#Town of Stettler
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Art Notes column in Flagpole, 22 June 2005, describing Sunaura Taylor’s exhibition and mentioning Elephant 6 members.
There were days in my childhood when rumors of the circus coming to town offered relief from the heat and stillness of summer. Instead of a circus this week, Athens has AthFest 2005. And in conjunction with AthFest, the Lyndon House Arts Center has art to turn your head. With three shows under one roof, there is something for everyone:
Headspinning: Discover “Headspinning: Inspiration from the Canvas to the Album Cover.” This exhibit offers the chance to see the art that inspired album covers. See the drawing from Randy Bewiey’s sketchbook that became the cover of Pylon’s Gyrate, and the trestles from the cover of R.E.M’s Murmur, and Chris Bilheimer’s many Polaroids that became covers for R.E.M., Green Day, Mendoza Line, Toadies and Ben Mize. There are works in the exhibit that hold much more interest than the familiar album cover, such as two of Terry Rowlett’s paintings. A tiny image on the cover of Five Eight’s The Good Nurse, Rowlett’s painting of a nurse holding flowers, standing in a serene Tuscan landscape, is actually large-scale. The detail of the painting is much more satisfying than the cover suggests. Rowlett’s painting on the cover of Kevin Kinney’s Sun Tangled Angel Revival is divided in half. In the painting, baby Jesus (with a cowboy hat) and Mary float above an old Chevy in a Jerusalem- meets-Arizona landscape. On the album cover, the virgin and child are on one side while the Chevy is on the other. On Elf Power's Creatures, Laura Carter's collage appears polished and seamless; but the original is delicate, vulnerable and obviously labored over by hand. A simple pencil drawing by Stephanie Dotson became the cover of the Phosphorescent album. This cover shows how something raw can be manipulated into a finished product. Other highlights from the exhibit include John Hawkins’ “A Young Professional,” from No Time by The Squalls; the R.A. Miller painting that became part of an Elf Power cover, Andy Cherewick’s painting found on the cover of Dream in Sound, and “Heckatie” by Jeff Owens found on a Drive-By Truckers cover. “Headspinning” will be up through Aug. 6.
Loved Ones and Marshmallows: Sunny Taylor has has developed a skillful approach to classical figure painting. Her paintings stand out as misplaced relics from Madrid's Prado Museum. Only recognizing the subjects of the paintings gives away the third millennium as the date of completion. “Robee and Julian,” is a double portrait which shows the two Athens residents who were Music Tapes wearing marching band jackets. A larger-than-life portrait of Jeff Mangum includes the drawings of little creatures always found on his pants; and, his loud laugh can be heard in the smile Taylor has painted on his face. The love the artist has for her subjects can be seen in these paintings, as well as in the portraits of her sister Astra. Two paintings have a slightly more powerful edge about them. Both “Jolly Jumper” and “Butterfly” are self-portraits painted from childhood photographs. These paintings show a bold melancholy, and an intense attention to detail. The lace on the gown of the baby in “Jolly Jumper” involves an incredible manipulation of paint. “Butterfly” combines the creature of freedom and flight with the look of a frustrated child. Michael Lachowski’s work consists of bold, gestural drawings and fashion photographs. Check out last week's Flagpole on-line at www.flagpole.com for more details on his work. This show runs through Aug. 6.
Golden Threads: The 50th Anniversary of the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild is marked with the Biennial Southeast Regional Juried Show titled “Golden Threads: Connecting Innovation and Tradition.” The exhibit includes works as diverse as Pat Stettler’s wildly-patterned colorful fabric piece, to Linda Harshbarger’s delicate design and subtle colors. Aaron McIntosh from Smithville, TN, has created a fanciful composition with fiber in which an abstracted road, with dashed yellow lines, leads to a castle with smoke-stacks. Another unique piece is by Jeana Eve Klein from Boone, NC, titled “How to Build a Clique; it uses three dimensions to add interest to the figures and diagrams in the composition. Among the highlights of the exhibit are three large city-scapes by Elizabeth Barton, who is from Athens. The Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild has grown out of a group of five Atlanta women who, in 1955, shared an interest in weaving. The guild has remained flexible and has evolved into a contemporary entity. “Golden Threads” is up until July 15.
Endnotes: Bozeman Pottery has opened at 150 Barrow St. Hours to view the ceramics made from clay dug by Jim Bozeman himself are 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Contact him at [email protected]. Clayton Street Gallery has re-opened with a fresh Perspective and a new gallery committee.
Beth Sale Email art news to [email protected].
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cryptidcalling · 5 years
Talking a bit more about Horace bc why not yk? I need to expand upon his character. These are all solid, currently canon things. I’ll make another post later about ideas I’m thinking of adding. 
Horace as well as the other character I’m going to be talking about live in a sort of Zootopia/Beastars type world. Animals of all different species are expected to live in harmony with one another. However, that doesn’t mean they always do, and many animals still fear their natural predators/competition from thousands of years ago. Also, the vast majority of towns or cities are made for a specific size of animal, not necessarily species. For example, wolves and pigs could be potentially living in the same city, and tigers and cows could be living in the same city.
Horace Stettler is a rabbit. He’s small, soft, cute, and sort of an ass. He’s very smart, and he’s very dedicated to his work and research. He’s a biologist*, and he’s working hard to find a way to allow mammals to regrow limbs. He’s got a number of small, but significant, ideas* in the ways of controlled cell growth and cell revival. However, he doesn’t have the resources to actually test these ideas, so all he can do is try to spread the ideas themselves. This actually has managed to get him attention from other biologists, which I’ll dive into more in my potential ideas post.
Horace has a big ego for someone so small. He’s intelligent, and he knows it. It’s something he can point to to prove his worth. See, Horace is a character who believes he has everything to prove. He’s prey, and he knows it. He’s small, weak, instinctively cowardly, and easy to pass off as ‘just another bunny’. Not to mention that, even among other small prey animals, bunnies have the stereotypes of being ditsy, desperate for attention*, and easy. Horace is also both gay and trans (ftm), which adds a whole extra layer of othering to his situation. However, he keeps both of those things as secret as he can. He believes that it’s worth it to make his life easier. 
He also, like many other bunnies, does tend to fear predatory animals. However, he’s good at hiding it for the most part. Should a coyote or a cat ever give him trouble, his ego tends to come in handy. He’ll stand tall, point his ears straight, and let them have it verbally. However, this often tends to backfire, as his insecurities can often manifest even when people weren’t actually meaning to be rude. This, along with other things, makes him come off as a prick. There’s only one kind of animal Horace truly fears, and it’s raptors*. He doesn’t have any particular trauma relating to raptors, there’s just something about them that terrifies him. It’s a deep rooted, primal, instinctual fear. 
Due to this constant need to prove himself, Horace is working almost constantly. He often forgets to eat/drink, and sometimes passes out from sleep deprivation and exhaustion. Over all, Horace does not take very good care of himself. But, thankfully, he’s got someone to keep him afloat.
Cody Moore is Horace’s roommate, and potentially his only friend. Cody is a salamander, and he’s in the process of growing a new back leg. He’s, supposedly, helping Horace with his research. Really, all he does is let Horace take cell samples from his leg every week to observe the growth progression. How Cody really helps is by making sure Horace doesn’t work himself to death. He reminds him to eat, keeps him hydrated, and does his best of offer emotional support.
Cody knows Horace better than anyone else, and he prides himself on that. He can tell when Horace has hit the point of exhaustion where he’s just reading the same thing over and over. He can tell the difference between when Horace is really engrossed in working vs when he’s doing it because he’s forcing himself too. He knows that Horace is both trans and gay, and as someone who is bi he’s able to be a good support. 
Horace isn’t very vocal about his appreciation of Cody. Both because expressing genuine appreciation can be difficult for him, and because it’s difficult to put his ego aside long enough to be genuine with his friend*. However, he tries to show it in other ways. First off, he lets Cody stay in his apartment for free. He also lets Cody nap on his shoulder or on his head while he’s working, and will carry him around should they ever go out into town. 
*Self proclaimed. He didn’t go to college. 
*I don’t know enough about biology to know what they would be, but he did it. Trust me. 
*To be fair, this one is true about Horace, but it’s not because he’s a bunny. 
*Birds of prey
*At the moment, Horace and Cody are not a couple, even if the potential is there. Horace isn’t in a place mentally or emotionally where he could be a good romantic partner.
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albertacanad-blog · 6 years
Alberta Canada David Thomson Traveler's Path and also the Aurum Lodge- A Golden Nugget
AN ELECTRIFYING DRIVE When a person discusses Alberta Canad , I instantly think about Banff, Lake Louise, as well as Jasper. I am not most likely to suggest with you that the above three are not lovely, nevertheless, if you are seeking Alberta's finest concealed, take a drive along the David Thompson Traveler's Path (Freeway 11 on maps). You will not be sorry, specifically if you are looking for that best as well as serene, enchanting location. That was David Thompson anyways? He simply takes place to be among Canada's essential geographers, as well as it was he, that in between the years 1806-08 took a trip up the North Saskatchewan River and also uncovered the Athabasca Travel through the Continental Separate.
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After experiencing the magnificent drive, we comprehended exactly how proper it was to call the freeway hereafter terrific Canadian. By the way, the path expands from Stettler to the Saskatchewan River Crossing at the joint of freeway 93, within the limits of the Banff National Forest. drive for my other half, and also myself was the one and also a fifty percent hrs from the community of Rocky Hill Home to our location, the Aurum Lodge. The large appeal, as well as enigma of Crescent Falls, Bighorn Canyon, Abraham Lake and also the thick bordering woodlands, approached the analysis of a great item of verse. Our spirits raised to elevations we might never have visualized! If you have the moment, do not neglect to take a look at The Rocky Hill Historic Website Of Canada. An ONE-OF-A-KIND PLACE IN NATURE AND ALSO WILD The trademark scene, and also one I can still plainly imagine, is when we came close to the Aurum Lodge snuggled along Freeway 11 neglecting the sensational elegance of Abraham Lake. As a musician, my spouse can not assist herself from saying every adjective in her English and also French vocabularies in defining these marvelous sights! Including in our enjoyment was that we were checking out a lodge whose place as well as environments had the excellent active ingredients to improve the mood of love. From the minute we strolled right into the lodge as well as cleared up right into our sizable area, my spouse and also I have brushed up away with the incomparable sight of the blue-green shade of Abraham Lake as well as the hill environments of Mount Stelfox, Elliot Top, as well as Mount. Michener. Swiss birthed innkeepers Alan and also Madeleine Ernst initially made their method to Canada from Singapore in 1989, after having actually taken a trip and also operated in over 40 nations. In 1999 they determined to make their residence in Alberta in an area that is a half hr repel from the closest district, Nordegg and also beside Banff National forest. In 2000' their doors were opened up to invite the lodge's initial visitors. What is most distinct as well as preferable regarding the all-season Aurum Lodge is that it lies in nature and also wild that is easily obtainable, in addition to being abundant in the background and also indigenous society. The primary approach of its proprietors is that their activities are driven by ecological reputation as long as earnings. Because of this, they have actually considered the influence of the lodge on its environments, visual appeals, product selection, waste decrease, effective layout, audio control, warmth retention, environment control, passive solar, power usage, electrical energy manufacturing, contamination, waste administration, transport, and also water and also administration. Alan, a previous Swiss lender as well as not, as I had thought of, a designer or designer, did an outstanding quantity of research study, as well as it was he that developed this eco-sensitive lodge.
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Are the areas charming? You wager they are, when you consider their privacy, space, illumination, convenience, atmosphere, as well as indeed; there is also a space with a Jacuzzi for that unique event. For convenience, every one of the lodge's scrupulously comfortable tidy six areas featured orthopedic health and wellness cushions, down quilts and also cushions (artificial bed linens is readily available on demand), exclusive bathrooms with tub/shower. There are likewise two housekeeping homes in addition to a 2- room apartment or condo that comes full with fridge/freezer, cooktop, microwave, and also a restroom with shower. These systems are different from the lodge as well as have no access to the centers of the lodge (e.g., usual locations or dishes and also no housemaid solution). We can not aid yet really feel the spirit of the Mountain ranges executing every one of the spaces in addition to the lodge's environments. Incidentally, if you are questioning what the name Aurum indicates, Alan advised me that it is the Latin term for gold. The lodge's proprietors strongly think that there are worths in life, which can not exist in financial terms, however, are similarly valuable.
Among the best praises the proprietors got was from a center aged pair that came below to take a break as well as entrusted the remark that their remain had actually been unique since it was the very first time in years, they had a possibility to rest,
unwind as well as speak, without being disrupted by phones, youngsters, good friends or TELEVISION. That practically summarize what the Aurum Lodge is everything! EATING Any uncertainties we might have had relating to morning meal or the night "table d'hôte" were promptly eliminated when we feasted on every nibble of Madeleine's delightfully ready dishes. Both were passionate, yummy as well as wholesome. On top of that, the hosts were charitable in using at supper free of charge a glass of wine and also beer-something not also usual amongst inns of a comparable nature.
Morning meal is consisted of with the lodge spaces just as well as supper is offered by advancement notification for visitors in the lodge. The eating routine consisted of the conference with visitors from all edges of the world leading to some extremely computer animated discussions-one a lot more reason that our keep was so wonderful. Undoubtedly the Aurum Lodge is a gold nugget locate! EXTRA INFO Calling Aurum Lodge Box 76, Nordegg, Abdominal Muscle, T0M 2H0, Canada Telephone: 1-403-721 2117 Fax: 1-403-7212118 Area: 40km E of Banff National Forest. Details Concerning The Location's Tasks The Lodge's Selection of 4 Period Tasks Tasks Trekking, cycling, riding, canoeing, climbing up, x-country ski, snowshoeing, winter-hiking, ice-climbing, pet sledding, scenic tours right into the National Parks as well as to historical websites. The lodge lies near to Banff National Forest Border as well as Mistaya Canyon, Kootenay Plains Ecological Book, indigenous websites and also leader cabins, Bighorn Dam as well as site visitor info center, Nordegg historical town-site, mine trips and also a historical golf links,
Crescent Falls on Bighorn River, various trailheads, Jasper National forest Border, Columbia Icefield, Bow Top as well as Peyto Lake in Banff National Forest, Ram River Falls and also websites along forestry trunk roadways. Wedding events The lodge is readily available for a tiny, intimate wedding event for pairs trying to find a no-fuss occasion within an all-natural setup. Standard as well as Lily Goldman are a distinct couple group, author and also watercolorist,
that create as well as repaint concerning charming locations, whose short articles as well as art- the job can see on several Net websites including their very own- as well as They have worked together with some convention bureaus and also several Public Relations business.
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whitesandstax · 2 years
White Sands Tax Determining Residency
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White Sands, located in southern Alberta, has a population of 120 people and 8 residential lots. Only 292 of these lots have permanent dwellings. The town has no mail delivery service. Residents who are considering making their home in the town must obtain a post office box in Stettler or Erskine, or rent a post office box in Whitesands. Those who are considering making their home in the town a second home may be able to skip the expense of a post office box.
The first requirement of the charter or the general law is met. As long as the White Sands is organized and performs municipal functions, they meet the first requirement. In addition, the town is a quasi-municipal corporation under state law. Therefore, defendants cannot question the existence of the town. However, they may challenge the incorporation of White sands. If you want to know if you live in the town or in another town, you must contact the local government.
The annexation of the city is a good example of this. In 1949, the town annexed nine properties. This created a quasi-municipal entity. The residents of those properties paid taxes to the city and enjoyed the city's benefits. In fact, the White Sands Tax Determining Residency document mentions that the annexed properties did not pay taxes to the town, but rather paid to the White Sands association.
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toddwakefieldbass · 2 years
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Small town spirit! (at Stettler, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrYf9ivQuY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ditchthediy · 4 years
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So proud to see this community pull together every single time we’re knocked down. We are resilient, we strong, we are tenacious. #albertastrong #calgarystrong #ditchthediy #yyc #calgary #alberta #edmomton #reddeer #medicinehatlethbridge #grandeprairie #stettler #fortmcmurray #banff #canmore #sherwoodpark #Stalbert #sprucegrove #laclabiche #penhold and every other town in between! (at Calgary, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-j5FEdp9Cp/?igshid=1loivz3pvet16
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miss-rosen · 5 years
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On October 1, 1977, the Clash played Switzerland for the very first time. Their 15-track set at Kaufleuten in Zürich began with “London’s Burning” and “Complete Control” — and somewhere in the audience, 16-year-old Bruno Stettler was taking his very first concert photographs.
Over the next decade, Stettler would go on to take 20,000 photographs at nearly 100 rock concerts around town, capturing the raw intimacy of live shows long before they became overproduced spectacles.
In his new book, Als War’s Das Letze Mal (Sturm & Drang), Stettler takes us on a magical trip through the looking glass, back in the late 1970s and ’80s, when legends like Bob Marley, David Bowie. Iggy Pop, Debbie Harry, Patti Smith, Nina Hagen, and Kraftwerk called the shots.
Read the Full Story at Huck Online
Top: Blondie. Zürich. 24. 9. 1978 © Bruno Stettler
Middle: Siouxsie & the Banshees. Baden. 9. 7. 1979 © Bruno Stettler
Bottom: Musical Youth. Zürich. 1983 © Bruno Stettler
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anewsbuddy · 4 years
Entertainment in the Park 2020 lineup announced – Stettler Independent
Entertainment in the Park 2020 lineup announced – Stettler Independent
The Town of Stettler has released the full lineup of performers that will be featured in the 2020 Entertainment in the Park concert series.
This year’s festivities will consist of nine free concerts featuring local and touring artists including Canadian Idol finalist Jaydee Bixby (July 22nd), ACMA winner Drew Gregory (July 5th) and CCMA nominees Renegade Station (July 8th).
The series…
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dishnthekitchen · 7 years
A Taste of the Heartland - Stettler Long Table Dinner
A Taste of the Heartland – Stettler Long Table Dinner
It’s that time of the year when the leaves are turning glorious colours and gardens everywhere are being harvested. The farmers can barely get in a few well earned zzzz’s before heading back out the the fields again. Long table harvest dinners are popping up in little towns everywhere, showcasing the fruits of their labours. My very first long table dinner was a few weeks ago when the leaves…
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