eyefactive · 6 months
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At EuroCIS 2024, eyefactive presented groundbreaking and innovative touchscreen solutions that redefine the retail experience.
Read the full press release here:
eyefactive, the pioneer in interactive touchscreen solutions, unveiled its latest innovations at EuroCIS 2024, Europe's premier trade fair for retail technology, held from February 27 to February 29 at Messe Düsseldorf.
eyefactive introduced a 55'' PCAP touchscreen with optical bonding, ultra-high brightness and object recognition technology.
The multitouch app ShoppingAssistant offered omni-channel integration, staff compensation and expanded product range in stores.
eyefactive demonstrated its expertise by collaborating with esteemed partners like Extenda Retail AB, diz kiosk BV and Pyramid Computer GmbH.
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interactivesignage · 15 days
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Mit dem neuen AppSuite v4.2 Update können ab sofort sämtliche Interaktionen der Nutzung am Gerät aufgezeichnet und in diversen Analyse-Tools wie Microsoft PowerBi oder Adobe Analytics ausgewertet werden - von der ersten Berührung des Displays bis hin zum Kaufabschluss. Hiermit werden Multitouch-Screens zu einem enorm starken KPI-Tool, um Projekte zu analysieren und den Return-on-Invest optimieren zu können.
Am Point of Sale beispielsweise können Einzelhändler durch den Einsatz intelligenter Retail-Technologien wertvolle Daten über das Kundenverhalten, die Vorlieben und die Kundenbindung in den Geschäften sammeln. Diese Daten ermöglichen es anschließend, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, um das Einkaufserlebnis im Laden zu verbessern und den Return on Invest zu optimieren.
Erfahren Sie mehr: 
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eyefactive · 1 year
Whitepaper: A Brief History of Touchscreen Technology: From the iPhone to Multi-User Videowalls
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Years ago, touchscreen technology was fictional as it could only be seen in movies and read in books. Significant technological advancements have emerged from the generations that have passed, especially for touchscreens, which now explain their presence in the daily lives of humans. The touchscreen technology can get traced back to the 1940s, but much evidence points out that touch screens were not possible until 1965.
In this article:
The origins of touchscreen technology
Apple's iPhone: Touchscreens for the masses
Current touchscreen technologies
Touchscreen Software
B2B applications and multi-user technologies
Future touchscreen developments
Read the full article here:
Whitepaper: A Brief History of Touchscreen Technology: From the iPhone to Multi-User Videowalls
Learn more about eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologies, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Platform
Online Shop for Touchscreens, Tables, Kiosks & Videowalls
Touchscreen Object Recognition
Interactive Smart Signage Retail Technologies
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eyefactive · 1 year
Whitepaper: 7 Ways that Native Touchscreen Software trumps Common Web Technologies
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Special multitouch software is designed to deliver a smooth and seamless customer experience across a range of large-scale interactive digital signage - from self-checkout kiosks and touch tables to touch video walls.
In this article:
The Rise of Smart Interactive Touchscreen Technologies & Solutions
Customers want Speed, Convenience and Consistency
A New Marketplace Has Emerged for Native XXL Touchscreen Software
Finding the Right Software for your Touchscreen Systems
The Benefits of Special Software for XXL Touchscreen Systems
Read the full article here:
Whitepaper: 7 Ways that Native Touchscreen Software trumps Common Web Technologies
Learn more about eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologies, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Platform
Online Shop for Touchscreens, Tables, Kiosks & Videowalls
Touchscreen Object Recognition
Interactive Smart Signage Retail Technologies
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eyefactive · 15 days
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With the new AppSuite Update v4.2 all user interactions on the device can now be recorded and evaluated in various business intelligence tools such as Microsoft PowerBi or Adobe Analytics - from the first touch on the display to the completion of the purchase. This makes multi-touch screens an enormously powerful KPI tool for analyzing projects and optimizing the return on investment.
At the point of sale, for example, retailers can use smart touchscreen solutions with analytics to collect valuable data on customer behavior, preferences and customer loyalty in stores. This data can then be used to make informed decisions to improve the in-store shopping experience and optimize return on investment.
More information: 
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interactivesignage · 3 months
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Shopify ist jetzt vollständig in die eyefactive Touchscreen CMS Software AppSuite und die Shopping Assistant App über eine API integriert. Dies ermöglicht die einfache Integration all Ihrer Produkte, einschließlich mehrerer Checkout-Optionen, ohne Programmierung.
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eyefactive · 3 months
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Shopify is now fully integrated into the eyefactive touchscreen CMS software AppSuite and the Shopping Assistant app via an API. This integrates all of your Products easily including multiple checkout options without programming.
More information:
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interactivesignage · 6 months
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Auf der EuroCIS 2024 präsentierte eyefactive bahnbrechende und innovative Touchscreen-Lösungen, die das Einkaufserlebnis neu definieren.
Lesen Sie die vollständige Pressemitteilung hier:
eyefactive, ein Vorreiter in interaktiven Touchscreen-Lösungen, präsentierte auf der EuroCIS 2024, einer führenden Fachmesse für Retail-Technologie in Europa, seine neuesten Innovationen. Die Messe fand vom 27. bis 29. Februar in der Messe Düsseldorf statt.
eyefactive stellte einen 55'' PCAP-Touchscreen mit Optical Bonding, hoher Helligkeit und Objekterkennungs-Technologie vor.
Die Multitouch-App ShoppingAssistant bot Omni-Channel-Integration, Mitarbeitervergütung und ein erweitertes Produktsortiment in den Geschäften.
eyefactive bewies seine Kompetenz durch die Zusammenarbeit mit geschätzten Partnern wie Extenda Retail AB, diz kiosk BV und Pyramid Computer GmbH.
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interactivesignage · 9 months
Main Capital Software Top-50 Ranking
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eyefactive erreicht eine Nominierung im renommierten Main Capital Software Top-50 Ranking.
Wir freuen uns, dass unsere Interactive Signage Software Lösungen einen Platz in der renommierten Main Capital Software Top-50 Deutschland Rangliste 2023 erhalten haben.
Entdecken Sie hier mehr: https://mainsoftware50.com/de/edition/main-software-50-deutschland-2023/
Weitere Informationen zu eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologien, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Plattform
Online Shop für Touchscreens, Tische, Kiosk-Terminals & Videowalls
Touchscreen Objekterkennung
Interaktive Smart Signage Retail Technologien
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eyefactive · 9 months
Main Capital Software Top-50 Ranking
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eyefactive clinches a position in the prestigious Main Capital Software Top-50 Ranking.
We are delighted to announce that our interactive digital signage software solutions have clinched a spot in the prestigious Main Capital Software Top-50 Germany rankings in 2023.
Discover more here: https://mainsoftware50.com/de/edition/main-software-50-deutschland-2023/
Learn more about eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologies, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Platform
Online Shop for Touchscreens, Tables, Kiosks & Videowalls
Touchscreen Object Recognition
Interactive Smart Signage Retail Technologies
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interactivesignage · 10 months
ProAV Awards Finalist
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eyefactive hat es unter die Top-5 des ProAV Award Germany 2023 in der Kategorie "Best International Integration" geschafft
Wir freuen uns sehr, bekannt zu geben, dass eyefactive einen begehrten Platz unter den Top-5 des ProAV Award Germany 2023 in der Kategorie “Best International Integration" erlangt hat.
Wir sind dankbar für die Anerkennung und stolz auf die harte Arbeit unseres Teams.
Weitere Informationen zu eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologien, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Plattform
Online Shop für Touchscreens, Tische, Kiosk-Terminals & Videowalls
Touchscreen Objekterkennung
Interaktive Smart Signage Retail Technologien
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eyefactive · 10 months
ProAV Awards Finalist
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eyefactive has made it into the top 5 of the ProAV Award Germany 2023 in the category “Best International Integration”
We are thrilled to announce that eyefactive has secured a coveted position in the Top 5 of the ProAV Award Germany 2023 in the esteemed category of “Best International Integration.”
We are grateful for the recognition and proud of the team's hard work.
Learn more about eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologies, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Platform
Online Shop for Touchscreens, Tables, Kiosks & Videowalls
Touchscreen Object Recognition
Interactive Smart Signage Retail Technologies
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eyefactive · 1 year
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Object recognition is now also possible on display sizes of 86 and 98 inches. The new technology developed by eyefactive works on touch screens with infrared frames (IR) and corresponding marker chips.
Object recognition on touch screens was mainly realized on capacitive displays. With the newly developed technology of eyefactive it is now possible to recognize objects also on touch screens with infrared frames (IR), a world novelty.
Objects are recognized on multi-touch displays by means of so-called marker chips. They have now been adapted by eyefactive for recognition on touch screens with IR technology. The marker chips are passive and therefore do not need a battery for permanent operation.
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interactivesignage · 1 year
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Objekterkennung ist ab sofort auch auf Displaygrößen von 86 und 98 Zoll möglich. Die von eyefactive neu entwickelte Technologie funktioniert auf Touchscreens mit Infrarot-Rahmen (IR) und entsprechenden Marker-Chips.
Bisher wurde Objekterkennung auf Touchscreens vor allem auf kapazitiven Displays realisiert. Mit der neu entwickelten Technologie von eyefactive ist es ab sofort möglich, Objekte auch auf Touchscreens mit Infrarot-Rahmen (IR) zu erkennen, eine Weltneuheit.
Objekte werden auf MultiTouch Displays anhand sogenannter Marker-Chips erkannt. Diese wurden von eyefactive nun speziell für die Erkennung auf Touchscreen mit IR-Technologie angepasst. Die Marker-Chips sind dabei passiv, benötigen dementsprechend keine Batterie für einen dauerhaften Betrieb.
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eyefactive · 1 year
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GEBIT Solutions and eyefactive cooperate in the field of smart retail technologies In the partnership between GEBIT Solutions and eyefactive, both companies complement their expertise to modernize retail through the use of smart retail technologies.
By joining forces, they open up new opportunities for interactive omnichannel shopping, with a clear focus on an enhanced and personalized customer experience.
eyefactive's touchscreen software and the GEBIT Retail Platform by GEBIT Solutions are ideal for creating innovative, interactive omnichannel customer experiences.
Learn more here:
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eyefactive · 1 year
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GEBIT Solutions and eyefactive cooperate in the field of smart retail technologies In the partnership between GEBIT Solutions and eyefactive, both companies complement their expertise to modernize retail through the use of smart retail technologies.
By joining forces, they open up new opportunities for interactive omnichannel shopping, with a clear focus on an enhanced and personalized customer experience.
eyefactive's touchscreen software and the GEBIT Retail Platform by GEBIT Solutions are ideal for creating innovative, interactive omnichannel customer experiences.
Learn more here:
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