#Towing Edgewater -
jauffre · 2 years
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captastra · 2 years
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Outskirts of Edgewater - The Outer Worlds Spacers Choice Edition
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cait-toons · 2 years
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Finally finished my redraw of one of the loading screen from The Outer Worlds!
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illithikidteethling · 2 years
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floridafasttowing · 2 years
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My Outer Worlds posts aren’t getting much attention, but I’m still hyper focused on it (and the Vicar) so I thought I’d get my thoughts out about the game! Lots of words under the cut lol
I was interested when it was first revealed, but didn’t play it because I generally do not want to play in first person perspective. Without a toggle for third person, I pretty much checked out and didn't pay attention to anything about the game for a long time. I had tried it (years ago) during a game pass trial but did not make it into Edgewater. If I had, I firmly believe I would have played it so much sooner.
I picked it up for less than $10 a few months ago and finally played it this month. Boom. It’s my new obsession and it’s very, very sad to be so in love with something that no one seems to talk about anymore.
But anyway, here’s my thoughts on the game, admittedly rambly and not well put together:
First of all, I think it’s important to know that I have not played Fallout: New Vegas. In fact, I’ve only played Fallout 4. I became pretty obsessed with that game when I played it as well. But even still, not to the level that I am now with the Outer Worlds. I write all that to say that I wasn’t comparing this game to New Vegas, as so many other players were. I was, however, comparing it very much to Starfield.
This blog of mine sees me post a lot of Starfield photography and a lot of Sam Coe. But to be honest, the game was overall very disappointing to me. And I don't even actually like Sam that much. In fact, there are aspects about him I actively dislike lol. But he seemed to be the only option for me to romance in the game. (Barrett was my beloved gay uncle idk what to tell you lol).
I think The Outer Worlds succeeded in a lot of ways that Starfield failed. The most obvious way being the tightly crafted world. Starfield's randomly generated areas have nothing on the hand crafted environments of smaller titles, and feel so hollow in comparison. TOW was such a delight to explore in that way. It was always so exciting to land on a new planet or explore a new city. The scale is so much smaller, and I do wish it was bigger...more. But what is there, satisfied that itch of what I wanted adventuring into new alien worlds. It also offered up a better attempt at creating a new universe, in my opinion. I appreciate that Bethesda was trying to create something slightly more serious with their title, but I prefer the dark humor of Obsidian's new lore and more whimsical art direction, even if I feel the former wasn't nearly fleshed out enough. I deeply wish we knew more about other colonies and about the Earth our Captain left behind.
Gameplay wise, I never really did get over the first person thing. Since the game is relatively short compared to other open world RPG’s, at least half a dozen times a play session, I found myself attempting to toggle to a third person view. The persistent problem of the forced first person perspective throughout the entire experience was a constant grating annoyance. I simply do not like it. Especially in a world like this. It is so important for me to be able to see my character and it hugely took away from my experience that I could not. It's incredibly baffling that they included a character creator at all. Even more irritating, is that there are multiple quests about clothing, dressing up, and disguises. Sure would be nice to actually see yourself in that context, wouldn't it?? I also found it frustrating that the developers clearly understood people would want to take pictures in the world they created, but did not, and have never included a photo mode. It's written right there on the option to turn off the HUD. But no, no photo mode.
I don't have much to say about combat. I played on the easiest difficulty, again not being overly familiar with fps, and didn't have many issues. I enjoyed the companion commands and found them way more useful in combat scenarios than many other titles with followers. And how refreshing to be able to have more than one at a time! Their banter reminded me more of Dragon Age than Bethesda titles where it can feel somewhat lonely with a single follower. The dialogue between the Unreliable crew was a delight, but it seems to be the only real time you will get to see their personalities playing off one another, as there are very few moments where the whole cast is together. Admittedly, I still sometimes go out with just the Vicar ;)
And oh how that Vicar so quickly became beloved! I've never read fanfiction in my life, but here I am now. I just turned 30 last year and I'm scouring the internet for fics and fanart of this man. Lamenting the complete lack of merch. Is it any wonder? I definitely feel he's the most well explored character in the game. It's a pity I couldn't explore his body. Not only do I find him attractive and fun to have around, but by the end of his quest I felt a deeper connection to him, as I saw my own journey with deconstructing religion reflected in his story. Frankly, I felt most of the other characters' quests felt like afterthoughts in comparison, and I was hoping for a little more.
There are some other rough edges to the game for me as well. I was greatly aggravated by the level cap being sat at 36. I'm playing the og version with DLC installed. I had no idea it was coming and was frustrated I couldn't tweak the characters further. And of course, combat became a waste of time as it was no longer rewarding by mid to late game. I essentially played the entirety of Peril on Gorgon and the last few missions of the main campaign without earning a single shred of xp. I appreciate that I can take certain companions to boost my skills that I'm weak at, but preferred to take companions I liked and let my clothing do the supplemental work for us. Unfortunately this was a very tedious task without a load out system or any way to sort the armor by affect. One wonderful perk I must sing the praises of, however, is the ability to travel while over-encumbered! If only the map itself weren't so darn cumbersome! I never took on any flaws in my first playthrough, and think I'll save that for my low intelligence run, so I can't comment on that system. It did not look appealing to me while playing on easy.
One last thought before I sum up my opinions here. The DLC. Peril on Gorgon was fine. I'm disappointed I didn't get an Archibald Excelsior outfit for Max, but it's fine. I think it was a mistake to play it after Murder on Eridanos though... because I LOVED Murder on Eridanos. It felt bigger, more exciting. Different. It was such a blast to play and I think it stuck out to me more than any other part of the game.
The biggest complaints one can have with The Outer Worlds somewhat slink away when you remember the limited time and budget Obsidian had. I wanted more places to explore. I wanted more fleshed out world building and companions. I wanted a longer third act. A more satisfying conclusion. I admit, I hate that the crew drifted a part. Most of these things could be addressed in the sequel, but the fact that we won't get them for the Halcyon Colony and the Unreliable Crew saddens me to my core. If they add romance in the sequel, that would be wonderful. But if I won't be romancing Vicar Max then what's the point... *sigh*
Hey, maybe we can get a game where the Unreliable crew is reunited to solve another murder mystery?
Eh, it could happen.
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towconfessions · 1 year
We at The Outer Worlds Confessions (a Spacer's Choice Company) are delighted to announce the launch of our latest and most innovative product:
That's right, spacers! We will now be accepting submissions that pose questions to our community.
Who's the best corporate mascot? Who would win in a cage match between Catherine Malin and Gladys Culkelly? Would you/your Captain punch Vicar Maximilian DeSoto in the nose? Who did you give power to in Edgewater?
Go wild! Ask whatever! Something wholesome, something contentious or divisive, whatever you want. All you have to do is send in the question and the poll options you want (if applicable), and we'll do the rest.
*Please note: TOW Confessions does reserve the right to publish or not publish submissions at our discretion. 🚀 Don't be a jerk. 🚀
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neonshrike · 1 year
throwing THIS at u Bruce x Lucille in a The Outer Worlds AU with 🙌🏻 emoji
idk how they would fit in TOW but i bet u can figure it out haha 😘
Also AU ship!!
Let me see... A woman woken up after a long period of time from circumstances out of her own control and an older scientist on the run from the government that was on a weird space adventure? Bruce and Lucille's role in this AU are similar to Phineas and the Captain.
Bruce doesn't have an orbital lab, but rather a large ship, and actually has a doctorate in flying alien ships.
Instead of just dumping her outside of Edgewater, they actually travel Halcyon together and Lucille has a guide to the strange colony she woke up in.
They go on their mission to free the other colonists while trying to stay ahead of the Board and outsmart them.
Bruce secretly does relief efforts for the colony from time to time (mostly as a doctor) and Lucille helps out.
The two make an amazing team, when it comes to fighting and their scientific efforts, and Bruce is such a supportive, empathetic person, especially when Lucille gets homesick or isn't used to the horrors of Halcyon. It's them against the galaxy.
When it turns out Lucille can slow down time, he is completely awed and finds her even cooler than before. 🙌🏻
Their partnership becomes a friendship, which then becomes a relationship. Both of them are somewhat loners who found each other.
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wetbloodworm · 2 years
the first time i did charlie’s TOW run i didn’t have them as fleshed out as i do now, so having some thoughts. namely that no way would they get frozen unless their mom and parker were on the hope with them. they’d be motivated to unfreeze the rest of the colonists regardless, but with those two needing them, there’d be nothing that could stop charlie. they’re fucking getting their mom and best friend back.
also makes the stuff you learn about on the hope all the more horrifying for charlie. not knowing if their mom or parker were one of welles’ failed experiments before them, or if they were cannibalized by the hope’s starving crew. charlie’d be decently calm the whole adventure under the assumption that their loved ones were stuck in stasis but safe, but the sudden realization that they could already be dead would be a hard blow so close to the end. i’m firmly decided that the two are fine and are successfully revived in the epilogue but that’d be a terrifying period of time for charlie, the not knowing.
thinking about changes to actual game decisions, i’m considering doing the edgewater-with-adelaide-in-charge choice. save more people that way, give everyone a better chance. i’m also thinking charlie might take 100% of the chemicals in byzantium vs just enough to avoid killing the test subjects. it’d be a hard fucking decision, one that’d weigh on them for the rest of their life, but like. the scientists weren’t having a high success rate reviving people. there’s not much of a chance that any of those people were going to leave that lab. and, honestly, charlie couldn’t take the chance that they wouldn’t have enough chemicals to wake up their mom and parker. they couldn’t risk it.
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towingmastersfriscotx · 7 months
Towing Masters Frisco
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When you're in need of top-notch towing in Frisco, make the right call to Towing Masters. Our team of experts specializes in providing a wide range of towing needs, including roadside assistance in Frisco, auto wreckers, car lockouts, and more. Our mission is to treat our customers with helpfulness and respect 24/7, and ensure their vehicles are driven safely and carefully to their desired locations. Call us today at (469) 592-8681 for top-notch towing services in Frisco, TX. Let us show you why Towing Masters Frisco is the #1 choice for all your vehicle rescue needs.
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towingmastersfrisco · 9 months
Need Towing Services in Frisco? Towing Masters Specializes in Towing, Roadside Assistance, Auto Wrecker, Car Lockout & More.
Do you need an affordable and reliable towing service in Frisco, TX? Maybe you have an old vehicle that requires the expertise of a professional wrecker? If you are in a jam somewhere on the road, turn to Towing Masters, and we will provide you with the highest towing service in Frisco, Texas, and surrounding areas.
Name: Towing Masters Frisco Address: 8400 Edgewater Dr. Frisco, TX. 75034. United States Phone: (469) 592-8681 Website: https://towingfrisco.com/
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captastra · 2 years
TOW: Unreliable and drift to destiny sound like real interesting tales!
Thank you so much for asking!! I wrote a lot so both under the cut!
TOW: Unreliable was born when I watched Cowboy Bebop for the first time and immediately fell in love with it. Combining this with me wanting more for Alex Hawthorne, the previous captain of the Unreliable who met an unfortunate end, this story came about during Writer's Month.
The story is what if Alex Hawthorne had lived and he was the one that was hired to board the Hope and obtain a passenger from the ship that Phineas wanted to reanimate to help him save Halcyon. Alex takes on the job, hires Felix and Ellie to come with him to board the Hope.
The Hope is the worst kept secret in Halcyon and many have already snuck on to steal parts and even people to sell in Halcyons not so secret black market. Upon arriving on the ship Alex would run into Nyoka, a hunter from Monarch who he has met on other jobs and has an amiable relationship with.
The story would progress as in game once the passenger (Rhea Byrnes) gets woken up, adopts Alex's last name, and he reluctantly joins Phineas's mission to save the system. Max and Parvati would join once they got to Edgewater and Nyoka at the same time she joins in game too.
Alex and Rhea would develop a brother/sister relationship, with both being the sibling they never asked for but still care deeply about. It would also be fun to imagine how the rest of the crew would interact with a character like Alex Hawthorne. I feel it would be a fun story to explore all of this and how things may change and stay the same throughout the game (ugh lol).
NOW Drift to Destiny was another story that came about during Writer's Month, though I had been thinking about for awhile. Its a crossover with Pacific Rim (one of my fave movies) and what if Rhea and Felix turned out to be drift compatible.
Rhea is one of the only people to have piloted a Jaeger at a very young age and nearly died due to the events of that day. Felix is still our beloved rebel without a clue who despite his not so greatest choices in his young life, still proved to be capable of piloting a jaeger.
Of course there's romance, action, unethical experiments. Majority of characters in game play a big role in this story. Idk if I'll come back to it but I still think on it from time to time.
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solstheimtxt · 1 year
3, 5 & 7 for vince my beloved 🤍 might come back later w/ more questions heheheheh
Hiii!!! 👋🥰 tysm for the questions!!! And thank u for your patience while i write these out nyehehe (answers under the cut)
Ask me questions about my oc? :D
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>Vince is by and large, mostly a person who goes along with what his family believes (even in other versions of him, fo4/me included). When he arrives in Halcyon he's disgusted at working and living conditions for the people but primarily assumes Edgewater is simply a run down town, and until he gets to Groundbreaker & Monarch does it truly set in exactly what's wrong with Halcyon. He believes the power should be with the people-everyone should have access to food and lodgings, no exceptions. He also understands that people can be lead into false hope and ruin by leaders like Graham. Thusly post-game he keeps the image of the Board alive even though the folks who run the Board are no longer in power. He's not above lying to keep the peace, even if it's not morally correct! (This is especially prevalent when he uses rockwell as a figurehead and kills him when he becomes useless 🥰)
3. What do they believe in?
Tl;dr: Board bad, free halcyon good, halcyon run by idealists not ideal
>I actually haven't written much! Vincent and his husband married at 18, both of their families are alive and close. They enlisted as Marines for free college, left and continued with their lives. Vincent was working as a medic (think like an EMT/Paramedic kinda thing). However, due to living in Los Angeles, and the rising cost of living, their family decided to start anew in a new world, where they could potentially have a safe home that they could work for. (I imagine LA would be even more insanely expensve than it is now, and EMT/medics are typically low income in the LA metro area, ergo Vince & Lance are lower/middle class).
5. What was their life like before being iced?
7. What's their fighting style? Who do they bring along?
>Vince is the same in every game in that he utilizes a sniper rifle (Deadeye Assault rifle), melee weapon (Tossball stick), and either a rifle or pistol. (Think Deliverer in fo4).
(Also toby 🤝 vince snipers 4 life)
I also think having a squad of 2 is dumb! In Mass effect, it makes sense, but in tow it doesnt make sense in universe, a big squad might give away stealth but they have guns so uhhh, anyways. In game, I always used Felix & Max, but typically he would bring the whole squad. On Monarch, he does split the team up, Felix and Max go to Fallbrook and Amber Heights, and the rest of the team do the Devils Peak, and Cascadia quest. (As per my fic nyehehehehehe >:3c)
Usually Felix, Nyoka and Sam made up the front line, with the big guns, Ellie, Max and Parvati kept the enemies from flanking them, and Vince stays back and provides support via sniping, if that makes sense. (But also SAM carries their gear so vince doesnt usually like SAM fighting!)
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cait-toons · 2 years
Compulsive Spender
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floridafasttowing · 2 years
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tobiasrieper · 3 years
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the outer worlds ► the unreliable
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