#Toddler Darra Thel-Tanis
May The Fourth ficlet
Mace knows that his attachment to the Republic is a problem, now that he has memories of becoming a soldier to defend the Republic, only to learn that the Republic has been rotten at the core for a long time.  
The Sith Lord being Chancellor was a pretty obvious sign that the Republic was failing.  
But now Mace has received a second chance, and he thinks he, Kit, Agen, and Saesee are taking full advantage of this second chance.  
Darth Sidious is dead, and Darth Plagueis, or Hego Damask is now in hiding, having had his life ruined by being publicly exposed as a Sith.  
Mace volunteered for this mission, which will keep him on Tannalor for over a decade specifically so he could let go of his attachment to the Republic.  
He looks over to the other Masters accompanying him on this mission; Shaak Ti, K’Kruhk, and the Master who trained him, T’ra Saa.  
The HT-2200 Medium Freighter is fully loaded with everything they will need for the next ten years, and now Mace is waiting with the other Masters for the Younglings to arrive.  
He knows Anakin Skywalker is still be vulnerable to the Sith, and to being corrupted by politicians, even at the Temple on Coruscant, so Anakin will have to be hidden somewhere the Sith won’t think to look.  
And the most remote Temple the Jedi have is on Tannalor.  
Finally, Crechemaster Tasmi Teeri walks into the hangar, carrying the youngest of the Initiates, one year old Barriss Offee.  Anakin and Darra are strapped into a repulsorlift stroller floating ahead of Tasmi since they are both two years old.  While the two oldest Initiates in the Clan, three year old Tru Veld and four year old Ferus Olin, are walking beside her.  
Since Anakin can’t know about the Prophecy until he is ready, and because he needs proper socialization with other children close in age to him, the official story for why these Younglings are going to be raised on Tannalor is that all five of the Younglings are targets of the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, so they are being sent to a hidden Temple for their own safety.  
Mace sees Tasmi handing Barriss to Shaak, which makes Barriss begin to cry “Tasi! Tasi!”  That makes Anakin and Darra also start crying.
Mace knows this will be a very long trip to Tannalor.  
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