#Tpof Jack
pivososik · 1 year
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snvffsoda · 5 months
happy late 4/20 everyone!! here are some more stupid btd/tpof memes i made yesterday while zooted lol
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alemonyoyo · 4 months
Some SP Creator Interviews As BTD/TPOF Characters:
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Love these guys
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animeshen-art · 7 months
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eoybro5 · 4 months
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aufucker · 6 months
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how much am i gonna tempt god today postin this
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stinkykitty8 · 6 months
Why does he stand in such a cunty position
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wiabelle-art · 3 months
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jack, chamomile, strade
flash requests
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nosferatil · 8 months
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“Aren’t you a docile pup?”
AU where Zara is sold off in TPOF after the events of BTD1.
She mauls jack 😋
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liplinerloser · 8 months
Увидела, что ваши запросы открыты и я решила оставить свой!
Можно мне Мейсона, Дерека с f!reader, которая оказалась хитрее них?
Она одерживает над ними победу, но не решает их убить, потому что "просто быстро убить вас было бы слишком гуманно"
I liked how these sort of came out so I might write them as little fics, or the after maths of them since part of the request is you don’t actually kill them
hope I didn’t butcher the translation!
Minors dni!
Mason + Derek with an F!reader, who out smarts them
It’s not difficult to imagine someone being able to outsmart him, he’s so full of himself he doesn’t even think of it as a possibility. With his inflated ego all it took was some fake submission and a few fulfilled requests until he was lulled into a false sense of security. He would believe you were primal, like a scared animal, what he expected with the other captives. But you had a plan.
From your few rough encounters with Derek you knew he wouldn’t ever let you off lightly if he caught you lacking, the sore sting of your tongue against the roof of your mouth reminded you of that.
You were practically defenceless, and to make matters worse you were sure the water supply was tainted, meaning you were thirsty, hungry and afraid.
You clocked Komodo and Dragon performing some weird ritual, but after gauging the level of threat you ruled them out. Unless you stepped into their territory it’s likely they wouldn’t be an issue; you were tempted to attack them when you noticed the knife they used on their victims, just big enough to do some damage but small enough to hide on your person. You stashed the idea and moved on.
If you had survived long enough to withstand the heat of the desert and the pangs of grinding hunger you had definitely encountered jack. Despite him being the most threatening he was ironically one of the most benevolent of the group. You’d remembered how he’d caught you and forced you into certain activities, and rewarded you as such. This was a possible opening
carefully, you stalked the desert, being sure to duck in the cover of the sand if you heard the familiar rumble of the quad. You reached the place where you had initially encountered jack, ducked your head, and silently peered out over the Sandy terrain. It was only a matter of time before he made his rounds.
And so he did, you caught him with his captive, mid fight no doubt. She thrashed wildly in his grasp, landing a few hits from the steady stream of blood under the mask.
You respected her courage in the situation, especially when you saw her knock jack to the ground and lunge for his weapon. You saw your opening.
Practically diving before she could grip the knuckle duster hilt of the knife, you tackled her, in her state of shock she thrashed rather than attacking you. It was clear she recognised you.
Before you could register the betrayal in her eyes you pushed the knife into the soft flesh beneath her jaw. She writhed, warm blood pulsing out in a clean stream. Your eyes were wide, jaw ajar, completely forgetting about him.
You were pulled out of your trance by a rumbling laughter. He had pulled himself off the floor and loomed over you.
“You batting for the other team now? Don’t think the others would be best pleased hm”, he had a shit eating grin plastered over his now unmasked face. You braced for impact, nothing came.
You were the one who held the knife, the power dynamic had shifted and he knew it too. Even if he managed to pry the knife out of your hands and beat you limp, you wouldn’t die without a fight. He’d seen first hand how you were willing to fuck someone up just to survive. His arrogance and pride wouldn’t allow him to be seen at the camp bruised and battered at the hands of a captive.
Jack let out a grunt, holding his hands up defeatedly. Everyone had a price, and he was willing to pay yours to live, or At least until he could kill you when you weren’t looking. You took advantage of this, pointing the knife at his throat as you explained your situation with Derek.
You could’ve swore you saw his head nodding almost with understanding? Maybe Derek was just an asshole to everyone. You told him you wanted him dead, at that his eyes flashed with an emotion you couldn’t quite pick out.
you heard him sigh with frustration, he promised to help you, he clarified just one thing.
“You can do what you want to the little shit, cut him into little cubes, wear him like a jacket for all I care. But you can’t kill him. Fuck him up real good, then meet me at camp. I’ll get you out of here”
It’s not unbelievable to assume you didn’t trust him at all, you had a feeling this choice would come back to you later
He offered you the knife you’d killed the other captive with, you grimaced as you took it, but understood it was the only way out.
You waited until it was darker, the desert had cooled. Taking the knife and reaching behind you, you made a jagged slash along your shoulders and back. As you did, deliberately screaming, listening to the hollow echoes of your voice around the desert.
The other 3 captors were nowhere to be seen, same with the other captives. Apart from 1, that familiar grinding noise of the quad approaching you. Your stomach churned as you quickly hid the knife in the waist band of your shorts.
Lying on the floor, seething with pain, he approached you curiously. Upon seeing the wound he bared his teeth like a dog.
“Who the fuck did this to you. I paid good money for you. and you let someone else touch you, dirty bitch.”, his nose scrunched in disgust.
There was no concern or empathy, as you had to remind yourself he was barely human, barely feeling in terms of emotion. You were not a conscious being to him, instead a mere chew toy to satisfy his urges. The piñata he got all his frustration out on before he had to wear the mask of a functional person back home, and for his father
“Might as well make good use one last time. And I’m a nice guy, so I’ll let you pick which hole.”, blinking away tears, you pitifully pointed to your mouth, Playing off the sad character you had created for yourself
Positioning yourself on your knees, looking through your lashes with teary eyes, you found yourself smiling, before reaching for his belt and getting to work. You had to make sure you were good for him, just this once.
Using both your hands and tongue, you pawed and kneaded at him needily, drinking him, much to his pleasure. The original grip he had on your hair had loosened as he leaned into your touch desperately. Derek felt so secure in his position of power, felt he had broke you, but you waited for this.
He twitched, gritting his teeth. He was almost there, you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of finishing. With his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head, you stretched a free hand behind you, gripping the knife that you’d hidden.
Quicker than he could process, you pushed the knife so deep into the flesh of his thigh that you were sure you hit bone. Before he could grab you as a reflex, you lay on your back, using one leg to kick at the fresh wound, and the other to stop him from hobbling towards you
“You fucking bitch. You fucking stupid cunt, you’re nothing, if you kill me you still can’t leave here, don’t you fucking get that?!”, you cringed at his temper tantrum.
The pain was too much for him, he fell to the floor, gritting his teeth and writhing in agony. You knew in this state he wouldn’t get far, and eventually he would pass out from blood loss, so you decided against stabbing him again (as much as you wanted the satisfaction)
“You need me. You can’t leave me here, do you even know who I am?!”
After all the pain he had caused you, to see him so vulnerable, crying like a spoiled child, it gave you back a little bit of dignity that he had stripped you of.
“Please. Please, fuck, please. You don’t have to do this, I can get you anything you want, literally anything. Don’t leave me here.” , all you could think was how pathetic he was to resort to begging.
There was more Babbling, in between the tears and choked sobs. Something about his urges, how it wasn’t personally against you and he just wanted to feel normal. You couldn’t help but audibly scoff, after everything he had put you through, he’s sorry cause it “wasn’t personal”, or he “wanted normalcy”. You were shaking from anger.
You decided against killing him, not only because of the offer with jack, but because any death you could afford him would be too generous and humane.
God knows he doesn’t deserve that. He wasn’t worth your effort, you just wanted to go home.
You thought you saw a white mask stalking in the Distance. Fearing one of the others, gripping your knife you moved quickly in the direction of the camp.
As expected jack was waiting for you, cigarette lit between his calloused fingers.
He blinked almost in surprise that you'd survived, but Moreso acknowledgment for your existence. Holding out a cup of ambiguous liquid, you assumed out of good will, you silently drank together.
that was the last thing you remembered before knocking out.
in homeless fashion, you'd woke up on a random park bench in a familiar town that once your eyes adjusted you presumed to be your own.
you finally let out a sigh of relief as you let your feet drag across the pavement in the direction of your home. Your reality had shifted, becoming more aware of peoples lingering glances, their facial reaction towards you. You couldn’t help but feel ruined.
A fresh shower eased your tense muscles, washing away your guilt (temporarily), you let your fingers trace over the scars and bruises that littered your skin. they would fade. it was over. you finally let yourself feel vulnerable
But you should never be vulnerable, especially since you fucked with a Goffard.
To survive Mason you had to be much more calculated than you did with Derek. Mason didn’t need to be cocky, he knew his way around that Forest more than you ever would, he was quick and quiet.
You had learned a few things just from your first day. Mason made rounds, he didn’t stick to one place, which meant that you couldn’t stick to one place either. Due to the Forrest shape and the pattern of his movements it was more difficult for him to corner you, which was in your favour.
Another thing was the Forrest was cold as a motherfucker, and sleeping was near impossible without the comfort of a fire to warm you. At first you thought the supplies to light the fire were a trick, trying to weed you out, surely he would be able to see the smoke rising from the tree tops and catch you?
But nights were also safe, gave you enough time to patch yourself up, rest, or set up for the next day. You’d figured out on the night he rested in a log cabin, which gave you some peace of mind knowing he wouldn’t be prowling
Mason was a man of his word, if you survived him he would let you go of no consequence, which could not apply to others. The issue was finding a way around a man that was so obviously a skilled hunter
First you thought about the Snares, having nearly been caught in one, you thought you could possibly use one to your advantage. That was ruled out when animals kept getting stuck in them, your guilty conscience forced you to leap to save them
You had seen a bear trap before, cunningly hidden under dry foliage, you’d spotted it and avoided it, maybe you could move it into his pathway? By this point you had his moves tracked to a T, so you could predict where he would be moving next.
Your chest swelled with pride, and a mixture of anxiety, as you tried to replicate the deceptive placement of the trap he had originally set, covered in leaves, twigs and shrubbery.
To seal the deal and ensure he actually came you let a raw scream rip through your throat, you knew it wasn’t an issue for him to find where the scream could come from, the man could practically echolocate.
Your eyes darted around the open Forrest, realising you had nowhere to hide and had given up your location. Staring up a tree near the bear trap, you sighed.
Making sure to climb promptly up the tree while leaving no trace proved a challenge, the longer you waited the more you hallucinated the sounds of twigs snapping beneath thick leather boots. Once you were up, securely hidden by the dense leaves, you dared to peer down
It had taken him a matter of 15 minutes to find you, just from a scream. Either he sprinted or he was in an area nearby, both options scared you. The familiar green of his tartan print shirt made you lurch with fear
Biting your lip, you watching him along the pathway edge closer and closer to the trap, you had granted yourself the feeling of freedom prematurely, assuming it would work.
Furrowing your brows, you were confused when he stopped a pace away from the trap. You felt your skin crawl hearing a deep resonating laughter erupt from him, a laughter that felt patronising
He had seen it. And he was amused? Instead of stepping onto it or around it, he instead picked up a large stick, and used it to trigger the trap with a gut wrenching snap. That could’ve been you, ideally it should’ve been him.
It was a premature plan, not very well thought out, it would take more to take him out, especially considering his size, he was easily twice yours, if not in height but the sheer weight and strength of him. You did have a lingering feeling that you should keep an eye out for the repurposed bear trap, that could come in handy.
The next step on the failing agenda was to explore the one place you really really didn’t want to. His Cabin. By default you assumed it was locked so before you even considered actually going you thought about methods to get in, he hadn’t seen you by that area, so maybe he would accidentally leave the door unlocked??
Yeah fat chance. Surely you had to take advantage of how quick he seemed to be when he heard you in the area with the bear trap, it’s almost as if he dropped everything to find you, you wanted to test this theory.
You knew there was a lake nearby, and decided to try your chances at fishing, not really for the whole nutritional value of the fish but another idea. It was a forest right? A densely packed, environmentally diverse forest, you had seen foxes, rabbits, deer, so it was only right to assume there must be bears, especially with a stream so close by.
Waiting until night fall again, you wondered how long it would take before he grew tired of exclusively searching for you during the day. You made your way over to the stream, you’d seen something about catching fish with your hands on some tv show and didn’t really think much of it when you saw it. Maybe you should’ve paid attention.
After a few tries of Emulating a really terrible Bear Grylls technique you resorted to a stick, rolling up your trousers and standing in the freezing water very still, seeing an unfortunate victim swim towards you, you plunged your stick into it.
You could worry about feeling guilty later, when you were safe. Making your way over to a snare you knew he set up before, one that you’d narrowly avoided, you placed the fish very close to it. Making sure to remove the head so it’s stench was stronger.
Practically sprinting, you made your way back to the hiding place near his cabin. It would take a while for a Bear to go near the snare, and it was almost morning, so he’d surely he would be up and out. You hoped he would confuse the bear for you just long enough.
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, you were practically becoming delirious from hunger, and the cold had finally started nipping away at your fingers and nose. Alongside that you were drained, forcing yourself to stay awake, you didn’t want to be caught at the last lap.
He finally came. Striding out with an air of confidence, gruff harsh footsteps crunching against the earth. Further into the distance, the familiar sound of the snare, and the shake of the trees. The deer weren’t heavy enough to do that, he thought he had finally won.
Overcome with hubris, he slammed the door of the cabin shut, gripping his knife. You noted he didn’t lock it. Even mass murderers make mistakes.
There was your chance, quietly crawling up the steps, you made your way in. Anxiety ripped at your insides as you searched, conveniently you had found that handy bear trap, and a few other interesting bits too. You didn’t like the guy but you were always curious to learn about someone.
No technology, but a map? Upon studying it a little closer you noticed the area with a pin in it was where you were, seeing the familiar curves of the stream on its hand drawn surface. Another place fairly close by was circled, you wondered if that would be useful later.
Placing the bear trap in front of the door was the first thought, but that was too easy, he would surely notice it, and even if it caught just a leg he seemed rough enough to pull it off and lunge for you. That wouldn’t work out for you.
You noticed a stool, dragged it to the gap behind the door for when it would swing open upon his entry, then stood on it with the bear trap positioned away from your body.
Mason was pissed to say the least. Not only was it not you in the snare, but a large angry fucking bear. it took a few hacks at it to get it to die, it almost got a few hits on him too, but Sandy never let him down.
His heavy footsteps left imprints in the soft dirt as he made his way back to the cabin, realising his previous mistake. You were a frightened animal, he doubted you’d be brave enough to go to the one enclosed space he stayed in the most.
Nothing seemed off when he came back, everything as it was. But he wasn’t just going to lock the door, being paranoid kept him alive, so he would quickly check and be on his way.
With his same air of confidence, Mason strides into the cramped cabin, upon first glance it seemed nothing had moved, he did note his stool was gone.
Furrowing his brows he turned to look for it, only noticing then the seething captive that had been waiting for him.
The stool gave you enough height to jump at him, wrapping your legs around his torso, in one fell swoop, you locked the jaws of the bear trap around his head. It didn’t fit so snugly due to his struggling, so with as much force as you could muster, you slammed it so hard you felt the spring locks recoil against you.
There was silence for a moment, you had unwound your legs from him, falling to the floor and crawling towards the door. His towering figure stood still, eyes open with shock, the grip on his knife had diminished as it hit the floor with a gentle thud.
Then you were met with screams, piercing screams, and you genuinely wondered when you stared at him, how was this fucker not dead? People lose their legs from bear traps, and he still somehow was conscious enough to yell, even trying to undo the spring lock to free himself.
While he was distracted trying to free his twisted flesh from within the teeth of the trap, you took your opportunity to grab his knife and scramble frantically away from the lumbering man.
Just as you were out the door you remembered the map, but Mason was too busy trying to salvage his face to care what you were doing, making eye contact with him as you sprinted in the direction of the map you noted he looked at you differently. There was no anger, or victimising glare, it felt more equal, like he finally respected you as a person and not prey
His face disgusted you, the trap still actively disfiguring him the more he struggled. Killing him would be too humane, you hoped he would survive this, and that his scars and deformity would be a reminder. The hunter had finally been hunted.
Knowing he wouldn’t be following you, with the map and knife in hand, and your back pack of supplies you had stashed in your hiding place, you made your way to the circled area on the map. You hoped there would be something like a phone, a way to contact anyone. Worst case scenario you could survive a little longer, trek out the forest and find your way back.
After dealing with him you didn’t feel so vulnerable, the only threat left in the vicinity was you; a dangerous wave of euphoria ran over you.
You hoped he had learnt his lesson, if he came looking for you, you wouldn’t be so nice. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken Sandy though-
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skeyfruit · 1 month
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one vibe
Translation: I can’t, Dean’s face looks like he’s tired of arresting this crazy guy, and Derek is like YES YES LET’S HURRAY
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ruskatuskapuskasapuska · 11 months
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I love the idea of the desert gang having little lunch breaks together :^))) (and derek posting stupid shit on insta and accidentally revealing their location or someshit (wait, who took the photo...?))
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ribz4livers · 1 year
"You've been running your whole life."
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🔞 MINORS DNI! 🔞 This also includes AGELESS BLOGS! Failure to comply will result in a BLOCK!
Jack belongs to @/gatobob
Art was done by myself (ribz4livers)
I drew this originally for two of the coolest cats in the Tpof fan server who are the biggest Jack fuckers I know.
It was fun to do considering how boxy he is in comparison to the other boys (by boys I mean just Derek) I hope you guys enjoy your cokie cop baby. 👀
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hur0nes · 5 months
What's your favorite character?
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aufucker · 2 months
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Tie your dog up
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arrrmagedonnn · 11 months
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screen redraw
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