#Trump will be worse for the Palestinians
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The Republicans have always been in bed with conservative Israelis. If Trump gets back into the Oval Office he’ll persecute Muslims in America and bomb them in the Middle East.
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casstelli · 2 months
do usamerican leftists think that if they don’t vote the government will spontaneously collapse to make way for their socialist utopia
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mrsgojosatoru · 3 months
I am once again so humbly asking people to stop telling Palestinians and Palestinians in diaspora that "Trump will be worse." We're under no illusion that Trump wouldn't enact the same policies as Biden. We know of Trump's ties to Bibi. We know he would prefer Trump in office.
But there is no worse than genocide, so if you could stop telling people Trump would be worse than what is already happening -- an unimpeded flow of weapons and money to exterminate as many Palestinians as Israel would like.
I cannot take it seriously.
I get it. You're scared of a second Trump presidency. But Palestinians are already being subject to genocide, so there is no worse for them.
You're better off arguing for whatever slightly centrist policies you think Biden will uphold, which I can't possibly imagine what you think it is. He booted a ton of people off of medicaid, he's approved a ton of off-shore drilling, under his leadership the CDC whittled covid isolation to nothing, and he has revoked asylum for immigrants. But you know I'm sure you can come up with something. Supreme court maybe. Encourage people to be single issue voters.
But you shouldn't tell people Palestine will be worse off under Trump. Because I do wonder what that would look like for you. At best it says you worry about West Bank annexation (though the West Bank has also been under increased attack recently), and at worst it means you haven't been paying attention to what's happening to Palestine.
Anyways Israel fired 355 bullets into the car of Hind Rajab, that little girl who begged rescue services to come get her out of the car of her murdered family members before dark because she was frightened of the dark.
And Biden not only doesn't give a single solitary shit about that little girl dying frightened, or that Israel bombed the rescue medics (after giving the permission to come get her), he paid for the bullets that did it.
So again, I ask you, what pray tell, is worse?
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dappersappho · 14 days
Kamala: (constantly caters both sides on the Israel/Palestine war)
Trump: She hates Israel!
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 2 months
Trump says “finish the job,” while this administration actively helps them do it. Y’all want to pretend that not using the same words makes any substantive difference, but it does not. And you know that. You just don’t care.
as a survivor of some pretty horrific abuse and housing situations where i nearly ended up dead, i know for a fact that there is a substantive difference between "actively wants you killed by all and any means, immediately" and "would prefer not to kill you, but will to save their own pathetic hide".
trump is the former. self-admittedly. he's proud of it. it's a selling point to his supporters.
and this admin is, to its credit, slightly better than the latter: rather than sitting idle until prompted, joe biden has pushed for aid to gaza and continues to try pressuring netanyahu into backing off; going further, kamala harris has been actively calling for a ceasefire since last year
side note: kamala is, as far as i'm aware, the highest-ranking person in govt right now who has basically up and said israel is committing war crimes. (she cannot say it verbatim without potentially worsening negotiations, but in politician-speak she has absolutely implied they're acting in violation of international humanitarian law by saying they needed to respect it. not amazing, sure, but way more than i expected from someone that high up)
now, i almost got into a whole lecture about the samson option and how the shitty, frustratingly glacial pace and lopsided nature of negotiations with israel and palestine is actually part of the mechanism of nuclear deterrence (aka mutual assured destruction), but you wouldn't read that. you're not sending me this because you're interested in doing anything but expressing frustration.
and i do hear that! i'm frustrated too! but i'm willing to get my hands dirty to prevent more needless suffering. there's an inescapable baseline of misery here, and it's tragic and bullshit and we should never, ever shut up about it, but--and i cannot stress this enough--that doesn't mean it's ok to let it get worse
especially since we actually have the means to prevent that, and maybe even improve things if we could stop doing this useless virtue signalling 'both options are equally bad' bs
some chance of survival always beats none at all. always.
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whatever ur electoral decision is. can we PLEASE stop pretending america is a democracy. it is, and has always been, a farse of a democracy at best. the electoral college? the supreme court? anyone?? i remember finding those things distinctly undemocratic in middle school.
saying that 'we're choosing between fascism and democracy' is just patently untrue and frankly disrespectful to the vulnerable people who have been harmed by the authoritarian state even (and in some cases ESPECIALLY) under democrats.
(and before you say, "okay, fascism vs worse fascism" please take a moment and think about how fucking insane that is.)
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medeas-chariot · 2 months
In the case of US politics right now, not voting is also a political act. Don't let people tell you otherwise, more so if you're Palestinian-American.
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snekdood · 5 months
pls. no matter what you think. please vote for biden. a vote thrown away goes to trump. letting trump win is a death wish for yourself. love yourself and the people around you a lil more than that. dont let your petty spite jeopardize the whole earth and its and our wellbeing.
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suncaptor · 7 months
reducing a presidential election down to the trolley problem is kind of fucking insane to me. like you HAVE to stop looking down on everyone who is anti-Biden as being young or stupid or morally undeveloped. yes Trump would likely be worse on Israel and his views on Israel alone are even more terrifying than Biden, and yes there may be a huge chance Palestinian support shifts in the general to Biden regardless of his hand in genocide. But to act like someone actively trying to work against Biden and planning to not vote for him while he's actively participating in genocide (and only pushing in any way against it while having huge huge hits to his election chances in the election year) is short-sighted propaganda. I personally voted for Biden in 2020 despite hating him & what he's done to people & voting for him was against went against what I personally stood for, but I did because it was the most strategic best option considering the reality of Trump. People aren't stupid to rail against the current president in an election year while he's actively supporting Israel for months on end.
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Meanwhile the Republicans are promising to bomb Gaza into the Stone Age, steal their land, and use US troops to deport Palestinians out of their land at gunpoint.
Get off Biden’s back and start calling out the Republican politicians purchased by the Israel Lobby before you get Trump re-elected.
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freeasfishes · 7 hours
I think probably if you see Palestinians criticizing the current US president supplying their genocide and your response is to tell them that they are CAUSING their own genocide by doing so, you might be just a bad fucking person.
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sereniv · 22 days
Well i think we ALL should be threatening not to vote for Harris if she doesnt call for an arms embargo. Id say ceasfire but lets be real
I think we ALL should be putting our effort into applying pressure on ending a genocide, rather than pressuring people to vote for someone who not only seems to be going back on policies she said she stood for, but is also not proving she will actually do anything on the situation in Palestine
The voting hasnt happened. You can't get mad at people for AT LEAST threatening to not vote for her. Threatening. As in, no one has voted yet. So it's all talk right now.
If people dont end up vote for Harris it will be her own fault. Thats just how it works. What she says, but more importantly what she does, is what makes people vote for her just like any other candidate
we arent even asking that much. At the VERY least, is to stop sending weapons. 1 thing she and biden are capable of doing but have shown having no plans on even considering it.
Now, I dont know what im doing when it comes to voting bc theres a lot that can happen until then. im not thinking of what im going to do, im focused on helping to apply pressure. Ive sent emails and called. But even just talking about it can help.
Yes, if Trump wins it IS worse, beyond Palestine. For the planet, and everyone.
But the fact is that some people will not vote for her. That is a fact.
Another Fact is some people will vote for her only if they feel confident she will actually do something about the genocide.
These are facts. You don't even need a source for that
Why are you wasting your time on people who wont vote, instead of convincing the Hold Voters to vote for Kamala by making Kamala someone they will want to vote for?
WE arent dividing the vote. SHE is.
Worry about the blame game for after the election.
For now, help us get her to agree that the United states will stop sending weapons to Israel and/or keep the halt (of weapons), if by some miracle biden gets something done.
#palestine#israel#kamala harris#donald trump#vote uncommitted#us elections#I am in a MOOD and will block zionists and anyone who annoys me#mostly ill let whatever play out in the comments if anyone sees this#bc i finally fucking get it#i was so scared of projrct 2025. i knew trump was technically worse. but i thought strategically its best vote harris#but then thr dnc came out. and at first i felt hopeful. like really confident. that she is going to win#and though i was mad bc up ubtil this point there wasnt much she has said on gaza that felt worth anything#and just. the fact she didnt let a palestinian american speak a deleget. with a bunch of info popping up#on shit shes going back on like fracking and adding more police and wtvr other stuff i cant think rn#like before that i was still on the fence on some stuff like thr term Blue Maga i thought might be a stretch though ive seen it before#like the 4 more years chant for biden. but after not letting the Palestinian deleget talk was like. it was so fucking crushing#and i heard the speech it would have been perfect all the fucking liberals in that place. like i fucking get it#like i didnt like her before but now like...i see why someone would not want to vote for her even with trump being worse. again idk what ill#do. like shes only a shade different from trump when i look at her. like politically. anyway yeah I get how people will vote means nothing#rn. its not even important. its not. bc if we want people to vote the way we want we need to convince them to vote by making the candidate#worth fucking voting for even in the face of a possible dictatorship. and we arent asking for much. we arent asking to move mountains.#just to at LEAST stop sending weapons
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paperbag1999 · 2 months
i feel uneasy to disavow mohammed el kurd as that man has done so much for the movement. his work in 2021 mobilized so many people and brought a lot of awareness to what is happening in the west bank. he is an incredibly skilled writer and quite often says shit that no one else is saying that DESPERATELY needs to be said. but like him pushing the idea that there were no sexual assaults during the october 7th attack and now calling aoc spineless for saying she supports harris as the only way to defeat trump is so fucking idiotic. like no im not gonna start picking fights with the woman who went on stephen colbert and described to a large audience of libs why she believes whats happening in palestine constitutes genocide.
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deadendtracks · 2 months
one of my friends who has been making contingency plans to leave the country if trump is elected is so giddy right now that she might not have to do that. if only for that, i can be enthusiastic about harris!
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gotta-bail-my-quails · 4 months
i'm a bit too tired to put together an appropriately coherent argument right now, but i feel the need to speak on the 'vote blue no matter who' thing because it keeps coming up on my dash and i'm fucking tired of it.
stop trying to beg a system to get better when that system was designed to hold power over you, when it benefits from staying as is, when it wants to keep you down and on a leash. You are voting for the fucking leash man, not the person holding it. You know why negotiations for a ceasefire have been falling flat? Because Israel never cared about morals--there's no use in begging the colonial entity to have some conscience because we wouldn't fucking be here right now if they could be talked out of genocide. If there are train tracks that both go through hospitals, you don't fucking wonder which hospital has less people in it, you wonder who the fuck designed the damn tracks to go through a hospital! And then you fucking redesign them so that shit doesn't happen! You don't hire the same guy who built the tracks to do it again either because who knows if he's gonna just build them through more hospitals--you rip those rails up yourself, got it?
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whamss · 8 months
Not to be that guy, but honestly in what world are all of these people saying "don't vote for Biden! You're making more impact by abstaining your vote and letting the man who's both way more enthusiastic about supporting this genocide, and is actively trying to overthrow one of the most influential governments in the world back into office!" NOT like. Blatant propagandists
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