#Tlb mate moving in
luv4fandoms · 2 years
Hi it’s your friendly random TLB anon here with some rambling and a potential fic idea. Ok so bare with me on this. But I recently went on a TLB binge (as you do) and I’ve noticed that in fics a lot of writers like to situate the reader’s nest in like the main area of the cave with Star and Laddie or off in a back corner of the cave, but never in the sleeping cave where the boys sleep for some reason. And idk how I feel about that tbh. I personally headcanon that the boys would have their partner/mate sleep in their cave as a precaution or for safety reasons (especially post-Frog Brothers attack). That way they could sleep with the reader or at least wake up in the same space in general (it’s also a private space ;))
This isn’t the point of my ask though. The point—which makes me giggle the more I think about it and I hope it gives you one too— is how exactly the boys would move the reader, and more specifically the reader’s nest, up through that narrow ass tunnel to get to their sleeping cave. Like I’m picturing the boys struggling and screaming at each other to SOMEHOW get a mattress up in there or one of them getting stuck halfway cuz they insisted the nest needed an ungodly amount of blankets and insisted even more that taking the duvets through the cluttered tunnel at the same time would be fine (it wasn’t…multiple blankets got ripped on some scrap and other random things just shove in there) along with other shenanigans. I also headcanon that it’s like part of their vampire instinct/mate bond to desire to build their mate’s nest (y’know like birds) but it’s just SOOOOO chaotic and the reader is off on the sidelines while the boys are struggling like “Anything I can do to help, boys?” And they all just scream “no!”, not because they’re mad for the reader asking but because they feel like THEY HAVE TO DO IT. Idk, do what you want with this, I just thought I’d send it out into the TLB universe ;)
I am dieing🤣🤣 Because all I'm seeing in my head is Marko yelling this at Paul, or David yelling this at all of them.
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And the others just being like
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Eventually it would all work out and their mate could now sleep safely under where they sleep, or they could sleep with their mate. But yes, it would be HELL while they were making the nest. Not only because of getting the stuff in there, but then arguing about like
*cue a chorus of No!*
This goes on for hours, until their mate ends up falling asleep on the couch and they feel bad because they didn't finish the nest in time for their mate to sleep in it that morning.
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britany1997 · 4 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Six
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Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
Hey y’all! Hope you love this next installment in my series! The plot is thickening and I can’t wait for y’all to see what I have planned for next month’s chapter😈
Comment letting me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist for this series, or to be added to my main TLB Taglist
FYFNO Masterlist
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California 1986
Maria was the one you wanted. You chose her, and you’d do what you had to to keep her. 
Whatever it took.
The sound of her laugh was the sweetest music that had ever graced your ancient ears. You threaded your fingers through hers, dissolving into a fit of giggles as she wiped ice cream from her nose. 
“I would have licked it off!” you protested with a playful pout. 
She shrugged and brushed the icecream against her nose till it was covered once more, “go ahead.” she challenged.
You raised an eyebrow and leaned in, licking the icecream off her button nose. 
Maria gagged playfully, rubbing at her nose. “You are SO gross! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” 
You doubled over with laughter, “I had to after that! You totally dared me to!” You pouted once more, “besides, is that any way to treat your girlfriend? Do I disgust you?” You threw your hand over your forehead in a dramatic display of faux offense. 
Maria mock gasped, “ah of course not darling,” her hands touched her nose with playful reverence, “I shall never wash this nose again.” 
“Ew,” your nose scrunched. 
She shoved you playfully, “you’re terrible,” she beamed. 
“You love it,” you whispered, your forehead resting on hers. 
“I do,” she whispered back, before moving to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
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David’s eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of you and Maria, too wrapped up in each other to notice he was watching.
He blew out a harsh cloud of smoke, a terrifying smile gracing his face.
“What are we gonna do about…that,” he gestured with his cigarette, before flicking off the butt and grinding it into the dirt.
“Nothing,” Dwayne said firmly, “we’ll only drive her away if we meddle.”
David scoffed.
“Maybe he’s right,” Marko chimed in, “maybe scheming isn’t the answer? How long can she ignore the mate pull anyway, it’s only a matter of time.”
David frowned, “so what? We sit back and watch while our mate parades around the boardwalk with someone else? This is our territory Marko, it’s downright disrespectful what she’s doing.”
Dwayne sighed.
“You’ve been awfully quiet blondie,” David clapped Paul on the back as he hung to the dock railing, staring off at the waves as they crashed over the shore.
“What’s there to say?”
Marko’s face softened and he moved to Paul’s side, hooking his arm through Paul’s.
“What do you mean ‘what’s there to say?’” David frowned.
Paul shrugged.
“You’re giving up? Just like that?” David grit, “you hound us for weeks about this girl and what? You’re just done with her? She’s ours Paul.”
“I can’t…” he took a deep breath, “I can’t stand to see her look at me like she does.”
David fell silent, his arms crossed.
“It’s like that pull between us…it’s like it hurts her,”
“That’s not possible,” David muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” Paul’s gaze met his. “I don’t wanna hurt her anymore.”
Marko’s hands traced patterns on Paul’s back as he returned to stare out at the waves.
David stomped out his cigarette. “Look, let’s just follow ‘er a bit longer and see what we see.”
“I’m done tailing her,” Dwayne said, “we can’t blackmail someone into loving us.”
“Who said that’s what we’re doing?” David moved to stand toe to toe with Dwayne, “just think of it as gathering info.”
Paul shook his head, huffing a bit, “I’m out,”
“Me too,” Marko added, not meeting David’s eyes.
The boys began to peel off.
“Do what you want David,” Dwayne placed a hand on the bleach blond vampire’s shoulder, “but look at her.” He nodded towards you, and David followed his gaze.
You were smiling brightly, unlike anytime they’d ever seen you. Your fingers intertwined with Maria’s, her lips pressed against your ear, murmuring something that made your smile grow.
“Would you really take that away from her?”
David’s jaw clenched, “we could make her ten times as happy.”
Dwayne shook his head as he walked off towards his bike. Something told him this wasn’t going to end well.
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David rolled his eyes as he lit up behind a column while you, finally, kissed Maria good night.
Following the two of you had proved entirely fruitless. Your frequent public displays of affection had only served to increase his ire towards the whole situation.
He’d hate to go home empty handed and face the boys’ smug faces. He hoped that once you were alone, he’d be able to find…something. At this point, he wasn’t even sure what he was looking for.
As Maria drove away, you began to stroll off.
David threw his bike a quick longing look, promising to return for it later, before following the path to your home.
As you walked the trail, David was close behind concealing himself within the trees. He was grateful you were always so lost in your own thoughts, or he was sure your heightened senses would have tipped you off to his presence by now. He smirked, being an apex predator had made you…careless.
The closer you got to your destination, the more familiar the woods seemed to become to David. He knew this path, he’d walked it countless times before.
But you couldn’t be…could you?
But when you strode up to that Max’s front door, his tall form waiting for you in the doorway, tapping his foot impatiently, David couldn’t believe his luck.
Max was your sire. He must be. Traditional, family man, ‘mates are the greatest gifts to vampire kind,’ Max.
David chuckled to himself, the beginnings of a plan forming. You had no idea what you were in for.
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As the days passed, you and Maria were closer than ever. It seemed like you spent every one of her waking night hours wrapped in her arms. (Even some of the hours you were meant to be working, but what Max didn’t know certainly wouldn’t hurt him.)
It seemed like David’s gang of misfit vampires had gotten the hint too. You hadn’t seen any trace of the bikers since you’d caught a glimpse of them creeping on your date a few days ago.
Good. They should leave you be.
But when you were with Maria, happy as you were, you couldn’t help the consuming feeling that something wasn’t quite right.
You hated it.
It bubbled up in your chest, like you were going to vomit, but nothing would ever come out. It was like pressure, keeping you on edge when you should be completely at ease. ‘You’re missing something,’ it seemed to whisper, ‘you’re always going to feel this way.’
Again and again, you’d shake it off.
You preferred to lose yourself in the taste of Maria’s lips, the softness of her cheeks, the warmth of her smile.
But that feeling, it always found it’s way back.
You tried to suppress your doubts as you trekked home.
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When you arrived at Max’s front door, he wasn’t waiting to greet you.
You frowned, but shrugged it off. Surely he’d just tired of your attitude towards him. You’d figured he’d take the hint sooner or later anyway.
But when you opened the door, you were met with the sight of Max sitting at his dining room table and sipping from a wine glass, full of a liquid you knew was not wine.
He gestured to the empty seat across from him, a matching glass placed in front of the chair. “Sit,” he commanded casually.
Your eyes narrowed, but you obeyed.
He took a long drink from his glass, “you have been spending a lot of time with that Maria girl.”
Your fists clenched, but you willed yourself not to react too strongly. “She’s my coworker, what about it?”
Max set his glass down. “Do you think I’m a fool?”
Your breath hitched. “What’s wrong with me dating?” You asked, “I thought you’d be happy to see me putting down roots.”
“Nothing wrong with dating,” he shrugged, “nothing wrong with dating humans, nothing wrong with dating girls…”
“Then what are we doing here?” your nails dug into your palms as you waited for his reply.
“Because there is something wrong with dating a silly human girl, when you have been blessed with mates.”
You felt like all the air had been knocked from your lungs.
“H-how did you-”
“You thought you could hide this? Please,” Max scoffed, “I have eyes everywhere.”
You were too stunned to speak.
“Do you know what I would do to have a mate?” He hissed, “and look at you, wasting what fate has decided to give you. You really are every bit the ungrateful child I thought you were.”
“So what?” Your anger threatened to spill over, “you’re going to order me not to see her? You’re going to thrall me?”
“Not quite,” Max clasped his hands together, “let me put it this way. If you refuse to break off this little dalliance with Maria, I will kill her.”
“What,” you whispered in shock.
“I’m a vampire,” he stated plainly, “I eat humans remember? As do you?” He gestured at the glass in front of you.
“I have never felt the need to apologize for what I am, and I have never been afraid to use my gifts to get what I want, just as you have.” Max reminded you.
Your mind flashed through every disgustingly wealthy man you had “dated,” drained, and discarded for all those years in Manhattan.
“That’s- it’s- that was different.”
Max hummed, “you may see it that way, but regardless, whatever you had with Maria, it’s over. If you want her to live that is. Doesn’t she have that big family to take care of?”
You pushed away from the table, storming towards the stairs. Before you started to ascend them so you could lock yourself in your room, you turned to face him.
“You’re a monster.”
Max nodded, “maybe, but my dear, so are you.”
You tore your gaze away from his, racing up the stairs and slamming your door.
“I’m only doing what’s best for you!” He called after you.
You laughed bitterly and collapsed onto your bed. For the first time in a long time, you wept.
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
(Idk why it doesn’t let me tag some people but I did my best guys😭)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @sad-ghost-of-garbage @crustyboypix @gothamslostboy @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @ria-coolgirl @chiefdirector @arbesa-mind @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @its-freaking-bats @f4iryfxies @ghostedghostie @jezabella8 @solobagginses @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @lostboys1987girl @mickkmaiden333 @softchonk @katerinaval @walmart-icarus @rynsfandomsfun @royaltysuite @hypocriticaltypwriter @charlottieellis @mad-is-sad @justaspeachy @natalie668 @blenna3967 @paladinshenanigan-blog @shadowrose13-blog1 @humanzeww @mynameismothra @kuroturo @ilikechocolatemilkh @whaturcapableof @twisteduniverse5 @mack-attack420 @smut-religiously777 @people-are-strange-87 @welcome-to-the-hole @pookiesnatcher @kristel1990 @mihawksdemoness @buzzybee-26 @sarcastic-sourwolf @jamie-poopoo @fraudfrog
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spidercookie18 · 1 year
So, my husband said I can't post my TLB fanfic that I've been writing for weeks, because I'd be "giving away his moves" in the David smut scenes......................................anyways, heres JUST the scene where its Davids fat c0ck. lolololol
Summary: David claims his fiesty new mate.
Content tags: use of y/n, vampire halfling, choking, degredation, unprotected sex, breeding, exclusively smut, like it's all smut, only smut.
Word count : 3k ish
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Civility was not something David actively practiced; nor was he used to not just taking the things he wanted, things he claimed as his. He took a deep breath in, sighed, and reluctantly got off you. He threw himself on the ground beside you and looked up at the sky, still raging in his mind.
“I don’t want you to run away…” you looked over at him as he spoke softly, “I won’t drive you to that.” He said, it was almost a whisper.  He sighed, loudly. He threw his hands up to his face, and pulled down on his skin, with a groan.
“Thank you…” you uncrossed your arms and smiled at him.
You could hear him growling, and the creak in his gloves as he continued to clench his fists. “This feels AWFUL,” he protested.
You laughed, “I’m sure it does,” you placed a hand gently on his arm. “You’re not really supposed to go against your instincts.” 
David looked over at you, a look of annoyance on his face, “I could still kill you; you know.”
You rolled your eyes at him; you knew he didn’t mean it, but were sure he didn’t know how to process these new feelings without lashing out at you. As you watched him, you noticed his coats had lain open when he threw himself on his back. The edges of leather and wool falling off from his abdomen and onto the grass by his sides. Breathing in, you could finally smell him.
Leather, oil, cigarettes, salt…David.
His scent filled your nostrils and swirled around in your lungs. You could feel your chest heave as you panted, breathing in more of him. It was the first time you noticed his scent. Not even when you were wrapped around him on the bike could you smell it. The coats did a very good job of masking him, and as his air filled you, you instinctively began to squirm. Your body becoming hot, the flush in your cheeks; your heartbeat quickened. You could hear little over your own panting, but David could hear you quite well. He cocked his head as you tried to stifle a whimper.
“I can help you though,” you kicked off your shoes. You needed something to quell the fire in your loins. You slid on top of David and sat atop his hips. You leaned down to kiss him, you felt you could trust him; but more importantly, all the screaming and yelling and raging fell utterly unimportant in comparison to the instinct that demanded you roll your hips against his.
 If he was willing to give you his word, he wouldn’t feed on you or try to turn you; and he wouldn’t hide you away from the world like some stolen prize, maybe he wasn’t the vampire you thought he was.
You put your hands to the sides of his face and kissed him deeply, he sat up with you still on him. You moaned into his mouth, and let your hands wander down to slip off his jacket.
“No,” he whispered into your skin, he stopped you from taking them off.
He shrugged you off his shoulders and slid his hands under your dress to pull it off you. You stayed kissing him while your hands unbuckled his belt, and feverishly unbuttoned his jeans. He put a hand to the back of your head and pulled you closer to slip his tongue in your mouth. “Mmhm,” you whined and grinded your hips down on his stiffening cock. He was kneading your breasts and moved his hands around your back to unclasp your bra. “David,” you whimpered, and he smiled against your skin. You loved the way he sounded when he chuckled, so deep, and dark; he excited you so. David kissed and licked your nipples, “ahh.” He was enjoying the feeling of your soft, plush breasts in his hands. He loved hearing you melt for him.
David pushed you down on your back- you always forgot how strong vampires were- and you giggled as he nibbled down your neck. He pulled away from you and took off your panties; his gloved fingers hooked under the thin fabric, and he kissed down your legs as they came off. He put them to his nose and took a long inhale, and you felt a blush come to your face at the sight. You saw his pointed ears twitch with excitement and his eyes flashed bright blue to a deep orange. David stuffed them in his pant pocket, “you’re not getting these back.” His voice was deep and slightly distorted again. You giggled and he shoved his jeans down enough to free his cock. 
David was big, enough to make you clench around nothing at the sight of it. Not overly long, maybe six, six and a half inches, but he was impossibly thick. He had plum, prominent veins running along the underside and one on the top, his fat tip already leaking precum. You gulp, and he laughs at your reaction. “You might be too big for me, David…” you make a worried look, and he runs a gloved finger up your slit.
You mewl under his touch, and he chuckles, “you’ll take me just fine, darlin.”
He circles his finger around your clit as you begin to whine for him, “aah, fuck.”
You bite your lip and look up at him, he brings the finger to his mouth and licks your love off it. “Fuck, you taste so sweet,” he moans, and grips your hips tightly to pull you to him, you yelp as he drags you. He pushes his pants down further around his thighs and you chuckle nervously as his ample balls sway lightly. He He’s smiling down at you, licking his lips; he lines up with your cunt and presses into your heat.
You cry out as he stretches you to what feels like past your limit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, David,” you push your hand against his hips to keep him from driving more of himself in, and he ignores your pleas. With force, he slams his hips against your ass, and you move to grip his forearms. Your nails are digging into his coats, and he growls as he pushes into you to the hilt. David gives you no mercy, and you can feel the wind be knocked out of you in shock. His cock is pulsing as he nestles against your cervix, you’re whimpering, and he tries to remind himself you’re still part human. David huffs as he tries to regain himself, his fingers digging into your hips. You wrap your legs against his waist to try and keep him from moving. “Wait,” you gasp out and you can hear him suck air in through his teeth. You try to adjust to his size, but he hooks his hands under your knees and pushes your legs forward. Your hips are off the ground, and he starts pistoning into you.
“Fuck!” He growls.
You’re so full, the weight of his cock feels like it’s going to tear straight through your cunt. “David!” You dig your nails into his forearms and keep moaning your screams; you can see his fangs growing in his open mouth.
He leans down, and you’re folded in half, “you’re so fucking noisy,” his words accentuated by each thrust. He covers your mouth with his gloved hand and your eyes roll back into your head. He feels so good, he’s so, so big, and he keeps hitting against your cervix. You cry out, and he’s laughing, “ohhh, sweet thing, does that feel good?”
You nod under him, his hands still covering your mouth, “mmhm.”
“How about this, darlin?” He releases his hold on your face and moves his hands to your hips. He lifts them off the ground, changes the angle of his thrust, and his tip is rubbing against your sweet spot.
You moan and scream and writhe into the night.
With his hand off your mouth, your tongue lolls out; David laughs, “you look like a dumb, fucked out toy, you know that?” His pace is punishing, it sounds like a sledgehammer breaking against your pelvis, and you try to focus on breathing as your orgasm quickly approaches. He looks down at you and his eyes narrow at the sight of the vial around your neck. He batts it away so he doesn’t have to look at it as he claims you. You breathe out a chuckle between gasps, and he can feel you squeezing against him, “are you gonna cum already sweetness?”
“Please sir,” you moan out, “please can I come?” He groans and thrusts his cock in harder, “fuck, David!”
He can’t get enough of your noises; you sound so cute getting fucked out on his cock. “Come for me sweet thing,” he rubs his thumb over your clit, and you spasm around his cock.
You’re moaning and gasping for air in between sweet ‘thank you’s’. The image of you crying and trembling under him is being burned into David’s mind. He holds your thighs close against his body and shoves his cock in as deep as he can reach and paints your insides white. You can feel his pulse hammering inside you as he comes. It’s so much, you can feel it dripping out of you and down your ass. David’s throbbing cock feels so good pumping you full of cum. He doesn’t stop pistoning into you, he just turns you on your side and fucks his cum back into your wet cunt. You’re clawing at his arms now, “fuck, David, wait!” He ignores your pleas; he can only hear the sound of your pounding heart, and the squelching of your soft warm pussy around him.
He’s growling, moaning something like, “so fucking good. So fucking tight f’me. So soft, n’ wet, n’ warm, f’me. My sweet thing.”
You can feel him slipping away from you as he mumbles into your flesh, he’s going feral fucking into you.  “David,” you call out to him, and he looks down, his features completely foreign to what he looked like a short while ago. He grunted as he pushed your leg over your head. “Fuck! David calm down!” He fucked you hard, as hard as he could manage. Your breathing was staggered from the weight of him pressing over your ribs. The sound of his hips cracking into your pelvis was painfully loud. You were glad no one was around to hear, the plap and wet noises was sinful, and you moaned like a whore for David. The feeling of your gummy walls sucking him in was the best thing he’d felt in so damn long. He let his cock bully into you and drag slowly out. His fingers pushing into the plush of your thigh, the sound of your wet pussy getting fucked raw inviting him to keep going. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and focused on how good you felt around him. 
“So…soft,” was all he could manage as he grunted and came again in you. His voice completely distorted now. He let his open mouth settle on your calf, sucking lightly as he came. You could feel his teeth, not enough to break the skin, but enough you were sure it would leave a mark.
Your arms were up by your head to cover your face; you panted, and wheezed, and gasped, hard, trying to get air into your lungs as David kept railing into you, “please David.” You begged, tears coming down your cheeks. The pleasure was too much, you couldn’t stop cumming around him. You thought you were gonna pass out as he ripped another orgasm from you, you needed air.
He grabbed your arms and pulled you up towards him, “don’t look away from me.” He had his arms wrapped around your upper half and was fucking up into you now; you were sobbing. Your body went limp against his and you let your face hide in the crook of his neck.
“Too much… David” you cried out. His hefty cock kept pistoning up into you. It was too thick, too heavy, too much, you could feel him ruining you; and you felt your cunt spasming around him again.
He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, he loved how needy and pliant you were for him. He couldn’t get enough of you, your pretty little pussy, your cute noises, your scent. David groaned and bit into your shoulder, he lapped at the dark purple teeth marks on your skin. He focused on his hips slamming up into you, your legs weakly draped around his hips; the warmth of your body seeping into him. He snaked a hand up to your jaw and lifted your chin to look at him. He loved how you looked, glossed over eyes, flush cheeks, baby hairs stuck to your forehead with sweat, mouth agape with soft whines escaping with each thrust. He bit his lip and kissed you. He swirled his tongue around yours, and you whined into his mouth. Poor David couldn’t stop himself, his mind screamed that he needed his scent to envelop you. He came again and your head fell weakly against his shoulder.
You felt David reposition you, he turned you over to all fours. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back towards him. His hips pressed hard against your ass as he shoved himself back inside you. You let your hands grip at the ground beneath you, you tried not to clamp down on David’s cock, but he stretched you so goddamned good. “I’m gonna come again!” You half begged, half thanked him, the way his girth dragged in and out of you was divine. You felt your legs buckle under you and David held your hips up to keep you from falling over.
“Come!” He demanded, he let one of his hands wrap around your body and rubbed your nub.
“Fuck!” The high-pitched whines that came from your throat a clear indication of how hard you were coming undone for him. David felt your walls sucking him in again and growled as he fell against your back. He pumped his come against your cervix once more with a groan. He bit down on shoulder, his tongue tasting the sweat from your flesh. It took everything in him to keep from sinking his fangs into your skin wherever he could.
All the while you focused all your strength on not buckling under yours and David’s weight. You could feel his come and your slick drip down your folds and your clit. You whimpered at the feeling, you felt so fucked out and loved it. “Daavid,” you whined, he stepped out from under you and grabbed you by the top of your hair. “Aaah!” you shouted in pain as he pulled you to a kneel, he pushed his cock into your mouth and started fucking your face. You gagged and moaned against his girth; David moved his hands to hold you by the back of the neck and, pushed his thumbs up to your nose to fuck down your throat. You could feel his cock down the back of your throat, through the tears in your eyes you could see him above you; completely lost in his own instincts.
His cock slid quickly in and out, atop your tongue and he moaned, “so good.”
You could taste yourself on his length, your come and his come mixed in your mouth with your saliva. His cock was painfully big in your mouth, it almost felt like your jaw was going to pop.  David pushed you deep on his cock till he was at the base against your lips, you could feel yourself beginning to gag, and he fucked hard shallow thrusts against the back of your throat. Your hands grabbed at his arms and dug your nails into his flesh as hard as you could manage; he pulled you off so you could breathe. You gasped loudly and he shoved his cock back inside. 
David fucked back into your mouth; his pubes pressed against your nose. You fought to pull yourself off him, but his hold was too strong. He pushed the back of your head down on himself, shot down your throat and slowly pulled you from him; you were gasping for air. His come was salty and thick. You coughed as you tried to ease your breathing, but David still held you by the back of your head and jerked off in your face. He was going to cover you in himself. You flinched as he sprayed on your face and breasts. You could feel his cum dripping down your face, and you grumbled in protest. He ignored your complaints; hooked his hands under your arms, pulled you up off the ground, and wrapped your legs around his waist. David was standing; he had you held close against his body, and he lowered your weeping pussy back down on his cock. He licked a long stripe across the length of your neck and sucked bright red marks into your chest. 
More, more, MORE, his mind screamed. 
David held you by the plush of your ass and fucked up into you. His fingers gripped into your skin and if it wasn’t for his gloves, his claws would have ripped clean through your flesh. Your hands gripped tightly to the collar of his jacket, you whimpered and moaned as you felt his thick cock slide in and out of you. Your pussy was raw, and it felt like he had been fucking you for hours now; the pleasure that ripped through your body took your breath with it. The sound his hips made slapping against you ass was loud and wet, and you thought again of how grateful you were that there was no one around to witness you getting fucked like a pathetic doll.
“David,” you cried with the last of your energy. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t stop, and you didn’t entirely want him to stop.
“Keep squeezing my cock like that, sweet thing” David growled out. The way you spasmed around him had him fighting back the last of his sanity to not fuck clean through your cunt. He couldn’t push himself far enough into you, the way your fat little cunt sucked him in was enough to bring him to another orgasm. He could feel his and your cream dripping down his shaft and down his balls, he wanted to fill you to the brim, and he would fuck you as long as his hips would keep pistoning.
As your vision faded to black you watched David’s face. He was completely gone, and you were sure he was far from stopping that night. You felt him reposition you, he turned you around and gripped you by your hair and fucked you standing up. Your limp body being held up by his sheer strength; the pain on your scalp matching the pleasure that came from your pussy. You were going to pass out, and all you could do was listen to David as he moaned and growled, and whimpered praises and degradations into the night.
“Such a good toy; such a dirty whore; you fucking tease, you wanted this. My perfect fuck toy, my sweet thing I’m going to fill you. You want that don’t you? Of course, you do why else would your soft little pussy be sucking my cock like this? You want my come, don’t you? Say it. Say it! SAY IT!”
David adjusted how he was holding you; he laid you back down on the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist, he was pistoning into you again, demanding that you begged for his come. He looked down at your limp, weak body and screamed a loud, pained growl into the night. He couldn’t stop himself. He felt his mind slipping away. He was worried he hurt you, but he physically and mentally couldn’t bring himself to pull himself out of you. David had gone completely feral fucking into you; he couldn’t think of anything but scenting you and pleasuring himself with your warm wet cunt. He pressed his sweaty forehead against yours and covered you in his scent. There was little you could do but moan weakly, your eyes wouldn’t even flutter open anymore. He pulled your hips towards him and pushed deep against your cervix. You sobbed quietly, feeling his cock throbbing inside you, and he filled you again.
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saltylandland · 1 year
Welcome to the club
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What if one of the ways David convinced Star to join, was through the boys mate? Who just so happens to be undergoing lessons of intimacy.
Poly tlb x readers
David x reader
Le$bean! Star x reader
It was a normal night on the boardwalk for your boys, until it was not. David was seeking most of your attention, and he got it, making you lose focus around you. But there was a new girl, the boys were hopeful to add another to their group. She had shown up out of the blue, crashing into their lives quite literally. Jumping into fights against the shitty surfer dudes so she could surf herself, and very much standing out with her unwavering resolve to have fun.
Of course the night before your mates made it very apparent that what they seemed with her was a familial bond and nothing more, but honestly you didn’t need to be convinced.
Besides your trust in your mates, you too were interested in this new girl. She was obviously really pretty, and seemed like she could blend very nicely with the boys, as well as stand her own as a possible vampire. That much you had voiced to your boys, with that green light the plan was a go, as the more extroverted ones made the move to hangout, bringing her into your little circle.
But there was one other thing you didn’t want to voice per say, but another reason you knew that she wouldn’t try to hit on your boys was well… she didn’t seem to like boys at all.
Just from the few days observing her, you had a feeling. She was pretty no doubt, but she was also magnetic, attracting all sorts of people towards her although she barely gave them the time of day. You found her gaze somewhat softening when she spoke to pretty girls, being a bit more affectionate until they pull away, seemingly sizing up on whether they’d be open minded.
All of that could just be hearsay, the men on the boardwalk, sans your boys, never really were up to code to you. But when she walked with Paul and Marko towards your little group, you two locked eyes and you felt weak, something you had only ever felt with the boys. Her eyes growing fiery and heated, her voice softer but a bit deeper from what voice you heard her use with the boys.
From then on it seemed like it was just you and Star, the boys letting you lead the pack as she seems to warm up to you the most, though most of them still oblivious to what her attention may mean. Although the boys are happy to see their newest potential member like their partner and vice versa, it starts to almost get competitive as she tries to hog your attention to herself.
After bringing up motorcycles, Star admits to having really wanted to ride one ever since she was little, causing you to offer her a ride. Although David pulled you back saying you were still learning, which you gloomily agreed with.
What you didn’t catch was Star shooting a mean glare towards David for making you frown, and in that moment, he instantly thought of a plan.
Offering to let you try out your riding skills under three conditions. One, you use Dwayne’s bike, by far the most safe out of the four’s motorcycles. With yours still at the cave. Two, Star rides with him. And three, you ride slowly and carefully. To which you eagerly agree too.
Bringing you three to the cave now, the others were still out on the boardwalk, most likely searching for prey or just causing havoc as usual. As David did his speech, he settled in his wheelchair-made throne, he pulled you into his lap as Star sits on the couch near you two.
Tapping on your thigh, he gave you the signals he’d taught you that means requests for affection. Although hesitant to do that in front of a newcomer, you still flooded David with affection, kissing him all over, pawing at his jacket. Seemingly to take a break from talking, his gloved hand cradles your jaw as he reciprocates the kisses. Pushed into your own little world, you remember the company you keep when David pulls away, you almost go to chase his lips, but you stop yourself. David notices this and he sighs lightly. He turns back to Star and is faced with that familiar glare, this time he can also feel the jealousy pour off of her in waves.
“This is what it’s like, being one of us. You get what you want, when you want it. All you have to do is ask.”
He sees her eyes glow with recognition at what he was implying, before she could reject the obvious, he goes to carry on talking.
“This one here, is getting all the affection she needs, teaching her how to receive and give out affection to those who are worthy.” To further his point he turns your head towards him as you try to bury your head into his neck from embarrassment, and kisses you firmly on the mouth, despite your whine of embarrassment, your hands find his jacket and pull him closer to you. Breaking away again he turns towards a speechless Star, but she was barely looking at him, fixing her eyes on you as you tried to hide your face against David’s chest.
“Don’t you want to be worthy Star? To have this pretty girls affection?” As he openly fondles your crotch you mewl as you whine out “don’t ask it like that-“
“I do” Star interrupts, her voice unwavering as her eyes lock on your blushing face. Turning to David at a breakneck speed she almost shouts “what do I do?”
David was surprised, thinking to himself ‘well, that was easy’, nodding to the bejewelled bottle most held with reverence-
Star picks up the bottle immediately and takes a swig, looking at you, she asks David “what else?”
Clearing his throat, he speaks slowly to Star, half to agitate her and half to compose himself. “That’s all for now, come on baby, why don’t you go welcome our newest member?”
It takes a moment but you look up at Star, slowly moving towards her. Hesitating for a second, Star’s hands gently pet your hips, contrasting with her intense stare, burning holes into your skin. With verbal encouragement from David, you bunch up your skirt, unintentionally making Star almost salvate as her eyes follow the exposed skin. Settling yourself on her lap, you bring your hand up and cradle her jaw much like David did your own, and you lean in to kiss her.
She kisses back with hesitancy, it feels almost reverently as she settles one hand in your hair and the other on your waist modestly, which David’s quick to call out.
“She’s about to fuck you, is this really the time for modesty?” Pulling away she glared at David while you start to kiss down her neck, arguing back at each other they fight like siblings, you can only look on incredulously.
“Why are you still here then? I never agreed to fuck you nor do I want to”
“Agreed, but she is MY partner, you are only half initiated, so either I stay, or you go”
Before Star could retort back you steal her lips with a kiss, chasing her lips in order to stop the bickering, only breaking away to say to David, “Stop it.” And like that you were back on track.
Kissing down her body, you make sure to shower her with attention, cupping her breasts gently and pawing at her thighs. Stopping on your knees in front of her, you twiddled the maxi skirt she wore, looking up at her for permission. When she gave a breathless “yes” you gently pushed up the skirt, until Star almost ripped the fabric as she tugged it up herself. Her chest heaving with inticaption.
Looking up at her shyly you admit that you’ve never been with a girl, “let me know what feels good ok?” Despite your inexperience with going down on girls, you try to replicate what you received from the boys.
Kissing up her thighs, you mouth at her clothed panties, teasing lightly as you tug it down. Upon remembering that she had yet to shave in a while, she jumps up lightly as she goes to explain, “oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting to-you know I’ll just- ah! Oh fuck…”
While she rambled you try to remember what the boys would do to you first, settling on finding her clit. Spreading her lips open gently, you find her clit and go to lick at it. Forming an ‘o’ shape with your mouth, you hum as you rock your head back and forth. Star seems to really like this, moaning loudly as her hips buck up.
You keep your focus on her clit for a while until you hear David’s voice in your head, ‘you can use your tongue in other places you know? Don’t be afraid to use your fingers too’
Using your tongue, you map out what seemed to feel the best for Star, tonguing at her entrance before pulling away for a moment to suck on your fingers. Star watched your movements carefully, her expression changing to slight surprise as she noticed what you were doing. Gently pushing your fingers in, you use your mouth to shower her clit with attention, from slurping, to flicking your tongue out, to gently grazing your teeth against it. While your two fingers gently pushes in and out, trying different angles until you got what you wanted.
Her thighs squeeze your head lightly as she begins to plead for more, “oh fuCK right there! Please, fuck go harder ahh” her hips start moving at their own accord, you do your best to keep your mouth on her steady as one hand settles on her stomach to keep her settled.
With a loud cry, she gushes into your mouth, you happily swallow it as you keep going against her pushes as she starts to feel overstimulated.
David takes that as his cue to step in, pulling you away gently as Star heaves on the couch. “Hey hey, it’s time to let up now.”
You look up at him confused, “but my sessions go on for hours”, at which David smiles. “You're right about that sweetheart, but she’s not used to it yet” you crease your brow in confusion, “experience is the best way to get going at this kinda thing” David looks at you surprised, and a little proud. Here you are throwing his line straight back at him.
“Yeah well, the others will be here soon and they don’t know about your new situation, so give me a chance to explain so they don’t walk in and try to maul Star to death out of jealousy okay?” Nodding back you have to agree that was a fair point. Licking your lips you get off your sore knees and lean down to give Star a kiss. She stares at you beaming, David nods at her lightly, “welcome to the club.”
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phantomenby · 2 years
Tear in my heart
Ok so there's this thing that just popped into my head for no reason ok so what if tlb and their s/o were in a fight and the s/o is wearing like their clothes and they ask for like their stuff back as a joke but since they were fighting the s/o thought they were serious and gives them their stuff back crying
a kith for u anon <3
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"Well if they're so nice why don't you date them huh? Maybe they can give you all their shit instead, go freeload off of them."
Your eyes filled with tears at the words, your bottom lip quivering as you made eye contact with David.
"O-oh..." David winced at your fragile voice, looking down for a moment.
Not that you noticed.
Turning you began to walk away from the four of them, shoulders slumped and eyes watery as you headed home, alone.
When you arrived at the cave it was quiet and you knew none of them had followed you back. Evidently, they were happy to stay mad at you for a while.
You knew what to do. Whether it was for yourself or for them.
Flitting over to your shared nest, taking everything that wasn't distinctively yours, and placing it around the edge.
It was a vampire thing.
Very instinctual.
When your mate, or in this case mates, rejected you in any manner it was natural for your body to return or expel anything that smelt too strongly of them.
It was to protect you.
Protect your animalistic mind, keep it sane enough to keep going.
But it hurt, you hated to see how bare your nest was. The final thing was the jacket you always wore, a gift from Paul and decorated over the years by the others.
You slid it off slowly, placing it delicately on the couch you liked to lounge on before moving back to your alcove.
Fortunately, the curtains were still yours, a deep red and blackout.
Pulling them across you let the space darken, wearing a baggy sweater you had brought with you and some socks, nothing that smelt of them nearby.
It was cold.
Surely in death you should be free of such things, but this lack of warmth was different, it was unheard of for you to go to bed alone, they knew better than to leave you to your own devices for too long.
A few hours had passed, it had only been midnight when you had walked away from them at the bonfire.
Dwayne slid through the entrance, eyes stormy and jaw clenched, clearly still unhappy.
His dark eyes passed over the cave, taking in the dim nature. You knew how to light the barrels, and they had a never-ending supply of candles that you and Marko liked to bin dive for during the holidays.
David followed soon after, looking equally troubled when he wasn't met with your warm embrace.
Your nest was hidden enough that they wouldn't be able to spot the source of the uncomfortable stuffiness filling up their home.
He walked around the fountain while Dwayne started lighting things up, nodding to Marko as he crossed the threshold to their home, Paul following behind while messing with something in his pocket.
He was the first to become truly curious, enquiring as to where you were with a furrowed brow.
David merely shrugged, "hiding, who knows."
It was dismissive and Marko growled at it, putting his nose to work.
"Scents still strong, been here a while-" he froze when he neared one of the couches where your scent was calling to him, seeing the beloved item strung over the edge, "guys."
Three pairs of eyes turned to him, widening ever so slightly at the sight.
Dwayne was the first to move straight to your nest, huffing when he saw the small piles of clothing and blankets.
Pulling at the curtain he searched for your form. Your nest was bare, practically empty beside the few pillows and blankets you kept for comfort. Things you had brought with you from your old home.
Something shifted in the corner, a small bundle of fabric trying to curl further into the darkness.
He removed his jacket and shoes before stepping through the fabric, not wanting to bring too much of the outside into your safe space.
"Come on love, why are you hiding from us?"
When he reached you he knelt down, placing a hand on the frayed edge of the blanket, tugging on it softly.
He was met with your scrunched-up eyes, cheeks slightly red and puffy, covered in tear streaks from your crying.
Choosing not to speak he laid down behind you, propping himself up with one arm and leaning over you to look down at your face, gently pushing hair away from your face until he could run his fingers across your neck to your jaw.
"We're not mad little lamb," you shifted, moving away from his touch. He refused to allow you to run from him, the arm on your neck moving down to your waist and pulling you to his chest, "you know, we can't fix this unless you talk to us."
Letting your eyes open you met his own, basking in the warmth emanating from his gaze.
"There you are," Dwayne's hand moved back up to caress your face, thumbs smoothing over your cheeks, "keep your eyes on me."
David came through behind him, moving to your other side.
You didn't meet his eye, still remembering what he said to you.
The blonde sighed, reaching for you in a similar fashion to Dwayne, the callous skin of his bare hand comforting on the soft skin of your collarbone.
"I didn't mean it little dove, I could never be mad at you."
Maybe you thought maybe he is still mad at me-
He growled low in his throat, hand moving up your neck to tilt your jaw, forcing you to face him.
Don't- He sighed, calming himself, "ignoring me won't help, you know I didn't mean it."
You did. Just a little, deep down. But you weren't hardened like them, much more in touch with the human part of you. And completely unable to sense when their joking, even tones were a somewhat grey area with you.
Instead of responding you let him pull you into his lap, his strong arms coming to wrap around you while he pressed his nose to your hair.
Behind you the final two of your group joined the gathering, bringing with them the many items you had placed outside and returning them to their respective places.
Warm, soft lips were pressed to your cheek, and the crown of your head, and your jaw and your hands, and every piece of you they could reach.
Soon enough you were in a cozy pile, surrounding each other, cocooned in their loving warmth.
Either way, they had already killed the guy who had been all lovey dovey with you, his body would never be found.
At least not all of it.
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checkitoutmikey · 3 years
So here we are. My very first fic and it’s for The Lost Boys! Yay! Please note that english is not my first language therefore there will be a lot of grammatical (and other) mistakes. TLB fandom pls take this~
The Lost Boys x Y/N (no gender)
Warning: language, swear words 
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„... down! Right NOW!“
„Sorry babe but at this point I’m fearing for my life.“
The boys could hear Paul and you before they could see you. Paul was jogging to them while trying to hold onto their squirming mate thrown over his shoulder. You were kicking and banging into his back without any effect. Damn vampires.
Dwayne looked at the scene with a singular raised eyebrow. Marko jumped from the railing, smilling like a madman.
David huffed and stubbed out his cigarette. „What happened?“ he asked as soon as you were on the ground.
„He- HE-… ugh!“ you spat out before swatting at laughing Paul. He halfheartedly put up his hands in defence.
„Y/N almost just killed someone.“
„That fucker deserved it!“ you yelled.
„Language,“ said Dwayne before moving in, catching your wrists and pulling you into a hug. You were shaking in rage.
David turned to his brother. „Paul?“
„Surf nazis. One of them tried to hit on Y/N,“ Paul scratched his neck, shooting Marko a quick glance. „Also might have said something about Marko’s height and how he can do Y/N better.“
Now it was universally known fact that the boys and you were a thing. The whole boardwalk knew and yet there were still idiots roaming around trying to steal what wasn’t theirs.
Marko came closer and cooed at you. „Aw babe you were defending my honor?“
You made a few noices. Hands pointing at different direction. You were almost hyperventilating that’s how rattled you were. Good thing Dwayne was holding you down.
„You should have seen them“ Paul continued. „Y/N got all angry. Puffing out like angry cat and started yelling things like – well he can suck a titty while standing up and inches he lucks in height are stored below his belt.“ Paul was trying to imitate your high-pitched voice while laughing. „And then-„ he roared and doubled over. It took him a minute to calm down while you were throwing threats his way. „Then they jump. Literally jump at the asshole. They were about to end him right there. I caught them mid air. Had to take a running job with Y/N bitching all the way.“
Marko was cackling which send Paul into another laughing fit. Dwayne was rubbing your arms, trying to calm you down.
David had a smirk on his face when he took a new cigarette and lit it up. „Don’t worry. We will avenge our little Marko.“
„You heard Y/N. Your honor is on the line,“ said David. With a soft smile he ruffled your hair.
Dwayne huffed. „So we know who’s today’s dinner.“
Ok ok maybe it is short but I’m proud of myself ok? Writing in different language is nerve wracking -_-”  Also need to thank @theyreonlynoodlesmike @darling-disastrous and @thoushallnotfall because their content so good it gave me enough life juice to actually be creative ♥♥♥ also the “ he can suck a titty while standing up “ is from the song Blackbear - Short Kings Anthem from that awesome vid by @billsbian​ you can find right HERE
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datsrightbby · 4 years
David x Dwayne x Fem!Reader
The Way We Love 
Warnings: NSFW/Smut, cursing, double penetration, dom!David + Dwayne, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, consensual choking. 
David x Dwayne (TLB) x Fem!Mate!Reader -
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Santa Carla was crowded tonight, more so than usual, but you'd pinned that down to it being the weekend. Your hand clung onto David's enthusiastically and swung them back and forth, much to his dismay, all he could do was turn back to Dwayne with a raised brow and a, somewhat amused, smirk.
 "Ya know we've got a surprise for you back at the cave, we don't have to stay here."
"But I'm having so much fun."
"Here that Dwayne, she's having fun." At the comment Dwayne saunters up to the two of you, a hand on your cheek, as he leans down to whisper lowly in your ear -
"You might decide that the surprise we've got for you back home is better." From the look in his eyes, you blush slightly, staring at the floor contemplating. They had stayed here for an hour or two just because of you, and you were very curious about this surprise they were talking about. 
"Okay, let's leave...Can we come back tomorrow?"
"If you can walk tomorrow kitten."
“Huh?" You missed what he said, but it appeared he wasn't going to indulge you in hearing it over again so you dropped the subject altogether. Climbing onto the back of Dwayne's bike, albeit with a helping hand from the man himself, you wrapped your hands around his middle waiting for the roar of the engine to start to life. 
"Ready baby?"
“I’m ready.”
Back at the cave the two of them helped you down the steps, walking you slowly toward a corner that had been surrounded by curtains and drapes, so you couldn't see behind it no matter how hard you tried. 
"Because you've been such a good girl for us all week, we wanted to reward you." 
David's voice had you excited, usually, their rewards were sexual and you were okay with that. Actually, you were more than okay with that. So that's what this must be, right? Dwayne pulled back the curtain, allowing you to step inside before him. Twinkling, gold lights strung above a large bed, music records and books stacked neatly on a shelf, and the bed was decorated in fluffy blankets, and pillows galore, with a few stuffed animals added there. It was beautiful. 
"Did you - Is this for me?"
"Of course it's for you, so you can stay here with us."
Excitedly you jumped onto Dwayne, as he was closer than David, and he reacted quickly, grabbing your thighs in order to secure you around him, chuckling lightheartedly at your actions.
"You like?"
"I love!" Emphasizing how much you loved it, you smothered his face in kisses, and then proceeded to hop down from his grip to squeeze your arms around David.
"Well, this is just part of the surprise..."
“There’s more?”
David stroked a knuckle along your jaw and up your cheek, a small smile taking over his features.
“We gotta break in the bed kitten.”
David's hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing with a pressure that had you whimpering in his palm. 
"Been so good for us, haven't you kitten?" you nod eagerly, which caused David to tut at you -
"Use your words."
"Yes, I've been good."
"Do you think you deserve your reward?"
"Yes please." He raised a brow at you, immediately you went to correct yourself -
"Yes please, sir." 
"Good girl." Dwayne's hands held you from behind, tracing your body and palming you through your clothes, as David leaned down to kiss you passionately, hand still firmly placed around your neck. The kiss ended with a sudden pull away, and if it wasn't for David holding you still you might have leaned back in to reattach your needy lips, instead you leaned back for Dwayne to take over, his searing kiss hot on your lips as he explored your mouth with greed, while David went about undressing you. The cold of the cave contrasted heavily against your burning skin, even as their cold hands ran over your frame, you felt warm and excited. Dwayne lifted you gently and carried you over to the bed, laying you down on it and standing upright, the boys gave each other a look and in a minute Dwayne was taking off his jacket and on his knees, lifting your thighs over his shoulders, head sat beautifully between them. He used a finger to play with you a little, testing out your reactions -
"So wet baby, I can't wait to taste you." 
The words barely left his lips before his tongue had swirled over your clit, your thighs clenching around him, but he didn't mind, not when you allowed him to pleasure you like this. His hand reached up the bed, grabbing yours in a messy hold and squeezing with a gentleness only Dwayne could muster, whilst his other held your thigh in a soft grip, fingers clenching and unclenching as not to bruise you. David had come around the other side of the bed and moved the hair from your face, whispering sin in your ear as Dwayne worked his mouth along you, his hands ghosting over your nipples and toying with them teasingly -
“Are you enjoying that? Dwayne fucking you with his tongue.” 
Dwayne's tongue laid flat, boldly swiping against you in one motion and your hand, that wasn't intertwined with his, was soon in David's and digging your nails in, painfully had he not been a vampire. Your eyes screwed shut as he repeated the action, and you shuddered, biting your lip in blissful torment. With a softness of obscurity, David pried away your swollen lip from in between your teeth, kissing it better from your relentless bite on it -
"We wanna hear you, be loud for us."
You obliged and let free a moan, hearing the sound from you only spurred Dwayne on, and in a flash of heat, your legs clenched from the feeling of release catching up to you -
"Ugh don't stop, please don't stop, I'm so close." 
Dwayne looked up at you, eyes meeting yours in unholy intent, and he watched you come undone from his tongue. Watched in awe as your back arched and body shook in exaltation, and delight. He continued until you forced him off you, aftershocks whizzing through your body in shivers. When he parted, his lips and chin were smothered in your arousal, and he didn't bother to wipe it off as he kissed you fervently. 
"You gonna let us fuck you kitten?" A whine escaped your lips and you nodded, though David didn't berate you for it this time. He needed to be inside you. With strength David moved you both so your back was against his cheek, his cock pressed against you and it seemed you'd forgotten at what moment he'd freed himself, though he was still fully clothed -
"We're gonna try something new tonight, you okay with that."
"Yes sir." It wasn't hard to realize what they were doing, David's cock pressed into you, though this time in a place he'd never fucked you before -
"I'm gonna fuck that pretty little ass of yours kitten."
A choked moan left you at his dirty words and he slicked his cock up with your wetness, slowly easing into you, the new stretch and sensation had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
"Feel good?" You nodded. David's hand went around your neck and clamped your body down onto his - 
"Use your words."
"Y- yes it feels good sir, please fuck me."
Sheathing the rest of his dick in you, he let out a breathy sigh, and settled deep inside you. You watched Dwayne unzip himself and line up with your other entrance, another moan escaped at the mere thought of what was happening next and, thanks to your previous orgasm, he slipped into you easily and settled exactly as David had. It was overwhelming feeling both of them inside you, it hurt slightly at first, but felt so good once you adjusted to them, and the minute they realized you enjoyed it is when they started moving.
The only thing your mind could focus on was the feeling of them both stretching you out and fucking into you, the hand around your neck squeezed, and with it came along animalistic sounds you didn’t know were possible to make -
"Doing so well for us baby, isn't she David -
"- feel so fucking good kitten. Such a good girl for us." 
You whimpered and moved your head to bury into David's neck, their movements weren’t in sink, but there was something hugely erotic about that, barely managing to wheeze out how close you were to a second orgasm, they heard your cry and sped up their separate movements, Dwayne reaching down to rub your clit, and with the added stimulate you came around them, body convulsing heavily, your mind whirled in rapture, head feeling dizzy as they fucked you through it. Curses strung from your lips like a mantra, sweat slicked your body, and your heartbeat in miles per minute. Neither of them stopped fucking you and tears fell from your cheeks in overstimulation, David's hand around your neck loosened slightly, movement becoming sloppy the closer he got to his own release, as did Dwayne’s -
"You got another one for us. I know you do." 
There wasn't a will in you to disagree, the third orgasm of the night approached so quickly it must have been a record of sorts, you didn't even have time to warn them as your body released its pleasure all over them, so intense your vision went black and white and your legs became numb. Dwayne wasn't long behind you, stilling deep inside you as his cum spilled and dribbled out in an overload, mixing lewdly with your own, while David continued his powerful thrusts. With Dwayne pulling out you felt empty from the lack of fullness your body had adjusted too, David spun you both around, now on top, and pulled out too, stroking himself the rest of the way until his cum painted your stomach. Your body heaved and ached, your legs were numb and you doubted your ability to walk, or do much of anything, at the moment. The feeling of emptiness lay so heavily, it was hard to imagine not craving the feeling of them both in you ever again.
David went to get something to clean you up with, Dwayne, on the other hand, stayed. Scattering loving kissing across your cheeks and neck, whispering sweet nothings to you and calming down your ragged breathing pattern -
“We love you so much, princess.”
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romancandlemagazine · 5 years
An Interview with Wig Worland
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If you walked into a WHSmiths during the 1990s, then chances are that you will have seen the high-calibre work of Wig Worland.
As a photographer at seminal skateboard magazines like R.A.D. and Sidewalk, his sharp eye helped capture a relatable world of British skating, a million miles away from sun-drenched California schoolyards.
First question - when did you start taking photos? Was there something that set you off with it?
I started in school when one of the better teachers realised I wasn't going anywhere academically and lent me her camera. I don't think there was anything else I could have done to be honest. I started to assist photographers straight out of school.
How did you end up doing skate photography? What was the camera set-up back then?  
I grew up near an adventure playground. One day in the early ‘80s a quarter pipe with 'Skatopia' written on it appeared there. We would ride our BMX bikes on it. A few weeks later a guy called Wurzel appeared - he literally dropped over the fence.
All of us, including Wurzel, rode bikes for a bit but as the world transformed around us we all got into skateboarding. One of my best friends at the time was London street skating legend Phil Chapman. He let me take pictures of him and I got better at it.
It’s funny how when you're young it just doesn't occur to you that those are the formative years, even though that’s what every older person is saying to you at the time.
My first camera was a Canon FTB with a 24mm lens - I couldn't afford a fisheye lens. I then wasted more time and energy on a 17mm lens. It was really terrible, but I did get my first picture published in RAD using it.
What was that?
A guy called Doc with a chuck on handrail at the bus station in Milton Keynes in an article in R.A.D. in 1990. In the same article came my second and third published picture. It was such a pivotal moment in my life but just like buses, three came along at once.  
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Do you remember the first photo you took where you thought, “I’m getting quite good at this”?
Not any single shot, but I think when I got to shoot Manzoori or Channer or Wainwright, I was beginning to shoot people who were making great pictures all the time. The trips back and forth to the lab became less fuelled with anxiety and worry about what I was doing.
So something must have been going right, maybe I knew enough about the dark art of shooting on slide film that I could relax into it. A bit anyway.
The late 80s and early 90s are quite a while ago now. What are some things people forgot about that time?
There was no Instagram! There wasn't anywhere other than the monthly magazines (and of course books) to get any information about anything. It really is odd to say it now because we are all so used to finding anything out that we want to know immediately.
My sister has a theory that technology is making us all more stupid. We simply don't have to retain any information anymore. To get from place to place you don't even need a sense of direction, just flick on 'Waze' or whatever and it tells you where to go.    
How weird was it to be a skater or a rider in the late 80s? Obviously now skating is going through another 'cool wave', but how much stick did you get back then for it?  
We got so much hassle from everybody at the time. It’s ridiculous when you think about how 'cool' it all is now. We didn’t care at all though. We knew what we were doing was way more important than simply school or fashion or T.V. or whatever else our other friends or peers were into. We were involved in making something happen.  
R.A.D. was split fairly evenly between skating and riding. Was there much of a divide at the time? And what were your opinions on the other avenues of raditude?
I'll fully admit it; I went from BMX to skateboard. I was probably a little too young to catch the first wave of skateboarding in the UK. I was six or seven and my mum wouldn't let me have a board, though my best mate at the time had much older brothers so I can claim to have ridden a Logan Earth Ski in the 70s.
By the time BMX hit I was a little more in control of my life. I saved up my lunch money for an entire year so I could buy a Kuwahara ET. My friends and I had so much fun knocking about on those bikes in the 80s — it was amazing. Before I knew it I'd given up BMX 'racing’ and was getting more serious about BMX 'freestyle' (which really is an oxymoron when you stop to think about it).
Within a year or two I had switched to a GT Performer and I was entering freestyle 'contests' and wearing ever more dodgy clothing. Obviously we didn't know it at the time but they really were the formative years of my life.
A good friend from that time, Lee Reynolds moved to California and went on to become a very successful freestyle pro rider with Haro. Back then we all hung out at Mons ramp like one big happy family, and that’s where I started to meet more people.
As BMX started to die, I just moved my attention to skateboarding. There was just so much to get into. You can do way more stuff with a skateboard than a bike! Sorry to the entire BMX community.  
What were you looking at for inspiration back then? Even your early photos had a definite style.
I was looking at BMX Action and BMX Plus from America that would appear periodically in the newsagents near my school. Then Freestylin' and Transworld, and Thrasher when I could find it. Back then Thrasher wasn't quite so appealing — it was half a music magazine with really cheap paper, and was scrappy compared to glossier titles of the day. It’s amazing how Thrasher has outlasted them all.  
I loved Spike and Windy, and, obviously J Grant Britain, but I also really love TLB's pictures. He really was an amazing complete photographer - properly trained and much better than me. Now I have had a chance to see the stuff in the RAD archive, I can't begin to say how amazing it is. It might not have looked all that good in the mag but that was because of the awful print quality. When the book comes out you’ll see what I mean.
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R.A.D. faded into the shortly-lived Phat in the early 90s. How did Sidewalk come about?
Andy Horsely and I were doing a magazine called The System during the last days of TLB R.A.D. When R.A.D. was sold to yet another publisher that was out of town, Tim didn’t want to leave London. He thought it was a dead end. By a series of strange occurrences Andy Horsely and I managed to get ourselves in the door at R.A.D. There’s a bit more to this story, but the full version will be in the book hopefully.  
Whereas early skate magazines had their fair share of day-glo high-top fashions and boned-out, high-zoot grabs, Sidewalk had a much more British look. Was this intentional? Or was this just a reflection of the times?
It was absolutely intentional. We wanted it to look like a British skate magazine, and perhaps naively, we wanted it to feature all British people, in Britain. The US skate magazine culture was, and still is, so dominant, but we wanted to showcase the UK.
At the time the world was beginning to see Rowley, Penny and Wainwright but we knew there was so much more. Making an all-British magazine was way more difficult than any of us imagined and I'm not sure how sustainable that idea was (and still is). We tried our very best given the resources we had.
Was there things you wouldn't photograph - maybe dodgy outfits or questionable moves?
We had an unspoken ban on the Benihana at Sidewalk. Ha! I wonder if anyone else would admit to that. Everything else was totally fine. We even put Dan Cates in the mag with all his craziness for heaven’s sake!  
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The mid-90s seemed like the real glory days of magazines. They were thick, they came out once a month, they had all sorts of mad stuff in them… and they could all be bought from WHSmiths for a few quid. Why do you reckon there were so many good mags around at this time?
It was really the only way to communicate before the internet really took a grip. Nowadays, you put your tricks up on Instagram and let the world judge you. Back then, we shot the photo, we took it to the lab, and then it was sent off to be printed in cyan, magenta, yellow and black on paper.  
After a lot of fuss and bother, the magazine hit the shelves and the rest of the world could see the moments that I had had all to myself. It really was an incredible moment. I'm not sure I'd go back to it though! It was pretty insular and created some difficult politics. It's probably a bit more democratic now. If you don't like what somebody is doing, you 'unfollow' them and that's that.  
What was a typical day like back in the early Sidewalk days? Was there a typical day?
Probably wake up late and head to the office via the lab, to pick up the film from the previous day. Maybe pet the dog when I got there for a bit. Horse would invariably arrive later than me and we'd get lunch. After looking through some pictures on the light table I'd head out to shoot skaters in various parts of the country.
One day I'd be in Hull, the next in Birmingham and the next in London. It was a pretty insane schedule to be honest.
I’ve said this before in other interviews but I’ll say it again, I hated driving up and down the motorway system in the UK, but I loved the people I met along the way. I really don’t think there was anyone that I didn’t like — it was incredible. A good example of this is driving to Hull, which is a really long way from anywhere. But when I got there, there was Eggy and Banksy and Scott. Amazing people.  
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This might be a bit of a camera tech guy question… but imagine I’m stood at the top of that flatbank hip at Radlands and a young Tom Penny is cruising towards me… how do I capture the action? Should I pan? Is my flash mounted on the top of my camera… or on a cable… or on a stand? What film should I use?
If you're at a comp it's best that your flash is mounted on your camera, because if you’re trying to be clever like I was in the 90s trying to use an off-camera flash on a lead (Windy Osborn/Spike Jonze style) you're going to miss a lot of shots. Yes, always pan with the subject if you can, it's just better and I'd use whatever film you can afford. It’s really expensive and you only have 36 to 39 shots depending on how clever, or stupid, your camera is.
If it’s not contest day then spend a little longer on your lighting. But not so long that you forget to shoot the scene, the look of the place and the informal portraits of the skaters. You’ll regret that later on if you don’t shoot that stuff. Ahem…
Sidewalk did a very good job of making some fairly drab looking spots pretty good. That photo of a lad named Cookie gapping from a Carpet Right car park in the rain comes to mind… something like that could easily look pretty depressing in lesser hands. What were your tricks for making these fairly everyday places look decent?
Bring your own sun — a portable flash. Oh, and a little jiggery pokery with the slide film we were using as well. Also, know what you’re doing, and how the film is going to react to the light. Photography is all about various kinds of lies to create the shot you want.
I’m glad you remembered that Cookie shot because it is pretty special. He was such an amazing, positive person. Never mind my photograph, but how did a person stay positive when you had such terrible conditions to skate in! It’s not exactly California.
Pretty much sums up how we should all approach life, the Cookie story...
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I don’t know if I’m looking into this too much, but a lot of the Sidewalk stuff celebrated British culture rather than disguise it. I’m not sure where I’m going with this question, but do you think it’s important that people embrace their situation, rather than endlessly dream of California?  
My entire life’s philosophy is to draw out what you can from the place where you are, rather than dreaming that somewhere else has the answer. This ridiculous dreaming is the reason that the air is so polluted these days with people crossing the world on long haul flights to wherever and with people driving from perfectly fine A, to almost certainly nearly the same B.
Of course all this is fine for me to say, I don’t have a car but I live in London where there is a brilliantly sophisticated Public transport system. I grew up in Milton Keynes so it wasn’t a shock to get to California and see the state they’re in, but I truly believe the car has ruined a lot. Not least for our children who can no longer play in the streets primarily because of the number of vehicles on the road. Rant over.  
Haha fair enough. What were some of the hassles of making a magazine back then? Any camera mishaps or blatant errors come to mind?  
Radio slaves were terrible but they still are. That’s the nature of radio waves in a very wet country. There was some dodgy kit but you could usually spot it pretty quickly and pass it on. I did have all my cameras stolen from the boot of my car once which did feel like the end of the world at the time. Grant  Brittain  very  kindly  sent  me  one  of  his  old  cameras  and  a  fish  eye  to  start  me  off  again  and  Pete  Hellicar  rang  round  all  the  big  names  in  the  industry  in  the  UK  asking  for  donations  to  get  me  started  again. Really  kind,  amazing  people.  
The problems were always with the printers or repro people. Handing over your precious photographs and layouts to people who aren’t as invested in the project shall we say. Having said that, there weren’t that many problems, only ever issues that the editor or I would notice.  
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I’d say skate photography fits under the documentary category, but how far would you go to get a better photo? I know moving the occasional rucksack out of shot is fairly commonplace, but I’ve heard stories of photographers carrying around brighter clothes for people to wear so they stand out more.
There are a few skaters who would bring their own brighter clothes for the shoot. Have a look through my shots and see if you can guess who they are for a fun game. I think this is brilliant.
I don't think that skateboard photography is documentary at all. It’s a collaboration between the skateboarder and the photographer to produce the best image they possibly can.
What about the days when nothing happened? Surely there must have been a few afternoons when no one was feeling it, or did the fact you had a big camera bag egg people on a bit? It rains a lot in Britain, I'm sure you've noticed. On those days, if you were lucky, we'd sit about in the local Skateshop. If we were less lucky we'd get caught at the local indoor skate park and wait for the rain to stop. I remember thinking then that I would never get that time back, now of course if I had that time back I would do just the same thing. Amazing days. I'm sure people did feel motivated by having a magazine photographer in town to shoot pictures of them yes, but that just makes me wonder what it's like now? You can literally shoot a picture whenever you like and upload it anywhere.
Do you think these advances in technology have improved skate photography or not?
I would have killed for a digital camera back when I was shooting skateboarding every day. I’d not only have been able to see what I had in terms of stills, but shooting sequences would have had a lot less pressure involved as well. A couple of people have said that seeing the used rolls of bails lining up on the stairs or pavement beside me gave them extra incentive to land the trick, but it made for some pretty heated sessions.
The Chris Oliver kickflip off a bus stop into bank with another drop springs to mind. Fair play to the ginger genius though, he bloody landed it, and he can say he did it on film as well. So, so sick.
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Did you enjoy doing sequence shots or was it just a case of documenting the new tech?
I wasn't really interested in shooting sequences to be honest, I always thought that was the job of the video camera. In some ways I wish I stuck with that attitude and concentrated on the style of the skater rather than the high tech that they could put down. I think that would have made for a more interesting back catalogue.  
This is maybe another fairly camera-orientated question, but I’m interested, so the casual readers will have to suffer… you were maybe one of the first skate photographers to push the studio-lighting style out into the real world. What led to this development?
Ollie Barton thinks I was the first to do the studio on the street thing. I guess other people had tried using flash slaves off camera before, but I made it my own. I was the first out there with portable studio flash which had more spread of light than the dedicated flashes made by camera manufactures. I'm sure I was responsible for keeping the Lumedyne brand going for a while. Lumedyne really are the most terrible looking lights that have ever come to market, made from bits bought from Maplin or Radio Shack, but they worked quite well and everybody had them in the early 2000s.
Did setting up multiple flashes in ropey areas ever become a problem?
It's funny you know, I never felt odd about setting up lighting anywhere. If you’re prepared to pop a light out on a dodgy estate then you’re serious about getting something done. I think most people whoever they are respect that, some are even interested in it.
There were a few hairy moments — like a car taking out a light in downtown Stockport while shooting late at night. But the light was in the middle of the street, so that one was on me. Nobody ever picked one up and legged it. Not once, but as I said they don't look expensive so maybe that was enough.  
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Maybe a bit of an obvious question, but do you have a favourite photograph you’ve taken? And are there any photos which you wish you took?
As I rather flippantly alluded to earlier, I don’t feel I shot anywhere near enough incidental stuff. I was too interested in making the lighting right to capture the trick perfectly. If I could go back I’d have a point and shoot with me at all times and I’d use it constantly.  
I don’t have a favourite photograph. There are just too many, of so many amazing friends and brilliant talented people. I couldn’t pick one above all others.    
Today it’s easier than ever to take a photograph. Is this good or bad? Has the advent of phone-based camera gadgetry devalued the art (or at least the science) of photography?
No, it hasn't devalued it. Because more people have cameras, more people are interested in photography. If you want to lug around a huge old school view camera to shoot pictures then there are sub-genres of sub-cultures that can more easily facilitate that stuff nowadays. Of course more people think they can do it, but it's still the case that only some people do it well.  
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Have you got any wise-words you’d like to add?
No, just enjoy life as best you can. We’re not all going to be famous or millionaires, so don’t believe anyone when they tell you to follow your dreams — real life might conspire to not let you get there. Life just happens to most people.
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datsrightbby · 4 years
Marko + David (TLB) x Fem!Reader
Insatiable Habits
Warnings: NSFW/Smut, cursing, voyeurism, threesome
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It had started off as subtle teasing at first, the kinda stuff that made you blush. Like, a gloved hand skimming your thigh and creating shapes across the exposed skin, or a lingering kiss on your neck, and the occasional whisper in your ear that had you burning crimson red and burying your face into the crook of his neck. It was the minute his palm went that bit higher on your thigh, the minute his thumb ghosted over your clothed crotch, did you start feeling flustered to the point of rubbing your legs together in need of friction. 
Not often did you and the boys stay back at the cave the whole night, but tonight was one of those rare occurrences when all of you were content staying in. David took full opportunity, of course, and kept you on his lap. The night had just begun to seep into early hours of the morning, which reminded you -
"Don't you guys need...food?" It's not as though you were ignorant to the fact of what they were, it was more so you'd refused to fully wrap your head around the idea that the four guys you met, one now your boyfriend and mate, were violent in any way. Though if you could avoid talking about it, or thinking about it for that matter, then you'd be okay. 
"Dude, I’m starving -" 
" - Yeah we should leave before the sun starts coming up." Marko remarked, putting down his sketch book and standing up to tug his discarded jacket on. You went to move off David, but his hand on your hip kept you in place on top of him, the subtle gesture telling you that he planned on staying with you. The boys gave you both a once over as they headed toward the stairs, smirks decorating their features at the sight. 
"Guess David's passing up tonight for some other kinda food." Paul hollered and Dwayne sent you a wink, which internally made you roll your eyes, but you grinned back at them anyway. Marko had hestitantly headed towards the steps after them, albeit a few strides behind -
"Marko!" There was a pause as Marko's attention turned back around to David, eyes skimming across your figure before focusing intently on the man who's lap you resided. 
"Stay." It wasn't a question, it was a demand, and Marko didn't seem to have much to say about the ordeal. You couldn't pinpoint why David had asked Marko to stay behind as it was implied, from both the endless teasing and staying behind, that the two of you were gonna do a little more than some heavy petting. David reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter, lighting it in one attempt and taking a deep intake, exhaling toward the ceiling as to not get smoke all over you. 
Marko had resided back to the couch, while you and David shifted against each other, you placing little kisses on his jaw as he blew smoke toward the ceiling again. 
"Why did you ask Marko to stay behind?" You whispered lowly, hoping he couldn't hear. 
"I have an idea." It was all he said before dipping his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, your head fell back and you let out a low, breathy moan as he rubbed languid circles against you. The cigarette he lit hung loosely from his lips, ash falling onto his lap haphazardly. In the corner you heard Marko shift in place and you panicked, reminding yourself of his presence and trying to pry yourself away from David's fingers, which had now entered you and pumped in and out a few times. There was no reaction from Marko other than staring at the sight in front of him, though you were sure he wasn't expecting to see David’s fingers working sinfully against you when he looked up from his previous activity.
"Relax kitten, I know what I'm doing." You looked up at him in both shock and confusion, but didn't question his motives, he'd never done you any harm before and you trusted David. Perhaps, if you hadn't been so worked up from his endless teasing all night, things would be different under the same circumstance, but that was neither here nor there. Relaxing into his touch, opting to close your eyes and focus on the feelings rather then the wandering eyes, you allowed for the situation to continue.
"Let us hear you -" David's voice growled in your ear and you moaned explicitly, louder than you had expected.
"That's my girl." You whimpered and bucked your hips up into the palm of his hand, knowing he was smirking down at you right now. 
Your arousal laid thick in the air to the vampires, it was sweet and intoxicating, and Marko swallowed thickly at the scent of it. Just when you felt as though your high may have been approaching, David pulled out and sucked on his fingers, licking off any trace you'd left on them. Marko watched you intensely, eyes lingering on any exposed skin they could get too. You felt erotic and filthy, but in the best way possible. The way the two looked at you sent goosebumps flying across your skin, it was as though you were the prey and they were the wolves, every fleck of color in their eyes had turned to black in desire and need, and you knew where this was headed simply by how they stared at you. On somewhat shaky legs you stood from your spot on David's lap, he waved his hand in Marko’s direction as if to tell you to go over to him -
“Remember you’re still mine.” Nodding, you thumbed over his jaw before sauntering over to Marko, who'd watched your every step approach him. In a surge of confidence you placed your hand on his shoulder, laying him back against the couch, sitting on his crotch with your thighs either side of him. You grind against him slightly, noting that his cock was already hard as sin. Marko let you have your fun, looking over to David who only watched while smoking the remains of his smoke, with a nod from his leader he had all the knowledge he needed of the situation. This wasn’t planned, but Marko was aware David knew of his feelings for you and it seemed he was letting him indulge a little. Instantly he had spun you both over, thrusting against you, a moan skipping past your lips. You'd been teased all night, so feeling his erection right where you needed him most, well, it was heavenly almost. 
"You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this." Marko teased your neck with kisses and nips, his eyes closed and he inhaled your scent; the way your hair smelled, the arousal between your legs, the perfume you wore, you were intoxicating and it's no wonder David could never keep his hands off you. Who could resist you?  
David had long stubbed out the rest of his cigarette as he watched the two of you toy with each other and tease, he watched as Marko whispered dirty things in your ear and how you replied with giggles, and he soon unzipped his fly and freed himself of the restraints his cock was behind, stroking himself at the sight of the two of you. This wasn't just because he knew you found Marko cute, or the fact that he knew Marko had been in love with you since he met you, no, this was David's fantasy too. 
It didn't seem long before Marko had ripped your clothing off of you, you'd responded with as much fervor. His hands roamed every inch of you in eagerness, he relished in the soft curves of your body and the way you shivered beneath him. It seemed too good to be true, having you here now was better than he had ever imagined. Marko kissed down your body, nipping here and there, which caused him to grin up at you every time you jumped. He stared at you for a moment, breath heavy and chest heaving, eyes pleading with you -
“Please let me have a taste?”
You weren’t sure if it was a question for you or David, but you’d instantly whined out a ‘yes’ and he wasted no time working against you. His tongue teased your clit in circular motions and you shook underneath his grip on your thighs, hips moving up against his mouth in need of more friction. The desperateness of the night took over you; David’s consistent teasing since you’d arrived, your forgotten orgasm from David’s fingers, and now Marko’s tongue wickedly lapping against you, you couldn’t help but huff out in neediness. Your head lolled to the side and noted David palming himself through his jeans, it appeared he was enjoying this just as much as you and Marko. A bite on your thigh had your attention back on the curly haired blonde in between your legs in an instant, he grinned and delved further into your wetness, giving you the relief you’d been craving.
“Use your fingers, she likes that.” Per David’s request Marko’s middle and index finger entered you and your head fell back against the couch, hands holding his head in place as his tongue roughly explored every inch of you. You couldn’t help the curse words that slipped, and the slap on your thigh because of it had you whimpering. 
“I - I think I’m gonna cum” Marko only sped up his ministrations, adding another finger inside you, stretching you out, he played with the spot that had you shaking the most until your body was overtook in blissful release. Never once did he stop, even as your hands attempted to tear him off of your spent body, he continued until he was sure the taste of you was burned into his memory. His body moved up you once again, claiming your mouths together in a sloppy kiss, the taste of your arousal still heavy on his tongue. His mouth moved from yours to you ear -
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll feel me inside you for a week.” he whispered so possessively it had you clenching around nothing and praying he’d live up to the promise. The sound that came out of you was borderline pornographic, though you were beyond modesty at this point. Marko lined himself up with your entrance, looking down at you for silent permission, you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close, his cock slipping into you with ease and stretching you out deliciously. Between Marko’s moan and your choked sob, you knew you were gonna crave the feeling of him being inside you for weeks after,  he was inside you raw, and he took a moment in awe to rejoice the feeling of you, knowing it was probably the only time he'd ever get to have this experience, and he wasn't about to let this go to waste. He was going to fuck you so good you'd remember it forever, remember him forever. The pace he set was fast with deep, hard thrusts that had you clawing at the couch underneath you to keep you still. Your mouth hung open from the intense feeling of him pounding into you, your lips spewing out a mantra of curses and Marko's name. 
“Do I fuck you good baby?" You moaned louder at his words, trying to find the will in you to focus on anything other than his cock filling you to the brim with every movement of his hips. When you didn't answer him, he opted to slap your thigh, an echo wondering around the cave because of it. 
"Tell me."
"Y-yes - you feel amazing- ugh" 
Your head coaxed to the side, noticing David had now freed himself and was stroking his cock to the same pace Marko fucked you at. "Oh fuck -"
You didn't know who to look at; Marko fucking you into next week, or David getting off to the sight of you being fucked. It was overwhelmingly sexy having the two men desire you so greatly, being shared between them made you feel powerful. 
David watched your thighs flex around Marko’s torso, the way you threw your head back in pure pleasure, how Marko’s cock disappeared between your legs over and over again. He stood and sauntered over to the two of you, placing his cock at the tip of your mouth, asking for entrance into your, all too willing, mouth. You happily accepted and took as much of him as you could fit at once, though David soon had a hand on the back of your head and his hips thrusting his cock into your mouth. All you could do was relax and let him take you, forcing yourself to hold back chokes and spit as he fucked your throat with ease, all while Marko rammed his painfully hard cock into you, your thigh now over his shoulder and the new angle allowing him to be so deep inside you it hurt, in the most pleasurably painful way. It wasn’t long before you felt your second orgasm build up, the aftershocks of the last one still lingering and causing you to tremble against the two men ravishing you, tears spilled from your eyes as Marko fucked you through it. Soon your body was convulsing and shuddering underneath them, David’s cock still deep down your throat, and Marko’s deep inside you. You clung onto Marko’s shoulders for dear life, heat spreading throughout your entire body and turning you numb as you tried to adjust to the overwhelming sensations, both of them were close, from Marko’s messy pace to David’s twitching cock, you moaned around him to spur him along, while Marko chanted out in whines as his release approached -
“Don’t you dare cum inside her.” Marko did as he was told and pulled out quickly, spilling himself all over your stomach, David soon cumming down your throat and making you deep throat him as you swallowed every last drop, you grabbed his thigh and squeezed, a sign that you needed to stop and relax a minute, which he did immediately, tucking himself back into his pants and leaning down to your eye level. 
“Are you okay kitten?” You nodded, noting how your body ached from the rough actions it had endured. Marko placed a kiss on your cheek, wiping away a few stray tears. “You sure? I can get you anything you need.” You gave him a weak smile and stroked his cheek, trying to reassure him as best you could that you were, indeed, fine, but fucked out. 
The boys helped clean you up and take you over to the make shift nest David had built you a few months prior. Though, one question lingered in your mind. Where does your relationship go from here?
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