ariparri · 9 months
“Oh wow, you’re hot”
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Thoma recounts his first days within Inazuma to Aether and Paimon, detailing the shipwreck, his introduction to the Kamisato siblings, and how they welcomed him as their housekeeper. He vividly recalls his fateful encounter with Yuna, which adds a humorous twist to the memory.
Word Count: 2490
Warnings: None
Genshin Impact Masterlist
This story was inspired by an actual scenario that happened with me and my friends, decided to stick with Thoma since I ship Yuna with him (๑>◡<๑) And he’s much easier for me to write for! I also ended up dragging the ending on a little too much ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
I don’t write x Reader or Y/N, but if you want to use those in place of Yuna you’re free to do so!
Also posted on AO3!
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The air in the serene Kamisato estate carries the scent of cherry blossoms as Thoma, Aether, and Paimon find respite beneath the blooming trees. There was a warm smile on Thoma’s face as he begins to share the tale of his arrival in Inazuma.
"It all started with the shipwreck," Thoma begins, his voice carrying the echoes of that fateful day. "I was originally from Mondstadt, you know. I planned to visit my father here in Inazuma and brought with me some dandelion wine to give him.” Thoma's gaze turns wistful as he reflects on the memories of that voyage. “But then the boat sunk. I was washed ashore, disoriented and unsure of what awaited me in this unfamiliar land." As he speaks, the petals of the cherry blossoms swirl around them, creating a whimsical atmosphere.
Thoma recounts the providential encounter with the Kamisato siblings, Ayato and Ayaka, who extended a generous hand and offered him both a home and a purpose. "They welcomed me into their home with open arms. The Kamisato estate became my sanctuary, and my duties as a housekeeper allowed me to repay their kindness," Thoma explains.
He delves into the unique tasks and responsibilities that came with his role. “There was one day when Lord Ayato told me that he was expecting a report from the Tenryou Commission. It was to be delivered by someone from the Noguchi Clan.” Paimon’s eyes lit up at the mention of the Noguchi Clan, “Oh, was that someone Yuna?” Thoma chuckled, giving them a nod, “Yep! It was my first time meeting Yuna too!” Thoma continues, a twinkle in his eye. “Being part of the Noguchi Clan, she acts a lot as a messenger for Lady Saori, you know the Lt. General of the Tenryou Commission. And let me tell you, my first meeting with Yuna was quite... interesting."
Thoma's laughter punctuates the story, and Aether and Paimon lean in, eager to hear more. "Yuna has a way of making a lasting impression," Thoma adds with a chuckle. "But it was that unexpected moment that definitely made us closer."
Thoma was informed by Ayato that he was expecting a letter from a member of the Tenryou Commission. He was currently accompanying Ayaka in the garden when he heard footsteps approaching and he turned his attention towards the entrance to see a young woman with long pink hair step through the door. “Hello Lady Ayaka! Is Lord Ayato here? I’m here to deliver a report for him!” She holds up the letter in her hand with a big grin.
Ayaka as sweet as ever, greets Yuna with a cheerful smile, “Yuna, it’s so nice to see you again! My brother is currently out right now, but he should be back soon. Why don’t you join us till he gets back?” The Kamisato heiress scoots over to make some room for Yuna who happily skips over to her. “Oh if you don’t mind, I’d love to!”
However, before she was able to take a seat and regale Ayaka with her tales of the day Yuna's gaze turned to Thoma who returned it with a charming smile. This being their first time meeting, Thoma opens his mouth to speak. Though, his attempt to introduce himself takes an unexpected turn when Yuna, seemingly without control, blurts out, "Oh wow, you're hot."
The statement hangs in the air, and a moment of stunned silence takes over the garden. Thoma with a red face, can't help but chuckle nervously, and Ayaka, attempting to conceal her amusement behind her fan, couldn’t help but giggle.
"Aah!" Before anyone can fully process the situation, Yuna’s fully panicked cries fills the air as she hastily retreats from the garden. Ayaka and Thoma watches as she flees from the garden, her embarrassed cries echo through the estate as she rushes out. However, she abruptly returns to the two were sitting, slamming the letter onto the table before making her urgent exit once again. All the while letting out a series of embarrassed yelps and cries.
Thoma, still surprised, watched the spectacle unfold, while Ayaka's composed demeanor finally gives way to laughter. "Ah, that was Yuna from the Noguchi Clan," Ayaka explains with a smile. "Don't mind her; she can be quite... eccentric. But it seems she likes you!” Thoma, regaining his composure, responds with a sheepish grin, "Well, that was certainly unexpected." He glances towards the doorway, where Yuna had disappeared, her embarrassed yelps still audible in the distance. Ayaka chuckles, "Yuna has a unique way of expressing herself. She's been a dear friend for a long time." The duo shares a moment of amusement, with Ayaka gracefully accepting Yuna's eccentricities.
As they settle back into the peaceful garden scene, Thoma, still a bit flustered, remarks, "I suppose every encounter with Yuna is an adventure in its own right." Ayaka nods in agreement, "Indeed, it keeps things interesting here." The awkward but endearing encounter adds a touch of humor to the serene garden, and Thoma, though red-faced, can't help but join in Ayaka's suppressed giggles. The unexpected visit from Yuna becomes a topic of light-hearted conversation whenever Thoma, Ayaka, Yuna and Ayato reminisce about their past.
Paimon and Aether burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained by Thoma's recount of his first meeting with Yuna. "Wow, Saori wasn't kidding when she said Yuna acted upon her intrusive thoughts!" Paimon exclaims, earning a nod of agreement from Aether. Thoma joins in with a good-natured smile, "Haha, yeah, Yuna can be bold at times."
As Thoma continues to share his stories, he chuckles at the memories of Ayato's playful teasing. "Lord Ayato never missed a chance to poke fun at Yuna," Thoma explains to Aether and Paimon. "Every time she delivered reports or was just spending her free time here, he would ask her if she found him attractive as well. It became a sort of inside joke between us."
He goes on to describe the scene: Yuna, blushing furiously, would stumble over her words in response to Ayato's jests. The sound of a letter being hastily placed on the table would punctuate the moment, and then she would make a swift exit. Thoma mimics her exaggerated wailing, adding a touch of humor to the recounting, "You could hear her little protests echoing through the estate until they faded into the distance as she made her escape." The trio shares a hearty laugh at the comical dynamics within the Kamisato household, and Thoma concludes, "Despite all the teasing, it was obvious that Yuna wasn’t bothered by it at all.”
As they share a light moment, the atmosphere becomes even more joyous when Thoma's eyes light up at the sight of Yuna approaching, accompanied by the adorable Taroumaru. "Hey, guys, sorry I'm late! Taroumaru kept trying to eat all the snacks!" Yuna calls out cheerfully, joining the group and settling down beside Thoma. She begins to prepare food from her basket, but her attention is drawn to the amused expressions on Aether and Paimon's faces. "What?" Yuna questions, her curiosity evident. Paimon, unable to contain her laughter, snickers before playfully asking “So Yuna, did you also think Aether was attractive upon our first meeting?”
A look of horror crosses Yuna's face before she turns her gaze toward Thoma. "You told them?!" she exclaims, her embarrassment evident. Paimon and Aether burst into laughter as Thoma attempts to soothe Yuna's distress with a lighthearted chuckle. "Hey, it wasn't that bad! I thought it was cute! And I’m absolutely flattered by your bold compliments!" Thoma reassures, joining in the laughter at Yuna’s whines of protests. He's well aware that Yuna, far from being genuinely upset, thrives on the playful banter that has become a routine part of her interactions with Ayato, Ayaka, and now, him.
Paimon snickers mischievously, unable to contain the amusement. "Paimon thought it was cute too, Yuna! Most people tend to beat around the bush or play hard to get, but you went straight to the point!" The little pixie chimes in with enthusiasm. Aether nods in agreement, a warm smile on his face, appreciating the lighthearted atmosphere. Yuna, unable to keep up the facade, breaks into a grin, surrendering to the laughter. "Okay, okay, so maybe I have a flair for the dramatics," she admits with a playful twinkle in her eye, fully embracing her penchant for theatricality. Thoma, still chuckling, playfully nudges her shoulder. "You love the attention, don't deny it."
As the laughter subsides, the group settles into a comfortable atmosphere, surrounded by the tranquility of the cherry blossom scene around. Yuna, now grinning, playfully nudges Thoma back. "Guilty as charged!" she admits, her eyes sparkling with mirth. Thoma, still amused, glances at Aether and Paimon. "You see, these moments have become a regular occurrence around here. Yuna has a way of keeping things lively," he says with a fondness in his voice. Aether and Paimon, fully immersed in the playful atmosphere, nod appreciatively. "Well, it seems like you've got a great group here," Aether remarks, his eyes reflecting the genuine warmth of their shared bond.
Yuna with her never ending energy, sits up with a newfound excitement. "Alright, enough about my dramatic tendencies. Let's enjoy this beautiful day!" she declares, rallying everyone as she takes charge of the mood. Thoma, Aether, and Paimon follow suit, ready to dig in to the food and snacks Yuna had brought with her for their hang out. Yuna, bubbling with energy, reaches into her basket and pulls out a batch of freshly made dango. "Let's start off with a touch of sweetness first!" she exclaims, holding one out to Thoma with a mischievous grin. Thoma, still chuckling, accepts the dango with a playful wink, savoring the delightful treat.
As Yuna playfully feeds Thoma, Paimon takes the rest of the tasty treat barely leaving any for Aether, leaving him to take some of the mochi Yuna also packed. Yuna and Thoma share a laugh at their new companions as they proceed to fight over the other snacks. However, the playful moment is interrupted by a bark from Taroumaru, who's been patiently waiting for his share of attention.
Yuna laughs, acknowledging their furry companion. "Alright, alright, Taroumaru! Your turn!" she says reaching into the basket for a small container filled with more dango. “Made these especially for you, boy! I used tuna and sweet potato for them!” She takes one ball off of the skewer, offering it to Taroumaru, which he eagerly accepts with a wag of his tail. As she continues to alternate between feeding Taroumaru and herself, Yuna settles down with the others, and the conversation seamlessly drifts towards tales of their adventures, both within and beyond the borders of Inazuma.
Yuna takes the lead as story teller, regaling them with her experiences while delivering messages and running errands across the region, adding a touch of her signature flair to every narrative. Thoma, Aether, and Paimon listen with genuine interest, captivated by Yuna’s stories and laughing at random moments from her experiences. Taroumaru, having enjoyed his share of attention and treats, curls up contentedly within Yuna’s arms, becoming a quiet but cheerful presence in the group.
Yuna’s attention eventually becomes increasingly devoted to Taroumaru. The playful pup, sensing his moment in the spotlight, demands more affection and treats, leaving Thoma to playfully feign neglect. Thoma, with a mock pout, teases, "Oh, I see how it is. I thought we were bonding, but I guess Taroumaru is stealing your attention." Yuna, caught in the act of pampering the enthusiastic pup, laughs heartily. "Don't be jealous, Thoma! Taroumaru just knows how to steal my heart," she replies with a grin.
Aether and Paimon join in the playful banter, cheering on Taroumaru's antics. "Looks like you've got some competition, Thoma," Paimon teases, prompting more laughter from the group. Thoma, not one to be outdone, decides to join the fun, pretending to be dramatically heartbroken by the canine usurper. "I guess I'll have to compete with a dog for attention now." The group erupted into laughter once more.
With a twinkle in her eye, Yuna decides to play along. "Oh, Thoma, don't be like that! There's enough love to go around," she reassures, reaching over to give him a friendly pat on the back. Thoma, still playing up the act, flashes a mockingly hurt expression, but his eyes betray a spark of amusement. "Well, if you insist, Yuna. I wouldn't want to deprive Taroumaru of his moment in the spotlight," he replies with a theatrical sigh. Yuna, undeterred by Thoma's feigned jealousy, decides to sweeten the mood even further. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she declares, "Oh hush, you! I'll feed you some of my special monaka!" Adjusting Taroumaru in her arms, she reaches back into the basket, producing another container filled with delicate tsubaki-shaped crispy wafers, each harboring a sweet, creamy filling.
"Saved these for last! Here!" Yuna holds out one of the monaka treats to Thoma, the anticipation evident in her eyes as she waits for him to take a bite. Thoma, unable to keep up the act any longer, grins and accepts the treat with genuine appreciation. Taking a delicate bite, Thoma is met with a burst of delightful flavors, and he can't help but compliment Yuna on her culinary skills. "These are amazing, Yuna! You really have a talent for making everything special." A light blush adorns Yuna’s face as she hides behind Taroumaru, “Hehe, thank you, Thoma!”
As Thoma and Yuna share a moment of genuine connection over the delectable treats, Paimon, always one to seize an opportunity for delicious food, makes her move. "Oh, that looks good! Can Paimon have some too, Yuna?" she asks with wide, pleading eyes, fixated on the container. Caught up in the whimsical atmosphere, Yuna happily extends the container toward Paimon, ready to share the delights. However, in a flash, Paimon seizes more than her fair share, leaving only three monaka treats in the container. "Paimon! Don't be stingy, save some for the rest of us!" Aether exclaims, scolding Paimon for her eating habits.
Paimon, undeterred and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, cheekily retorts, "What? These treats are too tasty to resist!" She hovers near the container, seemingly unapologetic for her impulsive snack raid. Thoma, amused by the sudden turn of events, bursts into laughter. "Well, I guess Paimon has a point. Food this good is hard to share!" He says, his playful demeanor adding to the light-hearted atmosphere. “I’m sure Yuna wouldn’t mind making some more later, would you Yuna?” He turns his attention over to the girl sitting beside him. She nodded eagerly, “Of course! Though, next time I’ll make sure to make a whole lot more.” She giggled as Paimon takes the last three monaka treats from the container, stuffing them in her mouth before Aether can grab one. “Paimon looks forward to it!”
“Paimon don’t eat with your mouth full!”
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Where To Find Pallets For Sale?
Here, some people are always asking “Where could we get free wood pallets?” or “Where could we find pallets for sale?” to make their pallet DIY projects. There is no simple answer because it depends on the recycling system in your country, but you can take a look below and find some good places to go or check our “Pallet Classified Ads” to see if anyone is giving away pallets nearby.
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Here, some people are always asking “Where could we get free wood pallets?” or “Where could we find pallets for sale?” to make their pallet DIY projects. There is no simple answer because it depends on the recycling system in your country, but you can take a look below and find some good places to go or check our “Pallet Classified Ads” to see if anyone is giving away pallets nearby.
Most pallets are reused throughout the industry, and they usually stay within the same industry. That means we don’t recommend reusing wood pallets from a pesticide or chemical processing company because they’re probably full of chemicals products.
The nicest pallets seem to come from dry goods industries. They’re usually shipping a lightweight, dry product, so there’s no spillage or stains to worry about.
The old grocery store used pallets might seem okay, but they’re often covered in spillage and stains which leads to mold. Look at them closely and smell it. Common sense rules here: if the used pallet looks weird, or if it smells strange, don’t take it.
Always use gloves. This seems like common sense, but pallets often have nails pointing out and can easily give you a splinter. And, if you’re going to cut or sand a pallet, use a mask.
In summary, you will find that traditional wooden pallets are very troublesome. Now I want to introduce you to a fumigation-free, recyclable molded pallets.
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Excellent dynamic and static load performance The molded presswood pallet dynamic load can reach 2 tons, static load more than 11 tons.
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cindy893 · 4 years
Food Sorters Market Size, Status and Forecast from 2020-2026 | TOMRA, Aweta, Bioretics
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The worldwide Food Sorters Market is conscientiously looked into inside the report while generally focusing on top players and their business strategies, topographical development, advertise sections, serious scene, assembling, and evaluating and value structures. Each area of the examination study is extraordinarily arranged to investigate key parts of the overall Food Sorters Market. for instance the market elements segment dives profound into the drivers, limitations, patterns, and chances of the overall Food Sorters Market. With subjective and quantitative synthetic investigation , we help you with intensive and extensive research on the overall Food Sorters Market.
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Ellips Group (Elisam)
Eshet Eilon
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Henan Union International
InSight Sorters
InVision Automated Systems
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Kerian Machines
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Navatta Group
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Sorma Group
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thoyumachine · 5 years
It is kindly informed that ThoYu is scheduled for the 4 days holidays. And the holidays are from Wednesday to Saturday for May Day.
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ariparri · 8 months
When you want cuddles but your boyfriend is working
Genshin Masterlist
• ・❀・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ 。 ⡀・ ✿ ・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ 。 ⡀・ ❀・ •
A perfect representation of Yuna being a clingy girlfriend. Thoma can go about his day with Yuna holding onto him like this 🤣
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Is this it tho? Is that all for my ThoYu phase?? Probably not xD I do wanna make more but I got some wips I seriously need to finish up.
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ariparri · 3 months
╭──────────────────────────────────► Hello
✦ Found some inspiration to write another ThoYu fic! Thanks to my friend @chrystabelleblaumferge for giving me ideas for this storyline! ☆彡
│││ Word Count: 1906
││✧ Pair: Thoma x Yuna (OC)
│✧ Tags: OC insert written in 1st POV (I/me/my), no use of Y/N or Yuna's name, fluff, established relationship, set before archon quest.
✧ Synopsis: It is believed that when a couple makes a wish during the Tanabata festival and a shooting star appears in the sky, it is a sign of their love being blessed for eternity by two star crossed lovers.
✦ Listened to Kiseki in the original Japanese, the acoustic cover and the English cover while writing this song (๑>◡<๑) But I feel like the acoustic version fits for this fic ♪( ´▽`)
Kiseki by Greeeen
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Genshin Masterlist
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With summer finally in season, all of Inazuma gather to celebrate the star festival. Having the rest of our evening off, Thoma and I were thrilled to finally spend our free time together. The both of us strolled hand in hand through the bustling streets, surrounded by the vibrant colors of festival decorations and the cheerful chatter of attendees.
The summer night felt enchanting with lively anticipation. The air was warm, and the delicious scent of festival foods like yakitori and sweet dango were being carried in the breeze. Lanterns adorned with intricate designs cast a soft, colorful glow, illuminating the lively streets and bustling stalls. There's a gentle breeze that rustles the leaves of nearby bamboo trees, adding a soothing background murmur to the people’s chatters. The sky above is clear, sprinkled with countless stars that twinkle like tiny lanterns themselves.
The atmosphere is filled with a sense of joy as people of all ages come together to celebrate under the canopy of stars. Laughter and music mingle with the occasional sound of the taiko drums and flute performances, creating a symphony of festive sounds. The night was perfect for celebrating the star festival.
Street performers played traditional songs suited for the night, their instruments filling the air with festive melodies. I happily hummed along to the tune of children singing as Thoma and I strolled through the crowded street. While wandering between the stalls, something caught my eye, and I quickly pulled Thoma in its direction. He didn’t seem to mind; his smile widened as he watched me dart excitedly from booth to booth, admiring the colorful trinkets and merchandise.
“Thoma, look over here! They have little charms of Orihime and Hikoboshi!” I exclaimed, cooing over the adorable character charms. “Aren’t they cute?” Thoma took one from my hand and inspected it closely. “They really are. But, can you tell me who Orihime and Hikoboshi are?” At his question, I stopped in my tracks, staring at him with wide eyes as if he had said something shocking. Thinking he must have offended me, Thoma quickly tried to defend himself. “Well, you know, this is my first festival here! I’m not yet familiar with all of Inazuma's myths and legends!” He laughs awkwardly holding his hands up in defense.
“Oh that’s right. This would be your first Tanabata since you first arrived in Inazuma!” I sheepishly chuckled, “Sorry, I just get so excited for the star festival. It’s honestly my favorite out of all the festivals we have.” Thoma smiled warmly. “No need to apologize! I’m glad to see you enjoying yourself. So, tell me about Orihime and Hikoboshi.”
“Okay!” I clapped my hands, preparing to dive into a quick storytelling session. “You know how the star festival is called Hoshimatsuri? Well, this evening is also known as Tanabata, and it's celebrated in honor of two star-crossed lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi.”
“The Sky King, Tentei, ruled over the heavenly river known as the Amanogawa. His daughter Orihime was known as the Weaving Princess. She was talented for weaving these beautiful cloth that her father adored and would always spend her days by the river weaving. Though, because she spent so much of her time on her craft, she never had time to find love and felt lonely.”
“Worried about his daughter’s loneliness, Tentei arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi, who lived across the Amanogawa herding cows. When the two met, they instantly fell in love and married shortly thereafter. But their newfound happiness caused problems—Orihime stopped weaving cloth for Tentei, and Hikoboshi let his cows roam free in Heaven.”
Thoma listened intently, his eyes tracing my animated gestures as I spoke. He could tell just how much I loved this story by how I waved my hands around as I spoke. He didn't seem to mind my dramatic storytelling; instead, he appreciated my expressive nature. Captivated by my passion, he wore a fond smile, happily engaged in the tale and occasionally contributing his own thoughts.
“In anger, Tentei separated the two lovers across the Amanogawa, forbidding them from meeting. Orihime became heartbroken at the loss of her husband and asked her father to let them meet again. Moved by his daughter’s tears, Tentei allowed the lovers to meet on the seventh day of the seventh month if she worked hard and finished her weaving.”
“And that would be Tanabata.” Thoma interjected, “the evening of the seventh day.”
“Mhmm, yes exactly!” As I nodded and chuckled along with Thoma, feeling his warm gaze fixed on me throughout our conversation, I couldn't help but admire how he always seemed to understand my excitement for these stories. Seeing the genuine interest on his face, I couldn’t help but feel my heart swell. He truly loved how passionate I was about anything.
“Though,” I closed my eyes and let out a quiet sigh, “the first time they tried to meet, they found that they could not cross the river because there was no bridge. Orihime cried so much that a flock of magpies came and promised to make a bridge with their wings so she could cross the river.” This was the part of the story that always got to me, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness. It breaks my heart to know they can only meet once a year. I could feel tears starting to form as I thought about how lonely they must have been throughout the rest of the year when they couldn’t meet.
“They say that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies can't come because of the rising river, and the two lovers must wait another year to meet. The rain on this day is called ‘The Tears of Orihime and Hikoboshi.’” The tears in my eyes threatened to fall. “It’s so unfair, Thoma. They can only see each other once a year.” I let out a few sniffles and wiped my eyes. “Imagine having to wait so long just for one fleeting moment together. It's heartbreaking."
Thoma’s expression softened, and he gently cupped my face with his hands, replacing mine. His thumbs wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. “Hey now, seeing each other only once a year is tough, but it didn’t stop Orihime and Hikoboshi, right? They were willing to wait because their love for each other was that strong.” He paused, looking deep into my eyes with a comforting smile. “Their story is sad, but it’s also a testament to the power of their love. It reminds us that love can endure even the hardest challenges. Besides, you know I’d wait an eternity to see you if I had to.”
His words warmed my heart, and I felt a sense of reassurance wash over me. “You’re right,” I murmured, placing my hands over his. “Their love is a symbol of hope, not just sadness. You always know what to say to make me feel better.” Thoma smiled and leaned in, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. “Anytime,” he whispered wiping away the rest of my tears. “No more tears now, we still have a festival to enjoy.”
“Ah!” I suddenly pulled away, excitement bubbling up inside me again. “Before we do anything else, we have to make a wish!” I pointed towards a crowded stand adorned with colorful slips of paper and decorations. People were eagerly writing their wishes and stringing them up on the bamboo nearby. Thoma chuckled and followed my lead, his eyes sparkling with the same enthusiasm.
As we wrote our wishes, I glanced up towards the sky, remembering a popular myth that came with the legend. "You know, there’s a myth that many people believe," I said with a twinkle in my eye, sighing dreamily. "If a shooting star appears on the night of the star festival, your wish will come true, and the love you share with someone will be blessed for eternity."
Thoma looked up at the sky alongside me, his expression thoughtful. "That's a sweet myth," he said softly. "I hope we see a shooting star tonight." We both finished writing our wishes and hung them together on the bamboo. A smile graced my face as the colorful slips fluttered gently in the night breeze. The act felt intimate and special, like a shared promise of our hope and dreams under the starlit sky.
Thoma gently led me away from the wishing stand, his voice a soft whisper in my ear. "Come on, the fireworks are about to start. We don't want to miss them, do we?" His question brought me back to the moment. "Oh no, I almost forgot!" I exclaimed, slipping out of Thoma's embrace and taking his hand eagerly. "Let's hurry if we want to find a good spot!"
"Don’t worry, I already have a spot in mind," Thoma assured me, gently pulling me back before I could rush off. Confused yet intrigued, I looked at him, but he just winked and led me confidently towards where the fireworks would illuminate the sky.
Following Thoma, we found ourselves in a cozy spot with an unobstructed view of the area. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw a blanket, cushions, and a basket already set up. "Of course you'd manage to find a secluded spot away from the crowd! How did you have time to set all this up?"
“Right before it was time to meet you at Komore Teahouse,” Thoma said as he sat down on the soft blanket, patting the space next to him for me to join him. “Since I finished my tasks early and got the rest of the evening off, I spent a little of my free time preparing all of this.”
I couldn't help but chuckle. "You're such a workaholic, Thoma. Even when you're supposed to relax, you're always finding something to do." He chuckled back and produced a small container, unveiling perfectly crafted tricolor dango. "I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you," he said warmly, offering the treat to me.
I smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at his thoughtfulness. “A picnic under the stars? How romantic~ You always go above and beyond, don’t you?” I teased, taking a bite of the dango. The sweet, chewy treat melted in my mouth, and I savored the familiar taste. Thoma watched with satisfaction, his eyes twinkling under the soft glow of the moon light. “You deserve the best,” he replied softly. “Seeing you happy makes it all worthwhile.”
We continued munching on snacks and chatting to pass the time before the fireworks began. As soon as the first firework illuminated the sky, we settled down to watch. My excitement grew with each new burst of color that joined the display, painting the night in vibrant hues. Amidst the dazzling explosions, a brilliant streak flashed across the canvas of twinkling stars and colors, its radiant light cutting through the darkness.
“Thoma,” I gasped, eyes wide with wonder. “Was that a-”
"A shooting star," Thoma finished my sentence, confirming the answer. He squeezed my hand, a smile spreading across his face. "Our wish," he murmured, pulling me close and resting his head on mine, "looks like the myth is true." I matched Thoma’s smile with one of my own, leaning into him. Together, we watched in awe as the shooting star disappeared into the horizon, a symbol of the promise for our future together, blessed for eternity.
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ariparri · 8 months
Those Little Gremlins
Genshin Masterlist
Summary: Thoma visits Yuna after his tasks to hang out with her. Yuna is excited to see him and so are her chibi summons.
Warnings: Not an x Reader… but can be read as one if you replace Yuna for Y/N (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
I’m a few days late, but hey better late than never! Happy birthday to Thoma (๑>◡<๑) and well I can also say happy birthday to Yuna since her birthday is on the 12th! Which is today in my time zone. Posted on AO3!
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Weary from a long day of tasks and chores, Thoma decided to seek some solace at the Noguchi Estate to spend some time with Yuna. As Thoma entered the estate, he caught sight of Yuna's chibi summons playing in the yard. The cryo bodies of the tiny spirits making their own snowme in the form of their creator, Saori and Thoma. One of the cryo summons accidentally transformed the snowmen they crafted into beautifully detailed ice sculptures. The twinkling light reflecting off the icy figures added a magical touch to the scene if it wasn’t for the summons fighting with each other for the little accident.
"Hey there, little ones!” Thoma called out with a warm smile. “Is Yuna around?" The cryo chibis, upon hearing his voice, ceased their antics and excitedly bounced around him, emitting cute expressions. Thoma laughed at their enthusiastic greeting, crouching down for them to huddle into his arms wanting attention. The cheerful commotion reached Yuna, who came running to the entrance upon hearing Thoma's voice. A bright smile adorned her face as she saw him. "Thoma! You're here!" she exclaimed, rushing towards him.
Thoma stands up, holding his arms open to catch her as she leaped into his embrace. Laughter filled the air as Yuna clung to him, her genuine happiness contagious. The chibi summons continued their adorable celebrations, swirling around their creator and Thoma. "I missed you, Thoma! It's been such a long day," Yuna confessed, her purple-blue gradient eyes reflecting the warmth of her emotions.
Thoma chuckled, gently releasing her from the hug. "I saw you this morning, Yuna. But I missed you too." A content hum came from Yuna, her grip around Thoma tightening as he tried to release her. Thoma couldn't help but laugh at her playful clinginess as they stood in the entrance of the estate. Her arms were wrapped tightly around him, and she seemed determined not to let go. "Haha, Yuna, I know you missed me, but I need to walk too. I don't want to drag you," Thoma teased, gently attempting to guide them both towards the main garden.
Yuna, however, wasn't ready to release her grip. Instead, she playfully buried her face into Thoma's chest, her laughter echoing through the halls of the estate. "Then carry me!" she declared with a mischievous grin. Thoma chuckled, considering her request. "Well, if you insist." With a playful smile, he effortlessly scooped Yuna up into his arms, cradling her like a princess. Yuna let out a delighted squeal, her laughter becoming even more infectious.
As Thoma carried Yuna towards the main garden, their voices faded as they ventured further into the estate. Unbeknownst to them, Yuna's summons, left behind near the front entrance, had taken advantage of the distraction. Their innocent and happy expressions transformed into mischievous grins. Spotting a round opening in the walls leading outside, the chibi summons huddled together near the wall. With coordinated effort, they helped each other through the window, eager to embark on their mischievous escapade. Once outside, the tiny cryo spirits scampered off towards the lively street vendors nearby.
The vendors, engrossed in their work and the activities of the day, didn't notice the chibi summons at first. Taking advantage of the commotion around them, the mischievous spirits began their spree. With quick and nimble movements, they snatched small merchandise and products, making giggling motions amongst themselves. In their playful antics, the chibis also engaged in some creative rearrangement of objects. Merchandise displays were subtly altered, and small items were strategically moved around, creating a whimsical chaos that would likely puzzle those who later discovered it.
As the chibi summons continued their mischief, Thoma and Yuna happily indulged in each other’s company back at the estate. Yuna finally lifted her face from Thoma's chest, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Thanks for carrying me, Thoma. It's like being a kid again." Thoma grinned, enjoying the carefree moment, feeling more relaxed from all the day’s work. “Of course, I’d carry you anywhere. I’m just happy to spend any time with you.”
Their lighthearted moment, however, did not go unnoticed. Saori, the lady of the Noguchi Clan, walked past them with a small smile. She seemed accustomed to the playful interactions within the estate and regarded them with a knowing glance. "Enjoying your time together, I see," Saori remarked, her tone carrying a subtle warmth. Thoma nodded with a grin, adjusting his hold on Yuna. "Always, Lady Saori. I had the rest of the day off, thought I’d spend that time here! If you don’t mind, of course." Thoma explained, still chuckling at the memory. Saori chuckled softly. "Not at all, Yuna had been moping the whole day. But now, she’s in full spirits." A teasing look was sent Yuna’s way causing the expressive girl to turn her head away as a blush graced her features. “Ah before I leave you two alone, Yuna, your summons escaped from the estate again. I hear they’re causing a mess in the street market.”
“What!?” Yuna sprung up from Thoma’s arms, a panicked, exasperated expression on her face. “Those little gremlins!” She exclaimed before running to the exit of the estate. Thoma exchanged an amused glance with Saori. "I guess their mischief is hard to contain," he remarked with a chuckle. Saori nodded in agreement. "Indeed, those chibis of hers have a knack for getting into trouble. But it keeps things interesting around here." Thoma grinned, appreciating Saori's understanding. "Well, I better go help Yuna in rounding them up." Saori gave a nod of approval. "Take your time, Thoma. The estate can handle a bit of chaos, and Yuna seems more than capable of handling her own summons.” Thoma rushes after Yuna, leaving Saori to watch him leave with a smile on her face. Even if the two were able to catch the chibis before any more trouble was made, Yuna’s summons have a mind of their own and won’t be contained for too long. After all, they’re extensions of Yuna, and if she’s trying to contain too much of her emotions then her summons will express them for her instead. Saori couldn’t help but wonder what the vendors did to make Yuna so annoyed with them.
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ariparri · 10 months
Join Me On My Escapade
Eager to share her love for ice skating and to satiate Thoma's concern over her bruises, Yuna invites Thoma to join her in Chinju Forest. Yuna's ice skating performance captivates Thoma, who eventually joins her on the ice for the first time.
Ice Skating Prompts - 1, 6 and 10
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3710
Yes I'm actually branching out to write for my other OCs and fandoms. I need a ship name for these two (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Was gonna call them ThoYu or even YuMa but maybe I should think of something nicer for them
You can also read this with Y/N in place of Yuna if you're not a fan of OC inserts (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
If you’re new here, just know that I don’t proofread my stories. Once they’re done, I just post them as is, mistakes and all (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Beginning and near the end are kind of awkward, didn’t know how to start or finish it σ^_^; Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one. I had so much motivation and inspiration for this one, thanks to the skating prompts.
Posted on AO3 as well!
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Yuna’s eyes twinkled with excitement when she came by the Kamisato Estate looking for Thoma. Her voice echoed through the elegant halls of the estate as she excitedly called out for Thoma. The soft sound of her footsteps followed her lively calls as she made her way through the well-maintained corridors.
"Thoma! Thoma, where are you?" Yuna's enthusiasm rang out, creating a lively atmosphere within the serene estate. After a moment, Thoma appeared, emerging from around a corner with a curious expression, dustpan and broom in hand. "Yuna, what's going on?" Thoma asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he observed her animated demeanor. Yuna's eyes lit up upon seeing him, and she eagerly grabbed Thoma's arm. "I've got something exciting to show you! You know how you’ve been worried about these bruises, right?" She gestured to the marks on her arms.
Thoma nodded, a furrow forming on his brow. "Yes, I have. What happened?" Yuna grinned, "We're going to Chinju Forest! I’ll explain everything on the way and maybe we’ll have some fun together while we’re at it.” Yuna exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you free for the rest of the day, though? I’d hate to take you away from your duties unexpectedly." Thoma considered the proposal, his gaze shifting between Yuna's eager face and the responsibilities that awaited him. "Well, it sounds like a nice idea, but we should inform Lady Ayaka. I don’t want to just leave without a word."
“Are you at least finished with your current task right now?” Yuna asks, glancing at the dustpan and broom. “I can wait till you're finished with this one.” Thoma smiled, placing the dustpan in his other hand holding the broom. He ruffled Yuna’s hair once his hand was free, “And here I thought you were eager to get me out of here.” Yuna swats his hand away with a groan, causing Thoma to laugh. “I’m just about done. Come on, let’s go see Lady Ayaka.” He takes her hand and leads her in the direction to Ayaka’s quarters.
The two stopped just before a door, Thoma called out to Ayaka, notifying her of their presence. Once they heard the approval to enter, the sliding doors opened gracefully, revealing Ayaka engrossed in delicate calligraphy. The two set foot inside the room and Ayaka looked up with a small smile. She was pleasantly surprised to see Yuna along with Thoma, “Oh Yuna, it’s so nice to see you again. Are you here on business?”
"Good afternoon, Lady Ayaka! And no, I’m here on a personal request.”
“Is that so? What is it, if I may ask?”
“I was wondering if Thoma could take the rest of the day off," Yuna said, trying to contain her excitement.
Ayaka raised an eyebrow, her pen pausing on the paper. "I don’t see why not. Thoma has been working hard lately. Even when we tell him to take it easy, he’s always overworking himself.”
“Milady…” Thoma mutters, slightly embarrassed at the call out. Yuna smiles at Ayaka, nodding in agreement to her statement. “Aha! See, Thoma, even Lady Ayaka says you overwork yourself!” Thoma lets out a groan, hiding his face in his hands as both Ayaka and Yuna share a laugh at his expense. “Alright that’s enough!” Thoma grabs onto Yuna’s shoulders, stopping her from making anymore fun of him. Yuna took the hint and quickly explained their plan for a quick adventure through Chinju Forest.
Ayaka considered the request, her thoughtful gaze shifting between Yuna and Thoma. After a moment, a smile graced Ayaka's lips, sharing a knowing look with Yuna. "Very well, Thoma. You may take the rest of the day off. Enjoy your time with Yuna, and please be cautious on the ice." At her approval, Thoma had a confused expression on his face. Ignoring the questioning look from Thoma, Yuna grabbed his hand before turning to the doorway. “Thanks Lady Ayaka, I’ll be sure to bring him back in one piece! You should join us next time, I miss dancing with you!” She expressed her gratitude, and with Ayaka's permission secured, the pair left the estate.
Thoma's curiosity got the better of him as they headed toward Chinju Forest, and he couldn't help but inquire about the ice and the purpose of their visit. The twinkle in Yuna and Ayaka's eyes during the permission grant had piqued his interest. "Okay, so why exactly are we heading to Chinju Forest? And what did Lady Ayaka mean about the ice?" Thoma asked, a genuine curiosity in his voice.
Yuna beamed, her excitement evident. "You kept wondering how I've been getting all those bumps and bruises, right? Well, we're going ice skating!" She grabbed Thoma's hand and began pulling him toward the path to the forest. "I do this a lot in my free time. Sometimes Lady Ayaka would join me when she's not so busy with her own duties."
Thoma's face lit up with relief as he finally understood the source of Yuna's injuries. “Oh that’s a relief. I was worried you got yourself into some trouble with someone.” Yuna gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You worry too much, Thoma, it’s cute.” As they walked, Yuna continued to share her enthusiasm for ice skating, describing the joy it brought her. Thoma found himself looking forward to the unexpected adventure, appreciating the opportunity to share in Yuna's passion.
Once they arrived at Chinju Forest, the towering trees were adorned with glistening icicles setting the stage for a picturesque ice-skating experience. Letting go of Thoma’s hand, Yuna walked up to the frozen river. She placed one foot on the ice, applying light pressure in her step watching the surface crack. “Hmm, not as solid as I like.” Channeling the power of her cryo vision, she lifts her leg up and slams her foot back down onto the ice to release a burst of frosty energy. The river's once tentative ice transformed into a more stable foundation as a layer of fresh, crystalline frost spread beneath her.
Thoma watched in awe as Yuna's cryo vision worked its magic, turning the once uncertain ice into a winter wonderland. The air sparkled with frost as Yuna tested the now reinforced ice, her weight supported by the newly formed layer, gliding across the frozen river with joy in her heart. With a sense of triumph, she turned to Thoma, an infectious joy radiating from her.
“Come on and join me!” She glides back over to Thoma with her arms open, ready to pull him onto the ice with her. “I know you don’t have skates, and I’m using my vision to move on the ice, it’ll be easy if I just pull you along.” Thoma chuckled, shaking his head in good-natured amusement. "I think I'll pass for now. You go ahead, show me your moves." Yuna grinned, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Alright, but don’t think I won’t drag you on the ice later!”
With a playful twirl, she began to skate across the newly fortified ice, her movements graceful and fluid. The winter air echoed with the soft sounds of Yuna’s laughter and her zori scraping against the ice, creating a joyful atmosphere on the frozen river. Thoma watched with admiration as Yuna demonstrated her skills. Her pink hair swirled around her as she twirled and spun, leaving a trail of frosty magic in her wake. The crystallized surface seemed to respond to her every movement, enhancing the enchantment of the winter wonderland they found themselves in.
As Yuna continued to skate, Thoma couldn't help but appreciate the joy she radiated. Her love for dancing, combined with the power of her cryo vision, created a magical display that captivated him. He found himself content to be a spectator, enjoying the beauty of Yuna's skating prowess against the backdrop of the winter landscape.
Sitting by one of the Tanuki statues, his attention was captivated by the enchanting sight of Yuna’s graceful skating. The snowflakes fell gently around them, creating a magical aura as they clung to Yuna’s hair and lashes. Each delicate snowflake, like glistening crystals creating an ethereal halo around her, seemed to enhance Yuna's own beauty.
Thoma couldn't take his eyes off her. Yuna's long pink hair stood out vividly against the serene blues and whites of the winter scenery. The contrast between the soft hues of her hair and the crisp surroundings painted a picture of grace and charm. Her lashes, delicately frosted by the falling snow, enhanced the dreamlike quality of the scene, making her look like a winter nymph amidst the frozen wonderland.
Yuna glided gracefully across the ice, enchanted by the winter wonderland surrounding her. Her movements on the ice were like a dance, and the snowflakes added a touch of enchantment to every step. Thoma was mesmerized by the delicate details—the way the snowflakes danced around her, the sparkle in her eyes, and the subtle blush on her cheeks from the winter chill.
Yuna noticed Thoma's lingering gaze and gave him a playful smile. "So what do you think? Enjoying the show?" Thoma, momentarily lost in admiration, blinked and smiled back. "Yes, absolutely. You just... you look like you belong here, surrounded by snow and ice." Yuna giggled, the sound echoing through the winter air. "Well, maybe I was a snow fairy in a past life."
Thoma hummed in response, as Yuna skated closer to the edge of the frozen river. “Oh but I am glad you enjoyed it. Though I did say I was going to drag you onto the ice. It would be a waste to make use of your free time just sitting there. Come on, just this once!” Thoma chuckled, realizing that Yuna was determined to share her love for ice skating with him. "Alright, you win. Teach me your ways, Yuna."
Yuna's eyes sparkled with excitement as she convinced Thoma to try ice skating for the first time. The promise of a fun experience on the frozen plane seemed to be too tempting for Thoma to resist. "Well, come on, come on!" Yuna practically hopped over to Thoma, her infectious enthusiasm bubbling over. Her cheerful smile was so bright that it was almost blinding. Thoma couldn't help but laugh at her boundless energy. "Haha, okay, okay. Calm down, Yuna," Thoma chuckled, giving in to her contagious spirit. He took her hands, ready to be guided onto the ice. However, before Yuna could pull him onto the frozen surface, he lightly tugged her hands back.
"Hold on, how am I supposed to stand without slipping, exactly? I know you have your vision, but surely that won’t help me keep my balance." Thoma raised a playful eyebrow, teasing Yuna with a mock expression of concern. Yuna grinned mischievously, "Don't worry, Thoma. I'll be your guide on this. Just follow my lead, and you'll be skating like a pro in no time!" Thoma couldn't help but chuckle at her reassurance. "Alright, Yuna. Lead the way. But go easy on me, okay?"
Yuna openly giggles in response, “Don’t worry, I’ll go over the basics! It’s as easy as walking. Now come on, let’s go.” Thoma was a bit hesitant, listening to Yuna patiently explain the basics, taking hold of her hands for support. Tentatively stepping onto the ice, Thoma wobbled, struggling to find his balance in the unfamiliar realm of the frozen river. As they glided onto the ice together, Yuna guided Thoma through the wobbles and stumbles, turning each misstep into a shared laugh. Thoma, gradually finding his balance, began to mirror Yuna's movements, their laughter echoing in the crisp winter air.
Yuna and Thoma glided hand in hand through the forest, the serene atmosphere and the crisp air adding to the magic of their shared moments on the ice. “You’re doing great! We’ll keep at this pace for now until you’re more comfortable moving a little faster.” Yuna’s voice was quiet but still uplifting. Despite the nervous pressure in his chest, Thoma let out a small laugh, “This doesn’t seem so bad. Learning how to balance and move forward was pretty easy.”
Yuna, still gliding effortlessly, winked at him. "Just wait until I teach you a few tricks, Thoma. We'll turn you into an ice-skating pro in no time! Nothing to be worried about.” Their laughter echoing across the ice until a sudden misstep from Thoma sent them tumbling onto the cold surface. A surprised gasp escaped Thoma’s lips as they fell backwards. “Whoa—!” Yuna, quick to react, thrusts her hands forward, cradling the back of Thoma’s head to protect him from the fall.
They landed on the ice with a muffled thud, the shock of the impact reverberating through both of them. As seconds passed, the two of them began to recover their bearings. The position they were in when they fell left Yuna awkwardly straddling Thoma with her hands still holding his head. The unexpected closeness caused a flush to spread across Yuna's cheeks, and she quickly moved to sit beside him.
"Ouch, that was unexpected," Thoma said, wincing slightly as he adjusted himself on the ice. Yuna nodded, her cheeks still tinged with a rosy hue. "Are you okay, Thoma? I didn't mean for that to happen." Thoma chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "No worries, Yuna. It's all part of the learning process, right?" Yuna nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Right! But, you’re really alright? No serious injuries I need to worry about?”
Thoma grinned, appreciating Yuna's concern. "I'm alright, Yuna. Just a bit surprised, that's all. No serious injuries to worry about." Yuna's expression softened with relief, and she let out a small sigh. "Phew, that's a relief. I was so worried I might have hurt you." Thoma assured her with a playful smile, "No harm done. I should have been more careful with my footing. Guess I still have a lot to learn about ice skating."
Yuna chuckled, her laughter echoing across the frozen surface. "Well, it's all part of the process, right? Besides, now I have another story to add to my skating escapades." Thoma nodded, the two of them sharing a moment of camaraderie amidst the snowy landscape. "Definitely. And I have a feeling becoming an ice-skating pro might take a bit more time than we thought." Yuna grinned, her playful spirit undiminished. "No worries, Thoma. We'll get there together!” Her hands happily clasped, expressing a promised determination.
Concern etched Thoma's face as he observed the redness on the back of Yuna's hands from their unexpected fall on the ice. "Yuna, your hands. Let me take a look at them. We should make sure there's no serious injury," Thoma insisted, his voice filled with genuine worry. Yuna smiled warmly, still holding onto her determined spirit. "Thanks, Thoma. But don't worry too much. I'm tougher than I look." Thoma chuckled, "I don't doubt that, Yuna. Still, let's make sure those hands are taken care of."
Yuna appreciated Thoma's kindness and nodded, extending her hands for him to examine. After a careful examination, Thoma gently cradled Yuna's hands in his own, his touch reassuring. "It doesn't seem too serious, but we should head back so I can properly tend to them. I don't want any bruising to get worse." He got up, ready to pull Yuna along but lost his footing, nearly face planting into the frozen ground.
Yuna's laughter echoed through the snowy air as Thoma nearly slipped while attempting to guide her off the ice. Her quick reflexes kicked in, and with a playful giggle, she took hold of Thoma's shoulders, gently steering him toward the more stable ground. "Careful there, Thoma! It seems the ice is not done with us yet," Yuna teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
Once they were back on the forest ground, Yuna was about to take a step toward the path leading to the entrance of the forest, before Thoma tugged on her hand swiftly turning her back around. “Whoa! Thoma, what’s up? You okay?” Thoma looked down at Yuna's knees with concern evident in his eyes, noticing the damp spot on her stockings. "You landed on your knees too, right? That was a hard landing you took, I just want to make sure you're completely fine." Yuna gave Thoma a grateful smile. "You're sweet, Thoma, but seriously, I can manage. This isn't the first time I've fallen hard on the ice. It can be tricky, but it's always worth the fun, bruises and all."
Thoma insisted, "I know, but it's not just about the bruises. I want to make sure you're comfortable on the way back, and walking through the forest with sore knees might not be the most pleasant experience." Yuna sighed in playful defeat, realizing Thoma's point. "Alright, you win. I suppose a piggyback ride wouldn't hurt."
Thoma grinned and bent down, allowing Yuna to climb onto his back. Once she was settled, he straightened up, making sure she was comfortable. "Comfortable back there?" Thoma asked with a chuckle. Yuna laughed, "Surprisingly, yes. Lead the way Thoma!"
As Thoma carried Yuna on his back, making their way through the forest, Yuna couldn't resist a playful teasing. The pain in her hands and knees weren’t unbearable, but she seized the opportunity to make light of the situation. "Hmm, something tells me you just want to leave early. Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse?" Yuna teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I mean, it's not like they hurt that much. You're not trying to escape the wilderness, are you?" Thoma chuckled, his steps steady but with a hint of mock offense. "Now, Yuna, that's not fair. I'm genuinely concerned about your well-being. Bruised limbs or not, I want to make sure you're comfortable."
Yuna grinned, enjoying the banter. "Uh-huh, uh-huh, sure. You just can't handle the wild, adventurous side of me, can you? Are the trees and the open sky too much for you, Thoma? You really wanna go back to dusting shelves and mopping floors?" Thoma rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh, please. I can handle the wilderness just fine. But when it comes to a lady's comfort, chivalry demands I prioritize that over a scenic stroll." Yuna laughed, the playful exchange lightening the mood. "Alright, Thoma, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But just know, I can survive in the wild just as well as you!"
As Thoma carried Yuna on his back through the surroundings of Chinju Forest, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of tranquility and the occasional crunch of snow. Yuna couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and gratitude for Thoma's considerate gesture. Her bruised hands rested gently on his shoulders, and she couldn't deny the tenderness in his actions. Despite the situation, Yuna found Thoma's caring demeanor absolutely adorable. She felt a sudden burst of overwhelming affection for the young man who carried her so gently. Her heart swelled with appreciation for his kindness.
"Thoma, you're just too cute, you know that?" Yuna remarked with a giggle, her voice filled with affection. "Carrying me like this and being so sweet about my silly bruises. Like my own personal knight from those old Mondstadt fairy tales you told me about." Thoma chuckled, his steps steady and sure. "Well, I'm glad you think so. I just want to make sure you get back to the estate safely and take care of those bruises." Yuna nuzzled her face against Thoma's neck, her heart fluttering with adoration. "You're the best, Thoma. Seriously! Ugh, I never knew someone could be so adorable while taking care of someone else!"
Thoma couldn't help but chuckle at Yuna's enthusiastic reaction, her adorable squeal reverberating through the air. As she smothered her face into the back of his neck, her limbs wrapped around him in a tight embrace. The unexpected declaration of his cuteness and the sudden hug caught Thoma off guard feeling a warm flush spreading across his cheeks.
"You're just so cute! Aarghh, I'm gonna bite you!" Yuna declared, her voice muffled against his neck. Thoma couldn't contain his smile at her affectionate antics. Yuna leaned forward just enough to playfully bite his cheek, causing Thoma to stumble slightly in embarrassment. A red hue dusted his cheeks as he tried to maintain his composure. "He-hey, stop! I might drop you!" Thoma protested, his voice a mix of embarrassment and amusement. He adjusted his grip on Yuna, making sure she was secure despite her playful nibble. Yuna giggled, her embrace still tight. “I told you I was gonna bite you!”
“I didn’t think you were serious!”
"Expect it next time! You’re lucky I didn't bite too hard. You're like an adorable puppy, and I can't resist!"
Thoma couldn't help but laugh along with her, appreciating the lighthearted moment with a slight blush on his cheeks. He continued to carry Yuna with unwavering care. The duo continued their journey back to the Kamisato estate, the playful interaction adding a delightful touch to their relationship. As they approached the estate, Thoma couldn't help but feel a warm fondness for Yuna's infectious enthusiasm and the unexpected joy she brought into his day.
He turned his head just enough to see Yuna resting her head on his shoulder, eyes closed with a content smile. Her embrace conveyed a sense of security and warmth that Thoma found surprisingly comforting. The sight of her contentment warmed his heart, and he found himself appreciating the simplicity and genuine connection of the moment. A smile made its way on Thoma's face when Yuna opened her eyes, meeting Thoma's gaze with a playful twinkle. A light blush adorned her cheeks as she nuzzled her face more into his neck. Thoma's heart skipped a beat, feeling a tender and unexpected closeness with Yuna in that serene moment.
The snowy path to the Kamisato Estate felt like a sacred journey, each step carrying with it the shared experiences and unspoken understanding between Thoma and Yuna. As they approached their destination, the serenity of the snowy evening mirrored the quiet joy that had blossomed in their hearts, leaving them with a memory to cherish and a connection that went beyond the cold touch of winter.
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ariparri · 2 years
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Valentine’s Card number 3 featuring one of my more wholesome ships.
Already working on the fourth one, and I think I'm gonna love it xD
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ariparri · 2 years
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They were on a date, but mini Yuna and Taroumaru interrupted them. They’re now running off to cause some chaos!
Not gonna lie, not entirely my best work. I just felt like tossing this one in the trash. But I haven’t made any artworks of these two so I had to commit (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Also thinking of coming up with a name for Yuna’s mini ice/snow versions of her since I gave her actual snow golems names.
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ariparri · 4 months
Concept sketch for Fujino Hanamaru. Went through many hairstyles for her but I think the long braid suits her more.
I really wanna make her design but I should really finish that ThoYu ship art xD
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ariparri · 9 months
Genshin Impact Masterlist
Made this for my OCs' content whether it’s art or even fiction! Other Genshin content of mine will have the Genshin Impact hashtags, content with my OCs will have their own tags.
Blog Masterpost
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Mochizuki Yuna
Old Concept
Reference Update (Post Archon Quest)
Splash Art (Old Ver.)
Splash Art (New Ver.)
Wish (Old Ver.)
Event Outfit Wish
Ice Skating
Portrait (Old)
Portrait (New)
Mini Me Meme
When You Have No Friends
The New Yae Miko
Noguchi Saori
Splash Art
Elemental Burst
Wither (+recap)
Other Content
Yuna and Her Companions ft. Your OC
The Lady and Her Guard (Yuna & Saori)
Betrayal (ft. Sara)
It’s My Mora! (ft. Paimon, Mona)
Idle (Yuna & Saori)
A Moment of Peace (Yuna & Saori)
Spices of The West (Yuna & Saori)
Date Crashers (Thoma x Yuna)
Valentine's Card (Thoma x Yuna)
Hair Color Inconsistencies (Yuna)
Clingy Girlfriend (ThoYu)
Join Me on My Escapade (Thoma x Yuna)
Oh wow, you’re hot (Thoma x Yuna)
Those Little Gremlins (Thoma x Yuna)
Hoshimatsuri (Thoma x Yuna)
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If Trees Had Sweating Glands to Cool Off From The Heat
How Trees Sweat
During extreme heat waves it’s common for people to seek relief under the shade of a tree yet few of us wonder how trees themselves survive these extreme conditions. Researchers from the University of Western Sydney’s Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment grew trees under controlled climate conditions to see how trees survive these harsh conditions. They discovered that leaves have their own way to survive abnormal heat by releasing water to cool themselves off. This act is very similar to the way humans sweat in order to cool our body temperature.
Over the course of one year researchers learned that trees continuously expel water through leaves when under duress caused by extreme heat. Essentially, this is how trees survive heat waves. Before this was discovered, scientists thought that photosynthesis and water expulsion were merged processes, which means for one to happen, another also needed to happen. They learned this is not the case.
Although these trees were grown in artificial conditions, they provide accurate projections of how trees will respond during extremely hot weather conditions.  When trees under artificial conditions were exposed to the equivalent of a four day heat wave, during peak temperatures, trees stop sequestering carbon. On a larger scale, this means that forests, whether urban or rural, if exposed to extreme heat will stop sequestering carbon. Over time, if global temperatures continue to rise, this could have greater consequences on a forest’s ability to act as a carbon sink.
How Trees Cool Themselves
Under normal conditions, trees cool themselves by a process calls evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is the process of water evaporating from leaves when the sun’s rays hit the trees canopy. In some cases tree canopies can divert up to 60% of incoming radiation through this process. However, it can only happen when trees are healthy. If a tree is stressed due to drought or a beetle infestation then the process of evapotranspiration could be slowed or absent entirely.
In North America, more trees are planted than are harvested due to its high standards of sustainable forest management practices. When forests are healthy and sustainably managed they sequester carbon from the atmosphere to help lower global temperatures. Thoyu supports the use of sustainably sourced lumber used in wood packaging across North America.
ThoYu pallet machinery ongoing research seeks to further increase the understanding of the relationships between the design and performance of wood pallets and the entire unit load, to obtain even greater resource efficiencies in the future.Need a custom box? presswood pallets and cases to your specification:Just send us the size… It’s simple and fast!Get a quote before you order, normally the same working day.ThoYu provides you semi-automatic and fully automatic wooden pallet production line. What’s more, you also can produce different types of pallet according to your need. At the same time, one set of wooden pallet machineequips with one set of the mold. If you want to produce different pallet, you just change the mold only.Above all, Thoyu also provides molded plastic pallet machine and wood pallet block machine for you. In addition, we can provide all series of auxiliary equipment, such as wood chipper, wood crusher, wood drying machine, glue mixing machine and so on.
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cindy893 · 4 years
Food Sorters Market Size, Status and Forecast from 2020-2026 | TOMRA, Aweta, Bioretics
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The worldwide Food Sorters Market is conscientiously looked into inside the report while generally focusing on top players and their business strategies, topographical development, advertise sections, serious scene, assembling, and evaluating and value structures. Each area of the examination study is extraordinarily arranged to investigate key parts of the overall Food Sorters Market. for instance the market elements segment dives profound into the drivers, limitations, patterns, and chances of the overall Food Sorters Market. With subjective and quantitative synthetic investigation , we help you with intensive and extensive research on the overall Food Sorters Market.
The Objective of Food Sorters market:
The Food Sorters market report has been fragmented into key sections, for example, item types, end-clients, prime areas, and vital players. The perusers can evaluate point by point and strategical data about each fragment. The Food Sorters market report likewise incorporates a mix of measurements about deals, utilization rate, volume, esteem, net edge and the sky is the limit from there
Request Sample Report at: http://www.marketresearchglobe.com/request-sample/1290467
Key players of the Global Food Sorters Market-
CFT Group
Ellips Group (Elisam)
Eshet Eilon
Hefei Taihe Optoelectronic Technology
Henan Union International
InSight Sorters
InVision Automated Systems
Jiangxi Reemoon Technology
Kerian Machines
Minjiang Xingnong Machinery Manufacturing
Navatta Group
Quadra Machinery
Sorma Group
Yuanjiang Xing Nong Machinery Manufacturing
Zhengzhou First Industry
Types is divided into:
Size Sorter Machine
Weight Sorting Machine
Appearance Quality Sorting Machine
Internal Quality Sorting Machine
Applications is divided into:
The size of Food Sorters market is split supported the merchandise type, purchaser, and application segments. The industry growth of every segment is assessed along side the prediction of their growth within the near future. The relevant data and statistics gathered from the regulatory authorities are portrayed within the report back to assess the event of segments.
Significant Regions covered in this report:
North America, China,Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Central & South America
Check Discount for Report: http://www.marketresearchglobe.com/check-discount/1290467
The research report renders comprehending insight supported several types and applications. the merchandise types are further collected with the most target being on the price , revenue, rate of growth , market share, etc. Similarly, supported the applications, the report aims the expansion rate, market share of Food Sorters in each application.
The study objectives are:
To analyze and research the worldwide Food Sorters capacity, production, value, consumption, status and forecast.
To specialise in the key Food Sorters manufacturers and study the capacity, production, value, market share and development plans in next few years.
To focuses on the worldwide key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.
Offers unique insights into the decision-making process for any category which will aid in strategic decision-making.
To analyze the worldwide and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.
Market size estimate of the regionally and internationally focused infotainment marketplace for vehicles.
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Scope to hide all potential categories which will assist all stakeholders within the Food Sorters market industry.
Enquire Additional Concerning the Report at: http://www.marketresearchglobe.com/send-an-enquiry/1290467
Customization of this Report: This Food Sorters report could be customized to the customer's requirements. Please contact our sales professional ([email protected]), we will ensure you obtain the report which works for your needs.
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thoyumachine · 5 years
There are different kinds of fruit pitting machines, but how to buy the better fruits pitter. ThoYu will give you some useful tips for fruit pitting machine.
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thoyumachine · 5 years
Automatic pressed pallet block production line installation is smooth in Romania in March, 2019. The following is the pictures of automatic pressed pallet block machine running site in Romania.
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