#Baby Barriss Offee
May The Fourth ficlet
Mace knows that his attachment to the Republic is a problem, now that he has memories of becoming a soldier to defend the Republic, only to learn that the Republic has been rotten at the core for a long time.  
The Sith Lord being Chancellor was a pretty obvious sign that the Republic was failing.  
But now Mace has received a second chance, and he thinks he, Kit, Agen, and Saesee are taking full advantage of this second chance.  
Darth Sidious is dead, and Darth Plagueis, or Hego Damask is now in hiding, having had his life ruined by being publicly exposed as a Sith.  
Mace volunteered for this mission, which will keep him on Tannalor for over a decade specifically so he could let go of his attachment to the Republic.  
He looks over to the other Masters accompanying him on this mission; Shaak Ti, K’Kruhk, and the Master who trained him, T’ra Saa.  
The HT-2200 Medium Freighter is fully loaded with everything they will need for the next ten years, and now Mace is waiting with the other Masters for the Younglings to arrive.  
He knows Anakin Skywalker is still be vulnerable to the Sith, and to being corrupted by politicians, even at the Temple on Coruscant, so Anakin will have to be hidden somewhere the Sith won’t think to look.  
And the most remote Temple the Jedi have is on Tannalor.  
Finally, Crechemaster Tasmi Teeri walks into the hangar, carrying the youngest of the Initiates, one year old Barriss Offee.  Anakin and Darra are strapped into a repulsorlift stroller floating ahead of Tasmi since they are both two years old.  While the two oldest Initiates in the Clan, three year old Tru Veld and four year old Ferus Olin, are walking beside her.  
Since Anakin can’t know about the Prophecy until he is ready, and because he needs proper socialization with other children close in age to him, the official story for why these Younglings are going to be raised on Tannalor is that all five of the Younglings are targets of the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, so they are being sent to a hidden Temple for their own safety.  
Mace sees Tasmi handing Barriss to Shaak, which makes Barriss begin to cry “Tasi! Tasi!”  That makes Anakin and Darra also start crying.
Mace knows this will be a very long trip to Tannalor.  
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magicalplaylist · 4 months
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Clone Chat
Cody: I’m so tired of these assholes everyone post the dumbest shit ur Jedi does I’ll start: he’s a thumb sucker but not his own thumbs I keep waking up with his mouth attached to my hand it feels so wrong
Fox: I don’t have one but Palpatine asked me to wax his back for him once. I think that’s how he got that infection that killed him.
Cody: wow. Mine lookin better already.
Rex: Anakin keeps crying whenever we watch movies and then expect me to hold him he’s an actual infant, Soka keeps eating raw chicken around me and it makes me gag from smell, sound AND sight
Wolffe: mine forgot to cut the crusts off my sandwich once ☹️😖
Cody: a crime
Wolffe: im so neglected 😭
Bly: Aayla won’t let me parkour anymore it’s really boring around here she thinks I’m gonna hurt myself
Cody: considering you broke your leg like that last year, uhhhhh
Bly: it’s fine now!
Gree: Luminara won’t let me buy a boat. She said there aren’t any large bodies of water around Coruscant so there’s no point. What’s the point of having rights now if we can’t DREAM! Barriss is going though a phase where she keeps showing me ‘interwebs funnies’ and they aren’t actually funny but she laughs so hard so I just nod and say ‘uh-huh’.
Rex: ajfjeodhroebe ur such a dad wtf
Cody: And Rex would know. He’s very daddy shaped. But you got the Home Depot theme song playin around you at all times.
Gree: I don’t get it. This is like the funnies Barriss shows me :/
Cody: great news guys my dumb baby infant Jedi is perfect thanks for renewing my faith in him and his dumb baby infant antics 😌💅
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bluedeedeedoop · 2 months
Baby gay Barrissoka my loves
anyways yeah i started this not too long ago and is this the first time i actually technically finished an animatic idk but here ya go im drugged up on antibiotics and pain meds okay bye
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beladonna02 · 6 months
I...MUST...PROTECT HER ;A; ❤️❤️❤️ *Hugs her tightly and gives her little kisses on her head 🥺*
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i-heartclones · 5 months
Luminara would be proud of Barriss :(
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shinhatisgirlfriend · 8 months
“Barriss?” Ahsoka threw her a nervous glance - she didn’t even know Sabine and she was concerned. There were echoes of the care her own master might have shown her there, tiny ripples of warmth that Sabine could feel emanating from the padawan. 
Barriss nodded slightly. “In my studies with Master Allie, she mentioned that there was a phenomenon called wound transferal, or rather wound sharing, where the pain felt by one is also felt by another. It requires the two Jedi to be bonded in the Force.” 
She hesitated, before continuing. “Sabine… Are you Force sensitive?” 
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jedimasterbailey · 7 months
Hey baby 😘 for the writer ask game, ❤️, 👻, 🐇, 🥳, 🦋, 💘, 🤔, 🎨
Hello there baby 🥰 thank you so much for the asks, these games are always so much fun ✨ link to the original questions are linked down below to anyone that wants to play and I hope you do because I love to snoop and ask questions 😉
❤️- what is your favorite line you’ve written in a fic?
This comes from the end of Chapter 10 of The Padawans right after Barriss reunites with Luminara and is just about to face Darth Vader.
“No.” Barriss proclaims, igniting her blue blade, “I am a Jedi like my Master before me.”
This moment always comes to my mind when it comes to favorite moments because it’s a moment I would die to see in canon; Barriss returning to the Light and reinstating her identity as a Jedi like the woman who had raised her. Not to mention it’s also a parallel to Luke’s line in Episode 6 which is also my one of my favorite lines in the entire saga. Need I say more?
👻- what is your wildest headcanon?
Currently, that Master Katri is indeed Luminara’s Master despite the possible timeline issues but I want a powerful luminous female Mirialan Jedi line for Barriss to hail from…so yeah…it’s canon to me.
🐇- do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
In the beginning, I wrote for myself but once I started receiving so many wonderful comments of how much people enjoyed my stories then I decided to write for both. Writing makes me happy and at peace and I want to share that same happiness and peace with others through these stories.
🥳- why did you start writing fanfic?
Because I was starved of the content I wanted to see so I decided to make my own stories whether or not people liked them or not 😄 And I wanted to humanize the Mirialan characters more since both Luminara and Barriss receive a lot of unjustified hate in the fandom.
🦋- which character is your favorite to write?
It’s a toss up between Barriss and Luminara since they are both such complex and sweet characters that need exploring. I find a lot of myself in these characters which makes it easier for me to find their voice but I enjoy being able to get creative with them since we have scraps to go off of in canon.
💘- is it easier to write angst or fluff?
It honestly depends on my current mood 😂 if I’m in the mood to write something more fluffy and romantic then it will be easy but other times angst is easier to write because life sucks sometimes and I’m just full of angst.
🤔-would you ever want to write something for canon if you got the opportunity?
Depends on what the story would be and how much creative freedom I’d have. I mean of course I would be elated to write a canon Star Wars anything but it would need to be something I would actually enjoy writing. It wouldn’t be write for me to do a project where I don’t really care for a specific characters or not as knowledgeable about certain things like the Mandalorians, etc. I love my Jedi and I love my gay romance, so that’s where I’d love to stay if I could.
🎨- if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
First of all I am always honored whenever artists show me sketches of anything that stems from my work and I would continue to love and praise anything anyone creates but if I had to pick one scene that I would love someone to do, it would be one of the climatic scenes in The Padawans story where Darth Vader is carrying an unconscious Luminara in the wreckage of the Vader vs Barriss fight. Luminara makes a choice to save Barriss and sacrifice herself before Vader could get to her. Meanwhile Vader wants Luminara for his own selfish purposes because the Anakin part of him is wanting some sort of mother figure back in his life. So seeing any imagery of Vader showing vulnerability after such a noble sacrifice from Luminara’s part would be very cool to see.
Link to the Original Ask Game Questions
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coveredinsun · 11 months
a ship without coordinates – chapter 1
Hera Syndulla was only relinquished to the Jedi Order under two particularly unorthodox conditions: her parents must be permitted to contact the Order for progress updates, and she must know who they are. Unfortunately, omitted from the provisions is her ability to contact them back. Conflict ensues for the daughter of outspoken, and often controversial, political leader Cham Syndulla.
the first chapter of my criminally long jedi!hera au, featuring lots of in-universe journalism & press, deep reverence for a tree, and sympathy for barriss offee, has been published!! tune in every saturday for the next chapter :) reblogs wonderfully appreciated <3
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antianakin · 2 years
It's hilarious that a lot of the main darksiders and Sith all have WAY more sympathetic reasons than Anakin does for why they're Sith, or why they Fell.
Maul apparently was literally stolen (or given away) as a child and raised by a Sith, he had zero choice in becoming one.
Dooku became disillusioned with the corruption in the Republic and how it was taking advantage of and hurting its own people that he had sworn his life to protecting and then got lost in searching for the power to try to protect those same people.
Savage is literally magicked into being Dark against his will because he sacrifices himself to spare his younger brother the same fate.
Quinlan Vos's falls (one in the comic, and one in the novel) are both about trying to end the war by infiltrating Dooku's inner circle as his apprentice and not realizing how far he's fallen in the process.
Barriss Offee becomes disillusioned with the way the Senate has taken advantage/control of the Jedi Order and gets lost in her own grief over what she's been asked to do in the war.
The closest to Anakin's bullshit reasoning is actually Asajj Ventress who becomes a slave as a baby, spends some years learning to be a Jedi, and then goes dark after she loses one person because misery loves company.
But Anakin literally commits whole genocides because he's scared of losing someone who's NOT EVEN DEAD YET. He's not even reacting to a loss that's HAPPENED TO HIM, he's just searching for power to stop someone from ever dying who is perfectly alive and in good health with no signs of kicking the bucket any time soon.
Like. Talk about an unsympathetic backstory. And it didn't help that every other Darksider (aside from Palpatine) managed to have a WAY more sympathetic reason for them having turned Dark than Anakin does.
What a weak-willed pissbaby.
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squad-724 · 5 months
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Dragon Qui Gon Jinn, known for raising newly born hatchlings, Anakin being his 5th before the caretaker died to Maul.
The scales on his neck, head and back imitate leaves of forests the species lives in.
His breath calms down and even puts to sleep other dragons and humans
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Young Qui Gon and Baby-wan
I promise I’ll draw Hound and Grizzer soon
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stellanslashgeode · 6 months
Offee Nation, I need your opinions. If Barriss was raised by her family, where would she be in the birth order to suit her personality?
Summoning @jedimasterbailey @archduke42 @devondeal @thecleverqueer @daughter-of-sapph0 @bluedeedeedoop @kaaragen and anyone else who has strong feelings about this.
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Clone Empire again:
I have feels about tiny little pregnant Luminara scolding Gree in Dai Bendu (he has NO idea what she’s saying but he looks sheepish about whatever he’s done as of late anyways just in case) while Barriss sneaks out of the apartment right behind him (Lum isn’t mad she’s just tired of Gree wanting to interrogate their teen about where her and Ahsoka are going on their next date and decided to help the girl escape lolll) and by the time Gree realizes Barriss has already disappeared, Lum is cuddled up to his side all warm and cute and asking to watch her favorite movies with him and he’s all 🥺 yes and they have a movie night.
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beasanfi1997 · 9 months
The differents between Jedi, Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi and Sith:
-Anakin Skywalker becomed a real Jedi Knight especially during the Galactic Empire because he didn't hurt nobody and for his all life was a truely innocence. He protect Ezra from Maul, Thrawn and the Empire to not reveals him that he calls the Loth-Cats. He hidden the Bad Batch and Martez Sisters on Naboo from Empire. He hidden Ahsoka on Malachor to believe Palpatine that She Is dead. He hidden too Ezra and Ahsoka on Naboo until Anakin sacrifices himself killing Palpatine for good.
- Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano becomed Grey Jedi because they didn't becomed Jedi Knight but the Force Is strong inside like a real Jedi Knight unlike Grogu and Jacen Syndulla because Grogu becomed Hermit like Yoda before him while Jacen follow the steps of his parents Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla becoming a Cowboy Jedi and Pilot and Is that because out Four Heroes will be becomes witnesses After the Battle of Exegol like the real sages(Ahsoka Is the elderly of 71 while Jacen Is the youngest of 35)
- Barriss Offee choose to be a Dark Jedi, instead to be a Jedi Knight as her master Luminara Unduli did It, because She sense that Palpatine Is a liar and She realize that he Is a Sith Lord and She notices that he takes Maul, Dooku and even Anakin like their Apprentice and Is that because She tried to frame Ahsoka to stay away from Anakin and She notices too that Thrawn tried to kill Ezra because he was Born on Empire Day(if Anakin Is a truely Chosen One that Qui-Gon Jinn said It) that Maul help him because he want that the baby will be his Apprentice as Palpatine did It with Anakin.
-Palpatine was obessed with the Dark Side of the Force because First he was the Apprentice of Darth Plagueis and then he killed him becoming a horrible Sith Lord and he want to takes the Children of the Force to be his Apprentice including Maul, Dooku and Anakin
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bh-52 · 2 years
Ahsoka's training incorrect quotes.
Anakin: Alright, Padawan I never wanted, your new training exercise will involve the troopers using you as cannon fodder, and stunning you even when you're down, and into a comatose state with high possibility of lifelong damage to your nervous system, as if you're Aayla being killed during Order 66.
Ahsoka, nervously chuckles: What do you mean by that?
Anakin, gestures: Open fire.
Galen Marek and Barriss Offee, walk in on dozens of troops shooting Ahsoka who collapses, and proceed to kick their asses on her behalf.
Barriss, furious: Explain yourselves, right now!
Jesse, rubbing his now bruised ribs: We were helping train the Commander in deflection.
Barriss, checking Ahsoka's pulse: I wouldn't consider continuously stunning her into unconsciousness an acceptable part of her training regimen. And stun rounds can't actually be deflected.
Anakin: You're not her master, you don't get a say in how I train my Padawan.
Galen, punches Anakin's face: We do when that Padawan is Ahsoka Tano!
Kix, who's just walked in, rushes to the unconscious Togruta's side: Commander, can you hear me?
Shaak Ti, strides in, rushes to Tano's side, and gives a Mace Windu level serious expression with her fangs out: Who's responsible for this happening to my baby girl? Tell me this instant, or there will be no dessert for any of you, for a month.
Literally everyone, points at Anakin.
Ahsoka, slowly wakes up to find herself in Shaak's arms: Mama?
Shaak Ti, relieved, cradling Ahsoka: I'm here, little Soka.
Ahsoka: I love you, mum.
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featherstcnes · 2 months
i haven't been online recently so here are some things that i need to cry about:
barriss offee being an inquisitor !!!!!!!@@!!!! i knew that my girl was one all along deep down in my soul like she is my Baby. need to write her immediately/like yesterday
qimir/the stranger. that is all
my dnd character arden (a nature cleric w a tragic backstory bc what else would a dnd character have if not a tragic backstory)
bridger.ton s3
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