eighties-o-rama · 1 year
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RIP Treat Williams
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 months
TV: Kyle Hunter
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Interpretado por Steven R. McQueen (nieto del actor Steve McQueen, portador del mote de "The King of Cool" y actor de películas legendarias como "Papillón", "Bullitt" o "Los siete magníficos", e hijo de Chad McQueen, que también tiene su lugarcito en la historia del cine merced a Dutch, uno de los alumnos de John Kreese en la gran "Karate Kid"), Kyle Hunter se presenta como un personaje conflictivo en el mundo casi almibarado que presenta "Everwood". La serie de la entonces cadena The WB (hoy CW), que duró cuatro temporadas entre 2002 y 2006, nos traía la historia del Dr. Andrew Brown (Treat Williams), un hombre viudo que lleva a sus hijos, Ephram (Gregory Smith) y Delia (Vivien Cardone) a vivir al pueblito de Colorado que le da nombre a la serie. Una de las características del show creado por Greg Berlanti (cabeza de la franquicia superheronica conocida como "Arrowverse", que incluyó series como "Arrow", "The Flash", "Supergirl" y "Legends of Tomorrow") es la presencia inicial de actores que luego pasaron a un sitio de estrellato, como Chris Pratt ("Guardianes de la Galaxia", 2014) o Emily VanCamp ("Capitán América y el Soldado del Invierno", 2014).
Kyle es un portento del piano de tan sólo quince años que recibe con mal rollo (puesto que cree no necesitarlas) las clases de Ephram, quien lo prepara para inscribirse en la prestigiosa Julliard, una academia especializada en artes. Su delicada situación económica y familiar (su padre los ha abandonado a él y a su madre) pone un freno a su sueño cuando se entera de que debe pagar cien dólares sólo para tener una primera oportunidad de entrar, pero Ephram lo toma como protegido y, consciente de su talento, intenta ayudarle en lo que puede.
Pero el joven, además, es un inadaptado, un solitario, incapaz de conectar con sus pares. Cuando una chica le invita al baile de graduación, él, en un principio, se niega a acompañarla, aunque luego accede tras la insistencia de Ephram. Lamentablemente, la experiencia es negativa, pero sirve para que su tutor comience a preguntarse, por una teoría de Reid (Justin Baldoni), estudiante de medicina y un conocido de Amy, si el muchacho no sería gay. Maestro y alumno se conceden una necesaria conversación, en la que Kyle confirma que siente temor de reconocerse como gay porque teme ser odiado; Ephram le consuela animándolo a ser veraz consigo mismo porque, una vez que lo sea, será más feliz.
Su historia en la serie culmina, precísamente, con la aceptación de su sexualidad, su promoción en Julliard y su salida del armario con su madre, quien se lo toma a bien y le dice que ya intuía este aspecto de su vida desde hacía mucho.
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uinterview · 6 months
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Driver in the car crash that killed actor Treat Williams pleaded guilty to a lower sentence on Friday.
Full Story Here: https://uinterview.com/news/driver-who-struck-killed-treat-williams-pleads-guilty-to-reduced-charge-wont-serve-time/ 
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phonemantra-blog · 7 months
Veteran actor Treat Williams tragically lost his life in a motorcycle accident on June 12, 2023, in Vermont. The driver of the other vehicle involved, Ryan Koss, has pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of negligent driving with death resulting. Details of the Accident Koss, 35, was turning left into a parking lot with his Honda SUV when he collided with Williams' oncoming motorcycle in Dorset, Vermont. Despite wearing a helmet, Williams, 71, suffered critical injuries and was airlifted to Albany Medical Center in New York, where he was pronounced dead. Emotional Court Hearing In a heart-wrenching court hearing on Friday, March 8, 2024, Koss expressed remorse and offered condolences to Williams' family and fans. He acknowledged his responsibility for the accident, stating, "I'm here to apologize and take responsibility for this tragic accident." Williams' son, Gill, wearing his father's jacket, addressed Koss directly. While expressing forgiveness, he also highlighted the pain of the loss: "I do forgive you, and I hope you forgive yourself," he said. "But I wish you hadn't killed my father. I had to say that." Statements from Williams' wife, Pam, and daughter, Ellie, were read aloud in their absence. Pam expressed hope for Koss's forgiveness while acknowledging the devastating impact on their family. Ellie's statement reflected the depth of her grief and the anger that often accompanies such loss. Legal Proceedings and Reduced Charge Koss initially faced a felony charge of gross negligent operation with death resulting, which could have resulted in a 15-year prison sentence. However, he ultimately pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of negligent driving with death, resulting in a one-year deferred sentence and probation. His probation includes a revoked driver's license for a year and participation in a community restorative justice program. A Celebrated Career Cut Short Richard Treat Williams boasted a nearly 50-year career in Hollywood. He graced audiences with his presence in over 120 television and film roles. Some of his most notable works include starring roles in the TV series "Everwood" and the iconic movie "Hair." He also delivered memorable performances in films like "The Eagle Has Landed," "Prince of the City," and "Once Upon a Time in America." The sudden loss of Treat Williams leaves a void in the entertainment industry and a deep sense of grief for his family, friends, and fans. FAQs Q: What caused Treat Williams' accident? A: The accident occurred when Ryan Koss, while turning left in his Honda SUV, collided with Treat Williams' oncoming motorcycle. Q: Was Treat Williams wearing a helmet? A: Yes, Treat Williams was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. Q: What charges did the driver face? A: Initially facing a felony charge of gross negligent operation with death resulting, the driver ultimately pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of negligent driving with death resulting. Q: What was Treat Williams known for? A: Treat Williams enjoyed a long and successful career, starring in over 120 TV and film roles. He is remembered for roles in "Everwood," "Hair," "The Eagle Has Landed," and many others. Q: How can I learn more about Treat Williams? A: You can find more information about Treat Williams' life and career through online searches or entertainment industry publications.
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alltrekvarnews · 1 year
La Butaca Magazine,hoy conversamos de Treat Williams y su Filmografía
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cyclecruza · 1 year
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Recently, I did a video on the tragic motorcycle accident that took Treat Williams’s life and so many people commented that they also got in a motorcycle accident and quit riding motorcycles. Or many riders say they quit riding after their family member or friend got killed in a motorcycle accident. So many riders get SCARED of motorcycles when they crash or hear about a deadly motorcycle crash. Well I made this video to help motivate you to get over the fear after a motorcycle crash…Link below!
WATCH VIDEO https://youtu.be/GGyGPAlQXX0
Get Bell Carbon Helmet (Best Ever!): https://cyclecruza.com/vhxg
Get My MotoVlog Camera: https://amzn.to/3HqsKg0
Link to get AIRBAG VEST (SAVES LIVES!!): https://cyclecruza.com/w34j
Links to get My GEAR: http://cyclecruza.com/my-gear
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fanthatracks · 1 year
Sad news as actor and friend of the saga Treat Williams passed away earlier today in a motorcycle accident. Williams, a friend of Carrie Fisher, famously visited the set of The Empire Strikes Back in 1979, the year he starred in Steven Spielberg's 1941 and during a fertile period of his career where he cemented his popularity, a career which continued for almost have a century. Treat Williams, the versatile and prolific actor best known for playing Dr. Andy Brown on Greg Berlanti’s Everwood during a nearly half-century career, died this afternoon. Williams was killed in a motorcycle accident in Dorset, VT. He was 71. The actor’s many other big-screen credits include Steven Spielberg’s 1941 (1979), Sidney Lumet’s Prince of the City (1981), Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in America (1984), Dead Heat (1988), Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead (1995) and Deep Rising (1998). His family released this statement on his passing. A Statement on the Passing of Treat Williams It is with great sadness that we report that our beloved Treat Williams has passed away tonight in Dorset, Vermont after a fatal motorcycle accident. As you can imagine, we are shocked and greatly bereaved at this time. Treat was full of love for his family, for his life and for his craft, and was truly at the top of his game in all of it. It is all so shocking right now, but please know that Treat was dearly and deeply loved and respected by his family and everyone who knew him. We are beyond devastated and ask that you respect our privacy as we deal with our grief. To all his fans, please know that Treat appreciated all of you and please continue to keep him in your hearts and prayers. The Williams Family Williams was a great pal of Carrie Fisher, and speaking with TheForce.Net back in 2004, John Morton discussed how Williams came to be an extra in The Empire Strikes Back. "Well, Treat Williams decided he was going to come and hang out on the set, which he did, and he appeared in those ice planet scenes as one of the lieutenants or officers in the Rebel forces. And I'm sure that there is no credit for him at all and he didn't have a character or anything, but he just said, 'Hey, this looks like a lotta fun and I'd kinda like to be a part of it, mind if I take a role of an extra?' Everybody said, 'Yeah!' So here you have this Hollywood star who just decided, for probably no salary, just to hang out for a few scenes and was quite happy with the role of an extra in Empire Strikes Back. And that was kinda the way it was." To Treat's family, friends, colleagues and fans we pass on our sincere condolences.
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horrorlandthings · 1 year
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Deep Rising star Treat Williams Dies At 71. The star of Deep Rising (1998) and Dead Heat (1988) sadly passes away. horl.uk/462dHVf news
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Hollywood se oprašta od Treata Williamsa: 'Imao si srce od zlata'
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Nakon što je potvrđena tragična i iznenadna smrt 71-godišnjeg Treata Williamsa, na društvenim mrežama njegove su se holivudske kolege krenule opraštati     Društvene mreže prepune su izraza sućuti, ali i lijepih sjećanja i uspomena holivudskih glumaca koji su tijekom godina imali priliku surađivati s glumcem Treatom Williamsom, koji je jučer izgubio život u prometnoj nesreći. 71-godišnjem Treatu, koji je upravljao motociklom, prednost je oduzeo automobil koji ga, očito, nije primijetio. Samo lijepe riječi za njega su imali, između ostalih, John Travolta, Sharon Stone, Kim Catrall....Tako je John Travolta objavio crno-bijelu fotografiju iz dana kada su zajedno glumili na Broadwayju na kojoj je napisao kako će Treat svima nedostajati.
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                   AUTOR: JOHN TRAVOLTA INSTAGRAM Sharon Stone je pak objavila naslovnicu jednog američkog časopisa koji je prenio vijest o glumčevoj smrti i preko nje napisala: 'Tužna vijest, počivaj u miru brate.'    
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                 AUTOR: INSTAGRAM SHARON STONE 60-godišnji Billy Baldwin na Twitteru je napisao podužu objavu u kojoj nije štedio komplimente na račun svog pokojnog prijatelja i kolege, rekavši kako je bio pametan i suosjećajan te da je imao srce od zlata: He had it all. Smart. Talented. Funny. Charming. Successful. Handsome. Compassionate. Heart of gold. And that name… Treat Williams. He truly and deeply cared about what’s going on here in America and around the world. Climate change, social justice, freedom, truth, tolerance…… pic.twitter.com/7cKP4nETTz — Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) June 13, 2023 'Imao je sve. Bio je pametan. Talentiran. Zabavan. Šarmantan. Uspješan. Zgodan. Suosjećajan. Imao je srce od zlata. A tek to ime... Treat Williams. On je istinski i duboko mario za ono što se događa ovdje u Americi, ali i diljem svijeta. Klimatske promjene, socijalna pravda, sloboda, istina, tolerancija... ljubav. Bio je voljen od svoje obitelji, prijatelja, obožavatelja, kolega... svoje zajednice. Ovo je strašan gubitak. Nedostajat ćeš nam. Počivaj u miru Treat.' Zvijezda 'Seksa i grada' Kim Catrall objavila je fotografiju nastalu 1999. na snimanju zajedničkog filma '36 sati za smrt' i uz nju napisala: 'U šoku sam! RIP dragi Treat. Moje saučešće ide Pam, Gillesu, Ellie i cijeloj obitelji. Divan glumac i prijatelj.' I’m in shock! RIP Dear Treat. My condolences to Pam, Gilles, Ellie and the family. A wonderful actor and friend. pic.twitter.com/hurBQfejRu — Kim Cattrall (@KimCattrall) June 13, 2023 Spomenuo ga je i James Wood sa zajedničkom fotografijom nastalom u Rimu tijekom snimanja filma 'Bilo jednom u Americi', otkrivši kako je Williams bio iznimno duhovit, dok je Vanessa Hudgens, koja je u filmu iz 2018. 'Sad ili nikad' glumila njegov kćer, napisala: Treat and I spent months in Rome filming Once Upon a Time in America. It can be pretty lonely on the road during a long shoot, but his resilient good cheer and sense of humor was a Godsend. I really loved him and am devastated that he’s gone. #RIP #TreatWilliams pic.twitter.com/2FTBNJJ6lW — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 13, 2023 'Bio je divan filmski otac i još bolji čovjek. Treat Williams bio je fantastični glumac, bilo je zadovoljstvo biti u njegovoj blizini jer je bio najljubaznija duša. Nedostajat će nam.'
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              AUTOR: INSTAGRAM VANESSA HUDGENS 🧵This how it felt to be with #TreatWilliams. Always an joyful adventure. I’m just stunned. My heart aches for the loss. What a remarkable man. @Rtreatwilliams enjoyed his life so much. He created a beautiful existence & example of solid love. He was honest& clear, dedicated to pic.twitter.com/KSMewuzHbR — Sharon Lawrence (@sharonlawrence) June 13, 2023 Tportal.hr By AP -  PD-US Read the full article
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tomsiebert · 1 year
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horrororman · 1 year
Remembering Treat Williams (December 1, 1951 – June 12, 2023).🕯
#horror #scifi #sciencefiction #action #adventure #thriller
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themagazinecity · 9 months
#TreatWilliams’ #Family Respects Late Entertainer On Her 72nd #Birthday, Almost A Half Year After Her Demise
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elliscraddock · 1 year
Here's my #8thRocksShuffle #8thRocks dance video w/whirlwind sound effects/high tone version of #HairTheMusical Theme Song by #GavinCreel on YouTube to pay tribute to #JamesRado & #TreatWilliams. Rest in power guys. Also click the like, share, subscribe, & hit a notification button on my YouTube channel.
Here's a link of my dance video on YouTube:
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uinterview · 1 year
Ryan M. Koss has been charged with grossly negligent driving after he caused the crash that killed Treat Williams. Follow @uinterview for the latest exclusive celebrity videos & news!
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isacopraxolu · 1 year
Morto a 71 anni l’attore #TreatWilliams
#incidente #tragedia #cronaca #tfhollywood #news #USA #13giugno #esteri #tfcinema #tfnews
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tspoe-pods · 2 years
The Phantom (1996)
The Phantom (1996) - Tom has The Shadow, Christopher has THE PHANTOM! The two sit down to talk about this attempt at a new superhero franchise. #PodNation #ThePhantom #BillyZane #TreatWilliams #SuperHero #GhostWhoWalks
Tom has The Shadow, Christopher has THE PHANTOM! The two sit down to talk about this attempt at a new superhero franchise. Promo: Comic Book Central (https://comicbookcentral.net/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts
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