#To each their own devices || IC : Kiomi
koorinohebi · 2 years
❝  sometimes i get these phantom pains i guess you could say.  little aches and i find them oddly comforting.  because my soul still hurts even if my body is healed.  ❞ to tanaka uwu
⩤ The Meme ⩥
“Can’t say I understand you there, master.” What was comforting about being in pain. Even if there were no physical wounds to account for, hurt was hurt no matter how it’s sliced. “…” Still, it wasn’t as if he couldn’t respect it. Wasn’t his teacher the same? Bore pain up until his last breath, proving his mettle and dedication. Shinbei didn’t know the kind of circumstance that Gabriella was in for her to say such things, nor could he judge it as strange.
“You a masochist or something,” He taunted, grinning behind the mask before casting a glance at the witch.
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“Whatever the case is, so long as Tanaka Shinbei is here, the only pains you’ll be worrying about are those phantom pains.” He’ll cut down anything that causes her harm.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
While shishou transforms himself into an assortment of different servants, even going so far as ending it with a mimic of the berserker himself just to threaten Nagayoshi, she's clapping somewhere in the sidelines because that was pretty impressive. Leave it to the Great Tanba to show off in such an exuberant manner. She could definitely feel that mana consumption, but that was fine. She had a lot to spare.
Moving on. Kiomi, was of course, a pretty considerate master. A chance for Tanba to redeem himself was in order. What with his adamant "this is the last time", she can't possibly ignore it. So she ponders for a moment, considering the lineup for the next mission.
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"Shishou and Nagayoshi will be coming with me again during the next sortie so that they can have their round 2. I wonder if I should bring Chen Gong. I feel like he'll be lonely if I don't let him make things go boom every once in a while..." Decisions, decisions.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
A Blaze to Find the Truth
An imposing figure.
An impossible, unreasonable demand.
The Scout Regiment surely had it all-- had everything that anyone remotely sane wouldn’t want to burden themselves with, that is.
“One month from now, we will conduct a recon mission outside the walls. Recruits from among your ranks will be expected to take part. We expect thirty percent of them will die. After four years, most will be dead. But those who endure will become superior soldiers, capable of surviving anything.” There was hardly any pause to be had, apart from those of the cadets that were gathered around. Doubt swooped in and perched upon the hearts of each and every one. The good news about learning more about the enemy was trampled so easily by the horrifying truth that was laid out for all of them to accept and swallow. “Now having heard this dismal state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the line and join us, remain here. But first ask yourself. ‘Am I willing to offer up my beating heart for Mankind?’ That is all.”
At the end of the Commander’s words, the rumbling sounds of footsteps began. One by one, the majority of those who had gathered here today began to turn their backs. Each one, a shadow looming over their features as they’ve made their choice. It wasn’t as if they were turning away from humanity-- no, they were turning away from the mission; giving into fear-- they were turning away to preserve their own lives. No one wanted to die, not for a cause that they don’t embody. Anyone can believe a dream, but not everyone can grasp what it truly meant to live it, specially if what they see before them was a nightmare.
What sort of outcome were they hoping for? Is that Commander stupid, or is he just out of his mind? Does he really expect that anyone would--
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And then, as the cadet looked upon the forefront, the unwavering gaze of the man known as Erwin Smith remained. There was no hint of reluctance, no hint of disappointment at the fact that majority were running away with their tails tucked between their legs. Somehow, to Kiomi, this felt insane. Normally, wouldn’t anyone be disheartened by such a turn of events? Unless of course… Unless of course, this was done in order to weed out those who lacked the resolve to fight, and those who lacked the knowledge of what it’s like to stand up against the monstrosities known as Titans.
What about her? Despite the flood of people leaving, she found herself firmly rooted to her spot. She noticed that some of her peers also remained, only a mere handful, the look of dread on their faces all too apparent. Like this decision was a mistake. It seemed like they didn’t want to be here, but yet they remained. She wondered why. Even if reasons have been glossed over this afternoon, much like what Jean had told them, she still couldn’t understand what made these people stay despite the obvious suicide mission that they’ll be thrown into a month from now. If she stayed, she’ll be riding to her death too, won’t she? Kiomi looked within herself for an answer; at least to the question that had been posed before all this transpired. ‘Am I willing to offer my beating heart for Mankind?’ If she was being frank, the answer was no. Kiomi owed nothing to the mankind that had… robbed her of god knows what. She couldn’t remember. There was nothing there to attach her to wanting to die for humanity. However, not everyone had been unkind. Even if she didn’t like people very much, her… well, her friends from the 104th Training Corps had been fair to her, haven’t they?
If I turn away now, join another division, the chances of survival would be bigger. But that would mean abandoning those so called friends who stayed behind, right? The young cadet felt no obligation to humanity as a whole, but in the time that she had spent with her peers, that’s where she felt her obligation existed. Not for anyone other than them. Not for the man in front recruiting them, not even for mankind itself-- but only for Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Christa, Connie, Ymir, Eren, Sasha, along with the rest of their battalion-- even for Marco who was no longer with them. If she was going to eventually die anyway, she’ll die on her own terms, even if it means fooling herself that it’s for humanity’s sake. She’ll ride along with this sham.
As the moments passed, everything slowly began to settle. And then there was silence; nothing but the crackling of wood as the flames ate away at it could be heard. The feeling was uncomfortable, she wanted to leave, the somber sound of burning wood made her feel sick. The cadet had to focus on something else.
“I ask you,” As if on cue, the Commander’s voice draw her and her comrades’ attention. Thankfully. “If you were ordered to die, could you do it?”
She believed Kirstein answered for everyone when he bellowed out that they didn’t want to die. Somehow, Kiomi believed that the commanding officer’s reaction would be disappointed. However, all he did was accept the answer and smiled solemnly at them. His gaze, while stern, was accepting of their unwillingness to meet with their demise. Do adults like this truly exist? While he had laid out a plan that assured death, he wasn’t telling them to die now, was he? Whether it was to humor them or not-- no, his countenance at the moment doesn’t seem to be that way. It seemed to her that he was more convinced that it would be a good thing if none of them died.
“You who stayed, you are now one of us. Allow me to welcome you to the Scout Regiment. This is a genuine salute, soldiers! Together, we give our hearts!”
In that moment everyone who stayed behind gave their salute. Together, with resounding voices, everyone stood firm. Gloom was apparent on the faces of the few who stayed, some a little less telling of what they actually felt at the path that they've chosen. While Kiomi heard the murmurs around her she could only truly focus on what lies ahead.
“Those of you standing here have worked through your fear. You have proven yourselves courageous.”
More than the flames that burned brightly, the girl felt that they all fail in comparison to the one who stood before them as Commander. A memory flashed in her mind, one that made her temples throb. She remembered people who she assumed was in charge; never satisfied, always disappointed; so much splattered blood around her; Kiomi felt sick.
“Each one of you has my heartfelt respect.”
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However, those words alone shattered the image that lingered in her head. To think that someone like this existed. Perhaps following this Commander will give her answers to the many questions that were spiraling in her head.
Perhaps he was the means-- the blaze to find her truth.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
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"Now are you sure?" Tanba says, with a bubbly expression and look of disbelief all wrapped into one. "Because this is me we're talking about, Kiomi, ME," Tanba strikes a brief though dramatic pose, "the Great Momochi Tanba", going back to his regular posture he puts one hand on his hip and points at Kiomi, "there's noooooo way Mori scored more kills than me on that last mission, no way! You must've miscounted, mm?"
"Positive." For starters, Kiomi wasn't going to lie to Tanba just to make him feel good. What would fabricating his results do? That would just be an insult to a shinobi of his renown. As both his master and student, she wasn't going to tarnish his name like that.
True enough, camaraderie and cooperation were things that were greatly valued here in Chaldea. It builds trust between the masters and their servants, however…
"Besides, Shishou, Berserker provided the headcount." Literally, with the magus picking up one of the decapitated heads in order to show it to her teacher. There were so much heads here that if she decided to sit on them she would sink into the pile. She'll have to ask Bluebeard later to lend her one or two of his familiars. There wasn't enough room for new heads in her collection of heads-that-Mori-bring-back-from-battle, so she'll just have to feed these to something that'd find it palatable.
…sometimes, she found that competition and sport during missions were a much more effective way to get things done. They're being cooperative in that, they get to things faster by battling and setting a goal for themselves-- beating each other's records in the process.
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"Just by one, Shishou. Nagayoshi scored one head higher."
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koorinohebi · 2 years
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Clicks her tongue.
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Clicks her tongue repeatedly and growls.
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"Enough. You're getting on my nerves. You've been fuming since yesterday."
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"Shut up! If you can incessantly complain about Hideyoshi stealing Nobunaga, I can throw a tantrum all I want regarding Nagayoshi!"
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Removes his shades, throws his coat aside and rolls up his sleeves. "You insolent, blasphemous wench! Don't you drag Lord Nobunaga in this, and don't you dare say that accursed name in front of me!"
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"HAAAA? You saying you wanna fucking fight? You got it!" Rolls up her sleeves too, ready to duke it up with this dumb Caster.
They're both equally pretty dumb tho.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
A familiar tuft of auburn hair peeks out from the side of the doorway. "Ah, Kiomi? Are you here? I just got back from a mission."
Cana took a step forward, revealing a small wooden box in her hands. "There was actually a sweets shop nearby. I thought that maybe, perhaps... You'd like some? I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with a lot of Japanese sweets but... I hope I picked out some nice ones that you might enjoy."
⩤ Unprompted ⩥
“Ah, Cana-senpai. I’m over here--” Kiomi waved from the other side of her bed; not particularly on it, but beside it… on the floor, where her presence had been obscured. Cleaning up the mess that the servants who crashed her room last night was a pain, but it’s not as if the magus can simply leave her sleeping quarters in such disarray. That’s the last time I’m ever playing games with that rowdy bunch directly after a rayshift. It was fun, sure. The energy was high, the stories about sea voyages were intriguing, the DnD session GM’d by Blackbeard was full of so much weird and impractical shit, that an actual fight broke out. The amount of times Mary and Bonny almost conquered her was far too close for comfort, and if she had to put up with another one of Bartholomew’s attempt to change her hairstyle… she had a roundhouse kick with his name on it.
So Cana couldn’t have been more timely with her box of treats. Cleaning’s been going on since early this morning, and with at least three bags of trash for disposal, it felt like a break was indeed called for. “I just changed the sheets, so feel free to sit down.” Putting the rug away, she fled her current station in order to join her fellow mage for some sweets. “We can go to the shop next time, and then I can recommend you something based on the level of sweets you like.” With the many Japanese servants she tended to, wagashi and its kind had been a staple snack for her. And these ones that Cana brought were an assortment of such beautiful bite-sized sweets; majority of which paired well with tea.
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“You did say you just got back from a mission, right? Then how about eating together? I have some roasted rice tea brewing over there at the table. I think it should go well with these.”
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koorinohebi · 2 years
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"Why are you such a whimp, Magatsu?"
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"Why don't you try having your arm sliced off!"
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"Done. I'll add that to the list of the things that my servants can definitely try. Listen, if you're a master, you have to be prepared for a little tough love from your servants. Just take it, see where that takes you. It won't always get you their respect, but at least you've made something of yourself."
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Kiomi recalling the biggest offenders in her Chaldea... with Mitsuhide topping it by constantly trying to kill her in the past; not limited to being stabbed or shot. Takechi who is always trying to manipulate her into using Izo like a dog, Tanaka who absolutely hates her guts and also often tries to cut her down, Serizawa who just hit her with a mana burst the other day.
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"Shut up! What would you understand!? My plan was perfect, I should have had the strongest warrior in all of Japan! And yet-- that monster---! Slaughtering everything, ruining everything---!"
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"Are you still complaining? I don't think you're in the position to bitch about the weapons dealt to you. Aren't you a major, or is that rank just for show? You're weapon is very eager to do what needs to be done, perhaps a little more. The only thing that's left is for you to use him to his heart's content."
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"Are you insane? Have you...not seen the casualties...?"
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"Isn't it a little late for your conscience to kick in, Major? You're willing to sacrifice the people of your country to achieve your much coveted victory. A few of your troops hardly pass as collateral damage compared to the genocide that you're planning for an entire nation."
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koorinohebi · 2 years
izo is FUMING. how dare serizawa??? was he daft??? kiomi wasn't a serving girl, let alone going to dance for such an ugly pig. she was their master, for fuck's sake, the booze was poured FOR HER! not the other way around. the assassin bares his teeth, hunkering down as he glues himself to omi's side, flask in hand. "stop wastin' her time! it's our drinkin' night and you ain't taking over that shit!"
⩤ Unprompted ⩥
“A drinking night? Then you should have said so earlier, ahahaha!” Alcohol was definitely one of the best ways to get his attention; and one of the better ways to get him into gear. “Why don’t you pull a chair and sit?” He offered, gesturing to the seat next to him. “I don’t know how you of the Tosa Kinnoutou do your drinking, but we of the Shinsengumi tend to enjoy it as a group. Or were you not often invited to that Hanpeita's table?” And there was the jab, a nod to his knowledge about the vagrant being excluded from Zuizan’s gatherings. After all, back in those days, information tends to travel. Learning that the manslayer’s name was crossed out from the list of the Kinnoutou’s members, well, it was quite pitiful wasn’t it? Not as if the commander didn’t understand the feeling, after all… his pack of wolves had been infiltrated by damn filthy snakes.
If this criminal thought that he was scaring anyone with those baby teeth, he had another thing coming. Which was to say… “Are you that desperate to monopolize that hellion all to yourself? She your woman or something?” Leaning against the table casually to stare at the pair, his grin broadened. “I get it if you’d want to have her serve you exclusively, have her entertain you in private, I really get it. I've been there, kid."
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"But since we’ll be working together from now on, don’t you think it’s common courtesy to share your spoils with the rest of the group?” Just seeing Kiomi's face contort in such rage was gratifying. Petty as it was, he was still quite bitter over the events that transpired at Yamatai-koku. So what better pay back was there than to get under their skins?
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"You're really pissing me off! Izo, move aside!" Brandishing her kusarigama, Kiomi pushed past Izo to lunge an attack at the infuriating Saber. That attempt however was thwarted when Serizawa himself parried and blocked her attacks with his own blade.
"You are full of openings, 'jou-chan." Standing from his seat, Serizawa pushes Kiomi back.
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"Hey, manslayer. Fetch." With another slash being brought upon the blade of his master's scythe, the servant would send her flying to the other side of the room. The strike had a decent concentration of mana which burst upon impact with. It was not enough to kill when blocked, but enough to inflict a certain amount of damage. It was a good way for him to gauge the mage. Kiomi was reckless, impudent. To think that she would actually pick a fight with him due to a smidgen of provocation... Serizawa could respect that. At least she had the balls to instigate something rather than taking things sitting down. "For a weakling, 'jou-chan, you've got moxie. I suppose I can give you that." Looking at Izo, he would address him too. "So, are you any better?" He asked, pointing his weapon at the manslayer without so much as any inhibitions.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Serizawa hearing Izo call the master "Omi".
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"Oume? Hmn, no. Not quite." The name sounded slightly similar, specially when the vagrant slurred during a drunken stupor. Thinking back, he made a few mental notes to himself. Their so called 'master' not minding violent drunks, rambunctious characters, extortionists, among other things... and even foolishly sticking by them... it sure felt rather nostalgic.
This was making him crave for a good gourd of Sake.
Laughable, but a practical joke that the *commander did not appreciate. I suppose there are parallels, minus the charm points. A funny hand was dealt to him. His past was haunting him in one form or another. Apparently, the Throne provides him with all the necessary knowledge that he needed, and then some things that he rather did not know.
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"Hey you, 'jou-chan. Don't worry about dying prematurely. I'm going to make sure you have a proper burial when that time comes."
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"I would rather you make yourself useful instead of planning my early funeral." She didn't know where the hell this came from, but this was annoying, specially that smug mug of his.
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"I'll think about it if you're able to pour me a satisfactory drink. Maybe dance a little; you know, provide me with a good show." And he would tap his fan against his open palm, generously giving her a chance to prove herself.
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"..." Kiomi smiles a pleasant smile while snapping her digital clipboard in half by accident. "Go die in a ditch you filthy Miburou reject." This bastard sure was rubbing her in all the wrong ways.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
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"..." Sees Izo having a soft spot for animals, even helping out a dog that's being chased around by her bunch of merry servants-- who wants the dog.
Literally, this man can do no wrong.
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koorinohebi · 3 years
one second, tanba appears in kiomi's room from a cloud of black feathers, a wrapped present in his hands, the next, he's gone just as he appeared, the present left on the floor in his place. the box tanba left behind starts to rattle around, however, and soon enough, a crow emerges, specifically, a familiar, one that's been specifically tuned to kiomi's magical energy. all that's left is for kiomi to imprint their control upon the familiar and they'll have a new useful tool! and maybe a pet!
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Just once she wanted to catch him off guard when he suddenly popped in her room like that. But Shishou was faster than she could perceive him, as always. Which was why, the senbons that she hurled where the cloud of black feather once poofed into existence clanged as it fell on the floor after hitting nothing but the metallic wall. With a sigh of disappointment, she’ll just have to try again next time. Maybe surprise him and get praised for actually putting his teachings into use.
Just as she was about to retrieve her needles, Kiomi spotted the present that had been left for her there. Rattling and shaking. So it got her curious enough to take a sit beside it; and just as she was about to open it, a crow emerged from within the box, jumped out and looked at her.
“...” She felt a vein pulse.
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“HAAAAAAH?! DID SHISHOU JUST PUT YOU IN A BOX?! FOR SOMEONE SO SMART. FOR SOMEONE SO SMAAAART--!” All the while imprinting the crow with her mana to complete their pact as master and familiar. Now that that was done, she’s got a bone to pick with the man. Who puts birds in boxes like this while being wrapped? While she loved this crow with her life now, that was exactly why she was marching out of her room to find Tanba. Of course, before she did, Kiomi grabbed her gift for him too. It’s not a lot, but there were instances when she sees him reading; and wondered if he liked books in general. So when she picked out the book that she planned to gift him with, she chose one that featured mythos and tales from another country. It’d be pretty different from Japanese texts, she thought, and took a chance that he could be fond of stories from other places.
Ah, but that sentiment was set aside for now. Talk, they have to talk about not keeping birds in boxes like that.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
@moonlightmagus said:
Yuuki vc: Kiomi! We can't just become ghosts! That'll defeat the purpose!
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"I-it's not like I want to become a ghost myself..." That's right, Yuuki. Talk some sense into this one-braincelled anemone friend of yours. "I'm just saying that if that's what it takes, then I'm willing to haunt the living daylights out of these abominations-- or what's left of it anyway."
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koorinohebi · 2 years
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"This camping trip feels like a giant honeymoon event...ugh..."
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His wife would probably enjoy sitting by the lake and relaxing...if she was here with them.
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koorinohebi · 3 years
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Every time she sees Douman, she's reminded of a cat.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
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@lovedloyalty said:
"..... hm, this shouldn't be possible." @ omi (maxwell is like ??? how the fuck did you summon me)
Summoning servants really wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world. One would think that she'd gotten used to it by now due to how many servants she's contracted with thus far, but it always leaves a trail in her veins which made it feel as if her insides were being doused with lead.
Still, Kiomi has to look at the man standing before her carefully. For some reason, this servant looked awfully familiar. Where did she know him from, and why does it feel like they've met before? Folding her arms over her chest, the magus thought hard-- remembering past rayshifts and singularities before it finally came to her.
"Ah." And then it hits her. During one of those strange singularities connected with Nobu, she remembers him and Ryouma's sketchy dealings.
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"Aren't you that shady Caster that was working with that disgusting priest, Makuzu?" She asked, trying to confirm her memory. "Maxwell's Demon, wasn't it?"
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koorinohebi · 2 years
"Miss Zaiachi, here is an update about the mystic code..." The spellcaster hums her greeting. She quietly slides a small sample: an elastic and frilled band hidden in her palm. "For Mister Okada, this would be the perfect size." She bobs her head .
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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What exactly is this?! Where is this supposed to go-- I mean, I know where this is supposed to go but--
Truth be told, Kiomi was a girl of many words. In fact, she normally has a lot to say about things, be it either a complaint or a praise, or something else… but never in her entire life did she ever think that something like a frilly band and the knowledge pertaining to who it was for, would literally knock the vocabulary from both her mind and mouth.
“Th-th-th-this…is part of the m-my-my-mystic code?” Looking at the sample, the frilled elastic band, she was taking a good long moment of processing this. She knew how fond Izo was of good clothing, and this piece right here was of exquisite quality-- but wouldn’t he kill her if she made him wear something like this? I--I mean, it’s hidden and all, but-- Ah. The image of the garter belt around the manslayer’s well developed, toned calves-- the crisp snap upon adjustment-- I want to see him wear it.
“Sophie, if I die because of this…I don’t think I’ll have any regrets left...apart from not seeing the entire ensemble.” Kiomi muttered under her breath.
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