#Toji brain riot
Pimp Toji who has connections with the yakuza, being the leader. Who owns strip clubs and other businesses.
Pimp Toji who hand-picks which women go to his strip clubs and which goes to the streets. Women from around the world, Asia, Australia, the USA, the UK, etc.
Pimp Toji who met you when he was doing just that, and unlike the others who openly check him out or refuse to look at him. No, you stare ahead looking unfazed by the knowledge of being sold.
Pimp Toji for the first time in a while, was intrigued. He ordered his assistant to escort you to his bedroom so he could deal with you later when he wasn't busy.
Pimp Toji who barely treated you like an employee, Nah he treated you practically like a queen. his queen. All you had to do was stay by his side, no matter what that Intelled, Rather it was to check how his clubs were going, making deals with other pimps, or simply during yakuza meetings for the next hoist and whatever crime they were going to do. Just sit on his lap or hold onto his arm like a good girl for Daddy.
Pimp Toji who lets you get anything you like, want to get jewelry and new clothes? here's my card doll buy yourself something pretty. Want to get some more lingerie and sex toys? Get something Daddy will like too. Anything and everything you want is yours if you ask nicely. But don't mistake him as a pushover, that is one of the worst things you could do, he'll show you, that he's still the boss and you're his. Which always end with you unable to walk nor sit for at least two days.
Dirty vision will be posted sometime later.
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bootlickerhawks · 3 years
Nobara , Yuuji and Fushiguro for the ask game
And Also nanami because he deserves this
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian Gender Headcanon: Her backstory screams transfem to me lol A ship I have with said character: Nobamaki and I also really like nobamai. I like to imagine nobamai as hostile exes (Mai is super bitter that she’s dating her sister now) A BROTP I have with said character: Nobara/Yuuji/Megumi the ultimate brot3 😤 (pls Gege im begging you give me the Tokyo squad fugitive arc! 🙏) A NOTP I have with said character: besides the obvious nobara/adult pairings i’d say Nobara/any dude. I really can’t imagine Nobara dating guys my brain cannot compute that lol A random headcanon: This isn’t really a hc but the idea of Pirate!Nobara makes me go feral (if we don’t get eyepatch!Nobara post-shibuya i’ll riot) General Opinion over said character: F E R A L  Q U E E N
Sexuality Headcanon: BISEXUAL Gender Headcanon: Cis? maybe??? A ship I have with said character: ITAFUSHI!!! This ship is so domestic and has so much angst potential I love it ;w;  A BROTP I have with said character: Tokyo squad, Todo (obviously) and Choso (Gege im begging give me the Choso & Yuuji bromance post-shibuya) A NOTP I have with said character: *glares at go//yuu, suku//ita and nana//ita* A random headcanon: I seem to recall it being mentioned that he was in Ninja Warrior and it’s never brought up again? hello?? I’d love to see Yuuji doing Ninja Warrior or Total Wipeout! But let’s assume that the Ninja Warrior stuff is only a rumor started by students, I love the hc that Yuuji had a crazy reputation at school that was totally overexaggerated (or was it?)   General Opinion over said character: Good boi, would die for him, pls let me sign the adoption papers! (I will fight Gojo and Nanami in a trial by combat to win custody rights 😤)
Sexuality Headcanon: Gray ace or demisexual Gender Headcanon: transmasc or nb I vibe with both with his character A ship I have with said character: Itafushi! 😤 A BROTP I have with said character: Tokyo squad, Maki. I also think his interactions w/ Noritoshi jr were hilarious I’d love to see more A NOTP I have with said character: *glares at suku//fushi and go//fushi* OR WORSE toji//fushi! A special fuck you goes out to toji//fushi shippers!   A random headcanon: He volunteers at an animal shelter when he has free time. 
Megumi and Yuuji cook together so that they can “learn” to cook better (it’s actually a poor excuse so that they can spend more time together ;w;).  General Opinion over said character: He was bound to become one of my fav characters the minute he summoned the demon dogs lol. I really enjoy his character and I can’t wait to see what Gege has planned for his character! (I know it’ll break my heart tho ;w;) 
Nanami or as I like to call him Business Daddy
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay Gender Headcanon: Cis A ship I have with said character: Nanago! I’m convinced those 2 fucked at least once. I like to think of Nanago as each other’s rebounds (from Getou and Haibara) and at first it’s strickly a colleagues with benefits kinda relationship but gradually feelings start to develop (sadly those feelings get cut short cuz of euuuuh... you know)   A BROTP I have with said character: Ino and Nanami’s dynamic is great! (do father-son dynamics count as brotps? cuz Yuuji and Nanami’s relationship is top tier 👌) A NOTP I have with said character: nana//ita... 😔 A random headcanon: He gives off vibes like he’d be a great cook idk why 😂 awwww now I’m imagining Nanami and Yuuji cooking together 🥺 General Opinion over said character: There’s a good reason why he’s Gege’s favorite! I love him so much! 🥺
(Ask game)
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saintobio · 3 years
I reread your naoya one shot again for the 80th time since it’s been released
and i’m gonna say it: I’m choosing to take a break from feminism until further notice for Naoya😌
and don’t even get me started on Toji, i’ve been having a toji brain riot for the past week bc i know damn well i’d choose that mf over my family any day of the week because blood ain’t thicker than that dick
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you are lucky bc i have naoya-nii coming up and a toji smut drabble :’) i’m nothing but a whore for jjk men
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