#Tourmaline the Diancie
mandercloud · 1 year
Shall We Dance, Tourmaline?
https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ot0D9Z6msSIN4fKugXXjiuq6zEyHlNivd_1kFi3SkI/edit A story I wanted to post, but was too big for the word limit. I had a strange idea come out from last week's Pokémon Go Fest, since it starred Diancie, and those special Pikachu that wore crowns. I couldn't find a Shiny Pikachu with a malachite crown to go with the other three, but I got a spare aquamarine and quartz Shiny Pikachu, male and female, respectively, and since they were low level, an idea popped in: "Njord and Tourmaline, it's perfect!" And so, here we are with a cute little side story. No clue where it would fit, but I just wanted to get it off my mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tourmaline and Adamina belong to me Njord belongs to @cyber-wildcat
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decibelcoatl · 1 year
Akusythia is two Psychic-types who lost someone close to them finding strength and fanning that strength in each other
Njordaline is two Mythicals of different backgrounds finding a common middle ground and celebrating it
Selina is two Taillow warriors of noble backgrounds forging their own paths and finding love through what's unique in one another
Cobalt x Isla is just two Water-type idiots in love who won't say they're in love
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amethystblack · 2 years
Now that it's been three months since Reborn's public release, may we see the un-redacted version of the ask where the dev team talk about their favorite parts of the game? Thanks! -Yeshua
oh, sure, why not.
i mean let's be honest it's probably going to be celebi or the ending(s) but if i had to mention a part everyone (can) knows i like all the characters' internal monologues in the void and most parts involving titania. granted i am not familiar with 80% of postgame also the elite four + champion
most parts involving ace i mean what? haha actual nonspoiler answer for pre-postgame is labradorra, i think it's hard not to just say "everything" i'm rlly fond of most of the story;; love shelly in labradorra so much;;, the different PULSEs are hella neat and manage to feel really unique despite basically being one after the other, i love the gang all pulling up and storming, it's just a really fun segment and i love the aesthetic of the map as a whole also tournament starlight colors was so pretty no bias
postgame i think lati quest, hoopa was a lot of fun, jirachi is maybe not your traditional definition of fun but gutted me pretty hard so i have to add that one, celebi bc first quest i worked on so more bias, and tao bc im biased once again
this answer is like 99% spoilers im sorry this is not a helpful answer but if it's a part people know def coming back to the city after it's rebuilt and seeing it all cleaned up and there suddenly being a ton to see and explore and it's all pretty was almost jarring the first time i played through and it still always makes me smile or the void the void is a good one
I'm going to surprise exactly no one and say I love the tourmaline arc- especially on Reshi but also on Zek, there's a lot of environmental storytelling out there and I really love the Train Towners
I've also got a soft spot for the entire glass workstation arc- I think the storytelling there is masterful.
Apart from that… I like (redacted: the maingame ending where Anna gathers everyone's good thoughts and hopes to help you reach Lin; that made my heart just shine), (redacted: Celebi), (redacted: Hoopa, that was a freaking riot), (redacted: dialkia because there are BABIES and also neat lore), (redacted: Darkrai, it's mean but in a very good way), (redacted: the entirety of Xernyvel. Noel my beloved; puzzle my beloved; Shelly my beloved) (redacted: tao, all of it) and probably other things I can think of when it's not almost 3am, but they'd all be redacted too. Oh yeah definitely the e4 too Victory Road itself was fun too but more because I liked the puzzles
oh also i haven't seen it ingame but shade and anna's ending made me cry when i read it so there's that
While my favorite aesthetically will almost certainly be the Diancie quest, but my favorite part that exists:
Gameplay wise: The garchomp, finding silly ways to beat it every playthrough is one of the biggest deliberations i make.
Meanwhile Doctor clownall getting hyper beamed through a wall was excellent
it's spoilers but kinda not if I just say El's elite 4 room, That doesn't sound spoilery does it like it's known he's in the E4 right? I'd also say zeraora's quest just because I had fun making that one
I'd love if you could just put a massive essay and redact the entire thing for me But joking aside I think the Glass Workstation is very funky
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