#Though I did start to get artsy with the framing and lighting so I suppose some of them kind of count??? I don't know lol
flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
Hello again, Tenno! Let's talk Easter Eggs! Specifically, Warframe DE Logo Easter Eggs! I just recently found the DE logo hidden in Duviri (quite by accident as I've done with all but the one hidden in the Zariman), and wanted to share screenshots of my findings!
But then it occurred to me, "gosh wouldn't it be cool and helpful if I compiled images to help people find all of the hidden DE logos?"
Just to warn you: this is a long post since it's essentially a step-by-step for finding all the logos in all five areas!
Welcome to Cetus! You're Landing Craft has just dropped you off onto the platform by the shore! See that cliff face off to your right? If you want to find the DE logo you need to go climb on top of that!
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Yeah, in fact you need to go this far inland (to the rock I'm standing on)!
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It's right here on the edge of this rock!
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Next area!
Welcome to Fortuna (my favorite hub ♥)! Bask in the wonderful bisexual lighting!
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When you are done basking jump on up here to this little balcony! It's the second balcony up (the third floor if you count the ground floor as the first one)!
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The DE logo is hidden on side facing inward!
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And onward we go!
Welcome to the Necralisk! It's a bit pustule-y and gooey but there is still some old Orokin architecture sticking out of the infested flesh-scape here and there! Like this pillar! Here - I'll throw my Xoris for you so you can see what I'm looking at!
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Climb on up and - TADA! There it is! A nice and simple find! That can't really be said about the next one though.
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Oh boy here we are...
The DE logo hidden in the Zariman - the one I struggled the most to find, I thought I had rubbed by face against every wall and structure, but apparently I had missed a spot. This is the only one I needed to look up to find. This is the elevator that leads out to the rest of the Zariman - where we do the Zariman missions.
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I thought I had checked this area thoroughly enough but I think that disconnected wall panel always caused my angle coming out from the elevator to just miss it. See where I'm standing? Notice how it seems a little darker there? I certainly didn't.
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There's an opening to - what would you call this - a maintenance port? Regardless, let's head in past the overgrown vines.
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It leads into an elbow passage and into a little room.
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Looks like another area one or more of the Zariman children used to hide. Of course, no area in the Zariman is complete without the ominous graffiti!
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And right on the side of the box here is the logo! Even though I couldn't find this one without help I really enjoy the concept of them being a bit more hidden.
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Like the last one!
I stumbled across this one by accident when I was in Captura gathering references of the mirror and portal frames for a Duviri-inspired piece I'm working on.
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I happened to notice what looks like a window in the Kaithe's stable and totally expected the overgrowth to be a solid object when I jumped at it.
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It wasn't. Queue shock and confusion. At first, I thought it was just a hole leading over to the plant area - a silly short cut. I walked in a little further.
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No, this is an enclosed cave. A secret! A nice little den to hide in!
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Wait that's-! WOAH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE A HIDDEN LOGO FOR THIS AREA! That's so cool and fun! I love this hiding spot for it! The perfect amount of context clues to make you suspicious and intrigued by the area if you are looking! This one was by far my favorite to find!
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That's all of the DE logos (that I'm aware of)! I'm looking forward to the interesting places they will think to hide the next ones! Hope you enjoyed my guide (and the silly retelling of how I found the one in Teshin's Cave)!
Thanks for reading!
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kalemakar · 4 years
theres a zoenne and sobbe fic under the cut 
Senne pushes Zoe against the wall next to their flatshare door and presses his lips against hers urgently. Zoe smiles before kissing him back and her arms slide up from Senne’s waist to his neck and they wrap around it, pulling him closer to her. Senne’s hand sneaks up under Zoe’s shirt and rubs her soft skin there. Their lips move in unison, leading to something more. Senne's hand flies away from Zoe’s waist and blindly reaches for the doorknob. Without moving his lips away from Zoe’s, he pushes the door open and pulls them inside. 
“You fucking cheated!”
The harsh yell forces Zoe and Senne to jump away from each other. Senne, with his eyes wide open, looks for the cause of the commotion, realizing it came from Robbe, who is standing on the couch looking down at Sander with his hands on his hips. His eyebrows are pulled down together, framing his angry, glaring eyes, while his lips are being pulled down into a frown. 
“I saw you! How could you fucking do that?!” Robbe cries. 
“I didn’t! I swear I didn’t Robbe!” Sander yells back. 
Senne is very confused. He stares at the two lovers who usually kiss whenever they can, cuddle on the couch while watching a movie, and overall just be sickeningly in love, arguing. 
Sander reaches for his bag and jacket and shoves on his shoes “If you can’t believe me then I'm leaving!” 
Robbe glares at him, “Fine by me” and stomps over to his room and slams the door so hard Senne hears the cups rattling in the kitchen cupboards.
Senne just stands in the middle of the living room shocked. He has no idea what just happened and is too afraid to find out. ‘Cheating?’ Sander would never cheat on Robbe; he's too in love with him. But Robbe did seem sure. 
He turns to Zoe, “Wanna keep making out?” he asks, wanting to resume what they were doing before. 
Zoe purses her lips and stares at Robbe‘s closed-door before whipping her head to door Sander just exited through. “Senne, you go talk to Robbe and I’ll catch up with Sander,” she says as she runs out the door. 
Senne sighs and walks over to Robbe’s room and knocks on the door. He hears the bed covers ruffling and a loud sad sigh. 
“Come in.”
Senne opens the door to see Robbe laying on his bed with his face shoved into his pillow. 
Senne sighs wondering why his friend was this upset and was truly wondering if Sander really has done something wrong to upset him like this. 
He walks over and sits on the bed to rub Robbe’s back, “What happened?”
He hears a muffled reply, “He cheated.” 
Senne raises his eyebrow in shock, “Are you sure?? With who?”
“Yeah I am and I can’t believe he did it.”
“Okay but with who?” Senne asks again.
But Robbe doesn’t reply. Senne moves Robbe over to see that the boy has fallen asleep. Senne smiles softly and pulls up the covers over Robbe. He walks out of the room to see Zoe out of breath in the living room.
He rushes over and asks, “What did Sander say?”
Zoe manages to wheeze out, “He said…he didn’t...cheat at all,” Zoe manages to catch her breath, “I asked him what happened but he said he’s too angry to talk about it and left. I ran all the way back here to tell Robbe.”
Senne chuckles dryly, “Robbe has fallen asleep. And I don’t know if what Sander said is true. Robbe was pretty upset and is so sure that Sander cheated on him?!”
Zoe spits out a laugh, “What?! Sander would never do that! Let’s be real, he is too whipped for Robbe to do anything like that.”
Senne shakes his head in agreement, knowing that both the two are so in love, “Then what’s happening, Zoe?”
Zoe pouts and runs her hand through her hair, “I don’t know, but we have to do something.”
Senne gazes off into contemplation, trying to figure out how to get Sander and Robbe to talk out their issues. Suddenly, he’s hit with an idea he knows will work. If it works in American tv shows, it has to work for them too.
“Zoe! What if we just lock Sander and Robbe in a closet and don’t open the door until both of them talk out their issues?!” Senne asks Zoe excitedly.
Zoe just looks confused, “Why would we force them into a closet? And Robbe just came out of the closet. Why do we want to put him back in?”
Senne lets out a surprised laugh and shakes his head, “No, no, no. That’s not- no. When we force the two into a room and don’t let them out they’ll be forced to talk about their feelings.”
Zoe sighs but a small smirk start growing on her face, “It’s so stupid it might actually work.”
Senne feels like the statement should offend him but he doesn’t care; he’s so excited to see his plan work and have both of his boys happy together again.
The two plan for Zoe to get Sander and Senne to get Robbe and lock them in the bathroom. ‘Since the closet is not an ideal place Senne!’ Senne mocks in his head, upset that they didn’t stick to his original plan. The plan is set for tomorrow and the two go off to their bedroom, sharing lazy kisses, too tired to do anything else, before eventually falling asleep.
The two walk up the next day, groggy and tired, but excited to try and help their friends. Zoe hops out of bed, throwing on some clothes, while Senne brushes his teeth. The two smile at each other, rushing to make their plan a reality. 
Senne walks Senne to their flat door, “Remember, try to come at exactly 14:30, That's 15 minutes from now.”
Zoe rolls her eyes, “Yes, yes I know now let me go get him.”
Senne pampers Zoe’s face with a bunch of small butterfly kisses making Zoe giggle before finally letting her go out the door. Senne closes the flat door and rests his head against it. He sighs, knowing that he’s going to have to talk to Robbe and make him forgo his video game. He grabs his cup of coffee and shuffles over to the living room. He sees Robbe violent playing his game, cursing at the tv screen, swinging his controller over while yelling into his mic. Ever since he woke up, he has been showing his angry side by slamming doors and being impatient at everything and everyone, even the coffee maker. 
“Shit, shit, shit move you, idiot!” Robbe curses loudly. 
Senne nervously bites his lips and stands directly in front of the tv. Robbe looks appalled, “Senne! Move!”
Senne raises his eyebrows at the tone of Robbe’s voice and Robbe sheepishly says sorry. He smiles, “Robbe, why don’t we hang out and talk?”
Robbe looks confused, “Uhh? Sure?”
Senne’s face lights up and he pulls Robbe up by the arm, leading him to the wall adjacent to the bathroom. With Robbe’s back towards the wall, he won't be able to see anyone walking in through the flat door, meaning that he won't see Zoe dragging in Sander. Just then Senne hears the flat door open. Robbe turns his head to look over, but Senne quickly turns his head back and shoves his phone into his face, showing Robbe a meme he found the other day. With Robbe successfully distracted, he peeks over the corner of the wall and sees a groaning Sander being pulled by Zoe. Zoe quickly shoves Sander into the bathroom, letting Senne know that it is his queue. He grabs Robbe’s hand and drags him; Robbe protests, wondering what the hell was going on. He pushes Robbe into the bathroom and Robbe’s shocked to see Sander whipping his head to stare at Zoe and Senne. Before either of them could get out, Zoe closes the door shut and the two lean against it, putting all their weight on it. 
Robbe pounds their fists against the door, “Let us out!”
“Not until you two talk about what is happening right now! Clear up the supposed Sander cheating now!” Zoe yells back. 
“I already know Sander cheated, we don't have to talk about anything” Robbe retorts angrily. 
“Oh my god, Robbe I didn’t!”
Zoe and Senne look at each other nervously. Senne presses his ear against the door hoping to catch more of their conversation; even though that wasn't necessary since both were yelling at each other. 
“Oh my god, I saw your hand reaching towards the bank when you were kissing me! Oh. My. God. Did you distract me by kissing me so you could steal the money?!!!” Robbe cries out. 
Senne lifts his head up from the door and whispers, “Bank?”
Zoe looks just as confused. Bank? Money? What? 
“Oh my god, I was moving the money so I could move you there to make it more comfortable!” Sander retorts exasperated. 
“How can I trust you?!”
Senne sees a look of realization crosses Zoe’s face and she backs away from the door and buries her face into her hand. Senne however, is still so fricking confused. What is happening, he thinks.
Zoe starts laughing; she laughs so hard she’s bending over and holding her stomach. Senne is finally fed up with being confused, “What? What is happening?”
“Senne” Zoe gasps out, “They were playing Monopoly”
Senne finally gets it, slamming his head on the bathroom door, startling the two inside, making them stop bickering. Zoe and Senne had done all this just to find out this? This?
Senne yanks open the bathroom door, “Robbe, Sander, is Monopoly really the thing the two of you should be fighting about? Especially to this degree?!” he says to the now sheepish looking boys. 
Senne pivots on his heel and pulls Zoe to their room. 
“Where are you two going?” Robbe asks. 
“To finish what you interrupted yesterday,” he replies. Zoe giggles and hugs Senne sideways after realizing what Senne means. 
He pushes Zoe inside their room and puts his hands on the door to close it. Before the door fully closes, he can hear Sander ask Robbe, “Are they going to have sex now?”
Later that day in the evening, Senne, Zoe, Robbe, and Sander are spread out on the living room couches watching a random artsy movie that Sander put on. Senne was running his hand through Zoe’s hair since she is sleeping with her head down on his lap. He looks over to his side and sees Sander and Robbe cuddled up in a bunch of blankets whispering to each other. They look very happy and Senne is very relieved that they had gotten over their petty squabble after Zoe and Senne had come out of their room. Senne smiles when he realizes that the room is calm, peaceful, and quiet other than the movie playing in the background. 
He hears the flat door open so he swivels his head over and sees Milan coming back from his job!
“Hey, Milan!” Senne says smiling. 
“Hey, Senne! Hey Robbe, Sander.” Milan replies. 
Both Sander and Robbe let out a few quick hellos before going back to their own conversation. 
As Milan takes off his jacket he whines, “Guys we always watch a movie and chill. We should do something else! We should play Monopoly!”
Senne’s eyes widen and a scared look grows on his face.
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A multi-day journal entry because it’s been a few: 03.10.21
Went for a nice walk around the neighborhood on Saturday because I felt like being outside and not at home. Found out where exactly Xan’s school is and how to get to it because I may or may not have to drop him off if Mom is scheduled extra days this month. Passed lots of houses and found out how all the nearby streets connect. Would've taken artsy pics except I forgot to take a phone with me. Met two or three tiny dogs and two big dogs at two different houses, and they all barked at me as I said hello. Oh, and one guy in a truck with tons of oranges in the back asked me if I wanted to buy some, but I declined. COVID-19, no money on me, and I don’t really like oranges all that much anyway because of the texture. Also passed by a house that was for sale with a kitchen sink that faces the front yard. There was a faucet zip-tied in its box in one side of it, and it’s the same faucet we have: Glacier Something, that detaches as a sprayer.
Getting to Xan’s school was kinda rocky for me because I was wearing my bad, thin-soled flats and I didn’t realize that there was a paved path on the other side of the wash until I got to the end at the school. Partway, I went to take off the mask because nobody was around and I needed all my depth perception, but one side broke as I did, so I spent a few minutes awkwardly standing at the end of the path as I retied my mask. Also tied my flannel shut because it’s too small to button, and it looked just a little odd with my AMBITION shirt and leggings.
Being at the school was kinda nostalgic, even though I never attended that specific one. Enough things were the same though: sun-faded signs, bike cage, playground equipment, fenced in area for the kindergarteners, portables in the back, a huge yellow field, clinking chains on the tetherball poles, and the silence of nobody else there but me.
Except, I wasn’t waiting for a parent to pick me up for once. I was there on my own free will. Other things that didn’t match my childhood include the entrance to the playground being nicely framed by four or so trees, a nice round gathering area painted like the sun around the flag pole, “welcome back” spelled out in blue Solo cups shoved into the bike cage fence, and one of the “no parking” signs by the drop-off area being scribbled out so it said “park here.” It was nice, and I yearn to be ten or younger again.
Partway through my little campus tour, it got a little windy, and I briefly thought about going home, but I ultimately decided to keep walking the same direction and circle my way back home. There’s a big dirt lot right next to the field fenced off, and then I could see the intersection that I’ve walked to the other way around before, so I headed over that way. Came across a shopping center with a bunch of stores, and looked at each one as I passed them. Was able to see inside of a dry cleaner place and look at the machines inside, but after the guy at the counter acknowledged my presence like I was a potential customer, I told him I had never seen inside one before and was just taking a walk, and kinda just... quickly walked away. The shopping center also had a Walmart Neighborhood Market, and I spotted a wild dark-haired Karen with no mask, that I felt was way to close to me. Probably three or four feet away, I don’t know. My depth perception sucks.
Rounding about the other end of the shopping center after looking at Panda Express, Denny’s, and a pizza place, I heard a familiar couple of notes come from one of the vehicles in the parking lot. The beginning notes of She’s a Beauty by The Tubes, which I almost never hear play on the radio or anything because it’s from the early 80s. Despite not being born until 2000, I know a few of their songs because my uncle is the bass player and I’ve been to a few of their concerts when I was younger.
So I started singing a bit as I was walking, and as it started getting more faint, I stopped walking, turned around, and cupped my right ear with my hand to keep listening. Pretty sure one guy looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn’t care. After it ended, or at least, I think it did, I continued on my way, the same route I use when I’m returning home from that street’s bus stop.
When I got home, Mom was out cold on her bed after the facial she did earlier. Skye later told me she never even noticed I left because she went straight to bed for an afternoon nap when she was done, never leaving her room.
I finally reset my sleep schedule enough to wake up at 4 AM on Sunday, which is good enough for me because I used to wake up then in high school anyway. I spent a while just waking up on the toilet, and then decided to do some light cleaning and picking up around the house to surprise Mom when she woke up. She never notices, but I didn’t care about that then.
After tidying up Kare’s hair accessories on the counter and finding her toothbrush still with toothpaste on it from the night before, I decided to rinse out her unicorn wash cloth sitting on the counter, and maybe clean up the toothpaste on the counter with it, but then Mom woke up from the couch. I got scared that she’d be mad I was doing stuff in her bathroom, so I snuck out to the other one. Was a little bored waiting for her to be busy with something so I could finish her counter, so I wiped down the counter of the bathroom I was in.
She tried to come in to get laundry, which startled me because I was right next to the door, and immediately spotted the unicorn cloth. She went off on me for using “something that she uses on her FACE” on the counters of all things. Briefly mentioned wiping the toilet, as if she thought that’s what I did before I walked in.
I didn’t even try explaining myself. Just stood there and let her yell. I know I got a little carried away with cleaning stuff, but like, it was soapy. It’s like Mom complaining that I used the dish sponge with antibacterial dish detergent on Roxie’s food bowls. It doesn’t make sense, but I was too tired and down on myself to care about her seeing my side.
During the visit, Skye and I stayed home and talked in our room, and I looked up that house I saw for sale. Not that nice, and currently off the market, but I found two others that I absolutely love. Kinda wish I’d had a job this entire time. Then maybe I could have enough money to put down a down payment and get one of them. Oh well.
Mom came home while the littles were still at the visit, and Skye and I both pretended to be asleep so we didn’t have to interact with her. Some of her behavior has seemed kinda... sus. I ended up falling asleep for real though, on the carpet, woke up briefly a few times, and finally got up at 1 AM.
Mom was still up, and told me how one of my old friends was trying to contact me but couldn’t because my phone was off, so I turned it back on and we talked for a while. I gave her my Google number in case my actual phone wasn’t working, and wished her a happy birthday, but she fell asleep before she saw the birthday message. Don’t remember much else of the day, except I turned in a Japanese quiz early and cleaned Roxie and her crate. Like always, cleaning took a while because I am very thorough, and because she pooped in the crate when I was washing her bowls. I had to rewash her and the crate floor, which, after last time, I now know slides TF out.
Ended it all with a hot bath for myself, which I fell asleep in. Woke up cold because half the water drained out through the faulty plug, so I ran it again, and fell asleep again. Woke up cold again, refilled it, and finally washed myself. Got out and was relieved to find Roxie and her “room” still clean, and I finished it off with her blankets and one of her beds from the dryer. I tried a new thing with the blanket where I tie one end (two corners) to the crate ceiling to almost make a tent, and she seems to like it.
Not counting the bath naps, I stayed up for over 24 hours, but didn’t realize why I was so damn tired until late Tuesday morning. Ended up falling asleep for a couple hours that afternoon, woke up for a while, and then went back to sleep at a decent time time at night, but I was woken up around 2:30 AM by Mom looking for her keys. She was panicking because March has blackout days and she’s already near her point limit, so being late could literally get her fired. She kept asking where I put them, since her purse and dealer apron were moved off of the crate by me to clean it, but I told her I hadn’t even seen them. I don’t think she believed me, because she still sounded like she was blaming me for not being able to find them.
Not my fault that you said “stop putting things on the dog crate,” and then you kept putting your own stuff on top of the dog crate, and then wanted me to clean it. Where the Hell was I supposed to put her stuff while I was cleaning it?
Skye eventually found her keys in the unlocked car, and she finally left, but was back by 4 AM because she signed the EO list. She tried to prank us when she came in by telling us she was fired, but I didn’t buy it because she wasn’t crying. Trust me, she’d be bawling her eyes out if that had actually happened.
Bringing us to Wednesday, I was a tired mess who’d done Duolingo all morning when I showed us to my Japanese lecture. I only remembered to do it because I heard Mom doing it. She’s apparently gonna learn Spanish.
I still have a few things to make up for that class, but at least I’ve finally organized my worksheets into homework packets. I’ve gone this long before remembering we own a stapler.
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EDIT:  jfc i forgot the readmore i’m sorry for the massive post on your dash xD So this is a snippet/draft from the big fic-in-progress, but it’s holiday appropriate and really cute.  
warnings: mentioned character death (he got better) smoking, mentions of drinking, cursing, and naughty santa innuendo between two emotionally constipated magical skeletons who can’t decide if they wanna date each other or punch each other.  except one knows he can’t be punched or he’ll die and he uses it to pester the other skeleton to no end.
Red and Sans are invited to Tori’s for a small gyftmas/christmas party.  It’s technically Red’s first christmas.  (Asgore is not invited for reasons, Red finds out later)  It’s...a party.  Red is a bit uncomfortable being included in the festivities, and feels a little out of place.
----- Just as Red was considering the eggnog as an escape from his state of constant, unending anxiety that someone was going to turn around and stab him, the whole party went quiet for a moment.  Everyone turned their attention to the front door, and the group of children started making an ungodly noise.   “the fuck??”  Red muttered, willing himself to get closer to the group so he could see what was going on.  Wait. That was Sans.  That was very clearly Sans, dressed up in a red, velvety santa suit and a shitty fake beard.  He hadn’t even bothered to take off his ratty slippers.  Holy shit.  Red fumbles with his soda as he tries to clap one of his hands over his mouth before he bursts out laughing.  Holy shit.  Holy shit.   Suddenly everything was worth it.  The anxiety, the stress, being around people who cared about him too much for whatever reason;  this made it all worth it.  This made his whole fucking year, seeing Sans dress up in such a stupid-- Then Papyrus screamed “SANTA!!  YOU MADE IT TO THE SURFACE!!” and practically tackled Sans.  The two skelebros laughed, and Sans patted Papyrus on the back.  They were happy. Red felt...something kinda warm and fuzzy curl up in his soul.  He gave Sans a genuinely affectionate smile, and he felt the tiniest bit proud of him for doing something like this for his brother.  Even though he’s damn sure Papyrus knows exactly what’s going on, and is just playing along because it makes them both happy. Red decided to keep his mouth shut, and tried to will the warm fuzzy feelings to chill for a bit while Sans started handing out presents to various party goers.  Papyrus and Frisk were the first, then he moved onto a couple of the Snowdin kids, Undyne and Alphys, and then Toriel. By the time he got around to Red, Red’s amusement had resurfaced, and he was trying his best to behave. He failed.  As Sans started digging around in his bag for Red’s present, Red gave him a mock-offended look as he scoffed.  “wait, no way.  after all the shi--”  Toriel gave him the Mom look.  “--stuff i’ve done this year, i’m not on the naughty list?” Sans looked a bit caught off guard, but recovered quickly with a shrug.  “eh, santa is forgiving, especially after what you’ve been through--” “damn, i’m guess ‘m gonna haveta try harder next year.”  Red gave him a wicked grin. Sans’ smile soured a little, and he shrugged.  “...well in that case, you get nothing.”  Off he went to the next person. “wh-”  That wipes the smile off Red’s face.  “wait, no, i--” “nope, too late, you’ve been bad.”  Sans stated, ignoring him. “hey!  wh...”  Red frowned at him, crossing his arms to keep himself from flipping the shorter skeleton off.  Sans almost wanted to go back and poke fun at him for actually pouting, but kept his act going. --- Later on, Sans was finally done being Santa.  After listening to Papyrus’ long explanation about how he’d missed out on meeting the jolly man in the red suit yet again this year, he just wanted to sit back and enjoy some time to himself.  Which meant finding Red.   He looked around the house, but it seemed like Red had vanished.  He had a good idea where his double probably was, though.  He asked Tori to make two cups of hot coco, then headed for the back door where the porch swing was.  For some reason, Red always ended up back here. Sure enough, Red was on the porch, although the swing was abandoned in favor of the steps.  And he was smoking again.  Sans was pretty sure it was still the same box of cigarettes Red had from the wedding. Sans didn’t try to be quiet when he opened the back door, so Red wouldn’t be too startled.  He did look back to see who was coming, but the relief on his face when he realized it was Sans was tangible.   “hey.”  Sans called, approaching quietly.   “...hey.”  Red replied, taking a drag of his cigarette.  He paused when Sans offered him a mug of coco.   Looking between his cig and the coco, Red eventually flicked his cig into the snow and took the offered mug with a warm smile.  “...thanks.” “no problem.”  Sans replied, sitting next to him on the steps.  “too much?” “...yeah.”  Red muttered, taking a sip of his coco.  He brightened.  “this is good.” “i can’t take credit, Tori made them.” “still good.  and ya still brought it to me.”   Sans hummed slightly, before nudging Red.   Red fumbled in an attempt not to spill his coco, and chuckled.  “what?” He thought he could see the faintest flicker of nervousness as Sans’ smile tightened a little.  “...you uh.  do you still want that present?” “thought i’d been too bad for presents.”  Red teased, nudging Sans back.   Sans took a moment to stare into his coco, before he set it aside and fished a thin, wrapped package out of his inventory, and held it out for Red to take.  “you deserve something, especially after i caught you pouting like a spoiled child after i told you you wouldn’t get one.” Red threw him an only slightly irritated glare and snatched the gift from him.  He was expecting something stupid, like Papyrus’ gift; a cookbook, except every recipe had ketchup in it. He wasn’t disappointed.  His gift was also a book, but it was a...coloring book?  The word “FUCK” was emblazoned on the front of it in fancy text, and framed with all kinds of artsy shit.   “the fuck is this?” Sans burst out laughing, and Red had to hold himself back from chucking the stupid thing at him.  Sans was doing that thing again, that dumb honest laugh of his turning his soul to mush with good feels. Once Sans managed to get a hold of himself, he held out a cheap pack of markers.  “it’s a coloring book.” “...Sans, it says FUCK on it.” “yeah, i saw it and thought of you.  open it.” “gee thanks, you ass.”  Red scoffed, flipping through a page or two.  He was assaulted with more curse words in fancy, flowery script.  Then, a horrible idea popped into his head.  “looks like a perfect activity to do with the kid next time i watch ‘em.” Sans’ amusement shifted to horror.  “oh god no - Tori would kill me--”  His arm snapped forward faster than Red expected in an attempt to snatch back the gift, but Red managed to hold it just out of the smaller skeleton’s range.   Red laughed as Sans tried to climb over him after the book, totally ready to chuck it across the porch if he had to.  Sans paused and gave him a strange look, a twinkle of something in his eye lights before he started trying after the book again with renewed vigor. Red kept laughing and fending him off until he felt something softly brush his skull.  A pastel shred of paper fluttered into view, and Red followed it with his eye lights until it landed on his lap.  The book was forgotten momentarily, and he didn’t even react when Sans snatched it from him. Then Sans noticed the slip of paper Red was oh so carefully holding in his hand.  A ticket, for the supernova event at Mt. Ebott observatory next year.  The same ones Red had died trying to get, weeks prior. Red said nothing, instead his gaze shifted and the two of them locked eye lights.  Sans was starting to get a little nervous.   “...you...i uh.  heard there was this big thing going on at the observatory next year, thought it’d be neat?  so i got two tickets, and uh, maybe you...could go with me?”  Sans grinned at him, but Red just continued to stare.  “i mean, if you wanted to.  i thought maybe...space was your thing too.  like mine?  i, uh...” Sans was beginning to worry that the aftermath of that whole situation might be a painful memory for Red, that it was stupid to dredge that pain back up during a time they were supposed to be happy, that-- Sans tensed when he felt Red loop one of his arms around the back of his neck, and leaned forward to click his teeth against Sans’ own, his soul welling with warm and fuzzy feelings.  He could pull away if he wanted, Red wasn’t holding onto him tightly.  But...friends don’t kiss, Sans. Sans leaned into the kiss, his arms slipping around Red’s waist of their own volition.  It was gentle, not heated or desperate.  Warm, calm, comfortable.  The two of them stayed like that for a good while, until Red pulled away first. They stared into each other’s eye lights until Red looked down at the ticket clutched in his free hand.  “...i uh.  i’d like that.  the space thing.  with you.”  Red’s voice sounded oddly tight, and it felt like his soul was getting ready to flutter right out through his ribs.   Sans wasn’t much better off.  He quickly retracted his arms to fiddle slightly with the fluff on the hem of his costume.  “good!  that’s...good.  ‘cause then i’d have an extra ticket.”  He cleared his non-existent throat and gave Red a grin.  “so uh.  you okay?” “...yeah?”  Red asked, quirking a browbone at Sans.  “why?” “no reason.”  Sans replied quickly. When it was clear Sans wasn’t gonna give him a real answer, Red scoffed and fished out his wallet.  He tucked the ticket inside, so it didn’t get...misplaced.  “it’s so hard to take you seriously in that stupid costume.”  He mused. That broke Sans out of his nervousness.  “oh, yeah i saw you trying so hard not to make fun of me.  good for you on behaving.”  Sans gave him a pat on the back. “don’t patronize me.”  Red snapped, before his expression shifted into something...warm.  Happy.  “i just...i didn’t wanna spoil it for Papyrus.  he was so fucking excited to see you show up in that stupid - sorry, to see Sansta show up tonight.” Sans shrugged.  “eh, he knows it’s me.  it’s just a thing we do.” “i figured, but he still enjoyed it.  it’s just...nice to see, ya know?  you two, doin’ nice shit for each other.  you’re a good brother, Sans.” Sans wanted to ask if Red had ever done something like that for his brother, but...something told him that he should probably keep his mouth shut about it.  “uh, thanks.” The two of them sat in awkward silence for a while after that.   “...so if you hadn’t decide to behave, what would you have said?”  Sans asked curiously.  It felt like poking a hornets nest, but he was genuinely curious, and the warmth in his soul from that kiss was stirring up other thoughts. Red snorted, before dissolving into downright laughter again, and he leaned on Sans for support.  Sans’ soul flipped in his chest at the sound. “haha, i can’t, i can’t say it.  i don’t wanna get kicked outta the house over somethin’ that stupid.” Sans casually glanced around the porch.  “we’re kind of already out of the house.” That made Red pause.  “...yeah, i guess we are, huh?” “so uh.”  Sans tugged a stray piece of fuzz off his sleeve. “why do you wanna hear what i’da said so bad?” “i need a laugh.  and a reason to put you on the naughty list.” Sans felt a twinge of regret the moment the words had left his mouth.   “oh really?  you need a reason?”  Red gave him a wicked grin, his gold tooth glinting in the dim flicker of the christmas lights around them.   “well, uh, i have plenty of reasons, but i just--”  He went silent with shock as Red maneuvered himself into Sans’ lap, the larger skeleton straddling his legs.  “uhhhh--” “oh, i’ll give you a reason.”  Red gave him a heated look.  “...how about i jingle yer bells, Sansta, and then we...fffuck i can’t--”  Red suddenly burst into laughter again.  “oh my god, that’s fucking terrible, even fer me.  ‘m sorry shortstack.” Sans was silent, frozen as his eye lights bore into Red’s own.  Red’s grin fell slightly, and his laughing ceased.  “...hey, i warned you it’d be stupid.”  His face lit up faintly red, and he moved to climb off of Sans when he felt Sans’ phalanges dig into the crests of his hips, holding him in place. “uhhhh.”  Red muttered. “uhh.”  Sans replied, looking between them.  He chuckled sheepishly.  “...i snow you wanna be on the n-ice list, but wow.  flirting with Sansta?  that’s definitely ultra-naughty list material.  i might have to stuff your stocking with something better than coal.” “holy shit." Red wheezed and started laughing uncontrollably again.  “oh my god - how - how long did you stay up last night thinking of naughty christmas puns?  holy shit, Sans!” Sans laughed too.   What was he even doing?  Had Tori put something in his coco?  “i just wanted to see if we were on the same page.”  He pointed up at the lights twinkling along the railing.  “while your pun was bit lacking, i’m de-lighted to see that you at least tried.” “we both know puns are shit and you prefer knock-knock jokes, you peppermint flavored gremlin.” “wow i take it back, you didn’t even try there.  back on the normal naughty list.” Red scoffed in mock offense. “didn’t even try??  well shit, lemme lick yer candy cane and find out what flavor it is then~” Sans’ face practically went navy at that, and he uttered a soft “fuck.”   Red snorted, pleased with that reaction.  “so, do i win now?” “y-yes.”  Sans managed to reply, hiding his face against Red’s stupid christmas sweater. “you gonna gimme a present?”  Red whispered against Sans’ skull, digging his sharp phalanges into the cheap, velvety red suit. “oh god.  uh.  not that.”  Sans shivered slightly, trying so hard not to do anything naughty on Toriel’s back porch.  But his mind was swimming with terrible puns.   “what, afraid i’ll bite?” “yes.  very yes.”  Sans was very aware of what those teeth could do.  And he wanted them no where near his...oh god. “wow, you trust me so much.”  Red deadpanned, before just...hugging Sans.  They were still in that slighly awkward position, with Red in Sans’ lap, but Red was comfortable, dang it.  He gave Sans a sheepish grin.  “hey, relax.  ‘m just playing.” “no you’re not, you’re corrupting me.”  Sans whined. “huh?” “i can’t - i can’t stop thinking of dirty puns.  oh god.  what have you unleashed.” Red laughed.  “don’t blame me fer that!  you were probably doin’ that long before i came around.” “no, i--” “hey.”  Red started.  “knock knock.” “...uh.  who’s there?” “coal.” “coal who?” “coal me if you hear santa commin’.”   Sans snorted, and Red felt some of the tension leave him.  Red smiled.  “why does santa always go down the chimney?” “i dunno, why?” “because it soots him.” Sans snorted again, before laughing. Feeling brave, Red continued.  “knock knock.” “who’s there?”   “...tanks.” “tanks who?” “tanks for givin’ me a good christmas, Sans.” “...o-oh.  you’re welcome Red.  you deserve it.”  Sans looked away with a soft smile, his face dusted with cyan.   Red shrugged.  “lies, but i’ll take it.  hey, why does Santa always land on your roof?”
“why?” Red leaned forward and whispered “because he likes it on top.”   That cyan shifted back into navy, and Sans gave Red an absolutely incredulous look.  “really?” Red grinned.  “i dunno, Sansta, you tell me.” The noise Sans made was amazing.  Red couldn’t help but laugh.  “okay okay, i’ll stop.”  He replied, trying to climb off of Sans again, but Sans still held him fast.  “...okay, my legs are fallin’ asleep here, Sans.”  He relaxed again, but jolted when he felt something that was definitely not a lump of coal, nope. “yeah?  well uh...”  Sans looked absolutely mortified, but he leaned in close and whispered something so quietly, Red almost didn’t hear it.   But he did hear it.  And his face went absolutely scarlet.  “...uhhhhehe...fucking hell, Sans.  that’s uh.  wow.  you sure yer not the one on the naughty list instead of me?” Sans still looked mortified, but he managed half a grin.  “so...uh, wanna move this party back home?” “i think we should.  ‘cause we’re probably gonna stain this fancy suit of yers if we continue.”  Red slipped his arms around Sans’ shoulders, quietly steeling himself for a shortcut. “yeah.”  Sans looked at the cups of abandoned coco, which had long since gone cold.  They really should return them.  Then he felt Red shift in his lap again, and Sans’ mind was made up.   --- “...nng.”  Red’s sockets fluttered open the next morning as the muted light of a cloudy day shined in through the window.  Right into his face.  Willing himself further into consciousness, he felt around for the familiar lump that was Sans, only to find him missing.   Swinging his arm behind him, it collided with his missing lump.  Sans let out a quiet groan at the assault.  “ow.  why.” “couldn’t find ya.”  Red mumbled, rolling over so the light wouldn’t bother him anymore.  “bright.” “mm.  i thought you liked sunlight?” “’s christmas an’ ‘m too full of lazy right now to care.”  Pulling Sans into a cuddle, Red relaxed and tried to go back to sleep. Sans snorted and let himself be cuddled.  Red’s bones still buzzed with his magic, and Sans smiled sheepishly. “merry christmas, Red.” “yeah.” “stars, you must still be tired.” “shuddap an’ go the fuck back to sleep.” “i would, but i don’t think i can.  the official Papyrus wake up call should be soon.” “the what.” Suddenly, there was a pounding knock on their door.  Red jolted in surprise.   “SANS, RED!!  WAKE UP YOU TWO LAZY BONES, IT’S CHRISTMAS!!  THERE’S PRESENTS!!”  Papyrus called excitedly, before his thudding footsteps bounded down the stairs. Now that both of them were sufficiently awake, Red groaned.  “i don’t wanna get up yet.” “we gotta.  if we don’t, i don’t think Paps’ll let the whole ‘we might not be decent’ thing stop him from barging in here to--” “’m getting up.”  Red replied, rolling himself off the bed with a muffled THUMP.  The quilt followed.   Sans laughed, before rolling himself off the bed after him.   “oof - get offa me.”  Red growled, his voice muffled by the quilt.   “huh, you’re actually kinda comfy.”  Sans replied, letting himself relax on the pile.  Red easily shrugged him off and stood up, balling up the quilt and tossing it onto the bed.   Sans let himself remain on the floor for a moment as he watched Red get dressed.  Red ignored him for the most part, but Sans didn’t miss the way his cheekbones were tinted ever so slightly scarlet.   “...i think i’ll make pancakes.  that sound good?”  Red asked after tugging his christmas sweater over his head, drawing Sans out of his thoughts. “yeah.”  Sans yawned and sat up, before retrieving a pair of shorts from the floor and tugging them on.  He wasn’t even sure if they were his.  A pair of clean sweatpants landed on his head.   “i don’t feel like having yer bro throw a shit fit over you wearing crusty floor shorts.” “they’re not crusty.”  Sans replied, picking at a questionable stain that might not quite be ketchup.  He frowned.  “sweatpants it is.” There was a clatter downstairs, and the two of them shared a look before Red left the room. --- Sure enough, Papyrus was gearing up to make them a breakfast feast.  Red yawned and took a moment to pour some coffee from the pot right into his mouth before going over and wrestling the cast iron from Papyrus’ grip.  Thankfully, Papyrus didn’t fight him.   “GOOD MORNING, RED!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!”  Papyrus beamed, before clapping an oven-mitted hand over his mouth.  “Was that too loud?” Red quirked a brow bone at him, and set the pan down on the stove.  “...no?  you don’t gotta be quiet in the house, Paps.  ‘s just us.” “...OH.  I THOUGHT YOU AND SANS HAD GOTTEN INTO THE EGGNOG YESTERDAY, WHICH IS WHY YOU WERE NOT UP EARLY, LIKE YOU NORMALLY ARE!”   “nah, i decided i wanted to remember my first real christmas without a hangover.”  Red replied simply.  “pancakes sound good?” “BUT RED, HOW WILL YOU COOK WITHOUT YOUR HANGOVER INDUCED GENIUS?” Sans took this moment to enter the room laughing.  Red shot him a glare, before giving Papyrus a tired look.  “i think i can manage pancakes.  i’ve made ‘em enough sober now that they’re not a complete mystery.” “CAN I HELP?” Red smiled. “’course, you can help me get the ingredients together.” Papyrus quickly went to go raid the fridge for ingredients.  “CAN I HAVE A SNOWMAN SHAPED PANCAKE?” “...i can try, i guess.” “can i have one shaped like a reindeer?” “yer gonna get a circle and yer gonna fucking eat it.” Sans chuckled and sipped on his coffee.  It was actually really sweet, just how far Red was willing to go to try and make Papyrus happy.  Yet something was still bothering him... Red’s brother.  Other Papyrus.  From what little Red had told him, and the... questionable things Alphys had told him, it really bothered him to imagine his sweet, naive little bro as...well, someone like Red.  Someone with LV.  Violent.  Paps had the potential to be dangerous, yes, but not the intent.   It would’ve had to be something devastating to get Papyrus to fight back to the point he gained LV.  
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meshugana1 · 7 years
Could you do a story where a busty girl tries to steal the boob size of her equally busty friends, but ends up giving up almost all of her bust to them instead? And everybody remembers her as being the jealous small-chested one?
Suzie was applying her makeup at her vanity and reminded herself again that this wasn’t personal. She surveyed her work and snapped quick selfie. Her understated makeup served to highlight the regal features of her face. Her high cheekbones, pouty lips and deep blue eyes were framed by wavy shoulder length blonde hair and held up a by a delicate swanlike neck. Her proudest features however were contained in a pink deep v-neck halter top, her big full tits sat high on her chest and due to her care were still bouncy and perky with almost no sag.
A simple skirt completed her ensemble. She admired her look in the mirror for a moment longer, then grabbed her small purse and headed out the door to her apartment. During the car ride to the little get together she had arranged with her friends Tammy, Becky and Justine she once again reminded herself that her plan wasn’t personal. It didn’t matter that they thought she wasn’t as successful as they were or as classy. Tammy was a doctor and had her own practice, even so she still managed to keep her curvaceous body fat free and healthy. Susie didn’t know where she found the time.
Becky is a financial adviser and a very successful one. She spent her afternoons giving people advice that made them millions, and she never made less than fifteen percent. It could be seen in her manner of dress, she never wore anything less than handmade sulk business suits. They probably cost more than Suzie made in a year. Justine was the homemaker of the group, but that of course was after she sold of her new design for a kitchen device. It made her millions. Susie was the artist of the group, she never made any money though. She worked for tips at a coffee shop while she diddled around with painting and writing and making things. All very successful and not a one of them over thirty.
She might not have considered her current course of action had everything been the same as it was in college when they all met. She was the beautiful artist, creating things and making the mundane beautiful. Tammy, Becky and Justine were doe eyed newbies to the university. They were all smart, jumped up several grades in school and got to college before they were eighteen. Susie sort of took them under her wing, they were squat and skinny, nothing particularly special about them. But that has changed, Suzie lost touch with the group after she graduated but reconnected a month ago.
She found that all the ugly ducklings had become swans. They could’ve been models if they weren’t so dedicated to their careers. Their formerly slim builds had filled out and become curvy looking goddesses. They very much equalled her in the looks department and blew her out of the water in the career field. It wasn’t her intention to punish them for being better than her or anything, she wasn’t jealous like that. But the opportunity she was presented with was just too good to pass up. All she wanted was to deflate their egos a little, make sure that they didn’t get too full of themselves. It was some kind of spell that on elf her artsy friends had given her. She had gotten it from a genuine witch, or so Suzie was told. All it was going to do was lighten her friends up in their chests. That way they wouldn’t think they were better at ‘everything’.
Suzie finished up this thought just as she pulled into the parking lot of the small bistro. She could already see the trio out on the veranda drinking colorful concoctions and laughing about old times. “Hey girls! Remember little old me? Its been so long.” Susie said greeting each with a hug that allowed for a brief moment of physical contact with each set of breasts. She was told that it didn’t matter if they were naked or not. “It really has been a while hasn’t it? Four years right?” Tammy said. “That’s about right I think, ever since Suzie graduated.” Becky replied. “It’s so nice to catch up with you guys again.” Justine said.
“Hang on a second ladies, I need to order myself a drink.” Susie excused herself and made her way to a secluded corner of the bar top. It was there that she pulled out the piece of paper she wrote the incantation on and began to speak the words. It was all going well, no one had bothered her and she was nearly finished until she saw a particularly confusing word and stopped for a moment to think. The spell wasn’t in english and she really didn’t want to screw up any of the pronunciation. But she needed to get back to the group so she just gave it her best guess and  finished it. She actually felt a wave of electric tingles pulse through her expansive tit flesh. That must mean it was working!
She returned to her group a moment later to find them clucking away about their work and their lives. She listened with baited breath and watched all their breasts like a hawk. Susie suddenly felt the tingles return and eagerly waited to see which pair of sweater puppies was gonna go first. She saw a slight wobble come from Tammy’s breasts and zero’d in. Bitch thought she was so special cause she was a doctor. We’ll see after she becomes a flatsy patsy. But Suzie didn’t see her friends titties shrink, nor did she feel hers get any larger. In fact she thought she could see Tammy’s simple grey sweater bulge out even further.
What the hell? Thats not supposed to happen, Suzie thought. She brought her hand up to scratch at her head, and old habit, but noticed something off. Her tits were so large that she usually bumped into the side of one when she brought her hands up, but this time her left hand didn’t come into contact with anything. Worriedly she looked down and almost fainted, it looked like HER tits had shrunk! Ordinarily she was a solid HH-cup but now she looked at how her halter top, once just tight enough to give a pair of keen eyes a hint of her areoles, had started to hang off her shoulders more and she discreetly pulled it tight to her chest. It looked to her expert eyes that she was now carrying a pair of F-cups!
If one could read Suzies mind at that moment all they would be able to hear is the phrase “Oh shit!” repeated rapidly. She racked her brain searching for the answer to her problem, trying to pinpoint where the spell had gone so wrong. She had become so fixated on her own breasts she had failed to look up and see what had become of Tammy. Her own pair of H-cup tits now were no less than a colossal J-cup! Susie had no clue how Tammy’s sweater hadn’t burst. Susie couldn’t explain it but something else had crept in alongside her amazement, it almost felt like admiration for Tammy’s big fat tits.
“Is something the matter Suzie?” Tammy asked giving her a playful look. She followed Suzies gaze to her larger rack and said as a mother would to a  teenager “Don’t worry, I’m sure there’re plenty of boys looking your way Suz.” Before Szuie could reply to this odd comment the electric tingles returned and Suzie was pulled from her curious staring at Tammy back to her own smaller, but still substantial boobs. Her timing meant she could watch the whole process of her breasts shrinking before her eyes once again. It was different though, her right breast seemed to deflate rapidly first. When it was finished it left her so small she questioned if the even had enough to fill a training bra. She felt the same alien sensation in her right tit and watched it deflate like a balloon to give her a matching set of budding little 28AA cups!
A pall came over Suzie, her hands floated in the dead air where her once perfect and beautiful boobies had been. Tears were collecting in her eyes when Becky asked “Are you all right Suz?”Suzie was ready to explode, but when she looked up she could do nothing but gasp. Both Becky and Justine sported tits bigger than her head! They definitely rivaled Tammy’s Mammoth mammaries. The same feelings that Suzie felt before when Tammy’s chest expanded had returned to her ten fold. She was filled with a feeling of love and devotion that she had never felt before, and it was 100 percent focused on all her friends tits. “Uh-oh, looks like somebody is having another one of her ‘episodes’.” Tammy said with a giggle, her huge tits jiggling and jostling with even that simple motion.
“Looks that way, remember when we first met her in college? She’d just follow us around and when we tried to talk to her she’d just stare openmouthed at the goods?” Justine said, cupping her volleyball sized melons for emphasis. “I know right? Wasn’t she so cute? It’s a real shame she never developed much in the chest. But she’ll always be our happy little mascot wont she?” Becky said, patting Suzie on the head. This snapped her out of her staring and brought her back to reality. “Huh, oh right. Susie of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee reporting for duty!” she said with a mock salute, she relaxed laughing and readjusting her shirt it always seemed to come loose.
“Say guys, how about a picture for old times sake?” Susie said whipping out her phone. They all agreed to it and stood up, Becky, Justine and Tammy all in the background and Suzie in the front holding the camera. Cheese was said aloud and the group had a good laugh and another hug. They resumed their breakfast for another hour, but all good things must come to an end. They all said their goodbyes, each of the huge titted women receiving a big hug from Suzie and exchanging promises to get together more often. Susie was the last to leave, walking much more light-footed to her car. she plopped in the seat and couldn’t even wait to get home before she produced the picture of her friends glorious boobies surrounding her head. She remembered all the college nights spent jilling herself off to her friends beautifully bountiful boobs. And now she had another new picture after all these years, how could she resist?
The End. Hope y’all like it!
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 7 years
I’ll Meet You At The Bottom (Part 3)
I am still bitter to say that my favorite joke didn’t come back to me. For that I’m actually pretty disappointed in this chapter, the first version that my computer ate was so much better. :/ I hope it’s still enjoyable for you guys anyways.
Sokka hadn’t seen her at the window since that night but the image of her was imprinted in his mind. Even so he crafted a quick sketch just to make sure that the image stayed vivid. His brush work still wasn’t up to par but he had a newfound determination to make it so. Not exactly masterful with backgrounds yet, he simply spread a layer of black over most of the background, leaving only enough white to expose the border—which he decided would serve as the window frame. He filled that white space with gold paint. It looked decent enough, but such was easy to say when one was only working with two colors and a simple pattern. Even so, something seemed missing, lackluster. He decided to add a little texture, hoping that it would add a little something. At the same time, he feared that it would be hard to add the second layer of paint if he did.  With a brief moment of reluctance to precede, he began dabbing a cloth at the canvas. Every good artist would have to take a risk at some point, he figured that he might as well start early.
It would take an hour, at least, to dry. Sokka set the brush down and starched his arms. He was thankful for how well just that portion of the painting had taken his mind off of things. If he would have known, he may have taken to painting portraits earlier on.
 “How’s your painting coming along?” Katara asked, she squinted at the gold framed black square. “What are you painting?”
 The innocent inquiry took the man by surprise. “I…uhhh…” Sokka stammered. He hadn’t even thought to come up with a clever lie, but he certainly wasn’t going to let anyone know that he was painting Azula.  “It…it’s an abstract piece.”
 “You’re pretty flustered for just painting an ‘abstract piece’.” Toph put in.
 “W-well look at it.” Sokka motioned frantically to the painting, the color in his cheeks only spreading more. “Does it even seem abstract? It’s stupid just like every other thing I’ve tried to paint.” He hadn’t quite meant to beat himself up like that, but it was much better than coming out with the truth.
 “It’s not that bad.” Aang shrugged. “You just started it after all.”
 Katara nodded, “It’ll probably look great after you add some more color and splotches and… artsy stuff.”
 “Yeah. Artsy stuff.” Sokka agreed, instantly flooded with relief.  
 “I think you should add different shades.” Zuko suggested as he crossed the grass. “Maybe add some greys or something.”
 Sokka rubbed the back of his head, “thanks for the suggestion but it might be a bit too late for that.” Truth be told he wasn’t sure if he was correct; the paint might still be wet enough for him to do so, but one artistic leap of fate was enough for one day.  He looked back at his canvas, he was itching to fill it.  Right then it was as empty as the real window frame.
 Azula looked at the powder sitting atop her dresser. She’d seen Chan use it before, he said it was a real trip and was kind enough to slip her some. She told herself that she had only accepted it to feel the kick of adrenaline, knowing just how much trouble it could bring if she got busted. And when that didn’t work she convinced herself that she had accepted the mystery substance to prove to herself that she wouldn’t actually inhale it. But as it sat undisturbed it became increasingly difficult to resist. She did go through the trouble of sneaking out of her room and into the palace dinner party to retrieve it, after all. Not to mention she was already hooked, what was one more thing?
 She had her fingers around the pouch containing it when there came a knock on the door. She hissed a quick, “fuck” and tossed it under the dresser. She made a point of loudly approaching the door, in hopes that the person on the other side would decide not to barge right in. She had her hand on the knob, poised to twist it, but decided against doing so. “Leave me.” She demanded, entirely uninterested in uncovering the identity of her visitor.
 “Would you like me to leave your food at the door?”
 Her lip curled back, the last thing she needed was for one of her servants to nose around and out her, “of course I would!” She spat. “Have I ever invited you in before?”
 She heard the rustle of cloth and then a stiff and uncertain, “well…no.”
 “Well then...” She rolled her eyes.
 Azula could picture the man bowing. She heard a soft clatter and waited for the footfalls to grow distant before poking her head out and fetching a plate of dumplings that she wasn’t actually hungry for. She ate one or two regardless and went straight back to her initial conundrum. She felt under the dresser for the pouch, by the time it was in her hand, her fingers were tainted with dust.
 She stared at it for some more time, admitting that she didn’t know how much she could inhale at one time without hurting herself. She looked at her arms and remembered that she didn’t care. With a final burst of hesitation, she opened the pouch—thanking and cursing Chan all in the same sniff.
 Sokka carefully swept a finger over the bottom right of his painting. Upon inspection, his finger had come up clean. It hadn’t taken as much time as he thought for the painting to dry. He was both nervous and thrilled to continue. He took a seat, deciding that it would do him well to actually plan his next line of attack he could just do everything in one more layer or he could have third. He rubbed his chin, staring at the canvas as if it would tell him what it wanted him to do.
 Picking up his brush, he had at last made his decision. He created a blend of color white and brown—more heavy on the brown. He stuck his lip out, that mixture wasn’t right. It was much too dark, he was painting Azula, not Katara. His second attempt was just as unfulfilling, this time it was to loaded with white. He was about to mix a third when he recalled the look of the princess while she stood at the window in broad daylight. No, he realized, he had created a quite accurate blend. It would have been too light a year or so back, but as things were, he had it just right. He put his brush to the canvas, hoping that his hand could recreate the image that clung so heavily in his mind.
 Minutes bled into hours and he scarcely noticed the rumble of his stomach nor the call of his bladder. It wasn’t until Katara offered him a moon peach that he finally turned form his work. “That’s not bad at all.” She noted as she tossed the fruit at him. “You choose a very light tone for the skin. I would suggest adding some color.”
 It took a degree of willpower to bite his tongue and not inform her that he was going for accuracy. He truly wanted to, but Sokka had no desire to answer the questions that would follow. So instead he replied, “I don’t want to waste all of my brown paint.”
 Katara laughed. “I’m sure Zuko would be willing to buy you some more.”
 “You’re probably right.” He agreed, “though I’m sort of hoping to be done with this layer tonight.”
 “You can’t rush art, Sokka.” Aang gave his input.
 “Hey, you guys want to see my painting?” Toph asked. “I call it, The Orange Hand. I made it with my own hand.”
 Sokka almost didn’t’ want to tell her. But he did, “Toph, that hand is pink.”
 “Oh.” Toph muttered. “I knew that.”
 “I’m sure.” Sokka agreed sarcastically. He turned back to his own artwork. He supposed he could add a bit more brown in some places. It would give it a more life like quality. “Say Katara, from that window,” he took special care to point to the window next to Azula’s, “how do you think the light would fall on her face?”
 “It depends on the time of day.” Katara replied.
 “How about during sundown.” Sokka replied.
 Katara moved closer to the painting. “Now don’t get mad if this is off, because I’m really just guessing.” She mumbled as she indicated to the places where she though he could add a little bit of darkness. “Hey, wait a minute! Didn’t you say that this was an abstract painting?”
 Sokka was thankful for his turned back, he was flustered all over again. “I changed my mind. I couldn’t come up with anything good. Anyone can splatter paint on a canvas and call it art, you know?” Inwardly he scolded himself for being so careless, he was never good at secret keeping.
 “Who are you painting?” Katara asked the question he dreaded.
 “No one really, I mean I haven’t decided yet.” He hoped that he wasn’t stammering again. “I might try to make up my own character.”
“You should give her a cool tattoo! Like Sparky Boom Man’s!”
 “Thanks for the suggestion, Toph. But I don’t think I’ve had enough practice for painting tattoos like that.” For a good while his friends watched him paint, it only made him a little squeamish. By the time they retreated back into the palace, he put his brush down and looked at what he had done so far.
It was awkward at first to only have a naked figure on the canvas, knowing exactly who it would morph into. But until it dried enough for him to add a layer of clothing, it would remain that way.
 “Hey! Boy, where are you going?” Came a sharp demand.
 Azula looked around but the voice seemed to be coming from everywhere and it wouldn’t stop echoing. She shrugged and continued her stroll. The hallways were buzzing with energy, that tossed flashes of blue and purple that ping-ponged from one end to the next. She could feel the energy vibrating her to her very core. She was reaching out to catch one of those energy orbs when a hand fell roughly on her shoulder.
 “Are you listening to me, boy. We have a palace to guard.”
 She turned to stare at the man grasping her shoulder. She might have come to deduce that it was Xanu, the head of the royal guard, had his face not distorted before her eyes. At first it was quite comical—he had the face of the avatar’s bison—and then it shifted into something more disturbing. For a moment his skin seemed to be sagging right off, and then he had his real face.  
 “You may be one of our new recruits, but there will still be punishment for slacking…”
 The man very clearly had her pegged for someone else. Before that moment, she had snuck into her father’s old bedroom and borrowed one of his suits of armor. Or at least that’s what she though she’d done, as it were, she had actually acquired herself one of the guard uniforms. Of course, with the powder well and snorted, it didn’t take much to convince her that she was going to get fired for messing around on the job.
 “I’m not slacking.”
Xanu pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered to himself. “I told them not to hire these boys. Half of em ain’t even hit puberty yet. How am I supposed to make sure they’re all on track?”
 Azula elaborated. “I’m very job at my good, actually. I’m exploring because I have to make sure the palace knows me inside and out in case I need to evacuate without being saw.”
 Xanu blinked. “Are you alright, boy?”
 It also didn’t take any effort for him to have her convinced that the powder had transformed her into a pre-pubescent boy. Azula brought a hand to her breasts, unable to actually feel them beneath the armor she decided that she must not have any. It wasn’t until he grabbed her wrist that the panic set in, she didn’t want to talk to other people. She had to get back to her room before someone found out that she had put the powder to use.
 The misfortunate head of guards wasn’t expecting to have a swift blow delivered to his privets, so when she delivered it he put up no fight. Seeing him crumple to the ground instilled a new fear in Azula. If she was a man now she would have to take extra care not to let that happen to her.  Unfortunately for the princess, the energy orbs now seemed completely hellbent on giving her a dose of karma.  She leapt up and down to doge the balls of light, occasionally having to fling herself up close and personal with the wall. Xanu watched the display with morbid fascination, deciding once and for all that he wouldn’t allow any boy or girl under fifteen join the palace guard.
 The hall seemed much narrower to Azula who was creeping along it. She found tears in the walls where none used to be. From those crevices dripped a steady flow of glitter and mud, if she didn’t hurry she would find herself drowning within it. Her stomach churned, she had to find her way back to her room but all of the doors looked the same a perfect mirror of the one next to it. The image of each door seemed to reflect endlessly down a hallway that didn’t cease. She found herself dizzy, the hall now tilting at some odd, disorienting angle. She stumbled, as the carpet seemed to roll like waves beneath her. On all fours, she hustled to the first of the doors and pushed it open. It wasn’t her room, but it was a room, one that didn’t see many guests. So she would wait it out there. Alone in a dark room where the orbs of energy elongated into shadowy fingers that poked and prodded at her. Alone in the dark where a dozen voices seemed to holler incoherently at her.
 She bunched herself up in the corner furthest from the door and clasped her hands over her ears. It was too loud, everything was too loud. But at least these voices didn’t scream her shames. In fact, they seemed to drown out the ones that did. Even so, the sheer volume had her letting herself flop to the floor on her side. The world continued to swirl and blur until she couldn’t make anything out. The colors were all wrong there was purple where there was supposed to be red and gold where there was supposed to be blue. She could see the shape of a hand rising between her ribs and on that hand was the shape of another smaller one. They threatened to burst out and split her skin. And when she looked at her arm she could have sworn that her own hand was gone. The furniture in the room swelled, seeming much larger than it ought to have been. The entirety of the room spun faster. She wanted it to stop. Oh, Agni, she needed it to end.
Not for the first time, Azula found herself isolated and horrified.
Just what had she put herself through this time?
Just what would she continue to put herself though?
14 notes · View notes
recordsshmecords · 7 years
The whole year of 2017 was a cluster fuck. Be it politics, media or our own social standing, 2017 was the year most would like to forget. Throughout the year though, quality music releases popped up to remind us that all of the bullshit is indeed, bullshit. When listening to music this year, I wanted to hear music that transported me out of reality or music that challenged listeners to think deeply about the events around them. Music in 2017 was a catharsis, and these are the albums that represented the very best escapism possible. Picking 50 of my favorite albums of the year was almost impossible, but the albums presented struck a chord with me in one way or another. These are my choices for the 50 best albums of the year. (Part one of two, of course).
50. Bicep – Bicep
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Hailing from Northern Ireland, the electronic duo Bicep quietly wormed their way into minds with this stunning self-titled debut. On paper, there isn’t much to this album that we haven’t seen before: low-key house music and subtle shifts to carry the entire album. But what makes Bicep stand out is the way the whole album buries itself deep in the subconscious mind. At first, I felt this album was decent, but unspectacular. But even after one listen, I had various effects from every track stuck in my head for weeks. Bicep is so low-key that you might miss the intricate electronics on display, but the album is seemingly designed to get in your head whether you want it to or not.
49. Majid Jordan – The Space Between
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As one of the many to be affiliated with Drake’s OVO Sound label, R&B duo Majid Jordan displayed promise on their debut self-titled album in 2016. A promise left initially unfulfilled, but one capitalized here on their sophomore album The Space Between. Sure, there’s the obvious Drake influence here, but Majid Jordan find a surprising balance between full-blown pop and the moody R&B that has defined the Toronto sound for years. As writers for one of Drake’s biggest hits, “Hold On We’re Going Home,” Majid Jordan finally capitalize on their potential with a set of atmospheric, immaculately crafted R&B.
48. Julien Baker – Turn On the Lights
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On Julien Baker’s second album Turn On the Lights, the singer-songwriter grapples with the bleakest of themes. Shaken faith and anxiety fuel the album’s 11 tracks, all of which are stripped down to the bare essentials to allow Baker to to be at the forefront of each track. Turn On the Lights is a moody piece as songs gradually build a surprising amount of tension throughout the runtime. I was genuinely surprised to get lost in Baker’s haunting narrative, as if she was singing directly into my soul. This is an album of questioning, one that feels real because it taps into anyone’s fear of the world around them. Turn On the Lights may not be the easiest listen for some, but for those with patience and the desire to ask the existential questions, this is the perfect reflective album.
47. The War on Drugs – A Deeper Understanding
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With their previous album Lost in the Dream, The War on Drugs finally made their way to a bigger audience. Drenched in Springsteen-inspired Americana, the album was full of epic hits that were seemingly pulled straight out of the 1980s. A Deeper Understanding continues what made that album so great in the first place, doubling down on the layered production and epic feels that made Lost in the Dream so great. If this new album isn’t quite the masterpiece the last album was, it’s only because it’s more of a refinement instead of an originator. No matter, A Deeper Understanding is a great follow-up and an indicator that this band is only now getting started.
46. Gorillaz - Humanz
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For all the hubbub of a new Gorillaz project from Damon Albarn, Humanz is a surprisingly scattershot record that managed to alienate a number of fans. No matter, Humanz still sees the Gorillaz in the familiar twisted-pop frame as before. The D.R.A.M featuring “Andromeda” could bring the whole club down, but Humanz is at its most provocative with tracks like “Ascension”, featuring a politically charged performance from Vince Staples. With aggressive beats propelling the whole album, there’s a politically charged message here, but one that greatly benefits from the trademark kinetic eccentricity of the Gorillaz.
45. Arca - Arca
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I can’t say I’ve been a fan of Venezuela producer Arca’s previous two records. These albums were critically acclaimed across the board, enough so that he’s been getting producer credits from various projects and artists. Personally, I found the music more aimless than it needed to be; abstract electronics with no real emotional core to them. However, Arca’s third and self-titled album is fucking great.
With an increased vocal presence among the eccentric productions, Arca displays an emotional center that greatly improves his abrasive electronics. Arca is an album of personal reflection, one that takes shape with its abstract beauty and never winds down. Easily the best album in Arca’s catalog, this self-titled album finally gives him a platform that even his past critics can’t fault.
44. Rezz – Mass Manipulation
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In the world of festival-ready EDM, innovation has taken a backseat to instant bangers, the kind of songs that provide a visceral thrill without any lasting impact. Rezz’s debut album Mass Manipulation provides the requisite bangers, but there’s a creative spark that carries the album beyond a quick adrenaline shot.
Mass Manipulation isn’t a total genre reinvention, but the willingness to experiment with genre conventions gives Rezz a one-up on her contemporaries. Short and sweet, Mass Manipulation descends into odd, sometimes psychedelic territories without sacrificing the bangers. And really, who thought there was any gas left for albums in this genre? A good one is a cause for celebration.
43. Kelela – Take Me Apart
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As one of the years’ freshest voices, Kelela’s debut album Take Me Apart might be the sexiest album of 2017. Not in the manner that every song features a frank discussion about the biznizz, but more in a way that washes over you in a soothing manner. Take Me Apart shifts gears and presents itself as a document of a flawed woman, basking in her imperfections and reflecting the ups and downs of love better than most albums in 2017.
Kelela is confident in her tone throughout Take Me Apart, but she never deviates from a subtle singing tone that makes the album a bit of a slow burn, expanding into heavier territory to match cathartic revelations. Take Me Apart might fall into the conventions of electronic R&B, but the results are so seductive and revealing that it begs for repeat listens to dissect every emotional intricacy.
42. Migos – Culture
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Migos dominated 2017. The trio of Quavo, Offset and Takeoff managed to climb their way into the public consciousness with Culture, the debut studio album that wasn’t supposed to be this good. It’s hard to consider now, but Migos were looking to fall into obscurity, only reaching a select audience and never making it abundantly clear what the endgame was. However, from the moment the first track begins, Culture reveals Migos as a rap trio meant for the big leagues.
Culture is the culmination of everything trap music has been leading to, solidifying the genre’s ground in the mainstream. Artists like Future or Chief Keef brought this particular rap music to the mainstream, but no other artist created respect from all angles quite like Migos did. With Culture 2 slated for release in 2018 and each member joining various collab projects, the Migos domination doesn’t look to end anytime soon.
41. St. Vincent – Masseduction
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Every St. Vincent album has a theme and if her 2014 self-titled masterpiece was the artsy world builder, Masseducation is the more intimate and personal record in her discography. While this new album can’t quite reach the highs of that previous record, it’s still a fantastically weird and entertaining look at one of the most exciting artists in music.
More than any of St. Vincent’s albums, Masseduction feels like the culmination of a varied career as songs branch into every style St. Vincent has dabbled in; songs go from electronic pop to psychedelic rock at a moments notice. St. Vincent juggles so many concepts on Masseduction that the results are most certainly overwhelming, but it’s never less than engrossing throughout.
40. Father John Misty – Pure Comedy
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Josh Tillman has become one of the most respected musicians for simply being a satiric asshole. Maybe just an asshole, but as Father John Misty, Tillman explores endless social topics with a wink and a nudge around every corner. Pure Comedy, Tillman’s third album as Father John Misty, continues this tradition over the course of an epic, hour-plus runtime. While lengthy, Pure Comedy wastes no time getting to the best aspects of the Father John Misty legend.
Pure Comedy is unfortunately a more unwieldy beast than Tilllman’s career best, I Love You, Honeybear. But while Pure Comedy is a more challenging record, Tillman remains ever satiric, touching on themes of social interaction, politics and love with the same middle finger we’ve always enjoyed. At this point, it’s hard to knock Father John Misty for anything other than predictability, but the biting lyrics emphasize a man with a lot on his mind and a big middle finger towards all of it.  
39. Sylvan Esso – What Now
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Electronic-pop duo Sylvan Esso first broke onto the scene in 2014 with a self-titled debut that was decent enough but far from memorable. They seemed destined to follow the route of an indie-electronic artist following trends that had already faded. There were good ideas, but it didn’t seem like there was room for any more artists of their type. Surprisingly, the duo’s 2017 follow-up What Now improves on everything the band had tried before.
On What Now, Sylvan Esso’s songs sound better and feature a bevy of catchy hooks. It’s a fun record, full of folk-pop littered from beginning to end with odd electronic flourishes. If the duos first album wasn’t your favorite, definitely give What Now a listen. It’s a whole hell of a lot more fun and displays more ambition than this duo initially displayed.  
38. Kesha – Rainbow
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Who would have thought the woman behind “Tic Tok” would drop one of the most relevant albums of 2017? In a year where sexual assault allegations dominated the headlines, Kesha’s sexual assault accusations against producer Dr. Luke in 2014 an unfortunate precursor. While the case was dismissed in 2016, Kesha’s cries for justice were later echoed by a plethora of celebrities across a multitude of platforms. Kesha’s shocking allegations had a profound effect on her, something immediately evident on her third album Rainbow.
Deviating from the shallow club music of previous albums, Kesha sounds like a completely revitalized artist, dabbling in country, rock and soul music throughout. There’s more talent on display here than Kesha had ever exhibited before, a response to the horrific legal battle that preluded the album’s release. Kesha stands defiantly on Rainbow, singing from a place of newfound wisdom and perspective as she rallies against those who wronged her not only as a woman, but as a human being.
37. Arcade Fire – Everything Now
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Easily one of the most divisive albums of 2017, Arcade Fire’s Everything Now pushed the band further into the alternative dance-rock style that was first introduced on their previous record, Reflektor. But while that album was bogged down by filler and an excruciating run-time, Everything Now delivers a quick burst of indie-pop centered on the dangers of a world dominated by mass media. Even as the most scattered in the band’s discography, Everything Now is a poignant reflection of our modernized culture.
Arcade Fire have always concerned themselves with societal issues in their music and here, it’s a concern that’s brought out through the ABBA-inspired title track, or by the fuzzy electronics of “Creature Comfort.” It’s easy to knock Everything Now as this is no Funeral, The Suburbs, or even Neon Bible. But as the next chapter in the band’s reinvention, Everything Now displays a band unafraid to take risks, exploring concepts that make us look at ourselves in a different light.
36. Mount Eerie – A Crow Looked At Me
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Death is the only inevitable thing in life. It’s the crushing weight of knowing this that can lead to the most cathartic moments in music. After the passing of his wife in 2016, Phil Elverum took a needed year off to grieve and returned to his Mount Eerie project with A Crow Looked At Me. His eighth studio album, A Crow Looked At Me is one of the heaviest meditations on death ever put to record.
A Crow Looked At Me is not an easy listen. Stripped down to the bare essentials, Elverum takes center stage on the album with only his guitar in hand and the words of a man coming to terms with death in the harshest of moments. A Crow Looked At Me might not be the album to test your new subwoofer out with, but it’s one of the realest and deeply felt albums of the year.  This is the kind of album the power to bury itself deep into the soul of anyone who has experienced any sort of death life.
35. Open Mike Eagle – Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
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As the sixth album from Open Mike Eagle, aka Michael W. Eagle II, Brick Body Kids Still Daydream stands tall as the rappers’ best work to date. It’s also the timeliest. A concept album centered around a housing project in Chicago, Open Mike Eagle tells the stories of the people and the interactions within the neighborhood to give the impression of a lived-in place. Brick Body Kids Still Daydream doesn’t examine racism by focusing on harsh realities or reinforcing the violence around such realities.
Instead of centering on heartbreaking anecdotes, Open Mike Eagle simply raps his observations of everyday life in the projects. It’s a poetic and lyrical achievement, bringing to light stories that aren’t portrayed on the media and giving credit to the beauty still found within less desirable conditions. Brick Body Kids Still Daydream functions as a snapshot of a place tarnished by media perception as the day-to-day lives continue with startling beauty.
34. Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings – Soul Of A Woman
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The death of Sharon Jones at the end of 2016 wasn’t just a blow to rest of the members of The Dap Kings, it was a blow to the entire music industry. Jones achieved success relatively late in life with her breakout performance coming from the 2014 album Give Them What They Want. The album was a Grammy award winning hit that catapulted Jones’ soulful ferocity into a new spotlight. Her final album with The Dap Kings before her death, Soul Of A Woman stands as a testament to the woman Jones’ always was: a ferocious presence in music that demanded attention.
Jones carries every song on Soul Of A Woman with a snappy soul that’s impossible to recreate. It’s her presence on Soul Of A Woman that reminds the listener of everything this woman was capable of. The album sounds nostalgic, but completely fitting with the times. Maybe it has something to do with how delightful the whole thing can be, even with the death of Jones looming over it. It may not be a total game changer of an album, but with Jones and The Dap Kings at their absolute best, Soul Of A Woman serves as a fitting conclusion to a spectacular life.
33. Spoon – Hot Thoughts
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Nine albums in, it was safe to assume Spoon would slip up.  After all, the indie-rock band had become synonymous with the genre, gaining a feverish following with albums like Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga and Kill the Moonlight considered classics by fans and critics alike. The thing is, their worst album is still damn good and Spoon’s discography has gone without a ding in sight. Hot Thoughts is not the best Spoon album, but it’s a fantastic albu that continues one of the hottest streaks in music.
Rather than playing it safe, Hot Thoughts sees Spoon experimenting with a heavier emphasis on electronics throughout. It’s a move that makes the album their most accessible yet, but it also allows for the group to try out new dynamics while keeping the band’s spirit in tack. Hot Thoughts is another great Spoon album and though that might not be enough for some, most should be pleased with this addition to a stellar discography.
32. SZA - Ctrl
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As the sole female member of Top Dawg Entertainment, the same house as Kendrick Lamar and ScHoolboy Q, SZA has taken her time to stand out among the group. Her EPs, while solid and well received, didn’t help her garner nearly the level of attention her label mates were receiving. Well, turns out she was quietly waiting to drop the bomb of her debut studio album Ctrl.
Ctrl is a phenomenal record, full of complex characterizations that hadn’t been expected from SZA until now. It’s an album about the intricacies of love, one that fuses soul music with the hip-hop sensibilities straight out of the TDE playbook. With Ctrl, SZA establishes herself as a heavyweight among her peers, but the album also continues the label’s incredible hot streak with finding incredible talent capable of dropping instant hits.
31. Broken Social Scene – Hug of Thunder
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For the seemingly endless array of artists involved in Broken Social Scene, the group have consistently entertained with cohesive, epic indie-rock albums that never crumble under the densely packed songs. Seven years removed from their previous album Forgiveness Rock Record, it seemed like the weight of getting so many artists together for a record was next to impossible. Thankfully, Hug of Thunder is up to the challenge of continuing the band’s fantastic track record. 
Hug of Thunder surprises by bringing back a majority of the original band members, but surprises even more by being a fucking great rock record. Full of emotion and soaring crescendos, Hug of Thunder is Broken Social Scene at their most comfortable, and while it is a relatively safe record, it’s also an immensely well-executed one. On almost their second decade, Broken Social Scene continue to prove their vision time and time again. Amazing considering it’s the vision of over 20 musicians.
30. Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
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While Summertime ’06 was a telling and often violent meditation of his past, Vince Staples’ debut studio album was unsatisfying. The lyrics were great and the production was fine, but Staples displayed a far more interesting version of himself on the preluding EP, Hell Can Wait. By experimenting with hip-hop conventions, Vince Staples sounded more crucial than ever. Summertime ’06 seemed content with following the debut studio album checklist.
Big Fish Theory is by far the most radical change the rapper has dropped on us yet. Instead of the usual rap tropes, Vince Staples dropped an album of ferocious raps delivered over club beats too fucked up for the club. Big Fish Theory takes seemingly danceable club bangers and flips them into visceral vignettes too abstract for the club. But underneath the bizarre production lies Vince Staples with a lyrical ferocity that demands attention. It might not be the album some were expecting, but it’s Vince’s wildest statement yet. 
29. Washed Out – Mister Mellow
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The era of chillwave dominance has long since passed, but don’t tell that to Ernest Greene, the man behind Washed Out. Mister Mellow, the third official studio album from the chillwave pioneer, delivers the expectations of the genre’s low-fi pop and then some. Featuring a new obsession in sample based production, Greene orchestrates a breezy, enjoyable listen that’s primed for a stoned Saturday afternoon.
Mister Mellow doubles as a visual album and becomes a compelling psychedelic experience when paired with the accompanied visuals. It’s an album of few faces. This is a chillwave artist after all, so the results are bound to be breezier than they are complex. But it’s the song craft and a loving embrace for all things retro that elevates Mister Mellow above any Washed Out project yet. There’s so much to enjoy on Mister Mellow and nothing that demands anything more than to listen and relax.
28. Charlotte Gainsbourg - Rest
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As an actress who has appeared in art-house fare like Nymphomaniac and Antichrist, Charlotte Gainsbourg has somehow carved a unique voice for herself in the music industry. Her fifth album Rest may be sung in more French than most English-speaking audiences would be interested in, but the themes of loss and addiction are driven in with shocking emotional precision.
There’s pain in Gainsbourg’s voice across the 11-tracks of organic and electronic pop. Rest surprises by simply how much fun the album can be, but that doesn’t mean heavy emotions aren’t delivered with a sucker punch to the gut. Something like this shouldn’t be made by someone who acts for a living, but Rest truly makes it clear Charlotte Gainsbourg is a bonafide artist who can use any medium to convey the most intimate of emotions.
27. Perfume Genius – No Shape
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Mike Hadreas used to shock me. As Perfume Genius, the talented musician approached uncomfortable topics surrounding his upbringing with heavy reflection. No one would ever call an album like Put Your Back N 2 It or Too Bright easy listens, but as his breakout albums, the pain within each song was too real to brush off so easily. Approaching his own sexuality with frank and heartbreaking revelations, Hadreas has never minced words, but on his latest album No Shape, he looks ahead with a hopeful gaze.  
The pain of the past is still present, but there’s a quirky spirit to this latest Perfume Genius record that could deem it the “happy” record of his catalog. Make no mistake, No Shape still sees Hadreas hurting and hoping for change, but the fact that there is hope for change already elevates this album beyond being another confessional. Anger makes way for love on No Shape, but the album still shows that the anger will always be there. It’s a stunning album, realized by an artist who has yet to compromise his art for the sake of anyone.
26. The National – Sleep Well Beast
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Fans are likely to be torn on Sleep Well Beast, the latest album from The National. Some may find the slower approach to their trademark, brooding indie-rock too patience testing. Some may find this to be the most personal and adult album of the band’s career. Both sides are valid, and while Sleep Well Beast lacks the triumph and accessibility of albums like Boxer or Trouble Will Find Me, The National have never sounded as fine-tuned as they do here.
Sleep Well Beast is a slow-burn of a life lived with regret, hoping to find the light in the murkiest of times. By doubling down on the anxiety and fear present on previous albums, The National have crafted their most intimate record yet, one that doesn’t initially reveal its beauty, instead taking its time to set the perfect mood. Sleep Well Beast demands repeated listens, but when the music is this powerful, that’s more of an endorsement than anything.
Check back tomorrow evening for part two of The Greatest Albums of 2017!
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dawnover-dusk · 8 years
Starling { Seungcheol } (7)
genre: crime!au, mystery
word count: 2,903
summary: when monsters from 5 years past come back to play
warning: death, blood, if you can’t watch crime dramas do not read
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The large living room was cluttered with picture frames and portraits of a happy, close-knit family of four, and you couldn’t help but smile at all the baby pictures on the mantelpiece as you entered the room behind Seungcheol and Jun. Mingyu and you took to standing as out of the way as possible in the corner of the room while the detective and psychologist introduced themselves to the three people sitting on the couch. The parents were clearly upset – worry was etched into their faces as they clung to each other in comforting holds. The son, Chan Lee you presumed, had a more anxious aura around him, his body fidgeting and clearly fighting to stay seated.
His fight against his nerves was lost when he shot up with a surprised exclamation of, “Dr. Wen!” Jun gave the young man a reassuring smile and gestured for him to sit down, and Chan did so with a strange sense of deflation, as if he was caught doing something wrong. 
“Where were you last night?” Jun began gently.
Chan took a deep breath before launching into his recollection of events. “I got back home really late from the school library, maybe around 2 or 3AM? I was supposed to have an exam later today, and I was going to pull an all-nighter to cram but I needed to go back home anyway to grab my phone. I forgot to bring it with me when I went to classes yesterday. I pass by a small playground from the train station on my way back, and that’s when I saw this car just idling in front of the park area. I thought it was weird because this neighborhood is usually dead quiet, and it was this really beat-up sedan, so I kept my eyes on it. That’s when I saw this hooded figure trying to push what looked like another person into the backseat.”
“Could you describe the person at all?” Seungcheol asked.
“I didn’t really get a good look – it was really dark, and they were dressed in all black. I didn’t even know that they were taking my sister, to be honest. I ran over and I guess they panicked because they slammed the backseat door and immediately tried to get into the driver’s side, and that’s how I was able to grab the bag. The hood fell off and all I could see was that the person was pale and had chin-length black hair before the car sped off. They didn’t turn on their lights or anything so I couldn’t even make out a license plate. I hurried home to get to a phone, and that’s when I started to get a really bad feeling. The living room table had Dohee’s notes all over, and my cellphone was sitting on top of one of her papers, but she was nowhere to be found.”
“She also had a test today and was cramming. Dohee and Chan are related all right,” the father chimed in with a shaky laugh.
“Chan, I’m going to ask you questions that might seem a little strange, okay? But I need you to bear with me,” Jun quietly asked. “Was anything published about you recently?”
Chan furrowed his brow in thought. “Well, there was that small article that ran in the school newspaper about my honors thesis, but I doubt anyone reads the paper.”
“How is your relationship with Dohee?”
“I mean…we fought like any brother and sister would. We have that awkward age gap where it’s not small enough to understand each other and not large enough that I can just treat her like a kid. Plus, she was a lot more interested in the artsy stuff – you know, composing, music. But our relationship got a lot better once I started college. She’s a senior in high school now and I was helping her with her admissions essay – her dream school is Berklee,” Chan ended with a small pang of pride evident in his voice. 
Jun pressed, “But how did you know that Dohee was the one taken?”
Chan’s mother immediately went to protest, sensing an accusatory tone in Jun’s voice, while Seungcheol tried to calm her down. Chan again adopted the “caught red-handed” expression, and with an uncomfortable laugh, he remarked, “I guess they didn’t make you the psych department chair for nothing.”
You rolled your eyes at Jun’s obvious grin at the compliment. The young man unlocked his phone and handed it to Jun, showing him a series of text messages. “I…didn’t show this to the police because…I don’t know, I thought it was just a prank or something. But I think this is the reason why Dohee went to that park at 3AM.” 
Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you but
I’m Dohee’s friend and we did something sort of stupid
We’re at the playground a few blocks away from her house and she’s sort of… passed out drunk right now?
Can you pick her up?
“Do you know why she would do that instead of just ignoring these texts?”
“The same reason why she tried to beat up one of my friends when he made fun of me,” Chan laughed. “She was like…ten at the time. Dohee’s tough, she knows what she wants and follows her own path. She’s confident and brave – perhaps stupidly so. She probably thought this was one of my friends and was going to ‘teach him a lesson,’ as she likes to put it. As much as we fought, she didn’t like it when other people messed with me.” 
You heard Mingyu exhale loudly next to you as Seungcheol and Jun thanked the family for their time. The four of you headed outside to regroup.
“C.S.U. says that none of the syringes were used. They searched the park too, and they found a bit of blood leading to the road,” you began.
“She probably knocked Dohee out with something, maybe after realizing that it wasn’t Chan that came. I don’t understand why she didn’t just leave when she noticed that she made a mistake,” Seungcheol mused.
Jun shook his head. “Well, she’s not going to kill Dohee. She identifies too much with her. We have to find them quickly, though – based on what Chan said, Dohee has been loud spoken and her family has supported her passions for her entire life. I don’t know what’s going to happen when Starling’s fantasy of the ‘poor younger sister in her older brother’s shadow’ breaks.”
“Maybe she needs Dohee for something,” Seungcheol said, glancing at you. You raised your eyebrows at him, and he shrugged. “Well, she’ll let us know sooner or later,” he remarked, “All we can do is get detectives out in the neighborhood to ask about a beat-up sedan.” He began to walk towards his car, and you quickly waved goodbye to Jun and Mingyu before jogging after him.
“I’ll need my phone back,” you said quietly, touching Seungcheol’s arm. He froze in place, one hand resting on top of the car door. He turned to face you and shook his head, causing you to huff in response. “Seungcheol, I know what you meant back there, and I know that Jihoon could only trace that number to a burner phone anyway. You know you have no legal grounds to hold it anymore, considering that it was never officially seized as evidence.”
“Man, why did I have to fall in love with a smart person,” you heard him mutter under his breath. A corner of your lips curled into a smirk and you patted him on the arm.
“Because you love the challenge, babe.” He rolled his eyes at you. “Why don’t you want to give it back? It’s your manly protective side, isn’t it?” you teased.
“I just…I saw how shaken up you were the last time, and if there were any more messages, then at least this way you wouldn’t know about them.” He ran a hand through his hair as he averted his eyes from your disappointed gaze.
“So, you wouldn’t have told me,” you breathed out, more of a statement than a question. A weight settled on your chest as you saw Seungcheol give the tiniest of nods, and you tried to keep your rising anger in check. He tentatively wrapped his arms around you as yours felt as heavy as lead by your sides, not wanting to reciprocate but not wanting to push him away either. You were glad that he had parked his car away from the police cordon because there you two stood, trying so hard not to escalate the moment into an argument.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into your ear. “I know that you’re strong, and you’ve seen as much as I have, but seeing you break down scared me so, so much. It was stupid to think that you would never find out, but I wasn’t thinking–”
“It’s fine, Seungcheol,” you managed to sputter out as your arms regained their ability to move, wrapping around his waist tightly. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before raining a flurry of kisses on your face, whispering praises about how patient and understanding you were against your skin. This time, you did try to push him away, involuntarily giggling as he brushed against ticklish areas of your jaw and neck. “Just don’t let there be a next time, okay?” You looked up to see him grinning.
“I’m surprised that you aren’t more upset, actually. I thought I would have to grovel.” You scoffed and pressed a kiss to his lips to wipe off the annoying grin on his face. 
“Don’t worry, I’m still mad, but seeing that I got the truth out of you so quickly, I’ll let it slide. Plus, I thought I would spare you my Power Point presentation on healthy relationships.”
“Trust and communication, I got it,” Seungcheol grumbled as you smiled at him smugly, finally moving to get into the passenger side of the car.
As you settled into the car, Seungcheol’s phone vibrated loudly in his pocket. He gave it a cursory glance before tossing it over to you and starting up the vehicle. You read over the message and felt excitement ebbing away your remaining anger.
It was time to go back to the police precinct.
On your way to Wonwoo’s lab, you stopped by Jihoon’s electronic cave to retrieve your phone. With the device safely back into your possession, you and Seungcheol entered the giddy detective’s office to be greeted with his exclamation of, “I love cryptograms!”
“Okay, buddy,” Seungcheol humored good-naturedly as you tried to refrain yourself from laughing at the normally quiet man. “What did you find?” 
Wonwoo pushed his wire-framed glasses further up his nose and waved you over to look at his computer. One monitor had the garbled code as revealed under the paintings, while the other monitor had a text box open with the deciphered message. “Well, the third painting helped complete the entire message, so I was finally able to decrypt the entire paragraph. It seems like it’s addressed to someone. Take a look.” 
Maybe they would have loved me, too, but I was a disappointment. If only I had acted more like you, right? Now, you’re even pretending that I never existed. “Growing up alone,” what a joke. You were always the perfect child, so how could you even act like you understood what I was going through? Understand this: I became this way because of you.
“I don’t need a psychology degree to see that she has a lot of anger,” you breathed, eyes running over the lines of text. 
“Get this over to Jun anyway,” Seungcheol nodded. “I’ll call a meeting later to discuss what we have so far. The detectives should be done canvassing Dohee’s neighborhood by then.” 
“Wonwoo, you’re brilliant, by the way,” you said, and you could see the taller man’s eyes crinkle as he smiled. “Seungcheol, I need to get back to work, so keep me updated, okay?” He nodded and the pair of you bid Wonwoo goodbye. Seungcheol walked silently with you to the exit of the building, and watched as you disappeared down the block towards the morgue. 
You were safely back in your office and hooked up your phone to the charger, grumbling about how Jihoon left the device to die in his care. You busied yourself with finishing the back up of reports and paperwork that had accumulated as you were running around with Seungcheol, and observed Mingyu as he performed the two autopsies scheduled for the day. Fortunately, (or at least, as fortunate as it could be in your line of work), the two autopsies were natural deaths occurring in the attached hospital, and provided a stark relief to the string of homicide cases. Mingyu had remarked that it was almost refreshingly dull, but other than that comment, you noticed that he was unusually quiet, his bright, bumbling personality now solemn and stern.
“Hey, Mingyu,” you called as the autopsies were completed. “Do you want to grab some dinner or something? I’ll treat you.” 
He bit his lower lip in hesitation. “I’m really tired, so I was just thinking of heading home and going to bed early.”
“Oh…okay,” you nodded. You reached up on your tiptoes to ruffle his hair affectionately, chuckling as his eyebrows knit together. “Give me your reports and you’re done for today,” you said, heading back to your office. 
Your phone was finally charged and you turned it on, sinking deep into your cushy office chair. It began vibrating violently in your hands as notification after notification lit up your screen, and you quickly unlocked the device to see that you had several missed calls and text messages from Seungcheol, Jun, and even Wonwoo.
The voice mails and text messages were all vague and boiled down to calling them back as soon as possible. You sighed and dialed Seungcheol’s number, and you spent the next few minutes reassuring your frazzled boyfriend that no, you were not dead, that you were in your office currently, and that Jihoon had let your phone die. (You could swear that you heard the man’s distinct yell of protest in the background at that last comment.)
His next question confused you. “Where is Dr. Kim?”
“Well, he’s going to drop off his reports and then he’s going home. Why?” you asked, and you heard heavy knocking at your door. “Oh, someone’s here. That’s probably him.” You held your phone away from you to yell for the person to come in. “What’s wrong?” you asked, returning the phone to your ear. You watched the door open and Mingyu shuffle in, carrying a pile of folders with his coat already on and his messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
“Okay, don’t let him leave. We’re on our way over. There was something else in the decrypted message; it was so juvenile that Wonwoo didn’t even see it but Jun pointed it out. The first letter of each sentence—”
Mingyu had dropped the papers onto the corner of your desk and had almost left before he inhaled sharply and turned back around. “I need to talk to you,” the man uttered timidly, and you cut off Seungcheol’s rambling with noncommittal noises and the reassurance that you would see him soon.
“Sorry about that, I think they found something about the Starling case. I hope you weren’t too excited about going home. What’s up?”
He grimaced and shrugged off his coat before plopping down heavily in the chair across from your desk. “Yeah, it’s about that. Did you see the press release about my fellowship appointment?”
You nodded. “It was super impressive. Your parents sounded really proud,” you teased.
“Well…it got me thinking about the deaths, and how all the men had something written about them too, and how they all had younger sisters. And then I thought about the first Starling killer, and his partner, and the time frame, it’s just—”
“Slow down, Mingyu,” you interrupted as his words jumbled and rushed together. He nodded and took a breath before continuing.
“This morning, when I heard about Chan and Dohee, it reminded of something. I never thought it was relevant, and honestly, I thought she was either dead or found someplace happier to be, and…” Mingyu’s voice faltered as he swallowed thickly. “The interview with my parents made it sound like I’m an only child.” His eyes flickered to meet yours, and the intensity of the sadness reflected in his dark brown eyes startled you. 
Your phone vibrated again, and Mingyu took the distraction as an opportunity to reorganize his thoughts. A text message from an unknown number tauntingly filled your screen, and like the man before you was doing, you summoned every shred of courage in your body to read it.
A familiar series of numbers – coordinates – followed the message, as well as a fuzzy image of an unconscious and bound teenage girl. You weren’t aware that your breaths were quickening until Mingyu cleared his throat, and you flickered your eyes to him again as he finally mustered the strength to utter the statement that he never wanted to be true.
“She ran away from home five years ago. I think my sister, Mina Kim, is Starling.”
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