#Though it's unfortunate the art lesson plan is really restrictive as it is
thegoldendoorknob · 2 years
10 and 15?
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
Outside of nature itself lol, videogames and cartoons were also up there. I thought the Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry styles were 'easy' enough for a kid to recreate at the time, which is funny considering they're iconic and hard to recreate characters. As far as the continued hobby goes, it's just much easier to communicate metatextual ideas and memes through visual art than it is to explain things in writing, at least for me. The Mona Lisa's smile makes for many interpretations despite not knowing anything about her.
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
TAing mellowed me out as far as that goes, the only thing that pisses me off is when artists/patrons gatekeep their genres. It's just unfun for the whole family and actively harms would-be artists in the long run. I also have issues with art teachers that make biased judgements against children trying to use a style they like or struggling to understand, due to it 'distracting from the lesson', because if they bothered to learn anything about them, you can actually use that information to your benefit and remain engaging for the students to learn through that medium. They also need to get better at explaining the 'How and Why' behind those traditional art lessons. For a college student it's pretty clear erasing charcoal is meant to be a lesson on controlling negative space, for a child it feels like a lesson in frustration and wrist smudging.
TL;DR I have more problems with the factory system of artists than I do art... things, itself.
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roseunspindle · 1 year
Peace-weaver - freothwebbe
Severus is furious with Dumbledore when he realizes the man has just been raising Harry to die. 
Yes, Severus can admit he made mistakes with Potter (those things he saw in the boys mind during occlumency “lessons”, partly because if he only looked for James in the boy he wouldn’t have to see Lily in him. Lily who he got killed.
The thing is, Dumbledore in his dying rush and his belief that Severus will do precisely what he says gives out to much information. 
A horcrux. The boy is a horcrux and therefore is very, very valuable, if not precious to the Dark Lord.
So he goes to Voldemort, speaks of Dumbledore’s plans and the truth about Potter. 
Within a week, Voldemort, now that the Light has something he wants, is suing for peace. His main price being Harry Potter as his spouse.
Severus does what he can, and wrangles himself as part of the marriage by virtue of his vow to Lily’s child. He’s not excited. Really one spouse will be Voldemort the other Harry Potter...he’d never really imagined himself marrying but in a few fancies he’d thought his marriage partner/s would at least hopefully like him a bit. 
The Order of the Phoenix, representing Harry, the Light, and the Ministry, agrees with an odd add on of one Luna Lovegood as another spouse.
Severus was there at the meeting, having brought the proposal, ignoring Dumbledore’s glaring, and Luna Lovegood, permission to be in the meeting granted to her by her father, declared she’d be marrying with Harry. As, she said with a wry smile “a representative of lightside purebloods. (Severus knows the girl, who once insisted his hair was so greasy do to the amount of wrackspurts muddling his brain. Could care less about pureblood interests in general, but was quite loyal and the gratefulness on Potter’s face, realizing he wouldn't be marrying two adult men all by himself is telling about where Miss Lovegood’s loyalty lays.)
The perplexed look on Voldemort’s face when Severus shares memories of their future bride with him is... amusing to say the least, though he quickly stuffs that emotion back behind his occlumency shields.
Harry does not, under any circumstances want to marry Voldemort or Snape. In many ways two of the men responsible for his parents death. 
 He’d never even though of marrying Luna (but he is so very very happy that he will be now). 
But the pain he felt over Sirius’s death and the information Snape had given him (making Dumbledore also responsible in a way for his parents death and certainly for his miserable life up ‘til now.)
He knows why Snape did this, thinks that in a few years, he may even be grateful for Snape including himself in the situation. The man couldn’t have predicted Luna of course. (Who could?)
He doesn’t want others to loose their loved ones like he has, he doesn’t want more war orphans like himself and Neville. Part of the peace agreement his marriage will seal is a cessation of hostilities on Muggleborns and Muggles alike. Along with Some of Voldemort’s more violent Death Eaters remanded back to Azkaban. (Bellatrix, the lestranges, a few others.) The ones who can’t function in “real” life (not killing/torturing) at all. 
Their side, lead now by Amelia Bones, will see to a lessening of restrictions on certain of the Dark Arts.
There are protection clauses in the document as well. No torture for any of the spouses, no imprisonment disguised as protection.
It’s all very good, if one wasn’t you know a sixteen year old boy essentially being sold for peace. 
Amelia insists on meeting with him and Luna privately to have a straight forward conversation about it. She, being a rational and reasonable adult and politician was not happy having to have politics resolved by archaic marriage practice's and even less by one involving a sixteen year old boy and fifteen year old girl.
Harry is grateful that at least one adult seems to find this an actual problem. Molly had unfortunately just been crying about how she’d always hoped Ginny and Harry would marry, instead of realizing that maybe doing that right in his hearing wasn't very nice. 
As many discussion are had, eventually betrothal documents are signed and both dark and light side come together to plan the wedding of the century. 
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starseed-twenty · 4 years
🌌Saturn in the Houses✨
Brief summary
Saturn is a planet, a generational planet, that rules structure, discipline, necessary limitations, responsibilities, lessons and karma. Some may describe it as malefic because of the rather 'negative' energy it gives off. Personally, I've grown to seen it as benefic because of the 'end-results' it aims to provide. Sure, it doesn't start off by being good to you and giving things to you nice and easy (like Jupiter does), however - it doesn't just give things bad and gloomy either. For one, it is trying to give you great lessons with the house it is in (by helping you to basically learn the right way and gain experience in the house) for you. And for two, while Jupiter gives an abundance, Saturn gives some restriction - helping you to be able to handle what goes on in the house its in. Because, as we know it, too much of a good thing can be bad. For example, Jupiter in 6th may mean a person finds it nice and easy to maintain work, planning, a schedule, time-management and maintaining a good body. Sweet, right? Well... this person can actually also overwork themselves sometimes, and be a little bit obsessed with their body too, and become critical of others because of their (the people's) work & planning, since they (the person) know how to maintains theirs. So... 😬 Jupiter isn't completely a good planet, and Saturn isn't completely a bad planet either. In a lowkey way, they're Yin & Yang. There's a bit of good in Saturn, in the same way there's a bit of bad in Jupiter too. Now... On to individual houses.
- This can also apply to transits -
🌌 1st House :
You may experience issues with the way you see yourself, your life and perhaps the way people perceive you. You feel like they have constantly either made fun of you or said inappropriate, harsh things, or they see you in a way you don't see yourself. Or even other times, you feel like you've done or said the wrong things, or live life in a bad way because it's not the 'normal' way people live, leading you to become critical with yourself. So you may be fighting some battles internally at times. On the other hand... The good news is that this does not last forever. As much as you feel like it does. Because as you grow, somehow you find yourself becoming more confident, more happier and feeling not the need to prove yourself to anyone and anything anymore. So, with time, Saturn teaches you how to be good to yourself and do good for yourself.
🌌 2nd House : 
You may experience a lot of financial issues (money, savings, material gain/possessions and assets), as well as issues of self-worth, values and resources. These could be in the form of you struggling to have a proper income or money seeming to be a scarce resource for you. You may also even find it hard to save or invest at first. For example, you try to save or invest, but the money has to go somewhere else or it turned out to be a scam. Additionally, you struggle internally as well. Your sense of self-worth or self-esteem fluctuates quite often, but most of the time it's lower than normal and this is because Saturn makes it hard to see/have value in not only capital gains, but yourself too. The lesson for you in this life is to learn how to comprehend value in tangible things as well as your self-worth the right way so as you do not take these for granted. So, the good news is that as time goes, you will be able to accumulate (a huge chunk 😉 of) these gains, and appreciate yourself more than you ever have.
🌌 3rd House : 
You may experience issues with communication and learning, or speaking and being listened to, or with technology/media. This means it can sometimes be a struggle for you to communicate efficiently/assertively at times, or there can be tension when you voice out your opinion. You may also struggle with having a bad rep when it comes to the media and technological things. People may come at you negatively a lot or they just do not understand you at times and think you're rather odd. Saturn in this house tries teach you to appreciate the art of proper communication and being educated (even though it can be through difficulty). So additionally, you can struggle with learning too, whether it's education (school) or work/training. It takes a long minute for you to get it. But the good news... you eventually do. And when you do it's close to perfect. Also, with time, people really understand your ways of communication and perhaps even love it.
🌌 4th House : 
You may experience issues with foundations (starting up anything), family, home/internal environment and ancestral roots. For example, you just happen to keep struggling when it comes to starting up your own little business or form of income (a blog, YT channel, mini job, etc.) and so there's always a delay or it doesn't turn out the way you thought it would. You may also have problems with your family or home environment more often than normal, something that they do that upsets or has upset you or something you do that upsets them and so it raises conflict between you quite often. But, the good news.... eventually, the issues will die down with effective communication and healing, and the bond will become even closer. Or, that foundation for that business/income will eventually be properly set up and exceed your expectations.
🌌 5th House : 
You may experience issues when it comes to your peers/friends or the people you vibe with (short-term dating), creative endeavours, children or maintaining hobbies. One or more of these is not something you find easy to connect with. For example, the people you get to know or start to vibe with may eventually start acting weird or the connection between you guys doesn't end up the way you thought it would. Additionally, your friends or peers are people who may not understand you at times... so getting along with people at first can be hard. As well as some creative endeavours, such as finding it within you to do artsy stuff or going bold with themes, colours, words, etc. The good news though... is that as time goes, you surpass the need to understand why this is and be hurt by it, but simply love your inner-self more, until  good people, friends and lovers start gravitating towards you. You also start to connect with your creative side, hobbies, and children more.
🌌 6th House : 
You may experience issues with time management and planning. You find yourself either being too early or too late for something, for example; an appointment, an event, or a project due. This (issue with time management) may also manifest into you struggling with completing tasks a lot of the time. But this may be more when you’re just growing up rather than when you’re older and have established the ability to take control of your time and complete tasks. You may also experience issues with your diet or body's health, so you may be someone who either eats too much or doesn't eat enough, or having some kind of body condition. But the good news... the problems do eventually fade away. You will find yourself loving your body and being content with your state. Plus, you eventually perfect the skill of  planning and time-management (with much discipline unfortunately).
🌌 7th House : 
You may experience issues with people around you, or partnerships you're involved in. For example, people seemingly going behind your back or treating you weird even though don't really do bad to them. People just suddenly find a way to be weird and take your kindness for an advantage, which then makes you have rocky relationships with them. As well as with relationships or partnerships, you can sort of struggle with the people you're in these with. They may hurt you or do something shady and you don't even understand why. But, on a brighter side... you do eventually find the right people and right someone who will do very good by you and it will end there. You'll never be hurt again. They will give the perfect love, respect and kindness you deserve. But only after you've learnt the lesson of not trusting too easy.
🌌 8th House : 
You may experience issues with either death, sex/sexuality, changes or transformations, or debt. Or maybe even all. This house is a rather sad one to have Saturn in unfortunately, because a lot of people I know who have this particular placement may feel or see life in a gloomy state, but they do try their best to have hope it gets better. But overall, the issues they encounter may feel like burdens a lot of the time. Such as, for example, their sexuality. They may be surrounded  by homophobic people, whereas their sexuality is one they are still trying to define properly because they can be stuck in being open about who they really are. Or, another example: people who have debt almost all their lives - or just something to owe (money, a job/task, an asset, etc.) because of the continuous struggles they go through. Good news though... is that this all ends eventually. They do find ways or fall on to paths that make it easier for them to live comfortably and not stress too much anymore. And when they do, they become way more optimistic about life.
🌌 9th House : 
You may experience issues with higher learning/knowledge, travelling or long journeys, foreign lands, or law & religion. This may be in ways where you don't connect with other, different cultures, religious endeavours or laws easily. You may have your own interpretations or understandings and they perhaps don't agree with these. Also, travelling far or going to 'exotic'/foreign places does become weird for you, or you don't get to do it as much as you've wanted to. And (this one may be random), you could experience issues with getting taught or finding the right teachers. You're keen on learning, but getting the right understandings doesn't happen the way you thought it would. However, in due time, you do become set on getting the right knowledge and perfect understanding on things (including cultures, religions, laws, etc.) and find yourself in tune with long journeys and exotic places.
🌌 10th House : 
You may experience issues with your public image/status, career, how you work, what we are working/have worked towards and long-term goals. So, you see how the 4th house (opposite house) is about foundations, developments, and the home environment... The 10th house is more or less the opposite of that; the external/public environment and successes through developments & foundations. Having Saturn in this house can then mean you struggle seeing your successes and end-results of your foundations come to life the way you want to (at first), as well as your public image or reputation/status can fluctuate or you (or other people) tend to see it in a bad light. This is not the case for long though. As time goes, your 'tarnished' reputation starts to heal and people then see and admire your work and success. Greatly so, that you become almost iconic. You also eventually fall in love with your image too.
🌌 11th House : 
You may experience issues with the community or large masses, organizations, social groups, social media/technology, global connections and perhaps even successes in your hopes & dreams. So for quite a while, people as a collective may be quite disconnected with you and either radiate negative energy towards you or no energy at all, to which you don't understand because you don't really do anything too wrong and would like positivity. This can also be a time, if it's a transit, that a good reputation is something you have to work hard towards because people have seen you the wrong way for some or other reason.  At the same time, it can be a tad bit difficult for you shine through social settings, social groups, social media and technology the way you want to. Your hopes and wishes can be dimmed, though you keep attempting to let them shine. At the end of it though (as Saturn eventually provides structure), you start to align with these social endeavours, and your hopes & wishes do start to radiate greatly to the point of you looking pretty lucky.
🌌 12th House : 
You may experience issues with connections to the subconscious, spiritual gifts/dreams, fears, healing, confinement, as well as perhaps abandonment/imprisonment/isolation issues. Saturn in the 12th house usually breeds people who are pretty shy, isolated or have a bit of trust issues. They can also be people who grow up heavily be in tune with routines or organized things, structure and wanting to have (or focused on) clear understandings of things. If you have Saturn in this house, it can become really hard for you to understand the concept of hidden things, karma, intuition-based ideologies at first (though you do constantly try and makes sense of these). You can also be suffering from a bit of closure/healing, but it's also something you don't know how to make sense of. So you may be hurting a lot inside, but will try to avoid it or make it seem as though it's not deep. But what Saturn does at the end of it all is allow you to see light in healing, connecting with higher entities and spiritual guides and gaining closure for your mental and emotional health. So you suddenly find it easy to tap in to the subconscious and become almost a master at understanding spiritual endeavours.
Side-note : The weird thing (and perhaps even sad thing) I've noticed about Saturn though, is that it possesses some sort of energy that doesn't allow you to give up on the issues it provides. So, while you may feel like you struggle with these issues... you can't give in to not caring about them or brushing them under the carpet. They appear within a minute and you're lowkey addicted to trying to fix these issues. For example, a person with a Saturn in 12th house : They probably struggle with dreams, understanding things beyond reality, spirituality, healing and all things subconscious. However, they simply find themselves always wondering about this whole 'spirituality' thing and trying their best to understand it. So while they may avoid it because of the huge struggle that comes with it, they revert back to trying to dream a bit more, heal, be in touch with spirituality, etc. Until eventually, they get it so right that they're lowkey experts.
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Evanescence unknowingly takes the stage for the last time before the music industry reels from widespread changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March, 2020. With new challenges on the immediate horizon, they had to make a decision and figure out a way to navigate the new industry, one without live music. Their new album, The Bitter Truth, out now, cascades around the band’s last ten years since they released original music and brings about a new, revitalized energy to the world.
“It's an evolution of Evanescence in a very modern but also old school way,” shares guitarist Jen Majura. “It’s the perfect merge of modern 21st century sounds and that old school; the roots, guitar rock sound. Every band member in Evanescence has their own musical taste. When those five characters come together for writing and creating, everybody has this ‘you're the oregano, you're the thyme and rosemary and you put all these flavors together and that's what the album sounds [like].”
When Evanescence burst onto the scene in 2003, no one could have imagined the immense impact they were going to make, now spanning almost 20 years later, but it didn’t all start there. Conceived in 1995 in Little Rock, Arkansas by vocalist Amy Lee and former guitarist Ben Moody, the rock staples worked their asses off for 10 years, recording independent albums, before releasing their exceptional, debut album “Fallen.” It was an instant success and an album for the ages, paving the way for their future in the scene. No one could have foreseen the complete 180 the world would take in 2020, but working on the first original material from the group in a decade kept them in high spirits.
“It was healing for me; I don’t know what I would've done. I would've gone insane last year if we didn't have this album to make,” admits Lee. “I’ve learned again and again a life lesson, that it's not what happens to you, it's what you do with it. It’s how you take what you've been given and what you turn it into and I'm not always waking up motivated and ready to take on the world, but when you can overcome whatever it is and take the experience that has happened to you and turn it into something that could actually potentially feel good to someone else, there's life in that. There's healing in that.”
The writing process for “The Bitter Truth” started in early 2020 with familiar producer Nick Raskulinecz, who helped put together their third self-titled album in 2011. The group met up in Nashville and pumped out four songs before taking a month off to unwind. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit and everything changed. Majura, who lives in Germany, was stuck due to quarantine and isolation restrictions, which threw a wrench into the album plans, even though she was halfway around the world, things came together and Majura handled it with ease
“The overall message of this album is it's very energizing, empowering and inspiring because there is so much going on in the world these days,” says Majura. “You have to process a lot and it's just not only politics but also climate change and movements and there's so much going on on this planet Earth; I feel, we as humans, we need to heal our planet Earth and I believe this album might contribute to that a little bit because it's telling people in so many different, beautiful, and emotional ways to stand up for what's right and make this place a better place.”
The last year has turned everything upside down but luckily, we can all count on music and art to bring us together and hopefully keep out the hate. To be at peace for thirty minutes to an hour, is a severely undervalued opportunity. Fans around the world can feel a little bit better now that Evanescence is back and edgier than ever, but no one is as happy as Evanescence. 2021 is looking up and all we can do is keep smiling and fight back, with music leading the way.
“It really is this big piece of my life,” explains Lee. “Just a big piece of the band and who we are; where we've been in particular and where we are now. Having to think creatively about ways to continue and ways to connect with people despite the obstacles has been inspiring in itself; it's going to make me happy to see them [the fans] happy.”
“Music has this incredible talent; music is art,” shares Majura. “When you, as a musician, create something and your listener is listening to what you do and your music creates emotions or pictures or puts yourself in another place in your mind, this is what music is about. It shall not be out there for making money; you do music for the passion of music, for the love of music and when your music touches the souls of your audience that’s the utmost beautiful thing that can happen.”
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obsidianarchives · 6 years
To All The Wizards: The Trial Run
As it turned out, committing to a fake relationship couldn’t have come at a better time. Spending her time with Dean gave Hermione a valid reason to be unavailable to engage in Harry’s obsessing. It was becoming increasingly clear that Katie Bell wouldn’t be returning to Hogwarts before the start of winter break. These unfortunate tidings had given new fuel to Harry’s speculations about Draco Malfoy. He was determined to pursue his own ideas on the subject rather than trusting Professor Dumbledore and the Order, and no amount of logic from Hermione seemed to sway him.
That wasn’t to say she had gotten accustomed to the idea of having a fake boyfriend. To the contrary, she was stumbling through the whole thing. This seemed to escape everyone’s notice, because Dean was graciously picking up her slack. No one noticed her discomfort on Day One as they saw him handing her a note embellished with sketches, or when he was holding her hand in between classes, or studying closely with her in the common room; the gossip spread itself.
Dean was a lot more skilled in his art than she remembered. The two notes he had presented her thus far were usually just a series of doodles or cartoons. Her favorite was a cartoon of Professor Slughorn and Harry. In the sketch, Professor Slughorn was cartoonishly short and Harry wore a superhero cape that read “Chosen One.” The speech bubble above Professor Slughorn’s head read “50 points to Gryffindor, Harry, my boy for being such a splendid Chosen One.”
Two days into the arrangement, Hermione found herself crossing paths with Luna and Ginny. Hermione and Ginny didn’t speak often when they were at school, having such vastly different schedules and social circles. However, they had always been on friendly terms when they saw each other outside of class. Trying her best to feign normalcy, she squared her shoulders, resolving to move forward just like she would if she were in a real relationship. Besides, she had her own predictions about Ginny’s feelings for Harry.
“Good morning, Hermione!” Luna said cheerily as they approached each other in the corridor.
Hermione smiled at Luna, returning the greeting. Luna was almost dressed normally, draped in her winter cloak, except for the headband with silver antlers that adorned her head. “Good morning, Ginny,” Hermione added, smiling directly at Ginny.
Ginny allowed the slightest of smiles that didn’t meet her eyes to pass over her features in response, before prompting Luna, “We should hurry before we’re late for Charms.”
“Good-bye, Hermione!” Luna called as Ginny dragged her by the sleeve of her cloak without another word.
Had she been wrong? She had felt so sure about Ginny’s renewed feelings for Harry. Surely they would supersede whatever remaining feelings she had for Dean. Dread continued to gnaw at Hermione as the week went on. The thought of being romantic rivals with Ginny Weasley, who was popular and beautiful in ways that she wasn’t, just didn’t appeal to her. But this was the risk she took.
The plan did seem to be working. That she could tell, Ron hadn’t told Harry anything about his note, nor had he tried to approach her again. They were mostly back to where they were before – ignoring each other. She did find his blue eyes staring at her more often, especially when Dean was with her. Dean was immediately perceptive to this. When he noticed, he would put his arm around her or lean down to whisper something silly in her ear to make her laugh. Every time she would glance back at Ron, watching with satisfaction when he looked away, ears glowing red.
Possibly, it was Seamus’ reaction that had been the most surprising. The first night they had sat all together at dinner he immediately launched into news of Ireland’s most recently injured Quidditch player. This hadn’t bothered Hermione. She sat next to the two boys, fully intending to let them get on with it and get more reading done.
“Oi! If you’re going to date Dean, I have a few rules.”
Hermione looked up from her book bag in surprise. What other rules could he want to add on top of the contract she and Dean had agreed to?
“No reading at dinner. I don’t want to be reminded that we’re at school while I’m eating my roast.” Dean was biting back laughter at the look of astonishment on her face and signaled to Seamus that he had no objections. “Secondly, you have to help me with my Transfiguration studies.”
“Oh, is that all?” Hermione asked incredulously, her eyebrows raised. Dean was now laughing in earnest.
“Yes, it would hardly be fair for me to flunk out of my N.E.W.T.s classes while Dean aces everything, all because he’s dating Hermione Granger.”
“That’s all well and good mate, but Hermione is the smartest witch in our year, not a miracle worker.” Dean ducked as Seamus moved to hit him over the head, laughing at his own good burn.
“Alright, I’ll help you with whatever subjects you need. May I stay?” Hermione asked sarcastically.
“Yes, you may,” he said in what she supposed was meant to be a stuffy English accent. It came out a bit more cockney than anything.
“No. Nope. We agreed no more English accents from you,” Dean said as he threw his arm around Hermione’s shoulders.
After that, Dean and Seamus brought her into the fold as if she belonged there, rather than like a third-wheel to two best-friends. That she could remember, Ginny hadn’t spent much time with Seamus and Dean. It was always Dean accompanying her with her friends. It suited Hermione just fine. It meant she was spending less time listening to Harry go on about the Prince and Malfoy – and less time around Ron.
By that Friday, they had fallen into a sort of routine. It was the first sunny day they’d had in weeks and the bright blue of the Great Hall enchanted ceiling shined accordingly. When Hermione approached the Gryffindor Table at the end of the lunch break, she expected to find Dean and Seamus locked in conversation about the latest upset win by the Chudley Cannons, but was surprised to find Dean by himself.
“Seamus went to post a letter to his mum,” Dean said without her prompting.
She sat next to him as he finished up his meal. She had spent most of her lunch in the library, searching for the book, Forget Me Not: the Metaphysical Structure of Memory Charms, that Professor Flitwick had mentioned in their lesson that morning. She wanted to check it out for some additional reading before anyone else could beat her to the Restricted Section copy.
“Are you going to eat?”
She grabbed an apple off the table and smiled. “This will do for me. Are you ready?”
He grabbed her book bag as they got up from the table. In addition to the things they had agreed upon in the contract, Dean had insisted that he carry her books to all the classes they shared. They’d argued over it, but he ultimately won. She’d thought of pointing out that this might be exactly what Ginny meant when she said he was too chivalrous, but she knew that wouldn’t be tactful.
“Blimey!” he said as he swung the bag over his shoulder in a way that she thought was surprisingly effortless. “Have you considered going easy on the boulders?”
She rolled her eyes. “I told you I can charm it to make it feather-light. I only keep the weight because it helps me to remember whether I’ve forgotten something or not.”
He looked at her with amazement before sighing, resigned to his duty. “No. If I’m going to be your boyfriend, I have to do the thing right.”
The corridors were full of students rushing to their first class of the afternoon block. Hermione did her best to operate like everything was normal. This isn’t normal, though. She should be walking to class with Harry and Ron. Dean’s hand shouldn’t be gently resting on the small of her back as they walked. There shouldn’t be so many people whispering and staring in their direction.
“No running in the corridors, Nguyen!” she called after a Slytherin third year who was often causing trouble. Ignoring the additional stares this earned them, she moved her curls over her shoulder exposing her prefect badge.
“Got to admit, I didn’t expect our little charade would garner quite this much attention,” Dean said to her under his breath.
“Surely you’re used to this, girls are almost always looking at you.”
Dean’s face flushed. “Not like this they don’t,” he said in a mumble. “Is this what it’s like to be part of the ‘Golden Trio,’ then? People whispering over everything you do?” He shoved his hands in his pockets and Hermione felt herself relax a little without his pressure of his hand on her lower back.
“Well, I suppose Harry garners a lot of attention, so, in that way it seems like people are always watching you. But that’s different.”
Lots of girls swooned over Harry’s appearance, and everyone else was constantly speculating about the Boy Who Lived and the implications of him being the Chosen One. It was him they were watching, not her.
“Come off it. You’re Hermione Granger, the witch widely regarded as the brightest of her age, and you really think people don’t pay attention to you?” At this, he lazily tilted his head in the direction of a cluster of second years who seemed to be talking animatedly while repeatedly glancing at her.
Dean smirked. She blinked a few times in surprise. “Coincidence.”
She wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince him or herself.
By Tuesday, she was exhausted. Her time was split between pretending to be Dean’s not-so-very doting girlfriend and keeping up with her actual studies. She hardly had any time for relaxing on her own. Her mother and Viktor both had sent letters she hadn’t yet had time to read. She resolved that in the evening she would make time to relax by a fire and finish them. If she was lucky, she might even have time for a bit of knitting.
Potions proved to be further trying on her nerves. They had spent the class finishing their Calming Draughts. Hermione’s was nearly perfect, Professor Slughorn had said so himself. However, the shimmer of the silvery liquid was slightly too bright. The subtlety with which Harry’s potion shimmered and swirled was masterful, and it infuriated Hermione that she agreed with that assessment. Of course, Harry accepted all of the praise and house points without mentioning that he hadn’t actually completed the assignment as it had been instructed.
She stormed out of the classroom, irritated with the whole thing. Despite her very best efforts, meticulous attention to the instructions, and hours spent bent over the cauldron, she was still being bested by that dumb Prince. Calm and steady, Hermione, she told herself as she strode away from the classroom. She had scheduled time to relax for herself, she shouldn’t let that “book” ruin it.
“Hermione, wait!” It was Dean. She felt a little guilt creep over her for leaving him without a word, even if she wasn’t actually obligated to. If this had bothered him, he didn’t say. Instead he said. “Harry’s running Quidditch practice after afternoon block to get some flying in before the break.”
“Is he mad? It has to be five degrees outside.”
“It’s eight and it’s the warmest day we’ve had in weeks.” He shook his head dismissively. “Anyway, I want you to come and watch after you’re done with History of Magic.”
“Oh good, you’re mad, too,” Hermione said while laughing. Then she said in a low voice, “I agreed to Quidditch matches and the next match isn’t until February, assuming Katie isn’t back by then.”
“First of all,” he began, also in a lowered voice, “If Katie comes back, you still have to attend, you’ll just be my date. Secondly, while it’s not in the contract it’s a great opportunity. Both our Weasleys will be there together and you can be sure Lavender will be too.”
She glared at him. Did he not understand? She needed this break. “I have plans and they don’t include freezing my arse off in the stands!”
Dean looked as if he was trying to bite back laughter. The few students that were filing past them gave them strange looks. Attempting a straight face, he took a step closer to her, leaving only a few inches between them. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Language, Madame Prefect.”
Before she could retort, he pulled away. Her face felt hot. That was the closest they had been to each other since their last kiss. The past two weeks had been emotionally draining on her, which had to be why she was feeling so flustered. Plus, Dean was tall and his handsome brown eyes were twinkling down at her. Who could tell him no?
“This will be our only real opportunity to make a real appearance in front of both of them before holiday break,” he said imploringly. “We can spend the rest of the evening by the fire, if you’d like.”
“Alright,” Hermione said begrudgingly. Then she added over her shoulder as she turned to walk to History of Magic, “I’m still going to bring some work to keep me busy!”
Dean only laughed and shook his head in response before turning on his way towards the staircase.
After Professor Binn’s lecture, Hermione made a quick stop to the girl’s dormitory in order to change into some Muggle clothes and a Muggle coat. While her winter cloak was heavy enough for the weather outside, the wind usually found a way into the billowy fabric. Changing took a bit longer than she had expected. Crookshanks was lying stubbornly on her trunk where she kept her Muggle clothes.
“Crookshanks, off.”
He refused to move, bright yellow eyes staring at her defiantly.
She sighed and picked him up to set him on the floor. He was peeved at the lack of attention she was giving him. Well, she told herself that, but he typically only wanted her attention for treats anyway.
Once Crookshanks was sorted, Hermione headed to the Quidditch pitch. It was a blustery cold day.
“‘Eight degrees,’” she grumbled to herself as she hugged herself against the wind.
Luckily the sun still hung in the late-afternoon sky, which would give her enough light to read her mum and Viktor’s letters by.
As she approached the pitch, she could see the Gryffindor team already going through some warm-ups about 15 meters in the air. Hermione shook her head disapprovingly as she ascended the steps of the stands. Choosing to ride a broom for amusement always seemed to her, a Muggle-born, to be needlessly reckless.
She was surprised to find that Lavender was in fact not in the stands. The only explanation could be Ron’s interference because Lavender, when left to her own devices, didn’t leave his side except at night to sleep. The stands weren’t completely empty, though. A few rows up sat Seamus, waving her over enthusiastically.
“There you are! I didn’t think you’d come. I thought you didn’t like Quidditch?” he said through chattering teeth. His breath came out in puffs of fog.
With a sigh she resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn’t be able to read her letters here with Seamus so near. It might look a little odd for Dean’s girlfriend to be in correspondence with an international Quidditch player with whom she was once romantically involved.
“I don’t, but Dean does. So, here I am!” She tried her best to sound cheery about the being there. She grimaced. Try as she might, she wouldn’t be able to fake that kind of enthusiasm for a boy. Lavender might be able to teach her a thing or two on that front.
The winter sun hung low over the horizon. A shiver coursed through her and she noticed that Seamus’ teeth had not stopped chattering since she sat down. Figuring there was no sense in being miserable and bored while they watched the Gryffindors practice, she pulled out her wand. With a few quick movements of her wrist she had conjured a few glass jars and subsequently three bluebell flames to fill them.
Seamus looked at her aghast as she handed him a jar. “How did you do that? You conjured all of that so quickly. I feel like I blinked and then there it was!”
Hermione sighed with frustration as she set the second jar between them, taking the third in her own hands for warmth. “Yes, but I muttered the spell out of habit. I’ve been trying my best to achieve 100% non-verbal incantations.”
“You’ve got me beat then! I hardly ever use non-verbal incantations outside of class. S’pose you’re the top in the class for a reason.”
Before Hermione could chastise him for taking non-verbal spellwork so lightly, a whistle blew. It appeared the team was done with their warm-up. Harry was instructing everyone on the plays they’d be running. Before flying to his position, Dean flew by the stands, winking at her as he passed. Sheepishly she waved at him, aware that his sudden maneuver had caught the entire team’s attention. To her satisfaction, Ron was glowering at Dean. That’s not the point of this, she reminded herself. This was about proving she didn’t have feelings for Ron, although she did.
With what Hermione could tell was an eye roll, Harry blew his whistle, setting the play in motion. At first, Hermione watched on with vague disinterest. Then, as she watched the team moving about the field, play after play, some dynamics began to stand out.
Firstly, she realized that Dean was good, really good. Ginny and Demelza were quicker than him from what Hermione could tell, but he could throw farther and could out maneuver his teammates. He weaved in and out of the formations with deft ease. She could tell that Harry’s reflexes were superior to Dean’s, likely due to him being the Seeker, but Ritchie Cootes didn’t even come close to touching Dean with a Bludger as they ran through each drill.
“He’s so good!” Hermione said equal parts impressed and stunned.
“Yeah he is. Shame about the tryouts. He wasn’t on his best game.” Seamus shrugged staring at his friend as Dean tossed the Quaffle effortlessly past Ron in the center hoop. “When competition’s thick, you can’t ever be off your game.”
What was more, Ginny was also flying really well. She had improved even from the last match. Watching Ginny and Dean fly together, there was no denying they made a good team, whatever their issues were off the pitch. They worked through Harry’s drills and plays without issue, predicting each other’s movements as they flew up and down the pitch. They were totally in sync. Ginny tossed the Quaffle up in the air right as she reached the center goal post, and Dean appeared above head, catching it. He threw it down through the hoop from an angle, taking Ron by surprise, making it nearly impossible for him to block.
“Fair play, mate!” Seamus shouted clapping his gloved hands together.
Ron, on the other hand, was flying abysmally. She hadn’t seen him fly this badly in a long time.
“He’s really is off his game, today. Makes you feel almost sorry for that git, McLaggen.”
Hermione, didn’t respond to Seamus, looking away in case her blush betrayed her memory of a certain Confundus Charm. As she looked away, she saw Lavender entering the stands from the other end. She waved enthusiastically to her and Seamus. They waved back, awkwardly.
“Let’s go, Won Won!” shouted Lavender from the edge of the stands.
Another Quaffle flew past him through the goal posts. He had come to a halt midair as he whipped around at the sound of Lavender’s voice. They were too far to hear, but Hermione could tell he had groaned.
The practice deteriorated from there. Ron was clearly rattled by Lavender’s presence. He was moving left when he should move right, falling for each of the Chasers’ feints. Harry was very clearly frustrated. He called an end to the practice session early and the team headed to the locker rooms. Lavender rushed down the stands to be there when Ron emerged from changing, ready to comfort him. Hermione knew that would not go over well. She felt a little bad for Lavender. She truly seemed to care for Ron, who seemed increasingly disinterested with her.
“Glad Dean didn’t find him a lass like that,” Seamus said. He did seem relieved. “You’re not so bad. The only thing I’ve seen you get that ga-ga over is new library books.” He screwed up his face in a doe-eyed stare.
“You’re probably right,” Hermione said laughing. Seamus was funny and not in a mean way like she was accustomed to from Ron or the twins. He might poke fun at you, but you knew he never really meant it. It was strange for her to think that he had taken such a fierce stance against Harry, when he was in denial of the truth about Voldemort.
Once they decided that they had waited long enough for the team to finish changing, Hermione vanished their bluebell flames and jars, wordlessly. Seamus lamented the absence of the warmth, and Hermione agreed. It amazed her even six years on that she could conjure such a small thing that could give off so much heat.
To their relief, it was far less windy on the grounds and thus measurable degrees warmer. Some of the team had already made their way out of the changing rooms by the time they approached. Ginny was speaking animatedly to Demelza and seemed to be purposefully ignoring Hermione and Dean’s presence amongst the group.
Dean approached Hermione with a cocky grin on his face. “So, how did I fly?” he asked, grabbing her waist, pulling her into him.
She became distinctly aware of eyes on them, her queue to perform. The heat from Dean being so close to her, his muscular arms around her waist, his dimples peeking out at her, all of it was overwhelming her. Was no one else noticing how forced and insane all of this was? Ginny glanced at them from over her shoulder as she walked past with Demelza. This jolted her back to her senses. She had a job to do.
Hermione rolled her eyes in response to his question, swatting him lightly on the arm. But before she could ready a retort about how average he was, Seamus jumped in. “You were great, mate! The turns you were able to cut were phenomenal. If you had flown that way at tryouts...”
Amused with Seamus excited long speech about strategy, Dean didn’t notice as she disentangled herself from him. Ron had finally exited the changing rooms with Harry. Harry raised his hand in a brief wave, before turning back to Ron to continue what looked like a serious conversation. Ron seemed to be taking the coaching sorely, that she could tell. He did not wave to her, pretending to not notice her. His face fell further when he saw Lavender waiting for him off to the side of the group.
Having seen it before, she knew Seamus and Dean could go on for a while about the strategies and technicalities of Quidditch, especially in comparison to football. Dean liked to bring that into the conversation often, football being his main frame of reference for sports. She figured this might be her only moment to read Viktor’s letter so she left them behind, beginning to make her way towards the castle.
Unfolding the letter from her bag, she began to read as she walked up to the path,
...As I have mentioned before, our last match of the year will be in Madrid. I am wishing that you could be there. A few of us team members will be staying through the holiday time.
I have been reading the book you sent in the spring. This Nick Hornby seems to be very passionate about Muggle football. I am relating to him on this point. However, football does seem like a very boring sort of sport. Is all of it always played on the ground?
“That doesn’t look like schoolwork,” Dean’s voice came from behind her. They had evidently put aside their football banter at present and caught up to her. With his eyebrows raised, Dean tried to snatch the letter from her. She snatched it back, with an indignant look on her face. “You know, it’s bad to keep secrets from your boyfriend.”
There was a mischievous look about him. Instinctively, Hermione began to back away, but she was too late. His reflexes might not be superior to Harry’s, but they were far superior to her own. He began tickling her, mercilessly. She cried out in laughter. Valiantly, she tried to fend him off through her mirth, but she lost the letter to him as his hands found a particularly sensitive spot on her right side.
“Give that back, Dean!” She shouted it but she was still half laughing, tears streaming down her face. Her hands were on her hips in a way that she hoped denoted authority.
“Absolutely not.”
She tried to jump for it, but he raised it above his head. He was so tall that this put it far from her reach. “Dean!” she whined, breathless from the exertion and giggling. She was almost ready to give up. Vaguely, she could hear Seamus’ laughter at their antics and his exclamations in support for Dean’s cause.
Dean turned away from her still holding the letter out of her reach, and began reading.
“That’s private,” she said, trying in vain to reach around him and grab it.
When he turned back to her, she knew he had seen who signed it. His eyebrows were arched at her in amusement and the mischievous look remained on his face. “Oh you’re in for it now.”
Expecting him to tickle her again she backed away this time more quickly. However, he didn’t tickle her. Instead, to her shock, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She would have yelled at him if she wasn’t so busy laughing.
“My bag!” she said through her laughter. It had fallen to the ground at some point in the scuffle.
“Got it!” Seamus called to them.
Dean waved back to Seamus with ease, as if he were simply carrying his book bag over his shoulder. “Thanks, see you at the castle mate!”
Feebly, Hermione protested through her giggles. Her sides hurt. It had been a while since she had laughed that hard.
“Good work today, Granger,” Dean said as he gave her a playful hoist.
She propped her elbow on his back, and placing her head in her hand the best that she could, resigned to her fate. As she did so, she looked up at the changing rooms just in time to see Ron stalking back into them.
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polarishq · 4 years
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Meet MARYANNE “Annie” BROOKS. They are SIXTY-EIGHT years old and hail from TAIPEI, TAIWAN. Annie embodies the star, THETA CARINAE. They use she/her pronouns. Their faceclaim is CONSTANCE WU.
Theta Carinae reminds me of cute but psycho (but cute), mirrorballs, chilled vodka, walls built high as skyscrapers, a scorpion’s sting, coffee as black as your heart, sorry i’m not sorry, a perfectly arched brow, a half-eaten box of donuts, the feeling of being in on a private joke, your middle school bully, short skirts and an even shorter temper, words that aim to kill, clandestine meetings and longing stares. .
(TRIGGERS: Abuse and religious extremism)
Knew her mother for less than twenty-four hours before she was left on the front steps of an orphanage in Taipei in a box, wrapped in a blanket with a name stitched to the label – Annya. So that’s what the volunteers called her, finding humor in the irony. For a baby who was meant to be peaceful, all Annya seemed to do was wail like she was mourning the loss of a mother who never wanted her love.
When jacob and agatha arrived at the orphanage they were meant to adopt a boy. Unfortunately, their beloved Matthew had passed from heart complications during their flight overseas. Heartbroken, but motivated to adopt the couple asked about Annya. The child who couldn’t be soothed but somehow found herself calm in Agatha’s arms. And hearing that was all the motivation they needed to sign the papers and bring her home.
They filed to change her name as soon as they were back in the states, wanting their new child to ‘fit in’ in her new surroundings. Mary after the virgin, Anne after Jacob’s mother and hope because that’s what she inspired when they first saw her in the orphanage. Yes, the irony of that would always be lost on them.
Grew up in the church. If she wasn’t actively volunteering at a church event she was at home studying bible verses with her mother. If she was honest, Annie decided from a very young age she didn’t believe in any of it, but found out quickly any defiance was met with strict (and often severe) punishment, and so she learned to bite her tongue, all of her rage bubbling beneath the surface waiting to explode. Basically her parents were controlling bigots who used religion to justify their problematic and often toxic behavior.
Was home-schooled for the first twelve years of her life though it’s safe to say her lesson plans were not in line with the American educational curriculum. Art class was spent making protest signs. Phys-ed requirements filled standing on street corners handing out pamphlets and shaming sinners. Science class… bible study. And so on. Thanks to some good fortune a nun from the local catholic school took pity on the young girl and convinced her parents to enrol her.
Her mark arrived just as she hit puberty, leaving Annie truly concerned she might be dying or worse, cursed by god. In fact, she was so frightened she spent hours in the shower trying to cleanse herself, she scrubbed so hard at her mark she bled and to his day she still has a small scar going through it. So, she snuck out of Sunday school that week to go to the library’s so-called ‘restricted’ section in search of answers for what was wrong with her. Instead, she learned about the stars, the magic the held and they witches they blessed with it. This left her with more questions than answers, so she took out some books on the occult and took hem home to study.
All seemed fine until she returned home from school one day to find her books sitting on the kitchen table – her mother the picture of heartbreak and her father stern, holding his belt between his hands. She was beaten that day and locked in her room for a month so she could repent for her sins. The door opened once a day with a plate of scraps and a new series of bible passages to memorize. Once her punishment was over, she vowed to do better, but what she really learned is that in order to survive this life she needed to hide her true self from her parents and the rest of the world.
She put up walls so high nobody would ever see the scared little girl she was inside, leaning into the popular mean girl persona usually reserved for blonde girls with high ponytails. She worked whatever jobs her parents would let her, joined all of the right clubs, kept a respectable distance from the boys, and only befriended like-minded girls. At home she learned to be sneaky, she had to in order to survive if she ever wanted a chance at a better life. She hid research and rolls of cash under mattresses and floorboards while playing the part of perfect christian daughter for her parents’ sake.
Discovered Polaris in her early twenties and left home shortly after without so much as a goodbye, but not before draining them of every last bit of hope, just as they’d done to her so many years ago.
Polaris is the first and only place Annie’s ever felt remotely like she belongs, so while she’d never show it in a conventional way they people there have become something of a family to her. This is why, after years of study, she applied for the ta program.
Theta Carinae excels in hope magic. This could go either way depending on the heart of the person who wields the power. The current Theta Carinae’s affiliation with darkness means her powers are strongest when she feeds off the loss of hope and insecurities. However, Theta Carinae also possess the power to instill others but does so at great risk to her own life force. Theta Carinae also has a talent for simple hexes.
Filling the role of Vidia Oma’s Want You to Want Me.
Filling the role of Mother Akna’s Mother Hen.
Love You Like a Brother: One of the few people who knows all of Annie’s secrets and still tolerates her despite the fact that the majority of their friendship consists of her hurling insults their way. Maybe this is why she’s been able to open up to them? They’ve seen her worst and still love her anyway and that’s kind of beautiful?
#WifeGoals: What started off as a very real  (unrequited) crush (on Annie’s part) has turned into the tightest of friendships. Annie isn’t soft for many people, but for this person, she melts. This is her favorite person. Her ride or die. The Thelma to her Louise. Her saltmate, gossip queen and the only person she’d consider marrying tbh but like platonically. 
Penned by Dee ★
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mayaparkerwrites · 7 years
Literally the Most Suspicious Thing Ever//Maya & Fane
While at the Yule Ball Maya and Fane discuss their mutual suspicion of literally everything about the Triwizard Tournament.
Fane had spent most of the evening circulating between groups of people, for once not feeling half so ignored as he had done in his more recent years of Hogwarts. Quidditch had brought about a nice change and certainly brought some popularity to him, but for the most part even now he still preferred to keep to himself. The one unfortunate thing he found with the teaching curriculum at Hogwarts was their restriction on teaching what most considered 'Dark Arts'. How could you truly defend yourself against it without a working understanding of the thing you were attempting to defend against? Explaining why he was currently in conversation with a few of his former classmates from Durmstrang pointedly ignoring the interested looks of Igor Karkaroff who had spent most of the evening attempting to get his attention. Stepping away to get a drink he watched the various quadwizard champions, "I still think there's something off about Potter being selected" he muttered to no one in particular, not realising there was somebody stood nearby.
Maya had lied about seeing her date. He'd bailed on her it seemed. She could worry about that tomorrow. As she walked she observed the room, smiling to herself as she saw the effects of her prank taking hold. Just a little bit so far here and there. She stood near a column watching the people around her dance and chat. She didn't feel left out at all. In large group settings like this she generally preferred to observe rather than be directly involved. She heard Fane's voice and had to laugh. "Well, obviously. I mean that's clear as the beak on a hippogriff to anyone who saw his face when his name was called."
Fane glanced aside when he realised someone had overheard his muttered comment both surprised and not that Maya was still lurking about in the shadows. "Seems odd that someone could get past the spells guarding the cup," he didn't continue to look at Maya as she confirmed that she too thought it was a strange occurrence instead his eyes sought out the various figures on the room he had reasonable cause to question and doubt; Karkaroff, Moody and Snape being a few. "What's your thoughts about how it happened?" suffice to say Fane had his own opinions, especially after the events of the Quidditch World Cup along with his own family associations.
Maya knew that Fane probably hadn't expected anyone to reply to him. She had her own suspicions though and wouldn't mind someone to talk it out with. "I mean I'm assuming its a You Know Who based plan," she replied in a low voice. Being in Slytherin she knew both of Karkaroff and Snape's former Death Eater connections. She knew that Karkaroff had named names under pressure after the first war. As far as Snape she would be very surprised to learn that Dumbledore had hired a Death Eater who hadn't renounced the Dark Lord. "Someone made the cup think there were four schools I suppose," she replied, "No way that kind of charm could be done by a student."
While he wasn't in Slytherin, it didn't mean news didn't get around. There were rumours circulating and Fane had seen his mother's reaction to the display put on at the World Cup and while none of his siblings that he knew had been a part of it... It didn't rule out the potential fact that they might one day be. The fact that one day in the not so distant future, his own choice about such matters would be taken from his grasp. But tonight he'd been hoping to avoid such contemplation and the anxiety inducing fear that sat low in his stomach at the thought of what he might be forced to do for a family that lately... He wasn't feeling all too close to. But for now those thoughts were set aside, because there was nothing he could say that anyone would pay any attention to. After all, who was he but yet another student? A Dark wizarding prodigy at that, he'd heard the whispers. But hearing Maya state what she thought so clearly, it very nearly earned a look of surprise from him. "That's a tall tale to try and sell, makes sense though but also raises the question of who would be capable of doing something like that and getting away with it?"
Maya probably shouldn't speak so plainly about her suspicions. However she was of the opinion that hiding things only gave them power. If it didn't freak people out she'd just call him Voldemort and be done with it. It occasionally caused her problems within her house, but she figured she didn't want to be friends with anyone who waffled on the whole Death Eater issue. "Taller than the Philosopher's Stone? Or the Chamber of Secrets? Than Sirius Black? Is it really a taller tale than an infant defeating He Who Must Not Be Named?" she asked. They were wizards and witches after all. The ceiling above them changed to reflect the sky and every day they learned new spells and potions. Very few things were really all that far fetched. "Probably one of the professors," she replied, "Seeing as they would have to be remarkably powerful and also have access to the Cup without arousing suspicion. And you could pretty easily eliminate some of them. McGonagall and Hagrid obviously." She paused considering, "I'd want to know who's idea it was to bring back the tournament at all."
Everything Maya had to say was something he'd considered at some point already, he'd tried broaching the subject with Faye. Unfortunately, she seemed to be of the mindset like most that acting like none of this had happened would make it all apparently vanish into thin air. Leaving him with little option or anyone really to talk to plainly despite his blazing concerns about the ongoing events. "Hey, I didn't say you needed to convince me it's all of them out there" Fane nodded to the crowds gathered infront of them "most people I try to speak to about it prefer to stay in denial than even acknowledge the potential truth hanging over their heads." Raising a hand he scratched his ear with a slight sigh, "that hardly narrows it down much... Though there are a few that stand out as potential considerations..." his eyes drifted once more to Moody, brow pinching as he studied him from the shadows where he stood with Maya currently. "I still think something's off with that Auror... I get they say he's off his nut anyways but something about him just... It just rubs me the wrong way and I can't put my finger on why... He's a good teacher, almost feels too good if that makes any sort of sense?" It probably didn't, but finally having someone listen without scoffing or rolling their eyes at him... It almost felt, nice in a way.
Maya laughed, "Yeah, this may come as a shock, but its not a popular topic in the Slytherin common room either." She had to pause and roll her eyes, "Unless of course you're like pumped about it, which I'm decidedly not." Her loud mouth was going to get her into trouble one of these days, but she was prepared for that. She'd made a special effort to make friend's outside of her own house this year for that very reason. After the events of at the World Cup a blood traitor like her fit in less and less everyday in Slytherin. "A good teacher?" she asked almost scoffing, "I wouldn't call showing a bunch of fourth year Gryffindors the Unforgivable Curses being good at your job. Especially when that Neville Longbottom's year." The more she thought about the more she found herself maybe agreeing with him. She'd chalked up Moody's strangness to his being a veteran of the first war, but maybe something else was going on. "He is the only new addition to the staff this year," she added, almost musing over the fact.
Fane let his shoulders rise a fall a little. "People are stupid. They'll believe a lie either because they'd rather believe the lie is true, or because they're just too afraid of the actual truth they're trying to ignore... Or a combination of both-- usually it's a combination of both." At least, this was what Fane had come to learn during his time around most Wizarding families besides his own. "We were all raised on the stories of the First War-- the amount of death and destruction people suffered, it's no wonder people don't want to put stock in this and put it all down to tall tales." But talk turned to Moody, and while Fane didn't technically agree with his teaching practises there was a certain degree of merit in them he could see. "I'm not saying I agree with everything he does, but-- How are we truly meant to understand the way to stop these sorts of magic if we don't understand how they truly function?" But that was neither here nor there, all Fane knew was that something about their current teacher left him feeling uneasy. "It just seems too coincidental... But no one gives a toss what I have to say, they all think I'm some Death Eater wannabe who obviously wants the Auror gone for my own gain..." his features twisted into something of a slight grimace with the words.
Maya had actually not been raised on stories of the First War. She'd lost both of her parents at a young age and grown up in an orphanage. Sometimes she thought that, and a Muggle education for the first six years of schooling, helped her see things more clearly than her housemates who were blinded by tradition and a one sided version of history. "Reminds me of the Muggle World Wars," she replied simply. Maya shrugged, "Maybe, but I don't think that's a lesson for forth years, sixth or seventh maybe." She nodded when Fane said that it all seemed too coincidental. Something about it felt off to her too. She just wasn't sure exactly what. She had to laugh when he mentioned people thinking he was a Death Eater wannabe. She knew the feeling all too well. Of course she'd heard the rumors about Fane's family, especially after he was sorted into Ravenclaw and not Slytherin. Those weren't rumors Maya put much stock in though. "I didn't know you were Draco," she said in a light teasing tone.
All he had known his entire life was the very privileged life within the Wizarding World he'd been raised with, three elder siblings all of whom had graduated Durmstrang, himself the first to not complete an entire education there, his younger brother who had started just this year and been sorted into Slytherin and finally a younger sister several years down the line yet to even begin her wizarding education. His father had always been relatively neutral on the matter of Muggles, in fact, he had been rather fascinated with them. It was only after his disappearance in Fane's first year that the tone in his household took a turn towards the more bias end of the spectrum under his mother's guidance. She did it out of a twisted sort of love, a wish to protect her children from the horrors that she believed Muggles would bring down upon them one day. Unfortunately, Fane's association had led to him developing a rather... different opinion to that his mother tried to enforce; one that would have major ramifications that very next year. But Fane never did put any sort of stock in Sybil Trelawney's predictions of misery and pain that were set out in his future. Perhaps he would have if he knew what was yet to come. "A few of my housemates taught me about those," Fane had roped in a few of his muggle-educated housemates to teach him what they had been doing prior to starting magic curious to learn beyond the very blinkered education he'd been given up until this point in time. The joke about Draco though brought a smile back to his features which had grown dour due to the topic of conversation. "Oh yeah-- Though I have yet to coin some phrase that everyone knows me for."
Maya had her own opinions on the separation of muggles and wizards. She understood the history of course, the murders of thousands during the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials as well as other events. Hiding and never learning from each other didn't seem like the answer to her. It let people like Voldemort do what he had done. They could learn from each other. Maya could only imagine what might be accomplished with the marriage of magic and technology. No one had asked her though. "Yeah, its the same sort of thing. Cowering because they don't want to go through it again, but it just makes it worse," she replied. She smiled again when he mentioned having yet to coin a phrase. "Well, to be fair he technically has two," she said. Maya then did a perfect imitation, "Just wait until my father hears about this. And of course Potter." Whenever something went wrong there was a group of Slytherins who would always mutter Potter. When Draco learned of it he had threatened to tell his father which had only earned laughter from the group. "But there's still time and plenty of phrases to choose from," Maya added.
Fane shared a similar viewpoint to Maya. Lately he’d taken up an interest in physics and science, and his mind wondered about the possible combinations that might come from a union of the two. It was something he explored a little in the free time he had and wasn’t off doing other things. “That’s what I think but it doesn’t seem to be the belief of many others.” Maya’s interpretation though made him chuckle, “that’s pretty good, sounds like you hear it a lot... And you’re right though finding something half so unique as that will be a challenge.” But Fane couldn't help but look back at the crowds of people a frown just touching his features "do you get a bad feeling about all this too?"
"Guess we just have to plan as best we can," Maya replied with a shrug, There wasn't much else they could do. And really at the end of it the fate of the world wouldn't come down to either of them. "Oh I'm sure you could come up with something. Ravenclaws are supposed to be witty, right?" she teased. Her gaze followed his over the crowd of people. She thought of the stories of the First War and of the events of the World Cup. Standing there she couldn't help but wonder how many of them would still be here in a few years. "Yeah, I've got a bad feeling about it," she said, no longer smiling, "But its not as if anyone would listen to me about it. I'm just some Slytherin with a big mouth and no history."
"How can you really plan for anything like that though?" especially when you were part of such a minority. "Here's hoping someone's around to coin something I say when it does happen to witty then," but his attention was still lingering on their former topic of conversation. Despite the crowds of students Fane could pick out Faye amongst the crowds, with a few of their other friends and his eyes trailed her quietly. "It's frustrating, but I guess the only thing we can do is try and stay vigilant right? I've been trying to see if I'm right but... I haven't had much luck."
"Oh I'm one hundred percent certain that Draco plans out at least half of what he says in front of a mirror," she replied. Its probably unwise to mock Draco so openly, especially when they're in the same house. But how is she's supposed to help it when he's such a bloody wanker. She laughed, "I can cheers to that." She lifts her glass in a mock salute. As they returned to what might really be happening around them Maya glanced around her to make sure no one was within earshot. She was generally aware of who was around them and might be listening in, but it seemed a good time to make extra sure. "There's definitely something about to happen. There's talk in Slytherin, people who's families were Death Eaters. I'd love to believe that its just kids puffing out their chests, but with everything that's happened the last four years? You'd be stupid to call it just coincidences."
"That's both funny and hardly surprising considering how full of himself he is," Fane reserved very little consideration for their more pretentious peers. They deserved what they got because more often than not they brought it upon themselves. With the exception of Faye, Fane tended to keep his thoughts and opinions to himself. Not even his cousin Dani heard his concerns regarding their own family's trajectory since his father's disappearance. But hearing Maya mention there was something coming made him frown a little "anything in particular that stands out?"
Maya shook her head. "No, I don't think any of them really know anything," she replied. She shook her head again. "Look, its my house and yeah a lot of them can be stuck up gits, but its nowhere near all of them. And for those of them that are they're just kids too, parroting whatever nonsense their parents told them about blood purity and their family's inherent superiority. Shunning the whole house for a couple of bad eggs doesn't solve anything." Maya sighed, realizing that she'd gotten off topic. Sort of. The next few years were going to be tumultuous for all of them. She couldn't guess at what it might bring, but she knew that in her bones. She just hoped that her classmates didn't end up on the wrong side of history. "Death Eaters are meeting up again, in secret. I don't know if they even know what it is, but they have to think its something to do what they did at the World Cup."
Fane looked aside at Maya, wondering if he'd given her the wrong impression with his words. "I'm not trying to say that it's all of them, I know it isn't all of them... You aren't the only house that has Purebloods in it" sure, Slytherin had the majority but it didn't mean there weren't people in other houses who also shared these same beliefs. Tipping his chin down slightly he mulled over Maya's words, his mind distracted from the occurrences around them whilst simultaneously aware of every passerby. "I've heard bits and pieces but nothing substantial myself... There's mutterings but... I don't see how he can come back" this wasn't Fane saying he couldn't just that no one had really encountered the sort of magic powerful enough to even manage that sort of reincarnation.
Maya shook her head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest you were. I just..." She sighed. "It's worse this year. After the World Cup, coming back it feels like half the castle suspects all of us of being future Death Eaters. Even with this stupid Tournament that's supposed to bring us together." Considering the rumors of his family it was probably a feeling that Fane knew. She thought for a moment, trying to compose her thoughts into something that made sense to someone other than her. "It feels like its pushing some of my housemates over the edge. And sometimes it feels like all I can do is watch it happen. It feels like someday I'm going to be facing them across a battlefield and I don't know how to do that." She laughed, self-deprecating. "Because that's what this whole thing should be about, me." With another sigh, she rolled her eyes at herself. "Anyway I don't know either, but he survived enough to latch onto Quirrell. Maybe its just a matter of getting his own body, maybe something Frankenstein style."
Fane raised a hand slightly waving off her explanation “don’t worry-- I get it.” And he did, his first year had been rougher than most considering the whole Chamber of Secrets ordeal leaving him questioning his sanity when he could hear voices in the walls. “The World Cup was... quite a statement I have to admit” and not in a good way, it had set everyone on edge ever since. But Fane’s arms tucked around himself slightly as he propped up against a pillar listening to what Maya tried to explain and Fane couldn’t help but think of his younger brother. “How’s Erich doing?” Fane questioned of his younger brother, “I don’t really see him at all but... I guess I worry a bit” he wasn’t very close to the boy, finding him more of an irksome attention-seeking nuissance than anything else but it didn’t stop Fane wondering about Maya’s words in application to his younger sibling. Erich always had been a mummy’s boy... If that led to him following... Fane merely frowned at the thought. “Would any of us truly know how to do that without feeling some reservation?” During his time at Durmstrang, Fane knew they would have dabbled in Necromancy when he was older and the topic was a point of interest for him simply out of curiosity’s sake. “Whatever the case, it does’t bode well...”
Maya looked away at the mention of Fane's younger brother. She wished that she could just reassure him, say that there was no reason whatsoever to worry, but the truth was that she wasn't sure. "I don't know him that well," she replied because it was technically true, "I can keep an eye on him though." While it sounded like she was offering even if Fane refused she would probably do it anyway. "No, I guess we wouldn't," she agreed, "And if we did that's probably not a very good sign either." It was a depressing thing to think about and the weight of the future felt like it had settled squarely on her shoulders. It wasn't much use worrying, but Maya couldn't seem to help herself. "What do you say, I'll bet you 20 Sickles this is totally a You Know Who plot," she said because the way she saw it they could either laugh or cry about the future. And laughing might not fix things, but it might make them easier. 
The fact she looked away didn't bode well, and Fane couldn't help but wonder if his concerns were rightly justified. "Right--" Fane wouldn't put another person out like that to ask them to look after his siblings, unfortunately Erich had been well taught by their mother. He made a slight sound to their talk of ending up on either sides of the war, but a small smile edged its way onto his features as she made the bet "you know what? I'll take you up on that... Speaking of plots, I feel like we'd be good team to theorise about conspiracies that might be occurring around the castle. Don't you think? Can't say I hear anyone else speaking up about these things..."
Maya glanced back up at Fane. She made a note to check in with Erich, whether or not Fane really wanted her to. If Fane could turn out alright she had to believe there was hope. It might naive, but she always had to believe there was hope. Otherwise what the fuck was the point? She smiled back when he took her bet. Pausing though she asked, "Wait, except we agree it is, so then who would get the money when I'm right?" It didn't really matter, but she could use 20 sickles. Her smile widened at the offer of someone to discuss the things that happened which no one wanted to talk about. "I already have a tinfoil hat in your size," Maya replied.
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kingsterracerp-blog · 7 years
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Thank you for applying, EL. You have been accepted as DANIELA HARPER. Just don’t forget to check out our CHECKLIST and send in your account within 24 HOURS. If you have any questions then let us know!
NAME: El. AGE: 25. TIMEZONE: GMT, but I totally run on EST. ACTIVITY LEVEL: 7/10. I work from home, so I’m able to be around pretty consistently. PRONOUNS: She/Her. SHIPS: Dani/Chemistry. ANTI-SHIPS: Dani/Male (unless extreme chemistry). TRIGGERS: Removed. PASSWORD: Removed. ANYTHING ELSE: Removed.
DESIRED CHARACTER: Daniela Marisa Harper. NICKNAMES: Dani. AGE/BIRTH ORDER: 20, first twin. FACECLAIM: Demi Lovato. GENDER IDENTITY/PRONOUNS: Cis Female, She/Her. SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Homosexual, Homoromantic. HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas. OCCUPATION/EDUCATION: Dani is currently a sophomore at MassArt, majoring in Fine Art, with a minor in Music. She works part-time at a local tattoo studio, Got Ink? as a tattoo artist.
POSITIVES: Driven, Independent, Patient. NEGATIVES: Insecure, Private, Self-Critical.
@GUITARGODDESS: “Is that your natural hair color?” an actual question someone asked me today… #myhairisblue @GUITARGODDESS: To the two guys talking about me in Spanish and thinking I don’t understand: I’m latina. Siga adelante. @GUITARGODDESS: Is it weird that my heart stops when anyone touches my guitar? #handstoyourself  
Growing up in Dallas, Texas, and in a particularly conservative part of town, Daniela—who pointblank refuses to go by her given name, and instead opts for Dani—has always stood out as different. It may seem cliché to say so, but for Dani, it really is the truth. Her mother, Renata, was born into one of the only Latina families in town, with her very traditional father, Duke’s family completely not accepting of their interracial relationship. It’s truly a wonder to Dani that her parents were even okay with their own setup, given how close minded they are in general. Evidently, their love for one another was enough for Duke to allow his family to practically disown him, and the two were married in their mid-twenties, with Renata falling pregnant soon after with their twins.
It’s important to note that the twins were not planned. Neither parent was sure they ever even wanted children, so the positive pregnancy test wasn’t exactly well received, but both raised highly religiously and with the understanding that God has a plan and you must follow it (when it suits them, of course), they opted to continue the pregnancy. By the time the twins were born, Duke and Renata had come around to the idea of parenting them and truly did love them, but not enough to let them be their own people. They were raised to follow the same dedicated Catholic religion as their parents, and to be good, upstanding citizens in their backward little community. They weren’t supposed to stand out, so it was a problem for the two when by the tender age of four, their first born twin, Daniela, had started marching to the beat of her own drum.
Enrolled in ballet classes, it became apparent that Dani was not like the other little girls in town. She hated the very idea of putting on her ballet pumps, and trying to get her to keep her tutu on was about as easy as finding a needle in a haystack. While the other dancers were busy perfecting their pirouettes and routines, Dani was happy to hang out in the corner, playing air guitar and sliding on her knees. She was every bit the tomboy her parents had never wanted, and despite being very well behaved, they considered her to be a problem child for that very reason. She wasn’t one at all, of course. Dani was polite, respectful and very well mannered. The very worst thing she was ever guilty of doing as a child was drawing on her bedroom walls in sharpie, and it wasn’t as an act of maliciousness. Dani just had a very keen eye for anything artistic, and she felt restricted with only paper to work on. Her wall was like a big, blank canvas to her. Her parents didn’t see it that way, but they did have to admit, her drawings were pretty darn good. They still reprimanded her, of course.
While dance classes had been a bust, an extra curricular that Dani did both enjoy and excel in was Piano. She was enrolled in classes at a young age, and picked up how to play very quickly. It was her piano teacher, in fact, who discovered her voice. For a child of only seven, Dani had the voice of an angel, and while her parents were thrilled that this meant their daughter could sing in church, they weren’t going to let her pursue anything else with it. Singing was a wasted talent, as far as they were concerned. Had they managed to get her to sing classical, then maybe they could’ve gotten behind it, but rock was more little Dani’s style; something her parents absolutely hated.
As she grew older, she begged her parents to buy her a guitar, though they refused. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford it, having always been pretty well off financially, but they didn’t want to let their daughter’s crazy obsession with music go too far. Fortunately, a friend allowed Dani to take one of her old ones, and the teen taught herself to play using online tutorials. She still has not attended one actual guitar lesson to this day, but through practices and helpful videos, she can play like a pro.
Flash forward a couple years, and a fourteen year old Dani, guitar strap over her shoulder, was attending her first ever high school party. Behind her parents’ backs, of course. Being only fourteen, she knew to stay away from the alcohol provided by the older attendees, and instead just had a blast playing music and hanging out with her friends. It occurred to her, however, that she didn’t get as much joy out of watching boys as her friends did. In fact, while they were all looking at Joseph from homeroom and swooning, Dani found herself much more interested in Sophie from her English class. She thought nothing of it to begin with, but a year later and Dani would have her first ever relationship. Not with Joseph from homeroom, nor Sophie from English class. Instead, she would date a girl named Michelle from a different school.
Dani had heard plenty of times throughout her lifetime that being gay was a sin, but it just didn’t bother her. She didn’t even think of herself as gay, she simply thought of herself as someone who had a connection with someone else, and it just happened that the other person had the same parts as she did. Still, not wanting to upset her parents, she decided to keep her relationship to herself. Her first relationship ended pretty quickly, and before things had even really had a chance to begin with her next girlfriend, Rebecca, it all came crashing down around her. The two were hanging out at Rebecca’s house, and making out on the couch under the assumption that her parents were at work. Unfortunately for them, her dad came home early, caught them, then marched Dani to her house and told her parents. That was the last day she heard from Rebecca. More importantly, it was the last day she heard from her parents, too.
Disgusted by her “sin,” Renata and Duke didn’t even give the fifteen year old the time to explain herself. In fact, they thought they were being generous by giving her twenty minutes to pack her bags, then Dani was being told to leave. It was fortunate for her that she was still in touch with Michelle, whose parents were much more accepting, and allowed a now homeless Dani to crash at their place. The moment she turned sixteen, she got a job and begun saving every last penny. Michelle’s family would treat her like she was their own, and fortunately had the money to do so, but it wasn’t like they were going to pay for college for her. The idea of being stuck in Dallas after graduation terrified her, so Dani applied for scholarship after scholarship, most around the Boston area where Michelle would be going to school, and eventually landed herself one at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Ideally, she would’ve liked to pursue music, but financially independent now, Dani had to be practical. While neither paths seemed entirely reliable, art was the more realistic of the two, so Dani decided to follow it.
With help from Michelle’s family, at eighteen years old, a newly graduated Dani packed up once more and headed for Boston, to begin her freshman year at MassArt. She’d received a decent enough chunk of graduation money from a grandparent to hold her over somewhat, but she still needed to find work. At first, she got herself a job as a greeter at a clothes store, and while she couldn’t afford to quit, she hated it. It was so not Dani’s pace. Landing a job at a tattoo studio in town was much more up her alley, though, and despite her age, with her artistic ability, the managers of Got Ink? were happy to take the nineteen year old on.
Now, at twenty years old and living in a small apartment in Kings Terrace with roommates, Dani has still not had contact with her parents. She’s an out and proud lesbian, with no desire to hide it despite the way people may have reacted in the past, and focusing hard in both school and work. She wants to pursue tattooing as a career, but still hasn’t let her musical dreams die. Whenever she has the time, and if the opportunity arises, she’ll play her guitar and sing her own, original music at open mic nights, with the hopes of one day being discovered. Forced to grow up at a young age, though, Dani knows that it’s likely just a pipe dream. That won’t stop her, though. As is evident, it would take a lot to ever truly stop Dani Harper.
I feel like the ability to actually detail your strengths is a strength in itself, right? If you’re like, “Oh, I’m awesome at everything,” then you’re going to look like you’re coming across as arrogant or self-congratulatory, so some people will choose to keep it to themselves, but I personally dig that kind of honesty and confidence. So, I’m gonna be that person and tell y'all that I have a bunch of great strengths. My ability to adapt is a huge strength that came in pretty darn handy during high school. I had to adapt to being someone I’d never expected to be when I was coming to terms with my sexuality. I also had to adapt to a brand new life, because the sexuality deal totally wigged out my parents. All of the above is how I know independence is another huge strength for me, too.
Getting out of my head and more into the physical, though, then Art is a strength of mine. Both the canvas kind and the body canvas kind, but also the musical kind, too. I’m a fast learner, which helped in all of those areas. I taught myself to play the guitar when I was still pretty much a kid, I play piano like a total badass, and I draw some mean ink on anybody who comes to me with an idea for their body canvas. All of that comes in handy as far as work. I could keep going, but I feel like this is getting out of hand, and I’m probably totally boring y'all.
This is a loaded question, and it’s going to make me sound like I’m contradicting myself since I was just talking about how awesome confidence is, but I can be kind of insecure at times, which probably seems ridiculous, considering I don’t really give off that vibe. I mean, I’m proud of who I am and I like to think I’m a total badass, but there was a lot of self-doubt instilled in me at a pretty young age, and that’s something that sticks with you, you know? It makes me second guess myself sometimes, so I guess that’s how it affects my day-to-day life, but I tend to coast on through it.
Are we talking where I want to be in ten years, or where I realistically think I’ll be? As far as what I want, I’d love to be living in some flashy LA house or apartment, playing my own music for the world and at least comfortably dating someone. I totally want to get married, but by thirty? I don’t know about that. Realistically, though, I see myself probably staying here in Boston, and maybe owning my own tattoo studio. That’d be pretty freaking sweet. I’m hoping I’ll still be writing and playing music, regardless of what kind of level it’s on.
School, first and foremost. I’m a student at MassArt, and after a year in the dorms, I wanted to get out there a little more. I’d heard about King’s Terrace through a friend who apparently loves the place. He told me it’s an awesome place to live, so as soon as I could pool enough money together, I figured why not try the whole living independently thing? Or, as independently as I can… I have roommates. I don’t think I’d be able to afford to live without those. And my dog, Drummer. My second parents gave him to me as a moving present, and he’s a total little badass. But now I’m getting off topic. My bad, y'all. I do that.
To stop apologizing. I mean, not completely, but for things that don’t deserve an apology. Being your own person and expressing yourself are two things that should be celebrated, and the fact that my younger self spent so much time saying sorry for doing both of those things honestly makes me feel so sad for her. I wish I’d had someone to tell me that it’s okay to be myself, and what better person to do that than future me?
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