#Ninth commandment
theexodvs · 2 years
MRAs: What are you going to do to prevent women from lying about the identity about their children’s father?
Me: Catechize my daughters. I will tell them that intercourse with men who are not their husbands violates the seventh commandment, that lying about the identity of the father of their children violates the ninth commandment (and, if this lie makes its way to a birth certificate, a federal crime), and that extracting money from men who did not father their children or for purposes other than taking care of their children violates the eighth commandment. I will tell them that all these things are cosmic treason. And when catechizing my sons, I will tell them to avoid entanglement with women whose character demonstrates they might do these things. That is all I as one man can do to prevent others from engaging in sin.
MRAs: Oh, we won’t do that, because we intend to let the public school system and the tablet do our catechizing.
Me: So, what you’re telling me is that you expect civil magistrate to punish behavior in independent adults that you won’t tell your own children is wrong when they are young and under your headship?
MRAs: Yes. Because legislation always solves sociocultural problems.
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biblenewsprophecy · 2 months
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the-velvet-worm · 3 months
has anyone in this fandom ever acknowledged the fact that harrow believes with 1000000% certainty that she was able to unlock the tomb because she's a Super Special Magical Girl (she is, not the point) and has no idea that it's only because she had gideon's blood/skin under her nails when she opened it
like what the fuck is learning this going to do to her chopped up little brain. it's going to destroy her. it's going to completely ruin her sense of self. the only reason she kept LIVING was because she was able to open the tomb and look upon the girl inside it. and to learn that it's NOT because she's The Necromancer Divine, that it's actually her life-long feud with gideon that allowed it to happen? that gideon is the biological child of the Emperor Undying? never mind all the other information we learn at the end of HtN while harrow is fighting gideon's bio mother in the river (she also doesn't even know that wake gave birth to gideon lol)
anyway I think harrow is going to feel very normal about all of this (she's absolutely not)
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civetside · 8 months
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they say she was pushed out of the airlock but i know what really happened
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muppetebbtide · 2 months
I think often about the heavy irony of John laughing at Wake's name and mocking BOE's naming systems. BOE are trying to preserve lost Earth culture, but clueless of context, their fragmented merging of high and low culture comes across as silly to John (and us. But it's a noble attempt to preserve everything, even the stuff that wouldn't necessarily seem 'worth' saving. But what does John rename his friends? Pyrrha and Cassiopeia and Ulysses and Augustine. He also names almost everything after Earth culture, but it's literary/religious/historical 'high' culture. BOE is scrabbling to save everything possible, but John has the privilege of context and memory, and so he picks and chooses what's 'worthy' of being used or shared. Low culture is reserved for his little jokes with himself— though honestly, a lot of his references to earth culture full stop seem to be inside jokes at the expense of others. I doubt Cassiopeia knew she was named after the infamously vain ancient queen, for example. John also quotes things at people without explaining what he means, like when he quotes Shakespeare and Hans Christian Andersen at Harrow; he's not really sharing it, he's mostly using it to isolate the other person in the conversation, or make himself seem unknowable and superior. It's honestly very telling that when given the choice John will name most things biblically or classically. It does partially feel like he's desperately scraping to preserve something of his childhood and the home he destroyed (especially with the renaming of Gideon to the Māori translation Kiriona, but... well, he literally renamed her and made her into a walking corpse teenage soldier so :/), but when you look at how he deploys earth culture on the whole, it usually becomes weird and imperialistic and weaponised. He's not really preserving lost art, he's selectively using it for his own agenda, and he's often using the two biggest things that were ever co-opted by conservatives and imperialists, the classical world and biblical convention.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
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hot milfs in your area right now
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mangotastic97 · 3 months
Hello TLT fandom
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i am *checks notes* contributing
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beguilingcorpse · 4 months
btw it is SO funny to me that harrow the ninth sets up the question of gideon's parentage by obscuring g1deon's name through most of the book. and if you're able to piece any of it together early you're like hang on..... a lyctor named gideon.... who MUST have known commander wake...... biblically, dare i say........ and he's a ginger......... and then the actual reveal happens and it's like oh actually that's all unrelated. yeah wake did have a torrid affair with two people in the same body but that's not relevant to her pregnancy. you see actually there was a nefarious threesome and they stole god's sperm so wake could self-inseminate. yeah g1deon kind of just happened to be there. sorry
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cutetanuki-chan · 9 months
I gave my body and my voice But do you think I had a choice?
audio is 'The Star Song' by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley
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wubbelwubbwubb · 6 months
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Don’t wake the Sleeper
Thank you @theriverbeyond for letting me use your cosplay pictures as a reference, and for creating such an awesome Wake cosplay! The moment I saw it, I knew I had to draw it.
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thermodynamic-comedian · 11 months
two characters having a biological daughter with each other despite having never had sex, being on opposite sides of a war, and really only seeing each other as representations of ideologies they disagree with was one of the choices ever made in tlt. perhaps even the choice ever. an anti-ship of sorts. not even divorced couple energy, not even lovers who hate each other energy, absolutely zero sexual or romantic tension between them. just two people who hate each other and have a child together. while having never fucked each other. beautiful
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twink-with-an-agenda · 6 months
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nercynorning · 1 year
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You know I had to do it to em
Based on this post
Characters made using this picrew by PotatoLord, clumsily edited by me
Sword made with this picrew by iienex
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future-crab · 1 year
But seriously what if my parent conceived me solely so I could be killed as a child to open a locked door and what if your parents killed 200 children so that you could be born to keep it locked forever. What if both of us were war crimes what if our parents saddled us with more pain and guilt and heartbreak than anyone could ever hope to handle from the moment we were born.
And what if we kissed about it.
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moldofthewater · 5 months
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I love them all so much.
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lno-x · 2 months
Absolutely love all your tlt character designs!!!! I was wondering if youve ever drawn Wake? Id love to see your design for her
Thank you!
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I know the question was more about the design of the Wake than the genetic dominance that John (unfortunately) gained an advantage in, but I was just wondering how much I could convey their relationship in appearance.
I think the one thing that Gideon get from Wake is red hair, acne and angry issues. The other stuff is John work
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Silly bonus
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