#Trailer Parts Melbourne
alltruckpart · 15 days
Truck Spare Parts Dealerships
AllTruckPart: Your Trusted Partner for Truck Spare Parts
In the dynamic and demanding world of trucking, the need for reliable and high-quality truck spare parts is paramount. Whether you operate a fleet of trucks or a single vehicle, the longevity and performance of your trucks depend significantly on the quality of parts used for maintenance and repair. At AllTruckPart, we understand this critical need and have dedicated ourselves to becoming your go-to source for premium truck spare parts.
The Importance of Quality Truck Spare Parts
Trucks are the backbone of the transportation industry, carrying goods across vast distances and through challenging conditions. The heavy-duty nature of these vehicles necessitates regular maintenance and timely replacement of parts to ensure optimal performance and safety. Here are a few reasons why investing in quality truck spare parts is essential:
Safety is the foremost concern in the trucking industry. High-quality spare parts ensure that your truck operates smoothly without unexpected breakdowns, which can lead to accidents. Reliable brakes, steering components, and tires are crucial for maintaining control and preventing mishaps.
Performance and Efficiency
Using premium spare parts ensures that your truck runs efficiently. Parts that fit perfectly and function as intended can improve fuel efficiency, reduce wear and tear, and enhance the overall performance of the vehicle. This not only lowers operating costs but also extends the life of the truck.
Regulatory Compliance
The trucking industry is heavily regulated, with strict standards for vehicle maintenance and performance. High-quality spare parts help you meet these standards, ensuring that your trucks remain compliant with regulations and avoid penalties or downtime due to non-compliance.
While high-quality spare parts might come with a higher upfront cost, they are more cost-effective in the long run. They last longer, reduce the frequency of replacements, and minimize the risk of costly repairs due to part failure. This translates to significant savings over time.
Why Choose AllTruckPart?
At AllTruckPart, we are committed to providing our customers with the best truck spare parts available on the market. Here’s what sets us apart from other dealerships:
Extensive Inventory
We boast an extensive inventory of truck spare parts from renowned manufacturers. Whether you need engine components, brake systems, suspension parts, or electrical accessories, we have it all. Our wide range ensures that you can find the exact part you need without having to search multiple sources.
Quality Assurance
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. All our parts undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet industry standards and our customers' expectations. We partner with reputable manufacturers who share our commitment to quality, ensuring that every part you purchase from us is reliable and durable.
Expert Support
Our team of experts is always ready to assist you with your needs. Whether you need help selecting the right part or have questions about installation and maintenance, our knowledgeable staff is here to provide you with the support you need. We understand the intricacies of truck systems and can offer valuable insights to keep your vehicles running smoothly.
Competitive Pricing
We believe that quality should not come at an exorbitant price. At AllTruckPart, we offer competitive pricing on all our products, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. Our transparent pricing structure means no hidden costs, allowing you to budget effectively.
Fast and Reliable Delivery
We understand that time is money in the trucking industry. That’s why we prioritize fast and reliable delivery of your orders. Our efficient logistics network ensures that you receive your parts promptly, minimizing downtime and keeping your trucks on the road.
Popular Truck Spare Parts at AllTruckPart
Engine Components
The engine is the heart of your truck, and maintaining it with quality parts is crucial. We offer a comprehensive range of engine components, including pistons, crankshafts, camshafts, and fuel injectors. Our parts are designed to withstand the rigorous demands of heavy-duty trucking, ensuring optimal engine performance and longevity.
Brake Systems
Safety is non-negotiable, and having a reliable brake system is essential. We provide a wide selection of brake components, including brake pads, rotors, calipers, and hydraulic systems. Our parts ensure responsive and consistent braking performance, helping you maintain control in all driving conditions.
Suspension Parts
A well-maintained suspension system contributes to a smooth and comfortable ride, even on rough roads. We offer high-quality suspension parts such as shock absorbers, struts, control arms, and bushings. Our parts are built to absorb impact effectively, enhancing vehicle stability and driver comfort.
Electrical Components
Modern trucks rely heavily on electrical systems for various functions. We provide an array of electrical components, including batteries, alternators, starters, and wiring harnesses. Our parts are designed for durability and reliability, ensuring that your truck’s electrical systems operate without a hitch.
Tires and Wheels
Tires and wheels are critical for ensuring safe and efficient operation. We offer a selection of high-quality tires and wheels suitable for different terrains and loads. Our products are sourced from trusted manufacturers, guaranteeing excellent traction, durability, and performance.
Tips for Maintaining Your Truck with AllTruckPart Spare Parts
Regular Inspections
Regular inspections are key to identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems. Check your truck’s vital components, including the engine, brakes, suspension, and electrical systems, to ensure they are in good working condition.
Timely Replacements
Don’t wait for a part to fail completely before replacing it. Timely replacements of worn-out parts can prevent breakdowns and ensure your truck operates efficiently. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for part replacement intervals and keep a maintenance schedule.
Proper Installation
Ensure that all parts are installed correctly to avoid complications. If you’re not confident in your ability to install a part, seek the help of a professional mechanic. Improper installation can lead to further damage and safety risks.
Use Genuine Parts
Always use genuine parts from trusted suppliers like AllTruckPart. Counterfeit or substandard parts might be cheaper, but they compromise the safety and performance of your truck. Genuine parts are designed to fit and function perfectly with your vehicle.
Stay Informed
Keep yourself updated with the latest advancements in truck technology and maintenance practices. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions about part replacements and upgrades, ensuring your truck remains in top condition.
At AllTruckPart, we are dedicated to helping you maintain and enhance the performance of your trucks with our top-quality spare parts. Our commitment to quality, extensive inventory, expert support, competitive pricing, and reliable delivery make us the ideal partner for all your truck spare part needs. Trust AllTruckPart to keep your trucks running smoothly, safely, and efficiently, so you can focus on what you do best – driving your business forward.
Explore our range of products today and experience the difference that quality and expertise can make. Your trucks deserve the best, and at AllTruckPart, we deliver nothing less.
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alexiavettel · 11 months
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chapter six
"The world was whole then, the sun and the moon together as one"
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!stroll¡reader
word count: 2.3k+
warnings: explicit language, reader manipulating her father to create chaos basically, Seb retirement, Lawrence is almost a good dad (i love him, i hate to make him a bit toxic), reader and charles being sassy and quite aggressive towards each other, Leclerc being obnoxiously sexist.
disclaimer: any photo used is not supposed to represent the reader, are all Pinterest pics that match the context
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April 10th, 2022
Melbourne, Australia- post-race
“We're gonna reveal in the next race” Charles notified you right after entering your trailer “Binotto wanted to be in Monza but it’s too far. So.. I was thinking that we could walk in on thursday holding hands” he starts planning.
“We didn’t agree with soft launching?”
“For god’s sake, Stroll! We’ve been soft launching for months! I had never gone out so much even with my real girlfriends, there are more pics of us in gossips accounts than on our own phones, we do more press together lately than when we were in the same team. Everyone figured that we are together already” he seats down on your couch.
“But why Imola? We could wait a bit, don’t we?”
“They decided already. Better be soon in the season, no?” 
“I will find a way to not let this be a main thing this weekend…” you murmur to yourself but Leclerc managed to hear it.
“What are you planning, Satan?” The man gets up and comes closer, eyeing you suspiciously.
“I don’t wanna be in the spotlight… with you” you whisper.
“Gotta be clearer, sweetheart” he looks at you quirking his brow.
“You’ll see it!” You turn to him and smile over sweetly.
“I don’t like the way you say this-”
“Do you want all the questions this weekend to be about our relationship? Yeah, I don’t think so. My team had something planned for a while so I think we could announce it now and it’ll take a bit of the spotlight from me- us”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s a bit of a risky move, but I’m gonna figure it out”
“Dad, please! I would never ask you for something like this if it really wasn’t important!” A lie, you would. You have done it multiple times already.
“Do you know how many problems this may create?” He grew uncomfortable in his seat. Having a serious conversation like this one, wasn’t your first option but the anxiety won.
“Daddy… An upgrade was already planned for Imola, we gonna announce it this thursday anyway. So thinking in a business way, it’ll attract to us a lot of attention. Since we’re having a good development this season, it will create an expectation in everyone that we are turning into a brand new team and one of the main ones. Announcing Alonso will create so much speculation and basically initiate the silly season”
“Kitten, there will be so many questions,” he sighed tiredly “did you stop to think how risky that is? To you, specifically. No one's gonna think Vettel is retiring, they will question your talent and ability, sweetie. I think I can do what you ask me but are you ready for all that?”
“Yes, I am. I’m not a kid anymore, you know I can take a bit of shit from the media with my head high. I’ve done it already, I can do it again. Thank you, daddy!” You hug him dearly. Really happy that the plan worked out and that he trusted you enough for that, but quite worried about the consequences. 
“Don’t worry, kitten. But I’ll need your help to talk with Vettel, see if he’s okay with all this. I’m gonna take care of the rest, let’s see if Alonso allows it. But I’m gonna make it happen, anything for you baby girl. Just… Don’t disappoint me, okay?”
“Never, father. But if Seb isn’t okay with it you don’t need to do it, deal?”
“You are the most perfect teammate, sweetheart” he shuffles your hair affectionately.
April 20th, 2022
Silverstone, United Kingdom - Aston Martin Headquarters
You told Seb everything yesterday, from the point of taking the attention away from you and Leclerc to open opportunities to other teams' proposals, as your official (and undisclosed information) contract ends this year.
Your dad was happy about Vettel’s acceptance and already set everything up for today’s breaking news. So let the silly season begin! While on Sim, Sebastian gave you a lesson about how risky that could be and if the media starts to go too harsh on you, you can call him up anytime. You have been ignoring Leclerc for the past few days since he hasn’t stopped asking what you're going to do and you can’t wait to see his reaction. Liv told you the news release time, not before calling you crazy and “Can’t you fucking accept that you and Charles are a couple?”...
Your mobile started ringing like crazy but you just put it on the ‘do not disturb’ mode and follow with your day. It actually made you curious sometimes throughout the day but you tried to concentrate on training, and gossiping with Seb helped a lot.
“So… People enjoyed the news?” Vettel asked when we were about to get out.
“I don’t know, didn’t touch my phone since it came out” you admitted picking up your stuff.
“You’re not curious?”  He side-eyed you smirking.
“Yes… But we already know what they’re talking about either way”
“Get your phone, if you're not curious I am!” You did what he said and got shocked by how many missed calls, hundreds of messages and social media notifications.
“God’s sake!...” You showed your phone to him and he started laughing at your reaction “Let’s search the news”
“SILLY SEASON BEGAN: Fernando Alonso joins Aston Martin for 2023. Who will leave?”
“Is Y/n Stroll remaining in Formula One?”
“Vettel OR Stroll? Who will leave Aston Martin?”
“Will Lawrence Stroll be brave enough to fire his own daughter?”
“Is it possible that Sebastian Vettel is going to retire?”
“Is Sebastian Vettel going back to Ferrari?”
“Who will replace Fernando Alonso in Alpine?”
“Will the only female driver on the grid be fired?”
“Did you see Leclerc’s message?” Sebastian asked after you two read all the news.
“He’s probably just freaking out. Did you already explain to him the Ferrari beef?” His reaction said enough “Why not?”
“Do you really think it will help his relationship with Mattia? I can tell him after I retire, I heard Binotto will retire depending on this year’s performance…”
“Really? That could explain why he had gone so far for Leclerc’s reputation. Shit, he’s fucked!” You laughed out loud while Seb attempted to scold you but failed and started giggling with you.
April 21st, 2022
Imola, Italy - Media day
Y/n Stroll POV:
“So the ghost comes to pay me a visit?” He was suited in his classic Ferrari polo when he opened his hotel room’s door. 
“Shut up, Leclerc” I enter the room and sit on his bed.
“You ghosted me for more than a week and I can’t be mad?!” He closed the door harshly.
“Stop being dramatic…” I shuffle around his messy bag of clothes.
“I’m not being dramatic!” He’s probably so mad that he doesn’t even care that I’m going through his stuff.
“Why do you care that much?” I found less embarrassing trousers, a white tailored one “Missed your pretty girlfriend?” I look up at him teasingly and he just avoids me looking at the trousers.
“Fuck you. What’s that?”
“I’m not being seen with you wearing those horrendous pants! Change to this white one and then we can go” With a sweet smile I shove him into the bathroom. 
As he took time to change I used the opportunity to read all the messages he sent to me in the meantime. 150 messages all about him going crazy like “WTF ARE YOU DOING?” “ARE YOU GETTING FIRED?”, it made me giggle.
He didn't say anything while walking out of the bathroom, just gathered his things in silence and didn’t wait for me to get out of the room.
“Are you really that mad at me?” He was waiting at the lift door. “Silence treatment now?” He remains silent.
The elevator arrives and we enter with quietude filling the air. If we stay in this situation the remaining 14 floors will be unbearable.
“I am not getting fired”.
Fourteenth floor
“I didn’t tell before ‘cause I didn’t know if my father would allow”.
Thirteenth floor
“You’re not gonna talk to me? Really? Stop fucking ignoring me!”
“Are you really that embarrassed of me?”
Twelfth floor
“Embarrassed? Only of your sense of style, Leclerc”
“It’s a lie”
“No, it’s not! Why would I be so embarrassed of you?” 
“You’re gaslighting me!”
“I am not! Why can’t fucking answer me properly?!”
“Look how much chaos you created just to not hold my fucking hand!” He scratched his neck after messing up his hair nervously.
“That’s not the problem!” I pick up his hand, interlacing our fingers “See!”
“Then why did you do all this? You don’t want this fake shit, I know it really well. I got you! But was this all necessary?!” He shook my hand away and widened his eyes.
“I don’t want the spotlight in my face!”
“You don’t shy away! Like never!”
“Can’t you put yourself in my place one fucking time?! You and the others can change girlfriends like a pair of shoes and will be treated normally!”
“Stop playing dumb! Having a boyfriend will be the main point of my weekend to them. Especially if it is with a driver! They gonna question my ability, if I’m able to discern my personal and professional life, that I’m a whore who couldn’t keep it in the pants with a coworker!”
“They’ll do the same with me, don’t play the victim” He messes his hair madly.
“You’re a man! You’ll be the best one ‘cause you got a hot girl at work, you’ll be the player, an ‘alpha’. Now aside from ‘getting my seat from daddy’s money’ my good performance will be explained it’s because I’m fucking you or some bullshit like that!”
“Okay, I understand but! Why ignore me like that?! I can help and will! Why don’t you talk to me?”
“We are not friends! Why would you help if not for your own image? Stop pretending you care!”
“You are so self-absorbed!” Shit.
“Leclerc!” Shit shit shit shit shit.
“Don’t ‘Leclerc’ me! You screamed at me so can I!” 
“Leclerc! Listen-”
“No! You listen!-”
“Charles, shut up! Look!” I show the floor pointers stuck between the twelfth and eleventh floors. And right at that moment, the lights go off just resting the emergency one.
“Oh fine, great. Amazing really! Exactly just what I needed!” He shouts pressing the emergency button repeatedly “No one sees this fucking camera?!” He asks loudly, waving his arms like crazy to the small thing pinned on the corner.
“Are you fucking blind?” I nervously point to the only light on us.
“I’m gonna kill myself-” He desperately leans against the wall.
“Do you have a stick up in your ass?” I come closer to him starting to feel my blood boiling more. Everything he said is piling over and getting me even worse.
“What did you just say?” He starts to look down at me.
“Do-you-have-a-stick-up-in-your-ass? Did I forget something?” If he can look down at me like I’m shit I can do as well.
“Why can’t you stop being a bitch for a second?! We’re literally trapped here!” He approaches me caging in the wall, he narrows his eyes with a newfound intensity. Not just anger but something indescribable. 
“Yeah, nightmare material. Not like we got to choose!”
“Nah, I don’t believe you…” he starts smirking.
“You’re the one who is a breath away from me, Leclerc” I tilt my head to look directly at his eyes.
“Fuck off!” He distances himself mad.
“I gladly would. And look, just because I love torturing you, doesn’t mean I like spending time with you” Teasing him is a bit better when we’re not trapped in a lift and I can get out after this point.
“You really aren’t making this any easier, are you?” The driver started trying to open the door "I can't open it!"
“It's protected against idiots” I giggle as his arms shake after only opening about 5 cm of the door just to be concrete. We are literally in between floors, great. I hope we don’t die.
“Listen here” He corners me at the end of the lift, putting his arms around my head caging me and holding my jaw to look at him “Dare me again and I’ll fucking break you off”
“Wow!” I say cynically “That cute little face you’re pulling didn’t scare me before and it definitely won’t now. Put it away” I grab his jaw, pushing his cheeks together. and slapping him away weakly. 
“You find my face cute, huh?” He scrunches his nose, pushing my hands away and smirking.
“I hate- Fuck!” The lights come back and as the lift starts to tremble we stumble over each other. If it wasn’t for his hand on my hips we both would’ve been on the ground right now.
“Don’t panic! We are getting you two out of there!” We heard a masculine voice through the small opening in the elevator’s door.
“So… What you were saying?” He didn’t move his hand away.
“I hate you so fucking much!” The teasing is gone. I’m just mad right now. I don’t know how or why he can make me thrilled so easily but I would do anything to change that.
“Oh really?” He puts his right hand on my cheek, smirking.
“I don’t know what you’re doing. But yes, Leclerc really.” I managed to stare back at him defiantly.
“Lying doesn’t suit you, sweetheart”
“But you know what does? You getting off of me, sweetheart” I don’t like the feeling of my cheeks burning so I slap him off and go close to the door, with my back turned to him. “I hope we don’t get too late to the press…” I think out loud after a bit of silence.
“Lucky enough we were early. Probably going to arrive just in time, chérie” He acts normally, just checking the time on his watch.
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@laura-naruto-fan1998 @honeyric3 @tempo-rary-fix hope you enjoyed <3
my taglist!!
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #266 - Dead Can Dance, Aion, 1990
La copertina del disco di oggi, della serie di lavori che riprendono capolavori del Rinascimento, è un particolare de Il Trittico Del Giardino Delle Delizie di  Hieronymus Bosch, dipinto probabilmente tra il 1490 e il 1510 dal maestro nederlandese, conservato oggi al Museo Del Prado di Madrid. Il particolare è della sezione centrale, sulla Vita nel Giardino. A sceglierlo per quello che è il loro disco capolavoro sono stati un gruppo australiano, i Dead Can Dance. Si formano a Melbourne alla fine degli anni ‘70, e si ispirano alla new wave britannica di quei giorni e alle sonorità post-punk. Sono in quattro all’inizio: Paul Erikson al basso, Lisa Gerrard alla voce, Simon Monroe alla chitarra e alla batteria e Brendan Perry alla voce e alla seconda chitarra. Pubblicano un singolo, nell’agosto del 1981, The Fatal Impact, che esce in una compilation di una rivista specializzata, Fast Forward. Visto il successo scarso, decidono di andare a Londra. Passano mesi duri, fino a quando nel 1983 un loro demo arriva alla  4AD Records, un’etichetta indipendente  fondata nel 1979 da Ivo Watts-Russell e Peter Kent e che sarà fucina di talenti e del più sofisticato goth rock di quel periodo, avendo scoperto e prodotto  Bauhaus, Cocteau Twins, Modern English, Pixies, Throwing Muses, e i leggendari This Mortal Coil, una sorta di supergruppo con molti dei musicisti delle band dell’etichetta che pubblicherà tre dischi magnifici. I Dead Can Dance sostituiscono Monroe con Peter Ulrich e nel 1984 pubblicano Dead Can Dance: in copertina, una maschera rituale della Nuova Guinea con il nome in caratteri greci del nome della band, una musica che se parte dall’elettronica new wave si espande e diventa rarefatta, acquisendo dettagli e costruzioni che diventeranno iconici, soprattutto grazie alla voce magnetica di Lisa Gerrard. Partecipano al progetto This Mortal Coil, poi nel 1985 il primo disco notevole, Spleen And Ideal, in cui introducono archi, fiati, armonie che si rifanno alla musica gotica, contenuti mistici che troppo velocemente diventano “new age”, e da qui inizia un piccolo seguito di culto per la band, che è diventata ormai un duo Gerrard\Perry, compagni anche nella vita. Si trasferiscono in Irlanda, e lì compongono il primo capolavoro: The Serpent’s Egg (1988) è ancora più etereo e sognante, e un brano, The Host Of Seraphim, verrà usato a più riprese in documentari, trailer, altri brani addirittura campionati (The Chemical Brothers che usano un sample di Song Of Sophia per la loro Song To The Siren, nel loro disco Exit Planet Dust del 1995). Succede però che i due si separino come coppia, con la Gerrard che rimane in Irlanda e inizia a studiare le lingue slave, Perry che va in Spagna. Ma il loro binomio artistico continua, e le esperienze personali sono alla base del disco di oggi, il loro capolavoro. Lo intitolano Aion, una parola greca che vuol dire “forza vitale”, e nella mitologia greca è il tempo infinito, del susseguirsi delle ere, ma anche il tempo vitale e il destino a differenza di Chronos che è il Dio del tempo degli eventi, delle ritualità. Composto da 12 brani spettacolari, ha decine di influenze. Solo due brani sono in inglese, Black Sun e Fortune Presents Gifts Not According To The Book, il cui testo è una traduzione di alcune liriche del poeta spagnolo barocco del diciassettesimo secolo Luis de Góngora. Si aggiungono melodie medioevali e rinascimentali, strumenti antichi come la ghironda o la viola da gamba, sono capaci di creare una musica che sembra un gioco di aria e acqua nella breve ma stupenda The Garden Of Zephirus, polifonie vocali nella toccante Wilderness, i ritmi da mercato arabo della conclusiva Radharc, la ripresa di un Saltarello, una melodia tipica del Centro Italia Rinascimentale, ma su tutto domina la voce, da brividi, della Gerrard, che con naturalezza canta una glossolalia fatta di parole greche, latine, arabe, bulgare, gaeliche che sembrano una misteriosa nuova lingua nella spettacolare apertura del disco, The Arrival And The Reunion, accompagnata dal soprano maschile David Navarro Sust. Alcuni strumentali sono eccezionali e rimandano al tempo del dipinto di copertina, come Mephisto e la stupenda As The Bell Rings The Maypole Spins (il Maypole Spin è molto simile All’Intreccio delle tradizioni folkoristiche nostrale legate al Carnevale, e consiste nell’intrecciare serie di nastri colorati, seguendo un ballo ritmico, ad un palo). Ma il colpo da maestro è la ripresa di una canzone tradizionale mediterranea, The Song Of The Sybil, conosciuta soprattutto nel sud della Spagna come El Canto De La Sibilla e ad Alghero: canzone di genere apocalittico che la tradizione fa risalire addirittura a Eusebio da Cesarea, che scrisse, secondo Sant’Agostino, una Iudicii Signum, che il teologo da Ippona tradusse dal greco al latino nella sua Città Di Dio. I Dead Can Dance ne riprendono la versione in catalano, che è uno dei momenti clou delle celebrazioni della natività in molte zone della Spagna: qui la Gerrad sfoggia tutta la natura dolorosa del canto, in una prova vocale da brividi e indimenticabile. Il disco è acclamato dalla critica e rimane uno dei picchi di creatività di una band che toccherà il massimo successo con Into The Labyrinth (1993), che venderà 500 mila copie, record per un disco della 4AD. Rimangono un ascolto necessario, per la delicatezza delle scelte e la magia della loro musica, da assaporare con il tempo necessario per un viaggio spazio temporale, almeno ad occhi chiusi.
P.S. La rubrica salta la domenica prossima, e riprende martedi 21 per ritornare domenica 26, con due titoli per finire la serie di dischi con le copertina rinascimentali.
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bidonica · 3 months
I am enjoying playing the metal gears on their own merit but also Death Stranding is always on my mind and I have a couple of side notes (that will be updated as I go forward as I'm just at the beginning of Snake Eater):
At the end of MGS2, Snake's voiceover basically enunciates the themes of Death Stranding:
Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt... anger, joy and sorrow... these are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.
MGS3's gimmick for the save screen is to have your liaison Para Medic talk to you about famous and lesser known genre movies from the first half of the 20th century. Let me tell you I jumped on the chair when she brought up a 1959 movie featuring Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner called On The Beach:
In 1964, World War III has devastated the Northern Hemisphere, killing all humans there. Air currents are slowly carrying the fallout to the Southern Hemisphere, where Melbourne, Australia will be the last major city on Earth to perish. The American nuclear submarine USS Sawfish, commanded by Capt. Dwight Towers, arrives in Melbourne and is placed under Royal Australian Navy command. Peter Holmes, a young Australian Naval officer with a wife and infant child, is assigned to be Towers' liaison. Holmes invites Towers to his home for a party, where Towers meets Julian Osborn, a depressive nuclear scientist who helped build the bombs, and Moira Davidson, a lonely alcoholic with whom Towers develops a tentative attraction. Although Davidson falls in love with Towers, he finds himself unable to return her feelings, because he can't bring himself to admit his wife and children in the US are dead. (full summary on wikipedia)
The plot is... overall pretty bleak, which might align with what Kojima said about having rewritten a lot of part 2 as he reconsidered what it meant to "connect" after the pandemic. There are also interesting connections to the presence of the George Miller character in DS2, what with the overall importance of Australia and the presence of a lethal car race. Another things that's Classic Kojima is a mid-story twist about the initial mission being actually for nothing (one LOSTheads are probably familiar with), but we've already been told by the DS2 trailer in pretty clear terms that Sam has been deceived, possibly more than once.
Idk, these might be all pretty obvious parallels and callbacks but I'm also under the impression that few people played the metal gears with Death Stranding in mind rather than the opposite so maybe it's worth jotting down.
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stormfireproductions · 7 months
Experiment #4: A Collective Tarot Reading Welcome to the Storyteller's Workshop! For day one of the Storyteller Project, Lisette Alvarez conducted a collective tarot reading to inspire a new modern folk tale. By next week, there will be a mini episode in this feed. Between now and then, however, you will get a mix of podcast episodes which include unedited workshopping, sample audio, and a trailer. That's because each day, Lisette will work for a set amount of time based on a part-time workload in their area. So this unedited episode? Didn't want to waste an hour there that could be put towards editing the final product. So you'll hear all the phone notifications, bumping of tables, ums and ahs and stutters. That's the messy work of the story sausage, my friend! The decks used: Liminal Spirits Oracle by Laura Tempest Zakroff The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan (Author), John Matthews (Author), Will Worthington (Illustrator) (Thanks again to Creative Energy in Melbourne, FL for the last-minute deck recommendations and acquisition!) The final spread: The nature of the main character(s): The Stag The nature of the conflict: Fiber The nature of the motivation: The Archer The antagonist: Clay The allies/skills needed: Knight of Bows/Fox What must be sacrificed: Honeybee The messages: Queen of Vessels + Environment A message from collective's shadow: The Wheel See and share the tarot spread across our social media. Find your hearth. Want to join this week's daily 12PM EST livestream? Connect via our Discord server. This is an experiment paid for by the Storyteller Project Fund. We have 5 days to raise $200! We are already 26% of the way there. You can contribute now.  Transcript (automated by Descript) via Tales from the Hearth https://ift.tt/hv0RuBs December 01, 2023 at 01:13PM
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a1poolremovals · 14 hours
11 Steps to Properly Disposing of Your Spa
Many people want to relax without going out of the house. You will see them reading a book, cooking their favourite food, or watching a movie. For some, outdoor relaxation is what they prefer, so it is no surprise that they have a hot tub spa. However, having it in your backyard can be tiring to look at, especially if it is not used more often. Spa removal Melbourne services are available to help, but knowing how to properly dispose of your spa is also necessary. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Assess Your Spa
The first thing you should do is to assess the spa. Is there mould in there? Is there a part that could be salvaged later on? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself before having the spa removed. Know the overall condition of your spa to tell the professionals and let them think of how they can do their jobs better and efficiently.
Disconnect Utilities
Once done assessing the spa, you need to disconnect utilities, like turning off the power and water supply that are connected. This way, you can guarantee that it is safe to remove and it is ready for other things you need to do with it.
Drain the Spa
After disconnecting the power and water supply, draining the spa is the next thing you need to do. Ensure that you will do proper draining, especially if there are local regulations regarding it. Skipping this part is okay if there is no water left in the spa.
Dismantle the Spa
Since there is no water left in the spa, the next step is to dismantle it. Start on the top panel until you reach the shell. Ensure that you know how to do the job because one wrong move can affect other parts of the spa. In worst cases, you might damage the ones that are still okay and can be used in other projects.
Separate Materials
Dismantling the spa is not easy, especially if you do not have enough knowledge and experience doing it. But once you have done it, you must separate the materials. This way, recycling and disposal will be easy. Ensure that there is enough space to separate the metal, fibreglass, and plastic.
Dispose of Hazardous Materials
While separating the materials, you should also be aware of the hazardous ones. You must guarantee to dispose of them correctly, especially when it comes to insulation and old wiring. If there are local regulations regarding this matter, follow them. The last thing you would ever want is to receive complaints.
Consider Recycling
Many people are looking for ways to help the environment in their own little ways, and one of them is recycling. You can do the same with the spa you removed, like the shell or the frame. There are recycling centres you can visit to let them use it for their projects. If you have other ideas on how to make use of them, it is also good.
Seek Professional Help
There is no harm in asking for the help of professionals, especially if you have never done removing a spa before. There are removal services available online, so check the one that is known and trusted in the industry.
Prepare for Transportation
Once everything in the spa is dismantled and separated, you need to prepare it for transportation. It is better to hire a truck or trailer service because the spa is big enough not to fit a regular car. Let the professionals help you transport it to guarantee safety.
Unload the Spa
Once you reach the disposal site, unload the spa safely and correctly. Considering its size, you must anticipate its weight. Doing it on your own can be impossible, so getting assistance is necessary. The disposal site has guidelines on how to dispose of the spa properly, and you must follow them.
Clean Up
Once you are done with the disposal, clean up once you go home. Check the area where the spa was formerly located and think of how you can use it for other things. Some people would prefer having a pet paradise or a play area for kids.
Disposing of your spa might make you sad, but it needs to be done if it is not used as often as before. However, doing the task can be daunting, so following the proper steps is necessary. Learn about local regulations to help you start with the removal.
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foodtrailers · 20 days
The Rise of Food Trailers in Melbourne
Melbourne, the culinary capital of Australia, has witnessed a remarkable surge in the popularity of food trailers. These mobile eateries have become a beloved part of the city's vibrant food scene, offering a diverse array of cuisines and catering to the ever-growing demand for convenient, delicious, and unique dining experiences.
A Melting Pot of Flavors
Melbourne's multicultural fabric is reflected in full by its food carts. These mobile kitchens serve a variety of cuisines to suit every taste, including gourmet burgers, artisanal wood-fired pizzas, and authentic Mexican tacos and Korean BBQ. Melbourne's acceptance of international flavours and its voracious thirst for culinary explorations are demonstrated by the array of cuisines on offer.
Convenience and Mobility
The portability of food trailers in Melbourne is one of their main benefits. These mobile, tiny kitchens can move around the city with ease, setting up shop at busy marketplaces, festivals, office buildings, and construction sites, among other places. Thanks to its adaptability, foodies can savour a variety of gastronomic treats without being restricted to one place.
A Breeding Ground for Culinary Creativity
Food trailers are now a haven for entrepreneurialism and creative cooking. The idea of a food trailer has been adopted by many gifted chefs and food enthusiasts as a means of showcasing their abilities and realising their own culinary visions. Aspiring restaurateurs may test their ideas and develop a devoted customer base at these mobile restaurants, which provide a low-risk and affordable platform for doing so before potentially opening brick-and-mortar locations.
The Social Experience
In addition to serving delicious food, food trucks in Melbourne have developed into a community centre. Around these mobile kitchens, people congregate to create thriving communities of food enthusiasts. The laid-back ambiance makes people talk to each other and builds a sense of community amongst guests. Food trailers now serve as gathering places for coworkers, friends, and families, fostering bonds that go beyond simple nourishment.
The rise of food trailers in Melbourne is a testament to the city's insatiable appetite for culinary adventures and its embrace of innovation. These mobile eateries have not only enriched the city's food scene but have also provided a platform for aspiring chefs and entrepreneurs to showcase their talents. As Melbourne continues to evolve, food trailers will undoubtedly remain an integral part of its culinary landscape, offering a unique and ever-changing dining experience that celebrates the city's diversity and love for good food.
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2002                       THE SOCIETY MURDERS Matthew Wales – In the evening of April 2002, in their home in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Australia – Matthew Wales and his wife Maritza were preparing to entertain Matthew’s mother Margaret and his stepfather Paul King. While Maritza played with their son, Domenik, aged 2, Matthew was making dinner and setting up the table, he cooked vegetable soup.
Matthew had added extra ingredients to the soup to Margaret and Paul’s bowls. He crushed a mixture of painkillers and blood pressure tablets, which he heard could make you feel sleepy. He wanted to make his mother and stepfather sleepy. He also had a piece of wood ready, which he hid in the front garden. After dinner, Maritza mentioned that she noticed his parents looking tired and her mother-in-law spoke in a strange way. She thought Margaret had just drank too much wine. Maritza did the dishes and took their son to bed.
Matthew walked outside with his mother and his stepfather, there, he grabbed the piece of wood and bashed both of them, hard, on the head. When they were lying on the ground, he checked to see if they were still breathing. They weren’t. He checked his mothers pulse , then his stepfathers. He thought they were dead. When Maritza came downstairs, he told her what he had done and begged her not to tell on him. Maritza was horrified, she pleaded him to contact the police. When he wouldn’t she agreed not to call them, though she was unhappy. Martiza believed to remain loyal t her husband, regardless of what he does. She was afraid her son would lose a father. Matthew drove the car to Middle Park, where he left it. He hid his parents bodies in the garden under a pile of rubbish including a child’s play pool, and th enext morning he hired a trailer and the equipment he needed to bury them. On Saturday, he drove to Marysville, outside Melbourne, and buried them in a shallow grave.
By Sunday, the family were wondering what happened to Margaret and Paul. Margaret was supposed to have lunch with Matthew’s sister. On Monday, the family told police that their parents were missing. Matthew told authorities he waved them goodbye on Thursday and had no idea where they were. Maritza supported him.
Matthew however made mistakes during his murder of his parents. He attempted to clean up, but police found blood. He paid for everything with a credit card, which made it easy for police to track what he had bought. The location where he buried his parents bodies wasn’t a isolated location like he thought, it was a popular camping spot. On 29 April, park rangers in Marysville found the bodies and afterwards Maritza told police what she knew. Matthew was arrested and Maritza was first charged with being part of the crime, but her charges were reduced to a 2 year suspended sentence. She had only lied to cover for him. Matthew admitted to the crime but didn’t believe he did anything wrong. He said his mother was dominating and used money to control him. His siblings didn’t agree, they said that he was the youngest child and was spoilt. The murders became known as the Society Murders because Matthew’s parents were wealthy. Matthew was found guilty and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
(Sue Bursztyneki)
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marinesupplyonline · 6 months
Purchase Boat Accessories in Melbourne Online to Fulfil Your Boat Accessories Requirements
Leading online parts stores provide a large selection of boat accessories in Melbourne at affordable costs. These accessories include anchors, stainless steel, cabin and deck accessories, and more. With a specialised aftercare centre for repairs and maintenance of fibreglass trailer boats, these online and brick-and-mortar retailers offer top brands of boat parts, accessories, and maritime items. These stores claim to obtain these products from leading maritime companies across the world and to ship a large selection of boat parts and marine goods throughout Australia from their warehouse and store in Victoria.
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These stores ensure that the nautical rope and chain kits they provide for sale online are of the highest calibre. These premium heavy-duty products are built to survive the roughest situations and are incredibly dependable and long-lasting. There are several distinct types of anchors. Sand anchors, plough anchors, and reef anchors are the three most widely used types. In addition to offering maintenance and repairs for boats, they also provide a variety of other items for boat lovers.
Importance of Boat Accessories:
Boat accessories are important since they are, according to verified portals, a fundamental component of the boating lifestyle. Going on a boat excursion without the required boat accessories is akin to going for a run without the proper footwear. However, whether these accessories are necessary or not, you want them to be affordable and something that conveys your personality. They can add value, flair, and functionality to your boat or pontoon.
In conclusion, many online stores offer a large selection of boat accessories at fair costs. Anyone looking for any boat equipment can log in and place an order on their websites.
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boxtrailersmelbourne · 6 months
Explore Premium Quality Trailer Parts in Melbourne to Enhance Performance Efficiency
There is no denying, to the fact that many companies sell trusted quality trailer parts in Melbourne so customers could find all the necessary products at once. Further, they provide high quality parts consisting of top tier brands that will fit with the trailer for better performance efficiency. Skilled manufacturers are well versed with their job roles and would easily replace the defective part from the trailers in order to achieve accurate outcomes.
Benefits of Purchasing Premium Plant Trailers for Use:
People nowadays opt for purchasing plant trailer as it would easily transport equipment from one location to another. Further, they provide different sizes and width for trailers so one could choose according to their necessity. According to verified portals, the trailers could move excavators, bobcats, diggers, dingoes, skid steers, forklifts and other plantation related tools.
Professional manufacturers also assist with custom plant trailers so it could safely transport heavy equipments and vehicles. Moreover, they are knowledgeable enough to advice customers over queries and guide them through sizes so they could choose accurate trailers depending on their businesses. This trailer will automatically help with boosting company’s productivity, save time and money while reducing unnecessary expenses over period of time.
Usually, trailers come along with ramps or other slide facilities to easily load and unload goods without much physical labour. These trailers are designed according to Australian standards so one could rest assured about the efficiency and operations.
Advantages of Choosing Dependable Trailers for Business Purposes:
Established companies offer varying range of trailers models including vehicle carrier, galvanised, box, furniture, lawn mower, and other types.
In order to prolong the life of equipment and reduce wasteful spending, they also help with trailer repairs as well as replacement services.
The code of conduct emphasises the adoption of environmentally friendly trailer designs that promote local steel resources and sustainability.
Reach out to best companies, if anyone wants to buy trailer parts at budget friendly prices.
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truckhire · 10 months
Go for Trailer hire in Laverton for Short-Term Needs, Avoid Heavy Investment
Trustable transportation companies offer various carrier vehicles on rental such as truck, crane and trailer hire in Laverton for reasonable rent to use on a temporary basis. These companies ensure that they can provide you with a trailer with a flat or extendable tray that can fulfill all kinds of your transportation tasks. They state they commit to give you the best heavy-duty trailer hire solutions available.  They can provide expert advice on the ideal choice to suit your needs so that you get the most out of your hire of a tray truck or trailer. They can provide both short-term semi trailer as well as long-term semi-trailer hire services.
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These companies also provide crane truck hire in Liydale to meet your personalized needs. They ensure that their Lilydale crane truck hire service is perfect for meeting your transportation needs of various materials from Lilydale to other parts of Melbourne and Victoria. They guarantee that their crane trucks are capable of transporting large objects from one location to the next with ease. These businesses promise that they regularly service and maintain their fleet of state-of-the-art crane trucks to keep them in good condition in order to provide clients with the highest possible level of service.
Importance of Trailer Hire Services in Laverton:
Reliable studies have demonstrated that you may easily rent a vehicle when you need one and return it when you are through with it. Loans and maintenance fees are not a factor. Compared to buying your own trailer, the cost is much far lower. Registration and licensing do not cost hundreds of dollars. The majority of the time, all you need is your driver's license and insurance card. As there are when you purchase a trailer, there is no requirement for additional vehicle licensing problems. Depending on the requirements of the supplier, you may rent a caravan for an hour, a week, or a longer amount of time. You will be able to hire an entire vehicle that checked for faults and serviced. Trailer rental companies with a good reputation will only keep vehicles in their fleet that are in excellent condition.
In conclusion, transport rental companies offer rental services for trailers, semi trailer, trucks, cranes and more. Someone wants to hire these vehicles can contact a transport company.  
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aussiecaravans · 10 months
How to Choose the Best Caravan for Your Next Adventure in Melbourne
One of the most incredible experiences one can have is exploring breathtakingly stunning landscapes. These landscapes in Australia are as varied as they are breathtaking. As you know, Australia's terrain offers a remarkable tapestry of natural wonders that never fails to leave visitors in awe. And exploring wide and varied landscapes with the best caravan in Australia can improve your experience.
There are a tonne of great reasons to acquire a caravan in Melbourne. And these reasons will surely make your trips more enjoyable and make you feel more at home wherever your travels take you. Let's take a closer look at all you need to know to choose and buy the perfect caravan in this post. 
We'll also take a look at the cream of the crop caravans in the Australian market. So, let's review their bells and whistles, top-notch craftsmanship, and impressive performance. By the time you finish reading this post, you'll be as sharp as a tack on what to keep an eye out for when buying a new or used caravan.
What must you consider when choosing the best caravan in Australia? 
When you want to find the best caravan in Australia, there are important factors to keep in mind. It is of utmost importance that you have a clear understanding of your specific requirements and preferences. You must have a good idea of your unique travel style. Where is it that you would like to go? What kind of camper trailer do you prefer: off-road, touring caravans in Australia, luxury, or semi-off-road. 
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How much would you spend on the caravan?
The next step in the process is to carefully consider and plan your budget. When it comes to finding the best caravan in Melbourne, Australia, one can expect to encounter a range of options. This wide range of options caters to various preferences and budgets. 
It is true that top-notch caravans may not fall under the category of being cheap. That being said, it is equally important to note that they do not necessarily fall under the realm of being exorbitantly expensive either. Thus, striking a balance between quality and affordability is indeed possible. In other words, you can find the best caravan in Melbourne within your budget. 
The towing weight is critical 
It is crucial to ensure that your towing vehicle is a suitable match for the caravan you are considering. Next, it's important to take into account its size and dimensions. This will determine whether it can fit comfortably in your garage. 
You must ensure you can store the caravan securely and conveniently. This is crucial for protecting your investment and maximising its lifespan. Therefore, carefully measuring the dimensions of your garage and comparing them to the size of the caravan is a necessary step in the decision-making process.
Caravan options in Australia
You can find the best caravan in Australia in a variety of types, including: 
1. Best caravans in Australia: Expandable caravans
This is a kind of recreational vehicle that has one or more parts that can be folded out or extended to offer greater living space. These caravans provide a number of benefits over traditional versions, in addition to being lighter and smaller when folded. 
Pop-up campers, on the other hand, could take more time to set up and pack away than traditional caravans. It is also important to keep in mind that they could not be as tough or weatherproof as their conventional equivalents. Still, those travelling as a large family or in a large group will find these camper trailers to be ideal. 
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2. Conventional or standard caravans in Australia 
The most commonly found type of caravan is a conventional caravan. When you look for the best caravans in Australia, this is an obvious choice to make.
The standard caravan comes with a sturdy and inflexible body structure. This standard feature ensures durability and stability. Additionally, it features a permanent roof that cannot be adjusted or modified. These caravans are available in a wide range of sizes and layouts, catering to different preferences and needs. T These compact camper trailers provide a comfortable living space that typically includes essential amenities such as a kitchen, bathroom, etc.
The conventional caravan in Melbourne is generally well-suited for a wide range of terrains and climates. However, it is important to note that they can sometimes be on the heavier side, which may affect ease of use.
3. Pop-top caravans in Melbourne 
The layout and style of these caravans are quite similar to the classic variety. They have a roof that can be raised or lowered to suit varying needs and preferences in head height. Because of their lightweight materials and aerodynamic shape, these caravans represent a substantial improvement over their predecessors. Benefits include better towing capacities and simpler storage alternatives.
These structures have better ventilation and plenty of natural light, in addition to their other benefits. They may be more portable than traditional caravans. However, they may not provide the same amount of insulation or safety features.
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4. Hybrid caravans
These innovative caravans are designed to seamlessly integrate the best features of traditional caravans and camper trailers. This creates a camping experience that is both unique and adaptable. That way, you can make use of the standard amenities found in caravans. Furthermore, hybrid caravans include the portability and compactness of a camper trailer. This makes these vehicles a fantastic option for anyone looking for the best caravan in Australia. 
These caravans are well-designed and well-engineered. As such, they provide a wide variety of conveniences and comforts to meet the requirements of today's vacationers.
Wrapping up
Remember when we talked about how having the best caravan in Australia can make your outdoor adventures absolutely amazing? Well, it's true! Let's think about the factors we talked about earlier. In Melbourne, you have the option to choose between brand new or used caravans. But brand new ones always remain the best choice.
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totosite88 · 10 months
How to Choose the Best Wedding Catering Services to make your Wedding Memorable?
You sure must have attended at least a few weddings; do you remember the name of the venue or the name of both the bride and the groom? Maybe or not really! But what you surely never forget is the yummy food and drinks that were served at the wedding. For a wedding, the most challenging part is — Food. For every host choosing a good catering service is a daunting task as despite all ceremonies and rituals that go on, it is the food that plays a memorable role in ensuring that your wedding ceremony is a success. Because food is such a significant part of your wedding, it is important that you pay a lot of attention to a few factors that will help you home on to the best catering service in Birthday catering melbourne.
Here are a few tips that will ensure that you pick the best wedding catering service for your D- Day:-
Planning and designing a budget for wedding food is one of the main tasks of a wedding ceremony. The major chunk of your budget goes into the food, given the number of meals and courses. Hence, planning the budget is highly crucial. Corporate Event catering service offers packages along with the prices, choose the one that suits your requirements the best.
Menu Preferences
A good catering service company will give you an opportunity to choose from a variety of cuisines that can be served at your wedding. What one should look forward to from a catering service is a stunning presentation paired with the sensational taste of the food chosen by you. Having a wide menu choice makes it very easy to select the food that would be relished by all. Also, it makes the wedding catering service an approachable and convenient one.
Go for a Tasting Session
Taste- testing is an essential part of finally selecting a catering service. It also saves you from heartburn on your big day if the expectations are not met. There might be some caterers who would deny a taste session but make sure you push it to have an idea of the taste of the food, its quality and its presentation. The test round lets you explore the variety that the caterer brings to the table and also gives you a trailer of the taste that the caterer promises on your final wedding day.
Check the Caterer’s Services
How your guests will be served and treated during the wedding is what matters. Choosing the right catering service would mean that your guests will be taken care of very nicely. Make sure you ask your caterer how many guests will be looked after by each staff. Go for a catering service company that hires professionals who are responsible and enthusiastic about fulfilling the needs of your guests and making it a happy and memorable day for you.
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stormfireproductions · 7 months
Experiment #4: A Collective Tarot Reading Welcome to the Storyteller's Workshop! For day one of the Storyteller Project, Lisette Alvarez conducted a collective tarot reading to inspire a new modern folk tale. By next week, there will be a mini episode in this feed. Between now and then, however, you will get a mix of podcast episodes which include unedited workshopping, sample audio, and a trailer. That's because each day, Lisette will work for a set amount of time based on a part-time workload in their area. So this unedited episode? Didn't want to waste an hour there that could be put towards editing the final product. So you'll hear all the phone notifications, bumping of tables, ums and ahs and stutters. That's the messy work of the story sausage, my friend! The decks used: Liminal Spirits Oracle by Laura Tempest Zakroff The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan (Author), John Matthews (Author), Will Worthington (Illustrator) (Thanks again to Creative Energy in Melbourne, FL for the last-minute deck recommendations and acquisition!) The final spread: The nature of the main character(s): The Stag The nature of the conflict: Fiber The nature of the motivation: The Archer The antagonist: Clay The allies/skills needed: Knight of Bows/Fox What must be sacrificed: Honeybee The messages: Queen of Vessels + Environment A message from collective's shadow: The Wheel See and share the tarot spread across our social media. Find your hearth. Want to join this week's daily 12PM EST livestream? Connect via our Discord server. This is an experiment paid for by the Storyteller Project Fund. We have 5 days to raise $200! We are already 26% of the way there. You can contribute now. Transcript (automated by Descript)
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foodtrailers · 1 month
Finding Cheap Trailers for Sale in Melbourne: Your Ultimate Guide
When it comes to purchasing a trailer, whether for personal or business use, affordability and quality are key considerations. Melbourne, being a bustling hub of activity, offers a diverse range of options for those in the market for a trailer. From flatbed trailers to enclosed ones, finding a budget-friendly option can be a straightforward process if you know where to look and what to consider. In this guide, we’ll explore how to find cheap trailers for sale in Melbourne without compromising on quality.
Exploring the Market
Melbourne has a thriving caravan market that meets a range of demands and price points. Determining the kind of caravan you need should be the first step in your quest. For example, covered trailers are fantastic for sensitive cargo because they provide protection from the weather, while flatbed trailers are great for moving huge, heavy products. After determining what you need, you can begin looking via classified listings, internet marketplaces, and nearby dealerships. Both new and old trailers are frequently listed at competitive prices on websites such as Gumtree, eBay, and local dealership sites. Remember to look into local sales and auctions; occasionally, you can find excellent bargains on premium trailers there.
Considerations for Buying Used Trailers
Choosing a used caravan can save a lot of money and yet give you the functionality you require. But it's important to proceed cautiously when considering this alternative. Pay close attention to the state of the tyres, frame, and electrical parts when examining used trailers. Check for wear and tear, corrosion, and make sure the caravan has had proper maintenance. Obtaining maintenance records and looking up any history of accidents or significant repairs is also a smart move. Before completing your purchase, if at all feasible, have the caravan inspected by a reliable mechanic. This can guarantee that you're receiving a good price and prevent you from incurring unforeseen costs later on.
Negotiating the Best Deal
It's time to haggle when you've located a caravan that meets your requirements and price range. Particularly if the caravan has been on the market for some time, many sellers are amenable to haggling. To make sure your offer is reasonable, find out the average market price for the kind of caravan you're interested in. Draw attention to any problems or repairs that need to be done to get the price lowered. When negotiating, be kind but firm, and don't hesitate to leave if the vendor won't agree to your price. Moving on can occasionally cause the seller to reevaluate your offer.
Financing Options and Warranties
If purchasing completely is not possible, think about financing choices. A lot of shops provide financing options that help reduce the cost of buying a caravan by distributing it over a number of months or years. Make sure you comprehend all of the terms stated in the financing agreement, including the interest rate and any other costs. Ask about service agreements and warranties as well. For a predetermined amount of time, a warranty can offer peace of mind by paying for possible maintenance and repairs. Some dealers provide limited guarantees, which can be a big benefit even if the caravan has been used.
Finding cheap trailers for sale in Melbourne requires a bit of research and negotiation, but with the right approach, you can secure a reliable trailer that fits your budget. Start by exploring the local market and online listings, consider the benefits and risks of buying used, and don’t hesitate to negotiate for the best possible deal. Whether you’re looking for a trailer for personal use or to support your business, Melbourne’s diverse market has something to offer every buyer. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding a trailer that meets your needs without breaking the bank.
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: Part 2 in my next post!
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