#Tohru Mutou
arct1c-joy · 4 months
Vampire lovers (or any other immortal beings) who don’t want to turn their partners are sweet and noble and all that, but give me more vampires who are so determined to not lose their human lovers that they’ll force them into immortality.
And then their lover is devastated at the loss of their humanity but bound eternally to the one who took it from them? Beautiful.
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knotenvater · 5 months
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happy to share my piece for the @2000sgothichorrorzine!! if you miss me in the credits, know my last @ was lackadare :^)
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locksox · 1 year
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soz lmao not block men tonight (shiki jumpscare)
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williamaltman · 7 months
Every once in a while I think about Shiki. I was lowkey obsessed with it as a teen.
First of all there were so many CUNTY characters. Megumi, Sunako, Chizuru. I was obsessed with their style (especially Megumi's, though Sunako is who I like the most as a character). And some of the male ones ate too like Tatsumi and Seishirou. Even Muroi in a way.
The artstyle is fucking insane with all the bizarre hairstyles, the shikis' eyes, most of the characters have very distinctive features.
And the Natsuno x Tohru ship. Upon rewatch it is not subtle AT ALL. They kinda just straight up show us Natsuno falling in love with him at the beginning of one of the episodes. Plus he gets jealous when Tohru talks about the nurse, and then Megumi asks him "Why do you like him more than me?"!!!
Unfortunately I just hate how it fucking ends. You can't give me a show about vampires and expect me to not root for the vampires, sorry. I think it would've been cool if at least most of the humans died in the fire or something. I don't know, the shikis just being exterminated and that's it (ik it's implied Sunako survived, but still) just felt a bit anti-climatic and didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. I also hate how they made Megumi's death more brutal and humiliating than in the manga and novel for some reason.
I also fucking hate Toshio in general lol.
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echeveriia · 4 days
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Death is terrible for anyone. Young or old, good or evil, it's all the same. Death is impartial. There is no especially terrible death. That's why it's so terrifying.
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐈 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟎-𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟏)
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Mutou Tooru from Shiki (Corpse Demon)
Age: 18
Canon Powers: Is turned into a Shiki (basically vampire) about a quarter-way into the story. Otherwise a completely ordinary human boy.
Name: Mutou Tohru
Age: 18
Restrictions: Must compete in human form only (meaning no Shiki powers)
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unrav3l · 6 months
whatever the main character of shiki and his silly blonde friend had gotta be the gayest things ive ever seen
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neopanic · 2 years
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vintagemangafan · 1 year
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selling shiki yaoi doujinshi
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animefastfood · 1 year
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Anzu, Honda and Miho get jobs at Burger World in Yu-Gi-Oh! (1998) episode 2, Yugi and Jonouchi get some vandalised burgers...
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It adapted chapter 4 of the manga which only had Anzu working there, Honda and Miho don't appear at all and it ends with Yugi burning an escaped convict to death, what a fun manga about trading cards.
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kapa56 · 28 days
Anime recommendation #2
Alright, I have another anime recommendation ready for you.
This time, it's Shiki (2010). It's a pretty underrated anime that will destroy you emotionally, just like Banana Fish (hehe can't stop the comparison sorry) although the themes are vastly different.
In short, it's about a small village in Japan with nothing much going on. That is until a filthy rich family moves into a literal castle on the top of the village's hill.
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Just like the castle, the family living there is European and also pretty strange but they try to blend in with the locals.
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On the other hand, we have the main protagonist Natsuno Koide, a grumpy 15 year old who also recently moved from the city to the village with his parents.
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He seems to dislike everything and everyone but somehow manages to befriend Tohru Mutou who is honestly a very nice guy.
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We also have the village's doctor Toshio Ozaki who tries his best to help people recover from a new and unknown illness
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Other characters:
Seishin Muroi, childhood friend of Toshio and lives as a monk.
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Megumi Shimizu, who desperately wants to live a glamorous life in a big city.
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What to expect:
-the OST is absolutely one of the best parts of the show
-the story is amazing: full of mystery, some funny moments, will pull your heartstrings and make you think about philosophical stuff.
-the characters are very interesting and they all add something to the story
-the design of the characters is pretty wacky but it's unique
-the creator is a woman although some female characters look oversexualized
-towards the end it get's pretty gory so keep that in mind
If you saw Shiki, please write below how it made you feel (without spoilers).
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historias-multorum · 2 years
@micsmasmuses​ (For Tohru Mutou)
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“Oh sorry, am I in your way?”
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kbtbb-soryu · 2 years
The Reckoning [Shiki] Chapter 3
Rin walked next to Natsu towards the next bus stop. They had waited for over an hour at the first one, but it never came, so they simply decided to try the next one.
“Hey! Natsuno! Rin!” A car stopped next to the two and Tohru Mutou peeked his head out of the reeled-down window. “Where are you going in your uniforms?”
“Dude, we have school today,” Natsu said. “Wait, you have your licence already?”
“Nah, I’m still using a permit,” Tohru replied, “Ritsu here’s giving me some driver’s ed.” He pointed his thumb over his soldier at Ritsuko sitting in the passenger seat.
“Hi there,” she greeted them.
Natsuno bowed formally, “Hello.”
“It’s way too hot to walk, guys. Come on, hop in.” Natsu and Rin didn’t waste time getting into the car. Rin sighed blissfully at the cool wind of the air conditioner on her skin. 
“So, what were you guys doing walking in this heat?” Tohru glanced at the two through the rearview mirror. 
“After waiting for the bus for an hour, we figured we’d just walk to the next stop. And that’s when you drove by,” Natsu said as he leaned his head back and loosened his tie.
Tohru laughed. “Great timing, huh?” Rin hummed in reply.
“Isn’t it like a three-hour walk from Mizobe?” Ritsuko asked, looking back at them. Rin shrugged.
“Yeah…” Sweat beaded Natsu’s forehead. “I’d really rather take the train, but it’s the bus or nothing.” His head fell slightly to the side as he closed his eyes.
“Yeah,” Ritsuko answered.
Tohru’s eyes darted from Rin to Natsu in the rearview mirror. “What’s wrong? Didn’t get any sleep?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure.” Natsu opened his eyes. “I was too busy thinking about how I’m gonna get out of this place.” Rin sighed. That again?
Tohru looked over his shoulder. “Didn’t your parents just move here to get away from it all? Talking like that probably makes them sick.”
“C’mon, eyes on the road,” Ritsuko scolded.
As they drove further in silence, they saw two figures up ahead.
“Tomotsu! Masao!” Tohru called out to them.
“Bro!” Tomotsu, Tohru’s younger brother, exclaimed happily.
“Tohru!” Masao smiled. To put it delicately, Masao was… strange. He didn’t get on well with Natsuno and Rin often ended up giving him a hard time about a number of things.
“Here we go. Let’s ride!” Tomotsu ran over to the car. Masao followed but stopped dead in his tracks when he laid eyes on the back seat.
“Meh. Who cares?” Masao said.
“Why? He probably has the A/C on and everything,” Tomotsu protested.
“I said I don’t care! If you wanna go with him, be my guest!” Masao turned on his heel and ran off.
“Masao!” Tomotsu shrugged at Tohru and ran after Masao. “Wait up!”
“What’s wrong with him?” Ritsuko asked.
“Masao kinda hates Natsuno. Natsuno doesn’t really give a shit either way.” Tohru had barely finished his sentence before Natsu hit him on top of the head with the back of his fist. “The hell you doin’, Natsuno?”
“Why do you think I told you to leave me alone?!”
Rin sighed again as she thought back to when she first met Natsu. It was painfully obvious that he didn’t want anyone getting close to him. The older villagers were always gossiping about him, saying he didn’t seem to be adjusting well to the village; they weren’t very used to newcomers.
Rin first met Natsu at Tohru’s house. She had been sitting leisurely on the deck outside while Tohru watered the plants. That was when he walked by, pushing his bicycle.
“Oh, got a flat?” Tohru suddenly asked. Rin looked up and saw the new kid indeed had a flat tire on his bicycle. “Hey, you’re the kid from the workshop, right? Roads here in the country are a lot rougher than they are in the city, so that’s gonna happen a lot. Lemme patch ya up.”
“No thanks,” he replied curtly and attempted to leave.
“Hey, Rin, hold this quick,” Tohru handed her the garden hose and rushed to catch up to Natsuno. She watched them as she closed the tap to turn the hose off. Tohru grabbed onto the seat of the bicycle, stopping Natsuno. “Dude, don’t sweat it. It’s what neighbours are for.” Natsuno ended up letting Tohru take care of it. “You should probably keep a repair kit around, though. I’m Tohru Mutou. And that’s Rin Hanazawa over there,” Tohru pointed in her direction. She smiled softly in response and casually waved a hand. “What’s your name?” Tohru asked him.
 “Yuuki. Koide. Whichever.” Natsu’s answers were curt.
“Different from your pops? What about your first name?” Tohru asked. Natsu looked away from him. “Calling people by their last names gets confusing. I’d rather use your first.”
“It doesn’t matter. Thanks for the patch,” Natsu took his bike and made his escape.
“Come back sometime!” Tohru called after him.
It wasn’t even a week before he came back. Rin was at Tohru’s house again that day.
“I got another flat,” Natsu said reluctantly, his expression somewhat sulky. 
“Your pops told me your name,” Tohru said. Natsu looked at him in surprise. Tohru clicked his fingers. “Natsuno.” 
Rin imagined it was Natsuno’s plan to ignore everyone and get out of the village as soon as possible. So much for that idea. At some point, Rin had started calling him Natsu instead of Natsuno and the three of them were best friends ever since.
Tohru dropped Ritsuko off at the clinic. She gave a wave before disappearing into the building. “Natsuno, you asleep yet?” he asked. Natsu still had his eyes closed.
“Wide awake.”
 It was twilight on a Sunday. Natsu, Tohru and Rin were all hanging out in Tohru’s room. Natsuno was reading a comic book while Tohru and Rin played a video game together. It was a leisurely evening; nothing out of the ordinary, until the door to Tohru’s room swung open and Masao burst in.
“Did you hear, Tohru?! Nao, the contractor’s wife, is –” He stopped mid-sentence when he spotted Natsuno on the bed.
 “Oh, Masao, ‘sup?” Tohru greeted him without looking away from the screen. “What’s up with Nao?”
“She’s dead.” Rin pressed a wrong button on the controller, which ended with her character dying a gruesome death.
“Shit!” she cursed.
“Isn’t she a bit young?” Tohru asked, unfazed by his friend’s virtual demise.
 “Yeah. But they just buried her. Shimizu recently kicked the bucket, too. I think there’s an epidemic going around,” Masao declared.
Rin’s character respawned and she started playing again. “And you’re happy about this, because?”
“No, I –” Masao, seemingly unable to counter her retort, turned his attention to Natsuno instead. “Man, Natsuno, you’re such a jerk for turning down Shimizu’s bequest. Are you inconsiderate, or just lacking emotions? No normal person would turn down the bequest of some poor girl who died so young.” Rin rolled her eyes. She couldn’t understand what he found so amusing about constantly provoking her friend.
“So what if she was young? You or I could die tomorrow, too,” Natsu retorted. 
“I-I’m not gonna die yet!” Masao yelled.
“That so? It’s just a matter of luck.”
“B-but my life’s just beginning! I have so much left to do!” The more Natsuno spoke, the more riled up Masao got. 
“I think that’s just a problem with how you live.”
“So you’re fine with people saying that when you die?” Masao continued his fight-picking.
“I’ll be dead. What would I care?” Natsu countered.
“No no! Shimizu must be rolling in her grave right now! She’ll probably claw her way out to come after you!” Rin tensed. That was the last straw. She paused the game, got up from the floor and walked over to the boys.
“Masao…” Rin said warningly. Masao slowly, tensely, turned around. Rin crossed her arms as she looked at him past her nose. “Enough. I don’t appreciate that kind of joke.”
“You believe in the dead rising, Rin?” Masao asked, nervously scratching his temple while she stared him down.
“Whether I believe in it or not is irrelevant. The dead should stay dead, even if it’s only in theory,” she answered coldly.
“Grow the hell up,” Natsuno stated. Rin realized Masao’s comment upset him as well. She frowned. Masao turned back around and lunged at Natsu.
“You move here and start giving me this shit?!” Tohru pushed past Rin and held him back, locking his arms around Masao’s, under his armpits.
“Give it up, Masao.”
“Why are you on his side, Tohru?! He’s wrong!”
“He may seem cold, but he could just be calm,” Tohru desperately tried to defend Natsu. Masao pushed him away.
“You’re taking his side, Tohru? You two are always on his side! I’m going home!” With one last glare at both Tohru and Rin, he stormed out of the room. Rin sighed in exasperation and seated herself in front of the TV again.
“Natsuno, you’re the clever one. Be nice,” Tohru said.
“Give it up, Tohru. You’re wasting your breath,” Rin retorted.
“I’m sleeping over,” Natsuno said, his voice tired. Rin spun her body around on the floor to look at him as he collapsed over on Tohru’s bed.
“Man, that’s my bed!” Tohru protested.
“Call my parents. I can never sleep well at home.”
Tohru sighed. “I’m going to go get a drink. Would you like anything?” he asked Rin.
“Oh, sure,” she replied. She turned her attention back to the TV, staring at the frozen screen. 
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hippiecockatoo · 2 years
No more struggle, no more energy
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akolnoix · 2 years
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last night i wanted to draw but also wanted to lay down so i drew with a physical pencil for the first time in a while. more shiki, because i keep thinking about it.
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shikiarchive · 2 years
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