#Tommy and Henry might stay sane
ok so your blog totally has me thinking of the chaotic power of buck and alex meeting while tommy and henry have to ensure their dumbass boyfriends don’t destroy something.
you know tommy and henry would be smitten and totally in love but they got to keep it together because someone has to have a brain cell in this friend group.
they would get roped into the shenanigans by buck and alex though and everyone around them would be stunted at the fact that there is two disaster bisexuals.
the super six and 118 meeting would just be unreal and could you imagine the interactions?
anyways I’ll be off in my own delusional world where this is a reality.
Oh I love this idea!
I have so many ideas that work with these four and so little time to write. But I hope to make it happen (as soon as I get the opportunity to read the book, I might need to make this AU happen).
Alex and Henry are both fascinated with Buck and Tommy's jobs as firefighters. They have so many questions and want all the stories. They find news clips of some of the rescues and taunt Buck and Tommy about some of them (think Buck tackling the baby napper+ Tommy and the rooster type calls).
Buck and Alex would not only "torment" Tommy and Henry (lovingly), but they would drive the 118 crazy.
The four of them at a pride parade where Henren are introduced would be total chaos... maybe I should add Tarlos, too. Just imagine the 8 of them all in one place. They might need Athena on standby, haha.
Eddie and Alex meet, and suddenly, it's a game of "who is the best Diaz" and "you have to choose a favorite" (blame it on the alcohol they consumed on this outing).
Tommy and Henry's text exchange is full of "how do you tame your bisexual disaster because my normal methods are not working right now" type commentary and questions.
Buck and Alex brainstorm new ways to be a menace to their boyfriends, encouraging each other to dumb things.
Not to mention the chaos that would be that group chat. I could see both Buck and Alex playing the " my boyfriend said he didn't love me anymore because..." and it's over something silly like Tommy or Henry doesnt want to listen to that song for the 800th time.
I need my library hold to be available so I can read this book and start this chaos, lol.
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