#Tim Rockford x plus size ofc
nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Get a room you two and BONE
Part two of the Roc & Doc Series
Tim Rockford x plus size OFC (Doc)
Rating: Mature only because of some of the banter.
This blog is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 2.7k
Summary: It’s been a month since “The Case of the Vanishing Pens” had been solved. Things have changed somewhat between Tim and Doc. Are they both okay? Turns out, friends can suck sometimes.
Warnings: bad TV references, teasing, theft, angst?, mention of murder and STD, friends being menaces, the trench coat, bad singing, a murder threat (affectionately)
Notes: Originally, part two was going to be 7k of words. 😅 That was way too long so we’ll have a part two and three. I am working toward something. We’ll all find out when I get there. I’m fond of trench coats now. 😎 A huge smooch to @lady-bess who beta read for me and had some hilarious commentary. 🤣
The top item from the “what should go missing next” poll is in here! The runner ups are in part three. 🤭
Dividers are by the ever lovely @saradika-graphics
Main Masterlist / Tim Rockford Masterlist / Rock & Doc Series
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You and the detective had dinner three times a week and tried to alternate who pays. Tim had you pay the first time but he insisted on paying the others. It’s been a month since “The Case of the Vanishing Pens.” You told Tim that his jokes were as old as Columbo. He was not amused. Tim told you that he’s a classic like Columbo, and you need to show respect. And honestly, he’s more like Kojak - able to find a parking space anywhere in LA. You choked on your shrimp fried rice while sitting in the passenger seat of his car, he patted your back to try and help the piece of shrimp go down, it eventually did. 
“You’re not bald Rockford. Are you starting to go bald? Is that why you think you’re like Kojak?”, you asked, "going to start rocking three piece suits with a briefcase?”. Tim’s face freezes and he squints his eyes. 
“I will kick you out of my car and leave you at this restaurant Doc. Don’t joke about a man’s hair.”
“You wouldn’t dare, Kojak would never. If you’re going to be mad about it, don’t compare yourself to a famous bald TV detective. Stick with Columbo Rockford.” The two of you grinned at each other. Since the pen incident, it’s become even easier to joke with Tim. You feel you’ve grown somewhat closer to him, but you still won’t ask him anything personal. He doesn’t ask you those types of questions either. It crosses an imaginary line you both have drawn for yourselves.
Tim had told you that you didn’t need to pay, he’d been teasing you for stealing his pens, though he still doesn’t fully buy it was just about a menu. You had also told him, “no, we’re both city employees getting shit pay. We gotta split it, Tim.” He laughed and reluctantly agreed. So the two of you started alternating tabs. Why would you offer to pay when you clearly have some unnamed grudge against him (in his mind anyway)? Is this a ‘keep your friends close and enemies closer’ sort of deal? 
The answer doesn’t come to him as he finishes the last of his egg roll, some duck sauce is on his chin in his beard. With a moist towelette you pull from the depths of your tote bag, you dab his chin and succeed in getting the sauce off and making Tim re-evaluate what your end goal is. It’s too soft of a touch as you could have pushed his face as part of your teasing but you didn’t. You’ve given him small hip bumps in the autopsy room or even in your office. Those don’t feel intimate like this, maybe it’s because it’s his car or the lack of space. It’s dangerously close to the line he’s drawn in the sand with you. It’s times like these that Tim is thankful you don’t notice him clearing his throat or keeping his cafe brown eyes on you as you slurp your noodles. He’s thinking too much again.
Rockford ensures that you get back to your small car you call ‘the blueberry.’ The car suits your personality. It feels loud, quirky but not over the top, much like its owner. He never leaves before watching you pull out of the parking lot and make the right turn at the light. It’s then that he begins his own drive home. He sometimes has an inkling to text if you got home alright but he’s never texted you outside of work. Except the two times he picked you up tacos… alright, maybe it was four times, but limited to food options. Why is it so weird? 
Rockford sighs at the orange streetlights ahead of the hood of his old Ford Crown Victoria. His mind is on you again, but it’s just because you spend a lot of time with each other and you look a hell of a lot better than any of his other partners. Well, you’re not his partner but it kinda feels like it when he talks out cases with you. Stevenson is a solid partner, but he’s wet behind the ears and still learning quite a bit. You, on the other hand, listen. Look at him with genuine interest with questions that tell him you were indeed hearing him. Tim is in his driveway wondering if you’ve already walked up the two flights of stairs to your apartment. He knows you like music but what else do you like?
“Shit.” Rockford gets out of his car and enters his home, dropping off his trench coat and shoes near the door. He stretches out on the couch and flips on the TV. There should be something to watch. An episode of Kojak is in progress with him parking perfectly, getting out of the car, bald head shining with a three piece suit and his briefcase. “What are the chances…?”
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As promised, you brought him 4 boxes of pens over the months you’d been eating take out with him. He had nowhere to stick them and wondered if you were pranking him; you were not. You just felt bad about taking his pens for so long. You overdid it a bit, you explained and offered to hold some of them in your office. Tim declined and made room on the top of one of his file cabinets. Seeing something that you’d given him made him smile softly, before turning to face you, he cleared his throat and put his hands on those hips of his, saying he had work to do. You nodded and told him you’d see him around, you were sure there'd be more bodies to look at before long together. The detective sat at his desk and looked at the reports he needed to finish up, they suddenly seemed tedious. He’s wondering if he should have told you it would have been alright if you wanted to stay for a bit. Could have spoken to you while working on them to make the time go faster. Your absence is an issue for Tim. He’s got too many of those already.
Tim stopped by later in the evening to update you on what happened with the arsenic case. Turns out, the victim’s girlfriend had convinced him to become a pescatarian for better health. The girlfriend found out that the victim had two other lovers and had given them the clap (gonorrhea) in addition to her. The three happened to meet in the same clinic where they were getting tested. She had contacted those two after getting diagnosed as the name was different, but the physical description was the same as her boyfriend. It was then that the girlfriend started dosing his food to kill him. She told Tim and the other detectives that she wanted to watch him slowly die. She apparently laughed as they were taking her away in handcuffs. 
You are engrossed in the details. Tim tells you the entire thing from beginning to end, he adds in tidbits from his notes that wouldn’t be in any of your reports. Despite looking like he was tired of everyone’s bullshit ninety percent of the time, the detective was rather animated in explaining the case to you. He walked back and forth in your office and then placed his hands on the back of a chair while leaning in to go over how the dots were connected between the seemingly unrelated people. If the man wasn’t a detective, he should be a voice actor or teacher…you’re sure there’s a suitable profession you’re forgetting in between the options, whatever would warrant people listening to him for a while. 
Toward the end of Tim’s colorful retelling, Kim, one of the clerks and a friend of yours, stopped by the office. She was watching the two of you, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms. She would have made a joke about you getting yourself in Tim’s trench coat but knew you wouldn’t forgive her for saying it in front of the man that you swear you only have respect and adoration for. Kim had tried to get you to understand your feelings, to at least see that you may want to spend time outside of work with the famed detective. The time may include an actual date at some point.
You’d always told her that it was because he’s always been respectful toward you, and that he came by your office when he didn’t need to. Like today. Kim was sure you hadn’t asked for any follow up on the case, yet here Rockford is telling you about it and you’re giving him all his attention. It’s annoying to watch the two of you. Sure he might be older than you, but it’s less than ten years and she’s sure he doesn’t talk to his ex-wife at all. At one point the precinct did think they were going to get back together shortly after you’d become the new medical examiner five years ago but nothing ever came of it. Not that Kim kept that close on an eye on things for you.Thankfully, there’s only been rumors of maybe some women here and there. Detective Rockford is one who stays holster deep in murders and crime. Kim did have to agree with you on one thing, those holsters are a damn good look on the man. She understands why your eyes linger on him. Kim preferred her men to be on the skinny side so she could toss them around a bit - she can be a bit rough at times.
Waiting until Tim seemed finished with his story, Kim knocked on the open door so the two of you would hear her. 
“Hey Doc, Tim. What are you two crazy kids up to? Making some more dinner plans? Going to take it a step above take out and go to a place where there might be seats inside the restaurant?” The detective bit the side of his jaw which Kim was quick to notice and smirked. Like how does she not notice how bothered he is when anyone interrupts him speaking to her? Maybe Tim liked her stealing his pens? Hmm…that’s an idea.
Your face hardens at your friend’s joke and you start nervously pressing your hands together. At least it wasn’t the trenchcoat one she likes to make, thank goodness. Tim looked back at the door and stood up, shaking his head. 
“Hey Kim. Just knew Doc would want to hear how the case turned out. I’m going to head out Doc. I’m going to go make sure Stevenson isn’t still working on the homicide from last week. He makes fun of my chicken scratch, but he types slow as hell for someone fifteen years younger than me. Good night Doc, don’t steal anymore pens. I know she’ll be your accomplice.” Rockford nods, gives you a smile and once at the doorway, cuts his eyes at Kira before leaving. Your friend slides by Tim as he exits and plops down across from you and snickering. 
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“Did the famed detective get a bit pissed at me because I came between him and his dear Doc? For shame and I guess I did know you were taking his pens. To be fair, I did tell you to stop several times.” She playfully tapped her own hand as if she was being reprimanded. You sat back in your chair and shook your head. She’s been teasing you about this for as long as you had stolen that man’s pens well after. Tim didn’t tease you as much anymore. Well, sometimes, but only when you got in the car and he asked to see your hands to make sure you didn’t remove anything from his glove box or console.
“Could you just drop it? Please…what did you come here for Kim?”. 
“I came to remind you that this weekend is our friend’s engagement party. And before you start,” Kim reached out and took hold of Doc’s hand, “you’ve RSVPed, we bought an outfit a few weeks ago just for this party theme and I could give this back to one such man in a trench coat after you go.” Kim’s free hand exposed a little black book that Tim often carried everywhere for his notes. Your eyes are wide, it’s bad enough about the pens but it’s a funny joke now. His book?! 
“Dammit Kim, you need to give it back now!” Kim is shocked at your growl and lets go of your hand, holding tighter to the book. 
“No. You give it to him and say it fell out of his pocket or something. He has fifty places in that trench coat I could have been. I honestly think he likes it when you take his stuff.” She stood up and so did you, were you really going to fight her over this man’s book? “The fact that you’re this upset, proves my point. You need to talk to him, stop just watching him, have him take you to a place where you order and eat inside and maybe go to your place or his and-”
“Don’t finish that sentence. Just give me the book and maybe he won’t push for me to resign or be in a different county or something for harassment.” Your hands are on your head, running through how badly this could go. No matter how nice Tim is, taking that book is almost as bad as taking his tie or holsters. It’s a part of him. Though it would be kinda cool if you held it for a minute. No…no. You can’t go into that rabbit hole. That is reserved for when you’re in your apartment in your PJs and are sipping on some hot chocolate with some cookies. 
“You just need to bone….be on the desk and bone…maybe he keeps the trench coat on while you bone…I know he’s wearing the holsters when you bone…maybe you pull the hair he still has while you bone…you grab his biceps while you bone…”. Kim is singing horribly off key and if you weren’t so frustrated and anxious you’d tell her to shut it. But you need a laugh to release the tension in your body so you do, doubled over on your desk. Kim drops the black book before you and kisses your forehead.
“You just need a push to talk to him and you're already a bit of a thief. Just slip his book in his car the next time you two eat and talk to him. It’s not like people in the department don’t date. That’s how the captain met his wife.” She pats your head. “They fought over a stapler, she threw it at him. He said she had an excellent throwing arm. Love was in the air.” Kim did a jazz hand flourish and you look up, rolling your eyes.
“I would rather not be violent with the man. And I will not…bone him. Gah, you made me say it.” You shake your head and sit back and sigh. “Just please don’t push it. Can I just stay in my safe little bubble, please? Daydream about the man, why can’t I do that? Why will you not let me do that?” 
Kim sat back down and crossed her arms, sucking her teeth, “Real talk right now Doc. It’s not your job title that keeps you from talking to Tim. It’s that you’re scared that he might actually reciprocate your feelings and you may have to be in a relationship with a grown man with baggage, can hold a conversation with you and will be able to hold it down in the bedroom.” Your hands cover your face. You’re not discussing this at work. No…but you are. “Stop acting like you haven’t thought about it.” Kim laughs at your discomfort and embarrassment, but pauses to sneak a peek at her phone. “I would drop more truth bombs at you but I have to go. Tony’s here to pick me up. I will see you tomorrow and this weekend. Maybe one day you’ll have your detective use his investigative skills under a dress like that.”
“Please go to Tony before I have to call and tell him you're on my slab.”
“You’re too busy trying to find a way into a trench coat to worry about murdering me. Take care getting home.”
“I will never tell you anything again. Good night.”
Part One
Part Three
Keen moots who may want the trench coat on with nothing else 🧥:
@alltheglitterandtheroar @sin-djarin @morallyinept @yorksgirl @bitchwitch1981 @heareball @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @yorksgirl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @avastrasposts @clawdee @pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing @rhoorl @inept-the-magnificent @grogusmum @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey @laurfilijames @frenchiereading
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wolvieispunk · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers 💖
tagged by @perotovar 😍🥰
NP tags: @morallyinept @luxurychristmaspudding @for-a-longlongtime @swiftispunk @chronically-ghosted 😘
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
67 and a draft that should post tonight or tmrw. So 68.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Ahem.... 767,928 🫣 and add about 15k to that when this posts.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh lord. So many.
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4. Top five fics by kudos
None of these are in "this fandom" (Pedro) lol
The Tenant - 565 (GO)
Jurisdiction - 540 (GO)
The Right Side of the Wall - 356 (Sherlock)
Narrowed Focus - 311 (GO)
This, Again? - 236 (Sherlock)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes I respond to every single comment I possibly can (unless it's like a "thanks" response after I have already commented, etc)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Don't have any. I don't think? At worst maybe an ambiguous one. I have to wrap things up, it's a compulsion.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't write sad endings. All of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I did a few time on FF dot net when it was old and a breeding ground for incels. From an incel, no less. But I have not in the last like, 10-13 years.
9. Do you write smut?
That's like all I write
10. Craziest crossover?
Uhhh probably the current wip- Joel Miller x Shane Morissey x Tim Rockford
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge but that is why I stopped posting them here.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so, but I am open to it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I am not super communicative outside of work, and also enjoy my loose writing schedule, so I don't pursue them. I have been asked many times though.
14. All time favorite ship?
Sheesh. Probably DinCobb, gunslingers (raylan x Boyd from justified) or Ineffable Husbands (good omens).
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly I'm really struggling with the Ezra x plus size!ofc right now. And my original work.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I write very good extremely fluffy smut and being long- winded on descriptions. Apparently I also nail characterizations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst. Can't do it for anything. I feel weak with banter as well.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I am conversational in Spanish so I throw some in from time to time. I dont mind it at all when reading fic, but I am hyperaware when I use it that other people tend to hate it. So I don't do it often.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Supernatural. Isn't that everyone's first 😂
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Fuse and Paklalat are extremely dear to my heart. Probably that (as a 2-parter) and Sunshine are my favorites. I couldn't possibly pick between them.
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Do you know that hippo?
Part Three of the Rock & Doc Series
Tim Rockford x plus size OFC - Doc
Rating: Explicit for ending
This blog is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 5.5k (things are moving along)
Summary: The engagement party of Doc and Kim's friend leads to some surprising discoveries. Gold it seems is Doc's color and keep an eye on those hippos. They've got major clues. Big things are happening at the precinct.
Warnings: disco, drinking, hippos, family dynamics, mutual pining, swooning, bad pranks, panic/anxiety, trench coat mention, blood, fatal injury, murder
Notes: We've got the more to the plot in this one! Keep an eye out for a mention of a Pedro character and the introduction of another. I've gotta thank @lady-bess (on Tumblr) for beta reading for me. Bouncing ideas off of @maggiemayhemnj always leads to good things. I hope everyone enjoys the twists. 😘
Main Masterlist/ Tim Rockford Masterlist / Rock & Doc Series
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Saturday of the engagement party:
You already want to go home. You’ve just been dropped off by Tony, Kim’s beau of two years. She’s wearing a blonde wig, orange star shaped shades to match her orange strapless dress that she’s pulled up at least the fourth time after complaining that she doesn’t have enough to keep the dress up. The orange complements her mocha skin and since her dress is strapless, she was happy to show off her rose tattoo she had on her right shoulder.  The heels of her white thigh high boots click as you both make your way to the large double doors of your mutual friend’s home. Samantha had gotten engaged to some producer who was filthy rich or had enough money to rent a space like this. 
You didn’t need a wig. Your hair, when not slicked down with grease and tied with two different scrunchies, expands enough on its own to look like a seventies wig. It’s just not curly, your hair never did hold a curl to save its life. Kim thought it would be a good idea to pin a gold disco ball in your hair and wear tiny gold disco ball earrings to match. She also did your makeup which included gold eyeshadow, soft pink cheeks and a vibrant red lipstick. You wore a shimmering gold dress that tied behind your neck and had a gold chain that connected from the tie in the back down to where the dress hit your shoulder blades. The back of the dress was longer than the front with it hitting the back of your ankles. The front stopped mid-thigh and your gold bangles that donned both wrists jingled each time you attempted to pull it down. Thankfully, the dress wasn’t bunching anywhere that you felt. Kim told you to stop fiddling with it and to let the people see since you wouldn’t let your cherished detective see anything. You pinched her arm and the two of you bickered until you met the guests of honor. 
Sam and her producer fiance were happy that you came and that you brought gifts, though you weren’t sure if they really needed a stand mixer since you were sure Sam didn’t know how to boil water. Maybe the producer…whose name you did hear three times but it never stuck, cooked or baked. The party ended up being fun though, there was delicious food, excellent music and the other costumes were a sight to see. At one point there was a disco ball that came out of the ceiling and everyone did the electric slide. 
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After the dancing when things took a weird turn, you stepped outside to get some fresh air. As the night went on, you started smelling weed and some other substances you usually tested for. You thought maybe you inhaled too much of the air inside but it called you miss a few times ... a man-sized hippo.
“Hey Miss! Lady! Ma’am!” The hippo keeps trying to get your attention and you scan the area to see if there's anyone else out here and if there’s anyone else they could be talking to. You see no one. Just you and this hippo, at least you can tell that it’s a costume. This has to mean you don’t have more than a contact high right? You’re just slightly dazed you hope.
“Yes sir? Or ma’am? How can I help you? I specialize in humans and not animals.” The hippo fails their arms and groans at your answer. You weren’t sure how else to put it without coming out and saying you’re an ME. You don’t know this hippo, they don't need to know that.
“You’re not too high right? I’m not an actual hippo. I need help getting this damn head off. You’re the first person I’ve seen who isn’t high as balls. Help a guy out, yeah?” You nod and watch as the hippo bends forward so you can reach the head. You pull and it comes off with some force with you stumbling back but thankfully not falling. The owner of the hippo head has fluffy brown hair and is shaking his head. “That feels so much better! Thanks! Fresh air! I missed it!” He has a beard that’s patchy but it doesn't quite have the gray that you like. He looks like he could be Tim’s younger cousin. The mischievous grin is one you’re sure you’d never see of the detective’s face though. 
“You look familiar. Do you know-”
“Now just because you helped me get this head off, doesn’t mean I’m going to give you an autograph. You seem nice but you gotta pay for those. I have back taxes.” You cackle at the last part of his sentence and he raises an eyebrow. “That's not funny. It’s why I have a new manager and accountant. I hated that my damn brother was right. He’s always right, damn perfectionist. Like his shit doesn’t stink sometimes. That’s why his wife left and all he has is murder. Whatever lady.” 
“No, no. I was going to ask if you knew a homicide detective, you look like him. A lot. I work with him so I was curious.”
The Tim-look-alike runs his eyes up and down, a fuzzy mitt on his chin. He seems to be thinking something, you're not exactly sure what. Some people just look like others and they’re not related. You could be wrong.
You adjust your glasses nervously and he points at them. “They’re blue! He mentioned a woman with blue glasses! So you’re her…he’s mentioned you quite a bit. You do the autopsies right…medical…specialist…something like that? Mentioned something about pens and menus. I didn’t really get that part.” You close your eyes. He told someone about the pens? Who was this guy? “You’re sexy. My brother’s an idiot or maybe he’s not. He loves his job too much is the damn problem. You’re already a lot nicer than his ex-wife, you single pretty lady?” 
Blinking is your initial reaction. So this man…is Tim’s brother?! Your hunch was correct and he was related. You were thinking of a cousin maybe but not his brother. “Did you just ask if I was single? You’re wearing a hippo costume and couldn’t get out of it.” Your hands are raised like you’re pushing away the very idea of him hitting on you. The man in the hippo is not amused.
“That was a design flaw in the costume. Wait, I’m Dieter Bravo, I don’t need to explain myself. I see why he likes you, the sense of humor matches up. If you’d ever like to get to know the more fun of the two Rockford brothers, you should look me up. But definitely watch my movies, I need those royalties. I might paint about what happened here tonight. Thanks again sexy MD. My brother is a bit of a stick in the mud, but he is very nice to the ladies. Wait, what’s your name?” A fuzzy arm wraps around your shoulder and it’s not bad considering the cool night air. You tell Dieter and he comments that it’s sexy for a sexy lady. Your eyes roll as the pair of you decide to head inside where there’s heat and grab some punch. It’s warming you both from the inside out. Dieter and you chat about Tim and Dieter’s lives when they were both younger. Dieter took to the arts early while Tim focused on police work like their dad. 
A fun fact you did learn about Tim: he enjoys photography. 
Dieter explained it’s a hobby he enjoys because he can’t paint like he can. But he also admits that if his brother wanted to, he could have been a photo-journalist, but the call of shield was too great and it went on the backburner. Apparently one of the many reasons Tim and his ex-wife split was due to him wanting to make one of the half baths into a darkroom and expand it a bit. Bravo also informed Doc that his ex-wife was about as fun as putting on a wet blanket while you watch grass grow on a cool spring morning. That made Doc give Dieter a solid belly laugh.
You mentioned that you’d heard rumors of how this woman was but never really asked about her directly to Tim or anyone else. Bravo shrugged and sipped his punch taking stock of what you’re saying. It appears you don’t just like his brother but you respect him by leaving his personal business alone. As smart as he knows his brother is, he’s kind of an idiot. The fact that he knows something his brother doesn’t is a wonderful feeling. Bravo will make sure to remember this.
Dieter explains that he took his passion for art from their mom. She also taught English part time and loved Greek mythology especially which led to his legal first name. He didn’t believe it fit him until he became older and really leaned into the latter part of the Greek god of wine and revelry’s purpose. 
“I’ll tell you pretty lady if you agree to do something fun.”
You squint your eyes at the younger Rockford brother. “What do you consider fun for me?”
“I think you should send Tim a picture of yourself in your outfit. Show him what he’s missing out on by sitting at home in his boxers or sleeping in his office gazing lovingly at his murder board.” This elicited you to choke on your punch and put a hand to your chest.
“I-I- who is that fun for exactly?! What is wrong with everyone this week?!” Knocking back the rest of your drink and pouring yourself more, you’re holding onto the table to keep yourself upright. “First the damn notebook, a bone song, now I find out and meet…”
“Name’s Dieter. Don’t say my real name.”
“Tim’s brother Dion and now you’re telling me to…to…why won’t anyone just let me fantasize?!” You take out your phone and shakily text Kim but she isn’t answering. You want to leave. NOW. Dieter pats your shoulder.
“Hay calm down. I dunno what set you off, but I was half joking. I think you might wanna call someone to take you home. You’re a bit too drunk.” He suggests as he guides you to a quieter room with a couch. You’re able to sit down and call Kim but she’s still not answering. You lean your head back on the soft fabric of the couch and close your eyes. Who else could you call? Just an Uber? No…you’re not alert enough for that. You could doze off at any moment. Alcohol tends to make you sleepy. Your phone slips out of your hand and Dieter grabs it before it falls on the floor. 
Bravo has a bad idea. A very bad idea and maybe a bit mean. He texts Kim who has sent four texts asking where Doc was, that she’s okay and she had liquid courage to call Tim. He’s going to pick her up. Kim then sent various emojis with eggplants, bones, water drops and peaches. The second part of his plan had Bravo texting Tim from his phone that:
Hey bro, I met a very nice lady, maybe a few years older than me. She seems a little shy but the punch is very good. She might want to hang out a bit more after a Power Nap. She’s got some full lips and thick thighs, who knows? She might make a pretty third wife, third time's the charm after all.
Dieter snapped a picture of a dozing Doc and sent it to Tim. He waited. Maybe the text was a bit over the top but based on her outburst, his older brother has likely been a huge closed off idiot. Sadly he’s been like that since he divorced his ex-wife, he should have put more laxative in that woman’s coffee the one time he made it for her. 
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Rockford was in his office finishing up reports. Did he want to be? No. But it was this or do it Monday and Mondays sucked enough without extra paperwork. Plus he didn’t have anything else going on, only that his small black notebook was missing. He’d turned his trench coat inside and out three times and searched his desk, office, car and where he thought it might be in his house. He was going to do another sweep of the office before he left tonight.
His phone lit up but he paid it no mind and kept typing, putting the finishing touches on the fourth report of the night. A small smile crossed his face when he saw Doc’s name for the autopsy of the victim. His mind is drifting to thoughts of you again. He remembers meeting you when you first came. Hands cup the back of his head as he leans back in his chair. Tim’s eyes drift to his murder board and his ear itches. That’s odd. 
He hadn’t been sure about getting a new medical examiner three years ago after Old Loaf, the previous ME had retired. His nickname came from his van which he put bread stickers on (not ever the identifying ME logo though) and he usually played classic rock and his favorite artist was Meat Loaf. Weird man, but ME’s usually are. When Doc arrived, it was an adjustment. The precinct had been used to that old bread van riding around and arriving to crime scenes. When Doc started she was first confused for an intern and not the new medical examiner, to be fair, they weren’t told anything about gender or appearance. But they could have at least asked, Tim happened to hear about Doc from the Captain and his wife over dinner. They had him for dinner from the times he used to double date with them along with his then wife.
Tim interceded between a senior detective and Doc because he kept calling her ‘young lady’ and Rockford could tell with Doc’s hands on her hips and her in his face, something was going to happen. He was pretty confident it would be the senior detective hitting the pavement as she wasn’t budging an inch. Slowly she started winning over the officers with her humor and knowledge, she even kept the loaves on the ME van and added stars, a mermaid and a catfish decal to it as well. They enjoyed the new flair of the van.
Rockford had thought her to be confrontational from her interaction out in the field but quickly grew accustomed to spending extra time in the autopsy room and office. Asking her questions, bouncing ideas off of her and at times, watching her work gathering evidence in the field and her lab. Tim had long reasoned that he spent time with Doc because of work. Over the years they worked together, however, he denied that their relationship was changing. 
They’re colleagues obviously, but he knows the times you’re most likely to be in your office, learning about your music, trying to make you laugh, maybe doing a quick check of a few databases to see if you had any skeletons in your closet. There was some threat you made against your medical preceptor which is why he knew the detective was in more danger than you were. That didn’t bother Tim though, he can have a violent streak in him too if pushed. It was comforting that you’d understand some of the darkness even if it wasn’t quite in the same context. The pen thefts were weird but he enjoyed your eyes on him, watching him to see how he’d react. Now you’re in his car half the nights a week and he should ask you on a proper date but… you seem wary of him and not in the same way he is of you. Rockford could be reading into it too much, he tends to do that a lot more now. Maybe you’re actually wary of him in the same way? He could review his notes he took if he could find his damn black book.
“Rockford! What the hell are you still doing here? Go home!” Tim sits up and looks in his doorway. His balding Captain is there with his crooked toupee. He should just shave it off. Now that he thinks of it, he could dress up like Kojak. His wife would need to pick out his suits though, the Captain puts too many patterns together. The man is wearing a zebra print button-down, red pinstripe pants and a yellow tie. That’s what the Captain wears when not in uniform. His wife might be helping her sister with her baby again, he clearly picked his own clothes again. Tim finds himself thankful that he can match his own clothes without help.
“Sir, I’m almost done with some reports. Didn’t want to leave them for Monday.” Rockford responds. He picks up his phone to snap a quick picture of the Captain’s outfit, knowing Doc’s eyes would go wide before ending up face down on her desk in tears from laughing so hard. Tim swallowed. A quick flash of another thought flashed in his head of Doc face down in an entirely different situation. “Shit.” He muttered. The Captain nodded and left as Rockford saw some text messages from someone he didn’t expect. “He better not be asking me to stream any more of his movies. I’ve seen all of them three times. I told you to fire those two con-artists….” Rockford has finally opened his messages and it didn’t have to do with any movies.
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Tim’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. He called his brother, seething and confused. When Dieter answered, he didn’t allow him to speak. “You tell me right now where Doc is. What the hell have you done…” The detective growled, making Dieter reconsider his plan. He knew Tim might be mad but had only heard that tone come out when he broke a guy’s arm for stalking Dieter early in his acting career before he blew up and thankfully before Tim graduated the police academy.
“Now see…what had happened was…I had a bad idea. Which I realize the full extent of now.” Bravo paused. “Your lady friend is fine. It seems she’s a sleepy drunk. I was going to poke fun at you but you’re clearly not in the mood-,”
“Dion. Stop. The. Bullshit.” Tim stated each word in the same simmering tone. He shut down his computer, put on his coat, and headed for the door to his office. “Address. Now.”
“Ahh…Okay let me just ask someone real quick. I was dropped off, you know.”
“Two minutes Dion.” 
“Yup. On it.” Dieter is fully aware that per his request Tim calls him Dieter even when it’s just the two of them. The last time Tim called Dieter ‘Dion,’ he may have had one dumpster full of compost dumped on Tim’s ex-wife’s lawn. It was a gift since she liked to garden and constantly prune his brother’s dreams. His card had said so. Tim did not appreciate the gesture at the time. He did later though.
Bravo sent Tim the address and he plugged it into his phone. He knew the neighborhood, on the richer side of the county. Why was she there? How did she meet his brother? Why is she drunk? Now he knows she’s a sleepy drunk, and that picture… He’d seen it. How could Tim not think about it, sure she was asleep but she looked radiant in the gold against her skin. It would be a lot better with one of his cameras he had at home instead a stupid phone camera. Not now Tim you need to drive. Dieter can barely care for himself, how is he going to look after Doc? He can’t fight at all, no matter how the stunt team tried to work with him. Let’s just hope she’s only drunk. What kind of party would she go to where he would be there too?
Your head is spinning a bit but you see the fluffy hair and the hippo suit. You’re sitting…that’s right! You fell asleep. With all these people, at a party. 
“I'm an idiot.” You groan sitting your head up, your body still feels heavy.
“Sleeping beauty is awake, your trench coat knight is coming. Could you tell him not to maim or murder me? Please? I gotta go to Milan to meet this screenwriter who might be able to get me in a Nic Cage movie he’s doing. It helps if I’m not dead.” Dieter gives you very pathetic looking eyes, but you’re not sure why.
“I don’t know who my knight is. What did you do?” You’re not entirely sure what Dieter is talking about. The room is still spinning a bit. You’ve sat up but you’ve hung your head to help with the dizziness.
“Why did I have to do something? You don’t even know me Doc.”
“Doc? You don’t call me that. It doesn’t sound right.” Your entire face contorts and Dieter holds his arms out whining.
“Tim calls you that. That’s your title, you’re a doctor. Or is it like a weird pet name between you two? I’m gonna ask him when he gets here. If he doesn’t harm me.” You pay no attention to his head tilt. Your body goes rigid, you’re hoping Dieter is just talking out of his ass.
“Wait…Tim is coming here? No, no, no,no,no!! What did you do? You insane weirdo hippo! Why haven’t you taken that off? You’re wearing something under that right? You’re not one of those….I mean. I’m not into it, but you do you Dieter.” Your surprise masks your panic for a few moments before it returns and to shoot to your feet. “Forget that, I’m not…I can’t see him like this. This isn’t…wait there hasn’t been a murder here has there?” A second wave of panic sets in, if Tim is coming here, there’s been a murder. You’re at a scene of a murder while drunk, wearing less clothes then you might wear to bed most nights and you’d have to explain not only to Rockford but the other detectives and officers why you’re here. Not a bad reason, but they don’t need to see you dressed like this. You’ve finally got everyone to call you ‘Doctor’ or ‘Miss Doc’ instead of ‘young lady.’ They’d never let you live this down.
Bravo rocks himself up off the couch and places his hands on your shoulders. You can’t take him seriously in that hippo suit.  “You spun pretty fast. I sent him a picture of you while you were dozing and he’s coming to pick you up. Your friend Kim knows you’re going with him. He’s not happy that I took a picture of you so could you just, make sure I live? I mean think of it as doing your brother-in-law a solid.” You’ve closed your eyes while he’s talking and are shaking your head. 
“This is…a nightmare…a damn nightmare…” You start laughing at the absurdity of it all. You almost wish Kim was here to sing her bone song and it would be a perfect nightmare. Dieter mentions that you should meet Tim out front, that way he won’t need to look for you and it may earn him a point or two. He also put the hippo head back on. If all else fails, he tells you to pretend to not know him as a hippo and he’ll just watch and then waddle away. You decide it doesn’t matter what Dieter decides to do, this is going to be so weird. 
On his way out, Tim went down to Doc’s office where he got a spare key from the maintenance guy Joe six months ago. He had told him at the time it was for when Doc was off and that had a sub-ME come in who he had to double check behind. Or course, that’s not at all what Tim does, but Joe bought it because like his younger brother, Tim might be able to pull off some acting when he needs to. Based on what she was wearing, she needed something to put over herself. It’s way too cool for her not to and despite the alcohol she drank, she’d feel it when she got a cold later. On the drive over, he tried to plan what he would say, sure he was pissed at Dieter and he’d yell at him later about that. Would Doc be weirded out that he’s coming to pick her up? Should he have called Kim? She's Doc's friend but he can’t stand her. Kim’s good at her job and keeps things organized, but she’s a damn…well he wouldn’t say block. Just, she always interrupts with that smug look like she knows how he feels about Doc and makes little comments. Doc’s oblivious but eventually with enough of Kim’s words, she’ll understand that he likes her as more than a work friend. He’s sure he can’t have that conversation with her, especially if she didn’t feel the same.
Dieter leads Doc through the house, getting lost in a few rooms before they finally reach the main entrance. In full hippo costume, Bravo waits near the double doors, just in case Tim comes at him, he can hide behind one. He knows the stairs will slow him down. Doc stands in front of the stairs and holds her breath as she sees the brown Crown Victoria she consumes large amounts of Chinese food in pulls to a stop next to her. She walks toward the passenger side door, but Tim puts down the window. “Hey Tim.” Your voice is hushed. 
“Wait. Don’t get in yet.” Something unexpected happens. It’s not that he gets out and opens the door for you or even that he has your lab coat, though you are curious how he has it since you lock your office before you leave every night. Tim says your name softly before helping you put your arms through the sleeves and he pulls on the collar so it’s a bit snug around your neck and by extension your chest. You’re left to look up at the man you’ve admired for the past few years, the same one you keep lying to yourself that it’s only admiration you feel for him. 
“Tim…I’m sorry you had to come. I-I’m not usually… Thanks for coming. And don’t kill Dieter, just rough him up a little.” You give him a weak smile, you’re ecstatic that he’s driving out to pick you up, but feel horrible that you’re hungover and in a flashy gold skimpy disco dress when you see your detective outside of work. You wanted to have seen him in a more elegant outfit or at least something that didn’t have all your thighs and breasts out. Why couldn’t you have heard him say you name over a nice dinner? Hell even some Chinese food in your office would have been better than this, you’ve got the beginnings of a hangover and it’s not how you wanted Tim to see you outside of work. You’re not sloppy, messy and a tad obsessive sure, but not sloppy.
“Don’t apologize Doc. You’re entitled to fun after-hours. Just keep it safer next time. I was worried.” Rockford tells you quietly. His hands are still on your collar and run down to pull the lab coat snug around your middle which you flinch from his knuckles grazing your stomach. He calls your name again in the same soft tone as he smiles, “I’ve got one too. Not as soft as yours, mine’s a hard spare tire. Um…” Tim realizes he may have said something odd. He shouldn’t be referencing your body in any way but he has now. He feels like he put his own foot in his mouth, it’s not what he meant to say. “I..the gold looks perfect on you.” Rockford is making an effort to focus on your face, but his eyes drift to your lips, a bright shade of pink and even though he’s pulled your collar tight, he can still see your cleavage. There was more of it than he assumed was under those scrubs of yours. “I didn’t mean to mention…You’re a beautiful woman. You look good in anything, let’s get you home.” 
If you could melt and fade away you would, where is this tender side of Tim Rockford coming from? Is it from pity? You could care less. It’s clear that he was looking at you, seeing past your usual scrubs, his eyes had scanned your form. Maybe this outfit wasn’t as bad as you thought and he’s seeing a fair bit of the goods as Kim would put it. Tim’s staring at them in fact after calling you beautiful. Does he… Is he attracted to me? I don’t think I ever thought this far ahead…dammit I’m thinking of that stupid bone song again. But I mean…
As Tim motions his hand for you to get in the car, the hippo who supposedly was worried about life and limb has a sudden outburst, “For the love of..?! What is this? You suck Tim!” A waddling hippo is coming toward the both of you continuing to berate his brother, “You’re going to do all that with her coat you damn tease? You didn’t even hug her or kiss her! No wonder Doc drank so much punch!” Dieter then turns to you, his large stuffed head bobbing about. “Is this how he is all the time?! I thought maybe you were being dramatic but I see you weren’t. This is swoon-worthy but you need to make it count big bro. Like she’s right here!” He points his gray mitts at you, your face feels like someone has put it under a lamp and it’s burning. 
“Dieter, Shut up! Now!” You scream and get in the car, slamming the door. “Tim, we should go. Take me home please.” You’re mortified looking straight ahead in the car, hoping that he won’t ask. Tim’s a detective, of course he’s going to ask. What will you tell him? He ruined the moment…can I get another take without the damn hippo?!
Rockford shakes his head and pushes Dieter’s hippos head enough so he stumbles back but doesn’t fall. “Go back to the party, dumbass. This isn’t one of your movies.”
Dieter regains his footing and yells at Tim as he gets in his car, “You’re right it’s not! In one of my movies, she’d be a lot more satisfied than she is right now!” Tim flips the bird toward Dieter out of his driver side window and over the hood of his car. 
As Tim drives off he sighs and turns on the radio. He has questions, but knows you're way too uncomfortable to answer any of them now. ‘I’m In Love’ by Evelyn “Champagne” King plays and Tim mumbles under his breath, “Of all the times…” Any other time I’d enjoy this song. It’s way too on the nose.
“Tim, I don't want to go home.” You’re watching the houses pass by as you speak. It could be the rum you drank, the fact that you spoke at length with a hippo who said he’s your ‘brother in law’ or that you’re now aware of how Tim sees you, at least in this outfit. “Can we stop and get something to eat? To soak up the alcohol, unless you’re not hungry?”
Rockford squeezes the steering wheel tighter, “Yeah we can. You feel up to talking while we eat at the usual place or you have somewhere else you want to Doc?” He’s keeping his eyes forward. If he looks over, his eyes will linger again and he needs to focus on driving. Supposedly. 
“Where we can get a burger and milkshake.” Is your request and Tim agrees, making a few turns toward the diner you’ve both talked about going to but haven’t been yet. It was supposed be for when another big homicide case came through but, well this could be considered a large case of a different nature. 
Back at the precinct, there are a few officers on the night watch milling about and taking calls. Things are calm, they’re looking forward to eight in the morning when their shift will end. One officer notices that the mascot for their precinct, ‘Sergeant Roderick Hipops’ named and gifted to the station by the Captain’s daughter when she was four, isn’t on the podium in the command room where the Captain will give updates and assign cases for the day. A couple of the officers decide to track the hippo down so they won’t be the ones that lost it. Their search leads them to the corridor outside of the morgue, where they find Sergeant Hipops, but he’s dipped in red paint. He’s wearing a navy police coat and a small hat in his permanent seated position. One officer points out that it’s too thick to be paint, it’s blood. Their search expands and crimson drops on the floor lead them to the morgue, where they discover a body.
Stevenson, Detective Tim Rockford’s partner, had a gunshot wound in the middle of his forehead on the slab where Doc normally performs her autopsies.
Part Two Part Four
Peeps who would let Tim take their photo 📸: @alltheglitterandtheroar @sin-djarin @morallyinept @yorksgirl @bitchwitch1981 @heareball @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @yorksgirl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @avastrasposts @clawdee @pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing @rhoorl @inept-the-magnificent @pamasaur @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace @anoverwhelmingdin
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Day Twenty Five - Bridge
Word Count: 805
Warnings: mention of a corpse (the floater - Doc is special ya’ll), expensive food, longing, angst, Rockford’s lips, two idiots
Notes: (From my Roc & Doc series). I thought a glimpse into the past would be fun for these two because this is how they’ve been and why the people around them are so annoyed. 😑 Like I get it. Also, I need some comfort too Tim! For time reference, it’s a year before part one of Roc & Doc.
Main Masterlist/ March Spring Prompts 2024 / Writing Prompts
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“Didn’t we have a floater here, one time detective?”
“Yeah, but that was last summer, and it was all, wait, could we not talk about that now? This is supposed to be a nice lunch. A normal lunch between two people.” Rockford’s brow furrows. He was regretting his suggestion to try for a non-fast-food outing with Doc. He should have just kept things as they were. Has he learned nothing over the years? “Call me Tim, at least Doc, geez.” The two colleagues sat outside of a restaurant that overlooked a bridge from one of their cases last year. It looked much more inviting than the last time they had been here with that homicide. Tim had this bright idea at his partner, Stevenson’s urging and Kim’s teasing, so he did. So much was wrong with this.
“Well, if..nevermind. Keep calling me Doc. You win on that one Tim. I’m glad they gave us a discount. Fifty dollars for a burger is lunacy! It is delicious though. You think they have some coupons for dessert?” Doc changed the subject. She wasn’t fond of her name. It didn’t sound cool and sexy like Tim Rockford, well. No both fit, just she maybe shouldn’t think of them right now while he’s got mayo on his bottom lip. Why is his mouth always dripping? Could…don’t do there Doc. Doc stood and reached across the table, accustomed to dabbing Tim’s lips, the same ones she thinks of in her office. Tim is a grown man and should be wiping his own mouth, but she does it every time. He’s not really that much of a messy eater, maybe only with Doc because he knows just under that napkin, her fingers will graze his lips and he can imagine them later.
“This place is way too bougie for coupons. And if I’m going to ask you to call me my name, I should be calling you yours.” Finishing their overpriced burgers, they went to a nearby ice cream shop that they were both surprised was open. It had warmed up over their lunch though and as they walked over to the bridge standing on it and looking over the water. Ducks were swimming by quacking as they splashed in the water. “Why don’t you like it?”
Sighing, Doc looked up at Tim who was still watching the water, she popped a spoon of chocolate ice cream as the reflected sunlight danced across Tim’s broad chest. “It sounds like an old woman’s name. It’s silly but there it is. It doesn’t sound striking or cute.”
Rockford licked the vanilla ice cream off his top lip and tossed his finished cup in the nearby trash. He stood at Doc’s side and placed an arm around her shoulder, tilting his head toward her cheek.
“Should we all be so lucky to live to old age. You know that as well as I do in this job. Chin up Esme, your name’s beautiful, represents you well.” Tim assures her as he’s always done. Like two years ago when she first came to be the medical examiner and the officers were weary that she could do a good job, Tim vouched for her. She wanted to do a good job to prove him right, later when she was more comfortable in her role, it was to feel like his equal in being proficient in her work. 
There were times like this though that gave her glimpses at something else. Only thoughts she entertained in her solitude. She’s sure he doesn’t think of her in that way and is just kinder than his gruff exterior lets on. Maybe.
Tim felt he may have taken it a bit too far, sure they’re not far apart in age, five years, but he noticed there were times she shrunk into herself, usually around him. Otherwise, she was outspoken, knew her facts like the back of her hand and if she knew how to handle a gun, he'd replace her with Stevenson, but then he wouldn’t have an ME who knew what they were doing. Rockford enjoyed seeing her face brighten and worried about her when he didn’t see her, despite knowing that she’s a force to be reckoned with. It doesn’t mean he shouldn’t support her. He just maybe didn’t need to hold her hand or embrace her every time. Slowly the line is blurring, and Tim prefers structure, lest he be like his little brother waffling to and fro. Tim decides he’ll stand beside her shoulder to shoulder not touching her until the next time. Esme wants to reach for Tim’s hand but feels the moment has passed.On this bridge, a warm spring afternoon invites them both closer but they’re resisting the pull. Two normal people. Two colleagues. Two friends. Something less and something more between them.
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Nerdie’s Fanfic Picks - Volume Seven!
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. YOU are in charge of your own reading experience!
1. Cuz I love you series (three parts) by @fhatbhabiee (DBF Joel Miller x reader)
2. Afterward - Chapter One by @secretelephanttattoo (Marcus Moreno x female reader)
3. Helpful not so Helpful Guide to Jake Johnson by @soft-persephone
4. A Gift of Life and Joy by @prolix-yuy (Javier Gutierrez x plus size female reader “Conejita)
5. Where the Wild Things Are by @fhatbhabiee (Jack Daniels x reader)
6. Teach You Patience by @frenchiereading (Frankie Morales x ofc)
7. In Bloom by @maggiemayhemnj (AU Ezra x GN reader)
8. Easy Access by @laurfilijames (Will Miller x female reader)
9. Drabble #4 by @drabblesandsnippets (Bucky Barnes x plus size reader)
10. Please Mr. Postman by @legendary-pink-dot (Sleezy mailman Joel Miller x female reader)
11. Afterword - Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 by @secretelephanttattoo (Marcus Moreno x f! Reader)
12. Sleep Tight Love by @superhoeva (Captain John Price x female reader)
13. Obligation by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Joel Miller x f reader) both are older
14. Barking up the Wrong Tree - Chapter One and Chapter Two by @connectioneverywhere (Frankie Morales x f! Reader)
15. Obscenery by @sin-djarin (Tim Rockford x Dave York)
16. Fifteen hundred and one by @undercoverpena (Frankie Morales x f! Reader)
17. Friendly Face by @sunshineandspencer (Aaron Hotchner x fem receptionist)
18. Pretty Please by @baronessvonglitter (QZ Joel Miller x bookworm f! Reader)
19. It’s lonely at the end of the world (until it’s not) by @guessimwritingficsagain (Joel Miller x f! Reader) Mention of SA and mental trauma
20. Chapter 1 Howdy, Neighbor! by @inept-the-magnificent (Frankie Morales x Shelby plus size OFC)
21. A kind of look by @sunshineandspencer (Spencer Reid x fem BAU reader)
22. Worth A Thousand Words by @intoanotherworld23 (Joel Miller x f! Reader)
23. Raining in Baltimore by @schnarfer (Marcus Pike x f! Reader)
24. Fifteen Minutes by @whocaresstillthelouvre (Din Djarin x f! Cam reader AU)
25. Bunny - One Shot by @whatsnewalycat (Javier Peña x f! Reader)
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Nerdie’s Fanfic Picks
Main Masterlist
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
The Brave, the Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 5
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. Read at your own risk.
Room 1918 by @megamindsecretlair (Nomad Steve Rogers x Black female plus size reader)
Sweet Treat - Part Two by @mrsmando (Frankie 'Catfish' Morales x plus size female reader) Follow up to 'Sweet Treat - part one.'
La Petit Mort @boliv-jenta (Joel Miller x reader and Dave York x reader) Dark Fic
Misfire @qveerthe0ry (Dieter Bravo x GN reader)
Fluffer by @proxima-writes (Dieter Bravo x PA female writer)
Hey Good Lookin’ - part one and Hey Good Lookin’ - part two by @gwendibleywrites (Chubby shy Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
Lemonade Sparkles by @frenchiereading (Frankie Morales x female reader)
Watta Man - A Marcus Pike Story by @atinylittlepain (Marcus Pike x female reader)
O’ Christmas Tree by @covetyou (Dieter Bravo x GN reader)
Lingerie by @604to647 (Din Djarin - modern AU x female reader)
Once in a Blue Moon by @whatsnewalycat (Dieter Bravo x female reader)
Hold Harder by @sin-djarin (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Christmas Indulgence by @movievillainess721 (Jack Daniels x plus size female reader)
Cowboy Hat Joel x Reader (an ask) by @theywhowriteandknowthings (Joel Miller x female reader)
Oh, The Wildflowers by @adora-but-ginger (Joel Miller x GN reader)
A Nanny for Christmas by @absurdthirst (Dave York x plus size female reader)
Baker Wonderland by @integra1127grimmreaper (Javier Guterrez x plus size female reader)
Consummating the Riduurok @beskarandblasters (Din Djarin x female reader)
Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin (Dieter Bravo x female reader)
White Christmas by @absurdthirst (Joel Miller x female reader)
Symphony by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x Jersey - OFC)
What the Heart Wants by @artemiseamoon (Pero Tovar x female reader)
Javier Peña & His Sweetheart (Chubby Peña) by @beefrobeefcal (Chubby Javier Peña x female reader)
Please check out everyone's listed fics and master lists! Don't forget to reblog and comment, writers love interactions. 🥰
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Weekend Update 03/10/2024
Made it another week Nerdie.
That I did. I believe today is Sunday. Too much time in this chair. I think I slept in it before. Too many times.
Nerdie, don't you have a bed?
I do, I don't always make it there. I've usually zoned out and nodded off, the wake up when my neck hurts. 👀 I'm not always writing either, just thinking sometimes.
Couldn't you think in bed Nerdie?
I could, but I don't. That sounds like a good idea. My ideas aren't always great. But I did have a few this week.
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My March Spring Prompts continue. I was able to do ten of them without repeating a character! 🤗 This upcoming week we'll see some Pedro peeps come back. Key words: gas station sushi, angst, oil and bath. Remember this is Nerdie 😎, it could be any and everything, but my prompts are mature and not explicit. I do write about some heavy subjects, fluff, a few giggles, and have some innuendos, but my main masterlist is 78% smut so just go there.
The WIP I’d been mentioning for the last few weeks or months (could be either) is finished and posted : Diddle your Dieter to Disco. My first Dieter smut actually which is hilarious at least to me. 🤣 The rest of his Masterlist is fairly fluffy. I would check the warnings on it, I put a lot in it. 👀
Part Two of my series The Lake Between Us is up. Make sure to read the warnings. Ezra introduction has a lot going on. It's an AU so he has both arms but that doesn't mean I didn't torture him other ways. 👀 I do love that ya'll love the taglist name "Taste-testers of Ezra's gumbo." 😆
I finally wrote the follow up to He told me his name called She made me feel. I think I enjoy mentally torturing Pedro characters at this point. Poor Din is so anxious and touch-starved. As always with Din = HANDS. A Nerdie staple. This is The Way.
Now for everyone's favorite (and mine): Fic recommendations!!! (Yes I did type and do a little yell, fanfics are serious. Pfft.) 😄
Confetti by @secretelephanttattoo (Marcus Pike x f reader) The Quiet Moments Collection
Adrift with you by @morallyinept (Frankie Morales x Jude OFC) The Prologue “I’m behind”’😭
A Real Man by @pedroshotwifey (Frankie Morales x female plus size reader) my request - stay self indulgent everyone! 🥰
Tick by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Frankie Morales x wife reader) The Mistress of Angst!
A Bronx Tale: Part Deux - A Chicago Tale by @justabovewater20 (SydCarmy)
Love’s a weed:  just ripe by @tinytinymenace (Frankie Morales x ofc - Ruby) Fruits are essential.
Second Chances part 2 by @pedroscurls (Marcus Pike x fem reader) Such a cute series 💕
Cigarettes After Sex by @immarocketman (Awesome artist I follow. 💜)
Promise by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Ezra - dragon x fem reader) The only Pedro character that can pull off being a dragon. 🐉
Please Mister Please by @grogusmum (Joel Miller x fem reader) The fluff 🥹💕
Unconventional Location by @winniethewife (Abel Morales x fem reader)
Personal Shopper by @huntingingoodwill (Dieter Bravo x reader)
Enjoy the Silence by @strang3lov3 (Joel Miller x fem reader)
Spicy Ask #68 by @kewwrites (Din Djarin x reader) Say it with me: HANDS 🙌🏼!!!!
Reminder by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Tim Rockford x fem reader) Sometimes good things happen in Tim’s office.
Forever Starts With You Masterlist (Frankie Morales x chubby fem reader) @criticallyacclaimedstranger I loved all three parts I read 🥰🥰 (A Good Start, A Strong Finish and A New Beginning). It looks like there more to their story so much more reading for me. ❤️
some good friend by @covetyou (Tim Rockford x fem reader) TIM DESERVED THIS ❤️ That is all.
Sanctuary by @thefrogdalorian (Din Djarin x GN reader) Din fluff forever. 🤗
We got your back chapter 1 by @softpascalito (Javier Peña x fem reader)
The Sweetest Melody by @noisynaia (Din Djarin x afab reader)
Rise by @sp00kymulderr (Joel Miller x afab reader) ALL THE FEELS 😭
Falling for you by @fhatbhabie (Joel Miller x plus size reader) Part One - The drama!
Just look at You by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Poe Dameron x fem reader) The Poe Dameron smut we deserve. 🍆
Chapter 3 - Here’s a health to the company… and one to my Boss… by @inept-the-magnificent (Tim Rockford x ofc Jane Nebbie) I just think about this series and I start giggling. Sunshine Nebbie and grump Tim - he is a super grump. But he is also me. 🤣
To the Flame chapter 6.5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) So sweet out of context.
To the Flame chapter 9 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) The slow decent begins...we're just at the start of the ride. 😈
Between the Sheets by @saturn-rings-writes (William Tell x fem reader) Reminded me of an Isley Brothers song. I feel like we're headed toward that song. Please with this direction.
Hiccup by @morallyinept (Javier Gutierrez x fem reader) A whimpering Javi G. What an evening. 😘
A New Home by @charethcutestory02 (Frankie Morales x Benny Miller) Budding feelings. 🤗
Special shout out to Ms. Payday - Le Poet and lover of da words: @maggiemayhemnj They seek her out, have brunches and nightcaps. It's what all writers long for. She checked in on me along with @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @lady-bess
I've been not as active - mainly due to work, school, and the insomnia. But still writing. 😄 priorities. lol
New appreciation for Javier Pena. well not new, re-newed. Maybe am working on a few things. None are good, none are final. Still need polishing. Also need to give Javi G's outline another look. I might...👀 have a chapter for him this week. I hope. @goodwithcheese was pleased with this. @undercoverpena was Luke-warm. I think she thought I was taking something, but if Javi P has shown us anything, sharing is caring. 😘
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Stay well, sleep in your bed (unless you're planning not to) and be hydrated,
Love Nerdie 💕
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Nerdie’s Fic Picks - Volume Six!
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. YOU are in charge of your own reading experience!
Main fic recommendation list
1. two pack habit & a motel tan by @trulybetty (Frankie morales x f reader)
2. Door Number Three by @morallyinept (Javi G and reader)
3. El Punto de Olvidarte (Part three of Mejor Sin Ti) by @fhatbhabie (Javi P and female reader featuring asshole Joel Miller)
4. Cave In by @javierssunglasses (Jack Daniels x f reader)
5. Bloody Kisses - Part One - Less than zero by @perotovar (Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Tim Rockford)
6. going to make you sweat by @undercoverpena (Javier Peña x f reader)
7. To the Flame chapter 10 by @pedroshotwifey (dark Javier Peña x f reader)
8. Tension by @notjustjavierpena (Javier Peña x f reader)
9. Taurus by @magpiepills (Joel Miller x f reader)
10. 18 x heart candies by @trulybetty (Dieter Bravo x Bryony - ofc)
11. Cruel Summer by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo x plus size reader)
12. Respected by @kteague (Javier Peña x reader - Diosa) SA warning
13. Dámalo by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Javier Peña x f reader)
14. Salty Sweet by @pedroshotwifey (Javier Peña x plus size female reader)
15. Scandal by @wannab-urs (Dieter Beavo x f reader)
16. My Girl by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Din Djarin x f reader)
17. Masterpiece by @morallyinept (Dieter Bravo x f reader)
18. Fairy Gold by @julesonrecord (Ezra - Cali Gold Rush AU x f reader)
19. For the Record by @wannab-urs (Dieter Bravo x f reader)
20. Imagine (Drabble) by @bonezone44 (Ezra x Frankie Morales
21. Sanctuary by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo x plus size f reader - wife)
22. Like Real People Do by @fhatbhabie (Frankie Morales x reader)
23. Love’s a weed: new dress drabble by @tinytinymenace (Frankie Morales x Ruby - OFC)
24. Mine by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Din Djarin x f reader)
25. Breakfast is Served by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x reader)
26. IRL part three @han_shot_first by @grogusmum (Javier Gutierrez x plus size f reader)
27. bloody kisses — part two: i don't wanna be me by @perotovar (Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Tim Rockford)
28. Longing by @creedslove (Javier Peña x f reader)
29. Cherry Wine by @julesonrecord DDNE (Jack Daniels x wife reader)
30. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 1 First Contact by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
31. Should’ve Stayed Bored by @pedroshotwifey (Chump Joel Miller x f reader
32. To The Flame chapter 11 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x f reader)
33. Que Creías? by @fhatbhabie (Marcus Pike x plus size female reader)
34. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 2 Juniper Cottage by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
35. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 3 Making Breakfast by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthing f reader)
36. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 4 Freaking Out, On The Outside by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
37. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 5 Di’kut by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
38. The Wolf & The Lamb by @morallyinept (Dave York x plus size female reader)
39. A Work of Art by @boliv-jenta (Lucien Flores x f reader)
40. Roommates 1 You’re Joking right? By @punkshort (pornstar Joel x f reader)
Happy reading everyone! Remember to like and reblog all these amazing writers' fics. 🥰
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nerdieforpedro · 10 months
The Brave, The Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 2
Fanfics that I am currently reading or re-read because they’re that good!! 😊
This list is for those aged 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they are there for a reason.
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Crawling Back to You Author: @prolix-yuy
(Dieter Bravo x female reader) There’s a secret that Hollywood has been keeping from us that explains so much. Found out I find horns sexy.
This Charming Man
Author: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
(Frankie Morales x OFC Camilla) No one said Frankie had to be good all the time. To be fair, he's had some major life events. He's unhinged but also sweet. He's got layers. Some of the layers are concerning. Make sure to check the warnings before reading. Dark fluff!
Dr. WeVibe; or How Dieter Bravo Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Remote Vibrator
Author: @imalrightllama (Dieter Bravo x female reader {established relationship}, Dieter Bravo x female reader x male soft Dom, Dieter Bravo x male soft Dom) This is smut. It has evolved into ultra smut and eventually reaches super ultra smut. There's also toy use. You have to read it to understand.
Opia Author: @artemiseamoon
(Ezra x black female reader) A woman's journey for a payday leads her to meet Ezra under less than ideal circumstances. The bond they form is life-long.
Kinktober 2023 Author: @palioom
Thirty one days of October - thirty one different fics each with their own theme to sink your eyeballs into. Make sure to double check warnings.
going slow Author: @ezrasbirdie
(Javier Peña x female reader) An issue that no one really speaks about but can make sexual intimacy extremely difficult. Thankfully, Javier Peña is a sweetheart and willing to take it at the reader's pace.
anytime Author: @undercoverpena
(Javier Peña x female reader) Reader and Javier have been friends for years. Seen each other through the best and worst of times. Javier's mind is rattled and there always seems to be one thing or person rather that settles him.
I like the way you Author: @undercoverpena
(Frankie Morales x female reader) Reader is friends with Frankie. An offhand remark leads a becoming friends with benefits. What could go wrong? Feelings? No one agreed to that.
When the west was wild Author: @boliv-jenta
(Silva x OFC) Nine part story about a woman living alone in the west. An injured strange changes her life, for better, for worse? Read and find out.
Be all and Endor Jyr’ika Author: @djarins-cyare
(Din Darin x OFC) An epic love story told over 40 chapters. Use the bathroom, get a blanket and get comfy, there's reading to be done.
Darkness Author: @ezrasbirdie
(Ezra x female reader) We all know Ezra has explored many ways, things and positions. One that he has not explored is our reader. He's a bit scuzzy, but a gentleman - mostly. You gotta invite him in, give him the ok.
Moonlit Serenades Author: @geminimoonbeamx
(Poe Dameron x plus size female reader) Poe needs some comfort after a tough mission that only the reader can provide.
Headshots Author: @secretelephanttattoo
(Marcus Pike x OFC Ella) Turns out reader's new job as a photographer for the FBI changes her path in life forever. The job was temporary but the relationship was for life.
The Gift Author: @mandoisapunk
(Javier Peña x female reader) Sweet Javier Peña fluff. Reader's gift to Javi is life changing. I'm not crying, you are!
An American in Paris Author: @absurdthirst
(Ezra x female reader) If you ever wondered what Ezra would be doing in the late 1940's after WWII. Our man went to Paris where he meets the reader. This pic had me at Ezra in Paris and then held on to me tight and tossed my feelings around like a rag doll.
To hold you tonight Author: @iamasaddie
(Marcus Pike x female reader) Dark! Marcus has a very dark spin in this one shot. He also has a love a statues that extends to the reader. Please read the warnings before reading.
Full of colors. Author: @trulybetty
(Tim Rockford x female reader) Tim’s working a difficult case, you’ve got work piled on the table. Quality time is needed. A walk-in shower is a treat.
Dry Run Author: @chronically-ghosted
(Javier Peña x female reader) Anyone who may have questioned if dancing with THE Javier Peña in a club was sexy or not - your answer is here.
Tired Author: @javierpena-inatacvest
(Javier Peña x female reader) It’s date night for you and your husband Javier Peña. Everything that could have gone wrong, has. You are stressed out. Date night was not what you’d planned at all.
Diosa Hermosa Author: @fhatbhabie
(Javier Peña x plus size female reader) Javier finds the reader to be the sexiest vision he could see in the museum.
Preciously Plump Author: @melodygatesauthor
(Santiago Garcia x plus size female reader) Our reader is a bit self-conscious, Santiago has her get over that quickly.
Dirty Secrets Author: @absurdthirst
(Dave York x female reader) Your husband Dave is suspicious about your change in behavior. He endeavors to find out the reason why.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Roc & Doc Series
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Tim Rockford x Doc/Medical Examiner (plus size OFC) Doc is her nickname, I picked out a name for her - oops. 🤭
Summary: Does Doc respect Detective Tim Rockford? Yes. Does she like working with him? Sure. Does she find herself thinking about him a lot? Yeah, but that's only because he actually follows up in person and looks distinguished in his glasses. Maybe he should wear his shirts a size bigger - or not. Doc's gonna be in her office thinking about it for a bit.
Part One - Don't know what you mean
Part Two - Get a room you two and BONE
Part Three - Do you know that hippo?
Interlude - Spring Prompt Bridge (Day Twenty-Five)
Part Four
Part Five
Has their own page in Rockford’s little black book 📖: @alltheglitterandtheroar @sin-djarin @morallyinept @yorksgirl @bitchwitch1981 @heareball @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @yorksgirl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @avastrasposts @clawdee @pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing @rhoorl @inept-the-magnificent @pamasaur @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace @anoverwhelmingdin
Main Masterlist
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Wednesday WIP
I was tagged by @wannab-urs @for-a-longlongtime and @pedroshotwifey so let's see if I can figure this game out... 🥸
Step one: Post Snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
I picked my top five (yes five, I switch around a lot and have random ideas. This is Nerdie. 👀). Some of them I have mentioned before, I came back to them because my smut fairy 🧚‍♀️ came back thanks to @magpiepills and her Javier Pena being a whore (affectionately and very interested what happened with the pantyhose)
1. Two Hearts on the Ocean - Javi G x (Abigail) OFC
Abigail and Javier sipped their tea while chatting about the last movie and how both of them had fallen asleep. Expressing his displeasure at falling asleep during a Nicolas Cage movie, Abby confessed that she had fallen asleep during ‘Ghost Rider’ before and this was the first time she’d been awake through the whole movie so he shouldn’t feel bad. Javier told her that it was because he was here with her to keep her awake. She agreed that he was likely right.  They planned to re-watch ‘The Sorcerer's Apprentice’ another day and Javi walked her to her room after stopping off in the kitchen on the way to drop off the mugs. It felt like earlier in the day when he’d walked her to her hotel room though he wouldn’t be so far away this time. She gave him a peck on the cheek and said goodnight as Javier did the same.
2. Roc & Doc - Tim Rockford x (Doc) OFC
“I think you should send Tim a picture of yourself in your outfit. Show him what he’s missing out on by sitting at home in his boxers or sleeping in his office gazing lovingly at his murder board.” This elicited you to choke on your punch and put a hand to your chest.
“I-I- who is that fun for exactly?! What is wrong with everyone this week?!” Knocking back the rest of your drink and pouring yourself more, you’re holding onto the table to keep yourself upright. “First the damn notebook, a bone song, now I find out and meet…”
3. Diddle your Dieter to Disco - Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader
“There’s my Kit Kat. I was trying to entertain myself while waiting for you. I wanted to surprise you.” His face laid against your stomach, giving it a soft kiss as his hands roamed. You took the glitter and poured two quarter sized glops on his back to which he hissed at the sudden cold from your hands spread along his shoulder blades and down his spine, spreading the silver glitter slinging it onto his skin. Now in the different lights, the sparkles danced across his skin, Dieter moaned from your touch, digging his hands into your thighs as you continued to massage his back. “Fuck…yes baby. What are you putting back there?” He asked as one hand snaked under your skirt and squeezed one of your ass cheeks, he enjoyed his hand sinking into your plush skin. 
(Smut below the break - FYI)
4. Foul Play - Javier Pena x Aria Davis (plus size OFC)
Aria headed straight home after meeting Javier. It needed to be while his memory was fresh in her mind: His voice telling her he wants her, to grab her, hold her, bend her, mold her, mark her, whispering to her as he’s deep inside of her. His grin as he told her to undress. Maybe as she stood before him as he laid back on the bed, waiting for her to come to him. His moan from his first bites of his food. Could he make that same sound with her? His hands messy with the grease from the empanada. He had wiped them off but she could picture him licking them. His pink shirt and jeans clinging to his slim body from the humidity.
5. Florida Heat - Dave York x Santiago Garcia
Dave is aware that his moan is too loud. He should not be feeling it this much, he hated it and was trying to plan how to turn the tables of Santiago. To see him break apart before him as he was doing right now, in his hand were both of their throbbing shafts. He was certain if he could hold out a bit longer, Garcia would climax first. He could then use his recovery to overstimulate him. Pull his curls, toward him as he fingers Santi’s ass with lube, stretching him so he can prod his entrance with his cock and slowly…Dave felt it on his face first, a small splatter before the ropes landed on his chest and stomach. He was panting from the picture in his head of Santiago Garcia whining for him to fuck his round and full ass. One of them had climaxed. One of them relaxed. One of them was laughing.
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on
Step three: Every vote is one minute you put on a timer to work on that fic (ex. 15 votes =. 15 minutes of writing)
Also if you want to ask questions about any of my fics, myself comments and asks are wide open, like the thots. 😘
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @lady-bess @legendary-pink-dot @morallyinept @undercoverpena @goodwithcheese @trulybetty @rhoorl @musings-of-a-rose @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @saturn-rings-writes @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @perotovar @agentjackdaniels @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @alltheglitterandtheroar @tinytinymenace @survivingandenduring @immarocketman @draculasfavoritewife @joelslegalwhre @anoverwhelmingdin @frenchiereading @javierpena-inatacvest @inept-the-magnificent @secretelephanttattoo @iamskyereads @connectioneverywhere @yourcoolauntie @alltheotps @pamasaur @fhatbhabie @heareball @laurfilijames @chronically-ghosted
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Weekend Update 02/11/2024
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Nerdie! It's the middle of the month, how are you?
Good. Nothing to complain about. Mainly relaxed and then worked Thursday and Friday. My orientee made me laugh.
Oh? How so?
She said that now that she's had some different preceptors she enjoys my balances of being a bit hands off since I know she's experienced, but still checking in during the shift to see how things are going. (Puffs out chest and also wonders if that's a good or bad thing.)
I mean, if she said it's fine, it should be fine right? Now did you do anything writing this week?
I did a bit. Not as much as I normally do. I'm gearing up for projects I have either agreed to or planned for myself.
My two fics are quite different. One was silly and sweet and the other was filth. Nerdie in a nutshell really:
Is it for the wallet of the shoebox? (Tim Rockford x plus size female reader) Tim being silly in a bookstore leads to a serious conversation and a partial photoshoot at home. Comedy and domestic fluff with slight spice.
One Pass for the both of Us (Lucian Flores x female reader x Benny Miller) You and your boyfriend Lucian have the same hall pass. All smut with sweatpants and gold chains.
Working on two things I promised people. One requested fluff and the other action and smut.
I decided to start a new series (because clearly I don't have enough - Dieter, Frankie and Tim give Nerdie a death glare) 👀 because this Pedro character was in my WIPs way before the three of you! Might even help me brainstorm…
Two Hearts by the Ocean will feature Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC). The vibe is sweet summer romance. Mainly fluff every Wednesday, not sure how many parts, at least five. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for it. I have a few people in mind but if you'd like to be added, let me know. 😆
Roc & Doc and Weddings 101 with Dieter are still ongoing, no worries. Tim and Dieter have calmed. Frankie is a bit pissed still but you have the longest masterlist Fish! You don’t care…well. Okay. 🫡
I might be trying to figure out how to write Ezra. I love reading fics with the man, but his speech patterns have so many nuances to it. I've been studying @morallyinept aka Jett's Pedro Pascal Character Database that she's been compiling and her entry on Ezra from Prospect has been invaluable. It's an excellent reference for Pedro character fic writers or if you just wanna know more. She also has one specifically on Ezra’s speech patterns that I swear I’ve read at least four times.
It's me, I'm the problem. 😭 I’m either overthinking or not focusing on the right parts. Ugh…
Fics I read this week: ( I took time off work and had plenty of time to read - still didn't get to everything. 🥸)
Movie Night by @munsonownsmyass (Zach Ellison x reader)
No game at all (but I can do this) by @for-a-longlongtime (Marcus Pike x Tim Rockford - Frankie Morales floating in thots)
Wouldn't It Be Nice - Chapter one by @lady-pug (Agent Whiskey x female reader)
02 x birds - Frankie Morales x reader by @trulybetty
Mon Amour by @saturn-rings-writes (Jake Lockley x black female reader)
The Stars by @youvebeenlivingfictional (Poe Dameron x reader)
Mutual by @morallyinept (Ezra x female reader)
Dinner Party by @lavendertales (Steven Grant x fem reader)
The Mercenary and the Whore by @absurdthirst and @storiesofthefandomlovers
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3) by @soft-girl-musings (Steven Grant x GN reader)
03 x snowfall - Marcus Pike x reader by @trulybetty
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch (Din Djarin x fem. black reader)
Half of you - part 1 and part 2 by @foxilayde (Santiago Garcia x female reader)
God Speed by @magpiepills (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Not for nothing @magpiepills (Ezra x female reader)
Perfect Fit by @lowlights (Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
To the Flame - chapter 5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x female reader)
Come back to me by @reallyrallyauthor (Poe Dameron x female reader)
If you’re not looking at @immarocketman ‘s art, then I feel sad for you. It’s beautiful 🤗 They put out a sketch of Din/Cobb this week that’s apparently going to have a fanfic written about it by @theywhowriteandknowthings
There was also an excellent head cannon about Sarah’s younger years by @clickergossip that resonated with me on Black girlhood. ☺️
That's about it until next week! 🥰
Stay hydrated and safe!
Love Nerdie 💜
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