floursackbaby · 2 years
Bestie I don't think this is Tupperbox Tomfoolery anymore. This is straight-up Tupperbox Tomserious
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
The hiring of Tom Keen. The contradictions. 
From what they’ve shown, I believe Tom Keen had three separate employers. With the two they’ve shown, they’ve still handed us contradictions. 
Red and Berlin. 
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Red hired Tom in 2009, Tom and Liz met July of 2010, Red fired/Berlin hired Tom in 2011, Tom and Liz married November of 2011. Tom said he worked for Red for two years. That puts Red hiring Tom in 2009. So Tom was hired at least 7 months before he actually met Liz in 2010. 
Red’s hire of Tom Keen.
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Red: When I hired Tom Keen, it was at a time of profound transition in your life. You’d already left behind the relative safety and innocence of youth. Sam’s care as a father had served you well, but you’d outgrown him. And I knew that eventually my life would jeopardize yours. So, in an admittedly presumptuous and ultimately futile effort to keep you safe, I hired Tom simply to be there as a friend of a friend to look after you from an arm’s length. 
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Major: The assignment’s deep cover. No timeline, no price tag. This may seem like a cake walk, but it’s the kind of assignment that makes me nervous. Our contractor has deep pockets. Demands the best, insists on anonymity. Tom: She’s cute. Major: That’s one more thing he insists on. Your job’s to be the friend of a friend, get to know this Milhoan, not to get involved with her. Just be a friend of a friend. You get that?
Tom: You hired me to spy on Liz. Red: I hired you to protect her.
Be a friend of a friend. I imagine friends protect friends, not spy on them.
Red’s fire/Berlin’s hire of Tom Keen.
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Red: When I learned that your relationship had become intimate, I fired him. I should’ve removed him, but you were already in love with him. And Tom, he shifted his allegiance to Berlin. In part - to protect himself from me, but also because it allowed for an inextricable intimacy and commitment to you. And so - you were married. And I couldn’t stay away any longer. A confluence of peril had entered your life, and I wanted to be within reach, to have influence. I turned myself in to the FBI to point you toward a truth that inevitably you would have to discover for yourself.
Tom aligned himself with Berlin prior to their wedding. He aligned himself with Berlin specifically so he and Liz could get married. That’s according to Red’s stated belief. This belief continues for both Red and Major in season two. 
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Major: Look, I told you what happened with Tom Keen. This is not my fault. Red: You vouched for him personally, Bill. I hired him on your recommendation. The merchandise was defective. Major: No. Keen was perfect - test scores, aptitude. There was no indication he would become emotionally involved. Red: But he did.
The Contradictions.
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Major didn’t allow Tom to turn, nor did he get paid by Berlin for Tom to turn.
Major: If I gave you his location, I’d have to betray a client. Red: That shouldn’t be hard, Bill. You betrayed me. You sold me an asset and then allowed him to turn when Berlin offered you twice as much. You’re in debt to me. Recognize this rather fortuitous opportunity for you to begin to make things even. Where can I find Tom Keen?
In fact, Major went off on Tom when he found out about their relationship. 
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Major: The contractor is livid. You weren’t supposed to get involved with the mark. Tom: Her name is Elizabeth. Major: I don’t care if she’s Queen Elizabeth and screwing her made you king. Get out. He will kill you if you don’t.
Tom’s romantic involvement with Liz began at some point after Red hired him, but also before Red fired/Berlin hired him. That means he was not hired by either Red or Berlin to get romantically involved with Liz. 
Who hired Tom to get involved with Liz?  
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Someone did.
Tom: I can’t. That’s why I came here, to tell you that I can’t do this because I love my wife. Jolene: Wrong answer! Elizabeth Keen is not your wife, she’s your target! Tom: She’s my what? Jolene: I think you know, Tom. Tom: What is this? Did they send you? Really? To what? Test me? I told you that I was in love with her because that is exactly what I am supposed to be. That - is my job.
Here, Tom admits that his job is to be “in love” with Liz.  Jolene refers to Liz as Tom’s “target.”
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Tom: You’re not my handler. I don’t work for you. Jolene: Berlin is having doubts. Tom: Yeah? Well, Berlin doesn’t have a damn clue. Do you have any idea how many candidates there were? They chose me. I’ve done everything they asked. I married the woman, for God’s sake. I’ve made her think my entire world revolves around her. And now - it’s been two years, and I’ve heard nothing.
Here, Tom admits doing everything they asked, that includes marrying Liz.
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Tom: It was the shoes. That’s when I knew. It was those brown leather shoes. It was our third or maybe fourth date. You’d come over to my place on Halstead, and we ordered, uh - takeout and rented a movie that we never finished because we ended up - And you had to get up early for work. And by the time I got up, you were gone. I remember standing in the closet, half-dressed, reaching for my shoes when I saw that you had drawn this little heart In the dust on my shoe. You remember that? It was the sweetest thing. And ever since that moment, I just felt - sorry for you. Because I knew - I knew that I had you. Part of me didn’t want it to work. But it did.
In Tom’s shoe story, he admits that it was his job to basically seduce her, that he didn’t want it to work, but it did. He knew he had her after their third or fourth date because she drew a heart in the dust on his shoe, and he basically felt sorry for her, but that was his job. 
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Tom: So, here’s the deal. Agent Keen and I were uh, married, as like, a job - you know? But you ever take one of those jobs just to pay the rent, and you find out that you’re - you’re good at it? Karakurt: You cannot excel at anything you do not love. Tom: Well, yeah. I mean, where were you when I was married? I didn’t figure that out till it was over.
Here, Tom admits to marrying Liz as part of a job, that he didn’t realize he was in love with her until it was over. This puts him realizing he was in love with her sometime after episode 1x19. 
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Gina: That’s why you want in on this? For her? Your phony wife? Tom: We’re not married. Gina: The mark you dumped me for? Here, Gina refers to Liz as Tom’s phony wife and his mark. Phony wife because marrying Liz was part of his job. 
Who was Tom's handler for Berlin?
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Here's where things get really chaotic. Not just the employers, but the handlers too. We have two women who knew that Liz was Tom's mark: Gina and Jolene. Red and Major both appearing to believe Tom fell in love with Liz, neither of them commissioning him to so much as get romantically involved with her. Yet he was hired to do so, and even married her because they wanted him to. 
We have Tom referring to Major as his handler.
Tom: These Germans want me dead. My handler too. So, please, I need your help. I need the passports.
Unless they lied in Tom's flashback in 5x8, Major didn't "allow" or "get offered twice as much" for Tom to work for Berlin.
We have Tom telling Jolene she’s not his handler. 
Tom: You’re not my handler. I don’t work for you.
But we know that Jolene worked for Berlin.
Jolene: Berlin is having doubts.
Jolene: We sent word four months ago.
Jolene: Berlin wants information.
The finer details. 
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Tom told "Craig Keen" that he's the one accountable to Berlin.
Tom: Easy for you to say. I’m the one who is accountable to Berlin. I’m coming to your hotel now.
Tom referred to Constantin while questioning the Russian with Katarina's photograph.
Tom: Did the same thing last month. It’s probably why you don’t recognize me. Constantin. Berlin, man, he’s tough. I had to get away for a while, go to Germany, figure a few things out.
Here, he basically connected “Constantin” and “Berlin” in one sentence. A name Alexander Kirk hadn’t used for over 20 years. 
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Tom knew where Berlin parked his money.
Red: It’s funny. When I was standing there wondering if you had decided to let me die, a thought struck me. How did you know that Berlin had his money in that bank? At first, I thought it was the girl, that she told you. But the accounts would be coded, moved through shell corporations. Layers of protection. And then I realized, “No. Somebody has a secret Santa. A source.” Bravo, Lizzy. When you’re ready to share, I’d love to hear.
Tom also knew about Berlin's arms dealer.
Tom: Sevan. Sevan Volkov. He runs arms for Berlin. He’d be able to set a meeting.
Red: I know you were expecting Volkov, but as luck would have it, he sold you out to Agent Keen.
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Tom didn’t know of Alexander Kirk. 
Red: Alexander Kirk. Tom: I don’t know who that is. Red: The man who ordered the attack on your wedding.
But he believed Alexander Kirk to be Liz’s father. 
Liz: I don’t think he’ll hurt her. Tom: Of course he will. She’s his last chance of survival. Liz: If he hurts her, he loses me. Tom: Yeah, and lives.
And he believed this before getting his hands on the fabricated DNA report. 
He was "out" with Red.
Tom: I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to be confused about my part in any of this. You, Liz. All of it. I’m out. I’m done.
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He was "out" with Major.
Tom: These Germans want me dead. My handler, too. So, please, I need your help. I need the passports.
Yet he asked Gina for help getting "out."
Tom: So… I could end this right now. I could go find the Major, and I could end him too. Or… we can just agree to just walk away. I don’t come after you, and you don’t come after me or my family. Gina: I should have said yes that night in Budapest. Tom: No, Gina. Listen to me. I’m asking you to help me walk away. Please. Someday, maybe someone will do the same thing for you. Gina: I’ll try.
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Gina speaking as if she were an employer of sorts. 
Major: You were my finest accomplishment. And my biggest disappointment. Gina: Mine too. Gina: Those last few weeks, when I thought you were dead… I actually missed you. But I meant what I said. You’re my greatest disappointment.
And we have this bit of dialogue from Red to Tom.
Red: I’ll say this for you - you’ve always believed that you were acting in her best interest. Selling me out to Berlin, faking her death - you always thought you were helping her.
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scute01 · 6 years
If Obama can did it, you too can did it. If Wizkid can did it, why can’t you did it. We all have to did things to get to the promised land 😂😂.Tag someone you want to did something 👍🏽 #TheOtherManSeries #TOMseries #TheOtherMan #FaithJobLive #FaithJob #Laugh #FunnyVideo #FunnyThursday #LaughYourPainAway #Did #Deed #African #Africa (at Abuja, Nigeria)
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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Domino Three: Constantin Rostov/Alexander Kirk
Kate’s reason for betrayal. Red’s decision to lure out the “father.”
So you have Kirk as a big bad, then Kate, then the suitcase. 
Because “Your father’s alive.”
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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Domino Three: Constantin Rostov/Alexander Kirk
Dangling threads that could be tied to one domino. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
1x4: The Stewmaker
Liz continues to investigate the murder of Victor Fokin. 
Cooper: Where are you on Keen? Ressler: She’s still looking into this classified homicide. The file she has is redacted. No way she finds out what really happened. They seem to use "really” for much of the truth in this series. Who you really are to her. Who she really is to you. Who I really am. We never really know anyone. The list can go on. I've been considering a script search to find all instances. Perhaps another time. 
What I find interesting about Cooper, is his suspicions falling on Liz in Gina’s episode. 
Cooper: When this all started, when Reddington turned himself in and asked for you, I was skeptical, suspicious. But I’ll be honest, you’ve done good work. And I’ve come to believe that you were just as surprised as the rest of us when he picked you. But now this. I need you to help me understand what’s going on here.
If Liz were involved with this in any way, she wouldn’t be investigating it at all. So his suspicions seem rather idiotic to me.  But I also find Liz idiotic to believe Red would hand her the very blacklister that he hired to kill Victor Fokin, so there’s that. 
Tom: How you holding up? Liz: Fine. Tom: Nice try. But I always know when you’re lying. Liz: Really? Tom: Yeah. I know all your tells. 
Tom always knows when she’s lying, he knows all her tells. 
This very scene is where I believe Tom realized Liz was investigating the Fokin murder. In so many ways. I don’t know all her tells, but I know what I see. 
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Tom: What’s this? Liz: Um - It’s - 
Liz has no damn clue. The only thing she knows of this date falls into her Fokin investigation. If it were the best day ever, she would’ve remembered it. She could pop off the date of Tom’s bachelor party, but this one doesn’t ring a bell. Tom picks up on it, so he feeds her. 
Tom: I mean, besides the best day ever, right? Liz: Right. Tom: Hey, I get it. Bad day at work. Come home. Don’t want to talk to anybody. Especially someone whose stitches are officially oozing. It’s so gross. I know. And you park yourself in here and cheer yourself up with memories of better times.
Even if she did remember this to be the best day ever, she wouldn’t need to write it down on a legal pad just to look at photos from the trip. She’d simply look them up on the computer. 
Liz: We were in Boston that weekend. You had that job interview. Tom: Yeah. It was a great trip. Liz: Yeah.
The “aha” in her voice. Yeah, that’s quite noticable. Tom calming her fears and preparing to invite her on another trip. 
Tom: God, when was the last time that we did that, you know, that we just packed up the car and got the hell out of here? Because we need that. Like right now. Liz: You have no idea. Tom: I know. Liz: Do I really have tells? Tom: Lizzy, you’re an open book, which is one of the things I love about you. ‘Cause I always know exactly what you’re thinking.
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“Cause I always know exactly what you’re thinking.”
Another dead giveaway. The way he motions with his coffee cup, and looks down at the legal pad as he speaks.
Tom: I - I know things have been a little weird between us lately. I think what we were taking about, getting out of town for a few days, I think we could really use it. So I booked it. It’s just three nights back at that place we loved, the uh, Tellamy Cove Inn. You know, it has that restaurant that you like and it might be fun. 
“A little weird” because he knows Red is in her life, and now he knows she’s investigating the Fokin murder. Time for Tom to get her away from Red, so he booked it. 
Tom falls in with the Stewmaker as well. Doesn’t matter if he connects with her. It’s his job. 
Kornish: I’m - I’m sorry. It’s my job.
Tom: And ever since that moment, I just felt sorry for you. Because I knew - I knew that I had you.
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
1x7: Frederick Barnes
Keen2 starts and ends the same in this episode, remodelling.
At the start -
Tom: What is this?
At the end -
Liz: What is this?
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Tom: What is this? Liz: Café au lait - unless you like the dark nut better. But don’t decide yet. Tom: I’m sorry. Let’s start over. Why is our dining room no longer dine-able? Liz: We’re remodeling. Tom: Clearly, and we’re doing it at 7:00 a.m. Liz: Well, the guy at the hardware store said to hang the samples in the morning so that you can see what they look like throughout the day. What do you think? Tom: I like this one. Liz: Grandma’s Pumpkins? Tom: Grandma’s what? Liz: I know it’s ridiculous. Oh, I’m just so sick of this room. Tom: Why? I like this room. Liz: It’s not the room. It’s just that someone invaded our lives, our house. They put that stupid box in the floor. Tom: It doesn’t matter anymore.
Tom’s ”It doesn’t matter anymore” reminds me of Red’s dialogue to Baldur. 
Red: You said something before: ‘The truth doesn’t matter.’ That the only thing in this world that matters, is just the appearance of truth. I fear you might be right about that. Liz: They made me believe you were a monster. I doubted you. I doubted us.
According to Liz, the person inside that passport box is “a monster.”
Tom: Yeah, we’re past it. We’re gonna be fine. And I don’t think that we need to destroy the dining room. I think that we just need - Liz: - to move? Tom: I was gonna say we need time, but uh, it’s good to know where your head’s at.
Tom likes the idea of them moving because it means they’ll be further away from Red. Funny, this “needing time.” Because Liz doesn’t like taking time to do anything. That’s what Red spoke of when Liz learned the truth about Tom. 
Our Red is different than Tom. He has no problem admitting what he is. 
Red: I might do the same in your position. It’s easier to blame me for framing your husband than face the truth of what he is. Liz: Tom teaches 4th grade. He’s overworked and underpaid and still wakes up every morning with a smile on his face. You know why? Because he knows nothing of the terrible world you and I live in. End of story. Red: Oh, that’s not the end of the story. I’m confident you’ll come to see that.
“What he is.”
Liz: Betraying your country and auctioning off its secrets. Where have I heard that before? Red: You want to compare him to me? Be my guest. I’m perfectly comfortable with what I am.
“What I am.”
Rederina would speak mighty strong against Keen2, all-considering. A spy speaking out against another spy .... most definitely. Our Red spoke of Katarina having given up everything she’d ever known to follow Red and Liz to be a family. Huge difference from Tom Keen - a man with a family but couldn’t give up his fake and dangerous shit for the sake of the safety of that family. Our Red differentiates himself from Tom Keen - and Frederick Barnes. 
“But please, make no mistake - Frederick Barnes is a very special animal.”
Red hasn’t a problem admitting he’s a monster, shown in The Stewmaker. Tom does. He can’t allow Liz to see him for what he is because he’s targeting Red - and his marriage to her is a lie anyway. 
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Liz: What is this? Tom: We’re remodeling. Liz: Clearly. Tom: Long day? Liz: You have no idea. Tom: It’s killing you, isn’t it? Liz: Did you really get rid of all our stuff? Tom: Do you seriously not remember? Liz: What? Tom: Wow, okay. It was Friday night. We’d just driven in from Rochester and picked up the keys to this place, but our furniture wasn’t coming until Sunday. So, we drove to the store, and we got Ike. Liz: Oh yeah, the lamp. Tom: Remember, that “a” was scratched off the finish? Poor guy was in the clearance bin. Liz: And on the way back, we stopped at that little Chinese place and got takeout. That was our first night in this place. Tom: Yeah. That’s all we had. It’s all we ever needed. Liz: Just you, me, and Ike.
I find it strange how Liz doesn’t remember these “memorable” moments with Tom. Their trip to Boston when he killed Victor Fokin. The day Tom claims was the best day ever. Their first night in that apartment, which - according to dialogue, they’ve only lived there a year. So within a year, Liz totally forgot this memorable night they spent without furniture. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
1x12: The Alchemist
Tom is desperate to regain control. He knows Red is in Liz’s life, so he wants her to walk away from her job. Totally out of the question. The woman hasn’t even been to work for four months, and he’s already asking her to take time off. So Tom’s next best thing comes in two parts. 
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First part, kiss her ass just like he always does. 
Liz: Hey. You’re home. How was the job interview? Tom: I didn’t go. I mean, I got there, but I couldn’t. Because all I could think about, was you and your dad. Liz: My dad? Tom: You know, just everything that you’ve been through. And I realized I can’t put you in that position of choosing between your career and me. Liz: Thank you.
Second part, push for another way to control her. 
Tom: You’re welcome. But Jeni is due in six weeks, and I think she’s expecting us to take her baby. I’m expecting us to take her baby. Liz: I think about it all the time. Tom: Do you? ‘Cause we never talk about it. It used to be all that mattered.
I should actually throw this into a gif set because he does this several times. I feel his mention of her dad is due to him having gone to get proof that Red was at the hospital when Sam died. 
Then he throws in this crap.
Liz: I know. I would quit my job if I could - I know you don’t believe that. Tom: No, no. I’m not asking you to quit your job. I just need you to be more safe and to be more present. Liz: I can do that. I promise. Tom: And you have so many secrets. And I wish you didn’t because I don’t have any secrets. Except one thing. I may have watched the last Real Housewives in my hotel room without you.
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Tom wants her to quit her job. That’s why he laughs. Then he compares classified details about her work to what he watches on tv. And hand me what classified work details you can because I don’t have any secrets!
So he doesn’t want her to quit her job, but he makes a big stink about Liz not taking maternity leave. Enough to make him involve other teachers, basically inviting and allowing them to shit on her decision. 
Tom: Actually, uh - Liz isn’t taking maternity. Woman: Why not? Liz: I just can’t take time off my work right now. Tom: I’m still trying to convince her. Woman: Well, studies show those first six months between mother and child are critical to the baby’s development. Tom: That’s what I keep telling her. But uh, we’re figuring it out. Woman: What’s to figure out?
He’s pushing it with the baby and Liz taking maternity leave because it’s the only way to get her to break away from Red. I mean... her job... lol. jfc. That’s how desperate Tom is to regain control.
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They bring in Jolene, and she comes on strong. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
1x3: Wujing
I’m skipping over 1x1 and 1x2 for now ... for a reason. 
Liz rummages through Tom's passport box while he sleeps, decides to fire a shot to run it through ballistics to see if it pulls up a match.
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Liz’s fingerprints are most definitely on the gun. So when Meera told Gina she found her fingerprint on the gun, I knew she was lying to get a confession.  
Tom starts to question Liz about her job because he knows Red entered her life. He knew the minute they sent an army to pick her up on her first day of work. 
Tom: Are you okay? Liz: Yeah … sorry. I’m just a little distracted. Tom: No, that’s - that’s all right. I’m sitting here talking about what happened to me like it only happened to me. But it happened to us both. It’s just a little weird to be home because … Lizzie, a man came into our home.
"Lizzie, a man came into our home" comes off as blame.
Liz: I know. I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you more. I want to tell you more. Tom: So, tell me something. Who was he? Liz: He’s gone. He was killed. Tom: So … it’s over?
I'm highlighting this for a reason.
Liz: Yes. Tom: Look, I love you. I just hate that there are things you have to hide from me.
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Nervousness. Because he knows Red had entered her life, so he knows Red is working to reveal him. 
Ellie: Hey, friends don’t let friends starve when they’ve been stabbed by violent psychopaths. How’s he doing? Tom: I’m sitting right here. Ellie: I’m not asking you. You’ll say fine, because that’s what you do.
Ellie tells him, "You’re a good actor." Yeah, he’s a good liar. 
Liz: You know I wouldn’t go if I didn’t have to. Tom: Look, whatever they pulled you into, the sooner you get it over with, the sooner we get our life back.
For Tom, "Get our life back" means getting Red out of their lives.
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Tom spies on her from the window. Creepy vibes with this scene.
Apple Man's cameras get set up in the apartment. I believe Fitch wanted to understand why Red turned himself in and asked for Elizabeth Keen.
Ressler: You were right. Liz Keen is hiding something. I put a flag on her. Any tests, reports, or files - anything she requests gets sent to us first. She brought a bullet and a shell casing into ballistics. At her level, the results were classified. But that’s the full report. Cooper: This isn’t just classified. Any briefings on this homicide include the Secretary of Homeland Security. Who else knows about this?
This dialogue fits in with the Fowler case. Ressler putting a flag on Liz reminds me of his 2x17 dialogues regarding the flag he put on all of Tom’s aliases. 
Tom: I just wanted to apologize for this morning. Liz: It’s okay. Tom: No. I was wrong. It’s your job. And uh, I understand if there are certain secrets that you have to keep right now, and that’s okay. Because - because we’ll survive, like always. 
Apologizing, as abusers always do. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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Craig Keen and Jolene Parker. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
And now I’m questioning an additional lie. I can’t say for sure because they don’t show Berlin’s hand close up - the one he chopped off on the plane. But fake Berlin wasn’t wearing a ring, and the one hand they did show of the real Berlin’s has no ring on it whatsoever. I believe it’s possible Tom lied about the ring to excuse his knowing of who Liz’s mother was. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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Domino Three: Constantin Rostov/Alexander Kirk
Because Tom thought Constantin was her real father. 
“I was scared when I was your age too. But I had a secret weapon to keep me safe. My daddy gave it to me."
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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The key in the lamp I know you found it. Take it to Radford Bank. Box #3929.
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
1x16: Mako Tanida
Tom doesn’t like losing control, and he feels he’s losing what control he has when Jolene decides to hang out with Liz. The anger shows in his eyes.
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Cut to his warehouse, and he shows it. 
Tom: Hey, what the hell is wrong with you? You come to my house? Jolene: Calm down. Tom: You’re not my handler. I don’t work for you. Jolene: Berlin is having doubts. Tom: Yeah? Well, Berlin doesn’t have a damn clue. 
“Do you have any idea how many candidates there were? They chose me. I’ve done everything they asked. I married the woman, for God’s sake. I’ve made her think my entire world revolves around her. And now it’s been two years, and I’ve heard nothing.”
Berlin is having doubts. Berlin is one man. 
“They chose me” - “I’ve done everything they asked.” Jolene: We sent word four months ago. Tom: Four months ago, I had to go dark because Reddington sent a psychopath with a knife into my house.♤ He cut me like a totem pole, and because of that, Liz finds my go–bag, my passports everything. So what did I do? I got myself out. I convinced her that the passports are fake, the cash isn’t mine, so excuse me for being - don’t touch that! I’ve had my hands full. Jolene: Berlin wants information. Tom: So do I. You know somebody put cameras in that house? Somebody was watching us, and it wasn’t the FBI, so why don’t you tell me who the hell was it? Berlin sent word four months ago. It’s been two years since Tom heard from him. I believe this episode takes place in March because of the date on the ballet program. So the last time Tom heard from Berlin, was around March of 2012. This would’ve been a couple of months prior to the Fokin murder, which takes me back to his “they” dialogue. 
“Don’t touch that!” Tom’s need for control. 
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Tom: Best I can tell, their paths have crossed at key moments in the past 20 years. Quantico, Baltimore. She doesn’t know, and I can’t prove it, but I believe Reddington was funneling money through the adoptive father for years. Jolene: What’s this? Tom: It’s the black site. From memory. It’s the unit Keen works for. Jolene: What about the cases? Tom: You know, I sat right next to Reddington once at a hospital. I could have put a bullet in his head. Jolene: That wasn’t your mission.
Somehow Tom knows their paths crossed at key moments in the past 20 years, yet he’s only been with Liz for two. That alone speaks to him following Red, and likely picking up where someone left off. 
He shows attitude when she told him it wasn’t his mission to put a bullet in Red’s head. Well, it wasn’t his mission according to Berlin, since the man wanted vengeance. Which leads me to believe Tom wasn’t acting on behalf of Berlin at the time he took a shot at Red in the season one finale. I believe he was acting on behalf of Constantin. 
Then we get into the reason why Tom killed Jolene. And Cowboy warned her. 
Tom: The cases - Reddington used them to track you down, to get to you, to me. That means that you are compromised, and if you’re compromised, then it’s only a matter of time before your trail leads to me. Jolene: That’s not gonna happen. Tom: Call my wife. Get her on the phone. Disengage. Jolene: Disengage? Tom: Disengage. Tell her that you’re not looking for a place anymore, that your boyfriend got a job offer, and you’re moving to Dayton. Cowboy: Don’t do it. As soon as you hang up that phone, he’s gonna kill you, then he’s gonna kill me. Don’t make that call.
The only reason Tom didn’t want Jolene in his house, is because she’s an agent and he knew Jolene was leading them straight to him. Was only a matter of time before Liz caught on. 
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How he’s able to get it on with Liz after killing and burying two people is beyond gross. Liz is literally taking a shower in Cowboy’s blood. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
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Diane Fowler 1x13 - 4x18
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