#saturn in astrology
cosmicpuzzle · 6 months
Saturn in Houses
Saturn In The 1st House:
Saturn in the 1st house makes a person appear serious and responsible.
It instils a strong sense of duty towards oneself, promoting self-discipline and determination.
The individual may be seen as a reliable and cautious person.
Saturn In The 2nd House:
Saturn in the 2nd house leads to a disciplined and methodical approach to finances.
It may result in conservative spending habits and a strong focus on financial stability.
While earnings may accumulate slowly, there's potential for long-term financial security.
Saturn In The 3rd House:
In the 3rd house, Saturn makes communication and learning serious endeavours.
Siblings and neighbours may play significant roles in life, and relationships with them tend to be structured and enduring.
The person takes a disciplined approach to education and local travel.
Saturn In The 4th House:
This placement brings a strong sense of responsibility towards family and home life.
The individual may experience challenges in early upbringing or with parents but will ultimately grow through these experiences.
A desire for a stable and secure home environment is prominent.
Saturn In The 5th House:
In the 5th house, Saturn influences creativity and self-expression to be disciplined and structured.
Challenges in romance or with children may be present, providing opportunities for personal growth.
The person approaches hobbies and artistic pursuits seriously and methodically.
Saturn In The 6th House:
Health and work take centre stage with Saturn in the 6th house.
The person exhibits a strong work ethic and a sense of duty towards colleagues and employees.
While health issues may arise, a disciplined approach to self-care can mitigate these challenges.
Saturn In The 7th House:
Relationships may be challenging, but they often lead to personal growth and maturity.
The individual may attract partners who embody Saturn's qualities: responsibility, commitment, and maturity.
There's a focus on building enduring partnerships and alliances.
Saturn In The 8th House:
Saturn in the 8th house brings deep transformations and a disciplined approach to matters of life, death, and shared resources.
The person may have a strong desire to understand the mysteries of life and approach occult or spiritual practices methodically.
Saturn In The 9th House:
Saturn here leads to a disciplined pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and philosophical growth.
The individual approaches travel and higher education with a strong sense of responsibility and a need for structure.
There's a focus on ethics, morals, and long-term goals in the belief system.
Saturn In The 10th House:
A strong sense of responsibility towards one's career and public image is a hallmark of Saturn in the 10th house.
The individual is driven to succeed and may achieve recognition and authority in their chosen field.
The path to success is marked by hard work and determination.
Saturn In The 11th House:
Friends and social groups play a significant role in life with Saturn in the 11th house.
The individual has a disciplined and structured approach to long-term goals and humanitarian pursuits.
Building enduring and supportive friendships is important.
Saturn In The 12th House:
Saturn in the 12th house leads to a disciplined approach to spirituality, mysticism, and the subconscious mind.
The individual may experience a strong sense of responsibility towards charitable or behind-the-scenes work.
Challenges related to confinement, isolation, or hidden enemies can arise but offer opportunities for personal growth.
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starsworldd · 8 months
𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚙𝚝. 2 <3 💥
only take what resonates / take with a grain of salt
a friendly reminder that i do readings! 💕
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𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 🌷
★ venus going through your 2nd and 6th houses makes you more of a hermit i’ve noticed because in these houses you are focused on your true values and work (most likely related to your goals) 🌷
★ venus transitting your 12th house (depending on dignity and aspects it’ll make) can be a really peaceful time in your life. you may be able to find more beauty in the underrated moments of life 🌷
★ venus transiting the 1st or 5th house may make life more enjoyable for that time period (even if venus is in detriment/fall) 🌷
𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 🔥
★ wherever mars is retrograding in your chart shows where there’s a “stand still” like that part of your life may feel like it’s not progressing as it usually would
★ mars transitting the 4th house makes you a homebody for that time period 🔥
★ mars aspecting pluto in a positive way makes for a productive time (getting that to-do list done type stuff) in my experience 🔥
𝚓𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: ☘️
★ jupiter making a sextile/trine to your natal midheaven means that you are building opportunities and a reputation for yourself in the public eye, especially for future circumstances. sextile = the work your putting in is fortunate, trine = lucky circumstances make career more fortunate ☘️
★ jupiter in hard aspects to natal neptune can show a time where you’re putting people or things on a pedastal to your detriment. can also mean during a certain time period where your subconscious beliefs can lead you to bad places ☘️
★ jupiter making any aspects to your natal jupiter is like a new “season” of your life beginning ☘️
𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 🌎
★ whatever house saturn is transitting that area of life becomes highlighted for 2-3 years. highlighted in the sense that you are trying to climb over obstacles, gain achievements, and learn more deeply about said sector of life 🌎
★ saturn aspecting your sun or moon can point to an energetic low, maybe you’re more isolated as well 🌎
★ saturn aspecting venus (specifically conjunction) is actually a pretty fortunate transit in my opinion. work/goals + aesthetic/creativity combined <3 🌎
𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: ⚡️
★ uranus aspecting venus makes you rebellious in all relationships, you may find you want to break out of your regular circles more often ⚡️
★ uranus aspecting jupiter can be an especially chaotic time in your life (but most likely in a positive way?) ⚡️
★ uranus transitting air houses (3,7,11) indicates social instability especially 7th with agreements or making business/career related plans ⚡️
𝚗𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 💜
★ the house that neptune is transitting can show where things feel out of reach for you 💜
★ neptune in aspect to mercury broadens your thinking. not in a physical way but it can help you to expand your wisdom/spiritual knowledge 💜
★ difficult neptune-sun aspects can make you less self-aware i think, maybe take a little precaution as to how you are portraying yourself in public settings!
𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 💣
★ pluto transitting the 7th house can show being drained from your relationships with others or somehow feeling used 💣
★ pluto in positive aspects to jupiter shows what activities you are doing (indicated by the house of jupiter) you are engaging with in order to help yourself grow/sustain yourself past your troubles 💣
★ pluto-mars aspects indicates confidence and ability to lead but also be careful of being domineering amongst others! 💣
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hope you enjoyed!
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pureastrologywisdom · 2 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩
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This is a subject I quickly wanted to touch on as I find it an interesting perspective to look at your chart with.
The houses ruled by Saturn and Pluto are going to be places in life you like to exercise more control, along with the houses Saturn and Pluto are in. You will also see how this affects other planets they come into contact/aspect with.
For Pluto control is all about power and obsession. You are trying to control a situation to a certain outcome or control a certain narrative. You can also be trying to control things by concealing them or covering them up/burying them. Making sure others can’t see it. Pluto can deal with very private or taboo matters that are best kept in the dark. It also rules over secrets. Your Scorpio house will be similar.
Saturn is about boundaries, restrictions and physical constraints. Saturn is more control through discipline. In your cart it can be an area you want to have a lot of self control in, or a lot of restraint. It may be a place in your life you feel the need to set a lot of boundaries or have a lot of rules. Your Capricorn house, and maybe even Aquarius house (traditionally ruled by Saturn) will be similar.
The main difference is there is more of a emphasis on handwork for Saturn whereas Pluto in more force and willpower.
Going a bit deeper both of these planets can also be seen as influencing control in a more explicit manner in the bedroom. Like I mentioned Saturn can rule over physicals constraints and Pluto over power and domination.
Look at others planets these two come into contact with in your chart and what houses they are in. You are going to want tight orbs on these as these are two slower planets, especially Pluto!
Thank you for reading, let me know your experience with Saturn and Pluto
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astroloverblog · 2 years
Saturn in the signs pt.1
Saturn in Aries:
You probably feel that you are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work others telling you what to do. Having this placement can make you self-sacrificing. The lesson you have to learn in your life is to take charge of your own destiny, stand up for what you believe in and start loving yourself. If you create enough self discipline you could get great success. Because personal goals are that important to you, teamwork might get blocked. The stress that comes from trying to achieve too much could make you prone to headaches. Their often thoughtless and unscrupulous/risky actions bring them numerous rivals and enemies. If Saturn is poorly aspected, fate is not kind to these people. Getting ahead is very difficult, which creates strong inner tensions. As a result of their assertiveness, these people also find it difficult to fit into the community. Many struggles and worries are the result. Might also struggle with loved ones, having unstable relationships. Marriage also harbors potential for conflict and is a problem in many cases. As a result, you could be a very capable leader who knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to go out and make things happen no matter what the cost or how long it takes. Consequently, you run the risk of interfering in the affairs of others and trying to influence them. You may just be ignoring them and trying to get them to follow your ideas instead of their ideas. Obstacles, disappointments and constraints may stand in the way of your unconventional, confident commitment. Impatience can undo all your efforts so be as careful as possible in implementing your plans. You’re determined, self-confident to arrogance and able to remain humble. Success brings diligence and efficiency, contemplation and discretion. Over the years, you get used to creative work. The people around you consider you a self-centered and unwilling person, headstrong and willful, prone to sadness and melancholy. But perhaps the development of aggression, cruelty and ruthlessness, sometimes leading to destructive behavior and tragic consequences. There is a great desire for meaningful, goal-oriented activity. Likely business creation and efficiency. Versatile interests, great opportunities, great functionality and consistency in approaching the solution of big and small problems. Such a person, despite your tyrannical nature, always has many connections in society. You are easily excited by new ideas, strict on yourself and on others, readily springs into action in the presence of an external impulse of sufficient strength. Many people love your creative restlessness. For such a person is very dangerous loneliness, the lack of a field of free action and immersion in revolution and rebellion - you will almost certainly be evil under these circumstances. Only alone depends on the development of numerous skills and strengthening of the character. You might have difficulty realizing that those around you are entitled to independent conduct and personal judgment. Using the energy properly, you can display wonders of endurance through the combination of initiative and discipline. In this case, you innate enthusiasm and resourcefulness is shown positively and constructively. Due to the many subconscious fears, such a person often feels an need for security. It is possible to communicate with a jealous partner or the development of a "paternal complex". With negative character development, it is possible to generate impatience, superficiality, a tendency to self-justification and blaming others in all difficulties and misfortunes that catch your eye due to your own miscalculations, mistakes and inaccuracies. Such a person should constantly learn tact and cooperation with people. Often a good emotional discharge is brought on by physical activity. A determined person, easy to climb, easily angered, and surprisingly surly in situations where others are forced to disagree with.
Saturn in Taurus:
You are a tireless worker and have patience, caution, determination, discipline, organizing ability and can go the distance when those around you fall. Hard work is your forte. Your feelings are serious, well-controlled and not easily changed, although at times it may be hard for you to forgive and forget. Loyalty and money is a important thing to you. You may be stubborn and materialistic but you can also be a methodical realist. You desire a stable social status, the feeling to be adored and accepted by society. If the saturn is bad aspected, then jealousy might be a thing. You take things slowly, but with thought and perseverance. Outwardly outgoing and reserved, they are polite and kind with other people, which greatly increases their chances of success in life. The will of these people is extremely tough and persistent. Failure only spurs them on to redouble their efforts. The desired goals in life are usually achieved through hard work and discipline. You tend to associate your sense of security very closely with having possessions and money, and overdoing it could make you stingy and unhappy for temporary. Because then you keep thinking about what might happen tomorrow and whether you will have enough money to pay for everything. You should consider your personal values ​​and learn what real security is. You take your feelings seriously and know how to control them. Saturn in Taurus dramatically increases a person's responsibility in the circumstances and situations in which this sign is active. In the negative version of Saturn in Taurus there is an extreme lack of trust in any constructive session, feeling the enmity of the material world, mystical depression, anger and crystallization in a complete alienation from the world. This person will never really be comfortable. With a negative development of nature, you’re inclined to do everything only on your own. Form tape type, prone to intrigues even for the sake of small profits and basically incapable of any cooperation. In the positive development of this placement, there can be artistic interests. This person becomes wise pragmatist, has enviable patience and rare exposure. Wisdom might be the key you need in life. You’re realistic and thrifty, reliable and solid, constantly striving for property, showing a rigid, unyielding will and working virtuously in the methodical plan. You’re very afraid of fate, because you suspect the movement of the deep energies of karma in your own soul, but you do not tend to study yourself. You show enviable patience in building projects and consistent implementation of real programs. You are able to give up personal pleasures in favor of an unrelenting movement toward future security. Because a person is always characterized by a "far-sightedness", you might shy away from extravagance and unfoundedness in thoughts, in speech and in deeds. The picture of thinking is extremely realistic, the art of living is extremely practical. Such a person thinks consistently, weighing all the pros and cons. In conversation you’re polite and friendly, in cooperation honest and conscientious. There is a certain reluctance that is associated with the fear of losing the chance of gaining personal benefit through over-informing others. Perhaps the development of self-will and resentment, over-materialistic thinking and feelings of cold, sadness and darkness, cruelty and recklessness, over-ambitiousness and ostentatious arrogance to implement in one's goals, plans and intentions. You’re inclined to take collective norms and do not represent your point of view. You have developed a high sense of duty and the gift of self-organization. Always feeling strict self-discipline from myself and others, firmly convinced that the path I have taken is the right one. Your seriousness is manifested outwardly in the form of patient work in the field of wealth creation, as well as a rare stability and solidity in difficult situations. You possess fantastic resilience and an enviable firmness of character and convictions.
Saturn in Gemini:
This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in the future. The will to learn new things can be very helpful for claiming success. The lesson you have to learn in your life is learning how to trust yourself and your intuition. Avoid self-doubting and don’t get too pessimistic. Your mindset is practical and logical. You might find things like science, physics as well as mathematics or mechanical engineering interesting. Don’t get too attached to details, or else you’ll loose the big picture. You’re very flexible especially when it comes to new situations. The quick grasping intellect of these people enables them to penetrate quickly and deeply into the most diverse problems and to solve them. Your particularly profound thinking motivates you to delve deeper and deeper into things. Many researchers and inventors can be found under this placement. Your lungs need a lot of oxygen, so it's best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. If you want to be successful at something, it is important that you discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically. The complete lack of confidence in the reliability of the coming Gemini and outgoing information from them and stability in communication Saturn does not make them their life is sweet, but compensatory measures bring such fruits that the envy of most particularly harmonious Gemini are through Saturn not easier, especially in youth. It is helpful in overcoming the obstacles, insufficiently adaptable, anxious and prone to depression. In the positive development of this person's placement they can become smart, quick and able to do several things at once. You have a cultivated mind, can work well with numbers and usually show enviable skill in work that requires intelligent hands and a good head, for example in business or as a magician. Such a person is zealous in his studies, likes to solve the contradictions and solve problems. You’re reserved, conscientious and have an amazing talent in the field of literature and the exact sciences. Contacts bring you real pleasure, because you feel a constant need for communication. This placement is great when it comes to learning a new language. He is big on advertising and extremely successful in propaganda campaigns. Such a person is in a good mood more often than in a bad mood, you’re smart and skill full both in work and in communication, but tend not to notice your fatigue and therefore often leads to exhaustion from overwork and overexertion. Such a person can adapt to any situation. You’re systematic and logically consistent, and therefore, being self-acquired, being able to think through real-life problems to the end. It generally refers to the type of successful "problem solvers" who combine literary, technical, and artistic skills. A particularly successful career is possible in the areas of teaching, science and technology. This person loves to learn - and learns throughout life. However, it often shows disrespect for others, which is why you can be considered as flighty, moody and a argumentative person. When you have taken on too many duties and responsibilities, you can quickly become overwhelmed and health risks. Sometimes shyness arises, combined with an exaggerated responsibility for expressing one's thoughts in words. This is a very resourceful and skillful in all people, ignoring the frequent fear and sadness. You show interest in modern and progressive thinking, you like deep reflections and studies complicated questions.
Saturn in Cancer:
Because you might feel unloved at times, you can get moody and fearful or even overdramatic. Your unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. Might lack empathy. Family life is always difficult, as is the relationship with parents. Its important that you accept yourself and let others know how you feel. In relationships you might not be able to give warmth, because you always seem to hide your emotions to your partner. Thats mostly the reason why you feel lonely or unloved. Abandonment and the future are definitely one of your biggest fears. If the Saturn is bad aspected, this could mean your hypersensitive. Since the free expression is getting blocked, you might isolate or alienate yourself from family members. When it comes to partnership, family or career, you have the ability to give emotional security. The will of these people is tough and strong, but often unbalanced on the mental level. Own goals and plans are vehemently pursued, but their emotional conflict makes them divided internally. This often results in worries and difficulties in fate. You can be so busy protecting yourself from hurt that you don't see the hurt of others. It is important to keep your appetite under control, otherwise you may develop health problems. This person enjoys working at home, managing and cleaning the premises. It is persistent, direct, frank, in the course of performance of tasks often there is a surprising difference and the periods of a recession of enthusiasm. Negative development of this placement creates a type of person who is untrustworthy, tends to evade and procrastinate, and blames others. Such a person comes into contact with great difficulties, tends to isolate and become isolated. He often turns out to be lazy and idle, often complains to everyone, is extremely unhappy with life and extremely sensitive even to minor troubles. With positive character development, this is a diligent and conscientious worker who works best alone. Such a person is distinguished by restraint in the expression of feelings, seriousness in the perception of life, a clear sense of duty, frugality and a tendency to cling to what has already been achieved and formed. Such a person needs guarantees that one receives when buying a house or a job, although you may not have a high, but permanent social status. You might seem a bit cold emotionally, as if alienated from real life. Sometimes you overemphasizes the role of tradition and show cruelty in dealing with subordinates. The material interests of such a person are more often associated with the desire to grow to a quiet, comfortable old age. In the course of fate, slowness and inhibition are clearly expressed, which often leads to the formation of constant deep dissatisfaction with life. Develops increased sensitivity, excessive receptivity, and acute crushability. There are very serious problems in understanding the ideals of this person and the life and the parents and ancestors. At the same time, a painful dependence on the past. Thirst at home, garden, garden and real estate in general is very strong. Perhaps a hobby in the field of applied and decorative arts. The ability to self-organize is difficult to recognize. Discipline to such a person is not easy. Strong emotional vulnerability of feelings are combined with external coolness, dryness and strength. Almost constantly this person is in a defensive position, mysterious, suspicious and cautious. Perhaps the development of a tendency to replace real life with dreams about them, which is why it cannot be a question of satisfaction with what has been achieved. But a person perfectly understands all your hidden desires and quickly feels like physically the weight and value of material acquisitions. You cling wholeheartedly to existing property, at the deepest level of psychic life, and therefore applies very deeply to the breaking of ties with property or the destruction of the latter.
Saturn in Leo:
You’re proud but insecure, and this combination can limit your opportunities. You may feel that you had to grow up too fast and were prevented from having that carefree time we all deserve. You need love, but may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate yourself from others. Saturn don’t feels well in this sign because leo is known for his ego. People with this placement are either humble and loving or battling their ego. One strives upwards with great activity and wants to attain a powerful position in life. These people demand attention and respect. Your personal ambition drives you constantly. It gives enormous willpower, capable of removing all resistance and obstacles. The interests of others are usually ignored. People tend towards self-aggrandizement and arrogance. On the other hand, they are reliable, outgoing and warm in their affection for others. Qualities which in turn are favorable for relationships in love and friendships. Stop overthinking cause others are not worth your time, you have better things to do in life. You creatively approaches the decision of a power problem, in particular the clarification of questions of justification of rights, structuring and delimitation of restrictions. Such a person longs for a firm, stable and constant power. You care a lot about your looks. You take yourself very seriously and is able to efficiently perfect matter and finance. You try not to substitute primitive individualism for a meaningful approach to reality, as you subconsciously know that looping about yourself will unleash your creativity and deprive you of rich opportunities. Such a person feels a tremendous reserve of strength and talent for the depths of your own soul, and your psychological complexes are most often associated with the impossibility of full disclosure of inner gifts in the current situation. It is difficult for you in general to manifest your abilities creatively, it is not easy to recognize yourself, it is very difficult to realize your potential. Even in the presence of great talent, you can forever remain "high hopes". You prefer everything to your own ideas, a brilliant autodidact who does not ask for help but can do everything himself. You try to translate your unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled plans into your own children and quickly force them into their educational tyranny. So you subconsciously try to compensate for the failures in your life by demonstrating your children's outstanding multi-faceted talents. These people usually show a deep and abiding interest in the problems of creativity and the task of developing people's skills. You might be very hardy and independent but sometimes tend to overdo others, especially children. You’re often rejected by society, like dying to focus on small, but concrete, tangible achievements, instead of respecting a person for not yet revealed, but in potency great talent. The main thing for such a person is refusal to dictate, paying attention to promoting the development of the talents of others and the deepest humility - not only in dealing with colleagues, but also in dealing with children. Such a person openly rushes to power, recognition and fame. You tend to neglect the pleasures of life in order to achieve set goals. Your passions are strong, irritability is great, and jealousy knows no bounds. You are a bright person who doesn't often get the chance to be successful in every respect.
Saturn in Virgo:
Life can be stressful or unlucky sometimes. You can be really perfectionistic and there can be a fear of criticism and making mistakes. Getting things done is not your best strength. There may be a desire for solitude. Its common for these people to feel like they are not good enough, especially if saturn is bad aspected. You have a really good sense of organisation and analytical abilities. Don’t overwork yourself and stop worrying over the smallest things that aren’t even necessary. This connection is unfavorable for love and marriage. Due to their strongly developed intellectual orientation, these people mostly neglect the emotional level. The feelings are sometimes deep but never passionate. Thinking is concentrated and goes deep. These people are never superficial, but shaped by a very serious view of life. Your expectations can be low, if you want to change your low self esteem than start setting your standards higher. This placement is good for someone wanting to be a psychologist, therapist or anything in this way. You’re characterised by a deep sense of personal responsibility, a critical attitude towards mastering the new and the ability to delve deep into the essence of the topics covered. The person can be totally focused on work and like to outsmart their commitments. Subordinates see you as a serious and aloof leader. The intellect is concentrated and perceptive, the person is chaste and reserved in all manifestations. Discretion and prudence can be combined with a desire for high spirituality. In the worst case, unhealthy pragmatism, persistent distrust and blandness develop. The mind clearly rules over feelings. In work, such a person shows sober analysis, considerable greed and attention to details and trifles. You’re aware of the secret of self-discipline, self-restraint and self-restraint. The inclination to a strict way of life can reach extreme manifestations of asceticism and fanaticism. This person is hidden, cautious, vigilant and always doubts everything. The character is stubborn and power-hungry, but personal initiative and enterprise are small. You’re as great as a performer, because a worker inspires trust among others. Success in business and in literary theater criticism is possible. Careful detailed elaboration of specific internal difficulties is used to gain stable confidence in one's actions. Very strong sense of duty, patience and perseverance in attention to detail. Sometimes this person gives more importance to details than the main idea and follows the main line of development. Through patience and obedience one can successfully learn from the experiences of others. Works itself well and looks wondrous in the surrounding working ability. The most important wish in life is to become a master, a professional in your field. Excessive attention to a smaller one can cause psychological overload and expressed in nervous exhaustion and sustained internal dissatisfaction. Outside of work a person feels his own uselessness, retirement can die of boredom. In general, the attitude towards work is biased and extremely interested. Orderliness can go to the extreme. Such a person feels uncomfortable in an unstable, extreme situation. For the flowering of all their abilities there is a comfortable home and no complaints from neighbors and employees. Feelings are clearly suppressed by the mind, the mind is analytical, algorithmic., but such a person can serve as an excellent connoisseur of the practical usefulness of technical inventions and commercial proposals - you feel useless and unnecessary things in your heart. Everyone regards this person as a clear, moral and hardworking pragmatist.
@ 2022 Copyright astrolover
part. 2: >>click here<<
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rascosmicwisdom · 2 months
Saturn has Joy in the 12th house because Saturn desires unification
The 12th house isn't just this place of isolation, but being  immersed in something. A baby in the womb may be in there alone, but it is also a part of something bigger, and it feels that connection. Maybe not fully understood but connected enough to understand that there is solace.
This is also why the 12th house is escapism because to be immersed in something or even someone can be one's "out" from other circumstances.
12th house is foreign travel.  Being in environments that don't reflect your everyday environment feels like( and is)  an escape. This is often why people will move away from their hometown.. seeking solace and just plain detachment(Ketu)
Through the 12th house, one can find purpose. Sometimes, that unification looks like religion, spirituality, friends, family, hobbies, etc.
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middlenamesage · 2 months
Original quotes of the planets
Sun 🌞 “Be yourself”
Moon 🌝 “I’m here for you”
Mercury 🗣️ “You are (not) what you think”
Venus 💖 “Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses” 🌹
Mars ❤️‍🔥 “Just do it!”
Jupiter 🏹 “The sky’s the limit”
Saturn 🪐 “Check yourself” / “Get bitter or get better” (Saturn gets two cuz he likes to tell us what to do🤣)
Uranus 🆓 “Let’s get weird”
Neptune 🔮 “You see what you want to see”
Pluto 💀 “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel”
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crystalsenergy · 8 months
Saturn Return in Pisces in each house 2023-2026
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Saturn Return in Pisces in each house 2023-2026
(Sat in Pis dates 1935-1937; 1964-1967; 1994-1996; 2023-2026)
for those who have Saturn in Pisces in their natal chart, their Saturn Return is in progress or upcoming.
Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 2023, since that time, we have been dealing with many feelings of the collective unconscious brought about by hardness, trying to teach us something, but everything is so difficult to be seen in a practical way, which ends up turning into pain, rather than quick learning and practicality.
This is because Pisces is not a sign of practical life, it is sign of the unconscious, of contact, of feeling; that is why, on Saturn, we have difficulties in understanding what needs to be done in order for us to evolve, to mature.
There are many lessons... but the focus of this post is not to talk about collective issues, but the individual issues that the natives of Saturn in Pisces are going through in their SATURN RETURN. at another time I will speak of the impacts on other beings, who do not have Saturn in Pisces in the natal chart, but have Pisces on planets/asteroids, or at least on the cusp of some house, if it is not intercepted.
let's go?
Saturn Return
marks a significant moment in people's lives, it's the moment when Saturn's energy, in an archetypal way, is brought to our life with great intensity, so that we REMEMBER. While in other years you have been experiencing other Saturns, in other signs, here, you come home.
And it's the moment when you are led to reflect on what you did during those 23-24 years, what happened, if something has changed; if you matured, if you learned something about your difficulties, that is, about what you already had to deal with inside.
Saturn is the planet of discipline, planting, watering, harvesting, learning, it represents structures, ethics, order.
On the natal chart, Saturn will mean the importance of learning something that is DIRECTLY connected to the sign and house we have there. It's not a mere fatality, no wonder. The natal chart represents our soul lessons, what we have, what we don't have, it represents who we are. Therefore, as I explained on another post here, the natal chart is not a mere record of your birth, which happened to happen that day. The day you were born is extremely special and matters a lot for understanding YOURSELF.
Soon, your sign and house in which Saturn is found in the natal chart will represent the biggest core of your difficulties.
Saturn in Pisces is the difficulty of putting Piscean issues into practice. It is the need to mature with Pisces, to mature like Pisceans.
- Empathy - Recognize your true essence - Appreciation of vulnerabilities, yours and others - Recognize and appreciate the sensibility - Look deeper, deeper and deeper into the different situations of life - Learning to look at what is deepest in yourself, your personality - Acceptance of your unconscious - Greater contact with your creative and fluid expression - Release more, control less - Less attachment to practical life and routines, and development of greater inner contact
Things a natal Saturn in Pisces needs to transform:
- Escapisms of any kind - Poor processing of your emotions - Fear of opening up to others, for leading or being led to believe that there is no value in opening up - Constant isolation that does not bear good fruit - Hiding your true vulnerabilities - Feeling unworthy, especially unworthy of help - Understand why you feel so inadequate and lost, without a true place in the world - Why would spirituality and/or inner contact be useless to you?
Before we start, I would like to explain that Saturn is the planet that brings us the most learning precisely because it is the planet most connected to the meaning of our life on Earth.
Life is primarily about evolving, growing, learning, and if it is about that, and Saturn talks about it, when he appears, he is not shy, he makes noise.
Saturnian experiences never go unnoticed. On the contrary, they always leave marks. If we are all here to learn, the difference will be in how we learn. If the lessons are quite evident from the natal chart, the difference will be whether we learn them through acceptance, active participation, or through escape, and sometimes, through pain - which we end up indirectly generating by not taking responsibility for what we do. We need to evolve.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 1st house: this Saturn Return primarily represents learning the Pisces experience, but in a healthy, harmonious way, especially in your individual experiences, you-you. this Saturn Return touches your experiences with self-esteem again, it's a moment when you find yourself reflecting MUCH more on what you've done in these last few years to assume who you are. Saturn in Pisces in the 1st house in the natal chart represents a fear, a block about assuming who you really are to others, in a deep way. you have probably lived/live pruning your more creative, sensitive sides, your more introspective side, you can be rigid with yourself in these aspects, as well as in others Pisces aspects. now is the time to review what has been done so far to assume the truth of who you are, to unlock fears and blockages in relation to acting, showing yourself and living in a more creative, sensitive, open, intuitive way. another issue that is being revisited/revised at the moment is how much you don't work on your self-esteem in a profound way, it may be that you live on autopilot, in an automatic cycle in which you don't realize yourself, don't understand who you are deeply, just live in a way more automatic. Saturn is making you reflect on this, within your reality.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 2nd house: The Saturn Return in Pisces in the 2nd house brings up life's lessons about how much you can have practical difficulties with stability, comfort, self-worth, personal values. Saturn in Pisces in the 2nd house translates someone who has difficulties with money, a sense of self-worth, everything that involves something earthly and practical brings confusion and difficulties to the person. it may also reflect a person with difficulty in empathy, altruism in relation to personal possessions. with this Saturn Return, we have the return of the greater lesson of self-worth, learning to value yourself more deeply, not seeing material things just for what they are, seeing the meanings that lie behind possessions, of the money. it is important to develop a more stable view of yourself and life.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 3rd house: Those with Saturn in Pisces in the 3rd house have difficulties communicating in a deeper, more creative, and sometimes even empathetic way, depending on the person we are talking about. there may be a block in the way of expressing yourself. internal, creative, deep issues can’t flow through speech and other forms of communication. the lesson that the Saturn Return brings is in the sense of making you review which actions contribute to increasing this difficulty in communicating in an empathetic, open, creative, sensitive way. the Return can also make you realize what generates this, or even the effects of a little Piscean communication. It is possible that in this Saturn Return you also understand the value of seeking more Piscean learning and exchanges, with more creativity, openness, empathy, altruism, connections.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 4th house: This Saturn Return is all about revisiting your inner blocks, especially in terms of emotions and inner life. how disconnected and blocked have you been from your emotional issues? how is your relationship with your home (physical and abstract home)? are you more connected to practical life, routine, practically living on autopilot, without realizing the real motivations of your feelings? it's a Return that makes you face a lot everything that involves emotions, family, home, roots, past, interior life.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 5th house: this Saturn Return brings important lessons in the area of Creativity, Ego, Empathy as a personality trait, Love, Affective expressions. Saturn in Pisces in the 5th house of the natal chart means a lot of difficulty for a native with creativity and expression of what involves Pisces in his individuality. 5th house is ego, expression, art, creation. much of what involves creating, expressing, is connected to the 5th house. as Pisces is also a sign of creations, especially abstract creations (music, for example), a person with this placement has blocks with light, loose expressions. everything seems to be very hard, serious, closed, without lightness, creativity, without color. it is necessary to learn to integrate / develop Piscean characteristics in your personality, in order to have a more fluid life, without so much control, methodism, excessive practicality that, in the end, can be generating cycles of being overly self-demand, perfectionism and even self-punishment. this Saturn Return increases the importance of you working on empathy for yourself, the one that is also embedded in the Ego and that is transmitted to others, because it is something that you already know from the inside. in love, the Return of Saturn in Pisces in the 5th house represents learning to give more voice to sensitivity, and especially to understanding how your unconscious and your past impact your current affective expression. find yourself.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 6th house: Those with this natal placement have difficulties putting Pisces into practice. therefore, expect reflections on: the routine life, your organization, habits, which may be lacking in Piscean gestures and actions. all these things will come to the fore with more intensity. it may be that the person has immense difficulty including relaxation and self-care practices in their daily lives. natives may have difficulty disconnecting from things, often living full of stress, psychosomatizing what they think, what they deal with, due to the difficulty of integrating Pisces into their routine and daily life. Pisces wants and knows the importance of disintegrate, clean, connect, let go, release, escape. Saturn in Pisces in 6th house represents big difficulties with this. we’re talking about a person who needs to take a lot more care of mental health and how much the unconscious affect the physical body. don't sacrifice yourself.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 7th house: the Saturn Return in Pisces through the 7th house marks a great learning experience that involves sacrifice in relationships, sensitivity and empathy in relationships, how much you face yourself in your relationships, how much you require yourself or is required. considering that you have this placement in your natal chart, it is something that will touch you much more, after all, it reflects who you are. this moment bring a lot of inner sensitivity, a lot of revisiting things from the past, however, it can be difficult to practice. Is there balance between giving and receiving? do you demand more and give less? do you give too much, and receive less? how is the balance within your relationships - [which are not restricted to love, ok]? it is also a time to review your openness to truly connect with those around you, without fears of being vulnerable. they are lessons for your life.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 8th house: a Saturn Return deeply connected to spirituality and invisible issues - from you, like your personal unconscious, your mind, your inner issues, or something much bigger. you naturally have an issue with truly opening yourself up to the unknown, by the way, I'm glad you're here reading this and I honor and value your choice. thank you for the opportunity. for you, it's hard to trust the unknown, it's like a breath of uncertainty that you'd rather not hang on to. however, Saturn has been trying to make you review and revisit this, understanding that spirituality, mind, personal unconscious, everything that is dense, deep, unknown, none of this will generate the feeling of being controlled if we are open to FEEL. the biggest lesson of this placement involves control... controlling emotions, experiences, sensations. especially the unknown experiences. issues of difficulty with intimacy may increase during this period. recognize your depth and give voice to it.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 9th house: Saturn Return that touches a lot on your beliefs and faith system. faith even in humanity, in existence. it will be a time to revisit your internal difficulty of trusting, letting go, believing. you may be a person with difficulty connecting with bigger things, who tend to want proof, to understand everything mentally. and probably you believe that this is the best way. but probably it frustrates you, mentally drains you. because is not just about rational mind. we can also experience connection, feel, believe and let go. it's a time to deeply review your belief system, your values, life philosophies, and revisit what you've been doing these 23-24 years in order to mature in this difficulty.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 10th house: this Saturn Return meansreview empathy and expression of your sensitivity/vulnerability in the social arena, in professional life, career. it is a Saturn Return that is also all about finding yourself and understanding your life path. it is a time to finally accept that your sensitivity, creativity, empathy, and everything that involves Pisces, needs to be integrated in a balanced way in your career and professional life. it is necessary to understand that having sensitivity and assuming it to the world does not make anyone weak, quite the contrary, it is a true strength that needs to be used in favor of larger, social issues, or for individual issues that are still relevant, for example, follow and achieve your life path.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 11th house: moment when Saturn returns to make you review your fears of being vulnerable in groups, as well as review your sensitivity issues with the collective. Is your vulnerability experienced collectively? if not, why are you afraid to open up to others? Does your mind point you to any reason for that? Do you struggle with empathy and sensitivity to social issues? or, on the other hand, are you extremely sensitive to others, but hide that face, for fear of criticism, judgment? all these points will be much more touched at this moment, when Saturn returns to bring the revisitation of what still affects you and stops you from experiencing a lighter and more fluid life in society.
Saturn Return in Pisces in 12th house: this Saturn Return is deeply related to learning to integrate Pisces energy into your life. those with Saturn in Pisces in 12th house are always running away from facing themselves, but the things that need to be faced, on the other hand, keep coming up. they come again and again – by the way, in quite abstract ways. this Saturn Return involves learning to CONNECT, let go, trust, stop trying to understand everything through the mental, logical, rational way. and understanding that the more you escape, the more the things that still need to be transformed will be felt in incomprehensible, abstract ways. take care of your mental health, connect with yourself. accept your personality. accept your vulnerability.
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sapionic · 3 months
Saturn and Moon In A House
From observation, Saturn and the Moon in a house can be what you don't like or may truly NOT have any type of interest in. With time, you can possibly grow to work on this area regarding your own self though.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🪐Saturn retrograde and karmic stuff🪐
🪐Saturn went retrograde on June 4 in Aquarius. Saturn goes direct on October 22. Saturn represent authority,rules, limits, hard work, maturity, responsibility, dignity, formal, serious, structure & order, discipline and also karma.
🌼In any house you have saturn you will experience the most opportunities during the saturn retrograde. Saturn's transit will help you gain more experience, opportunity and stability in that area. 🌊A lot of karmic things can also happen during this time. You can meet person for a reason, relationships that are destined, dreams can come true and goals. It’s time for us to think deeply about our future and what energy we want to keep in our lives. It’s a great time to decide who and what you want to invest your energy and time in. Relationships can thrive and grow during this transit if you’re able and willing to put in the work. People can come back with an apology& people who hurt you will now get your karma (this is especially meant for those who are Capricorns rising or Aquarius rising ) because Saturn is their ruling planet and their karma is transferred to others more powerfully.
🍒The most will be affected capricorn & aquarius. And they will experience the biggest glow up. Look in which house you have Capricorn and Aquarius because in this house you will experience the most innovations and changes. For ex.: Saturn in 7th house transit- you will gain a lot through relationships, a new karmic relationship might happen and people who don’t suit you, you can remove them from life. A lot of justice can be shown. Capricorn in 10th house in birth chart- lots of job opportunities, careers, you can also get a public reputation.
🫧Saturn in signs and karma 🫧
🪐 This is meant for signs in saturn in natal chart in general.And only for karma others will get if they hurt you.Saturn is planet of karma and represents karma in each house and sign in a different way. Saturn protects you from the bad, while others who wish you ill or do bad things to you are affected by karma. How they get karma and what you gain I will told in the following posts. 🎨Fun Fact- people who have capricorn in their big three will automatically have more power, which means that people who done bad things to them karma will hit them 10 times more.
👑Saturn in Aries -the people who will hurt you will not be able to go any further but will stuck in their life. Their self-esteem will become lower. They will not be an able to find themselves and enjoy themselves. Their self-awareness will diminish, they may not be an able to go anywhere alone or they will always be subordinate to the opinion of others. They will feel lost. They can lose energy to life, passion. They will see you doing good and they will wish they could be so good too. They will miss your energy, the confidence you gave them, and your boldness &courage!!💕You will shine and enjoy life in the meantime. Gained a lot on his self-image, appearance, style. You will become a better and different person.
👛Saturn in Taurus- people will lose their self-image and will struggle with self-value. They will no longer enjoy the things they love to do. People will become uglier. They will lose their appetite for food and will for music. Loss of money and material values. Their well-being will be constantly the same, they will not be an able to go out of their comfort zone + they will miss the security you gave them. 🧞While you will experience great brilliance in the field of money and sel-value.
🍃Saturn in Gemini- complete loss of contact with you. And they will miss you and your friendship. They will not find any person who will understand them as well as you. They will come across people who will not give them enough attention. Their thinking will get worse and they will be constantly confused. Their sociability will get lower. 🧚🏽‍♂️While your sociability will increase and you will have better communication skills.
🪴Saturn in Cancer- they will lose the feeling of home, warmth. Maybe you were the one who helped them get along with their family and now they won't have it anymore. Maybe they will start to feel lonely, lose security, well-being, privacy. They may lose a lot of people they were close to. Their mood will constantly changing. They will miss how much you cared for them and how you nurtured them! 🌼While you find your safety and comfort. And gained a lot on yourself and understanding.
🌶Saturn in Leo- people will lose attention and visibility. They will lose their pride and light in life. They will seek attention from other people because they will not get it from you anymore. They will lose focus, inspiration and become very insecure about themselves. They will miss the self-confidence and the light you gave! They will miss how much they were noticed with you and how you put them at the forefront.👄While you will shine and glow and have more self-confidence & spotlight.
🛁Saturn in Virgo- people will lose their focus, they will become self-critical, they will feel imperfect and in everything they do they will think that it is not enough. Many times they will be nervous, anxious and want you to help them. They will lose their sense of detail and things. They will miss how they were noticed by you, your details and compliments you gave them! 🫧While you will become more perfect and satisfied with yourself.
💋Saturn in Libra- people will lose focus, balance, harmony. They will lose aesthetics, beauty. By no means will they be able to be neutral or look at things from a different angle. They will become indecisive in small things, decisions will mark them. People will become unfair to them. They will miss your harmony and your investment in the relationship & how your beauty. 🍓While you will shine in relationships, beauty and fairness world.
🫀Saturn in Scoprio- people will constantly betray them, deceive them. They will feel like they cannot transform through life. They will lose trust in themselves and others. Emotionally, they will feel terrible and will constantly looking for someone to understand them. They will miss your depth and understanding. 🌊While you are going to experience a great transformation.
🎸Saturn in Sagittarius- people will lose their sanity, joy, happiness. They will no longer see meaning in the things they saw before. They will lose their way. They will not find happiness anywhere and the more they look for it, the less it will be. They will not find entertainment in anything and they will feel dead from the inside. They will miss your optimism, joy and fun. 🍒While you enjoy and shine in happiness.
💍Saturn in Capricorn- since saturn rules capricorn this is greater karma. They will lose their reputation and come to a lower position, respect from other people. They will experience humiliation, they will have to work hard to achieve anything. They will become very immature and they will have many lessons. They will miss your stability and support! 🎨While you will be rewarded.
🛼Saturn in Aquarius- people will lose friends, freedom, or they won’t have to find it in themselves at all. They will lose their uniqueness. They will feel like they don’t belong anywhere. They will have a hard time finding their voice in themselves or their role. Lots of unexpected situations and rebellion people will be around them. They will miss your friendship.🥑While you will have a lot of friends and support.
🧚🏼‍♀️Saturn in Pisces - people will lose their subconscious and contact with reality. They will become confused and dreamy. They will not know how to find their dreams. They may fall into bad habits and cannot get rid of them.Their creativity will become poor. They will have dreams about you every night. 🦋While you will sleep peacefully and achieve your dreams.
🎸Comment if you want saturn in houses🎸
🍓If you are interested in how Saturn retrograde will affect you this time-> link is in my bio💕or contact me on ig: bekylibra☀️
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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Saturn in 8th house can bring intense transformation and growth. The 8th house is associated with shared resources, intimacy, and transformation, while Saturn is known for its discipline, responsibility, and hard work.
People with this placement may feel a deep sense of responsibility towards shared resources or finances, and may approach these matters with a serious and cautious attitude. They may also experience profound transformations and rebirths in their lives, which can be challenging but ultimately lead to growth and evolution.
However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards fear or anxiety around the unknown, and may require the individual to develop a greater sense of trust and surrender in the face of life’s mysteries.
About Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is one of the most important planets in astrology. It is known as the planet of restrictions, limitations, and discipline. Saturn is associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn and is also the ruler of the 10th house in astrology.
In astrology, Saturn is often referred to as the “karmic planet” because it represents the consequences of our actions. It is believed that Saturn’s influence in our lives is a result of our past actions and choices. Saturn is associated with hard work, responsibility, and self-discipline. It is through these qualities that we can overcome the challenges that Saturn presents.
Saturn’s placement in our birth chart can indicate where we will experience challenges and obstacles in life. It can also reveal where we need to work harder and be more disciplined. A strong Saturn placement can indicate a person who is responsible, reliable, and disciplined. Conversely, a weak Saturn placement can indicate a lack of discipline and a tendency to avoid responsibility.
Saturn’s influence can also manifest in our relationships. It is believed that Saturn can indicate the type of partner we attract and the challenges we may face in our relationships. A strong Saturn placement can indicate a partner who is responsible, disciplined, and committed. However, it can also indicate a partner who is cold or distant.
Saturn’s influence can also be seen in our career and professional life. It is associated with the 10th house, which represents our career and public image. A strong Saturn placement can indicate a person who is successful in their career and respected in their field. However, it can also indicate a person who is overly focused on their career and neglects other areas of their life.
In astrology, Saturn is also associated with the concept of time. It is believed that Saturn’s influence can indicate periods of hardship and struggle, but also periods of growth and maturity. It is through these challenges that we can learn and grow, and ultimately achieve success.
Overall, Saturn is a powerful planet in astrology that represents discipline, responsibility, and the consequences of our actions. Its influence can be seen in our relationships, career, and personal growth. By understanding Saturn’s influence in our lives, we can learn to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.
Read more about placement result of Ketu in 8th house
Major facts About Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is one of the most significant planets in astrology, representing discipline, structure, and responsibility. Here are 10 major astrological facts about the planet Saturn:
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and is known for its distinctive rings, which are made up of ice and rock particles.
In astrology, Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility, and hard work. It is often seen as a challenging planet that can bring tests and trials in one’s life.
Saturn takes about 29.5 years to orbit the sun, which means it spends roughly 2.5 years in each zodiac sign.
When Saturn is in retrograde, it can bring delays and obstacles, but it can also be a time for introspection and healing.
In Vedic astrology, Saturn is known as Shani and is seen as a karmic planet that can bring both rewards and punishments based on one’s past actions.
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system, after Jupiter, and it has the lowest density of all the planets.
The rings of Saturn are made up of thousands of individual ringlets, each of which is composed of small particles ranging in size from dust to boulders.
Saturn has 82 known moons, the largest of which is Titan, which is larger than the planet Mercury.
Saturn’s atmosphere is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, with traces of other gases like methane and ammonia.
In astrology, the position of Saturn in one’s birth chart can reveal important information about one’s life path, career, and relationships. It is often seen as a challenging but ultimately rewarding planet that can help one grow and mature.
Astrological importance of 8th house as per various Ascendant
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flickeringart · 10 months
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Too many rules causes life to rebel. No rules at all renders life meaningless.
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cosmicpuzzle · 6 months
Where does Saturn hit you hard?
Saturn in 1st: Not so much bad but sometimes can hurt your confidence and health, but a position that is not too damaging.
Saturn in 2nd: Pretty bad, can indicate being born in harsh conditions, economically bad family, lack of family support, can hurt your ability to earn high later.
Saturn in 3rd: Hurts your adolescence years, your schooling and communication but is not damaging after 22-23.
Saturn in 4th: Hurts your childhood and parental support, middle phase of life can be difficult with no real happiness.
Saturn in 5th: Hurts your romantic life and even your ability to have and enjoy children and fun.
Saturn in 6th: Not a bad position but can hurt your ability to innovate at work.
Saturn in 7th: Pretty tough, hurts your relationships, denies or delays them, a bad partnership.
Saturn in 8th: Hurts your ability to benefit from other people, sometimes poor in laws and also inability to change your life. Limits your sexuality.
Saturn in 9th: Hurts your higher education, pretty much no luck in life, lack of paternal guidance in life.
Saturn in 10th: Limits your ability to rise to the top, unreal downfall.
Saturn in 11th: Dries up your friendships, bad friends and social isolation.
Saturn in 12th: Not bad materially but many emotional and psychological troubles.
For Readings DM
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starsworldd · 11 months
What are placements that can indicate people being obsessed with you?
some placements that indicate people being obsessed with you:
- scorpio venus
- pluto-venus aspects
- venus in angular houses (especially if close to mc or asc and sometimes dsc)
- 5th house placements
- scorpio placements (especially mars and mc, but can also get a lot of hate and may also be more known for looks)
- aries sun (this obsession is different though it’s more like people tend to follow what these people do because they have assertive energy)
- leo sun/rising
- pluto, venus, or mars in the 11th
- pluto aspecting ascendant
- venus/neptune aspecting ascendant
- cancer rising/moon
- taurus rising
- aquarius rising
- leo and aquarius in big 3
- neptune in 1st house
- personal observation — venus-saturn or capricorn venus (the glow up is real)
thank you for the ask :>
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astroloverblog · 1 year
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astro observations pt.1
astro observations pt.2
astro observations pt.3
Saturn in the signs pt.1
Saturn in the signs pt.2 
Neptune in the houses pt.1
Neptune in the houses pt.2 -> COMING SOON
Moon Persona Chart -> COMING VERY SOON
Venus Persona Chart
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social skills indicator / planets in ur partners 12th house / what is a signature sign? / question & answer
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rascosmicwisdom · 7 months
I'll talk about Saturn in fall (Aries) next on my blog but I just came across a thought about Saturn.
Saturn is "lazy". You could possibly apply this in the sense of what society deems lazy but lazy for Saturn doesn't really mean that.
Lazy in terms of conserving energy.
Lazy in the sense of " I am full aware of who i am, my reality and limitations , therefore I will function to a capacity that serves me best to get the most quality. "
This is why Saturn is a minimalist. Saturn does what needs to be done. The epitome of less is more. Saturn doesn't want or need unnecessary drama, conflict, strife.
Saturn just wants peace, life is/has been hard enough.
Now I believe that if one was to think of Saturn's association to lazy in a societal sense, it would be ableism because Saturn is disabled.
Additional: Although I don't care much for these terms. Saturn in Aries can show up as high functioning.
Aries is independence ,but in Saturn's case this is doing more harm than good.
As i said, Saturn is disabled, so not being able to rely on others for help..no bueno
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middlenamesage · 3 months
I heard from my mom the other day (then from the source himself) that my dad is quitting drinking. My mom even said he called himself an alcoholic (for the first time ever), and said he had been hiding alcohol. My astro obsessed ass of course had to check the transits for him later that night.
My eye kinda went right to Saturn in Pisces in the transits, because getting your shit together🪐 and imposing personal limitations🪐 when confronted with the sign that wants escape is such a “quitting addictions” story, I knew Saturn in her current predicament just had to be involved somehow. (I’m using “she” pronouns in this case because Saturn in Pisces just seems like such a feminine, dare I say gracious and compassionate, face of Saturn.)
Well yep, Saturn has been in very close alignment with my dad’s Pluto via opposition for a little while now. Pluto is honestly the best archetype ever to go along with the concept of hiding things (metaphorical and literal in this case), and my dad was ready to stop burying things he didn’t want to see and also didn’t want others to see. 🖤 And as transit Saturn is moving through his 7th house👩‍❤️‍👨, and along with the connection to his Pluto, is also squaring his Mars and my mother’s Sun, I’d say it’s pretty clear he did it to save his marriage. I won’t knock co-dependence in every case, not even during South Node in Libra- it seems to work better for some than other alternatives. 🤷‍♀️
Another thing I’m seeing in my father’s transits is that both his natal Neptune and transit Neptune are currently in hard aspect with transit Jupiter/his natal Jupiter. He’s rewriting his understanding of (Jupiter) his tendencies for escapism (Neptune). 😊 his natal Neptune is in the 3rd house, in Scorpio (so ruled by that Mars of his that’s on my mother’s Sun and has come close at times to destroying their marriage because my mom 100% does not enjoy chemical escapism like my dad). His Neptune also connects to literally most placements in his chart!!!
Last but maybe not least, I think it might also just be Aquarius season helping my Leo father to be humble with his shortcomings. The Aquarius Sun is currently opposite his 12th house (more escapism tendencies) Leo Mercury, which means it’s in his 6th house, maybe acting as the final straw to get him to purify his daily habits. 🌞
I’m putting out positive intentions that my father can stick to the goals Saturn in Pisces has helped him set, and that even when Saturn next reaches his Venus and North Node via opposition, he remains committed to his new values. 🙏
Does anyone else out there have a quitting addictions Saturn in Pisces story unfolding in their life? Stay strong; Saturn is usually never “fun” to work with, but the limitations and structure s/he helps you impose are what make the personal growth coming out of a Saturn transit, often completely unparalleled. 💖
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