#Tina x Mick
doodle-do-wop · 2 years
GG PROMTOBER DAY 17 Sike, It’s Not A Costume It’s Lingerie
still going on strong(mildly) with promptober (I will finish this I swear) 
this takes place a few years after Gallagher but is pre-Johnny Castle the cat. Staring Tina and Mick(to no one’s surprise) 
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thank you
I said minors DNI, the hell are you still doing here, go do your algebra homework
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“Oh Micky remember!” Tina called out, holding the wall for support as she swung back gently, looking at Mick’s back as she tugged on her coat and grabbed the car keys. Mick turned to face her and Tina felt her heart start to race inside her chest, she cleared her throat and took a small breath. 
“Um j-junior mints.” Tina sputtered out, gently pressing herself against the wall for further support as she tried to quell the red hot blush that tried to creep up her face. 
“Junior mints, I know.” Mick said in her low smooth voice and Tina thought her knees would buckle out beneath her. She let out a small half sigh and felt herself smiling like an idiot as she watched Mick fix the collar of her coat and gently pull out her hair from underneath. 
Tina walked forward and looked up at the taller woman, Mick looked down at her curiously and Tina smiled as she reached up to fix her collar for her. Tina let her hands rest on Mick’s shoulders longer than necessary and tried to soak in the moment as much as she could before she had to leave and continue her mission. 
Mick’s large, warm hand reached up and cupped Tina’s face and Tina felt her breath catch as Mick gently pressed her lips against Tina’s and Tina kissed her back. Leaning forward, following Mick’s lips as the taller woman moved away and Tina all but snapped her neck pulling back when she realized Mick was trying to end the kiss. 
“Oh! Sorry I-” Tina floundered about for words but found herself losing her mind as Mick’s thumb gently rubbed Tina’s bottom lip as a coy smirk spread across her face. 
“See you soon.” Mick whispered and slowly let go of Tina, turning and heading out the door of their apartment. Tina fell to the floor when the door finally shut and she gripped the fabric over her pounding heart and took deep breaths. 
Tina groaned aloud and let herself fall over with a light thud, looking up at the ceiling as her heart soared in her ears and her face burned hotter than she thought she could physically handle. 
Twelve months, fifty-eight dates, many very long and very romantic nights of falling asleep in each other's arms, and god knows how many kisses and yet Tina still felt so lovestruck, so dumbfounded after each kiss and hand hold. It still hadn’t fully settled in her mind that it was okay to hold Mick’s hand when she wanted to, kiss her when the moment suited them both. 
As Tina’s watch beeped, signaling it was ‘go time’ Tina took in a determined breath and scrambled to her feet, making her way to the bathroom to freshen up, shower, and get ready to knock Mick Morrison’s socks off. 
It had officially been a whole year since Mick and Tina had ‘officially’ started dating(Mick had apparently thought they had been dating two weeks beforehand). While their confession wasn’t exactly ideal or as romantic as Tina had dreamed of, still, she wouldn’t trade the moment for anything else in the world(even the daydream that had involved Dolly Parton). 
Tina paused and let herself stand there under the running water of the shower and brought her hand to her lips as she recalled that night at the drive-in. She remembered the tears she had shed, thinking she had pushed too far, pouring her heart open since she couldn’t take it anymore. She could still feel Mick’s lips against hers, the wood biting against her the back, the passion of Mick’s careful hands as she-
Tina blinked and yanked the water temperature as cold as she could handle and took a deep breath. 
When Tina went through every step of her routine she hopped out the shower and wrapped herself up in her towel, crouching down and opening the cabinet door and taking out the most embarrassing article of clothing she had ever willingly purchased. She laid it down on the sink counter and did everything as she had practiced. 
This night had to be perfect. 
Tina let out a sigh as she started to cap the lipstick in her hands, trying to control the insistent fidgeting that kept overriding her control, making her twist the lipstick up and down making it harder to close the damn thing. 
She favored biting the inside of her cheek over gnawing at her lip in fear of staining her teeth with the fresh coat of color and turned to the mirror, holding back her groan. 
What was she thinking?- No! No, if was fine, this was fine. Nothing strange about it, she was just…standing here…in the bathroom…surrounded by a mountain of CYnThIa McHeNrY(gag)’s make-up products, hair products, and god only knows what that weird purple foam thing was supposed to be-
Tina let a groan rip between her teeth as her hands reached up, possibly to muse with her hair but she stopped herself cold, freezing before her hands could ruin her own hard work. It had taken her over an hour to perfect the peek-a-boo look with her new short hair and she was not going to mess it up over self consciousness.  
What on earth did she even have to be self conscious about?! She was Tina Fucking Walters! Daughter of the First Lady! Granddaughter of the Tabitha Walters, once head of the Trustees. Her father was such an undercover genius he got a new name on Thanksgiving! She was the raw untapped hotness that came out of a hail of gunfire in Peru nearly unscathed! So what if she lost a pinky toe, she looked great anyway!
Tina took another deep breath and started bouncing on the tips of her toes, trying to pump herself up. 
She was hot, she was dangerous, and she was ready. Tina nodded to herself in the mirror, taking in one last look at herself before opening the door of the bathroom. 
Tina strode confidently to their shared room and opened the door, ready to light a few candles to set a soft lighting mood, maybe spritz some perfume but what Tina hadn’t calculated was Mick standing there in their bedroom, facing the door Tina had just walked through. 
Tina froze, Mick dropped the lighter she had been holding(but thankfully not the candle). 
They stared at each other for what felt like forever. 
“I,” Tina began, trying to find wherever her voice had gone in the humongous vacuum of silence and confusing tension they had made. “I…didn’t hear you come in.” 
“Spy,” Mick said after another long pause, gesturing to herself with the unlit candle in her hand and Tina wanted to jump through the window, grab the neighbor’s 12-foot-tall skeleton, four packs of mint chewing gum, baby powder and-
“You um,” Mick cleared her throat and gently set the candle down on the bed and Tina noticed where her stare kept lingering and both embarrassment and pride battled each other in her head like two power hungry monarchs demanding control. Tina watched as Mick gently rested the backs of her legs against the bed frame and brought her hand up to her face, covering her mouth as her eyes slowly went all the way down the length of Tina’s body and then slowly(so slowly) back up to meet Tina’s eyes. 
“Yes?” Tina pushed and Mick closed her eyes and took a deep, shaking breath. She brought both her hands together like a prayer and opened her eyes and Tina leaned against the door frame, taking in every detail. 
“Oh god,” Mick said softly and sat down on the bed, lowering her head and dragging her hand down her face as she looked up at Tina through her infuriatingly long lashes(genetics were so unfair). 
“Micky?” Tina asked softly and took a step forward, and then another. Mick sat up straight as a flagpole as Tina took the three long strides from the door to the bed and stood in front of Mick. Mick’s squared shoulders lowered with the exhale of another shaking breath as Mick’s eyes wandered around Tina’s new outfit once more. 
“You’ve just…had this?” Mick stumbled out, Tina noticed how Mick had to turn her head almost all the way up to look at Tina without being tempted to glance back down. 
“I bought it some time ago,” Tina confirmed vaguely and Mick nodded quickly. 
“Cool, cool, yep I uh,” Mick cleared her throat a few times(four) and dragged her hands down her coat a couple more(seven). “You look- you look just…”
Mick trailed off, her hands seeming to be stuck in a time loop as she raised them up and down helpless and suddenly it all came together. It was like the universe had called Tina up on speed dial and said ‘let me do you a favor girl friend’ and whacked Tina with the phone receptor. 
Tina stared at the nightstand where Mick’s bulging purse sat, candles poking out of the open zipper of the bag. She noticed the lighter on the floor, the plastic flowers in the vase Mick stole from their kitchen(pollen was a bitch). 
Tina glanced down at Mick who just stared up at Tina, her brown eyes shimmering in the light of the few lit candles she had placed around the room carefully before Tina had walked in. Glancing around the room everything screamed the perfect evening Tina had envisioned for them both. 
Tina gently pulled away and started to giggle, gently kneeling to pick up the lighter Mick had dropped and walked over to Mick’s purse. She rested her hip on the nightstand as she opened the purse just a smudge wider. 
She rummaged inside, laughing as she grabbed one of Mick’s many many candles(seriously, how does a grown woman fit 47 candles in a purse???) and lit a few, placing them down carefully before turning back to Mick and-
Tina froze, her eyes, once locked with Mick’s now stared down past her collarbone to the newly exposed skin and abandoned coat. Her eyes went over every roll, every curve, every inch of flushed skin that was fully on display for her to see. 
Mick had always been beautiful to Tina. How could she be anything less. Well before Tina’s wilder pining years, Mick was the most gorgeous girl in the world. Even back when Mick dared to disagree, back when she didn’t have to look down to stare at Tina, back when Tina had been the taller of the two. 
From her goofy smile, to the imperfections of her crooked teeth, her full cheeks and their rosy coloration, her brilliant brown eyes that could always find her in a crowd, the strong furrow of her brows, her messy hair, like a lion’s mane. There wasn’t an inch of her Tina hadn’t known throughout their years together, not a speck upon her body Tina dared to love any less than the rest of her, Mick was what all the stars and poets envied. She was the center of a mindless universe, day and night turned for her to shower her in their brilliant blankets of light. There wasn’t a thing Tina wouldn’t risk, a soul she would not reap, a gift she would not steal, a prize she would not win if Mick only asked it of her. 
Tina Walters would set the world on fire if she knew it would keep Mick warm. She would have held the burning sphere on her shoulders for eternity if it meant giving Mick a break. Tina would jump through any hoop, no matter how small if it meant forever would be preserved for the two of them. 
Poet’s call soulmates many names; the other half of a person, the complement, the missing piece. Tina called hers, Mick. 
“Tina?” Her voice, how could she have forgotten it? The gentle whisper that fluttered about the room was so strong and low, like the bellowing of a cello, playing a magnificent solo in a performance hall just for her ears alone. 
“You okay?” She asked and Tina blinked and snapped herself back to the present, coming down from her cloud. Mick tilted her head with a look of confusion and slight worry, her lips pressed tight in a poorly concealed smile. 
“Where’d your shirt go?” The words came strangled out of Tina’s mouth like she was just relearning to speak. Mick shrugged casually as though Tina asked about the weather. She learned forward, her hands resting between her open legs, gripping the fabric of the bedsheets as her arms pressed closer squeezing her chest-
“Which one of us is supposed to be the seductress here?” Tina huffed and crossed her arms and Mick’s brows shot up. That stupid smug smirk plastered wide across her face as her eyes took another loooong drag up and down Tina’s body. They hadn’t even finished their duty as Mick spoke. 
“Still you,” The words were breathy and full of whatever haze seemed to have fallen upon them both. Tina pressed her lips together and took a small step towards Mick and she watched as her eyes bounced up just a little higher. She took another step, then she took what few strides would lead her between Mick’s legs, her knee brushing against the mattress as Mick’s eyes climbed back up to meet hers and Tina’s legs began to wobble. 
Mick’s hands slowly rested upon Tina’s waist, hesitant, careful, and loose. Her beautiful brown eyes bore into her own as her brows started to try and meet in the middle, a question unsaid. Tina sighed happily, she rested their foreheads together and shut her eyes. 
“I love you…” She whispered and Mick shifted, her lips kissing Tina’s forehead before returning to how she was before. 
“I love you too.” Tina wrapped her arms around Mick’s neck and held her close as Mick’s hands rested on her back, hugging her. 
They stayed like that for a long time before Tina pulled away just enough to look at Mick. 
“It’s on the fan isn’t it?” Mick’s eyes glanced up and then beyond Tina’s head, she looked back and smiled sheepishly at her. Tina laughed and kissed her cheek. 
“You’re too cute Micky.” Mick snorted and raised a brow. 
“Cute?” Mick scoffed and as much as she tried to look slightly offended, her smile won through. 
“Cute.” Tina confirmed and kissed the corner of her lips. 
Mick rolled her eyes as they drank in every detail, trailing down as her hands started to travel down Tina’s sides. 
“Cute.” Mick said again to no one in particular. Her words trailed off like there was more to be said so Tina stayed silent. “Not, hot or outrageously sexy or…” her fingers found one of the many straps to the lingerie and snapped it lightly causing Tina to release a sound she didn’t even know she could make. Tina covered her mouth with her hand and pulled Mick close, resting her chin on top of Mick’s head so the other woman couldn’t see what effect she had on her. “Damn, what’s that thing Eva always says?”
Mick tsk-ed her tongue and gently nudged Tina, kissing a soft spot on her neck and Tina muffled the high pitched whine that broke out of her. Her nails dug into Mick’s shoulder when Mick’s strong hand snapped another strap. 
“Come on Tina,” She whispered and then breathed softly into Tina’s skin. “Help me out here. What does Eva always say?” 
“I am NOT talking about Eva right now.” Tina growled out from between clenched teeth. Mick kissed her neck and Tina tilted her head without thinking, granting her better access. Her lips were like a torture Tina wished to never end, trailing up to her ear and whispering to her in a huskier tone that Tina heard before during their night at the drive-in. 
“Hella bewitching?” Of all the things-
Tina pulled back and looked at Mick bewildered, confused, wildly stimulated beyond belief and that is what gets whispered in her ear?
Mick just grinned at her and Tina kissed her to shut her up. Mick said nothing else as she deepened the kiss, holding Tina as close as she could to her body as if she were trying to wield them together. Tina let out a soft sound that fluttered from the pit of her stomach and rumbled in her throat as she felt Mick start to pepper her in sweet kisses up and down her neck. Tina tilted her head, giving Mick as much access as she could ever want and Tina had to bite back a moan when she felt Mick’s teeth gently sink into the flesh of her shoulder. 
Tina rested her hand on Mick’s shoulders and gently fringed the straps of her bra, she looked down Mick’s body and raised a brow. 
“Since when do you own this bra?” Tina asked bluntly, swearing if she had ever seen Mick wear this before she would definitely remember. 
“Since when do you own lingerie?” Mick muttered between kisses and bites. 
“First of all, it's technically a costume and- hey, don't forget to chew you vampire.” Tina teased and she giggled when she felt Mick gently nibble at her neck. 
“But I’m hungry.” Mick pretended to whine and Tina saw a chance and took it. With Mick momentarily distracted by the light banter Tina pressed her down on the bed, straddling her hips with her thighs, looming over her and smiling when she saw Mick’s stunned expression. 
“Is that so?” Tina hummed and dragged her finger nail down the length of Mick’s collarbone and then up the hills of her breasts before stopping just millimeters away from the lacey fabric of Mick’s bra. Tina saw Mick gulp, audibly heard the sound, and Tina felt drunk on a power she had never known before. Mick nodded slowly and Tina gently brushed her finger against the strap of the bra. 
“Hm, that's funny.” Tina said slowly as she leaned down and gently grazed her teeth along the skin of Mick’s neck, heard the other woman gasp and then hold her breath just before Tina spoke again. “Because so am I.” 
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
stand by me // mick schumacher
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summary: the past few seasons have been rough on mick, and sometimes all y/n could do was reassure him that she was there. because sometimes, standing by someone is the best that you can do.
pairing: mick schumacher x female reader
warnings: haas, guenther steiner. mentions of serious crashes. sad mickey, burning of old haas merch, angie makes an appearance
when the night has come, and the moon is the only light we see. i won't cry, no, no, no, i won't shed a tear. just as long as you tell me, say you're gonna stand by me.
it was one thing to watch your boyfriend hit a barrier at two hundred kilometres an hour.
it was a totally different thing for every mechanic in the garage to simply roll their eyes instead of expressing some iota of concern.
“what the fuck is wrong with these people.” y/n huffed, moving to push past the viewing desk, fully intent on fighting guenther in his own garage before louise pulled her back
“it’s not worth it.” the older woman reminded her as she tried to keep a clear head.
micks headset wasn’t working; it was like gary was talking to a wall. nobody knew if mick was okay, and the only reaction she could see from guenther was annoyance. even kevin had come over the comms to ask if mick was okay.
y/n took her headset off, stumbling over to gary as she tried to keep her emotions in check. getting upset wouldn’t be good for anybody, but that crash was bad. the car had essentially split in half, taking mick with it as the session was red flagged.
“gary, is he okay?” she asked shakily, reaching for something to hold on to. “gary, i need to know.”
“i can’t hear him talking, but I can hear movement. i think he’s trying to climb out, which is a good sign.”
she didn’t start breathing again until she knew he was out of the car, knew that her mickey was safe. when they brought him to the medical bay, louise helped her there on shaky legs, and she sat with mick while he called his mom, and then they both cried together.
but from that moment on, they knew his days with haas were numbered.
“gene called me a dead man walking.” his voice sounded so small. he had been transferred to a hospital and taken in for extra observation. his mother was flying in from switzerland, and the fluorescent lights were giving him a headache.
“gene haas better watch his fucking back.” y/n scowled. “what does he know about this goddamn sport? he’s a tax criminal!”
but that day changed things. even though he knew he had y/n in his corner, you could see the clouds in mick schumachers eyes, the little glimpses of his father coming through. he would t talk to her about it, insistent that he could somehow change gene’s mind.
next race weekend, she walked with sad eyes and a heavy heart towards the mercedes motorhome and the one man that she knew would never steer her wrong.
toto wolff had become something almost like a surrogate father for y/n once she had started hanging around the track more. the older man looked out for her when mick couldn’t. toto knew she had never felt at ease in the haas garage, that there was something about the atmosphere in guenther steiners garage that made her uncomfortable.
“hey, toto.” she sighed, sinking into the austrians arms as he opened the office door.
“hey, kiddo. how’s mick doing?”
she frowned, following toto into his office. “he won’t talk about it. he still thinks there’s something he can do, and he shuts me down every time I suggest he start talking another team. I think guenther is stringing him along.”
it hurt that mick was emotionally firewalling her. yes, they still talked, but never about his career. he always shut her down with that sad look of his, or a suggestively placed kiss, attempting to distract her from the topic with the thought of something else.
she was dead worried about him.
“the air is thinner where gunther is from. it’s impairing his ability to think properly.”
she snorted. “toto, I’m worried sick about mick, he needs to talk to someone. you knew his dad. so did bonno. maybe talking to someone who knew micheal will help. I don’t know, but I can’t let this keep going on.”
“I’ll give him a call. you’re doing the best you can, y/n. please don’t beat yourself up over doing or not doing enough. it’s going to take time for mick to feel like himself again.”
“I know. I just wish that there was more I could do.”
later that week, she and mick flew to texas to visit his sister and her boyfriend ian at the family ranch. the moon was high, refracting off the water and illuminating the evergreens. mick and ian sat outside by the fire pit, angie scampering around their feet. gina and y/n were inside the house, stuffing a cardboard bankers box full of old haas merch. it had become glaringly clear to both women that mick wasn't likely to have a seat the following season.
and mick wasn't taking it well. he was still processing it, but there had been times where she felt like the man she loved would cry himself to sleep. she had the suspicion that once she went to sleep, her lover began to cry, so that she would never see him in such pain.
gina and y/n came outside, two cardboard boxes in hand as they met the men by the fire pit. they had beer bottles in hand and sad smiles on their faces as y/n rejoined her boyfriend, sitting on his lap before gently kissing his cheek.
"don't think about it, mickey. you've talked to toto, right? and jost? you aren't completely out of options for next year." y/n frowned, running her thumb over mick's bare arm. "don't give up hope just yet."
mick kissed her softly, resting his cheek against her skin. "why did you put all of my old haas merch in a cardboard box?"
"because we're burning it." she said matter-of-factly, getting to her feet and grabbing a baseball cap from the top of the box. "it'll be cathartic."
she stood in front of the fire pit, listening to the wooden logs crackle and pop as she frisbee-threw the cap into the fire, watching the fabric catch fire. she flipped the bird at the burning object with both fingers, shouting insults at guenther steiner as she watched it burn.
“take that you old austrian bastard. I bet gunethers cock is like, minuscule and that’s why he has to call his boyfriend gene before he makes any decisions.”
mick laughed a little, pulling a polo shirt out of the box.
“I mean come in now, he calls gene more than he calls his wife.” gina added. “who fucking does that? if I was his wife I’d be asking for a divorce right about now.”
mick balled up the shirt in his hands, punting it into the fire as if it was a baseball. the fabric caught fire instantly, swallowed by the orange flames as they spread across the royal blue fabric, leaving blackened ash in its wake.
“you’re right.” mick exhales, putting an arm around his girlfriend . “that felt really good.”
lifting their beer bottles to the sky and turning up the stereo, all summer long by kid rock blasting loud enough that the speakers shook, the family sang along, throwing various haas-related memorabilia into the fire and watching it go up in a cloud of dark grey smoke.
“they made ugly-ass merch anyways.”
“uh, guys, is it supposed to smell this rancid?” ian asked, scrunching up his face at the smell of burning plastic and fabric.
“oh fuck.”
“we didn’t think this through! ian, come help me get some water to put this out with.”
ian and gina ran off to get water, angie barking after them as mick and y/n fanned at the fire, laughing crazily as they used their sweaters as fans, hoping to tamp down some of the blaze.
“hey, babe, I want to tell you something.” mick smiled. “I want you to be the first to know.”
giving up on fanning the fire, as the oxygen was making the situation worse, y/n paused, her wool sweater falling limp in her hands as she looked at her lover.
“toto wants me to sign as a reserve driver next year. he’s already lost nyck to alphatauri and I think stoffel is going to aston martin. if haas drop me, I still have options. I can still come back to the field somehow.”
“oh, mickey, that’s wonderful.” y/n gushed, throwing her sweater down on a deck chair before moving over to mick and wrapping her arms around him. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” mick reminded her, kissing her softly, cradling her body in his arms as they swayed back and forth to ‘hero’ by enrique iglesias, the song playing softly in the background as they kissed in the stinky firelight.
angie padded towards the couple, nuzzling into y/n’s leg as they stared lovingly into each others eyes.
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, mickey.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @oconso @lorarri @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @scuderiasundays @silverstonesainz
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Mick Carter: A Smol Saga
He can call me what he wants.
Yeah? So how come you’re sittin out here?
‘Cause you always side with Shirley. He’s my Dad as well. He’s just scared, ya know. ‘Cause if we all get on, then what? Then we talk about Mum, don’t we? We talk about when we was kids and he don’t like that.
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Antonio Lopez, Tina Turner and Mick Jagger, 1986, Pencil/watercolor on paper, 17” x 14”, Courtesy of the Estate of Antonio Lopez & Juan Ramos.
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bitter69uk · 1 year
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I finally watched the 2023 documentary Little Richard: I Am Everything. Director Lisa Cortés succeeds in making it feel cinematic, and the archival performance footage of Richard in his prime alone is worthwhile. The best “talking head” contributors are Richard’s late exotic dancer girlfriend Lee Angel and pioneering transgender nightclub entertainer Sir Lady Java - and John Waters, of course! (Waters recalls he used to shoplift Richard’s records as a kid, and that his signature pencil-line mustache is a direct “twisted tribute”). By comparison, big name guests like Mick Jagger and Tom Jones mostly offer show biz platitudes (and Billy Porter is self-aggrandizing).
One thing it accomplishes nicely: so often hidebound rock critics and filmmakers get hung up on "who influenced who" which descends into "who ripped off who" as if it’s always a negative thing. It's common knowledge that when Richard was just starting out as a performer without his persona cemented, two flaming queer Black male rhythm and blues musicians - Billy Wright and Esquerita - inspired his musical approach and appearance (the towering, processed conk, thick make-up and mustache). As one of the talking heads savvily argues, Richard didn’t “steal” from them: rather, they provided a mirror for Richard to see his true self. Similarly, Cortés gives Ike Turner his due. A musical expert notes that Richard's piano playing was beholden to Turner’s, something Richard admitted (he raved about the impact of hearing "Rocket 88", the 1951 Kings of Rhythm track widely considered the first-ever rock'n'roll single). Yes, Ike was a monster to Tina, but his trailblazing musical genius must be acknowledged.
The finale where Cortés demonstrates Richard’s effect on modern pop culture with a montage presumably meant to represent his spiritual descendants (Cher! Harry Styles! Lady GaGa! Lizzo!) is misbegotten. Are we meant to think anyone who EVER wore sequins owes Little Richard a debt? (At least the inclusion of Lil Nas X - a modern flamboyant Black male performer – is apt). Richard was instilled with a sense of shame and guilt as a child, and throughout his life alternated between extreme hedonism and extreme fundamentalist Christianity. Sadly, as one commentator argues, Richard set a great liberating example for other people but never truly enjoyed that liberation himself.
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insomniac-jay · 10 months
HeavyHeat Headcanons
It's time I talk about another villain boss bitch x malewife ship. Flashfam edition
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy
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Straight off the bat: most chaotic couple ever. Flash gets gray hairs everytime they go on a date
Heatwave🤝Riddler: Falling in love at first sight with the mysterious new lady rogue as she escapes the scene of a heinous crime she committed
Mick is doing whole ass deep dives on Heavy Metalikka trying to figure out who she is so that he can recruit (meaning: attempt to rizz) her
Roxy was a put off by him at first because he's bald and in her mind bald White man=cop or skinhead and she does not fuck with neither
This reasoning leads to her actually rejecting his offer to join the Central City Rogues because she thought they were either a group of undercover or ex cops or a skinhead group while trying to bash his head in with her guitar
Mick after the hot metalhead lady rejects his offer:
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Mick tried again when they ran into each other at a bar. This time, he brought a picture of the other Central City Rogues and burnt the local police station as proof. While she didn't accept the offer to join his team, she was impressed and gave him a kiss on the cheek as a reward
Roxy puts Mick on to all types of Black rock, punk, and metal artists like Lenny Kravitz, Tina Bell and the Bambams, Death
Roxy often calls him Micky as a nickname but sometimes if she's feeling frisky or in the mood to tease, she'll call him Daddy-o
The others never let Mick live it down and Axel is jealous as hell of the nickname
Mick loves her dragon shaped nose piercing and gets a fireproof one for himself so they can match
Mick almost gave himself a hernia when he tried to lift Roxy's guitar. Roxy finds it cute that he thinks he can even carry it, let alone pick that thing up
Mick watching as his future wife blows out Barry's eardrums and smashes the skulls of cops:
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niamflopped · 1 year
The Sunday Times
How Harry Styles reinvented the playboy
No mud-slinging exes or disgruntled girlfriends here — the heartthrob singer is championing respectful relationships
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Sarah Ditum
Sunday April 02 2023
Like every former boybander in search of a solo career, Harry Styles had to create a new identity when One Direction split in 2016. But he didn’t just reinvent himself for the post-1D era. Styles, 29, has also been credited with reinventing manhood for a modern-day audience.
“Harry Styles is rewriting the rules of masculinity on his terms,” raved the women’s magazine Grazia in 2021. The New York Times heralded Styles last year for his “liberated” take on gender. That liberated take, though, hasn’t precluded him from reportedly having lots (and lots) of girlfriends.
According to reports this week, the model and actress Emily Ratajkowski is the latest in a string of famous and gorgeous women with whom Styles has been linked. There was the late Caroline Flack, who was presenting The Xtra Factor, the sister show of The X Factor, when Styles was a contestant in 2010 (she was 32 and he was 17). After that he went out with the comedian Emily Atack for a short time.
Styles’ last public relationship was with the actress and director Olivia Wilde, who he met when he worked on the film Don’t Worry Darling.
He also dated Kendall Jenner. His relationship with Taylor Swift was brief, but creatively fertile: her album 1989 is rumoured to be shaped by their romance. There was a scattering of Victoria’s Secret models in between. Most recently, he was involved with the director Olivia Wilde (who cast him in the film Don’t Worry Darling) in the middle of a messy break-up with the father of her two children, the actor Jason Sudeikis.
There’s something quite retro about Styles’s romantic history, matching the dreamy Seventies influence in his music. His capacity for hooking up with the most impressive beauties of his era recalls the great shaggers of the 20th century — men like Mick Jagger, Warren Beatty and David Bowie, all of whom seemed to have had a cheerful kid-in-a-candy store attitude to sexual possibilities afforded by celebrity.
But serial dating can look tawdry rather than glamorous in the 21st century. Think of the general shudder greeting the actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s endless procession of young girlfriends, none of whom seem to last beyond their 25th birthday.
So how does Styles do it? He has always rejected the playboy label, and his version of maturity is different from the laddish one espoused by previous teen idols turned adult stars. See Robbie Williams, obliterating his Take That pinup status in 1995 by partying with Oasis at Glastonbury. Or Justin Timberlake, making vulgar comments about his ex Britney Spears in 2002 to kill off his nice-guy ’N Sync image.
Styles is known for his flamboyant looks and defying masculine conventions.
No such boorishness for Styles. He is, instead, the gold standard of modern sensitivity. He wore a dress on the cover of Vogue, and a sheer blouse and pearl earring to the Met Gala in New York. In the film My Policeman, he played one half of a tender gay romance, and he’s lent his support to causes including Black Lives Matter and LGBT rights. At one concert, he supported a fan in coming out to her mother, leading the whole audience in a chant of: “Tina, she’s gay.”
This image has helped to make him staggeringly successful: his 2022 album Harry’s House broke streaming records, won best album at the Brits and the Grammys and spawned a 15-night residency at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Coupled with his delicate handsomeness, this may explain the queue of girlfriends.
Like his ex Swift, Styles has pointed out that he doesn’t actually date more than the average person his age — he just attracts more attention when he does. In the case of Ratajkowski, one photograph of the two kissing in the street in Tokyo has been worldwide news for days.
Styles also dated Kendall Jenner. He likes to remain on good terms with his exes.
In response, Styles maintains the gentlemanly habit of rarely discussing his love life. It’s not far off the old music industry wisdom that heartthrobs should avoid relationships to keep themselves notionally available to their fans. But it also protects him. Having been famous since he was 16, Styles has had to learn to draw a line between his public and private selves to survive. And it protects the woman he’s with from jealous fans, who perceive any girlfriend as a rival to be attacked. A corner of his fandom can be “crazy” and “mean”, he has said.
Styles’s respect for his partners is in line with contemporary manners. Timberlake initially gained credibility for trashing Spears but by 2021, at the peak of #FreeBritney outrage, upset fans pushed him into a grovelling apology nearly 20 years on. Chivalry is back in fashion.
Styles also gets points for his apparent fearlessness around women who are impressive on their own terms. While the age gap with Flack raised eyebrows at the time, he’s subsequently been linked to multiple older, accomplished women.
Unlike a lot of famous men, he seems happy to be with an equal — or even, in the case of Swift, her muse. He also keeps things amicable post-break-up and has made friendly appearances with Swift and Jenner.
Beatty is also known for keeping his exes close. “What happens is fame gives you access, so you’re lucky enough to be exposed to these very admirable women,” the actor said in 2016. “Not just physically beautiful, but great people and talented and intelligent people.”
Harry Styles hasn’t reinvented masculinity but maybe he’s rediscovered the trick that separates a great lover from a playboy: he actually seems to like women, as well as wanting to sleep with them.
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I couldn't read the whole article because it's not free. But I find it funny how the title says "reinvented the playboy" while the sub headlines says he's "championing respectful relationships". Like you can't call someone a fuckboy and says he's a champion at RESPECTFUL relationships the very next thing. The oxymoron used is weak af
Here you go.
From here:
The Sunday Times
How Harry Styles reinvented the playboy
No mud-slinging exes or disgruntled girlfriends here — the heartthrob singer is championing respectful relationships
Like every former boybander in search of a solo career, Harry Styles had to create a new identity when One Direction split in 2016. But he didn’t just reinvent himself for the post-1D era. Styles, 29, has also been credited with reinventing manhood for a modern-day audience.
“Harry Styles is rewriting the rules of masculinity on his terms,” raved the women’s magazine Grazia in 2021. The New York Times heralded Styles last year for his “liberated” take on gender. That liberated take, though, hasn’t precluded him from reportedly having lots (and lots) of girlfriends.
According to reports this week, the model and actress Emily Ratajkowski is the latest in a string of famous and gorgeous women with whom Styles has been linked. There was the late Caroline Flack, who was presenting The Xtra Factor, the sister show of The X Factor, when Styles was a contestant in 2010 (she was 32 and he was 17). After that he went out with the comedian Emily Atack for a short time.
Styles’ last public relationship was with the actress and director Olivia Wilde, who he met when he worked on the film Don’t Worry Darling.
He also dated Kendall Jenner. His relationship with Taylor Swift was brief, but creatively fertile: her album 1989 is rumoured to be shaped by their romance. There was a scattering of Victoria’s Secret models in between. Most recently, he was involved with the director Olivia Wilde (who cast him in the film Don’t Worry Darling) in the middle of a messy break-up with the father of her two children, the actor Jason Sudeikis.
There’s something quite retro about Styles’s romantic history, matching the dreamy Seventies influence in his music. His capacity for hooking up with the most impressive beauties of his era recalls the great shaggers of the 20th century — men like Mick Jagger, Warren Beatty and David Bowie, all of whom seemed to have had a cheerful kid-in-a-candy store attitude to sexual possibilities afforded by celebrity.
But serial dating can look tawdry rather than glamorous in the 21st century. Think of the general shudder greeting the actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s endless procession of young girlfriends, none of whom seem to last beyond their 25th birthday.
So how does Styles do it? He has always rejected the playboy label, and his version of maturity is different from the laddish one espoused by previous teen idols turned adult stars. See Robbie Williams, obliterating his Take That pinup status in 1995 by partying with Oasis at Glastonbury. Or Justin Timberlake, making vulgar comments about his ex Britney Spears in 2002 to kill off his nice-guy ’N Sync image.
Styles is known for his flamboyant looks and defying masculine conventions.
No such boorishness for Styles. He is, instead, the gold standard of modern sensitivity. He wore a dress on the cover of Vogue, and a sheer blouse and pearl earring to the Met Gala in New York. In the film My Policeman, he played one half of a tender gay romance, and he’s lent his support to causes including Black Lives Matter and LGBT rights. At one concert, he supported a fan in coming out to her mother, leading the whole audience in a chant of: “Tina, she’s gay.”
This image has helped to make him staggeringly successful: his 2022 album Harry’s House broke streaming records, won best album at the Brits and the Grammys and spawned a 15-night residency at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Coupled with his delicate handsomeness, this may explain the queue of girlfriends.
Like his ex Swift, Styles has pointed out that he doesn’t actually date more than the average person his age — he just attracts more attention when he does. In the case of Ratajkowski, one photograph of the two kissing in the street in Tokyo has been worldwide news for days.
Styles also dated Kendall Jenner. He likes to remain on good terms with his exes.
In response, Styles maintains the gentlemanly habit of rarely discussing his love life. It’s not far off the old music industry wisdom that heartthrobs should avoid relationships to keep themselves notionally available to their fans. But it also protects him. Having been famous since he was 16, Styles has had to learn to draw a line between his public and private selves to survive. And it protects the woman he’s with from jealous fans, who perceive any girlfriend as a rival to be attacked. A corner of his fandom can be “crazy” and “mean”, he has said.
Styles’s respect for his partners is in line with contemporary manners. Timberlake initially gained credibility for trashing Spears but by 2021, at the peak of #FreeBritney outrage, upset fans pushed him into a grovelling apology nearly 20 years on. Chivalry is back in fashion.
Styles also gets points for his apparent fearlessness around women who are impressive on their own terms. While the age gap with Flack raised eyebrows at the time, he’s subsequently been linked to multiple older, accomplished women.
Unlike a lot of famous men, he seems happy to be with an equal — or even, in the case of Swift, her muse. He also keeps things amicable post-break-up and has made friendly appearances with Swift and Jenner.
Beatty is also known for keeping his exes close. “What happens is fame gives you access, so you’re lucky enough to be exposed to these very admirable women,” the actor said in 2016. “Not just physically beautiful, but great people and talented and intelligent people.”
Harry Styles hasn’t reinvented masculinity but maybe he’s rediscovered the trick that separates a great lover from a playboy: he actually seems to like women, as well as wanting to sleep with them.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 12, 2023)
23:59 Air - Playground Love 23:56 Viva La Panda & Finding Molly - Bring It On (La La La) 23:49 Chicane - Offshore 23:45 Glide - Y Môr 23:40 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 23:35 A.r. Rahman - Mumbai Theme Tune 23:32 Lucy Neville - Ransom 23:29 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 23:27 Dennis Lloyd - Nevermind 23:22 Schiller - Free The Dragon 23:19 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 23:14 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 23:09 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 23:06 Lstn - Sïstër 23:02 Disciples - On My Mind 22:57 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 22:53 Morcheeba - Slow Down 22:47 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 22:42 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 22:38 Dj Shah & Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Mix) 22:34 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 22:31 Vievie - Blue Island 22:26 The Swan And The Lake - Port D'andratx (Part 2 - Rain) 22:21 Fous De La Mer - Luces 22:17 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 22:13 Emmit Fenn - Lost In Space 22:10 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 22:07 Daniel Steidtmann - Pigeon Lake 22:03 Van Dresen, Akki & Monteur Feat. Christina Novelli - Beautiful 22:01 Mellowdy - Rise Up 21:57 Schiller X Ro Nova X Tricia Mcteague - Illuminate 21:54 Martin Trevy Feat. Hedara - Talking To The Silence 21:49 Lyke - Stay With Me 21:45 Stephane De Lucia - Trippin 21:42 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 21:39 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 21:34 Afterlife - How Does It Feel (Original Mix) 21:31 Kygo, Paul Mccartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 21:29 Pulsedriver & Tiscore Feat. Anna Grey - We Are 21:21 Ost & Kjex - Queen Of Europe Feat. Anne Lise Frokedal (Solomun Remix) 21:13 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 21:10 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 21:06 Alan Walker - Faded 21:03 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 20:57 Tom Novy Feat. Amadeas - Dancing In The Sun Feat. Amadeas (Tapesh & Dayne S Remix) 20:52 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 20:44 Beyhude - Alabora 20:41 Schiller - Der Tag...du Bist Erwacht (Mit Jette Von Roth) 20:37 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 20:34 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 20:30 Lissa, Freddy Verano - Move Like Me 20:28 Blank & Jones Feat. Coralie Clément - Cest Mieux 20:23 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 20:19 Madonna - Nothing Really Matters 20:15 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 20:13 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 20:09 Kygo & Whitney Houston - Higher Love 19:59 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 19:53 Groovecatcher - Intoxicated 19:50 Kygo & Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It 19:47 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 19:42 Hendrik T. - Espiral 19:38 Clément Leroux - Memories 19:35 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 19:31 Lily & Madeleine And Ofenbach - Come To Me (Ofenbach Remix) 19:29 Hanns Feat. Lu - Chemistry 19:24 Blank & Jones - High Fly 19:21 Sam Feldt X Lush & Simon Feat. Inna - Fade Away 19:18 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 19:11 Mahmut Orhan - Way To Life (Boral Kibil Remix) 19:09 Troels Hammer - Azur 19:06 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 19:00 Mahoroba - Soft Breeze (On Air Mix) 18:58 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 18:53 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 18:47 Bedrock - Beautiful Strange 18:42 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Sweet Lullaby 18:38 Nora En Pure - World Of Rules 18:35 Kygo & Rita Ora - Carry On 18:28 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 18:25 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 18:19 Boris Pillmann - Mood Of Moonlight 18:14 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 18:10 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 18:05 Fluff - Late Night Session 18:03 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 17:59 Moya Brennan - Ancient Town 17:57 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 17:53 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 17:47 Lullaby Lounge - Chill De La Mer (Blank Guitar Cafe Relax Mix) 17:43 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 17:40 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 17:37 Hagen Feetly - Not The One 17:35 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 17:32 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 17:28 Paco Pedilla - Chariots Of Fire (Glorious Remix) 17:25 Klingande & Bright Sparks - Messiah 17:23 Gibbs & Code X - Close To Your Heart 17:18 Jacob Gurevitsch - Lovers In Paris 17:15 Sans Souci - Nanda 17:08 Tosca - Suzuki 17:04 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 17:01 Paratone - Time After Time 16:57 Naomi - Avenue L'amour (Lemongrass Remix) 16:54 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 16:51 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 16:45 Ian Pooley - Stonyridge Terrace 16:38 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 16:31 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 16:26 Best Of Chillout Lounge - Sylt (Sensibar Mix) 16:22 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 16:19 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 16:14 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 16:12 Christopher Von Deylen - Arco Iris 16:06 Antennasia - First Flight (Lemongrass Remix) 16:04 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 16:01 Lunax - I Like 15:57 Loungertrip - Brighter Day 15:54 Shouse - Won't Forget You 15:50 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 15:46 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 15:43 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 15:41 James Carter & Ofenbach Feat. James Blunt - Can't Forget You 15:35 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 15:32 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 15:30 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 15:26 Nombe - Wait 15:18 Jan Blomqvist - Empty Floor 15:10 Boris Pillmann - Love You 15:07 Italobrothers - Stay 15:03 Hallmann - Always Be 14:59 Martin Böttcher - Old-shatterhand-melodie (Orbient Mix) 14:55 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 14:50 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 14:47 El Profesor - Busy Bye Bye 14:45 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 14:41 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix) 14:36 The Alan Parsons Project - Lucifer 14:33 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 14:30 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 14:25 Dk Dent - A Walk In The Park 14:22 Chris Avedon - The Letter 14:16 Schiller Feat. Sarah Brightman - The Smile 14:13 Topic Feat. Nico Santos) - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 14:06 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 14:03 Emmit Fenn - Blinded 14:00 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 13:54 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 13:50 Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Happy Now 13:43 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 13:38 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 13:36 El Profesor - Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix) 13:33 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 13:30 Lika Morgan - Ding Dong 13:24 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 13:22 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 13:17 Andy Caldwell - Quiet Nights 13:14 Filous - Let It Snow (Original Mix) 13:10 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 13:08 Diena Van Diest - Don't Give Up 12:59 Blank & Jones - California Sunset 12:54 Worakls - Caprice 12:48 Sunlounger & Zara - Lost (Chillout) 12:43 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 12:33 Moby - Too Much Change 12:29 Sanavé - Deja Morinor 12:26 Sans Souci - Fenton 12:21 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 12:14 Max Melvin - Whatever 12:11 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 12:08 Cookin' On 3 Burners, Henri Purnell & Revelries - Force Of Nature 12:04 Lucy Neville - Shameless 11:59 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 11:54 Jazzy Pecada - Slow Down 11:50 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 11:46 Ec Twins, Oda Loves You - Wonderful Life 11:42 Discover. - Lost In Music 11:39 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 11:35 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 11:29 Electribe 101 - Talking With Myself 11:22 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 11:20 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 11:15 Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde 11:11 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 11:05 Armen Miran - Precious Story 11:01 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 10:54 Bay Area - Dolphin Rider (Pianodreamsession) 10:48 Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab - Wicked Games 10:45 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 10:42 Nora En Pure - Fibonacci 10:35 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 10:29 Tebra - Suton 10:26 Matoma Feat. Jonah Kagen - Summer Feeling 10:18 Levitation - More Then Ever People 10:15 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 10:12 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 10:09 Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 10:06 Edx - Neptune 10:01 Perfect Silence - Di (Original Mix) 09:54 Boral Kibil & Gulec - Lost Language 09:49 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 09:43 Max Manie - Sunday (Klangtherapeuten Looking For Summer Remix) 09:40 Bernward Koch - Flowing Colors 09:35 Lamb - Wonder 09:28 Schiller & Sheppard Solomon - Sweet Symphony (My Heart Beats Again) 09:26 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 09:22 Emily Burns - Im So Happy 09:17 Roger Shah, Feel, Zara Taylor - One Life (Pedro Del Mar & R.i.b Chillout Remix) 09:10 Röyksopp & Jamie Irrepressible - The Next Day (Mind Against Remix) 09:08 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 09:04 Sean Bay, Mehdi Mouelhi Feat. Arabella - Maktoub 09:00 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 08:55 Black Zone Ensemble - Bubbles 08:51 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 08:45 Rodg - Heights 08:38 Jasmon - Mountain Peak 08:35 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 08:30 Golden Tone Radio - Glück 08:25 Schiller - Rubinrot 08:23 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 08:15 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 08:10 Axwell / Ingrosso - Something 08:07 Famba Feat. Brando & Mkla - Games We Play 08:04 Sam Feldt Feat. Lateshift - The Riddle 08:00 Air - Ce Matin Là 07:57 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 07:52 In Credo - Siesta Del Sol 07:49 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 07:45 Nihoni - After Sun 07:40 Sphere - I Fly Away 07:37 Thrdl!fe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head 07:34 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 07:29 Pang! - Lion (Original Mix) 07:24 Tebra - Istok 07:20 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Erase Rewind 07:16 Hakan Lidbo Feat. Emma - What Is Love 07:14 Nora En Pure - Wetlands 07:03 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 06:59 Jackson Feat. James Yuill - Love Love Love 06:56 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 06:52 Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy 06:49 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 06:42 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 06:39 Alle Farben Feat. Janieck - Little Hollywood 06:31 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 06:28 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 06:22 Headstrong - Symphony Of Soul (Reuben Halsey Chillout Mix) 06:19 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 06:15 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Kings & Queens 06:09 Groovecatcher - Angel Of Nature 06:06 Goldfish Feat. Nate Highfield & Dan Silver - Forever Free 06:03 Hbz, Anna Grey & Agent Zed - Aloha Hey 05:59 Lumininius - I Believe In You 05:56 Nora En Pure - All I Need 05:50 D.a.x. Feat. Victoria Wilson James - Crash Landed 05:46 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 05:43 Sanah - Invisible Dress (Maro Music X Skytech Remix) 05:39 Sans Souci - Twin Lakes 05:37 Munich Monstrs - Shine 05:33 Duboss - Losing My Religion 05:30 Consoul Trainin - Take Me To Infinity 05:28 Above & Beyond - Quieter Is Louder (Original Mix) 05:25 Nora Van Elken - Mount Fuji 05:20 Massive Attack - Teardrop 05:17 Tomas Skyldeberg - Outside The Window 05:13 Alex Breitling - Lilie 05:09 Melosense - Polarization (Original Mix) 05:04 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit) 05:00 Nora En Pure - Morning Dew (Radio Mix) 04:57 Alan Walker Ahrix - End Of Time 04:53 Klangperlenspiel - Fraction Of Your Love 04:49 Sise - The Rain (Where Do I Begin) 04:47 Lizot - Daddy Cool 04:44 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 04:39 Hazy J - Our Way 04:36 Twopilots - Take My Breath Away 04:32 Dvine - Unknown Reality 04:29 Oovee Feat. Alesha Dixon - Higher Love 04:25 Panama, Satin Jackets - The Future 04:22 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 04:18 Blank & Jones Feat. Coralie Clément - Jardin D'hiver 04:15 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 04:10 Fous De La Mer - Soledad 04:08 Cotone - Faded Glory 04:02 Rodriguez Jr. & Liset Alea - Amplify 03:58 Nora En Pure - Diving With Whales (Daniel Portman Radio Mix) 03:54 Sum Wave - Malin's Song 03:51 Kidsø - Finja 03:45 Fonzerelli - Moonlight Party (Touch & Go Laidback Mix) 03:37 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 03:33 Above & Beyond - Out Of Time (Original Mix) 03:28 Akmusique - Cafe Noir (Album Version) 03:24 Arden - Open 03:19 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 03:16 Moby - Lift Me Up 03:13 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 03:09 Troubleman Feat. Nina Miranda - Paz 03:04 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 02:57 Monolink - Otherside (Club Mix) 02:53 Alphawezen - 4043 02:51 Kamrad - Feel Alive 02:48 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 02:45 Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson - Here For You 02:42 Alan Walker X Hans Zimmer - Time (Alan Walker Remix) 02:34 Kygo - Freeze 02:31 Galantis Feat. Onerepublic - Bones 02:27 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 02:25 Vinai - Hide Away 02:20 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 02:17 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 02:13 Sting - Cool Breeze 02:10 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 02:06 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 02:01 Lizot Feat. Jason Anousheh - Einfach Nur Weg (Blondee & Roberto Mozza Remix) 01:58 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 01:56 Kamrad - I Believe 01:51 Rameses B - Never Forget (Original Mix) 01:47 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 01:44 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 01:39 Tukka & Rauhfuss - Flamingo Road (Sans Souci Remix) 01:36 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 01:34 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 01:27 H. Garden Feat. Joi - Gentle Rain 01:23 Mefree - Horizons 01:20 Mila - Herzlos 01:18 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 01:14 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 01:07 Max Melvin - Sometimes 01:00 Blank & Jones - White Light 00:57 Alok, Zeeba And Iro - Ocean 00:54 Xillions - Somebody Like Me 00:50 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 00:47 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 00:44 Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin - The Ocean 00:41 Consoul Trainin Feat. Steven Aderinto & Duoviolins - Obsession 00:38 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 00:32 Les Negresses Vertes - Face A La Mer 00:29 Lstn - Floral Decor 00:25 Schiller - Sommerregen 00:22 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 00:20 Yves V X Bashkar - Halfway (Feat. Twan Ray) 00:17 Lost Frequencies Feat. James Blunt - Melody 00:14 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 00:12 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 00:08 Rithma - The Return 00:05 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 00:01 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing
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yourstrqly · 1 year
★ . . . 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, 𝐌𝐒𝐂𝟒𝟕
pairing: mick schumacher x fem!reader, best friend!oscar piastri x fem!reader (platonic)
you can't help yourself; sending the reserve driver of merc heart eyes is your favourite activity to do whenever you visit your best friend oscar at work
Tumblr media Tumblr media
rina's masterlist
shaking his head, oscar watched you looking like the love sick fool you are. "Stop staring at him, you creep", the mclaren driver said lowly.
Instantly, you broke your gaze, eyes widened from the comment; you knew how bad it was with your heart, which beat fastly against your rips. "M'sorry", you mumbled sheepishly, embarrassment drawed on your face. "He just — he's just so beautiful to look at, you know?"
"he ain't ugly, i'll give him that", your friend chuckled, "why don't you go up to him?"
mortified you face oscar. "And die inside when he ignores me? Are you for real shithead?"
the brunette only shrugged his shoulders. "he's not going to ignore you, he's mick schumacher. that boy's the personification of a golden retriever, y/n."
a snort escaped your throat. "He is but he's just so stupidly handsome and i'm me. And obviously not interesting enough to talk to me or even look at me!"
"cut the crab, if you won't talk to him, you're destined to just watch him from afar forever."
"that's better than speaking to him", you replied, eyes glued to the strong back of the man you spoke about, dizzy head as you saw him laughing at something pierre gasly had said to him.
days later, oscar and you sat with some of the other drivers and their guests together, having eaten at a Chinese restaurant yuki had ranted about, and now you stood in a cute rustic looking bar with games shattered on tables. oscar had left your side a few minutes ago, mumbling about lando needing a partner for a silly game he didn't care to name.
you didn't mind keeping yourself company, humming to tina turner's what's love gotta do while sipping on your drink of choice, completely lost in your train of thoughts, not hearing the person sitting down next to you.
"hey", a soft voice spoke next to you, "how are you y/n?"
a nervous laugh rumbled through your body as you were left in disbelief — how does he know your name? it was weird to be honest; you crushed on the blonde for months now, ever shy and not striking up a conservation, and here you were, chilling at a bar, getting mick's attention. what a weird night (not that you minded it though).
"Earth to y/n", he grinned widely, noticing your slightly opened mouth which gave him the a small confirmation what was going inside you; you were starstruck by him, and he thought that was the cutest thing ever.
Registration set in your body. "oh.. ehm", you rambled, "sorry, i'm good, hi, how are you?"
"not bad, not bad", he replied, wrapping you into a discussion about seemingly everything, losing track of time. mick wasn't a loud mouth nor a shit talker; deep talks about food, animals and hobbies were his fortune, and got you comfortably, opening up.
the hours flew by, and around ten most of the drivers decided to call it a night, so mick and you returned to the group, saying goodbye.
he smiled at you, fingers playing with his ring as you shyly looked down at your feet. reaching out, he grasped your chin, tracing his thumb along your check. his eyes shone calmness, and you swore that your heart might burst at the sight.
"could i have your number please?", he asked sweetly, throwing you off gourd once again.
Eagerly awaiting your answer, his hand never left your face, drawing circles on your jawline. you blush, nodding excitingly.
you were definitely the happiest person on the planet, grinning with heart eyes, when you checked out your messages the next morning.
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doodle-do-wop · 2 years
Takes place years after Gallagher 
Tina and Mick again lmao
(TW started with blood, injury, non-canon character death, there will be a bold dotted line where that part ends)
Her hands were still warm and not wanting to waste another second of the time they had eft Mick raised her trembling fingers to her lips, kissing them one by one, being wary of her bloody knuckles. She heard her laugh, a horse and shallow sound that shuttered as she took another breath. Mick turned to her and saw her through her tear blurred vision, her smile was as resplendent as the day she first saw it, not even the blood that trickled from between her lips could ruin her smile.
 She felt her hand stroke her cheek, gently wiping the tears that rolled down her cheek endlessly. She was still warm. Mick pressed her hand against her cheek a little tighter. She laughed again and her breath staggered and she turned and coughed. Drops of blood spattered on the ground and a sob broke through Mick’s chest. She turned to face Mick again, her eyes squinted and her brows came together with concentration as her maskless features turned and twisted with concern and worry. Of all the lovely expressions she could make, of all the things she could be worried about, it was Mick. Not the gash that poured blood down her precious face, not the pool of crimson red she laid in that stained Mick’s skirt. 
Mick tried to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all but her sobs soon won over, she buried her face into her chest, wanting to hear her heartbeat until the very end. Soot and dirt caked her face as she pressed closer to the padded fabric of her clothes, she could feel her pulse through her gloved fingers but she had to hear it. She had to know how much longer they had as thick fluttering white ashes fell all around them like snow. 
Mick could feel her breaths, how deep she had to inhale to get what she needed while she still could. Mick could feel the vibrations as she spoke but no sound came to her ears. Mick lifted her head to look at her, to gaze upon her face for the last time. To see the life her eyes still held. Even nearing death she was perfect, she was crazy and impulsive, reckless and ridiculous but she was hers. The few flowers that remained in her long braid told her she would be Mick’s forever. They had picked those flowers just hours ago, paced them in their hair, their clothes, decorating their bodies with the flowery declarations of their love. Now the petals fell and joined the ashes on the bloody floor. 
Mick’s thumb grazed over the mole on her cheek; she used to complain all the time that it wasn’t pretty, used to whine when some foolish voice in her head told her it was unsightly, how it would rise and fall with her smiles, with her laughs. Mick leaned forward and kissed it and she felt her cheek shift, they rose higher as she smiled and Mick felt the vibrations again, the shuttering stutter of her breath but Mick couldn’t hear her. Mick pressed their foreheads together gently and watched the beautiful brown she had come to adore shine with the distant firelight. 
“I love you” Mick whispered and closed her eyes, wanting to lay beside her forever. 
She could hear her at last and Mick kept her eyes closed, soaking in the sound, burning it to memory so as to never forget. 
She was calling to her like the darkness at the end of their once lit tunnel and Mick wadded through the chains that held her back, trying to reach out for her as unknown forces pulled them apart. She stretched out her hand and-
-Mick opened her eyes as Tina’s warm hand held hers, joining their torn souls once more. 
“Mick?” She asked with a tilt of her head, her other hand was on her ear as she fit her hearing aid into place. Mick slowly sat up, intertwining their fingers as she rubbed her face and then paused when she felt moisture, flicking the tears away from her cheek.
 “Micky,” Tina began and sat down on the couch beside her, her free hand gently wiping Mick’s cheeks and then caressing the side of her face and Mick leaned into her warmth. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…yeah.” Mick nodded slowly before answering with confidence and lifted Tina’s hand to kiss her knuckles. “Weird dream.” She murmured into her skin as her mind tried to shift through the fog to remember what seconds ago felt so real. 
Tina’s eyebrows scrunched together and Mick leaned forward and kissed the crinkle that appeared between them.
 “I’m okay,” Mick assured her and gave her hand a squeeze. Tina turned a soft shade of red and nodded, clearing her throat, her hand reached down and, out of habit, started to smooth her pants as if it were a plaid skirt. Mick smiled and kissed her knuckles once more, looking right at Tina as she did so, drinking in the way Tina’s shoulders raised and her face grew redder. Tina’s mouth opened and shut as she tried to say something but all that came out were strangled flustered sounds of confusion before a timer suddenly screamed with life and Tina jumped and whipped her head around, looking over the couch to the kitchen as she got up and grabbed her apron from the coffee table.
“Shit!” She hissed and started to move away but was tugged back by Mick’s hand. She paused and looked over at Mick and their roles reversed as Mick felt a burning red hot creep up her neck to her face. Tina didn’t let go but tugged at their joint hands. Mick stood and followed her to the kitchen, walking behind her like a lost duckling. Tina pulled the brownies out of the oven, careful with her task as she refused to let go of Mick’s hand. When Mick tried to release her Tina stubbornly grabbed her hand and locked their fingers together as if saying ‘you started it now commit to it’. 
Tina set the brownies on the counter and bit off her oven mitt(how she could make such a simple movement look so alluring, Mick had no clue). She held out her free hand expectancy as her steady gaze locked on the brownies, staring them down, daring them to hop out of the tray and make a break for it. 
Mick grabbed the toothpicks on the counter and paced two in her hand and Tina stabbed them into a brownie and then pulled them out. She muttered to herself and Mick let her eyes roll up and down(they were married, she could check out her own wife). 
Tina’s short hair was held back by a headband, a thin scar at the edge of her hairline was practically invisible now. Flour dusted her forehead and cheeks and her clothes, Mick’s itchy wool sweater had its sleeves rolled as far up as Tina could manage so the too-long sleeves wouldn’t get in her way. The thighs of her jeans were caked in flour and other ingredients and Mick felt a chuckle bubble and rise inside her, she felt herself smile at the old habit and Tina looked at her from over her shoulder. 
She didn’t say a word as she stood up straight and turned to face Mick, resting their hands on the counter as she pressed herself up against Mick. Her intelligent gaze reading every blink and stray hair, unraveling Mick's secrets to her though there wasn’t much Tina hadn’t already known from word of mouth. 
“You’re staring.” She spoke softly and Mick shrugged and felt her stupid grin grow wider. “I’m allowed to.”
Tina rolled her eyes but did not disagree and she kissed Mick. Mick smiled against her lips and pulled her closer, the snowy fluttering dust of the flour floated through the air and Mick brushed it away from her cheeks and then kissed each one. 
“Micky,” Tina warned but she kept kissing her back. “The bake sale is in an hour.”
Mick hummed in acknowledgement but her lips trailed kisses down Tina’s neck as Tina’s hand tightened around Mick’s when Mick kissed a point she knew Tina liked. 
“Micky,” She warned again but Mick could hear her wavering judgment on the brownie situation. 
“Tina,” Mick whispered into her ear and Tina groaned loudly, gently moving away as she ran a hand down her face. Her ears and neck were so red Mick would have been worried if she wasn’t already glowing with pride. Tina huffed and leaned against the counter as she tried to glare at Mick from between her fingers. 
“Since when did you get so smug?” She moved her hand away from her face so her voice wouldn’t be muffled. Mick shrugged and hooked a finger through her belt loop and pulled her close. Tina rested a hand on her shoulder and Mick kissed the bridge of her nose and whispered to her in the quiet of their kitchen as Johnny Castle meowed from the floor. 
“I love you.”
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
the end of an era (and the start of a new one) (iv) // platonic! mercedes amg
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summary: toto gives y/n the final verdict on her future with mercedes amg, and the results are better than she ever could have imagined.
pairing: platonic! mercedes amg petronas x female reader
warnings: this is actually the first installment of the series that doesn’t have any wow look at that-
author's note: here's a quick little chapter checking up on baby merc! this may seem like the end, but i promise it's not. im going to try my hardest to continue baby merc's story <3
the bowling alley was loud, and y/n had already broken a nail twice.
not that she minded, because for all she knew, this could be the last team outing that she was ever invited on. her field placement was coming to a close, and toto had never given her a final answer on where she was going next.
or if she was going anywhere at all. in a perfect world, she'd be staying with these people that she now called family. in the real world, life wasn't that simple.
but she could hope.
"george, you slimy cheating bastard!" she laughed, watching the briton score another strike. "come on, there's no way you're winning with that strong a lead."
"read it and weep, baby merc!" george laughed, taking a dramatic bow.
bowling had been lewis' idea. typically, taking the team bowling was something he did in japan. but with all the people leaving mercedes at the end of this season, he wanted to make sure they all got to be included in the team bonding ritual.
"every day you surprise me more and more." peter bonnington chuckled. "y/n, it's your go!"
"how am i supposed to match up to mr. posh spice over there?" she laughed, pointing at george before walking over to the ball machine. "i sacrificed a wonderful home manicure for this."
she bowled, taking half the pins out in one go, and all but two in the second. bowling had never been her strong suit, and normally she would have complained. but she found that her friendship with the team had grown and fostered so much that they could make even cleaning a bathroom a more enjoyable task.
she'd be really upset if she needed to let them go, that's for sure.
games finished (george had won, of course), the team sat around a big metal table (she felt like a character in a john hughes movie, but without the romantic interest. olli had texted her a few times since the holiday party, but she had continued to shoot him down), baskets of french fries, chicken tenders and a large salad for lewis in front of them.
it was bittersweet, with so many people leaving the team, and toto was the first to say so when he got up to give a speech.
"it's been a long season. the car was shit, but we made it work. we're also losing some valued members of this team. angela. nyck. james. you will forever be remembered, and know that you always have a home at mercedes if you want it."
the table started clapping as toto finished. y/n was going to miss nyck, but he'd still be around. just at a different team. she'd miss angela, but the physiotherapist would always be one phone call away if she needed her.
the three in question sat on one side of the table, teary eyed and grateful for the send-off.
"additionally, we have some new faces joining us for 2023 that i am very excited for you to meet." toto grinned. "i'd like to welcome our new reserve driver, mick schumacher."
next to y/n, mick blushed, trying to hide as the table cheererd for him, a tina turner song playing over the stereo as y/n laughed, pulling him in for a side hug.
"and, this comes as no surprise to any of us, on behalf of the mercedes amg petronas f1 team, i would like to formally offer our new intern, y/n y/l/n a permanent spot on the team for the 2023 and 2024 seasons. if you'll have us."
if the cheers for mick were loud, the cheers for y/n were louder. she was frozen, halfway to tears before she snapped out of it, lewis' hand on her shoulder as he congratulated her.
"we knew you could do it."
"thanks, lew." she beamed, giving the world champion a proper hug. "i love you guys. tahnks for letting me stay."
"don't thank us." nyck laughed. "thank toto. he's the one who made the final decision. but it was a no-brainer. you were going to stay anyways."
getting out of her chair, y/n crossed the table to throw her arms around toto wolff. the man was shocked at first, but eased into it, wrapping the younger girl in his arms.
"thank you, toto."
"welcome to the family, y/n." toto laughed. "we're lucky to have you."
and that's when she knew she found it. the family that she had always been looking for.
and she knew that she was going to be okay. for real, this time.
because true family are the friends that you make along the way.
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Mick Carter: A Smol Soppy Saga
Why couldn’t she have just told me?
Well, I’m pleased she never or I wouldn’t have had you as my brother. Who would I have run to all them times if I never had you?
It wouldn’t have made a difference to us.
Yeah it would.
No…and it’s not going to now.
So, why does it make any difference who Shirley is? She’s still Shirl…smuggled us into Dreamland without paying…Shirl who showed up drunk at Johnny’s christening and groped the vicar. She ain’t perfect. I’m the perfect one. You’re the sensible one. She’s…she’s just Shirl.
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sebxvettel · 4 years
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callum and mick in chasing the dream episode 6
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vinter-fugl · 4 years
High-key want the Carter sons to return so we can see Callum’s friendship with Lee and Ben’s with Johnny. I’m just desperate for a silly little Ben, Callum and the Carters storyline that involves something stupid and not serious with a small return from “Halfway”. I feel like Ben needs to witness that side of Callum on screen. And on a side note, Lee and Johnny still have so much potential as characters!
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xjoannabanana91x · 5 years
RockStar 101 | Multi-Females (RE-UPLOAD)
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