#Toddler Anakin Skywalker
May The Fourth ficlet
Mace knows that his attachment to the Republic is a problem, now that he has memories of becoming a soldier to defend the Republic, only to learn that the Republic has been rotten at the core for a long time.  
The Sith Lord being Chancellor was a pretty obvious sign that the Republic was failing.  
But now Mace has received a second chance, and he thinks he, Kit, Agen, and Saesee are taking full advantage of this second chance.  
Darth Sidious is dead, and Darth Plagueis, or Hego Damask is now in hiding, having had his life ruined by being publicly exposed as a Sith.  
Mace volunteered for this mission, which will keep him on Tannalor for over a decade specifically so he could let go of his attachment to the Republic.  
He looks over to the other Masters accompanying him on this mission; Shaak Ti, K’Kruhk, and the Master who trained him, T’ra Saa.  
The HT-2200 Medium Freighter is fully loaded with everything they will need for the next ten years, and now Mace is waiting with the other Masters for the Younglings to arrive.  
He knows Anakin Skywalker is still be vulnerable to the Sith, and to being corrupted by politicians, even at the Temple on Coruscant, so Anakin will have to be hidden somewhere the Sith won’t think to look.  
And the most remote Temple the Jedi have is on Tannalor.  
Finally, Crechemaster Tasmi Teeri walks into the hangar, carrying the youngest of the Initiates, one year old Barriss Offee.  Anakin and Darra are strapped into a repulsorlift stroller floating ahead of Tasmi since they are both two years old.  While the two oldest Initiates in the Clan, three year old Tru Veld and four year old Ferus Olin, are walking beside her.  
Since Anakin can’t know about the Prophecy until he is ready, and because he needs proper socialization with other children close in age to him, the official story for why these Younglings are going to be raised on Tannalor is that all five of the Younglings are targets of the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, so they are being sent to a hidden Temple for their own safety.  
Mace sees Tasmi handing Barriss to Shaak, which makes Barriss begin to cry “Tasi! Tasi!”  That makes Anakin and Darra also start crying.
Mace knows this will be a very long trip to Tannalor.  
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan in his natural habitat in the temple sleeps in a loft bed (it was supposed to be storage he said cat instinct and turned it into a loft bed they’re shockingly common with Jedi tbh tho) and under 17 fluffy blankets with a pregnancy pillow (he’s not pregnant he just can’t sleep off his stomach if he don’t got one and sometimes autism requires squishing to keep it all down) and three more fluffy blankets on top of him. He has an optional Padawan or pet (not really a pet, just whomever followed him how from the gardens today) in bed with him also. And he’s got a projector on the wall and has a night stand with water and gaming devices so he can survive up there forever.
The clones, who have learned to sleep with full kute coverings and usually without blankets or pillows cause they just pass out on each other, most of whom identified with their Jedi for having similar sleeping types if they weren’t human, realize they are quite horrified by his Stewjoni nesting instinct. And he’s offended and refuses to sleep with any of them till they apologize to his favorite stuffed animal for insulting his HOUSE. Fuck you bitches he and Master Sparkle Bantha deserve better.
Cody is groveling while Alpha is still trying to negotiate a less intense number of blankets and Anakin is just shaking his head like ‘it’s not worth it Bro’ and Alpha is like ‘shut up ur an omega too you brat’ and that’s the last straw, you called them omegas now Cody is asking what an omega is and Alpha is trying to figure out how to keep his AO3 account hidden from his vod’e and nvm he’ll sleep in the barracks forever-
Obi-Wan holds this info over his head like a guillotine and convinced him to get in the damn nest right this second and cuddle him better.
If you don’t sleep with at least two comforters and a queen sized fuzzy blanket then I don’t trust you. Yes I refuse to trust my sister and wife okay. Everything in the world has a downside and that’s theirs. My bed is half dragon hoard of yarn and squishmallows. I’m not changing for anyone.
Anakin’s bed is 90% pillow and squishmallow and 10% blanket. Padme uses a thin cotton blanket and lets him burrito wrap himself and uses him like a body pillow while he’s captive in the blankies.
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pileofsith · 6 months
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Nameless Part Twelve - Apostate Page 2/10 I'm sorry, the only way to visually show Barriss successfully making an ideological transmission towards the future Grand Inquisitor was to make them gaze at each other like two sad wet seals. Text is taken from the TCW episode, ‘The Wrong Jedi’. The comic is also available here on AO3.
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Part XI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part XII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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d3sertdream3r · 8 months
Just a reminder that relating to characters is perfectly normal! There’s a reason human beings have been endlessly telling stories for thousands of years, and why a lot of those stories are still told today.
In fact, there’s even a thing called Cinema Therapy where professional therapists work through movie plots and character arcs with their patients to help them process their real life trauma.
This is why representation of all kinds is so essential in storytelling! Whether it’s representation of race, culture, gender identity, sexuality, or forms of trauma, seeing ourselves in characters is a powerful way to heal and explore our psyche.
Don’t pay attention to anyone who is childish enough to mock you for being protective over characters that make you feel seen and understood! Be loud and proud about stories and characters that you love! 😁
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red-raven-reading · 7 months
Knowing the plot, I'm now skipping past the boring Reva bits in the OWK series because I don't find her a compelling character at all and am only watching for the messy obikin divorce.
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fishnamedsushi · 1 year
New chapter!
5 years into Obi-Wan’s exile on Tatooine, a man calling himself Anakin Skywalker comes to call upon the old Lars homestead. This man certainly looks like Obi-Wan’s old Padawan, but he has no memory of the Clone Wars, his life with the Jedi, or Obi-Wan.
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mulderscully · 1 year
So are you a “mulder apologist”?
i'm a muldercoded muldergirl and proudly so, i don't feel like there is anything to "apologize" for lmfao
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13ag21k · 1 year
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THESE ARE MY FIRST FANARTS EVER POSTED! I gave up practicing drawing for like 7 years. Star Wars Hyperfixiation gave me back enough love and strength in order to try and draw again. I love this fandom SO FUCKING MUCH!!!
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speaknow-sw · 1 month
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𝓘𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽 𝓐𝒇𝒇𝓪𝓲𝓻
HEADCANONS FORM! Summary : in which you move in your new house in front of a very hot, very dad and very married man. But Anakin Skywalker is a gentle and caring neighbor. Gardenias appear in your garden and you befriended his wife. Soon enough you fit in this neighborhood though a little crush linger…
Content: mdni, dad! Anakin Skywalker, older married man, reader is 25 and Anakin’s 33, mentions of vaginal fingering, pining, cheating ?
AN : GUYS FIRST WORK !!! Okay actually very stressed to post this but I’m sure you’ll be indulgent. Please ? It’s just a part 1 tho idk when I’ll post part 2. Again I’m not fluent in English but please feel free to correct any error. The real stuff happens in part 2 cuz it’s just a plot installation. Hope y’all like my silly little idea.
You and Anakin met when you moved across the street. As a gentleman, he welcomed you and helped with all your boxes. One look and you both knew you were spiraling down an unforgivable path. 
« Excuse me Miss. Do you need help ? » Anakin asked gently. 
« Oh yes, thank you so much » you replied, blushing.
« Just moved in ? It’s a nice neighborhood. The name’s Anakin Skywalker. I live just across the street. » he pointed the white house with blue shutters in front of yours. 
« Well, yes I’m moving in. I hope we’ll become good neighbors. » you smiled  brightly. 
« Don’t doubt it. You seem a lot nicer than old Palps who lived here before you, » he laughed placing a boxes on your counter. « He died of cardiac arrest in his daughter’s house. But around here we say he died strangled in his bitterness. » he joked.
« Seems like a lovely man. » you chuckled.
When he finished helping you he invited you over at his house where you met his lovely…wife, Padmé. As you talked with them a pair of toddlers ran down the stairs. Anakin presented them as Luke and Leia his kids. Adorable, you thought. 
After that first day you crossed Anakin path a numerous time. Every morning you would leave for work around the same time giving each other a light « Hello » and a meaningful gaz, like electricity sparkling between you.
After some months like this, you strangely begun to see gardenias appearing in the back of your garden. 
Sundays barbecue were a common gathering for your neighborhood. Mr. Kenobi, the barbecue king for the five previous years hosting every one of them. Him and his wife Satine were the sweetest people you’ve ever met. Like a good neighbor you attented every barbecues and gained a little group of friends consisting of Padmé, Satine and Breha Organa, the mayor wife’s. 
You couldn’t help but stare at Anakin back as he was talking with the other dads. His broad shoulders draped in an olive t-shirt and his nice butt constricted in a cream pant. Ovulation cravings were getting out of hands. God…this man sense of fashion could kill you on the spot with how effortlessly handsome he was. A married man, older than you, with kids…but so sweet and manly… Only when you turned to help Breha you missed Anakin gazing at you from afar. 
Soon enough, Satine ran out of sodas for the kids. The Skywalker twins, Elledi and Fiari Organa, Cal Kenobi and many more kids were running in the gardens like crazy little gremlins. Tired of hearing their little voices complaining about having a glass of Fanta you took the matter in your hands and said you could go to the store. Suddenly a voice echoed.
« I got packs of Fanta in the closet at home. » proposed softly Anakin. 
« Wonderful, my dear why won’t you accompany Anakin in his house to retrieve the sodas instead of taking the car ? » said a cheerful Satine. 
« Oh…hm…yes, yes I can do that… » you stuttered a bit shy. 
« You’re coming ? » Anakin called, his keys tingling gently in his right hand.
Your gaze fixated on his veiny hands and his long fingers. Your mind went wild with how good his fingers would be buried inside your clenching pussy. Maybe they could even reach that little area deep into you where you see stars. Your arousal grew and soon you felt your cunt being wetter than ten minutes ago. Fantasizing about him as you walked behind him silently, you didn’t saw he stopped in front of you and crashed against his back. 
« Hey, hey, hey, I gotcha. » you heard before feeling strong arms wrapping against your stumbling form. You blinked at him shocked by the whole situation directly from a bad Christmas rom-com. 
« You okay, kid ? » asked Anakin his beautiful face ruined by a frown. 
« Uh…yeah, m’great thanks to you… » you muttered as you felt heat crawling on your cheeks. 
« Alright, here, the sodas are in this closet. » he pointed an open door under his stairs. You nodded looking right in his eyes as your breath hitched. Your gaze lowered at your joined chest as your breasts were pressed against his muscular pecs with how tight he was holding you. You felt his breath on your forehead and raised your head to look at him not without checking his lips. His hold on you tightened slightly and you flushed. 
You darted your eyes around the house unable to held the eye contact and as you wandered through the furniture of the closet your eyes widened.
On the shelf beside a toolbox was placed a white gardenia similar at the ones which appeared on your gardens…
To be continued….
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hanasnx · 11 months
your thoughts on anakin with baby fever 🎤
ANAKIN SKYWALKER is prone to it, it most definitely afflicts him. he likes kids but he’s not sure how to act around other people’s, he’s far more interested in siring his own as well as fond of the process that’s necessary to breed young. seeing you and how well you handle children, how kind and patient and attentive you are with them, how they bring you gifts and long to bask in your presence, how they gravitate towards you… gets his pants tight. he’s gotta excuse himself to readjust them otherwise make it obvious that he’s thinking about stuffing you with his cum right now.
toddlers grab hold of your fingers to bring you to sights they want you to see, they show you the little plays they make with their toys, and you’re always so excited and impressed, clapping your hands as one of the only members in the audience… how could he not think of creating a huge family with you? subjugating you to this every night with your throng of younglings, all clambering for your attention? how he’ll know he’s the favorite, and gets mommy’s special attention late at night when everyone’s gone to bed?
he’s so lonely, anon. he often alienates himself further because of it. the idea of a big family that you and him made together that cannot… go anywhere without him is a delectable idea. almost necessary. he has so much devotion to give if only he has the excuse to show it properly, and what better way to do that than with his lover and their many blood-related children? he wants a family tree.
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mudpuddless · 1 year
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disaster lineage AU by @rochenn where Dooku never left and trains Obi-wan instead
inspired by this post
[ID: a digital painting of Obi-wan kenobi and Dooku standing calmly in front of a sage green background about five years before the prequel trilogy. Dooku is standing on the left, looking down at toddler Anakin Skywalker who is fast asleep in Obi-wan's arms, wrapped in what seems to be his cloak. Dooku is wearing purplish robes, with a Jedi brooch, in a silky material and a pleated floor length skirt. Obi-wan is wearing cool beige pleated robes and wide leg pants. All around Dooku's head there are arrows and white text reading in almost random order: "Baby!!! Toddler? Babytoddler? Padawan has a baby? but padawan IS a baby! I'm grandpa? I'm Grandpa! How? When? he was only gone six months tho? He's only twenty! Did we have the talk? Confused af. Happy too... bc cute. but what?!!" On the other side of his head there's an arrow that reads: "sabacc face of a wild space smuggler". Obi-wan is talking. Over his head there is a speech bubble that reads: "*The most boring mission report of the last three millennia; vastly understated *" Below there is smaller text reading: "knows exactly what dooku is thinking; too queer for this shit / waiting for him to cave / shmi is waiting laughing at him from behind dooku" below that there is an arrow that leads to anakin which reads: "4yo anakin dead to the world after chip surgery" end ID]
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sky-fan-fic · 5 months
I’m really interested in the idea of Padme surviving. Like she’d probably have to fake her death and that of the twins because there’s no way Palpatine will leave them alone. But she spent her whole teen years hiding in plain sight. So she’d likely have the most obvious fake identity as an advisor to the Queen of Naboo, who has children the same age as Padme Amidala’s baby, who look strangely like Anakin Skywalker but can’t be his because Jedi don’t have sex, and she’s besties with this guy who looks weirdly like Obi Wan Kenobi. Her face is everywhere so she’s done something to drastically alter her appearance like a big burn scar on her face, just like her husband (couples goals). But one day she finds herself face to face with Vader and he recognises her because he knows her better than anyone else and she recognises him because only Anakin could be so dramatic. And if random mother of twins is Padme, that makes her kids tiny Jedi. Palpatine wants these kids, who are only like five years old so it can’t be hard. But Ben taught them to use the force and their mother taught them to fight for what’s right and Anakin never actually wanted power he just wanted his family and that’s how two toddlers and a sad dad took out the Empire. Palpatine is remembered as a laughing stock. Padme takes over the Empire and turns it back into the republic. The twins have a goth cyborg protector dad. Ben feels really awkward because he’s the one who cut off all Anakin’s limbs.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan: *hangover drunk but not blackout drunk in an elevator* Hey, did you know I can do a standing split?
Cody: *has tapped that before, has had 15 cups of caff and is vibrating into a new reality* Haven’t seen it but I assumed.
Rex: People ask why I don’t wanna go to the bar with you two.
Anakin: *filming Obi-Wan trying to crawl the wall like an exorcist scene* We’ve been stuck in this elevator since the last gymnastics you did, Obi-Wan, maybe stick to the floor?
Obi-Wan: Okay. Cody get on the floor with me.
Cody: Why??
Obi-Wan: I don’t wanna float away.
Cody: Noah Fence. But if I sit down right now I might implode.
Rex: I’m so embarrassed to know them. I would actually rather die than be rescued from the same elevator with these two.
Anakin: *holds up his saber* I mean, at this point it might be worth Padme paying for the damages-
Obi-Wan: *starting to cry cause Cody won’t cuddle*
Cody: *humming at an alarming volume In overstimulation*
Rex: I don’t even care anymore, get us out of here so I can bleach my brain. Now.
Anakin: On it, boss!
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Suddenly bowled over by the image of Anakin with a baby Ahsoka strapped to his front during the middle of work. Ok I guess??
Ahsoka getting cursed into a toddler during the Clone Wars and Anakin is now suddenly responsible for a literal baby. He is now acutely aware of the fact that the 501st are in an active engagement and his protective instincts are dialed right up to max. They have to be pulled back from the front, a young padawan was pushing it as it was but this is a Babby.
He's having to think about what baby togruta eat. Ahsoka can't feed herself or defend herself or anything except wiggle around like a striped potato. Her montrols are non existant, just little nubs, and its almost bringing this Jedi Knight to tears with how cute she is. He knows she's a carnivore but surely they don't eat meat that early?? Do they need anything else to develop correctly?? Is he going to accidentally harm her somehow through neglect?!
Anakin: Master Ti, what do baby togruta eat??
Shaak: Pardon?
Anakin: Help.
She gets the explanation from Anakin in pieces and a better explanation from Kix. She can tell him how to look after her until they can reach Coruscant, milk if they have any on board will do fine in the interim and Ahsoka will like being bundled up. The pressure of being cocooned is soothing (thinking of Momma Tano strapping babby Ahsoka to her front but now it's Anakin making sure she goes with him everywhere) and will prevent her from becoming too agitated.
She keeps chewing on his leather glove when he holds her but he doesn't mind, and just lets her gnaw on his knuckles like a chew toy. Its not his flesh hand anyway so it's fine. He can’t effectively secure her to him on his own so he has to get Rex to help him do it properly with Shaak still on speeddial for instructions.
She can’t help but notice how oddly domestic the scene looks as Rex carefully wraps Ahsoka in her papoose cocoon to Anakin's chest. They're both cooing at her. Shaak cannot wait for a Council meeting to be called about this.
The clones are caught between being distraught at what's happened to their Commander, as well as thinking she's the cutest thing they've ever seen. Since Anakin is now focusing harder on keeping Ahsoka safe since she can't protect herself anymore, Rex has taken it upon himself to stick at their side even more than usual. Just a very protective satellite orbiting around both Jedi in case they need anything.
No, the other men are not jealous that Anakin automatically hands Ahsoka off to his Captain if he needs to be free if her for a minute or two.
Back on Coruscant he knows she's better off being handled by the creche but ... that's his Padawan, just small. Everyone on the Council had hoped he'd deal with a Padawan just fine but were admittedly a little surprised by just how well he took to it. Seeing him immediately throw himself into taking care of baby Ahsoka, and all her species specific needs, has a lot of them second guessing their assumptions of him.
It's Obi-Wan who eventually asks where his almost instinctual knowledge comes from. The answer is that Shmi Skywalker was the go to mum for any new mothers on Tatooine and there were quite a few in the slave quarters during Anakin’s time there. He learned by just being there to help out.
Obi-Wan: if you want to continue to care for Ahsoka, you could do so by just working in the Creche and helping there with the rest of the infants
Anakin: !!
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Star Wars AU Masterlist: General AUs
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists. This is one of sixteen masterposts I have for Star Wars. These are just the most ‘generic’ of the AUs.
(Also this post has been randomly deleted at least once so uhhhh great thanks to the wayback machine holy shit.)
Misconceptions AU
Fem!Obi-Wan - not the same AU, but related: hair and makeup
Magically attractive Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan is Immortal (and it’s not great for his self preservation)
Padme/Sabe timeline
Jedi who leave the Order as a way to save it
“AUs where Obi-Wan gets adopted by Mandalorians” but I made it pro-Jedi and also Obitine
I did not know that about Haiti, whoops
Omegaverse Jedi should be LESS intense about sexism, not more
Obi-Wan fakes his death on Melida/Daan
Dooku knows Jango before Galidraan AU
Slutty Xanatos
Sharad Hett finds baby Anakin in Mos Espa and has to Deal With That
Shake that (Stewjoni) Bagpipe - various instruments with various characters
Anakin & Obi-Wan age swap, ft. Anakin and Satine being saltmates
Mand’alor Satine
Rael finds and keeps Komari - Expanded
Force-Sensitive Satine Kryze
Xanatos-Obi age swap (Xanatos/Bo-Katan)
Aayla/Bo-Katan meet during The Year On The Run
Quinlan meets toddler Anakin pre-canon, and Obi-Wan has a contact on-planet (Shmi) when TPM comes around
Raised a Sith Anakin, except Dooku snaps up Anakin and his mom from Mustafar since he’s better at Childcare than Sidious (who is annoyed at this situation)
That time Qui-Gon turned into a tree (via @willowcrowned, with fic by @smilebackwards)
Anakin&Obi-Wan, Jedi Stuff
Anakin’s paternal DNA came from Palpatine via Sith Magic
Anakin Skywalker, Secret Son of a Disgraced King
* Kick Up Your Heels - The Summary
Drag Queen AU - Oh, That’s Just Ben
Obi-Wan Wins a Moon
Tiniest Assistant Teacher
Anakin Loses his Connection to the Force, Time For Career Guidance - Addendum
Amnesiac Qui-Gon
Taking out Obi-Wan Kenobi (MaulObi)
Murder Puppy Anakin
Anakin the Snake - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
One of several reasons Qui-Gon may not have been the best teacher for Anakin
Anakin’s teenage rebellion
Through strange coincidence, Obi-Wan and Shmi are actually stepsiblings
The Jedi are Kyber
Best masters for Anakin when Obi-Wan and Mace aren’t available
Obikin Sleeping Beauty AU - TCW Anakin finds a hot guy in cryo, turns out it’s Qui-Gon’s missing padawan from like twelve years ago
Mandalorian and Clone Stuff
Bo-Katan Decides She’s Siding With Family
* Kamino Belongs to the Clones (ft. banana)
Secret Clones AU
Anakin finds the clones a year early
In which Bo-Katan, or possibly Jango, breaks the cycle of violence that raised them
The Darksaber Picks Satine
Sith&Other Stuff
Ventress vs. Absolute Primogeniture
Maul ‘acquires’ Ferus Olin
Dooku Acquires a YA Sith Maul, following up on Sidious’s notes: I can teach you the ways of the Dark Side. Dooku, following literal decades of habit: …I can domesticate him.
Dooku becomes Count of Serenno… and brings the Jedi with him
Dooku hasn’t Fallen yet, and adopts teen Ventress, who has
An Accountant in Theed
Parenting Focus
Obitine Raise Anakin, ft. Grampa Dooku
* Mand’Alor Korkie Kenobi
The secret accidental Obitine baby isn’t Korkie, it’s Bo-Katan - Bokkin addendum
Obitine’s Pregnancy Scare
Obi, Protect Them
She’s Little Sister Shaped
Power Limiter Robes
Quinlan’s Smear Campaign
Artoo and Threepio adopt Boba
* Congratulations, Master Jinn, It’s a Boy!
Anakin isn’t human and reproduces via Space Parthenogenesis (and possibly lays an egg)
A “Stewjoni are all capable of pregnancy” fic where Obi-Wan offers to have Bail and Breha’s heir for them
Calligraphy I prompted from @theshitpostcalligrapher
Bo-Katan is Korkie’s bio mom, but got him removed to finish gestation in a tube (like clones) as soon as she found out because she was sixteen and not at all ready
Transmasc Obi-Wan babytraps ‘escaped Naboo intact’ Maul, who is now having difficulty deciding what to do with himself - Why we love MaulObi
Main: Anakin
Anakin Assists the Jedi Council While On Medical Leave (with a Horrible Miscommunication Addendum by @willowcrowned) - Now with a longform (and really good) fic on AO3! Sith Lightning, Paperwork, and Other Extreme Sports by @deadstarsrisingsblog
Chip Reactivation AU
The Romance Movie Curse - Ficlet written by @chaoticevilbean
Deserters? What deserters?
Anakin accidentally used the Force to make people like him, and is now panicking in an attempt to undo All of it (especially Padme)
Mace gets de-aged, hooks up with Anakin (much to the distress of Obi-Wan and Depa)
* Ficlet: Because I Fell Too
In for a Penny (Anakin confesses to the Tuskens)
Truth Serum AU (Anakin confesses to the Tuskens) - It’s all fun and games until it isn’t
In Which Palpatine Leaves the Door Open (Anakin confesses to the Tuskens) - A conjugal visit
Voluntary servitude (slavery) as the highest form of penitence and reparation on Tatooine, Anakin’s apology to the Tuskens - A different response - The context of Anakin’s childhood
Anakin invents a twin brother
Undercover Anakin&Mace have to pretend to be father and son
Anakin becomes aware of the fourth wall and ‘solves’ his problems by leaking nudes and otherwise fucking up his life “The way to break free of a story’s gravity is to consider every possible option and then pick the one that makes the absolute least sense.”
Sith Heir Anakin arranged marriage to second daughter of Mandalore Bo-Katan
Everyone Anakin meets is obsessed with keeping him safe post-Mortis and he hates it (horror)
Main: Obi-Wan
Mandalorian Mamma Mia (AKA Korkie lies about his dad)
(Most Obi-Wan focused AUs are in other lists).
Main: Ahsoka
Ahsoka gets Winter-Soldiered (This already exists and is much better than I could have managed)
Artificially Evil Ahsoka (Mortis had some lasting effects)
Ahsoka accidentally becomes a Film Noir Private Detective after leaving the Jedi, and derails all of Palpatine’s plots
Ahsoka’s crush on Barriss is “notice me senpai”
Bosoka arranged marriage when?
Main: Disaster Trio
Ghost on the Wire AU
* Anakin’s DNA Wish
Even Ventress Sees You’re Dad - Anakin talks too much
Disaster Lineage on SpaceTube
SW Prequels “Watch Your Own Series” AU (chrono)
Anakin & Barriss
Obi-Wan joins Dooku in AotC as a ploy to gather information, fails upwards
Anakin Accuses Obi-Wan of being Blonde
Sudden Soulmarks
Ahsoka accidentally outs Palpatine as a Sith through the use of incomprehensible emoji jibberish
Main: Clones
In which Cody and Rex Accidentally God-Mode - Kix Fights Rex’s Blood
Furbie the Coruscant Guard
Clint and Matt
Ghost Kitten Clones
Keep the Jedi Out of It, now with art by @lemoneste
In Which Fox Arrests His Boss - On a Technicality
Bly’s Glitching Brain Chip
Commander Fox is the Organas’ sugar baby (non-sexual, mostly)
Rex/Ventress - stranded together
Sponsor a Battalion
Fox arrests some senators for littering
Cody and Fox become building safety inspectors post-war
Clones deserve to be frat boys. Also date Anakin.
Rex/Barriss, in which Barriss is Fucked Up (but trying to do better)
Echo takes Dogma under his wing
Main: Other
Sidious and the Worst Kidnapping Ever
Who Gave Ventress the Keys? - Additions by others
Yoda commits a murder, blames the dementia
Shrink ‘em
Necromancied Qui-Gon kidnaps Ventress (she’s a Free Grad Student) - Addendum
Ventress Gets Married to Fuck Up Sidious’s Day
Dookasta interviews/negotiations, TCW as the galaxy’s ugliest divorce
Korkie picks up the Darksaber, and sees Dead Mand’alore
Satine manages to piss off both sides of the war by taking in defecting clones
Parenting Focus
Ahsoka Steals a Baby
Rattatak Death Swap
Baby 501st Legion
Oh, So THAT’S What People Think
Fairy Jango Fett
* Big Sis ‘Soka
Anakin volunteers to be a surrogate (the timing is… not optimal)
Trans Anakin explains that he is NOT the father
* Implications of a Miracle Pregnancy
If Obi-Wan gets pregnant, Anakin’s going to be the one getting invested in the future nibling
Grieving with Newborns (Padme still dies, and Anakin goes to Obi-Wan for help) - Addendum - Addendum 2
Ventress gets pregnant as a get-out-of-jail card
Anakin and Obi-Wan babytalk the twins differently
* Eldritch Ahsoka (1k plus notes)
- Speaker of Mortis
The Mortis Song
Emperor Bail - Addendum
Pirate Mace (Mace survives O66, joins Hondo) - Tax Evasion
Yularen’s Radio Show
Yularen undercover on the Death Star (feeding info to the Rebellion)
* When Vader Fails (in the Wrong Direction) (quick note)
* Owen Needs a Favor
Korkie gets dragged along on Bo-Katan’s insurgency plots
What’s Korkie Up To?
Barriss breaks out of prison and incidentally joins up with Rex
Barriss breaks out of prison and finds Ahsoka because she needs an external moral compass
Quinlan finds, frees, and press-gangs Bly into helping him fuck up the Empire, in Aayla’s memory/honor
Ventress Bothers Darth Vader
Bo-Katan bothers Ben Kenobi
Vader hallucinates so intensely that he destroys the Empire because he talked to a ghost who was disappointed in him.
Vader gets turned into an anime waifu and everyone hates that
A trad Mando of Din’s type finds Merrin, and decides to return her to her people. The only one still alive that they know of is Ventress.
Padme’s Handmaidens: Let’s Scam The Empire Into Thinking Amidala Is Still Alive
Original Trilogy and Beyond
Han’s Anti-Force Force-Sensitivity
Bumbling Vampire Han Solo
The ghosts of all those murdered Jedi Kids are haunting Vader but he’s just… too pathetic for them to try that hard
Mace’s ghost mentors Luke - Jocasta’s ghost mentors Leia
ANH Obi-Wan pretends to be senile, lost, and politely befuddled on the Death Star when noticed by Stormtroopers
Rex and Wolffe, dying Cody
Boba Accidentally Acquires The Darksaber, And Now He Can’t Get Rid Of It
Vader skypes his kids from jail
Mpreg Vader - This AU is in the Wider AUs Masterlist
Trans Vaderkin pregnancy, prenatal addiction to the Dark Side - Followup
Darth Vader gets turned into a cute teen girl and makes it everyone’s problem
Luke finds Decrepit Old Hermit Dooku hiding out on some mountain and recruits him to the new Jedi School before anyone can tell him why that’s a bad idea
The Mandalorian:
Ahsoka’s got Beef (The Mandalorian)
Boba’s Older Brothers
Whacking sticks
Maul’s Back - Now with art by @its-not-a-pen
What I would want out of The Mandalorian            
Bo-Katan knows Luke is Vader’s kid, keeps her mouth shut
Bo-Katan fucking with Obi-Wan’s Ghost
Get some actual Mando’a in here, Disney, you cowards
BobaDin but Fennec’s making fun of Boba the whole time
Satine is one of the darksaber ghosts - Addendum
Tradition as Din’s Covert vs. Tradition as Death Watch
Middle-Aged Foppish Duke in Distress Korkie is very enamored by Mand’alor Din regularly rescuing him
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tennessoui · 2 months
Obi-wan with the obvious hickey from the last chapter telling Quinlan they are sleeping in the same bed now: I’m still dying btw
honestly there’s an parallel universe of the hanahaki au where Quinlan sees the bruises on obi-wan’s neck from anakin biting at him (teething a la anxious attachment toddler) and he gets out of obi-wan that they’ve been “sleeping together”
so obviously vos is now under the impression that Skywalker, a married man, is fucking obi-wan while knowing that obi-wan is in love with him and having no intention of returning his love even if it would save his life
so yeah this parallel universe ends with vos drop kicking anakin off of a cliff
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