#Thou shalt not commit @ d u l + e r y
theexodvs · 2 years
MRAs: What are you going to do to prevent women from lying about the identity about their children’s father?
Me: Catechize my daughters. I will tell them that intercourse with men who are not their husbands violates the seventh commandment, that lying about the identity of the father of their children violates the ninth commandment (and, if this lie makes its way to a birth certificate, a federal crime), and that extracting money from men who did not father their children or for purposes other than taking care of their children violates the eighth commandment. I will tell them that all these things are cosmic treason. And when catechizing my sons, I will tell them to avoid entanglement with women whose character demonstrates they might do these things. That is all I as one man can do to prevent others from engaging in sin.
MRAs: Oh, we won’t do that, because we intend to let the public school system and the tablet do our catechizing.
Me: So, what you’re telling me is that you expect civil magistrate to punish behavior in independent adults that you won’t tell your own children is wrong when they are young and under your headship?
MRAs: Yes. Because legislation always solves sociocultural problems.
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