#Top Knee Replacement Doctor Near Me
sugunahospital1 · 11 days
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sugunahospital · 2 months
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nirajvoradr · 4 months
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mediversal · 6 months
How Does Mediversal Hospital Achieve Orthopedic Excellence in Treating Bone and Joint Conditions?
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Within the healthcare domain, achieving excellence in orthopedics is crucial for addressing bone and joint conditions. Mediversal Hospital, at the forefront of medical innovation, has established itself as a premier institution in attaining unmatched orthopedic excellence. This piece explores the unique methods and strategies adopted by Mediversal Hospital in treating bone and joint conditions, with a focus on ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients.
Mediversal’s approach to orthopedic excellence
At Mediversal Hospital, orthopedic care takes a holistic approach, integrating advanced diagnostics, a multidisciplinary orthopedic team, and cutting-edge technology. This comprehensive approach guarantees a profound comprehension of each patient's condition, forming the bedrock for personalized and effective treatment plans. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with a collaborative medical team, Mediversal Hospital prioritizes not only addressing immediate concerns but also tailoring interventions to individual needs, ensuring a patient-centered and impactful orthopedic care experience.
Experienced and Skilled Orthopedicians
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Mediversal Hospital has skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons, each specializing in treating Bone and Joint Conditions. Skilled in contemporary surgical methods and procedures, these surgeons assure patients access to state-of-the-art and exceptionally effective treatment options. The orthopedic team is dedicated to delivering the most advanced and individualized care, aiming to secure the optimal treatment for each patient.
Advanced Medical Technology and Infrastructure
Mediversal Hospital is at the forefront in providing comprehensive and effective solutions for diverse orthopedic challenges. From state-of-the-art imaging equipment, surgical facilities to rehabilitation centers, the hospital is well-equipped with treating bone and joint conditions with unparalleled precision and accuracy.
Comprehensive Orthopedic Services
Providing a broad spectrum of orthopedic services, the hospital covers all aspects, from routine consultations and diagnostic tests to intricate surgical procedures and rehabilitation programs. These comprehensive services guarantee patients a thorough and personalized care journey, attending to their distinct requirements for an optimal recovery and sustained orthopedic well-being. This pledge underscores the hospital's unwavering commitment to assisting individuals throughout every phase of their orthopedic wellness, spanning from diagnosis to maintaining lasting health.
Patient-Centric Care
Dedicated to patient-centric care, Mediversal Hospital prioritizes the comfort, well-being, and individual needs of each patient. The orthopedic team at the hospital invests time in comprehending the distinct circumstances of every individual, crafting personalized treatment plans that align with their goals and preferences. By fostering a patient-focused approach, the hospital strives to ensure that each person receives not only medical expertise but also a tailored and compassionate experience. This commitment reflects Mediversal Hospital's dedication to holistic healthcare that recognizes and respects the uniqueness of each patient's journey to recovery and well-being.
Multidisciplinary Approach
Mediversal Hospital's orthopedic team engages in close collaboration with diverse specialists, including physiotherapists, pain management experts, and occupational therapists, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. This collective effort ensures the delivery of holistic treatment plans, in treating bone and joint conditions. By seamlessly integrating expertise from various disciplines, the hospital ensures that individuals benefit from a well-rounded and coordinated approach to their healthcare. This collaborative model reflects Mediversal Hospital's commitment to providing comprehensive solutions and underscores the importance of addressing the entirety of a patient's well-being in the management of orthopedic conditions.
Focus on Prevention and Early Intervention
Prioritizing prevention and early intervention, Mediversal Hospital's orthopedic team educates patients on maintaining optimal bone and joint health. Emphasizing lifestyle modifications and preventive measures, the hospital aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for preserving the well-being of their bones and joints.
Compassionate Medical Care
Renowned for their compassionate care, Mediversal Hospital's orthopedic team empathetically addresses the emotional and physical challenges tied to bone and joint conditions. Dedicated to fostering a supportive and caring environment, they prioritize understanding and meeting the unique needs of each patient, ensuring a comforting healthcare experience.
Affordable and Accessible Care
Committed to community well-being, Mediversal Hospital ensures accessible and affordable orthopedic care. Offering diverse payment options and collaborating with insurance providers, the hospital strives to alleviate financial burdens, ensuring that patients receive necessary care without undue financial stress. This commitment reflects their dedication to making healthcare accessible to all.
Mediversal Hospital is unwavering in its pursuit of excellence in orthopedic services. Regularly assessing practices and procedures, the hospital actively seeks input from patients and staff to pinpoint areas for improvement. This dedication to continuous enhancement guarantees the hospital sustains its high standards in orthopedic care, prioritizing ongoing quality improvement. Mediversal Hospital stands as an epitome of distinction in orthopedic care, marked by seasoned surgeons, cutting-edge technology, and a holistic service approach. Embracing patient-centric, multidisciplinary, and preventive methodologies, the hospital is committed to research, compassion, affordability, and continuous improvement. This comprehensive dedication positions Mediversal as a leader, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients with bone and joint conditions. Patients facing Bone and Joint issues can visit Patna orthopedic doctor for compassionate care and expert solutions to your orthopedic concerns. This commitment ensures that the hospital's orthopedic team stays at the forefront of advancements in bone and joint care, providing patients with the latest and most effective approaches to enhance their overall well-being.
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dr-umesh-patil · 1 year
Knee Replacement Surgery Doctor in Thane | Dr. Umesh Patil
Find the Best Knee Replacement Surgery Doctor in Thane. Visit our Website and Book appointment Online.
Knee replacement medical procedure replaces portions of harmed or broken down knee joints. The medical procedure can assist with facilitating agony and make the knee work better. During the medical procedure, harmed bone and ligament are supplanted with parts made of metal and plastic.
To conclude whether a knee replacement is ideal for you, a specialist really looks at your knee's scope of movement, dependability, and strength. X-beams assist with showing the degree of harm.
The right counterfeit joints and careful methods for you rely upon your age, weight, movement level, knee size and shape, and in general wellbeing.
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seo-blogs · 2 years
Because the human body is so complex, it requires ongoing care to keep going strong. The more we age, the more attention our bodies require if we are to remain as healthy as possible. This is especially true for our joints and muscles, which take the most abuse from our active daily lives. Our bone tissues lose density and the ability to fully rebuild themselves as we age, as well as the minerals that make our bones strong. This deterioration causes the bones to become brittle and easily fractured, which can result in falls and serious injuries. Let us discuss how an orthopedic doctor can help you stay healthy as you age. They can help you keep your bones strong at any age by explaining beneficial exercises, supplements, nutrition, and possibly prescription medications that can help your body retain much-needed calcium. Calcium is the building block of bones, and we also require vitamin D to properly absorb calcium, so these elements are critical to overall health.
1. You Have Difficulties with Daily Activities. 2. You are in chronic pain. 3. Your Range of Motion is Constricting. 4. You feel unsteady while walking or standing. 5. You have a soft tissue injury that hasn't healed in 48 hours.
If you notice any of these symptoms, especially after a certain age, please contact an orthopedist as soon as possible. You can go to KD Hospital - Ahmedabad's Best Multispeciality Hospital. As one of the Best Knee Replacement Hospitals in Ahmedabad and one of the Top 10 Orthopedic Hospitals in Ahmedabad, KD Hospital is committed to assisting patients in living pain-free lives while also providing quality and compassionate patient care.  for more details contact here.
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aiimspatna · 2 years
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dr-gaurav-jain · 2 years
Best Doctors for Sleepless Back Pain Treatment near Ring Road, Indore. Find a Verified back pain specialist in Indore. Book appointments with minimum wait time
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grampsoninspace · 1 year
doctor’s orders.
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Please, don’t let it be him.
Please no…
“Good evening,” a warm voice interrupts your silent pleading with whatever force is listening. There’s strain in the usual honeyed tone, which jerks your chin upward with an invisible string. Your panicked thoughts are replaced by your emergency mode, your hands trembling with adrenaline at the pain in the man’s voice.
“What did you do now?” you hiss, assessing the patient visually before you even get close to him, watching blood drip steadily from a wound just shy of his temple.
Captain Howzer smiles up at you with mischief in his brown eyes.
“I got a little too close to the action, Doc,” he shrugs.
“How many times do I have to tell you? The blood belongs inside of your body, Captain. For Maker’s sake, can we go a single week without you risking life and limb for the nearest being?” You pull your gloves on with an angry snap.
“Well… it is my job,” he tells you, trying to sound the slightest bit remorseful and failing miserably.
“I don’t care if it’s your job — it’s going to be a little hard to do it if you’re dead,” you shake your head, starting to remove his armor to assess the rest of him.
“You’re fussing again,” Howzer’s voice drops in octave and volume, much too near your ear.
“Well, that is my job,” you mimic his accent poorly, daring to look back into his eyes as you remove his chest plate.
His full lips are twisted in the faintest smile, and he is watching your every move. You roll your eyes but you can feel yourself blush, choosing instead to focus on removing his pauldrons, gauntlets, and gloves.
“I know... I like it when you fuss over me,” he leans forward and yanks the top of his blacks off with one hand, exposing his skin down to his waist.
You turn back to face him and remind yourself with a deep breath and a mental lashing that you are a fucking professional and you will do your job without incident or…
What were you saying?
“Well?” he prompts.
“Hm?” you raise your eyebrows, pretending you were listening.
He leans back with his palms flat on the exam table, his knees farther apart than you remember. “I asked you a question.”
“Which was?” you ask, frowning, silently cursing yourself.
“I asked what your diagnosis was,” he smirks.
“I don’t know yet,” you rub your forehead with the back of your hand. “I need to get your head cleaned up first. Do you feel pain or discomfort anywhere else?”
“No pain…” His smile is teasing. “But I still expect a thorough examination. I could be in shock.”
You give him a look. “Behave yourself, Captain.”
Howzer holds his hands up. “I’m just asking you to do your job, Doc. I wouldn’t expect any less but the closest attention to detail when you’re in charge.”
You swallow, and he won’t look away from your eyes — even as you start to gently clean the wound on his forehead and he sucks in a breath through his teeth, grabbing your wrist roughly and trying to pull your hand away.
Your stomach flips but you give him a stern look.
“Captain. When I said to behave yourself, I clearly meant you need to allow me to do my job.”
“Warn me next time,” he growls, releasing you.
“I did!” You smack his hand down. “I told you I had to clean your head…”
“Oh, that’s what you meant,” he smirks up at you as you continue removing the blood from his skin. You press harder in retaliation and he grabs both of your wrists.
“Stop being belligerent or I’ll let you fuckin’ bleed to death,” you tell him through gritted teeth.
“Which one happens first?” he asks, your wrists still bound in the shackles of his rough hands.
“What—?” you ask, scrunching up your face.
“You said you’d let me fuck and bleed to death,” he repeats, pulling you forward and tugging your hands behind his back so your face is much too close to his.
“Do you think it could be in that order?” he drops his voice down deep and low, his breath warm on your skin.
“You know damn well I did not say that,” you tell him, trying to sound sure of yourself, but your voice shakes.
“Do I?” he asks, searching your face with his dilated eyes.
“Should I check your hearing?” you ask sharply, but his gaze lands on your lips.
“What?” he jokes, and you sigh in his face.
His eyes flick to yours, and he leans back just enough to let your hips rest in the V his legs have made. “Say my name, and I’ll be good for you.”
“This is very unprofessional behavior,” you frown.
“I’m no snitch,” he whispers. “Besides, is it against protocol for you to use your patient’s name?”
“Of course not,” you sigh again. “But I’m using your title as a sign of respect, just as I would do with anyone else.”
“And I love that about you, but I wanna hear you say my name,” he grips your wrists harder, gives you a little yank, and you arch into him involuntarily.
“Captain Howzer…” you say, trying to keep your tone even and clinical.
“Close,” he smiles but shakes his head. “But no. Just say my name, and I’ll behave.”
You take a deep breath, knowing he’s absolutely full of shit without running a single test to prove it.
“Howzer…” you say in a low voice, your temple pressed against his. He hums low in his throat, and the vibration of it in his chest seems to travel wherever your body is touching his.
You let your lips brush his ear: “Can you please allow me to finish my exam now?”
“Yes ma’am,” he rumbles, letting go of your wrists and planting his hands on the edge of the table again.
His eyes are closed and he keeps very still as you clean his head wound, patching it with bacta and exploring the rest of the lines in his face, running your fingers over the deep scar on his cheek.
“Field medic work,” he smiles, leaning into your touch. “Didn’t have your finesse.”
“Doesn’t change anything,” you blurt out quietly.
His eyes slide open and they are darker than a starless night. “Hm?”
“You know,” you frown, pushing his face to the side to check his neck and shoulders with careful hands.
“What do I know?” he asks, his cheek twitching with how badly he’s trying not to smirk. “What doesn’t the field medic’s work change?”
You sigh roughly in the back of your throat as you move around the table to check his back. “Your… face.”
“Oh, because every clone has the same one?” he asks, a defensive lilt to his teasing.
“No!” you poke him in the shoulder blade, hard.
“Then what?” he twists, to try to make you look at him again, but you push him forward.
“What did you promise me?” you frown. “Be still, Howzer.”
He inhales deeply and sits up with perfectly straight posture. You run your hands down his spine, then press your fingers where you know injured organs would reveal tender spots. He doesn’t flinch, but you don’t know if that’s his training or an actual lack of pain. Nothing seems out of place, but knowing him, he’s probably hiding something.
“Get up,” you pat his shoulder.
He obeys, standing perfectly at attention.
And as you help him remove his lower armor, it’s very apparent that he’s not the only one.
You instantly blush, despite having seen countless human bodies in all different contexts… your whole body flushes with warmth which travels between your legs. You’re removing his knee pads and the feelings you’re having are so improper you feel yourself blushing harder with shame…
“Sorry Doc,” he says quietly. “Natural reaction.”
“To what?” you blurt out, looking up from your kneeling position into his face.
He smirks. “I think we both know you know the answer to that… You’re a doctor. You know how the human body functions in these situations…”
You shake your head. “I’m making sure you’re not going to die of internal injuries, Howzer. I’m not doing anything to try and…cause this.”
“Don’t have to,” he says, low and rough. “You just are.”
Your fingers are still on his thigh, just about to get him to lift his foot to let you remove his boot, when you stop and feel your jaw go slack.
“Please stand up,” he asks. You oblige him, and he sits back up on the exam table, obediently removing his boots for you without breaking eye contact once. You swallow around your dry throat, taking in the sight of him there in nothing but the bottom half of his blacks, which he’s now standing again to remove.
Howzer sits back up on the exam table in just his dark briefs, which — despite their color — are not doing much to hide the topic of your discussion.
Why do I want it in my mouth?
Your eyes are wide when you meet his gaze again, thankful beyond belief that he can’t read your mind. But he smiles softly like he can.
Why is that a thought I’m having right now, when I should be making sure he isn’t in any more pain?
You try to snap out of it, distracting yourself by looking fo contusions or abrasions, any signs of internal injuries or dislocated bones… You put your gloved hand on his thigh to inspect a discoloration there and his body reacts visibly to your touch.
“Howzer…” you whisper, “Should I stop?”
“Please don’t,” he breathes, reaching out to grip the wrist closest to his bare skin.
“I… I need you to stand up and turn around,” you tell him quietly, and he does as he’s told, letting you peruse the backs of his legs and the bottoms of his feet.
When he turns around again, he’s mere inches from your body, his muscles taut and his face hyper-focused on yours.
“I don’t see any other… problems,” you swallow, your voice barely audible. “You’re free to dress and go now.”
“But I don’t want to,” he shrugs, lifting his hands to cradle your face.
He doesn’t kiss you.
He brushes his nose against yours, touches your foreheads together, rubs his cheekbone up and down your cheek.
You can feel the rough texture of the skin on his face and let a soft sound escape your careful throat.
Howzer locks onto that sound like a heat-seeking missile, pressing his hand gently to your throat and repeating the motion he thinks you liked — his cheek pressed to yours.
You whimper lightly, just barely audible, and he loses his careful control to what he wants most.
He kisses you so hard it snaps your head back; you gasp into his mouth and he takes that as an invitation, exploring inside with his tongue. He only breaks the seal your lips have made to let you breathe, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your jaw and down your neck, hungrily making his way down to taste as much of your skin as he can reach.
His hands move from your face and neck to unbutton your uniform coat, pushing it down off your shoulders onto the floor, sliding his long fingers under the shirt you wear beneath.
“I want this off,” he tells you, and you nod your permission, lifting your arms to let him strip you from the waist up.
He removes your bra so quickly and easily it gives you the slightest moment of hesitation and doubt, wondering how many women he’s collected inside the warmth of his body just like this. But his hands are holding your breasts and his tongue is in your mouth again, and you quickly forget your fears. His fingers travel down to the waistband of your pants, and you don’t think you’ve ever taken them off so quickly in your entire lifetime.
“Fuck,” he whispers, looking at you in nothing but your underwear. “You’re perfect.”
“Prove it,” you tease him. “You get naked first.”
He smiles at you with bright eyes, yanking his underwear down and hopping up to lie back on the exam table with his arms behind his head, all too comfortable.
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” he asks, eyes closed, body stretched out for your (scientific) inspection.
You remove your gloves and run your fingertips from his broad shoulders to his hip bones, watching his dick twitch at the attention of your hands.
“I think you’re perfectly…healthy, Captain,” you tell him, your eyes landing on the glorious thickness he’s been hiding in those briefs.
Howzer props himself up on one elbow, turning just enough to ripple more muscles like a statue carved of some ancient god from another galaxy.
“Your turn,” he drawls, gesturing with his finger toward your underwear, and you shake your head.
“Oh now that’s just not fair,” he crows, climbing back down off the exam table and putting his hands on your hips, changing tactics.
“Do you want me to take them off for you?” he gives you a half-smile, his eyes blazing a path from your bare breasts to the fabric between him and his goal.
You nod slowly, pushing your hips just slightly forward as he dips his thumbs in the band around your waist.
“I need to hear you say it,” he says quietly.
“Please take them off,” you try to whisper, but it comes out like a whine. He looks into your eyes expectantly, wiggling his thumbs but not moving his hands any more than that.
“Howzer…” you groan. “Please.”
“That’s better,” he pushes your underwear to the floor and runs his hands back up your legs as you step out. “Isn’t it?”
He kisses you again, softer this time but no less hungry, pulling you back with him onto the exam table. He wraps his arms around you until you’re flush on top of him, nipping at your lips and running his hands all over your body, seeking friction by pressing his hips up into yours…
“Would you like to ride me, sweetheart?” he rasps, his erection pressed against your hip, his heart pounding in his chest against yours. “Because I’d like nothing more than to see you get on top and use me however you want.”
You know your face must look like you’re in pain, the need for him so strong it feels like your heart could stop. You move your knees apart and brace yourself, letting him help you to a more upright position, crawling back until you’re hovering right above him.
You look into his eyes as you guide him to your entrance, inhaling shakily as you feel the tip slide past your resistance, shoving your knees farther apart and dropping slowly to take him deeper. His eyes practically roll back in his head the farther down you go, groaning low in his throat when he’s fully sheathed inside of you.
The two of you stay very still for a long moment, just breathing while you both adjust. When you start to move on him, he looks up at you heavy-lidded and reaches up to grope your breasts, moaning a bit as you sink your fingernails into his shoulders trying to find a rhythm you both like. You roll your hips and grip him good as you do, filthy curses escaping his swollen lips with every thrust.
Howzer lifts his knees slightly to support you, gripping your hips tight as you ride him hard, forgetting every reason you shouldn’t be doing this as you lose yourself to the feeling of him inside of you as his hands explore your ass.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to fuck you like this?” he asks roughly, one hand gripping your ass, the other running up your back to grab a fistful of your hair. You shake your head, unable to form cohesive thoughts as you move on him faster, your need for him only increasing the harder you fuck him.
He sits up suddenly, spreading his legs and bending his knees, wrapping his arms around your lower back and staring right in your eyes as he fucks you right back.
You run your hands through his hair, rubbing the fuzz where his head is shaved and crying out as he hits the perfect spot while holding you this close.
“Since day one,” he rasps. “I’ve wanted you like this since I first met you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about taking you right here, just like this…”
He grunts as you clench around him, wetter than ever and panting his name, blissfully close to him making you cum in his lap right on your fucking exam table.
“Fuck me, Howzer,” you beg him, all sense of propriety lost in the lustful haze clouding your brain and flooding your body with heat. “Please just fuck me.”
“No, baby,” he denies you. “I want this to last.”
“But I’m so close,” you whine, pushing him down on his back and riding him harder.
He moves his hand from your hip to press his fingertips to your clit, not bothering to move them with how quickly your hips are rocking, and your head rolls loosely on your neck as your back arches. You bite your lip to keep from screaming as he drags the orgasm right out of you with his lazy fingers and his ridiculously perfect cock.
“Howzer, I can’t, I’m gonna…” you whine, and he pulls himself up again, locking eyes with you as he feels you hit your threshold, a strangled moan slipping out of you as he keeps you close while you cum.
“Come on, baby,” he coaxes as you start to slow your movements to a near-stop, “Are we done already?”
“Sit up,” you tell him, climbing off of him and the table, kneeling and watching him swing his legs over the side.
“Am I already due for another exam—” he chokes on his teasing remark as you take his leaking dick into the tight wetness of your mouth, rolling your tongue underneath him and hollowing your cheeks.
“Fucking Maker,” Howzer groans, his hands instantly tangling in your hair, hips bucking toward your face. “You keep that up and I’m not going to last much longer either.”
Your only reply is to bob your head, taking him deeper toward your throat with each motion, using your hands to grip what can’t fit inside your mouth.
“Oh sweet fuck,” he growls, turning into an absolute mess as you stare up into his eyes while you suck him off. He doesn’t know where to put his hands and he’s trying so hard to let you do what you want, but you can feel him throbbing and you know he’s ready to lose it.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know where you want me to cum, but you’d better decide fast,” he rasps, his eyes squeezing shut.
You keep him in your mouth, but pull back just enough to swirl your tongue around his already-sensitive tip. He groans and shoves his dick deeper in your mouth, yanking your head back by the hair as he loses control. He cums down your throat with a series of grunts and moans your name when he’s finally finished. You swallow every drop, content to lick him lazily until he groans and tugs on your hair to make you stop, guiding your face back up to his.
“You’re mine now, I hope you know,” he growls in your ear, his scarred cheek pressed to yours as he does.
You nod in agreement, feeling his fingers slip between your legs again as he kisses you gently at first…
But you make sure to call him “Captain” when he makes you cum the second time, with nothing but his tongue.
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
Fish out of Water - Chapter 4
“Figures,” you huff, grunting as the curve of a chin scrubs gently behind your knees, “Most people are followed home by a lost dog, or a stray cat, but oh no – Not me! I get whatever you two are!”
Helplessness is, in a word, paralysing.
There have only been two moments in your life where you've faced the unrelenting, near-crushing pressure of true helplessness - the kind that freezes a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck, the kind that a diver must feel when he's run out of oxygen and he's still three hundred feet from the ocean's surface.
The first instance occurred not so long ago, when the doctors lifted your hospital bedsheets and showed you the empty space where your right leg should have been.
The second moment, interestingly enough, is right now, sitting stiffly astride the chest of a Lovecratian sea monster as it carries you over the sea, each immense tentacle working in tandem to push its bulk lazily up the coastline, parallel to the chalk cliffs.
The clammy skin beneath your backside offers little relief from the bone-deep chill that's settled over you like a wet blanket. You're soaked through. Even your newly-acquired, wax coat has been exposed to the sea, and now, every inch of your body is drenched to the touch.
Both of your arms are circled around your one remaining knee and you stare blankly at the space where your prosthetic used to be, eyes wide as saucers and unblinking despite the raindrops that frequently settle on your lashes.
You're frozen, literally and figuratively. The tops of your fingers and toes have gone numb, and you're too petrified to lift your head up to acknowledge the blood-red stare that's affixed to the top of your sodden hair.
The mer with a face so pale and large that it could replace the moon in the night's sky hasn't once allowed its gaze to stray from you, not even, apparently, to check where it's going. You suppose that somehow, it must be able to sense the environment around it through other means, not that you're anything like an expert in marine biology.
For the last five minutes, ever since it hauled itself from the beach with you in tow, you've been sat shivering like a bedraggled idiot on its sternum whilst it floats upside-down on its eastward journey up the coast, moving back alongside the path you'd taken earlier this morning.
Once, it had brought its colossal hands up to its chest and angled them as if it meant to cup each palm around you, but when you nearly scrambled sideways into the icy water to escape, its appendages has quickly retreated, and since then, you've been subjected to its unwavering stare instead, trapped beneath the soft glow of red that lights up the pale skin all around you.
Any ounce of control you thought you'd retained had swiftly evaporated back on that beach.
Perhaps it's the act of sitting directly over an immense, powerful heart that reminds you of how much smaller you are in comparison to the creature swimming below you.
Smaller, slower, weaker.
Prey perched upon a predator's belly.
While neither creature has actually caused you any harm - save for almost giving you numerous heart-attacks - right now, you're painfully aware that they could do whatever the hell they want to you, and you have no way of stopping them. This beast could carry you anywhere it cares to, leaving you stranded out in open water, miles from sight of land, or worse... it could drag you to the bottom of the cold, dark ocean and watch you try to struggle your way back to the surface.
Helpless.... You hate this feeling.
A loud chirp twitches your eyes to the right, out towards the water, where you immediately lock gazes with the other mer, whose fins so closely resemble the rays of a clipart sun that it'd be funny if they were sported by any smaller creature.
As soon as it notices you looking its way, the beast's mouth surfaces and it grins over at you, showing off the wide expanse of baleen that pushes its cheeks up until they're round and pronounced.
After a moment, you blink, give a wet sniffle and eventually drop your chin down to your knee once again, breathing hard as you try to resign yourself to whatever far these things might have in store for you. If you're going to die, you may as well pretend to be dignified about it.
In the corner of your vision, you see the mer's fins flop backwards against its skull and its grin falters until it collapses entirely and the beast sinks back into the waves, disappearing from view with a thick, oily 'gloop.'
Golden scales flash briefly for a second before the creature dives deeper.
You wonder if it's offended by your refusal to interact with it.
Choking on a scoff, you swipe bitterly at the rain in your eyes and try to duck down further behind the collar of your coat.
It's only seconds later that a noisy splash plucks at your attention, to the left this time.
Tossing a glance in that direction, you find yourself once again peering over at the sunny mer, who throws its mouth up into another grin when it sees you looking.
Then, in a strange display, it begins to flap the orange fins surrounding its head back and forth, flinging them upright, then laying them flat against its skull before repeating the motion in quick succession.
It's an absurd behaviour, seemingly benign, and so entirely unexpected that you don't know how else to react other than to offer the beast a half-hearted quirk of your lips, the distant relative of a smile. You can't find the energy to put any real genuineness behind the action.
Apparently however, this is more than sufficient for the mer's agenda, as its entire expression lights up like a sunflower splaying its petals, big, pale eyes pinch shut.
The creature unleashes a series of chirrups and whistles, overcome by what you can only assume is delight.
As it continues to warble over at you, you grow increasingly perturbed. Dropping your mouth into a downturned line once again, you shuffle away from its gaze, turning on your rump to stare down at your kidnapper's clavicle instead.
Over the sound of rushing waves, you catch a despondent whine.
Underneath you, a sudden rumble passes through the moon beast's chest like a seismic wave, travelling up the column of its throat until it peels its lips apart and unleashes a deep, resonant murmur that vibrates your ribcage and rattles the teeth in your skull.
Risking a glance at it, you find that it has lifted its head out of the water to peer over at its ilk.
Something must have passed between them. A word. A conversation, perhaps... because all of a sudden, the sunny behemoth barks out a response and ploughs to an abrupt halt in the surf.
Startled by the sudden displacement of several thousand gallons of ocean, you twist your head over a shoulder to gape after the mer as it spins its vast bulk around, using its arms to move great swathes of water past itself.
And just like that, with a flick of its substantial fluke, it jets off, vanishing below the waves once more, leaving behind nothing but ever-expanding ripples that mingle with those created by the falling rain.
It's headed back in the direction of the beach you've just been swiped from...
You're not even going to pretend to understand the indecipherable conversation that had just happened between those two leviathans.
Sniffing quietly, you clutch your knee to your chest, peering bleakly out in the direction the yellow mer had just disappeared, shuddering like a leaf in a hurricane.
It's only the dark shadow falling over you that snaps you from your trance.
Instinctively, you gasp and duck, throwing your hands up to cover your head as the presence of something huge and heavy looms just a few feet above your fragile skull. Heaving in a lungful of cold air, you tilt your head up gradually, your face pinched in anticipation.
You nearly pass out at the sight of the colossal, webbed palm hovering over you.
Flinching again, you screw your eyes shut and feel your body solidify like a wooden board, expecting a blow that'll crush you flat...
… Seconds pass...
The rain continues splashing against the vast expanse of flesh surrounding you, yet even through the incessant pounding of water on skin, you still register that not a single drop falls upon your head.
And neither does the sea monster's hand.
As the waves slosh and surge around your captor, it gradually starts occurring to you that you haven't yet become a red stain on its sternum.
With all the reluctance of swimming out over a black, oceanic trench, you emerge from behind your raised arms, lowering them slowly until you're once more gaping up at the underside of that enormous hand.
Each claw-tipped finger has to be longer than you are tall.
Stretched wide, the translucent webbing stitched to the side of each digit forms a better umbrella than the one you'd left behind on the beach, keeping you dry from the worst of the storm's deluge. A sudden rumble of thunder booms somewhere off in the distance, out over the open water, reminding you of the tempest's approach.
Despite the remnants of rain that trickle off your chin to get lost beneath the collar of your coat, your lips feel tremendously dry as you level your gaze down, away from the palm hovering above you until your eyes eventually land on the face of your cephalopod captor.
It, in turn, is staring back at you, eyes still wide and glowing ominously in the grey light.
The hand above you doesn't move, but the tentacles continue to propel you both along the coastline, methodically undulating beneath the deep, dark water.
You can feel their motion with every flex and twitch of the giant's abdomen.
A question bubbles at the back of your throat, yet the effort it takes to peel your lips apart is tremendous.
“What-” You immediately cut yourself off when the mer's blue sail perks up a little, hyper-attentive to the sound of your voice. Lips stuffed together, you wait, once again expecting it to make another move.
But after a long minute has passed, you realise it isn't going to. Instead, it only looks down at you, head cocked to one side, almost as if it's waiting for you to continue speaking.
Wetting your lips, you pry them apart again, tasting salt spray on your tongue.
“What.... are you guys?” you ask in a whisper, so soft that you wouldn't have thought the creature had heard you were it not for the quirk of its sail and the expansion of its pupils, each growing enough to nearly encompass the red of its irises.
Irrationally, you fear they could easily turn into a pair of black holes that might swallow you down into their depths if you peer at them for too long.
“Can you, uh... can you understand me?”
Again, the question is only a decibel away from being utterly silent.
For a long moment, the creature only stares back at you, its chin crooked forward onto its chest to keep you within its sights.
Mouth slightly agape, you wait...
And wait....
And wait...
But when no acknowledgement follows your question, you find the heart to ask another, one that's perhaps more pressing than its predecessor.
“Where are you taking me?”
This, at least, emerges from your throat as a louder sound.
It's just a shame it comes out as a sob.
Your theory that the beast can't understand you is suddenly scuppered however when, as if in direct response to your query, it tilts its head back until it's upside down, facing the direction you're headed.
Underneath you, vast muscles shift and contract, and with just a flick of its tentacles, the creature adjusts the course, turning its body effortlessly to face the towering cliffs.
Giving a gasp of alarm, you drop your leg to lay flat across its chest and plant both hands into its spongey flesh, keeping yourself steady when the movement nearly sends you toppling sideways.
Following the mer's gaze, you allow yourself a second to wonder why it's turned towards the cliffs, only to feel your heart suddenly careen forwards to smack against your ribcage as you register an all too familiar sight.
“That's-! That's the cottage!” you exclaim, briefly startled from your existential fear as the sea monster surges cleanly across the ocean on its back like an immense dreadnought cutting the waves in two. For just a moment, you forget yourself, drinking in the sight of the old fisherman's cottage that sits upon the cliff, plain as day, a beautiful splash of white shining out through the gloom of the storm.
You would have never thought that the ramshackle, little place could almost reduce you to tears of relief, but... here you are.
“I-I don't understand!” you gasp out, craning your neck back to gaze up at the cliffs looming over your head as you approach, “Why have yoU~OU-HEY!”
All at once, the familiar slickness of a gigantic tentacle slips gently, but quickly around your waist and you're pried from the mer's chest, flailing wildly for a moment before you remember that there's little to no point. Struggling hadn't helped you escape its clutches before, why should it now?
Gulping audibly, you stare down at the churning waves far below you as the creature rights itself and reaches six of its eight, writhing appendages towards the cliff face.
Powerful suckers crash into the solid rock and adhere themselves to it, and you can do nothing but hang from its grasp as the giant begins to crawl its way up towards the grassy plateau overhead.
It doesn't take much, just two immense pulls from its tentacles working in tandem and suddenly, you're being lifted over the lip of the cliff.
Bracing your hands on the slippery flesh wrapped around your waist, you watch the ground sweep by under your dangling leg as the beast hoists itself up after you, it's breaths coming in great, heaving swathes like a set of bellows intended to coax the sun to rise.
Without prompt, the mer carries you right up to the cottage, just as it had yesterday, almost to the back doorstep before it lumbers to a gradual halt, and, to your mounting confusion, it begins to lower you towards the ground.
The sole of your foot touches down on the sodden grass, yet the tentacle remains around your waist, holding you aloft where you'd likely collapse without the aid of your crutch or prosthetic, both of which are still lost to the sea by now, placing you at an even greater disadvantage than you already were. Not that it'd make a lick of difference, you suppose.
Once again, warmth and potential safety are only a few, hobbling steps away, but this time...
“You brought me back...” you murmur softly to the giant behind you, feeling the ground tremble as it settles its weight onto its arms, “Just like I asked you to...”
This time, something foreign and strangely familiar floats above the lay of fear bobbing inside your belly, something you'd almost forgotten you could feel. You hardly even recognise it for what it is at first, not until you use your arms to pull yourself around in the tentacle's loose grasp, slowly bringing yourself face to gigantic face with the mer.
You've turned towards potential danger, instead of trying to get away from it.
How could you have forgotten the tantalising lure of curiosity? Has it really been lost to you ever since the accident, only to return now, when you're standing on the precipice of something huge and unknown?
Still, the horror and disbelief attempts to force its way to the surface, howling at you to listen to your baser human instincts and continue fighting to escape. But rationality, at last, has found you. The mer is only blinking down at you, its pale chin hovering just a foot or so above the grass and its sail flickering around in the air behind its head, buffeted by the ever-strengthening gale. Behind it, the extensive tentacles stretch towards the edge of the cliff. All bar one.
You've only just realised that the tendril holding you is the same one you'd freed from the net.
Releasing a long, somber breath, you pinch your brows together and rove your gaze over the cross-hatch of pale, pink lines that have been left behind in the otherwise indigo flesh.
Your fingertips press down on the tentacle surrounding you in a quiet offer of sympathy.
The wound looks as though it'll scar, but the creature hasn't lost its limb entirely.
For that, you suppose, you can at least say you've done a good thing.
“Huh,” you murmur aloud, a tiny sound of surprised realisation.
When was the last time you did a good thing?
Blinking the rain off your lashes, you draw in a trembling breath and raise your eyes to meet the leviathan's stare.
It lays on its stomach, peering back at you with a curious tilt to its head, twitching the gills on its neck when you open your mouth to speak.
Before you can so much as utter a word, you're almost immediately interrupted by a loud, unexpected warble drifting up to your ears from somewhere below the cliff.
Your stomach flip-flops when you spot the sunny mer's head rising like its namesake over the edge, its fins perked towards you.
With one, almighty heave that sends sediment skittering down into the sea far below, it hauls itself up onto the plateau and starts dragging itself eagerly up towards the cottage, covering several dozen metres in the span of mere seconds.
Even with the storm dulling the landscape around you to deep, oppressive greys, somehow, the mer's golden tail manages to gleam like a solar flare bursting through the darkness of space.
With enormous effort, you drag your eyes from its undulating tail and try not to press yourself backwards into the tentacle's grasp as the second beast careens to a halt beside its counterpart, planting its massive palms in the grass and churning up the soil in its wake.
To your relief, it stops before it can bulldoze straight over you. The tremors rolling through the ground cease, and you're left gaping up into that wide, round face as it beams back at you, bending at the waist to bring itself closer, rainwater cascading off its rays and splashing against the dirt whilst it settles on its forearms in front of you, mirroring the pose of its ethereal friend.
Heart in your throat, you try to slow your breathing, warily eyeing it when its chin finally brushes the tufts of grass underneath it.
If you were to stretch out an arm, you'd wager you could touch the slippery surface just below its mouth.
Slowly, ever so slowly, those baleen teeth peel apart right in front of you, giving you the jarring impression that it might be seconds away from swallowing you whole.
Peering down that damp, cavernous gullet would have your knee collapsing out from underneath you, were it not for the tendril still keeping you aloft.
Before the panic can steal what little body heat still remains in your extremities however, you see it.
A flash of white, sitting slap-bang in the centre of the pink, fleshy tongue.
“No way,” you breathe incredulously, overcome by the disconcerting gnaw of deja-vu.
But sure enough, only a second later, the familiar, shiny plastic of your once-thought-lost prosthetic comes tumbling out from between the leviathan's jaws and lands with a dull 'splat' in the mud at your foot.
Mind reeling, you rove a daring look up the length of its body until you meet its pale stare again. “You... went back?" you croak, releasing a shuddering exhale, "For this?”
By way of its own, unusual reply, the sunny mer trills noisily, clicking its baleen together and shifting its weight until there's enough room for a colossal arm to creep forwards along the ground. Then, extending one, long finger, the beast nudges at your prosthetic, sliding it a few inches closer to you before withdrawing its hand and flicking its gaze between the lump of plastic and your face a few times, as if to silently convey a message it can't communicate through speech.
For a long moment, you can do little else but blink numbly at the limb in front of you as your brain tumbles over itself piecing together bits of information that have, until now, been nothing more than fleeting thoughts.
They brought you back. They brought your lost prosthetic back. Neither mer has caused you any real harm, barring the admittedly dicey incident where you thought you were about to be crushed under a gigantic fist for the crime of producing a blunt knife.
Even now you can feel the gentle pressure of a tentacle around your waist, just enough to keep your standing upright on the ground, yet never once does it grow tight enough to cause discomfort. You've seen the power behind those limbs. The strength they'd have to possess just to heave such a gargantuan body up over the side of a cliff. The control it must be exerting simply to keep itself from hurting you is...
Well. It's substantial, to say the least.
What monster would extend such a courtesy?
What monster would allow you to free its injured limb from a suffocating net, and return you to a place of safety?
Just what in the world have you stumbled upon?
Or perhaps, more fittingly, what in the world has just stumbled upon you?
Swallowing a lump in your throat, you drag your gaze up to their faces, each hovering so close to you now, you can feel the warmth of their combined breaths chasing away a bit of the chill in your muscles.
What you wouldn't give for a nice, hot bath right about now...
When you open your mouth, they immediately perk up, a twitch of their fins alerting you to their attention. You only hesitate to gather yourself before you manage to say anything that won't come out as a squeak.
“... Maybe I'm just going insane,” you begin, listening to the yellow mer croon at the sound of your voice, its smile stretching ever wider, “But I'm starting to think you guys aren't gonna hurt me...”
For several seconds, the only movement around you comes from the rain pelting rythmically against the wet earth.
But then, at the pace of a vast, white glacier, the moon-faced beast pushes its head along the grass until it's hovering right in front of you, so close that you can see a reflection of yourself gawking back at you from deep within its eyes.
Two slitted nostrils flare and wink shut several times near your face, blasting your hair back off your slick forehead.
Your trembling hands uncurl themselves from the fists they'd squashed themselves into.
“Maybe I really have gone insane...”
A shaking hand tentatively peels itself from your chest, and before you can think to come to your senses, you start reaching out across the meagre space separating you from the mer's head.
“Please don't bite me,” you whisper under your breath, mouthing 'please' over and over again and screwing your expression up into a tight ball until, with a soft gasp, you feel your hand make contact with the spongey skin on the creature's nose, just between its eyes.
Breathless, you open your mouth to try and draw in a trembling inhale, easing your brows apart and staring up at the sight of your fingers pressing tiny divots into the pale, malleable wall of flesh.
“Oooh~ my god,” you half sing, half whimper as the beast's eyes slip shut and it emits a contented rumble, sending quakes up your arm and into your chest, “This is crazy. This is... I mean... Shit, I don't know. But it's huge!”
Evidently taking umbrage to the fact that its friend is receiving attention and it isn't, the sunny mer warbles a loud complaint. The next thing you know, your moon friend's face has been bunted aside to make room for a grinning beast of equally epic proportions.
Taken aback, it's tentacle jerks open and you're dropped, landing on your backside in the mud with a startled yelp only to find your space thoroughly invaded by that same insistent, yellow snout.
A swift reprimand is dealt by the larger mer, who snaps its sharp teeth perilously close to the offender's orange fins, though the latter either doesn't care, or doesn't notice, too preoccupied with gazing down at you with a hopeful chirr.
“O-okay,” you hum, swallowing your heart back down into your chest and reaching up with a quivering arm, “Just... just steady, all right? You're a lot bigger than I am, remember...”
Where the first behemoth had waited for your hand to find its nose in your own time, the second seems a little more impatient, and before you know it, the warm, squidgy tip of its snout has all but shoved itself into your palm.
It takes every ounce of courage you have to spare to keep yourself from recoiling.
Instead, you force down the lump of nerves in your throat and allow your fingers to splay out across the yellow skin. At first, the mer's eyes grow wide and round at the sensation, as if it's overcome by wonder.
“There,” you utter, biting down apprehensively on your lower lip, “Happy?”
Yes, apparently.
The behemoth's immense chest expands and contracts around a sigh that nearly bowls you over onto your back with the force of it. The strong stench of fish doesn't help to keep you sitting upright either.
“Eugh,” you cough, flapping your free hand in front of your nose whilst you give the creature's flesh a steady pat, earning yourself a pleased hum in response, “Sorry I asked.”
If it's at all put out by your mild repulsion, the mer doesn't show it.
Gradually, the seconds tick over into a minute, and all the while, you keep your hand pressed against the curious nose, feeling the apprehension drain from your heart with every passing moment, and in spite of the cold, in spite of the terror you've felt over the past few days, even in spite of the twinge of your missing limb, your lips twitch up into an unmistakable, albeit tentative smile. The first, genuine smile you've plastered on your face since the accident.
The muscles in your cheeks bunch and ache a little, as if it's been just a little too long for them to remember what they're supposed to do.
There, at the very bottom of your chest, just below your thrumming heart, a tiny spark of wonder ignites.
But as soon as you notice its presence, your smile wavers, falling at the corners of your mouth.
“I don't know what you guys are or how the Hell you haven't been discovered yet but... whatever this is, it's big.” Slowly, your hand drifts away from the yellow mer, much to its apparent dismay as it opens its eyes and utters a petulant whine.
Shaking your head at it, you add, “It's too big for me...”
Perhaps if you were a marine biologist or... or an adventurer of some kind, you'd be beside yourself with excitement right now.
But as it is, you're neither of those things.
This is... They are someone else's discovery. Someone who would have half a clue of how to approach this from a sensible, level-headed point of view. This kind of thing doesn't happen to people like you.
You just want to be left alone.
“I don't know what you two want from me,” you sigh, raising a hand to scrub at the back of your neck, “Or whether you even want anything, but... but I don't think I'm... I'm not what you're looking for... Okay? I have to go home...”
Your statement doesn't seem to have much of an effect on either of them. The yellow behemoth keeps sending fleeting but pointed glances down at your hands whilst its counterpart remains still and silent, its eyelids dropping into a lazy blink.
“I have to go home,” you repeat, gesturing behind yourself at the house before pointing a finger between the two mer, “And you... you have to go to your home.” You lean sideways and indicate the ocean, prompting them to twist their heads around to follow the line of your finger.
“Do you understand?”
Apparently not, given the blank stares you're receiving.
Heaving out a sigh, you throw your hands up before leaning forwards and grabbing the prosthetic, grimacing when your fingers slide against the sticky, cooling saliva that clings to the plastic.
All of a sudden, the sky above you seem to grow darker, and at first, you assume the storm has taken a turn for the worse, but a quick glance skywards reveals that it's only your two new acquaintances looming closer, each watching with wide-eyed fascination as you begin pulling the prosthetic liner inside out and tug it over your stump, squeezing the air bubbles out of it as you go.
It'd be easier if you were standing, but with the mud still slick beneath you, you don't trust yourself not to simply slip over as soon as you attempt to get up.
Your audience continues to observe closely whilst you stick your residual limb into the socket and wriggle it around, ensuring the pin hasn't come loose in its journey from the beach back to you.
Once satisfied, you plant your feet against the ground and try to rise, but almost instantly, you realise it'll be a little more tricky than you first anticipated.
Your shoes slide jarringly across the wet grass as you try to gather purchase.
“Dammit,” you curse, making a second attempt, failing to notice the mers raising their heads to look at one another. You only realise they've moved when they both utter some kind of warbling croon, drawing your attention up to find them once again engaged in a back and forth of watery sounds that you have no hope of ever learning to decipher.
For a moment, the pace of your heart quickens slightly, wondering if, by some miracle, they understood you earlier and they're about to depart.
But that brief hope is extinguished almost a second later.
With no prior warning, the blue mer dips its head in the eerily human gesture of a nod before it returns its focus to you, shifting onto one elbow and reaching a mammoth hand out towards you.
“Woah, woah, wait! Hang on!” you blurt, waving your arms about as if you could deter it, but your efforts are all for nought.
Scrambling backwards only gets you a few inches of distance before you're promptly scooped up by smooth, cautious fingers and gently tilted sideways until you find yourself nestled safely within the cup of its palm.
Disoriented, you throw out a hand to grasp the creature's immense thumb and hold yourself steady, giving your head a rough shake to dislodge the hair plastered to your forehead.
No sooner have your regained your bearings than a soft pressure lands upon the crown of your head, pushing a yelp out of you at the jarring presence.
You instantly try to duck away from the pressure, lifting your hands to shove against cool skin, but it only follows your head down, nudging persistently into your hair.
“Hey-!” you start to complain, only to stuff your lips together and screw your face up when, of all things, the mer drags its entire, pale cheek across your nose and mouth.
Cracking open your eyes, you have to slam them shut again because the leviathan turns its head and slides its opposite cheek back across your face once more, further baffling you with the seemingly innocuous yet undeniably bizarre behaviour.
What in God's name is it doing?
Gasping out a breath, you're only slightly relieved when the mer lowers its attention and begins to nose at your chest instead, bowling you over onto your back as it rubs its chin very deliberately over the top of your leg and prosthetic.
“Gah! Stop that!” you complain, rolling over onto your stomach in an effort to escape the unwarranted attention, yet all this accomplishes is presenting your back to the mer, who wastes no time in giving this side of you the same treatment. A wheezing breath is pushed out of you as it squashes its cheek into your spine, and – to your mortification – starts to nuzzle into the fabric of your wax coat.
“Come on, man,” you whinge and reach out to grab at the webbing between its fingers, hoping to pull yourself away from the uncomfortable weight on your back, “You're gonna make me stink of fish!”
Just then, you pause, raising your head and squinting in disbelief through the mer's digits at the cottage, and the other behemoth lumbering towards it.
“What the-!? What the Hell are you doing!?”
Trapped by the face of the giant behind you, you're helpless but to watch on in disgruntled bemusement as the sunny mer flops its way right up to your grandfather's cottage and promptly drags the length of its body along the crumbling, eastern wall, not unlike a giant, slippery cat rubbing itself fondly between the ankles of its owner.
Lacking any apparent shame, it circles the cottage slowly, hauling itself along on its arms and exposing each wall to a rough scrape. You grimace when the poor, old stone creaks and groans in protest.
Struggling to raise yourself onto your hands and knees, you aim a shout at the yellow beast, trying to hear yourself think over the sudden croon of the mer nosing at the back of your neck.
“Oh, great! That's just great!” you yell, “Now the whole place is gonna reek of you guys! Do you mind!?”
Completing one, full circle of the cottage, the sun-faced giant finally peels itself from the walls and replies to you with a shake of its fins, slapping its fluke against the ground and giving you a smile that makes it look entirely too pleased with itself for your liking.
“Figures,” you huff, grunting as the curve of a chin scrubs gently behind your knees, “Most people are followed home by a lost dog, or a stray cat, but oh no – Not me! I get whatever you two are!”
As if in response to your grumbling, a slick, wet tongue laps gingerly over the seam where your prosthetic is attached to your stump, pulling a shrill squeal from your lungs.
Indignant, you whip yourself over onto your back and address the enormous face hovering over you, jabbing a shaking finger at it and hollering, “All right! Enough! Put me down this instant!”
Slitted nostrils suck the air from around your head as the mer gives you a good, long sniff before, at long last, it obliges, though you imagine this is due to mere coincidence rather than any acknowledgement of your squeaky demand.
Still, it seems this mortifying and undignified ordeal might finally be coming to an end as you're lowered to the back step of the cottage and tilted gingerly from the behemoth's palm.
Back on solid ground, you stumble away from the hand, uttering a belated, "Thank you," and letting your spine hit the doorknob.
You were right. The entire house and your clothes are now saturated with the salty stench of the sea with a rather unpleasant, fishy undertone. You can only hope this rain will wash off the worst of the smell.
The dinky, little shower at the back of the cottage is suddenly seeming more and more like a good idea, and you're reminded of just how long it's been since you had a good, long scrub.
Sighing rigidly, you aim a hesitant glare between each of the giants, fumbling with the doorknob and twisting it open, kicking the door inwards with the back of your heel. “Right... This has been...” You hesitate, trying to find an adequate word to sum up the entire experience. Eventually, you can only settle on, “Weird.”
It isn't a lie. Not entirely. Terrifying would be another word you'd use.
“Thank you for bringing me back,” you add, nodding at the blue mer before flicking a quick smile at the yellow one, “And thanks for returning my prosthetic.”
The pair of them seem to preen, either because they've earned your attention, or because they can at least comprehend a word of gratitude when they hear it.
With slow, shuffling steps, you edge backwards through the threshold of the cottage, keeping your eyes trained on the giants outside. “Now... Uh, go... go home,” you tell them, once again pointing out at the sea beyond the cliffs.
They don't follow the line of your arm this time, apparently far more interested in keeping their eyes glued on your face, so you drop your limb to your side and take another step, grabbing the edge of the door as you pass.
It's odd. You actually feel awkward closing the entrance on them, especially given that they're still staring down at you in total silence, their fins pricked to attention as if they expect you to continue engaging with them in some undisclosed way.
Swallowing thickly, you offer one last, uncertain smile that comes and goes as swiftly as a blink, and at last, you close the door, listening to the subtle 'click' of the latch sliding into place.
Spinning around, you let your back thud into the wood behind you, sagging like a deflated balloon.
Being inside, unable to see the marine giants, your brain starts trying to convince you that they hadn't even been real in the first place.
Out of sight, and all that.
But as you shuffle unsteadily to the bathroom at the back of the cottage and pass by a window on your way, you happen to glance through a gap in the curtains and catch sight of a single, enormous red eye peering in at you.
“Okay,” you mutter to yourself, reaching out a shaky hand and tugging the curtains closed, “Where the hell did granddad keep the towels...”
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fluffy-critter · 8 months
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udaiomnisblog · 2 days
Top Orthopedic Hospital in Hyderabad: Udai Omni Hospital
Hyderabad, known for its rich cultural heritage and booming technology sector, is also home to some of the finest healthcare institutions in India. Udai Omni Hospital stands out as the best orthopedic hospital in Hyderabad. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities, expert medical professionals, and comprehensive patient care, Udai Omni Hospital is the preferred choice for those seeking specialized orthopedic treatment.
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Udai Omni Hospital is a beacon of excellence in orthopedics, making it the best orthopedic hospital in Hyderabad. With its team of expert orthopedic specialists, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centered approach, the hospital is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care. Whether you are seeking treatment for a minor orthopedic issue or a complex surgical procedure, Udai Omni Hospital is the trusted choice for comprehensive orthopedic care. For more information about their services, visit Udai Omni Hospital.
By choosing Udai Omni Hospital, patients can rest assured that they are in the hands of experienced professionals committed to their health and well-being. The hospital’s unwavering focus on quality, safety, and patient satisfaction has earned it a reputation as a leader in orthopedic care, making it the preferred destination for orthopedic treatment in Hyderabad.
Contact No.: 04066292228
Address: 5-9-92, A/1, Chapel Rd, near Fateh Maidan, Fateh Maidan, Abids, Hyderabad, Telangana 500001
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sugunahospital · 4 months
Know the Common Sports Injuries Affecting Bones and Joints
Engage yourselves in physical activities and you will lead a fit and trouble-free life”. This statement is true as long as you don’t engage yourselves in an overdose of physical activities and become vulnerable to sports injuries. 
The Best Orthopedic Specialist in Bangalore associated with Suguna Hospital gives an insight into what sports injuries are all about. 
Understanding Sports Injuries
Eminent Orthopedic specialists working with a renowned Bones and Joints Clinic in Bangalore explain that sports injuries usually occur due to an overdose of physical activities like outdoor sports, exercises and athletics. It can occur immediately or develop over a period of time.
The following activities can put you at risk of developing a sports injury
Serious accident
Engaging in sports activities without proper protection
Relentless and strenuous sporting activity
Commonly observed Sport Injuries
Any Sportsman either a beginner or seasoned can suffer from a sports injury.  Bones and Joints are two significant parts of our body that sports injuries can significantly impact. 
Gaining a better understanding of these types of injuries can help sportsmen take precautions and seek medical attention when immediately required. 
Sprains and Strains
Ligaments and muscles are more prone to sprains and strains, which can cause severe pain lasting for days. Seeking immediate medical attention can prevent further degeneration.
These are very common among sports injuries, especially during outdoor sporting activities. They can be mild, moderate, or even severe depending upon the impact of the injury. Fractures can lead to cracks in bone or even hairline deformity. Multiple fractures need surgical intervention and rehabilitation. 
This condition occurs due to overactivity of a particular joint wherein there is swelling of tendon (the fibrous tissue that attaches bone to the muscles). A more commonly observed type of tendinitis is Achilles tendinitis that frequently affects athletes.
ACL tear
An ACL tear is a knee injury that happens when the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), one of the major ligaments in the knee, is stretched or torn. It commonly occurs during sports that involve sudden stops, changes in direction, or pivoting movements. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and instability in the knee. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of the tear and the individual's activity level.
Shoulders, wrists, and knees are commonly prone to dislocations that can occur when the bone joints can suddenly be displaced from their normal positions. This can occur due to sudden impact or stressful activity. Being aware of the commonly occurring sports injuries and the serious impact it can cause to our bones and joints is crucial. Untreated and prolonged sports injury can put you at a risk of developing arthritis. In the case of severe accidents, immediate medical attention is a must. Hence, if you are wondering who is the Best Sports Injury Doctor in Bangalore whom you can reach out to, look no further than our clinically efficient team of orthopedic Doctors at Suguna Hospital.
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santoshhospitals · 24 days
Discover the Best Orthopedic Care in Ghaziabad at Santosh Hospitals
When it comes to orthopedic health, finding the right medical facility and professionals is paramount. In Ghaziabad, Santosh Hospitals stands out as the premier destination for comprehensive orthopedic care. Whether you’re dealing with a minor injury or a complex musculoskeletal condition, Santosh Hospitals offers exceptional treatment options and personalized care that cater to your specific needs.
Why Choose Santosh Hospitals?
1. Top-Notch Facilities
Santosh Hospitals is renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, which includes advanced diagnostic and surgical equipment. The hospital’s commitment to staying updated with the latest medical technologies ensures that patients receive the most effective and efficient treatments available.
2. Expert Orthopedic Surgeons
At Santosh Hospitals, you’ll find some of the best orthopedic surgeons in Ghaziabad. Our team of highly skilled and experienced doctors specializes in a wide range of orthopedic procedures. From joint replacements to arthroscopic surgeries, our surgeons are adept at handling all kinds of orthopedic issues with precision and care.
3. Comprehensive Orthopedic Services
We offer a full spectrum of orthopedic services, making Santosh Hospitals the best hospital for orthopedic treatment in Ghaziabad. Our services include:
Joint Replacement Surgery: Knee, hip, and shoulder replacements performed with minimally invasive techniques for faster recovery.
Arthroscopy: Advanced keyhole surgeries for joint problems, ensuring less pain and quicker rehabilitation.
Spine Surgery: Treatment for various spinal conditions, including herniated discs and spinal stenosis.
Trauma and Fracture Care: Immediate and effective treatment for fractures and other orthopedic injuries.
Sports Medicine: Specialized care for sports-related injuries to help athletes return to their peak performance.
4. Patient-Centered Approach
Santosh Hospitals prides itself on a patient-centered approach, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, our team is dedicated to providing support and guidance every step of the way. Our holistic approach considers not only the physical aspects of recovery but also the emotional and psychological well-being of our patients.
5. Convenient Location
For those searching for the best orthopedic doctor near me in Ghaziabad, Santosh Hospitals is conveniently located, making it easily accessible for residents of Ghaziabad and surrounding areas. Our hospital is designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming environment for all patients.
Patient Success Stories
Our success is reflected in the numerous positive testimonials from our patients. Many have experienced significant improvements in their quality of life after receiving treatment at Santosh Hospitals. From elderly patients regaining mobility after joint replacement surgeries to athletes making a full recovery from sports injuries, our patient success stories are a testament to the high standard of care we provide.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
If you or a loved one is in need of orthopedic care, don’t hesitate to reach out to Santosh Hospitals. With our reputation as the best orthopedic hospital in Ghaziabad, you can trust that you’ll receive the highest quality treatment and care. Schedule a consultation with one of our expert orthopedic surgeons today and take the first step towards a healthier, more active life.
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drrahulagarwal · 1 month
Dr. Rahul Agrawal is the epitome of excellence in orthopaedic care, recognized as the best orthopaedic doctor in Rohini, Delhi. With a focus on providing top-notch treatment, Dr. Agrawal is renowned for his expertise in orthopaedic surgery, making him the go-to choice for patients seeking the best knee, hip, and shoulder replacement surgeon in Delhi. As a leading arthroscopic surgeon in Rohini, Delhi, Dr. Rahul Agrawal's commitment to delivering exceptional care is unmatched. If you're searching for an orthopaedic doctor near you, look no further than Dr. Agrawal for unparalleled expertise and compassionate care.
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softzenia-tech · 3 months
How to Get the Best Orthopedic Care: Your Road to the Top Ortho Doctors
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In the busy city of Ghaziabad, there is a spark of hope for people who want the best orthopedic care. This orthopedic hospital in Delhi NCR is the symbol of relief and faith. People of Ghaziabad rely more on them than the other so called renowned hospitals.
Finding the Safe Place: The Ghaziabad Orthopedic Hospital
People with joint problems go to this hospital in the middle of Ghaziabad, which is hidden from view. Because it has state-of-the-art buildings and a staff of experienced experts, it gives people with a hard time with their musculoskeletal health a glimmer of hope.
Keeping it Together: How to Find the Best Orthopedic Clinic Near Me
When looking for the best medical care, proximity is essential. This may be the last place to look for a ‘best ortho hospital near me’. Right here, in the middle of the town's busy streets, is a healing haven where knowledge meets kindness.
How to Find the Best Orthopedic Surgeon Near Me?
In orthopedic care, having a professional guide can make all the difference in the world. When looking for the ‘best orthopedic doctor near me’, consider how many skilled people live in Ghaziabad. These professionals are ready to help you get better. They are dedicated to patient-centered care and have an excellent name for quality.
Embracing Greatness: The Best Knee Replacement Surgeon
Skill is essential when it comes to complicated treatments like knee replacement surgery. Many well-known doctors live in Ghaziabad. They are known for being precise and always striving for perfection. Don't worry about your other surgery options anymore; the best knee replacement surgeon in Ghaziabad is ready to help you get back on your feet.
What the Knee Replacement Surgery in India Will Be Like in the Future
If someone decides to get the knee replacement surgery in Ghaziabad, it's the first step toward better health and movement. In Delhi NCR, this life-changing surgery is done with excellent care and pinpoint accuracy in an orthopedic setting. We put your health and safety first, from the first appointment to when you return to work after surgery.
Going Above and Beyond Commitment to Being Great
Our main idea is always to work hard to provide the best medical care in Ghaziabad. In the search for the best orthopedic hospital, doctor, or surgery in the area, Ghaziabad stands out as a sign of healing and hope. Here, where knowledge, empathy, and new ideas meet, your path to the best orthopedic health will end.
How to Get to the Top of Orthopedics
Ghaziabad is an active part of the orthopedic care system that brings together knowledge, compassion, and new ideas. From its well-known orthopedic hospital to the skilled doctors who work there, this city shows how orthopedic care can change people's lives. Come to Ghaziabad with us, and we'll show you the best medical treatments that will help you get better in the future.
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