hellshoard · 3 years
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A commission done by Octi and a gift to @clownstolemyjokes/ @toomanycharacterselects for being a good friend and a wonderful bean. I love our AU so much 💕
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hannah-the-small · 3 years
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toomanycharacterselects said:
A soft pressure can be felt on Clementine's head and if she looks up, it's just Fizzarolli placing his hand there before he leans a little closer, "Clem? My scanners are telling me you're rather warm and.. intoxicated. Now, I'm not here to stop you from drinkin' because you're a grown woman, but can I ask ya why you're drinkin' in the first place? You celebratin' somethin'?"
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“Hiiiiiii Fiiiiizz.” Clem giggled, leaning into his touch as her tail wagged, “booze makes me feel good when I don’t feel good... its nice and cool, but makes me warm inside.” Kind of like how Fizz was.
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creatorn1ghtmare · 3 years
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AAAA TOO MUCH PINK TOO MUCH PINK TOO MUCH PI- ok so XD I made this purely to showcase the Heart device idea. This particular concept belongs to None other That————> @toomanycharacterselects ! 
I love the Heart device idea! My version of this device is quite B I G. It’s like his entire chest XD  Also irdk what happened with the hat part. It kinda just looks fluffy 
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@toomanycharacterselects replied to your post:
Her and Robo Fizz can both go crazy over seeing animals since he hasn't either akjegnae
molly and robo fizz going to the petting zoo together and going absolutely insane
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voxxcd-a · 3 years
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@toomanycharacterselects​ said: ▲ (Fizz)
Send ▲ to pull my muse into your muse’s lap!
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Vox was certainly getting used to having the jester around more often though he did give him a couple warnings on not coming over enough to be suspicious. Since he still had work to do it had been fairly silent, at least on his end, as he worked at his laptop. He had gotten up to grab a drink, walking past the jester on the couch when suddenly he was grabbed and pulled down.
As he fell into the others lap, his hand quickly found its way to Fizzarolli’s throat. He didn’t look angry, more annoyed if anything as he looked up to him. “Wanna tell me what the fuck your doing?” His eyebrow raised, claws just barely digging into his neck.
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for toomanycharacterselects : Sending love to @toomanycharacterselects and their sideblogs @applcyed and @clownstolemyjokes ! Opo is an amazing writer and person, I've loved RPing with their Lucifer and Fizzarolli so much.
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
@toomanycharacterselects​ -  Fizz: I'm pretty sure I'm a lot better than whoever you're fuckin', but that's what you're wantin'~
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“ Who are you? I have yet to be convinced you’re better but go off I guess. “
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steelgrey-demon · 3 years
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@toomanycharacterselects​ asked: "Vagatha," Lucifer steps out a nearby shadow, quickly pressing a finger to his lip in a 'shh' gesture, "May I speak to you for a moment? In private."
    Jesus fuckin’ Christ?! Vaggie had nearly summoned her blade when he popped up out of the shadows. What the hell was he doing here? “Lucifer?” Vaggie squinted at him in confusion before going quiet and looking around the hotel hall then quietly coming close with a hushed whisper.
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“What’s going on? Sure? But is everything okay? Is Charlie okay?”
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@toomanycharacterselects​ commented: UNLEASH THE ELDTRICH
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//Get you a girl who can do both.
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
TIME  TO  BLAST  LOVE  @  PEOPLE! accepting  ( 3 / 5 )
@lunafaeris  -  Damn, their prose is so nice!  Their writing style is so crisp, yet full of technical skill.  I really enjoy it!  It’s been a joy to write with them thus far, and I hope we continue to do so long into the future!  Things seem to just be getting started with Luna and Raku, so I’m excited for that!
@toomanycharacterselects  -  Honestly, I get good OOC vibes from them.  They’re just such a sweet presence on the dash, and somebody who fills me with warmth.  It’s also impressive just how well they write the muses that I’ve seen, given how many they have!
@fuckingvictus / @hangtenn  -  It isn’t often that OOC posts make a blog feel less cluttered, but in Billie’s case they showcase her sweet personality and how fun she is, and that gives me a feeling of safety on the dash.  Couple that with some stellar writing and you’ve got a person that I really like to see around on the dash!​​
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hellbound-a · 3 years
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@toomanycharacterselects​ asked
Prompt: The Maid Outfit for Jangmi and Reminisce because why not.
Jangmi was surprised when he actually got the other to wear the dress, fairly certain it’d be shot at or torn up when he actually had it delivered. He had no idea why Reminisce was indulging him but he going to enjoy it while he could. He had already taken a couple of pictures, just for himself of course, and was sitting between the other demons legs. His hand worked it’s way under his skirt and up his thigh, head leaned up against his chest. “Hm...I think it really suits you,”
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hellshoard · 3 years
I’m gay for Opo.
That is all.
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creatorn1ghtmare · 3 years
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I drew my friend Opo A.K.A @toomanycharacterselects
Some might remember the character I made for him a while back. He liked it so why not draw him again :> 
The one on the left is also him and again,
Welcome to the V O I D 
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wrxthfulguard · 3 years
(X) @toomanycharacterselects​
The Hazbin Hotel was quiet as usual... It’s been a long while and so far... Not even one sinner showed any interest in checking in to redeem themselves into Heaven.
For Don Everett, the emptiness was something he was used to a lot... Surviving alone in the undead apocalypse in his past alive life had been a good example of that... But... The emptiness was only partial, given that the hotel’s staff and only resident helped by making their respective presences known.
He had walked into the lobby, noticing that Husk wasn’t at the bar... Must be sleeping off his hangover... As he checked the bar for any empty bottles for Niffty to pick up and throw away, his ears picked up the sound of the front door opening, turning around and walking over to the door... And spotted a fellow demon being the cause.
“... Hello there, sir.” His raspy and gravely voice was rather serene as he greeted the visitor... A potential guest? 
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“May I help you?”
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qucintarchive · 3 years
@toomanycharacterselects​ asked --> “ I THINK YOU’RE REALLY PRETTY! “ ( Barrett )
Sweet words from someone of younger age reflect the personality one would possess towards another. The age of said person reflects the looks, the individual definition of impression from one person to another beckons recollection of analysis. 
A response of kind words spreads a smile across the woman’s face, her feelings of lost replaced by that of found friendliness. 
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“ Why thank you young lady. “ 
A spark of giggle gives pleasantry to the atmosphere, one of calming intent.
“ Now of course, one compliment cannot simply be refrained from retaliation, for my own curiosity about you obtains the signs of such cute appearance. I’ve seen a few demonic figures in my days, but none quite like you. How appreciative I must be in this given moment. “ 
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sinren · 3 years
@toomanycharacterselects / @clownstolemyjokes
There had been an alarming lack of Haven’s presence after their last show of the day.  The siren had gone out to walk around the park and take pictures with some of the kids- but then it seemed as if they were just gone.
It wasn’t until after the park had actually closed for the night that Haven appeared again. Though now it was clear why they’d seemingly gone away before..
The siren was in tears as they came into the tent where Fizz and Mammon stayed. And as soon as they can, they drag their feet over to the robot and bury their face in him with a shaky sniffle.
It was now that they were close that the problem seemed to show itself. 
Stuck in Haven’s hair was a huge purple wad... Of gum.
Some child, or immature adult, had gotten close enough to shove gum in the siren’s hair. And by the way it was knotted up- it was clear that Haven had been struggling to get it out for quite some time.
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