#Cobalt the Dewott
decibelcoatl · 1 year
Akusythia is two Psychic-types who lost someone close to them finding strength and fanning that strength in each other
Njordaline is two Mythicals of different backgrounds finding a common middle ground and celebrating it
Selina is two Taillow warriors of noble backgrounds forging their own paths and finding love through what's unique in one another
Cobalt x Isla is just two Water-type idiots in love who won't say they're in love
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pkmnsciencej · 2 years
About Me
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Microbiologist currently working in Unova. Theoretically I'm working in Lacunosa Town, but I travel all over the region. If you want someone to collect field samples, I'm your guy. If you want someone to analyze those samples, I'm also your gal. Feel free to ask me questions about microbes, pokemon, or battling. Not a medical professional though.
I go by they/them and xe/xir. Also 18+.
Pokemon are:
Crinkle (Reuniclus): Loves crinkly sounds, has good perseverance, and naturally modest
Cadence (Gardevoir): Strong willed, serious, and very protective. A gift from when I first became a trainer
Amungus (Foongus): Snack stealer, thoroughly cunning, but naturally hasty
Aguava (Stoutland): House pokemon, protector of the babies, capable of taking hits, and naturally serious
Sir Paws, Minister of Dust and Enemy of the House (Mincinno): House pokemon, steals your trash before its trash, somewhat stubborn, and naturally quirky
Shelby (Dewott): ???. Little dude who eats my food and refuses to pay rent. Naturally Jolly, but likes to fight. I'm not even sure he's my pokemon??
Cinnamon Crunch (Purified Combuskin): Enamored with soft things. Likes to run about and naturally adamant.
Cobalt Blue #47 (Solosis): Mystery Gift Pokemon. Baby boy who is very rash. Hates to lose.
Janice (Ultra-Domesticated Ralts): Originally a gift from my girlfriend. Delicate and timid girl. Loves to nap.
(Note: main blog is @cherryflavored, 18+ and they/them)
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mandercloud · 2 years
Isla x Cobalt, Forsythia x Akudo, Seliph x Lucina (aka Selina), and the first fandom-related ship you can think of.
Cobalt x Isla
Dewott x Brionne proved to be an interesting species ship when the latter was first introduced for Gen 7, and I have played with that thanks to Sapphira having a rivalry with a Brionne named Noe over the affections of her lover Raymond that continues even after Sapphira’s marriage to Raymond and having a child together (Both Noe and Raymond are owned by NotMolo btw), so pairing Cobalt with Isla was an interesting idea.  Cobalt looks upon Isla much like he does his sister, Cerulean, especially since their eyes have such a standout coloration (Though Cerulean’s are a bright blue compared to Isla’s red). While he does find her an “alluring siren”, he knows about her reason for joining the Wayfarers and is torn between saving her from the pains of Outlaw life and finally having some good luck in love... Forsythia x Akudo My first attempt at an LGBTQ ship! For once, this was one I didn’t initiate, but after the idea was pitched, a dream involving the two in their fully evolved forms having a passionate kiss convinced me to go forward with it. I tried having their respective soulbound siblings, Adamina and Njord, follow suit, but that ship was sunk (though they’re both kids, so there’s plenty of time for them to find suitable partners of their own) This is also Forsythia’s first attempt at being serious about dating an individual, and the chemistry between them has really worked well between them, often going on missions together since they met. If and when Akudo evolves, their relationship will truly heat up... Seliph x Lucina (Selina) Hey, it’s the first (serious) ship we made together! Two bird of the same species and similar fighting styles, named after Fire Emblem characters, what’s not to love? Granted, it took a while for this to work, for the first group they were both involved with closed before their relationship (and anything for that matter) could take flight, so thank goodness for ATBU for giving them a chance to get serious! The relationship between them is as wholesome and romantic as it is thanks to their backgrounds of being of noble standing and being of the same species. Seliph is quite a shy individual around her, however, and his fears of doing anything that would shame him and his lineage make it hard for him to truly open up, so his next big step is trying not to be so clumsy and shy around her...and keeping Marcelina from being a pain in the tailfeathers Fandom-Related Hmm, I could talk about stuff like Ash x Misty/Serena, but I like focusing on the ships of my OCs, so I’ll pass for now...
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Hi Fennel! I've been raising my dewott and lucario together since I first started my journey, and they have taken a particular liking to eachother. The thing is the dewott, Cobalt, does not seem to want to evolve, and from what i can tell its because he likes being the same size as his partner. Should i just not evolve him and use an everstone? thanks!
When a Pokémon does not wish to evolve, it is important for a trainer to respect it’s wishes. Evolution is a very big change to any Pokémon’s life, and it can cause very negative impacts on them if they were forced into evolving or accidentally evolved.
Take for instance the largely reported Red Gyarados from Johto, which was forced into evolution and became quite violent because of it. Your pokemon could end up becoming as violent and untrusting towards you.
So my answer would be, yes, it would be better if you used an everstone to prevent Cobalt from evolving. Everyone will be much happier that way :)
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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OTP Challenge Day 30: Doing Something Hot Relaxing
Nothing says “more relaxing” better than going to a hot spring.
And with that, I’ve officially completed the 30-Day OTP Challenge!
Cobalt belongs to @mandercloud.
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT tag as ‘me’ or ‘kin’, nor tag Isla as your character! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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OTP Challenge Day 24: Making Up Afterwards
Isla, despite her desire to get back at the world for bullying her (and despite being written as a tragic antagonist), is not a bad person. She’s just a lonely soul who tends to get super emotional, especially after a heated argument. Good thing she’s got someone to confide in now.
Cobalt belongs to @mandercloud.
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT tag as ‘me’ or ‘kin’ nor tag Isla as your character! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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OTP Challenge Day 9: Hanging Out with Friends
Or, rather, fellow Wayfarers in Isla and Cobalt’s case. I like to think that Isla would bond well with Clover given their similar backstories of betrayal and loneliness (also, since Isla’s former Disciple Mark was Empathy, she would avoid stepping over her boundaries and talk about things that make her happy).
Clover is owned by @inukkiarts. Cobalt is owned by @mandercloud.
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT tag as ‘me’ or ‘kin’, nor tag Isla as your character! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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OTP Challenge Day 23: Arguing
I bet Isla and Cobalt would get into a few heated debates once or twice (or, rarely, thrice) during a heist or two.
Cobalt belongs to @mandercloud.
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT tag as ‘me’ or ‘kin’, nor tag Isla as your character! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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OTP Challenge Day 17: Spooning
I didn’t know what to do with this, so have some fluff OTP.
At least Isla is trying.
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT tag as ‘me’ or ‘kin’ nor tag Isla as your character! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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OTP Challenge Day 4: On a Date
I decided to take a slightly different turn by using an OTP between OC’s...namely PMD OC’s. Featuring my Brionne character Isla, and @mandercloud‘s Dewott character Cobalt.
Isla is clearly trying her best not to panic, and just hoping that she ends up with a NORMAL date for once! Will it be a success...or will some snothead decide to straight up ruin everything?
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT tag as ‘me’ or ‘kin’ nor tag Isla as your character! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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