#Tomb of Tyti
jontycrane · 11 months
Valley of the Queens
Home to 91 tombs of queens and princes, the Valley of the Queens offers an interesting contrast to the better known, and far more visited, Valley of the Kings. It was wonderful to arrive to basically have the valley to myself, in contrast with the 4,000 to 5,000 daily visitors to the Valley of the Kings. Dating from a similar period to the Valley of the Kings the main the reason for visiting is…
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inconspicuousnpc · 2 years
i’m rereading gideon the ninth and there HAS to be fanart of gideon buckling her knuckle knife with her teeth with her rapier out walking forward to challenge the third house in place of the sixth and then looking over her shoulder at harrow because it’s so charged my god
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 3 months
tagged by @ronanlynchbf to choose 4 of my favorite characters from 4 pieces of media and let tumblr decide which one most suits my vibe tyty for the tag♡♡♡
tagging @patronsaintofdesire @catacombchrysalis @deathgroupie @stringcage @medievalwife ♡♡♡
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titou-nz · 2 years
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Temple funéraire d'Hatchepsout - Égypte
Vallée des Reines
Défilé s'enfonçant dans la montagne libyque, près de Thèbes, au sud-ouest de Deir el-Médineh, non loin de la vallée des Rois, appelé en arabe Bibân el-maleïkat, la vallée des Reines est la nécropole des épouses royales, des filles, parfois des fils des rois des XIXe et XXe dynasties. On en connaît aujourd'hui près de cent tombeaux (98 sont numérotés), dont celui de la reine Néfertari, la grande épouse royale de Ramsès II.
Seules trois ou quatre tombes sont aujourd'hui ouvertes au public :
les tombes de Khâemouaset et Amonherkhépeshef deux fils de Ramsès III,
la tombe de Néfertari, épouse de Ramsès II, ouverte de nouveau au public en 1995 après une campagne de restauration,
la tombe de Tyti, épouse de Ramsès X.
Les premières fouilles de la vallée des Reines ont été faites par John Gardner Wilkinson, puis par Jean-François Champollion en 1829, Karl Richard Lepsius en 1844, Ernesto Schiaparelli en 1903 qui a découvert la tombe de Néfertari.
En 1984, grâce à la donation de Germaine Ford de Maria, la vallée est déblayée et aménagée sous le contrôle scientifique de Christiane Desroches Noblecourt assistée par Christian Leblanc.
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maestroegypttours · 3 years
The Valley of the Queens
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The Valley of the Queens (QV) is a major component of the World Heritage site of ‘Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis.’Also it is a place where wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times as well as princes, princesses and various members of the nobility.
The valley of the kings contain today’s famous surviving tombs: Tomb of Nefertari (QV 66), Tyti (QV 52), Amenherkhepshef (QV 55), and Khaemwaset (QV 44), all open to visitation and preserving extensive and vibrant painted decoration, though to greater or lesser degree damaged by flood, salt, and natural deterioration.
Nefertari-Meryenmut (Nfri-try mrt n Mwt – ‘Beloved of Mut’) was the first great royal wife of Rameses II. She has sometimes been connected to Ay, because an object bearing his name was found in the tomb. However, it is unlikely as she never has the title ‘king’s daughter’ and it is probable that she was of non-royal origin. She has a temple dedicated to her at Abu Simbel, she appears on several reliefs at Luxor Temple and numerous statues of her have been found throughout Egypt. The tomb of Nefertari is arguably the most beautiful and well preserved tomb in the Theban necropolis.
Merytamen (QV 68)
Merytamen was the daughter of Rameses II and Nefertari (Leblanc 2009, 226ff). She is the 4th daughter in procession of daughters at Abu Simbel and was great royal wife after her mother’s death, Merytamen has a large tomb, architecturally comparable with QV 66, 71, and 80, including magical niches in the burial chamber. The poor preservation and fragmentary nature of the wall paintings makes it difficult to understand the tomb’s decorative program; extant scenes are all ‘divine,’ showing the queen offering to and receiving favors from the gods with short text captions, in contrast to the text-heavy Book of the Dead chapters in QV 66, 80 and 60.
Bentanat was the daughter of Rameses II and Isis-Nofret, and the oldest daughter of the king. She has a foreign name meaning ‘Daughter of Anat’ (a Canaanite goddess with a warlike aspect)
The Valley of the Queens continued to be extensively used during the reign of Rameses III, but its character changed once again. At this time the Valley became the burial place not only of the royal women but also for many of the princes. these tombs are smaller than those belonging to kings. The plans of these tombs usually consist of a small antechamber, a long narrow corridor with several side chambers, and at the end - the burial chamber
The Valley of the Queens is located across the Nile from Luxor, near to the Valley of the Kings, the Colossi of Memnon and the Temple of Hatshepsut.
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egypt-hsf · 4 years
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Valley of the Queens - Site in Egypt where the wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times. Tombs include those for Queen Nefertari and Queen Tyti (Titi). Stunning hieroglyph colors!
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