaser of the next chapter. Chaeyoung’s journal won’t be updated this time... you’ll see why 
Warnings: Nothing much as usual, maybe a bit more creepy because a big part takes place in the house. 
Admin: Heather
Words: 5.383 (I got really into it ^-^)
Previous chapter Masterlist Next chapter
Just remember as many details as you can. Avoid Jiu and others. Don’t get into trouble.
You walked through the hallways, trying to memorize every room. It was Chaeyoung’s idea to get some information before heading straight to the mansion. She had to physically hold you back from running to the location right after finding the newspaper. It was probably a smart move. Getting lost in here would be a terrible idea.
A loud thud echoed through the hall. It seemed to be far from you though. At least far enough to give you some time to escape. Best case scenario: that’s just wind slamming some door, worst case scenario: Jiu was close and waiting to snap your neck in half or something like that. Maybe not that violent, Jiu has been relatively calm so far. Just some horrifying threats here and there. If someone was to jump you, it was Sua. Hopefully she was busy straddling another helpless person in their dreams.
Another bang could be heard, making you stop in your tracks. It was probably some kind of a lame trap to lure you in that direction in hope that you will rush there like an idiot. Well, if it was true, the girls were genius, because you found yourself following the sound. You couldn’t die in a dream after all. At least you hoped so. Third noise boomed, much closer to you. This probably meant you were heading towards its source. Great. Research was boring anyway. Chaeyoung was probably going to kill you for this, but for now everything was fine. And then you heard piano music.
You turned around. Someone was playing the piano. On the other side of the house. In the middle of the night. In Dreamworld. Nothing suspicious about that. You were captivated by the tune. Whoever was playing, knew what they were doing. Maybe you should check this out? The banging wasn’t audible anymore. You started moving towards the music and heard something swish behind your back. You looked behind
“And then I woke up.” you complained to Chaeyoung. “I hate when this happens.”
Your friend nodded and scribbled something in her notes. Anything could be a useful piece of evidence. She bore the fact that you got distracted. You had a rough concept of the house in your memory.
“Maybe there’s something they want to hide from you.” Chaeyoung inquired. “You probably didn’t wake up on your own. Do you remember that hallway?”
You nodded in confirmation and got ready to leave the bus. According to the map, you just had to walk for a mile to get to the mansion. It was a longer way, but you wanted to go through the forest. Visiting that place was nerve wracking even without getting lost in the woods, but you wanted to check if everything matched with the setting of your dreams. After a long research, you found some information about a paranormal investigator who was supposed to solve one of his cases here. Before he disappeared of course.
“As I’ll ever be.” You answered with a sigh. “Are you sure though? You don’t have to come with me, it’s my mess.”
“Yeah and you’re my mess.” Your friend replied like it was the most obvious thing ever. “Stop moping and let’s do this thing, dork.” You smiled at her antics. Chaeyoung has been giving you endless amount of support this few weeks and you couldn’t even imagine what would happen without her by your side.
“Alright, let’s go.” You commanded and started walking. The sun was getting lower with every second and neither of you wanted to stay there after dusk. 
The forest looked less mysterious than in your dreams. The sun was shining, making it easy to see the way. You kept looking around and Chaeyoung focused on the map. Searching for clues here seemed pointless, but you could never be too cautious. Something important could be here and missing it would be a huge loss.
“Anything familiar?” Chaeyoung prompted. “We’re halfway through.” 
You tried looking harder, but nothing. The place when Sua was kept was nowhere in sight. Neither was the bench when you talked to Siyeon. It must have been the wrong part of the woods or the setting was different in the Dreamworld. You just have looked bummed, cause Chaeyoung patted your back.
“Don’t worry. The forest is pretty big, and we can still find something in the house.”
Hopefully you wouldn’t bump straight into other girls or other horrifying things. Or a serial killer who may coincidentally use the abandoned place as a hideout. Could be harder to overpower than a group of teenage girls.
You reached the mansion much faster than expected. To be honest, you were both dreading and anticipating finally getting to this place. You’ve never seen it from the outside, but somehow you just knew that this was it. There was something unsettling about it.
“I have to admit… this is amazing.” Chaeyoung stated and you couldn’t agree more. The building looked very majestic and impressive. But it was obvious that many decades have passed since its best days. The walls were faded and dull due to the paint job being neglected years ago. Surprisingly, none of the windows were broken or boarded up. Abandoned places were usually an easy target for robbers or bored teenagers, but this house was still standing undamaged.
“Y/N.” your friend nudged you gently. “We should probably start.”
You nodded and approached the massive gate. It looked heavy and for a second you were worried. Of course you were prepared for the gate to be sealed and were ready to climb the fence if necessary. But it might be harder than it seemed, because the entrance was visibly tall. Maybe you should toss Chaeyoung over it like a frisbee?
“Okay, that’s unexpected.” she suddenly stated and for a moment you thought that she read your mind and heard the idea about throwing her over the fence. But then you looked at the gate.
“Open.” you said. “The gate is open.”
In normal circumstances you could consider it a lucky coincidence, but in your current situation it seemed more like a trap.
“You think they are here?” Chaeyoung asked and you shook your head.
“None of the ones we know about.” you checked their schedules before coming here. Jiu had a student council meeting, Sua was cheering at the football game and Siyeon had practice with the band. “Maybe it’s the guy.”
“He seems so shady to me.” Chaeyoung frowned. “He took this whole case and left without a word.”
Ever since you read about Jo Dong-hyuk, a famous paranormal investigator, Chaeyoung was convinced that he blew the case and fled the scene out of shame. You didn’t want to scare her with your speculations, so you kept quiet, but you suspected that his disappearance had a different cause.
“Well, thanks to that dumbass we can enter.” she shrugged and pushed the heavy gate a little more. You followed her and started walking towards the mansion. The closer you got, the more uneasy you felt. However, you pushed that feeling away. Anyone would be stressed while trespassing an abandoned property. But still, something was off and kept bothering you.
When you got to the door, you noticed it was unlocked. You both stopped and looked at each other, wordlessly asking the same question. Chaeyoung leaned closer to the lock and examined it.
“Looks like it was picked.” She announced. “They probably didn’t have the key, so Dong-hyuk had to open it by force. And he did a great job I must say. That guy is a pro.”
You nodded. This was convincing and reasonable, but something was still off. You probably just needed to do what you needed to and leave.
Chaeyoung pushed the door and slid inside, disappearing in the darkness inside. You pushed away all the doubts and forced yourself to take a step forward. Something in your head was still pounding the alarm and telling you to run. It felt as if someone was following your every move and sensing your doubts. However, nothing caught your attention when you looked behind. Gathering your thoughts together, you finally entered the house.
”My god.” You whispered, looking around. You were unable to say more.
”Is this it?” Chaeyoung asked, opening her notebook. You nodded absentmindedly as your eyes darted around the room. You never really paid attention to the setting of your nightmares, so it was hard to stop yourself from staring.
Unkept from the outside house haven’t aged a day on the inside. The only things betraying its age were old-fashioned design and dulled colors. Everything seemed untouched as if waiting for being used again. Like the time stopped here. Like everything fell asleep and was waiting to be awaken again.
”What exactly are we looking for?” your friend interrupted the serene silence and looked at you expectedly. ”I don’t want to push you, but we should decide on our approach and get out as soon as possible. This place isn’t normal.”
She was right, you didn’t have much time. You looked at the stairs and you could swear you noticed a couple girls running down. It took a millisecond and suddenly the only thing left was the lingering sound of their soft laughter.
“You’re right, Chae.” You looked at her with a smile. “It’s not a normal place.”
                                                                     The mansion turned out to be much bigger than expected. Searching through the ground floor took you more than two hours and you still had first floor and the attic left. Unfortunately, you didn’t find much information about the girls and their relation to your dreams. Chaeyoung was noting anyway in order to not miss any important detail that could be useful in the future.
The sky started turning gray, but the sun was still up. You climbed up the stairs to look for more clues. This floor has been turned into the hotel. Every door had a room number above. Looking through all of them could take ages, especially if you didn’t really know what to look for. Chaeyoung seemed to agree with your way of thinking.
”So what now?” she asked. “Should we split up or something?”
You glanced at her. For someone so tiny, she was extremely brave. Wandering alone through these halls didn’t seem like an appealing perspective, but she didn’t even bat an eye. You felt even more grateful for her support.
“I will go right, you check on the left.” You decided and she saluted before going in the direction you suggested.
To be honest you were kind of starting to lose hope. Sure, Chaeyoung made tons of notes, but your investigation was still stuck in one place. The door looked identical and most of them were locked. If anything deserved your attention, you didn’t notice it.
You looked through one of the hallway windows. It was getting darker with every minute, but the sun was still visible. Maybe you could stay here for a while and go back home- you flinched. Something just appeared for a quick moment in the window. You stared at the glass, but nothing happened. Maybe something flew by. Or you were just too tired.
“Y/N!” Chaeyoung called from behind you. “Come here, you should check that out!”
You quickly went back to join her. Did she find something useful? Maybe that night wasn’t fruitless after all.
“What do you think?” your friend asked as soon as she noticed you.
“Oh man…” you muttered in shock.
Right in from of you was an open room. Well, open wasn’t the best word. The door has been bashed by someone and opened by force. It didn’t look like the clean lock picking you admired back at the front door.
“This might be what we’re looking for.” You whispered and moved towards the door, but a strong grip stopped you.
“Or a trap.” Chaeyoung noted. “We should be careful.”
You nodded, barely listening to her rational advice and went in. Fortunately, no one was here. But someone clearly visited this place before. Tons of feathers were in the air, falling around you like snowflakes. Once again you heard cheerful, girly laughter and some chatting. You couldn’t distinguish any specific words, but you could feel it was just typical girly stuff. It made you feel safe, comfortable and warm. There was something peaceful about this-
“Y/N!” your eyes darted to Chaeyoung.
“What’s wrong with you? You keep standing there like a moron, smiling to yourself and ignoring my questions.”
You must have stared at her dumbly, because she snapped her fingers in front of your face.
“Dude!” she called. “Seriously, are you okay?”
You were the only ones here. No one else. No girls. No feathers. No laughter.
“I’m fine.” You answered shortly and rubbed your eyes. Still nothing. “Can you repeat?”
Her expression looked unsure and worried, but she nodded slowly.
“Do you recognize all of them?”
You looked at the picture she pointed to. It was a shot of seven girls in white clothing. They were looking straight into the camera. You could see Jiu, Sua, Siyeon and Yoohyeon.
“Only the ones I met.” You answered. “One of them is probably Gahyeon, they mentioned her before.”
Chaeyoung wrote that down and looked around the room once again.
“I don’t think there’s anything useful here. Should we go back?”
You checked the sky through a window. It was almost dark, but still early enough to search for another couple minutes. Your reflection in the glass flickered. You blinked and looked closely again. It wasn’t very clear, but something seemed wrong. Maybe it was the light, but your clothing looked much brighter in the window.
“What’s wrong with you today?” Chaeyoung seemed more concerned with every minute.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” You assured. “But I haven’t finished checking the corridor. Can we have a quick look?”
She sighed, but motioned towards the door.
“After you.”
                                                       You couldn’t believe this. It was almost too good to be true. After the whole uneventful afternoon, you finally found a lead. Well, lead was an understatement.
“Okay. That is impressive.” Your friend admitted.
The whole room was covered in pieces of paper. Most of them were torn and have probably been ripped from the books that were lying around. But among all this mess were tons of notes and evidence about the case. Dong-hyuk clearly worked here for some time, before something happened and interrupted his investigation.
“We have to read it!” you cheered. “Everything. He did so much work. We will find something. We have to!”
Your eyes spotted a printed version of the picture in the previous room. Some faces were circled with a pencil and connected to other notes and some numbers. That was it. You finally knew that something has been really going on. That you weren’t crazy or hallucinating. And then you saw a face in the mirror.
“What?” you whispered to yourself and examined the reflective surface. Nothing unusual. You must have been tired.
“Maybe we can return later.” Chaeyoung suggested, flipping the pages and packing them into her bag. “There’s a lot of stuff to check. And it’s really late.”
“No, no, it’s fine. He may come back tomorrow and take everything. And we can’t let that happen!”
She mumbled something about you being crazy and continued reading the notes. You turned back to the mirror. Still just your face. Same as usual. Except it was not. Not at all. Wait!
“Did you see that?!” you yelped and Chaeyoung’s head snapped in your direction. She approached you with a concerned look on her face. “Someone was there.”
“Yeah… maybe your reflection?” she probably tried not to make you feel like an idiot, but it didn’t work. “Seriously, Y/N, we should leave.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“You are seeing things!”
“Not things.” You defended yourself. “People.”
“Like that’s any better!”
Maybe she had a point, but you weren’t leaving before finding more information. Something to make things clearer. To help you understand. To reward all these sleepless nights. To solve the case once and for all.
Y/N this is getting really unhealthy.” She tried to reason. “You haven’t slept properly in weeks.”
“What are you trying to suggest?” Your voice got slightly louder than necessary. “That I lost my mind?”
“I’m just saying that your judgement might be a bit… clouded.”
“Excuse me?!”
Chaeyoung sighed and looked at you sadly.
“I don’t want to fight.” She warned. “But ever since you overheard Siyeon and Sua-
“Bora.” You interrupted harshly.
“Her name. Is Bora.”
Your friend was silent for a moment. Like she couldn’t understand something.
“You’re getting attached to them.
“What? No!” you argued. “They are my literal nightmares, Chae! I’m in this whole mess because of them. How could I- I’m not- It’s not what it looks like!”
Your outbursts must have looked pathetic, but you didn’t really care. You didn’t even know these girls. How could Chaeyoung suggest that you cared for them? Maybe there was something in the way Siyeon confided in the other girl. How vulnerable they seemed together. It was probably an act though… but was it really?
“Look, you got really involved in this. And I get it, but-“
“No, you don’t! You don’t get it!” you yelled and sighed. “You will never get it.”
Chaeyoung looked startled by your outburst, but as you finished talking, her expression hardened.
“Fine.” She simply said, looking you in the eye. “Guess you don’t need my help anymore.”
Casting one last look at you, she left the room. You could hear her steps getting further away and descending the stairs. And then you were alone in the silent mansion. Realization was slowly sinking in as you took in everything that just happened.
“Dammit!” you cried and banged the wall with your open hand. It didn’t help, but you could swear you heard something. Like a gasp. Chaeyoung was probably right, you were exhausted. But that didn’t mean she could act like she knew better than you. You looked through the window. The sun was completely gone, but some rays still lingered on the sky, covering it with a red hue. You would have to leave soon.
Every attempt to look through Dong-hyuk’s evidence was too overwhelming. Your eyes burned and you couldn’t focus on reading his handwriting. Nothing made any sense and words just didn’t seem to fit together. Pictures weren’t much better. Different shots of the rooms in the mansion and some specific furniture. It was probably something important, but you just couldn’t dwell on that now.
“This is pointless.” You mumbled to yourself and decided to go back home. Thankfully, your parents were out of town running some errands. You were glad that there was no interrogation waiting for you.
Going back towards the stairs, you thought about everything that happened today. Fighting with Chaeyoung was always upsetting, but this time it really messed you up. You had no idea why the mention of other girls made you act so defensively. Was it about all of them? Just Sua or Bora or whatever her name really was? Since when you cared about her anyway. Yeah, she was pretty and had amazing laugh and personality. But she was a straddling, nightmare creature of the night for crying out loud.
Thinking about this almost made you miss something lying on the floor. Something white. A feather. A freaking feather. You lowered yourself down and touched it with a shaky hand. Yup, a feather. Real one. This was happening. Another one lied a meter away from you. Like a hidden path. You stood up and followed it, ignoring the black spots in front of your eyes from standing too fast.
“Of course.” You whispered when the trail ended in front of the damaged door. Entering the room seemed like a bad idea, but it was impossible for anyone to be here. You would have heard them. So you pushed the door and went in. Feathers were everywhere, falling around like before. Faint voices were still here, getting a bit louder the longer you stayed here. Once again, you felt warm and comfortable. Like somebody embraced you in a blanket. It was kind of like falling asleep after a long day filled with work, wait!
No falling asleep here! It was an obvious set up. A trap. Oh no, no. You couldn’t. You were starting to feel drowsy, your vision blurry. You had to fight it. But it was hard. Too hard. Impossible. But you had to. And you couldn’t. The last thing you thought about before succumbing to this feeling was that Chaeyoung was right all along.
Everything calmed down. No feathers. No voices. It was normal. But you somehow knew that you weren’t in the mansion anymore. At least not consciously. This was the Dreamworld. Fantastic. You were asleep in this house. All alone. You could just hope than nobody would come there. Waking up was impossible in your current exhausted state, so you decided to look around here.
Something wasn’t right though. It was a dream, but it didn’t feel familiar. As if you were in a different place than usual. Which was bizarre, because you were definitely in that house. You couldn’t stop feeling uneasy. The corridor looked the same. You walked towards the former workplace of Dong-hyuk. It was untouched. No papers or destroyed books in sight. It was probably the same as it was before the investigator started his case. Maybe the Dreamworld wasn’t an exact replica of reality.
However as you descended the stairs, you started noticing other things. It was much darker than usually. And it wasn’t because of the weather. It seemed like every room was covered in a dim blue light, giving the house an eerie vibe. Was it always that way? You never really noticed that, but it was reasonable when trying to run away from Jiu.
Something crashed in one of the rooms and you turned that way. That wasn’t new, but still concerning. Confronting one of the girls now wasn’t the best idea. Not when your body was exposed in their freaking home.
“Hello?” you asked, cursing yourself for acting like a hero of some dumb horror movie. As if the murdered would answer if they were there.
More noises were heard as something spilled on the floor. A couple glass beads rolled through the hall. Someone was there and wanted to meet you. Very extra way to announce one’s presence. That meant you shouldn’t go that way. Which was exactly what you did. It was a dream after all. You couldn’t die. In theory. Nobody knew in this place.
With a heart banging in your chest, you slowly crept in the direction the beads came from. It seemed to lead towards the living room. You remembered the layout of everything, so if anything happened, you could always run away. The thought reminded you of the good old days of running away from Jiu. You pushed it away. You had to focus right now, anything could be waiting there. A monster, a giant squid, a giant monster squid…
You didn’t expect to see a girl. You probably should have though. It was way more reasonable than any of your theories. What would a squid do there for crying out loud? The beautiful stranger wasn’t any of the girls you saw before. Could that be Gahyeon? Or Dami if she was involved in any of this?
She was sitting in the corner of the room, surrounded by old looking books, some photos and burned out candles. A giant spiderweb was draped above her head and in front of her, as she looked around helplessly. She was probably trapped and needed help. Your help of course as no one else was here. You noticed a knocked over container that has been probably filled with the beads before she dropped it. Was she unable to use her voice?
Helping her could have a wide variety of consequences. Sua also needed saving once and it ended... interestingly. This girl could be your enemy as well as a valuable source of information. She didn’t look dangerous, but Jiu also had a face of an angel and Sua was tiny. You learned the hard way that underestimated someone because of their appearance was stupid. You had to be careful around this girl. Just as you debated whether to show yourself, she broke the silence.
“I can see you.” Her voice was low and quiet. She seemed to be perfectly calm, but a slight shake betrayed her. She must have wanted to be free again “Are you the one the girls were talking about?”
“They know you’re here?” Maybe she wasn’t a part of their group after all. Could she be their prisoner? But the girl shook her head.
“No, they would have saved me by now.” She seemed to be completely sure about that and it made something click in your brain. You heard about that girl before.
“Wait, you must be the one Sua and Siyeon were talking about! The one who disappeared.”
If she was surprised that you mentioned her friends, she didn’t show it. The only thing she did was nod.
“Yes...” She sighed. “It was frustrating to hear them talking about me, searching and getting nothing.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? Are you trapped in Dreamworld? Are we even in Dreamworld right now?” The questions fired from your mouth one by one as you looked at her. It didn’t make sense for her to be close enough to hear others and not alarming them.
“Kind of. You entered my dream. The others searched for me in Dreamworld.”
That was new. So the Dreamworld was a collective space for people, but you still maintained your own dreams?
“If they couldn’t even see you, why am I able to talk to you?”
She looked at you carefully. As if she was judging if it was safe to trust you. Considering her position, it was completely reasonable. You could turn out to be a minion of whoever captured her.
“I’m Y/N.” you introduced yourself to make her feel less uneasy. “I really want to help you, but I can barely understand what’s going on.” A soft, but careful smile ghosted her lips after you finished.
“My name is Handong.” I couldn’t interact with the girls, because of the circumstances. This trap allowed me to use my power in a restricted way.”
“Your power?” you interrupted.
“I can see anything that’s happening in the Dreamworld using mirrors or.”
“Windows! I saw you today.” she nodded. So you weren’t insane. It was just Handong trying to get your attention. “Why couldn’t my friend to that?”
“She has no connection to Dreamworld. And my friends have one that is too strong. You are in between, so it’s easier to influence you. Pulling you in here didn’t require that much work.”
Her words made sense. Also, it explained why Siyeon could teleport you without any problem. You had many more questions for Handong, but you remembered that in the real world, you were sleeping in an abandoned mansion. And you had no idea what time it was. You could wake up any minute and leave her here all alone.
“How can I free you?” you asked. “And when I do, will you tell me more about everything? My head will explode from confusion soon.”
Handong smiled again and nodded. It seemed genuine and made you believe her. There was something comforting about her presence and attitude. My god, were you developing another hopeless crush on a mysterious nightmare girl?
“My photo lies in the pile over there. It was used to trap me.” She motioned it with her head. “Hand it over to me and I will take care of the rest.”
You searched through the pictures. You couldn’t recognize people from most of them, some looked familiar and some seemed to be very old. Eventually, you found a small photo of Handong. She looked stunning, but you decided not to think about her looks too much. Keep it professional. Just business. You put it in her hand and almost fainted when your fingers brushed. She smiled at you once again and it was even more dazzling than before.
“Thank you.” She whispered as the photo burned.
When you entered the cafeteria the next day, Handong was sitting with some girls near the entrance. You smiled a bit and blushed when she noticed you. Remembering your talk filled you with hope. Another person could help you discover the truth. It was already morning when you woke up from the dream rescue. Somehow you managed to land on a relatively comfortable surface before passing out and nothing bad happened when you were asleep. The mansion must have been safer than you thought.
You sat with a few students from your class. Elkie greeted you happily and offered one of the cookies she and her mother baked the day before. You took it gratefully, hungry from not eating anything since yesterday. Tzuyu asked you about homework and you started explaining it to her. It occupied your mind and took your attention away from the night’s events. Your moment of peace was interrupted by a loud crash.
You looked up and saw an extremely angry looking Siyeon standing up from her place next to Sua. She stormed out of the cafeteria, passing a terrified freshman standing next to a pile of food. Siyeon must have thrown her plate in his direction. Sua took their bags and quickly followed her friend. Other students started whispering about the event. Your eyes found Jiu, who was sitting with other seniors and looked at the door with furrowed brows. The table next to her was occupied by the photography club when Chaeyoung sat with her friend. Her eyes met yours and she quickly averted her gaze. You will have to deal with it later.
“Y/N.” a soft, but serious voice called you. Handong was standing next to you. “Can we talk?”
You nodded and followed her to the door. She probably knew what made Siyeon so angry. Chaeyoung’s glare burned holes in your back, but you ignored it for now.
“What happened?” you asked when Handong led you to an empty classroom. The girl sighed and shot you a conflicted look.
“I know you probably have many questions, but listen to me first.” She sounded extremely serious, so you nodded without saying anything. Whatever made Siyeon react like that must have been very serious. She didn’t seem like the type to get furious easily. “Don’t go back to the house. Don’t do anything in Dreamworld. Don’t even talk to us.”
“What?!” you were shocked. She promised to answer your questions and now she was literally pushing you away. That wasn’t fair. “I can’t do that! How can you say things like that? I set you free from there and now that I’m not useful anymore, you suddenly don’t care-“
“I do care Y/N!” Handong interrupted you. “And that’s exactly why I’m telling you this. I can’t let that happen to you too. Not again. Not like this.”
Her voice was a bit shaky, just like the night before. Siyeon wasn’t the only one affected. Handong was clearly shaken and it made you worry. What was she talking about? Did someone get hurt? It felt wrong to see the girl like this.
“What happened?” you asked again, softer this time. Handong sighed and looked down.
“After you saved me.” She started. “I regained full access to the Dreamworld. I could see everything besides one room. It never happened before. I got suspicious, but I waited for the girls. Bo- Sua came first.”
You didn’t tell her that you already know the other girl’s name.
“We went to see what was wrong and-“ her voice quivered a bit and she took a second to compose herself. You hesitantly took her hand and blushed a bit when she didn’t flinch under your touch.
“She was there, Y/N.”
Handong took another deep breath and her eyes met yours.
“Yoohyeon. We found Yoohyeon.”
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
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A/N: Second part of the Halloween AU. Hope you like it!
Admin: Heather
Warnings: It’s kind of dark, a bit more than the other one. Nothing gory though.
Previous chapter Masterlist Next chapter
Almost tripping over a branch again was kind of pathetic, but it wasn’t your concern right now. You were on the run once again. The forest was quite dense and you kept tripping every few minutes. You heard someone behind you. Was it Jiu? Or someone else? It almost seemed like there were several people running after you. Maybe she had backup. A horde of shadow creeps or something like that. 
Doesn’t matter. Just. Keep. Running. Maybe it was better not to know anyway. 
You sprinted through the trees, trying to avoid any obstacles. Will that chase ever stop? Will Jiu ever get bored? Something moved in the dark on your left. You ducked behind a tree and tried to control your breathing. She was here. She would get you this time. 
You peeped from your hiding spot and almost screamed. Someone was there. A girl. But she didn’t look like Jiu. Her hair was shorter and brown. Plus she seemed scared. Sitting on a stone with some branches blocking her from moving. No, they were hands. Heavy, wooden hands. A hostage? You observed the upset look on her face when she turned her head a bit and looked right at you.
Your eyes snapped open and got instantly blinded by the lamp that you forgot to turn off last night. Sleeping was even harder now that the situation in your dreams changed. Somehow, you managed to run away from the mansion where Jiu was chasing you. You were now running away in the woods around it from what seemed to be a group of people. 
Unless Jiu got super powers and could instantly teleport or duplicate herself. You never actually saw anyone except for her in your dreams. Until that girl appeared. No matter how hard you focused, somehow you couldn’t recall her face. Who was she? What was she doing there? What was your subconsciousness trying to tell you? All these questions felt too difficult for your tired brain. If you wanted to figure this out, you would need some support.
“A girl?” Chaeyoung asked, chewing on her pen. “Where did that come from?”
You shrugged your shoulder and took a sip of coffee. Recently it was your only source of energy. 
“I have no idea, Chae. She was just sitting there. It almost look like she was a hostage.” Your friend pointed her pen on you. 
“Or a bait. Really, Y/N this whole situation just seems bizarre.” 
That was the conclusion you came to without her help. Having the same nightmare over and over again was kind of suspicious and you couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was even more to come.
“I heard that it’s impossible to come up with a person.” Chaeyoung stated. “So, you had to see her before. Maybe she goes to our school?” 
You could only shrug again in defeat. “It would be easier if I could remember her face.” This discussion was fruitless. 
It was really hard to make the next move without knowing who the hell was in that forest with you. And most importantly, what was she doing there? 
“Hey, Y/N.” You looked at Chaeyoung who was smiling encouragingly. “Don’t give up, we will find the way to stop these dreams.” 
Before you could answer, a few people approached your table with big smiles on their faces.
“Hey Chaeyoung, hey Y/N!” a bubbly voice of Joy, the cheerleader captain, greeted you with enthusiasm. Other girls surrounding her also flashed dazzling smiles, but you were focused on the one person behind Joy’s back. It must have looked pretty bad, cause Chaeyoung jabbed you in the ribs. 
“Ow!” You yelped in protest as she shot you a fake smile. 
“Joy just asked if we would watch the next game.” She explained and you moved your gaze back to the tall girl in front of you.
“It will be amazing!” she squealed and clapped her hands. Sua prepared an amazing routine and you can’t miss it!” 
A short girl peeked from behind Joy’s back and did a small bow with a big smile on her face. It made you blush a little, but you quickly composed yourself. 
“We’ll be there.” You answered and the girls moved to the other table.
“Dude, you were practically drooling at Sua. Seriously, you want to eat her or something?” Chaeyoung’s teasing was cut short by your sharp glare. “Y/N what’s wrong?” 
“It was Sua!” Your friend tilted her head a bit in confusion. 
“Yes. I just said that.” You groaned and shook your head. 
“No! It was her. In my dream.” 
That got Chaeyoung’s full attention. 
“Okay, so first you dream about being hunted down by the school president and now the star of the cheerleading team is there too? You really need to get laid.”
You punched her arm for that last comment. She had a point though. Why was students appearing in your dreams? And in so weird circumstances. You weren’t sure if you even interacted with Sua before. 
“How do you know her?” You asked Chaeyoung. 
“She worked with Mina to choreograph the school play.” 
It took every ounce of self-control not to tease your friend on her hopeless crush on the Japanese student. Sometimes she was just so adorably obvious.
“It doesn’t make any sense.” You groaned once more and rested your head against the table. “It’s just not adding up.” 
Maybe you were just going crazy. Having weird nightmares was just a result of constant stress and crushing anxiety. School could be so fun. 
“Y/N. I think you should take a look.” 
You straightened yourself on the chair and followed the direction of Chaeyoung’s gaze. Sua was standing by a wall and talking with- 
“Jiu?” that was surprising. “Are they friends or something?” 
Your friend shrugged. “Well, they’re the same age and have Maths together I guess. But they don’t seem too happy.” 
She was right. Sua was visibly upset and kept vigorously explaining something to Jiu. It almost looked like an argument. 
“Maybe it’s not a coincidence that these two keep appearing in your dreams.”
 You looked at her as if she was crazy. 
“What do you mean?” “That maybe Sua really is trapped. By Jiu.”
 That was quite a theory. A pretty illogical one. 
“So Jiu is a witch now?”
“You can’t say that it’s not possible.” 
Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but it really seemed like she could have a point. What if Sua was another victim of the creepy dreamworld. But if she was trapped, it meant that-
“I have to save her.” 
Chaeyoung nodded slowly. 
“Seems like it.” 
You looked back to the girls only to catch Sua’s eye. Jiu was nowhere in sight.
The same pattern again. Dark forest, tall trees and the footsteps following you. Right behind you. Almost catching you. They were everywhere. Surrounding you. Luring you somewhere. Probably to your inevitable doom. Maybe it was even Jiu herself. Still nothing. You didn’t see anyone, but you knew they were there. Waiting for you to make a mistake. Ready to attack. 
Jiu wasn’t dumb. She would eventually find you. Your mind was racing. Run, run, run. Faster. Quicker. Further. It was the only think on your mind. It almost felt like a trap. Wait. You suddenly stopped and tried to focus. Trap. Trapped. Imprisoned. Captured. In the dark. Dark forest. Tall trees. Somewhere. Trap. Trap.. Trap…
“Sua!” it happened again. You gained control over your dream. Snatched your fate away from Jiu. You could finally help Sua. She couldn’t be that far away. You moved to the right and started marching through the trees. The steps were not audible anymore. Your sudden consciousness must have kick Jiu out of here and let you walk around freely. 
Looking around for Sua, you could finally take a glance at your surroundings. Some tree branches had weird stick figures handing from them. Who could have hung them there? Jiu was a tall girl, but could she reach that high? It could be some charms or other occult symbols. Needless to say, you were really creeped out and wanted to find and free Sua immediately. You had to find her though and it wasn’t that easy. 
Suddenly you noticed something sparkling gently in the dark. You picked it up and saw that it was a weird book, closed with four chains. One of them was broken and it allowed you to open it. It was full of weird symbols and runes, but also pictures of girls. You were flicking through the pages when something caught your attention. The girl in one of the pictures was blocked by hands covering her body which was suspiciously similar to what happened to Sua. What were you supposed to do with it though? Could that book be the key to freeing the poor girl?
Something fell from your pocket and you frowned in confusion. Your pajamas definitely didn’t have any pockets. The object turned out to be a… lighter? That was some serious fire hazard, considering that you were in a middle of the forest. Jiu must have thought that you were an idiot. Burning the forest to the ground was definitely not a good idea. But an sudden thought appeared in your head. Paper could be burned. What if that was the way to free Sua? 
Of course it could be Jiu messing with you, but she didn’t even show herself since that night at the house. You had to at least try. The paper caught on fire very quickly and it allowed you to see better. You could notice that Sua was only a few meters away, staring at you. She was getting more visible with every second. Wait… It seemed like the forest were also burning around you. Almost as if it was connected to the page. 
“No!” you tried to make it stop, but the flames were already surrounding Sua. That didn’t seem to bother her though. She kept staring at you with blank expression while the fire kept getting closer and closer until finally enveloping-
You got up with beating heart and tears on your cheeks. Was that supposed to be that way? Sua seemed calm and peaceful, but what is she just wasn’t aware of the situation? Or maybe you were just weird and this whole damn thing was just a dream. There was only one way to make sure Sua was okay.
“We did it!” the whole school was shouting as your team scored in the last second. Chaeyoung seemed as ecstatic as the rest and you were both yelling enthusiastically. 
It wasn’t the school spirit in your case. Sua was cheering with her team, absolutely nailing the choreography. They almost overshadowed the players with their amazing skills. Nothing bad happened to her. She was alright, smiling, laughing and cheering for the boys. It was a huge relief to see her this way and know that the fire was just in your head.
You and Chaeyoung started heading back home when suddenly you heard a high voice calling your name. 
“Y/N, wait up!” You turned around to see Sua sprinting in your direction. 
Chaeyoung glanced at you and took a small step back as you waited for the cheerleader to approach you. For someone so tiny, she was extremely fast. And strong as it turned out a second later when she basically threw herself at you and hugged you tightly. You couldn’t even move in shock as her warm whisper tickled your ear. 
“Thank you for being there.” 
After that she winked at you and ran away to her teammates. Chaeyoung seemed as surprised as you. 
“What was that about?” You shrugged. “About seeing her performing.”
Because it was about the game. Right?
You woke up in the middle of the night and tried to adjust your position. But you couldn’t move. You tried again, but without any results. For the first time in your life you experienced sleep paralysis. According to science, it was no big deal. You just had to try move different parts of your body. You opened your eyes and looked into darkness. Was it… glistening? 
Your breath hitched as you realized that it wasn’t the gloom of your bedroom. It was a pair of eyes right in front of you. And its owner was straddling you. Immobilizing you. You barely felt warm lips grazing yours with a husky whisper.
“Thanks for coming.”
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