ayanamiagony · 1 year
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toxic jerma
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xikshark · 10 months
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I have no idea when you posted your nightmare bitties. But like… I’m curious. So I hope this isn’t an odd ask but what are their favorite colors, animal, food, drink, and why? :3 (I’m assuming Cuppy’s favorite will be a cupcake. Unless you decide to do a plot twist and make it cupcake pancakes or something instead lmao). I fr have no idea how to do this and I’m just rambling now so uhhhhh yeah! :3 have a great day/night/evening/afternoon! :3
Here you go! Thank you for asking ^3^
Glacial: Color- Blue! Animal- really likes foxes Food- vanilla ice cream Drink- hot chocolate!
Cuppy: Color- blue as well :) Animal- cats are cute Food- sprinkles Drink- strawberry milk!
Ber: Color- gray Animal- likes butterflies Food- butterscotch candy Drink- chocolate milk(Ze likes to be different)
Toxi: Color- neon green Animal- snake Food- the most sour candy ever Drink- mountain dew!
Minty: Color- Red Animal- raccoons! Food- candy canes Drink- sugar milk
Hots: Color- orange and yellow Animal- sharks! Food- spicy candy Drink- fireball whiskey
Sticks: Color- brown Animal- dogs Food- chocolate Drink- hot chocolate
Drippy: Color- blue Animal- any sea animal but likes clown fish a lot! Food- soup Drink- water
Ichor: Color- Red Animal- Vampire Bat Food- pancakes Drink- Red mountain dew that I forgot the name of.
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yourfursonasgf · 4 months
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
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-Pueblo de Exilio {TP-14}/Town of Exile {TP-14}-
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ixupi94 · 1 year
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Art trade with @toxic-gin 
Drawing this was fun, lotsa giggles heehee~
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dailyenglishvoca · 8 months
Today's song is Infinite_starscape by Toxi featuring the Vocaloid Tohoku Zunko
Happy birthday Zunko!
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toxic-gin · 1 year
Most of my Kandi with my name on them.
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donaldtheduckdad · 2 years
donnie !! YOU LIVE,,, i hope you're well i missed you <33
OMG HEY TOXI HI GOOD TO SEE YOU!!! 🥺🥺🥺 hope you are doing well ❤️
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joannaket3 · 5 months
1 year ago i couldnt without rita ora and britney spears
this year i cant tdo without taylor swift and ozzy osbourn and yuna is pretty close to be part of this and they all are sagitarius(maybe it is because its my rising but i always relate wirth sag problems) 🤣
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rwpohl · 1 year
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xikshark · 1 year
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How would the nightmares you drew react to someone wanting to hug them
Sure! Thank you for the ask :)
Glacial: They would step away while shaking their head. They were way too cold for anyone to hug and be comfortable with. They don't want you to get sick or something, or even hurt because of how cold they are. It would make them feel bad! If you keep pushing, though, they might agree if you're close to them.
Cuppy: Of course he would agree to the hug! He's soft, squishy, and smells really nice. Good luck getting out of the hug for a while, though, because he loves hugs! They make him really happy.
Ber: Ze would just refuse. Ze doesn't want you to touch Zir, and will normally push you away before leaving. Not the nicest person, if you want me to be honest.
Toxi: It would refuse the hug, but in a nicer way than Ber did. Toxi would love a hug! It really would, but it knows that it would get you sick or hurt. So unless you're immune to poison, you're not getting a hug from it.
Minty: She'd be okay with hugging you :3 it might be a little fast, but hey, it's a hug! So why not? Minty dislikes touching for way too long.
Hots: He tells you that you're dumb for asking because he's made out of lava(unless you're a fire monster, if you are, he'll happily do it!)
Sticks: She would agree to hug you, then regret it when you two are stuck together for a while. He thinks it is pretty silly, though, so she doesn't mind too much. Have fun getting to know her after giving him the hug! :D
Drippy: Would literally turn into a puddle to get away from a hug. Do not try to hug him, you'll just get wet.
Ichor: He might act like it's weird, and argue about it, but by the end he gives you a hug anyway. He hopes you don't mind the stains…
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tombizombi · 1 year
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dailyenglishvoca · 1 year
Today’s song is Disconnected by Toxi featuring the Vocaloid Xin Hua
Happy birthday Xin Hua!
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toxic-gin · 1 month
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