duelthebastards · 4 years
Headcanon that shizuo is an affectionate drunk:
Shizuo: tom, youre the best friend a guy could ask for
Tom: yeah. Ok.
Shizuo: i love you, man. Youre the best *starts sobbing for some reason*
Tom, used to it by now : yeah. Sure, buddy. *pats him on the back*
This is why shizuo hates beer
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zoki-69-dragon · 5 years
Izaya Orihara x-reader
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This is an AU, so the characters may not be exactly the same from the show, or manga. I have only watched Durarara and read the first book of the series so I am sorry if I messed a lot of things up.
Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara only the story idea. I also don't own the art.
(Chapter 1)
You had just moved to Ikebukuro a month ago and had seen some crazy things that didn't seem normal to you. Like a man who could pick up a vending machine and threw it at another guy or the story of the headless rider. You had a small apartment that you were living in not that you had to just you liked to. You're from a wealthy family in America but wanted a change in your life where no one knew who you were...
Today was just like any other day you get up and get ready for work, you worked at a bookstore that was not far from your home. It was a normal thing for you to get off work late at night even though people advised against you doing this, but you loved the night and didn't really care.
You were walking home after work when you noticed that you had someone following you. "Can I help you?" You ask rather coldly turning around to see someone that looked familiar.
"[Y/N]-Chan how cold," the raven-haired boy said with his brown/red eyes.
"Izaya don't you have better things to do than bother me?" You asked rolling your eyes at him. You had seen Izaya before a few times.
You knew who he was before though because just like him you too like gathering info on people, but you didn't go around playing with people's emotions the way he does. Yes, you had on a few occasions used the info you had on people to get out of sticky situations.
"You're awfully cold today [Y/N]-Chan," Izaya said giving a fake frown.
You roll your eyes and turn to continue walking home. Not caring that Izaya was walking right next to you complaining about how mean and cold you were being.
"Izaya," you say rather harshly turning to look at him just a block away from your apartment, "are you going to follow me home?"
Izaya just smiled and nodded his head like a little kid.
"If you're going to come to my home I have a few rules," You say rather blankly, "One no taking or messing with things and Two no complaining like a little kid."
"Okay [Y/N]-Chan~" Izaya cooed walking ahead of you but he stopped when he saw that you had a confused look on your face, "[Y/N]-Chan?"
"Yeah," you say snapping out of a thought you just had.
"What were you just thinking?" He asked with a ceruse look.
"I was thinking about if I had anything that I was worried about you touching," You say lying you were trying to figure out why he was walking in front of you, but snapped out of it when you remembered that it was Izaya.
Izaya gave you a look that said he didn't believe you. "[Y/N]-Chan lying is bad," he said waving his finger in the air like a parent would do when scolding their child.
You roll your eyes at him, "Izaya how can lying be bad, don't we all have our lies?" You asked walking closer to him to get a better view of his reaction to your words.
Izaya was dumbfounded for a minute but soon hid it by changing the subject, "Isn't this your apartment?"
You just smiled moving past him to open the door to your apartment. From Izaya's face, you could tell he was ceruse.
"Go ahead and look around," you said having nothing to hide.
Izaya took this as a chance to look through you're inter apartment. After a while, he made his way to your room and that's one room you didn't want him in.
"Izaya, don't go into that room," you say running over to your bedroom door to try and block it.
"Are you hiding something from me [N/N]-Chan?" He asked with a devilish smirk.
"No, I just hate people going into my bedroom," You say blocking your door as he tries to open it will you were talking.
"[Y/N]-Chan you said that I could look around and that you had nothing to hide," Izaya said making you hate yourself for saying that.
"Ugh, fine," You say opening your bedroom. Your room was really nice and had a large window that overlooked the city, so you could see everything.
He took no time to look through all of your stuff, but you had to say the worst part was when he made his way over to your dresser.
"Izaya it wouldn't polite to go through a lady's dresser," You say hoping this would stop him, but he turned to you with an evil grin.
"But [Y/N]-Chan you have nothing to hide right?" Izaya said teasing you as he opened the top drawer of your dresser but as soon as he opened it he shut it again. "I am no pervert, but you should see your face!" Izaya said before bursting out into full out laughter.
You could feel that your checks were hot from embarrassment. You hated him for doing that just to see your reaction. You walked out of your room to go get some tea to calm your nerves.
"Hey, flea want some tea?" You asked harshly pulling out two cups.
"[Y/N]-Chan don't use that name like that monster Shuz-chan," Izaya said with an upset toon and expression.
"Does me calling you that make you mad?" You asked trying to mimic Izaya's infamous grin.
This only made things worse for yourself. Izaya had an off-putting look in his eye and there was no sign of emotion on his face.
*buzz* *buzz*
"Ugh, yes," Izaya said picking up his phone that had been buzzing, "Alright, well it looks like will have to continue this later, [Y/N]-Chan," Izaya said walking over to the window and jumping out it.
You ran over the window to see that he was now on the ground, "Izaya use the door next time!" You yell at him.
"No," Izaya said smiling again, "See you later [Y/N]-Chan."
After he had left you faced palmed, realizing that you had told him that he could come back. "I am never going to get rid of that pest," you say before bursting into a hysterical laugh, "I was looking for an interesting life but who knew moving to a place like this would be just what I needed and know I have someone fun to play with."
(The next day at work)
Time had seemed to slow for the day you had got to work at 6 am and things just seemed slow and it's only been an hour.
"Was that a vending machine?" You asked yourself looking out the window to see someone holding a traffic sign, "Great Shizuo and Izaya are at it again."
"IZAYA!" Shizuo yelled throwing things at Izaya who was dodging left and right to avoid getting hit.
You watch as Izaya and Shizuo run down the road destroying the street.
"Why do they have to destroy everything?" You ask yourself shaking your head as if disappointed.
You sigh and go back to work. You liked working in the bookstore it had everything form Since Fiction to Anime and Manga. With all of this to read and more you were content for the most part the only thing missing was some fun. (Be careful what you wish for)
Someone came up behind you, but you heard them before they could get to close to you. Turning on your heals you see Izaya standing there with his hands out like he was about to try and cover your eyes from behind.
"Izaya, what were you about to do?" You asked looking at him with a raised brow.
"I was trying to surprise you," he said with a forced pouty face.
"Don't strain yourself," You say walking away from.
He looked confused for a moment. "[Y/N]-Chan~" he cooed following you.
You roll your eyes at him but when you turn to look at him you noticed that he was bleeding all over the floor that you have to clean.
"Izaya your bleeding!" You say rushing over to him to stop him from bleeding everywhere.
"I didn't know you cared so much [N/N]-Chan," Izaya said smiling but that was soon gone when you jabbed his wound a bit. "aw, be careful."
"Oh, I am so sorry," You say sarcastically, "Come here I have to see how bad it is."
As you were about to see how bad his wound was he passed out.
"This is just great," you say rolling your eyes as you pick Izaya up to move him to a better location.
You move him to the back of the bookstore and where his wound was you had to remove his jacket and shirt. His wound was not too deep, but it was bad enough that he needed stitches and he had a few cuts on his arms.
"You're lucky that I had gone through that medical course," You say banging him up, "but I feel you should probably go to the hospital."
"[Y/N]-Chan don't take me to the hospital," Izaya said in a week voice. He had lost a lot of blood and was really weak.
"Well do you have someone I can call?" You asked knowing that Izaya had a point about him going to a hospital with him being one of the most hated people in Ikebukuro.
"Yeah, my phone," he said weakly, "It's in my coat."
You get up and walk over to get his phone from his pocket when you were looking around his pocket you felt something cold that was defiantly not a phone. You pull it out to see it was a folding knife you put it back and then searched his other pocket for his phone when you finally found it you pulled it out and handed it to him.
"Here now call who you need to and have them come take care of you," you say wanting to get rid of him.
"That's not very nice [Y/N]-Chan," Izaya said even though he was injured he still held up his act.
(After the phone call with a certain doctor we all know and love)
"Well is whoever you talked to coming to take care of you?" You asked while finishing cleaning up the floor that had been bleed on.
"Yes and no," Izaya said grunting a bit as he moved from the pain of his wound.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked not having a good feeling about this.
"Well I told him to meet at your apartment," Izaya said with his usual grin.
You didn't say anything as you took out your phone to call your boss, "Hey boss I had a family emergency come up, I am going to close up and go deal with it, yeah sorry for the inconvenience."
You hung up the phone and looked at Izaya who had an amused look on his face, "You lied to your boss that's not good, [Y/N]-Chan."
"Yeah I rather lie to him then tell that you're here and need help," you say coldly helping Izaya to his feet to take him to your apartment that wasn't too far away.
When you finally reached your apartment, you saw that someone was waiting outside your door.
"Hi Shinra," Izaya said weakly waving at the man.
"I take your who this idiot called," you say flatly shoving Izaya to the wall to open your apartment door.
"Yeah, I am Shinra," he said following you into your apartment with Izaya.
"I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but can you fix him up, so he can go home and leave me the heck alone," you say narrowing your eyes at Izaya, "Also I am [Y/N]."
"Why are you so mean to me [Y/N]-Chan?" Izaya asked with his best hurt face he could pull of in his conidiation.
You roll your eyes at how pit if full he was acting.
Shinra had Izaya remove his shirt so he could get a good look at the wound, "Wow it looks like someone already did my job for the most part," Shinra joked undoing all the work you had done to get a better look.
"Well, how bad is it let me guess he's going to die at any time and there's nothing we can do?" You say joking you were bored and when you got bored things got weird.
Back in the first grade you had got bored with what a teacher was talking about and instead of doing anything a normal little kid might have you walked over to your teacher and stabbed her with a pencil. Of course, your parents paid to have it covered up and after that, they sent you to counseling, but let's just say that made things worse.
"Well I am done and no he's going to be perfectly fine, but he shouldn't move around for at least a few days," Shinra said cleaning up his stuff.
"Well, he can still go home right?" You asked with a raised brow in hope that you weren't stuck with him.
"I live in Shinjuku that's a little far for me to walk the way I am," Izaya said with a devilish grin.
"As a doctor, I would advise for him to stay here for a while," Shinra said having all his supplies that he had brought packed back up, "Well I have to get going."
With that Shinra left you alone with Izaya. You looked over to where Izaya was, he had made himself right at home on your couch.
"[N/N]-Chan~" Izaya cooed waving for you to come to him.
"What do you want Izaya?" You asked with a stern tone.
"I am hungry," he said playing with the TV remount.
You sighed. "How does fatty tuna sound?" You asked thinking you would just go to Russia Sushi.
"That sounds good, are you making it?" Izaya asked looking at you with hopeful eyes.
"Ugh... I guess I can, but I need to run to the market to get some stuff," you say walking to the door, "I'll be back, and please don't destroy my apartment will I am gone."
Izaya just smiled and nodded his head and went back to watching TV. With that, you left to go fetch supplies for food and a few other things for the unwanted guest...
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kaedezero21-blog · 7 years
[現場画像あり]練馬でプロパンガスの車が炎上との情報|東京都練馬区の新青梅街道 2017年
[現場画像あり]練馬でプロパンガスの車が炎上との情報|東京都練馬区の新青梅街道 2017年
もう一本爆発した pic.twitter.com/5gBOWCKj1o
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durararaimagines · 10 years
Working With Shizuo
You were working tonight at a club. Most people thought you were a host but no, you were the bouncer of the club. You looked small and cute but you had taken many boxing and mixed martial art classes. You were looking around for any fights going on at the club. 
But as you scanned the crowd you spot Tom. He has come here to look for a few people. And today he came with his bodyguard Shizuo Heiwajima. He was as handsome, a little intimidating. You walked over and waved at Tom.
"Hey Tom, working tonight?" You ask with a smile.
"Oh, hey ___, yeah I'm looking for.." Tom then described the person. Shizuo stayed quiet and was looking around.
"Yeah I know where he is at follow me." You started to walk but then a fight broke out and Shizuo got pushed a bit. 
"Hold on Shizuo, ___ can handle it."
You noticed Shizuo was going to do something about it and then looked confused at what Tome said. You smirked and then headed over to the people. You pulled them apart, but one kept swinging and you dodged and punched him in the stomach, he coughed and fell to his knees. You look over a the other and he backed up. Only then to be stopped by some other bouncers and the two were lead out. You turn back to Tom and Shizuo.
"Well, follow me please." You smiled brightly.
"I thought she was the host.." Shizuo mumbled.
"Nope, ___ is the bouncer for the club." Tom answered Shizuo.
Finally you all got to the bar and there was the man Tom was looking for. The guy saw Tom and then Shizuo and paled. He tried to make a run for it and Shizuo was about to go after him but you beat him to it.
10 Minutes Later~
Tom got his money. Shizuo didn't destroy the club, everything was good!
"It was nice meeting you Heiwajima!" You spoke to him outside the club with Tom.
"Yeah..." Shizuo trailed off.
"Hope to see you soon!" You waved to Tom and Shizuo as they left. Then you headed back inside.
Shizuo wasn't talkative much but that didn't bug you much.
Month Later~
"What are we waiting for again?" Shizuo asked Tom.
"You will see," Tom couldn't help but smirk as he noticed you running along.
"Sorry I'm late! I couldn't fine my shoes." You put your hands on your knees, taking in big breaths of air.
"Tom...?" Shizuo questions him.
"___ ___ will be working with us, I told Boss about her. So work nicely you too."
"Wow! That means Heiwajima is my Senpai~" You looked at him with big eyes.
A light pink dust covered his cheeks and he looked away. What was he going to do with someone like you working with him. 
(I got the girl bouncer from Expendables 3 )
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