#Tin Pan Alias
eopederson · 6 months
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Elton John and Bernie Taupin, Gershwin Prize Concert, Constitution Hall, Washington, DC, 20 March 2024. Upper photo: Elton John with Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden. Lower photo John with Bernie Taupin leaning on the piano.
Yesterday was an eclectic one for music. In order to make reviewing a pile of income tax documents tolerable, I queued a playlist of recordings that had been lost in the depths of the CD cupboard and only recently copied to the iMac. The list began with some 12th and 13th century Spanish music by the group Alia Música.  That was followed by a recording of Beethoven’s Christus am ölberge, a Haydn symphony, some show tunes by the Tin Pan Alley tummler Leonard Bernstein, and the first of two CDS of Bach’s Johannes-Passion (listening to the second disc as I write this). After an early dinner it was off to Constitution Hall for the Gershwin Prize tribute concert for Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Staged by the Library of Congress annually to honor winners of the Gershwin Prize, the 2024 concert included performances by, among others, Metallica, Annie Lennox, Brandi Carlisle, Garth Brooks, and, amazing as it sounds, Joni Mitchell. The musical day concluded with a performance by the overweight and crippled Elton John who despite health challenges is still a master of the rock piano.
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chiseler · 6 years
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They're no longer the household names they once were. In fact their names were not really their names. But between them Harry and Albert Von Tilzer were two of the more successful and prolific songwriters and publishers on Tin Pan Alley, and many of their songs are familiar today as icons of the so-called Gay Nineties and early 1900s. One of them still gets played every day there's a baseball game.
Harry and his brothers were not born Von Tilzers. Harry was born Aaron Gumbinsky or Gummblinsky to Polish Jewish immigrants in Detroit in 1872. He grew up in Indianapolis, where the brothers were all born. The family shortened the name to Gumm, leading to the often-repeated misinformation that Frances Gumm, better known as Judy Garland, was Harry's niece. In fact, her father Frank Gumm was not one of the Gumbinsky/Gumm/Von Tilzer brothers, but a cracker from Tennessee (and predominantly homosexual, interesting when you consider Garland's complex personal and professional relationships with gay men later, not to mention Liza's).
At fourteen Harry Gumm ran away to join the Cole Brothers Circus. He played piano and wrote songs for a traveling theater troupe and changed his name on the road, taking his mother's maiden name and adding the Von for a touch of class. His brothers, all of whom went into the music business after him, followed suit. Making for more confusion, in 1929 a Helen Von Tilzer would marry one of the Marx Brothers -- Gummo, of course. Because of that preposterous-seeming coincidence she's often written up as Harry's sister, but in fact she was born Helen Theaman in New York. Von Tilzer was her first husband's name, and he seems to have been a real Von Tilzer, also not related to Harry and the fake Von Tilzer clan.
Harry worked in burlesque, with medicine shows and in vaudeville, specializing, naturally, in "Dutch" (German) routines. In 1892 he arrived in New York City by train as a groom for a carload of horses. He had one dollar and sixty-five cents in his pocket. For the next six years he struggled, playing saloon piano and writing songs that Tony Pastor and others bought from him at two bucks each.
According to David A. Jansen's Tin Pan Alley: An Encyclopedia of the Golden Age of American Song, Harry wrote his first hit under some duress. He and lyricist Andrew B. Sterling were sharing a furnished room on East Fifteenth Street in 1898 and were "three weeks behind on their rent. When a final bill was slipped under their door, they used the paper to write a chorus and then a verse of what turned out to be their first successful publication, 'My Old New Hampshire Home.'" It was classic barbershop quartet treacle. William Dunn of the Orphean Music publishing company paid them fifteen dollars for it -- a week's rent on the room -- and proceeded to sell more than a million copies in sheet music.
Then Dunn was bought out by Louis Bernstein and Maurice Shapiro, founders of one of Tin Pan Alley's longest-lived hit factories -- it still exists as Shapiro Bernstein & Co., with a catalogue that includes "Ring of Fire," "Yes! We Have No Bananas," "Walk on the Wild Side" (the original, not Lou Reed's song) and the immortal "Wolverton Mountain." They paid Von Tilzer four thousand dollars, a considerable sum in those days, to join them as a partner in the firm. A few years later he would leave them and start his own publishing company.
In 1900 he was relaxing in a whorehouse (or just at a party, depending on the source), noodling on the piano to some lyrics handed him by the British lyricist Arthur Lamb. When Harry saw the girls around him crying, he figured he'd noodled up a smash hit. It was. "A Bird in a Gilded Cage" sold more than two million copies of sheet music, and was one of the most popular weepers of the age, a song we still associate more than maybe any other with late Victorian mawkishness. This time Harry earned far more than fifteen bucks.
He and Lamb collaborated on two more tearjerkers in 1902, "The Banquet in Misery Hall" and the equally lugubrious "The Mansion of Aching Hearts," which a few singers made into hit recordings. That same year a scrawny Jewish kid from the Lower East Side went busking in the saloons on the Bowery, belting out "Mansion" in a raspy tenor to the pie-eyed sailors and hookers who tossed pennies at him. That kid, Izzy Baline, went up to Tin Pan Alley on Twenty-Eighth Street to meet Von Tilzer, who hired him as a song plugger and "boomer." A boomer was a plant in the audience at the music hall or vaudeville house whose job was to cheer and shout "Encore!" when the publisher's new song was performed. Von Tilzer, who was an expert plugger and boomer himself, showed Izzy the ropes. Izzy, who would invent his own German-sounding professional name, Irving Berlin, went on to eclipse his mentor's fame.
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But Von Tilzer was no slouch. "Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie," "I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl Who Married Dear Old Dad)," "In the Sweet Bye and Bye" and "I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!" were all major hits, and he wrote thousands more. That was not unusual. In the crowded Tin Pan Alley milieu, where publishing companies were stacked four and five stories high door-to-door, the competition was brutal, the pace ferocious and the ruling business model crudely simple: Throw as many songs at the public as you can possibly churn out, and hope one sticks once in a while. The lists of songs published on Tin Pan Alley in its glory years, roughly the 1880s through the 1920s, are stupefyingly long -- tens of thousands of songs, hurled at the public in live performances, as sheet music and piano rolls, on recorded wax cylinders, in early versions of coin-operated jukeboxes, on phonograph discs after the introduction of the affordable Victrola in 1906, and eventually on radio. Almost all of those tens of thousands of songs are forgotten now. In fact the vast majority barely made an impression when they were new. You just kept cranking them out, praying for a hit now and again.
Von Tilzer was out there pitching with the best of them. Like all serious Tin Pan Alley composers he jumped on every band wagon that rolled down Twenty-Eighth Street. He wrote Irish and "Dutch" numbers when they were fads, beer-drinking songs when they came into fashion (including one called "Under the Anheuser Busch"), schmaltzy kiddie songs, and songs capitalizing on every new dance craze, from the bunny hug to the turkey trot to the hesitation waltz. He threw three of them together in one song, "You Can Tango You Can Trot Dear but Be Sure and Hesitate." He wrote novelty songs like "The Ragtime Goblin Man" and topical ones like "Old King Tut," a hit for Sophie Tucker the year after Tut's tomb was discovered in 1922.
He also wrote several hit coon songs. Coon songs spun off from minstrel shows in the 1880s. In the 1890s and 1900s hundreds and hundreds of songs with "coon" in the title were published, usually sung to ragtime tunes. They often replaced the Old Plantation nostalgia of the traditional minstrel song with ruder, more overtly racist stereotypes. They were hugely popular, and Von Tilzer wrote his share, songs like "Alexander" (familiar to audiences then as a hifalutin' name for a blackface minstrel character), "Mammy's Kinky-Headed Coon," "My Lady Hottentot" and "Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown." Performers of old-timey music still record that one, though it may be best known for the 1970 funk version by the great Rufus ("Do the Funky Chicken") Thomas. In 1911, Berlin would upstage Von Tilzer's "Alexander" with his own ragtime-y coon song, "Alexander's Ragtime Band." Any similarity to his mentor's hit was purely intentional.
By the middle of the 1920s Von Tilzer had composed something like two thousand published songs, including a dozen million-sellers and as many as a hundred that sold half a million. His output slowed down in the later 1920s and 1930s, but he still credibly claimed to have written some eight thousand tunes. Like many Tin Pan Alley greats, including Berlin, he did it without ever learning to read or write a note of music.
Time and tastes moved on. Harry quietly lived out his last years in the Hotel Woodward, a Broadway establishment favored by show folk, and died there in 1946.
Meanwhile, Harry had brought Albert and the other brothers to New York. Jules worked for Harry. Will started a song publishing company, and Albert and Jack partnered in another. Albert was also a songwriter. He and vaudevillian Jack Norworth collaborated on the giant "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" in 1908; according to an unconfirmed but persistent legend, Albert never actually saw a ball game until the late 1920s. Some of Albert's other hits include "Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey," "I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time," the minstrel song "Down Where the Swanee River Flows" (a hit for Al Jolson in blackface), the Prohibition lament "The Alcoholic Blues" ("No more beer my heart to cheer/ Goodbye whiskey, you used to make me frisky/ So long highball, so long gin/ Oh, tell me when you comin' back agin"), the Hawaiian-themed ragtime hit "Oh, How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo," and another novelty hit, the zany bum-diddy-bum jungle number "Oh By Jingo!" with lyrics by Lew Brown. ("We will build for you a hut/ You will be our favorite nut/ We will have a lot of Oh By Gollies/ And we'll put them in the Follies.") Born Louis Brownstein in Odessa, Brown had fled the pogroms with his family and settled in the Bronx. In a long career he collaborated with many Tin Pan Alley and Broadway composers on classics like "Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries," "You're the Cream in My Coffee," "Sunny Side Up" and "That Old Feeling." It was guys like Brown, the Von Tilzers and Berlin whom the rabid anti-Semite Henry Ford had in mind when he ranted, "The people are fed from day to day on the moron suggestiveness that flows in a slimy flood out of 'Tin Pan Alley,' the head factory of filth in New York which is populated by the 'Abies,' the 'Izzies,' and the 'Moes'..." Ignoring him, lots of people recorded the moron suggestiveness of "Oh By Jingo!" -- Danny Kaye, Spike Jones, Stephane Grappelli and Chet Atkins among them.
Following the addition of sound to commercial movies, the studios lured more and more of the music business out to Hollywood in the 1930s. After all, the first hit talkie, The Jazz Singer, was really a singie. Albert went too. He worked in film and tv, mostly contributing to soundtracks of now obscure pictures. He died in L.A. in 1956. By that point much of the Von Tilzer catalogue, especially the older and mushier songs, had faded away, except at ball games. Then in 1958 Lawrence Welk, than whom no one loved old-fashioned schmaltz more, bought the catalogue and engineered a Von Tilzer revival. When the Songwriters Hall of Fame began in 1969, Harry and Albert were among the first voted in.
by John Strausbaugh
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 16 June 1838
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fine morning F66 ½° at 9 ½ - breakfast at 9 38 – dressed – Josephine not come – A- and I out in the carriage at 12 ¾ - at the bank to order the payment of sixty francs to Mr. Moët for the dozen still champagne sent to me aux soins de M. Quillaq à Calais – then to Miss Daniel Cabourg about A-‘s riding dress – then to the Jardin des Plantes – there at 2 and in the cabinet de l’histoire naturelle till 3 10 – A- much pleased – went  myself with Lefevre to the administration for admission billets – Mr.......... who spoke English so well died about 2 years ago – and Mademoiselle Duvauscel [Duvauchell] that was has at last had the designed good fortune to marry and the Benedict is M. le comte amiral Ducrest de Villeneuve Preft martitime à Lorient in Brittany (vide 8th instant p. 223 bis) – from the musée to the Serres to see my old friend Newmann now head gardener looking portly and well, but too large and suffering from liver complaint? something in his side – adhesion he seemed to say – but not looking as if hepatic adhesion was his maladie – full of his visit last year to Chatsworth – the d. of D- made a fête on purpose for him and seems to have treated him with great kindness and good humour and familiarity – alias condescension – N- said the d. was much taken with the Serres at the Jardin des plantes and he 1st thought to have serres like them – then afterwards had the idea of his present immense conservatory – then went to see Madame Newmann, and stood talking to her sometime while she prepared her petite diner – then returned by the r. d’Orléans to seek the remise my porter had told me of – no remise to let – passed the pont du Jardin des plantes (at 4 35) for A- to see the view up and down the river, and home by the boulevards – en passing stopt to see the marché du temple, but no old furniture there – chiefly old clothes and new and all sorts of bedding and [convert...], and household  pots and pans and tins etc. etc. – a queerish place for ladies to go into – then chez Felix – and bought tea of Roberts Place Vendôme to see Mr. Roberts was going to England par diligence – no! (the name is Robertson – some stranger that will be Oddys’ companion) – R- took me for a Russian so on my asking for the best tea he had gave me Pecco a fire at 16fr. a lb. did not know I was English or would not have given it me – sure I should not like it – no English person did like it – Madame de Bourke had common Sonchoug at 7fr. with an ounce + (at 1st he said 2 ounces) of Pecco at 16/. (or perhaps 2nd qualité at 14/.) and paid 8/. a lb. for her tea – I took 1/4lb. at 16/. (Pecco a fire black tea) and 1/8lb. Green at 14/. – home at 6 – found Josephine who had been about her passport in the morning and brought it all ready – dinner
Josephine Devaux
at 7 ¼ - asleep – Had the hairdresser (Carré) to dress my hair that Josephine might see the style of doing it – he charge me 3/. on account of the lesson she had taken – came to my room at 10 – had Josephine – then sat at my accounts etc. till 1 35 tonight at which hour F68 ½° - fine day
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The popular music industry emerged and developed considerably in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (with inter alia the sway of the Tin Pan Alley). Its audience diversified with time and songs aimed at children prospered. Of courses, songs for kids have a long history and did not wait for the 19th century to rise, but they did not carry the same weight. Disney, since the 1930s, made its way through the production of children's music and pave the way for a flourishing market for children's music as an independent and separate genre. However, I am more interested in the early 2000s with the entrance of Disney channel into the market and the sudden rise of tween music shows and artists like High School Musical, the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, or Justin Bieber.
In 2001 a series of CDs released, called Kids Bop. It was a turning point and a first contribution to the tween music industry. It features children singing and "repackaging" adult contemporary music making it more kid-friendly and appropriate by changing the explicit and more graphic lyrics. Kidz Bop presents a compilation of Top 40 hits of the year that are rerecorded with a group of children singing along and dancing. In 2005 and 2006, their albums even reached the top10 in the Billboard 200 album sales charts. 
 In 2006 with High School Musical released on the screens. The tween actors reach exceptional visibility and became celebrities. Their kids' audience identifies themselves with them. Disney Channel's shift to pop music was a deliberately planned strategy. It allowed drawing an older children's audience with a "mainstream" appearance, while still keeping the underlying business models of children's media. 
In conclusion, children consume more and more mainstream music and they are bound to play an even more significant role in popular culture. 
The industry has unquestionably understood the power they bear and children's artists are in the process of taking the lead in stylistic shifts and remains a strength in the commercial music industry. And since children have increasing access to phones, tablets and laptops the phenomenon is not about to stop. 
Enjoy some kid-friendly bop : 
BICKFORD, T. (2020). Tween Pop: Children's Music and Public Culture. DURHAM; LONDON: Duke University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctv11cw225
BICKFORD, T. (2012). The new 'tween' music industry: The Disney Channel, Kidz Bop and an emerging childhood counter-public. Popular Music, 31(3), 417-436. Retrieved November 27, 2020, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/23325786
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Twisted Disney OCs
Description of Twisted Disney: Taking inspiration from Disney’s Twisted Tale Series, this is a similar series but with different twists that lead to present time with next gen aspects. 
List of Stories (so far): *Your Destiny Lies In Your Hands (Aladdin). *And At Last I See The Light (Tangled). *Silence Is The Most Powerful Scream (Little Mermaid). *Never Go Into The Woods (Beauty And The Beast). *I Wonder (Sleeping Beauty). *Second Star To The Right And Straight On Till Morning (Peter Pan). *I’m Late (Alice in Wonderland). *Sleeping Death (Snow White). *Chasing Stardust (Treasure Planet). *Reflection (Mulan). *Return To The Realms (Nutcracker and The Four Realms). *For The First Time In Forever (Frozen). *Welcome To My Wicked World (Descendants 3). *Zero To Hero (Hercules). *This Is Halloween (The Nightmare Before Christmas). *Dig A Little Deeper (The Princes and The Frog). *So This Is Love (Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time).
Summaries of Stories:
Your Destiny Lies In Your Hands: Twist: “What if Jafar had won?” Summary: “The day Jafar became Sultan of Agrabah was the day that Agrabah became the kingdom of darkness and nightmares as with a genie at his side, it’s impossible to fight against it.  But despite this, the resistance within the kingdom continues to fight, led by Aladdin and his son, Aziz, as they fight to take down Jafar and free their kingdom, with Aladdin and Aziz in particular hoping to free the sultanna, Jasmine, one of the resistance’s founders who years ago, had surrendered herself for their safety.  Unbeknownst to the resistance, Jasmine is planning her own plan against Jafar along with their daughter, Princess Alia, and with plans soon colliding, the fate of Agrabah hangs in the balance....”
And At Last I See The Light: Twist: “What if Gothel had won?” Summary: “Growing up, Hope has heard tales of a woman with hair that is longer then any rope made and can do magic of all things....but the tales always end sadly with her father, Flynn, losing his eyesight and the woman being taken away to parts unknown.  And....that’s all they were: tales with the same tragic ending.  Until now.  With the anniversary of the missing princess drawing near, Hope ventures out with Pascal and Max to find the princess and bring her home, to cure her father and finally, reunite the royal family of Corona....”
Silence Is The Most Powerful Scream: Twist: “What if Ariel lost to Ursula?” Summary: “Born as the princess of Atlantica, Ianthe grew up hearing tales of the land above and of a prince whose eyes used to be full of life...until the fateful day happened that resulted in the loss of King Triton and her mother, then-princess Ariel, returning home as a mute.  Obeying her mothers warnings about the land of above, Ianthe stays in the sea, trying to be the best princess she can be...until the day, she saves a drowning prince. Finding out what’s happening on the land above, Ianthe journey’s to the land above and with an ally in the form of Prince Dylan, Ianthe hopes to put a stop to a sea witches reign of terror once and for all....”
Never Go Into The Woods: Twist: “What if Belle succeeded in fleeing on the first night when Beast ordered her to get out?” Summary: “Born as the daughter of the towns book shop owner, Belle, Mireille is used to hearing stories that always at the end of the day, are just stories and are just made up.  But when hunters return to the village badly injured and babbling about a wild Beast that attacked them when they approached a castle in the woods, Mireille curioustly grows and increases at her mothers reaction and despite being aware of the risks that come with it. she journey’s into the woods along with childhood friend, Fitz, in some hope of finding what’s going on.  But she soon finds out why her mother warned to never go into the woods and just what hides within it....” 
I Wonder: Twist: “What if Sleeping Beauty never woke up?” Summary: “Dreams- Tana knows all about dreams as they something everyone have when they go to sleep and enter the dream realm.  But due to her mothers magic restrictions, Tana never gets to experience dreams, being told that if she goes to sleep, a witch named Aurora will get her revenge on her mother through her and despite wanting to experience dreams, Tana listens to her and never questions her mother, Maleficent.  However, when Tana starts to hear voices she doesn’t recognize and remembers things she doesn’t understand, she finds herself exploring a realm she never thought she would and in the process, finds out that her mother is not the person she thought she was....”
Second Star To The Right And Straight On Till Morning:  Twist: “What if Peter lost to Captain Hook?” Summary: “Wendy Darling. A name that to her family, is the name of a family member that went missing and was never found.  But to Neverland? It’s the name of their protector who rose in wake of Peter Pan’s death.  Still the age she was that fateful day, Wendy continues to protect Neverland from Captain Hook while sometimes visiting the world, but never London, only her lost girls understanding why she never visits London.  However, deciding to face the city of her former life, Wendy is met with the past in more then one way when she looks into a window, only to be met with a girl who shares more then the same name with her....”
I’m Late: Twist: “What if Alice didn’t escape Wonderland?” Summary: ””So, what did you see this time, Louise?” A cat who disappears with a grin left in their wake.  A never ending tea party. And a queen always screaming, “Off with her head!” They always the same dreams turned nightmares for Louise that always cause never ending headaches, but despite going to therapy constantly, Louise is still stuck with these visions and headaches, meaning the therapists office is like her second home.  However, when the visions slowly come to life and a rabbit with a watch appears in therapy, Louise soon finds out why she’s getting the visions and that it’s time to visit the place in her visions before its all lost....”
Sleeping Death: Twist: “What if the Prince fell asleep instead?” Summary: “The day Princess Snow White became queen was instantly a day of celebration with the fall of Queen Grimhilde and the dawn of a new age bringing originally hope to the kingdom that things will get better.  However, the new queen slowly changed over the years and soon enough, the kingdom was in ruins once more as the queen slowly became known for being obsessed with the same magic that corrupted Queen Grimhilde in her quest to wake a sleeping prince that may as well be dead after all these years.  With the kingdom in ruins and people slowly disappearing due to the queens magic experiments, Anastasia finds herself leaving her village on a quest to stop the queen once and for all and bring the kingdom back to its former glory....and hopefully, save her friend who had been among the disappeared people....”
Chasing Stardust: Twist: “What if Jim didn’t escape the treasure planet in time?” Summary: “Nova had never met her brother that her mother tells her about.  Because by the time Nova Hawkins was born, Jim Hawkins was long believed dead, having never returned from his journey to find the Treasure Planet, leaving many to believe he was dead along with the crew he had gone with....including Sarah in the end.  As a result, Nova grew up with tales of her troublemaking brother who meant well in the end and despite Sarah’s best attempts, Nova soon slowly turned out like her brother, trouble making habits and all.  However, after one troublemaking gone wrong on the anniversary her brother left home and never returned, a man with cyborg limbs suddenly crash-lands at their tavan and revealed the impossible: Jim is still alive.  Teaming up with the man, a captain and her mother’s friend, Nova finds herself journeying to the same planet her brother never came back from with one quest in mind: bring Jim Hawkins home finally” Quotev Link
Reflection: Twist: “What if Shang couldn’t spare Mulan?”  Summary: “In the nights of China, most people know better then to leave their homes as the risks were too high with the Hun’s guarding them always- but that was also the time shadows would strike the guards and kill them, leaving flowers in their wake, almost like a taunting message that Emperor Shan Yu was increasingly angry that he can’t figure them out.  That was how the shadows liked it- especially one of the shadows, named Shihong, who always told two proud spirits and a proud dragon of how close they were getting to the end of their plan.  Their plan? Take down Emperor Shan Yu and free China finally and....avenge her past life and her past life’s lover, Mulan and Shang....”
Return To The Realms: Twist: “What if Sugar Plum had succeeded?”  Summary: “”Mother, can you tell us about the realms again?” Once upon a time, there was four realms, all four living in peaceful harmony....until the day Sugar Plum sought to control it all and in the process, brought it to ruins, as the girl and boy that tried to stop her disappeared and never returned.... On Christmas Eve, Clara Stalhbaum is holding another famous party, continuing the tradition of her godfather as she tries to be happy despite what happened one Christmas Eve.  However, while playing their mothers party game, twins Vincent and Victoria suddenly find the party going sour when soldiers made of tin grab them and drag them to the realms they grew up hearing tales about, but they find out why they were grabbed the moment they taken to the queen known as Sugar Plum....”
For The First Time In Forever: Twist: “What if Anna and Elsa were split up as children?”  Summary: “Having spent most of her reign hiding her powers, Queen Elsa of Arendelle finds herself not only having problems with her son with his increasing ice problems, but also finds herself plagued by memories she can’t find a reason for why she’s remembering- these memories including always a girl happily asking her to do the magic, and the memories always ending badly with the girl getting hurt.  Finally, when the memories get too much, Elsa’s son, Prince Nicholas, decides to seek out help from trolls he found out about in a book, but when he does so, he finds out more then he thought he would about his family as family secrets finally emerge....”
Welcome To My Wicked World: Twist: “What if Mal had been evil the entire time?” Summary: “Auradon, the land of Goodness and Kindness...or so it had been. For now, it was the land of evil, under the rule of Queen Mal who had revealed her true colors once the barrier was down, taking over Auradon with the villains of the Isle on her side and soon enough, turning Auradon into a nightmare that everyone over time, became scared to fight back.  Or publicly at least.  For hidden within Auradon is a growing resistance and with the aid of allies in Auradon, their planned strike begins as its now or never to finally save the kingdom....”
Zero To Hero: Twist: “What if Hades had succeeded?” Summary: “After the Lord of the Dead and the titans take over Mount Olympus, the world is in chaos and the lord of the dead, Hades, loves it, as the titans keep the world in order and while briefly another threat rose to him, Hades had it taken care off....after all, no one will be able to stop him while he controls prophecies.  Except when his ‘loyal’ servant finds this thret, alive and well- Hades own daughter, Zasime.  Despite a curse restricting her powers, Zasime has to train and become a hero and defeat Hades...or he’ll destroy them and have control of the world forever...” 
This Is Halloween: Twist: “What if Oogie Boogie took over Halloween Town?” Summary: “Halloween. A holiday that used to stand for fun and candy and non-dangerous tricks. Nowadays, it has become a holiday of danger and the tricks are no longer fun. All because of the missing pumpkin king as the current ruler, Oogie Boogie, continues to ruin Halloween.  But when three human children find Jack that Halloween and are soon found by Sally and a Halloween town girl, Oogie Boogie’s Halloween reign may finally come to an end....hopefully at least, with Oogie Boogie after them in order to keep Halloween under his reign forever....”
Dig A Little Deeper: Twist: “What if Tiana didn’t kiss Naveen?” Summary: “If there’s one thing Louis takes to heart from his mother, its her one rule: Never go into the darkness of New Orleans...or risk ending up captured by spirits. Saving up money for him and his mother to be able to leave New Orleans, Louis is devoted to jobs he takes and therefore, has no time for fairytales....until the day his childhood friend, Margaret comes to him with tale about frogs oddly and why Voodoo Spirits haunt New Orleans.  With New Orleans ruler after them, the pair only have short time to stop the spirits, save a frog prince and stop Dr. Facilier once and for all....”
So This Is Love: Twist: “What if Cinderella didn’t escape the pumpkin?”  Summary: “The heir to her kingdom, Princess Kathleen finds herself betrothed to another prince in order to get a treaty with the other kingdom and despite her heart being set for someone else, she tries to obey this....until the day she finds a magic wand in her grandmother’s room.  After this day, she finds out secrets relating to Anastasia, her mother and the women she thought she was and with friends help, she sets to uncover these secrets in order to finally help her kingdom....”
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Name: Aziz.  Relation (if any): Son of Aladdin and Jasmine. Story: Your Destiny Lies In Your Hands.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
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Name: Alia.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Jasmine and Jafar.  Story: Your Destiny Lies In Your Hands.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Naomi Scott. 
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Name: Hope Fitzherbert.  Relation (if any): Adopted daughter of Eugune.  Story: And At Last I See The Light.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Anna Cathcart (younger) and Sofia Carson (older).
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Name: Ianthe.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Ariel.  Story: Silence Is The Most Powerful Scream.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: China Anne McClain. 
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Name: Dylan. Relation (if any): Son of Eric and Vanessa/Ursula.  Story: Silence Is The Most Powerful Scream. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope. 
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Name: Mireille.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Belle.  Story: Never Go Into The Woods.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Letitia Wright.
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Name: Fitz. Relation (if any): Son of Gaston. Story: Never Go Into The Woods.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton. 
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Name: Louis.  Relation (if any): Husband of Belle.  Story: Never Go Into The Woods.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: John Boyega. 
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Name: Dawn/Tana.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Aurora and Phillip/Adopted daughter of Maleficent. Story: I Wonder.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Sarah Jeffery. 
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Name: Wendy Darling II.  Relation (if any): Great-niece of Wendy. Story: Second Star To The Right And Straight On Till Morning.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Anna Cathcart. 
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Name(s): Penelope, Violet, Eva, Willow, Sophie and Maria.  Relation (if any): Wendy’s lost girls. Story: Second Star To The Right And Straight On Till Morning.  Summary(s): TBA.  Voiceclaim(s): Brenna D’Amico (Penelope), Kimiko Glenn (Violet), Hailee Steinfeld (Eva), Jadah Marie (Willow) and Kate Micucci (Sophie). 
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Name: Louise Hill. Relation (if any): Reincarnation of Alice.  Story: I’m Late.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Abby Ryder Foster. 
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Name: Anastasia.  Relation (if any): None. Story: Sleeping Death. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson. 
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Name: Petra.  Relation (if any): None. Story: Sleeping Death.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Brenna D’Amico. 
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Name: Nova Hawkins. Relation (if any): Jim’s younger sister. Story: Chasing Stardust.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega.
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Name: Alexandria Chestwood.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Chasing Stardust.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Angelina Jolie. 
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Name: Cheyanna Hillthorne.  Relation (if any): None. Story: Chasing Stardust.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Naomi Scott.
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Name: Shihong.  Relation (if any): Reincarnation of Mulan.  Story: Reflection.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Diane Doan. 
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Name: Lijuan.  Relation (if any): None. Story: Reflection. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Chelsea Zhang. 
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Name: Daiyu.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: Reflection.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Lilan Bowden. 
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Name: Vincent Stahlbaum.  Relation (if any): Son of Clara and Phillip. Story: Return To The Realms. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Issac Ryan Brown. 
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Name: Victoria Stalhbaum.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Clara and Phillip.  Story: Return To The Realms.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Navia Robinson. 
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Name: Nicholas.  Relation (if any): Son of Elsa.  Story: For The First Time In Forever.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope. 
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Name: Eira.  Relation (if any): Child raised by the Trolls.  Story: For The First Time In Forever.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Sarah Jeffery.
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Name: Brooke Hook.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Uma and Harry.  Story: Welcome To My Wicked World.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Letitia Wright.
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Name: Gemini Legume.  Relation (if any): Child of Gil.  Story: Welcome To My Wicked World.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Amanda Joy Michalka. 
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Name: Andrea Rose.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Audrey. Story: Welcome To My Wicked World. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Balthazar Mercier.  Relation (if any): Son of Ben and Mal.  Story: Welcome To My Wicked World. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: David Henrie. 
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Name: Zasime.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Hades.  Story: Zero To Hero.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie. 
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Name: Myrine.  Relation (if any): None. Story: Zero To Hero. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Auli’i Cravalho. 
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Name: Wednesday Skeleton.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: This Is Halloween.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Chloe Grace Mortez.
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Name: Jason Ronald.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: This Is Halloween.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
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Name: Normen Ronald.  Relation (if any): None. Story: This Is Halloween.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Isaak Presley. 
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Name: Luna Ronald.  Relation (if any): None. Story: This Is Halloween. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Jenna Ortega. 
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Name: Louis.  Relation (if any): Son of Tiana.  Story: Dig A Little Deeper.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: John Boyega.
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Name: Margaret.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Charlotte and ‘Naveen’/Lawerence.  Story: Dig A Little Deeper.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Daisy Ridley. 
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Name: Kathleen.  Relation (if any): Daughter of Prince Charming and ‘Cinderella’/Anastasia.  Story: So This Is Love.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson.
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Name: Carlo. Relation (if any): None. Story: So This Is Love. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Mitchell Hope. 
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Name: Kaida.  Relation (if any): None.  Story: So This Is Love. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: Sarah Jeffery. 
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Name: Albert.  Relation (if any): None. Story: So This Is Love.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
4 notes · View notes
flimflamfandom · 5 years
A Night Out
Haven’t posted a one shot in a while! This one is a pre-Atlas’ murder one taking place in the summer of ‘26, with two unlikely partners in crime...Mordecai and Ivy. Enjoy!
words:1354 Summary: Mordecai is staking someone out, but needs a fashionable young date to complete his character for the evening. Warnings: No serious ones come to mind.
“Does this look good enough?” Ivy was wearing a deep red dress, with black stockings, matching heels, and a stole she’d borrowed from Mitzi. Mitzi had been..informed, that her god daughter was accompanying Mordecai on this stakeout, but she’d been drunk at the time, and whether or not she really listened was...up to debate.
“You look fine.” Mordecai said, putting on his glasses, wearing a smartly fitted tuxedo with tails. He walked closer to her. “What’s your name?”
“Moira Friedman.”
“What do you do for a living?”
“Stay at home, married to you.”
“And my name is?”
“Walter Friedman, we met at cape cod and I was stricken with you. Our age difference meant we had to elope.”
“And what does your husband do?”
“Financier and bank executive.” Mordecai couldn’t help but smile. For someone who’d been described to him as a dumb dora, she’d memorized all of her alias information very well. Why’d she need all of this, though? Simple.
They were going to a party.
They were going, essentially, to stake out a man named Bart Naismith, who just so happened to let some confidential Daisy papers ‘slip’ into the hands of the Marigold. Mordecai was going to stalk him, offer to take him to his home, and make him disappear. Bart was rich, but operated under all sorts of names, and when people went missing from the criminal underground of the city, they were typically forgotten in a matter of weeks. Just another casualty. At least, that’s how it had been for Mordecai.
Mordecai got into the car and looked at Ivy. “No funny business. The romance is purely in character.”
“Of course! I know about you and the big guy.”
“Hmm.” He drove. “Tell me, Moira...what were you doing in cape cod?”
“Family sailing trip.”
“So your family sails? Your midwestern family?” There was slight hesitation.
“Well, my father’s from Minneapolis, and there’s plenty of sailing on the lakes. He wanted to give the open ocean a try.” She said. Mordecai smiled again. “You’re not half bad.”
“Thank you, Mr. Friedman!” She responded, proudly and cheerfully. They got to the mansion, and walked to the front door. “Name, please?” A butler playing doorman asked them. Mordecai spoke, with Ivy hanging off his arm. “Mr. and Mrs. Walter Friedman.” For a few tense seconds, the butler looked through his list. “...here you are. Enjoy your evening.” He opened the door for them.
This wasn’t Ivy’s first taste of high society, but it was definitely her first taste of this type of high society; a string band played waltzes and ballads from tin pan alley, and drinks and hors devours being passed around by men in gleaming white suit coats. Men with pencil thin mustaches and women with cigarette filters as long as skyscrapers were tall talked in small circles, letting off loud laughs that blurred the line between genuine and artificial. She tried to fit in. “Excuse me, ma’am,” A woman spoke to her, “But I just adore that stolel of yours...is that mink?”
“Oh? Oh! Yes, it was a gift though, couldn’t tell you where on earth I got it from…” She’d lost Mordecai. Well, ‘lost’ might not be the right word. She still saw him, but was separated...she walked over and tuned into the conversation.
“...which of course meant we were barely able to even get champagne!” The men, including Mordecai, all laughed. Mordecai was completely different...even his accent had changed. “Oh, where are my manners, boys? I’d like to show off, er...introduce my wife to you. This is Moira.” Ivy waved politely. “Evening, gentlemen!”
“Evening.” The group responded, almost unanimously. “Moira, this is Barty Naismith.” The target. Naismith shook Ivy’s hand. “Pleased to meet you, Moira.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, Mr. Naismith! I was hoping to see you here, my husband’s talked so much about you!” Naismith smiled. “I see Walter’s very interested in some of my portfolios.” He said. Mordecai nodded. “Indeed.” Naismith looked to Ivy.
“So, when did you two meet? You’re an adorable couple.”
“Oh, a few summers ago on Cape Cod...my family was there for a sailing trip, and I met him the day we came back getting his boat out.” She said. She leaned into him. “I remember begging to stay a few more days so I could go along with him!” Mordecai kissed the top of her head. “Oh, you…” Naismith looked charmed.
“Such an age difference as well.”
“Yes, well, we had to elope.” Mordecai said. “Elope!” Naismith seemed surprised. “I tried to elope with my last girlfriend, but her parents caught on…”
“Oh, you poor thing!” Ivy said, putting her hand on his arm. “It must’ve been awful...y’know, my parents tried very hard to move us apart.”
“Did they now?” Ivy nodded.
“What is it your parents did?”
“Real estate.” She said. Mordecai nodded. “I thought about buying a large stake in the company, but I didn’t want to pour salt on the wound.”
“Maybe that’s why my last girl’s parents got so mad.”
“You...bought a large portion of their company?” Mordecai asked. “I may have, yes. So, those portfolios…”
“We could look at them at our place?”
“Now?” Naismith asked. Mordecai smiled warmly. “Why, of course! The night is young, I’m sure the answer will be yes...I have much better alcohol than these folks do.” He whispered and winked. “Well, if you say it like that…” Naismith nodded. “I’ll drive home with you.” Ivy clasped her hands. “Splendid! Oh, you’ll have such a great time at our house, Mr. Naismith!”
They all walked out to the car, and Mordecai kissed Ivy as he opened the door for Naismith. He drew her in, and whispered in her ear, “We’ll have a car issue half way back and I’ll take care of it.” Ivy nodded...she dreaded this part.
They started to drive. It was mostly talk about stocks, money, sailing, things like that...then Mordecai shifted wrong. “Oh...hmm.” He tried again, making the same mistake. “Hang on...let me pull over, seems like a belt might be loose.”
“You sure? It could just be faulty shifting.”
“I’m certain, this car’s had the same problem since we got it!” Ivy said. As Mordecai pulled over and got out, Ivy knew what was coming next. She sunk into the seat, her stomach churning. “Everything alright?” Asked Naismith.
“Yes, just...I don’t like stopping by the side of the road too much.”
“Oh, that’s understandable. I always get afraid that someone’ll come out of the woods and-” She heard the door open. “Hey, wh-”
She heard a slump. She huffed. “...is he dead?”
“Very much so.” Mordecai’s voice and accent came back. So did his demeanor as he got back in. “I hate to ruin my upholstery this way.”
“...he’s dead.”
“You knew he would b-”
“He’s DEAD.” She was shaking a little. “...gone.” Mordecai sighed. “Ivy…” He patted her shoulder without looking over, watching the road and following the limit to a tee. “You’re blameless. We did what we had to do.”
“I can still feel bad about it!”
“You have every right to.” He said. “I’m sorry.” Ivy shook her head. “I just...should’ve been more prepared I guess.”
“No one is prepared their first time.” Ivy looked down. “You won’t be disappointed that this might be my last time on one of your runs too?”
“Of course not.” He said. She looked over, and he was smiling. “You were fantastic.”
The next day, Ivy sat in the shower for an hour and a half. She was lucky it was dorm water, or it would’ve run cold. She walked slowly into the Daisy. Mitzi smiled. “Morning, sweetie...feeling okay?”
“Oh? Sure.” She said. Mitzi walked over. “Mordecai left this for you.” She handed over a box.
Ivy smiled a bit as she saw, of all things, a mink stole and a note-
‘Sorry I couldn’t have been quieter. I appreciate everything you did, it wouldn’t have gone well without you. This is the very least I could do. -Mordecai’
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writer59january13 · 3 years
This December 17th, 2021...
Totally tubular fiction yup, nevertheless I reflect the year (arbitrarily plucked from misty past) Santa Claus did not show up
courtesy imagination license cruel as crippled poet pan handler
rattling his empty cup.
Though blink of time passed rather quick, I still vividly recollect midnight passed upon Christmas Eve (circa December 24th, 2005)
with nary a ho ho ho from jolly Saint Nick, nor sound of sleigh bells no reindeer with packages he did not heave omitting hurling gifts at 1148 Greentree Lane as some cruel and nasty trick,
which prompted both progent
particularly youngest daughter did grieve great disappointment absent merriment, and surprises he would ordinarily flick, whereby mystical magical tour would burst with brilliance like Jack Nimble's candlestick spurred affirmation analogous to brick slamming into me noggin
in his presence to believe.
Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid and Blitzen ordinarily light up anticipation,
instigating ear to ear grin (especially provoking clattering hooves) courtesy, exponentially, and factorially
heightened expectation generated,
viz foray into dark night sky becoming brightest visible object creating an audible, yet pleasant din
gracefully amazing this hypothetical papa, would ordinarily deliver merriment well nigh accept he forgot one important stop perhaps trouble with cloven hoofed creatures
hmm... maybe lack of of feedstock found precious priceless lass
with downcast chin,
and teardrops falling
heavily from each eye inducing sharp pains
within this then mister mom once a year self anointed secret santa analogous feeling skin
pierced with sharp pin most times one generally
happy go lucky guy,
whose heavy sinking heart professing love (mine) could not win
reverberated hollow grief as if Cupid's paramour made of tin.
I tried with futility to assuage melancholy when Shayna Punim (Yiddish פּנים ponem, from Hebrew פָּנִים panim)
(endearment for pretty face),
she did melancholically ask why
her mood cast dark shadows
across edge of night (evoking artificial intelligent
graphic generated augmented
computer special effect) as webbed, wide world
within outer limits of twilight zone did spin
along axis in gulf of infinite space
with lighting speed, he would punctually fly no explanation suitable i.e. from Kris Kringle pinch hitter
(alias yours truly), since no where seen heft sack of goodies makes supreme father pitiful sight off his pedestal like force of gravity impossible to defy Humpty Dumpty myth I did belie.
0 notes
alankitlimited-blog · 5 years
How To Fill PAN Card Application Form 49a
With the government getting stricter on keeping tabs of tax paying citizens to reduce the occurrence of black money, citizens are finding themselves in a rather stressful situation; needing to apply for Aadhaar, linking Aadhaar to bank accounts where applicable and most importantly linking PAN number with Aadhaar.
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In order to do so, one must first obtain a PAN Card. PAN stands for Personal Account Number and is a mandatory document for all Indian Citizens. This holds true especially in the case of Tax paying citizens. Individuals can apply for a PAN Card and so can organizations, registered companies and firms that hold current accounts in Banks.
In case you do not have a PAN Card and don’t know how to fill PAN application form 49a, you need not worry as it is quite simple to apply for one.
Understanding the PAN Card Application Forms:
There are two types of PAN Application forms namely 49A and 49AA. 49A is the form required by Indian Citizens and Indian companies within India. 49AA is only meant for entities and Individuals outside of India. Unless you are a foreign national or a company, you only need to download form 49A.
How to get form 49A:
The form can be downloaded from the Alankit website in PDF format and can be printed out to be submitted in hard-copy format at any of the TIN-FCs or PAN Centers managed by NSDL. If you prefer to proceed online ensure that you have a functioning credit card or net banking facilities.
What to fill:
Fill up all the required fields and double check the proof of identity and address proof to make sure they are acceptable ones. Ensure to crosscheck with the checklist provided online on the website. Proofs must be legibly scanned and attached.
Here is what needs to be filled:
1. Fields that are marked with * symbol must be filled and filled only in English
.2. Fill in your Last name, Middle name and First name in the respective boxes.
3. Fill in any alias that you may have
.4. Specify your gender.
5. Enter in your date of birth.
6. Details of parents and spouse will also be asked so be ready to fill in that information.
7. You will also need to specify which name is to be printed on the PAN card (Mother’s/Father’s)
8. Provide the address that is available on the address proof you are submitting without any discrepancy. Also indicate your communication address.
9. Other contact information such as e-mail, telephone number can also be provided.
10. It is mandatory to indicate the source of income and provide a profession code. Refer to the chart or check the drop-down list for the appropriate profession category and respective code. (basic instructions given below)• 
To avoid mistake (s), please follow the instructions below before filling up the PAN Card form 49a. There are some basic instructions given below:
a) Form to be filled neatly in BLOCK LETTERS with BLACK INK pen.
b) Form should be filled in English language only.
c) Each box should contain only one (1) character (Be it a number/letter or punctuation mark). Leave a blank box after each word.
d) Applicants should affix two (2) recent photographs with white background (standard size- size 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm) in the space provided in the form. The photo quality should be good; face of the applicant should be visible properly and not stapled.
e) Signature should be done in such a manner that half portion of the signature is on the photo rest on the form.(left side of the form)
f) Signature (right side of the form) should be within the box provided.
g) If thumb impression (left hand) will be used, then it should be attested by a Magistrate or a Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer with an official seal / stamp.
h) Applicant must fill AO code (Area Code, AO Type, Range Code and AO Number) of the Jurisdictional Assessing Officer.
Regarding Payments: In order to process PAN Cards within India, the fee is around Rs.110. If you are submitting the hard-copy and do not prefer to make payments online, then you may easily make the payment in cash at Alankit’s authorized TIN-FCs or PAN Centers managed by NSDL (in return you will get a payment slip).
• Acknowledgement Number: Upon submission you will receive an acknowledgement number which is crucial to ensure the successful submission of your application. However this number is not a substitute for PAN number. But with this, you can track the status of the PAN application online.The PAN card will be sent to your residential address.
In the case of businesses seeking PAN cards, the help of an auditor can be enlisted for safe and proper filling of PAN Application form 49A. But for an individual, this step-by-step walk through would surely help.
To know more, visit- https://www.alankit.com/blog/how-to-fill-pan-card-application-form-49a
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norfolkrp · 7 years
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Congratulations Sam, and welcome! You’ve been accepted as your original character Holden Gordon! Go ahead and set up your account, be sure to message the main from it.
Also, be sure to:
Make sure your ask and submit are open.
Follow everyone on the masterlist.
Track the tag norfolk: starter for open dash convos.
And tell us your initial reaction to Norfolk in the tag norfolk: talk!
Name/Alias: Sam/Samela Age: 20 Pronouns: she/her Timezone: central Personal tumblr: this one here! thelordthingy Activity level: about a 5-6 on a 1-10 scale. I work full-time as HR so my hours are oddly enough erratic as heck so I usually do one or two things during the week (if possible) but the golden ticket is gonna be on the weekends. Triggers: None What’s the secret password?: REMOVED. How did you find us?: Kitten told me! What character are you applying for? Original character - Hal. He’s below :). Anything else?: nope!
Writing sample:
“Hey hey hey, no, no don’t give me that stupid fucking - look here, okay asshole, look at me.” Holden starred down the devil in his house. Goddammit, he was the one in charge here! “You uppity fuck, don’t act like you’re starving. You just ate.” Mrrrrrrw! “No, that is bullshit.”  The furry bastard just stared back at him. To be fair, if you were a cat and you were held aloft by your owner by your armpits, you’d probably get into a staring contest with him too. Mrrow? He broke; he blinked first. “Fine, for fuck’s sake.” Hal dropped the cat - no, not far! Just onto the counter, back where she started this shit because the cat decided she wanted to have an order of what Holden was having, thanks. Eggs are not meant for cats, especially when scooped by their paws out of the frying pan.
“Just- hey, no back the fuck off Missy, hold up.” He snatched up the pan, turned around in the small kitchen allotted to him in the apartment and scraped off the scrambled eggs onto the awaiting plate so Crowley didn’t burn herself. “Okay, c’mere.” Down with the pan, up again with the cat, he pulled down a can of her food while he was passing the cabinet and set her down, far the hell away from the hot stove, to start prying the tab of it open. Crowley perched herself in front of her dishes - which were matched, one of several matched sets, actually, and Holden would burn the apartment complex down (no he wouldn’t, don’t listen to him) than to ever admit that he actually stressed and needed to find several different bowls and saucers that coordinated with each other to serve as dishware for his cat. He tipped it’s contents out, mindful of keeping it all on the plate rather than making a mess of his floors, and chucked the tin away. Crowley didn’t even care, the moment the food was down, she set upon it with gusto and he snorted. “You fatass,” he was so damn fond of this cat. Gently stroking down her spine, she arched to his touch but otherwise hunkered down to her fest. Hal stood up and grabbed his own breakfast. Eggs were disgusting but good for you, so he made due with adding a fuckton of pepper, a metricshitload of red pepper and a bit of salt and coffee; lots and lots of black coffee, to chase it down with.
Holden didn’t even bother moving the plate, he just jumped up to sit on the counter after getting out a fork from the drawer to attack his food. Or was it technically dinner if you’ve been awake all fucking night? Whatever, food then questions.
Full name: Holden “Hal” Gordon Age: 24 Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Witch Claimed power: Fire manipulation Occupation: Fire-fighter (if that’s alright? i like irony) Address: APT 22, Adamas Apartments, Raven’s Row Quote: Everyone hurts themselves in the city; then they just pick themselves up so as not to get in anyone else’s way MBTI: ESFP Positive traits (3): Empathetic, loyal, selfless Negative traits (3): Self-depreciating, addictive, sarcastic Face claim: Tom Holland Biography:
Oh boy, boy oh boy, where to start? Ask his dad and well, he’ll smile, shrug and that about answers that. Hal happened is where it starts and just about ends it. He was born to two teenagers who acted without thinking and into a mess of a patched together relationship that ought to have never begun in the first place. But, and this is a recurring theme in this boy’s life, it did, he did, and there wasn’t much anyone could do about either one of them. Seraphina and Clyde, now they were two mismatched puzzle pieces that kept trying to glue themselves to each other out of desperation - hoping and hoping that this time or that time they’d stick, they’d click and all would be right. Yeah, not what happened. They fought, they screamed, Seraphina’s caterwauling got the cops called on the young couple time and time again because their neighbors swore that she was being murdered. Hal got his lungs from her, and a whole lotta other shit that ain’t worth mentioning but good gods.
Hal was Clyde’s idea. Seraphina never wanted him, the kid was his father’s idea as she is quick to point out when he fails, when something goes wrong that he is just like his father. She felt like a parasite was taking over her body, that it was no longer her’s but this shared thing, with the world, with Clyde, with the fucking monster that made her sick, made her fat and bloated. That was the final nail in the coffin. When her ankles swelled and she was left unable to walk but forced to hobble awkwardly and in pain everywhere while he glowed and cooed and sang to her engorged belly, enough was fucking enough. Holden is pretty goddamn sure that he could feel her repulsion with him and that she hated him so much that he hated her too, before he even could. That shit stains and spreads into the cracks of a person’s bones. Once he was born, she was gone. Clyde loved him, and did his best, and Hal adores his father and does what he can for the guy but he can’t be anything but what he is. Horrifically, despite her rants and ravings to the contrary, he is just like Seraphina. He’s vain and stubborn, a reckless kid who dives head first into things best left alone and who shakes the earth too much. Addicted too quickly to various vices and prone to finding himself into all sorts of trouble; Clyde had a hell of a time keeping him even in a school system long enough for him to get expelled again. But despite all this, he’s smart. Bookish to a fault, Holden lovingly keeps collection of every single book that he has ever read (which, honestly, is part of how and why he kept getting kicked out of schools - he’d borrow and borrow and never return), Holden isn’t a prodigy but he can string two and two together and get to four.
Now, when it comes to him and his gifts, well he is rather fucked up a creek without a paddle and that’s what landed him where he is now.  Clyde and Seraphina, when they got hitched, fled across the country and ended in the middle of Fuck All, Kentucky, but there’s only so much there for a father and his kid that both struggled to set down roots - and, well, that wasn’t working out so well. And the kid was weird, weird shit happened. He knew it, felt like he was the cause of most of it and damned, wouldn’t you know it, he was. Sure, sure, not everything was his fault, but - well. Logic is hard to apply when suddenly, you’re spouting fire out of your fucking fingertips. Odd things just happened around him, unintentionally done sure but sometimes there would be a pull like he needed, just absolutely needed to borrow himself into the earth and not resurface until he was nothing more, to lose himself in some of the oddest of places as they steadily made the march back to Washington. It was like nails on a chalk board until it all ended up with him literally exploding. A string of wildfires followed the father and son duo; they started when he woke up one night and his bed was on fire, which was the end of that particular house and only stopped once Seraphina figured out what was happening when Clyde let her know, in their rare and far between phone calls. That’s when they made the rush back to Norfolk. It took some radical readjustment to being in this town - the energy is too much at times for him, never being properly exposed to magic before his accidental sets of pyrotechnics, but it feels right, it feels like home. For once, he finally understands something.
Hal isn’t selfish, despite what he’d like the world to believe him to be, he is the very definition of selfless with this need to help others, to pick people up and dust them off and give them everything from the shirt off his own fucking back and… Holden just loves people. He can’t help himself. He may sometimes might not respect others if he didn’t feel the need to, but he will always be the first stepping up to help others. The destruction he’s responsible makes him sick, makes him regret fucking living on his worst of days, but he can’t deny it; it’s something apart of himself now that he needs to learn to fucking control. There’s no hiding it from himself that he is capable of awful things, but he can at least learn to clean up after his fucking self. That’s how he managed to stumble his way into the Norfolk fire department.
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 16 June 1838
8 10
2 20
fine morning F66 ½° at 9 ½ - breakfast at 9 38 – dressed – Josephine not come – A- and I out in the carriage at 12 ¾ - at the bank to order the payment of sixty francs to Mr. Moët for the dozen still champagne sent to me aux soins de M. Quillaq à Calais – then to Miss Daniel Cabourg about A-‘s riding dress – then to the Jardin des Plantes – there at 2 and in the cabinet de l’histoire naturelle till 3 10 – A- much pleased – went  myself with Lefevre to the administration for admission billets – Mr.......... who spoke English so well died about 2 years ago – and Mademoiselle Duvauscel [Duvauchell] that was has at last had the designed good fortune to marry and the Benedict is M. le comte amiral Ducrest de Villeneuve Preft martitime à Lorient in Brittany (vide 8th instant p. 223 bis) – from the musée to the Serres to see my old friend Newmann now head gardener looking portly and well, but too large and suffering from liver complaint? something in his side – adhesion he seemed to say – but not looking as if hepatic adhesion was his maladie – full of his visit last year to Chatsworth – the d. of D- made a fête on purpose for him and seems to have treated him with great kindness and good humour and familiarity – alias condescension – N- said the d. was much taken with the Serres at the Jardin des plantes and he 1st thought to have serres like them – then afterwards had the idea of his present immense conservatory – then went to see Madame Newmann, and stood talking to her sometime while she prepared her petite diner – then returned by the r. d’Orléans to seek the remise my porter had told me of – no remise to let – passed the pont du Jardin des plantes (at 4 35) for A- to see the view up and down the river, and home by the boulevards – en passing stopt to see the marché du temple, but no old furniture there – chiefly old clothes and new and all sorts of bedding and [convert...], and household  pots and pans and tins etc. etc. – a queerish place for ladies to go into – then chez Felix – and bought tea of Roberts Place Vendôme to see Mr. Roberts was going to England par diligence – no! (the name is Robertson – some stranger that will be Oddys’ companion) – R- took me for a Russian so on my asking for the best tea he had gave me Pecco a fire at 16fr. a lb. did not know I was English or would not have given it me – sure I should not like it – no English person did like it – Madame de Bourke had common Sonchoug at 7fr. with an ounce + (at 1st he said 2 ounces) of Pecco at 16/. (or perhaps 2nd qualité at 14/.) and paid 8/. a lb. for her tea – I took 1/4lb. at 16/. (Pecco a fire black tea) and 1/8lb. Green at 14/. – home at 6 – found Josephine who had been about her passport in the morning and brought it all ready – dinner
Josephine Devaux
at 7 ¼ - asleep – Had the hairdresser (Carré) to dress my hair that Josephine might see the style of doing it – he charge me 3/. on account of the lesson she had taken – came to my room at 10 – had Josephine – then sat at my accounts etc. till 1 35 tonight at which hour F68 ½° - fine day
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chiseler · 12 years
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They're no longer the household names they once were. In fact their names were not really their names. But between them Harry and Albert Von Tilzer were two of the more successful and prolific songwriters and publishers on Tin Pan Alley, and many of their songs are familiar today as icons of the so-called Gay Nineties and early 1900s. One of them still gets played every day there's a baseball game.
Harry and his brothers were not born Von Tilzers. Harry was born Aaron Gumbinsky or Gummblinsky to Polish Jewish immigrants in Detroit in 1872. He grew up in Indianapolis, where the brothers were all born. The family shortened the name to Gumm, leading to the often-repeated misinformation that Frances Gumm, better known as Judy Garland, was Harry's niece. In fact, her father Frank Gumm was not one of the Gumbinsky/Gumm/Von Tilzer brothers, but a cracker from Tennessee (and predominantly homosexual, interesting when you consider Garland's complex personal and professional relationships with gay men later, not to mention Liza's).
At fourteen Harry Gumm ran away to join the Cole Brothers Circus. He played piano and wrote songs for a traveling theater troupe and changed his name on the road, taking his mother's maiden name and adding the Von for a touch of class. His brothers, all of whom went into the music business after him, followed suit. Making for more confusion, in 1929 a Helen Von Tilzer would marry one of the Marx Brothers -- Gummo, of course. Because of that preposterous-seeming coincidence she's often written up as Harry's sister, but in fact she was born Helen Theaman in New York. Von Tilzer was her first husband's name, and he seems to have been a real Von Tilzer, also not related to Harry and the fake Von Tilzer clan.
Harry worked in burlesque, with medicine shows and in vaudeville, specializing, naturally, in "Dutch" (German) routines. In 1892 he arrived in New York City by train as a groom for a carload of horses. He had one dollar and sixty-five cents in his pocket. For the next six years he struggled, playing saloon piano and writing songs that Tony Pastor and others bought from him at two bucks each.
According to David A. Jansen's Tin Pan Alley: An Encyclopedia of the Golden Age of American Song, Harry wrote his first hit under some duress. He and lyricist Andrew B. Sterling were sharing a furnished room on East Fifteenth Street in 1898 and were "three weeks behind on their rent. When a final bill was slipped under their door, they used the paper to write a chorus and then a verse of what turned out to be their first successful publication, 'My Old New Hampshire Home.'" It was classic barbershop quartet treacle. William Dunn of the Orphean Music publishing company paid them fifteen dollars for it -- a week's rent on the room -- and proceeded to sell more than a million copies in sheet music.
In 1900 he was relaxing in a whorehouse (or just at a party, depending on the source), noodling on the piano to some lyrics handed him by the British lyricist Arthur Lamb. When Harry saw the girls around him crying, he figured he'd noodled up a smash hit. It was. "A Bird in a Gilded Cage" sold more than two million copies of sheet music, and was one of the most popular weepers of the age, a song we still associate more than maybe any other with late Victorian mawkishness. This time Harry earned far more than fifteen bucks.
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He and Lamb collaborated on two more tearjerkers in 1902, "The Banquet in Misery Hall" and the equally lugubrious "The Mansion of Aching Hearts," which a few singers made into hit recordings. That same year a scrawny Jewish kid from the Lower East Side went busking in the saloons on the Bowery, belting out "Mansion" in a raspy tenor to the pie-eyed sailors and hookers who tossed pennies at him. That kid, Izzy Baline, went up to Tin Pan Alley on Twenty-Eighth Street to meet Von Tilzer, who hired him as a song plugger and "boomer." A boomer was a plant in the audience at the music hall or vaudeville house whose job was to cheer and shout "Encore!" when the publisher's new song was performed. Von Tilzer, who was an expert plugger and boomer himself, showed Izzy the ropes. Izzy, who would invent his own German-sounding professional name, Irving Berlin, went on to eclipse his mentor's fame.
But Von Tilzer was no slouch. "Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie," "I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl Who Married Dear Old Dad)," "In the Sweet Bye and Bye" and "I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!" were all major hits, and he wrote thousands more. That was not unusual. In the crowded Tin Pan Alley milieu, where publishing companies were stacked four and five stories high door-to-door, the competition was brutal, the pace ferocious and the ruling business model crudely simple: Throw as many songs at the public as you can possibly churn out, and hope one sticks once in a while. The lists of songs published on Tin Pan Alley in its glory years, roughly the 1880s through the 1920s, are stupefyingly long -- tens of thousands of songs, hurled at the public in live performances, as sheet music and piano rolls, on recorded wax cylinders, in early versions of coin-operated jukeboxes, on phonograph discs after the introduction of the affordable Victrola in 1906, and eventually on radio. Almost all of those tens of thousands of songs are forgotten now. In fact the vast majority barely made an impression when they were new. You just kept cranking them out, praying for a hit now and again.
Von Tilzer was out there pitching with the best of them. Like all serious Tin Pan Alley composers he jumped on every band wagon that rolled down Twenty-Eighth Street. He wrote Irish and "Dutch" numbers when they were fads, beer-drinking songs when they came into fashion (including one called "Under the Anheuser Busch"), schmaltzy kiddie songs, and songs capitalizing on every new dance craze, from the bunny hug to the turkey trot to the hesitation waltz. He threw three of them together in one song, "You Can Tango You Can Trot Dear but Be Sure and Hesitate." He wrote novelty songs like "The Ragtime Goblin Man" and topical ones like "Old King Tut," a hit for Sophie Tucker the year after Tut's tomb was discovered in 1922.
He also wrote several hit coon songs. Coon songs spun off from minstrel shows in the 1880s. In the 1890s and 1900s hundreds and hundreds of songs with "coon" in the title were published, usually sung to ragtime tunes. They often replaced the Old Plantation nostalgia of the traditional minstrel song with ruder, more overtly racist stereotypes. They were hugely popular, and Von Tilzer wrote his share, songs like "Alexander" (familiar to audiences then as a hifalutin' name for a blackface minstrel character), "Mammy's Kinky-Headed Coon," "My Lady Hottentot" and "Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown." Performers of old-timey music still record that one, though it may be best known for the 1970 funk version by the great Rufus ("Do the Funky Chicken") Thomas. In 1911, Berlin would upstage Von Tilzer's "Alexander" with his own ragtime-y coon song, "Alexander's Ragtime Band." Any similarity to his mentor's hit was purely intentional.
By the middle of the 1920s Von Tilzer had composed something like two thousand published songs, including a dozen million-sellers and as many as a hundred that sold half a million. His output slowed down in the later 1920s and 1930s, but he still credibly claimed to have written some eight thousand tunes. Like many Tin Pan Alley greats, including Berlin, he did it without ever learning to read or write a note of music.
Time and tastes moved on. Harry quietly lived out his last years in the Hotel Woodward, a Broadway establishment favored by show folk, and died there in 1946.
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Meanwhile, Harry had brought Albert and the other brothers to New York. Jules worked for Harry. Will started a song publishing company, and Albert and Jack partnered in another. Albert was also a songwriter. He and vaudevillian Jack Norworth collaborated on the giant "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" in 1908; according to an unconfirmed but persistent legend, Albert never actually saw a ball game until the late 1920s. Some of Albert's other hits include "Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey," "I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time," the minstrel song "Down Where the Swanee River Flows" (a hit for Al Jolson in blackface), the Prohibition lament "The Alcoholic Blues" ("No more beer my heart to cheer/ Goodbye whiskey, you used to make me frisky/ So long highball, so long gin/ Oh, tell me when you comin' back agin"), the Hawaiian-themed ragtime hit "Oh, How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo," and another novelty hit, the zany bum-diddy-bum jungle number "Oh By Jingo!" with lyrics by Lew Brown. ("We will build for you a hut/ You will be our favorite nut/ We will have a lot of Oh By Gollies/ And we'll put them in the Follies.") Born Louis Brownstein in Odessa, Brown had fled the pogroms with his family and settled in the Bronx. In a long career he collaborated with many Tin Pan Alley and Broadway composers on classics like "Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries," "You're the Cream in My Coffee," "Sunny Side Up" and "That Old Feeling." It was guys like Brown, the Von Tilzers and Berlin whom the rabid anti-Semite Henry Ford had in mind when he ranted, "The people are fed from day to day on the moron suggestiveness that flows in a slimy flood out of 'Tin Pan Alley,' the head factory of filth in New York which is populated by the 'Abies,' the 'Izzies,' and the 'Moes'..." Ignoring him, lots of people recorded the moron suggestiveness of "Oh By Jingo!" -- Danny Kaye, Spike Jones, Stephane Grappelli and Chet Atkins among them.
Following the addition of sound to commercial movies, the studios lured more and more of the music business out to Hollywood in the 1930s. After all, the first hit talkie, The Jazz Singer, was really a singie. Albert went too. He worked in film and tv, mostly contributing to soundtracks of now obscure pictures. He died in L.A. in 1956. By that point much of the Von Tilzer catalogue, especially the older and mushier songs, had faded away, except at ball games. Then in 1958 Lawrence Welk, than whom no one loved old-fashioned schmaltz more, bought the catalogue and engineered a Von Tilzer revival. When the Songwriters Hall of Fame began in 1969, Harry and Albert were among the first voted in.
by John Strausbaugh
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