#Tsedi Mys
the-iron-orchid · 1 year
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Requested by: @joasakura
(Not me having a little fun with foreshortened poses...)
Lionfish!Tsedi is very pretty, but that smile is also the last thing a certain number of beings ever see... 💀
(Detail snippet below, link to full 2k render under the cut!)
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[ Full Sized Render ]
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Notes: The Family
Ascher Mys: the human-seeming of Asmodei - Adramalech's grandsire and once Aesma, leader of the herd of chalkydri trapped in Hell by Mundus.
In order to save the newly born chalkrydi, and secure himself a place of power where he could control his people's destiny in Hell, Aesma sacrificed the adults of his herd to Mundus and raised up the young, altered forever, into the incubi. He has since sired further generations of incubi with other demons, leading to a wide variety in incubi types.
In human-shape, Ascher is big, a powerlifter's build wrapped in impeccable dark suits. He limps, walking with a cane.
Hair: a curly mane of dark grey hair, a sheen of purple and green to it like a pigeon's feathers. Heavy mutton chops and a neat little goatee.
Eyes: Dark red, horizontal pupiled, wears dark glasses to hide them.
Skintone: deep olive
He is gregarious, irresistibly charming to most humans, but carries the distinct aura of both a 1960's mob boss and the head of a yakuza family if you're talking specifically about the Yakuza video games.
As Asmodei, the ruler of the City of Dis, his appearance is similar to Tsedi's "true form", but he's enormous, the horse portion of his hippogriff-like body shaped like a shire horse. His feathers are silvery, damascened steel, fading into iridescent charcoal scales. Unlike Tsedi's flame-flickering peacock feathers, his tail is reminscent of a palawan peacock's- more silver-steel, but with brilliant blue-green eyes that seem to hover a few millimeters above the actual feathers.
And where Tsedi's helm has a horse-like shape to it, Asmodei's is shaped as a bull's, great crystalline horns framing a burning orb.
Most notably, his right front foreleg is mangled, encased in a golden brace.
From Dis - the Las Vegas of Hell-, Asmodei controlls Hell's incubi. Once seemingly in Mundus' name, and now seemingly to the highest bidder.
Anammalech: Tsedi's twin sibling.
Ana's demonic form is nearly identical to Tsedi's in appearance except for coloring.
Their demonic form is reminscent of white-pied peacocks and cob horses, pale and just partially mottled with color.
Their human form is variable, but always white haired, grey eyed and emotionless. At some point in the past, Mundus utterly broke Ana, making them into one of his personal hunters.
With Mundus gone, Ana only has their last mission to sustain them: find and kill their wayward sibling.
Tuwas: Aesma's twin, and the leader of the herd that had been trapped in the heavens.
Tuwas goes by a different, Angelic name now - Kasiel. Much as Aesma's choices defined the fate of the incubi, Tuwas' choices defined the Keruvim- binding them into service of the Kings of Heaven, often oblivious save for the constant songs praising those in power, and granting Tuwas themselves a position of great authority in the angelic ranks.
Raziel's form is reminscent of golden pheasants, akal-teke horses and glittering koi. Unlike their hell-borne brethren, they maintained their wings, shimmering like sunstone - and their great tail whispers behind them like gold set with flaming emeralds. Raziel's helmet (like those of the other Keruvim) is shaped like an eagle- but with great horns of diamond - similar to Asmodei's, and a "mane" of iridescent, golden feathers. They maintain their stronghold of white gold and orichalc (within the Ma'una division of the Primum Mobile, where their choirs remain when not Singing.)
Their human-seeming is a skinny blonde twink in a golden, designer tracksuit.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested by: @joasakura
Tsedi and Courtesan!Jinana in some of the most cyberslutty outfits in my library. 😁
Join The Morale Corps!
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
Sleep prompt 41 if you have the desire ;)
[Sleepy Prompts]
41. “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe.”
The flowers produced by the Garden are no fragile hothouse blooms. They may appear delicate - the humans in particular lacking great stature, a tough hide, or an armored exoskeleton - but they must possess strength, determination and resourcefulness beyond most of their species.
These qualities are frequently put to the test.
The place where they have holed up isn't much - some kind of alcove coming off of an abandoned maintenance tunnel - but it is defensible, and just the place to wait it out until extraction.
This damned artifact had better be worth it, Jinana thinks.
Tsedi's breathing is a touch labored; his resources are low. Between the two of them, he's been healed enough not to bleed out (or give away their location with a trail of scarlet human blood), but he took some serious hits in the last skirmish.
Jinana looks him over with a practiced eye. At least one rib is probably still cracked - not enough to be a danger, plenty enough to hurt like hell. But more than that, he's just plain exhausted. Hir own energy reserves are not faring all that much better; physically, however, s/he bears nothing more than a few scuffs and bruises.
S/he thumbs a nearly-invisible pocket of hir suit, producing a feather-light reflective emergency blanket, spreading the crinkling film over him - blood loss will make thermoregulation more difficult.
He starts to mutter some protest, wincing as he attempts to rise.
"Stay where you are. You can't hide how bad you're hurting, not from me." Jinana touches a fingertip to the energy center just above and between his brows, rationing out a precious bit of hir own power in an attempt to relax him.
"Rest now, Tse'. I'll take watch."
"But you aren't -" he begins, only to be shushed.
"I'm no Knight, no. But I still know a dozen ways to put any sapient race out of commission with my bare hands." S/he smiles. "Sleep. I'll keep you safe. I'll keep us both safe until extraction."
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Send 🎭 and I will create a moodboard of our muses relationship
Tsedi and Jinana, AKA Peacock Hair Squad:
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
💃🏻➡ ;)
[ V-Day Asks ]
💃🏻➡ to ask for a dance
"Everything's going great, Jin. The place is packed. Your people are all doing their jobs. You should relax a little, while you can."
"Isn't that my line, Tse'?" Jinana smirks at the chevalier over the rim of hir drink. The bawdily-named "Hexen Lover" has proved a hit - three distinct layers of liqueurs, served with a lychee-jelly 'egg' which releases its own payload of high-proof spirits when dropped into the drink.
Tsedi is right, though. Every floor of Carapace is filled to capacity; they can only let more customers in as others leave. Jinana's fleet of highly-trained courtesans are hard at work, plying the lonely - or merely the horny - with specialty drinks and sensual treats. There will no doubt be weeks of data-collation after this.
This floor, the topmost open to patrons, is Carapace's most exclusive. Beauteous courtesans of every species stalk past wearing the sky-high footwear or other accessories that mark their role, all in elegant diaphanous silks with the signature sheen of a beetle's wing. The elevated glazium dance floor is filled with swirling lights that pulse with the beat of the music. Currently, someone's very inebriated underhusband seems to be either performing a mating dance of some sort, or acting out a battle. Other dancers edge around the large Imperiati, wary of being crushed.
Tsedi drains the last of his drink, a twinkle in his dark eyes. "What do you say we show these fools some real dancing, Jin?"
Jinana laughs, tipping hir own glass back to finish it off. S/he catches the eye of one of hir human courtesans, indicating the dance floor with a tilt of hir head. Immediately, several of them converge on the drunken Imperiati, coaxing him down from the stage and back to a booth to be petted and cooed over (and possibly anesthetized, should he prove too troublesome).
The other dancers make way - respectfully now, rather than in fear for the integrity of their toes - as the two step onto the stage.
Outwardly, this would seem to be a performance of high-ranking Courtesans for the entertainment of the patrons. Only the two of them know the truth - two Flowers from the same Garden, carefully cultivated to their respective roles. They move across the stage in perfect unison, laughing, with the languid grace of trained dancers... or trained killers.
There few indeed who can tell the difference.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Tsedi and Jinana doing a Valentine’s Day heist of some sort XD
The origins of the custom among some humans of trading romantic tokens and indulging in sensual foods at the cusp of the winter and spring seasons has been largely lost to time, though scholars of other species conclude that it must have had something to do with a primitive fertility rite - conceiving young so that they would be born after the harvest, perhaps, when stored food was plentiful. An alternate theory proposes that it was to do with sybaritic rituals intended to hasten the coming of the planting season by sympathetic magic.
Whatever its origin, this Day of Valentines has proven popular at the hottest club in the Living Light, where a special menu offers a variety of rare and exquisite treats for all species... and, if one knows how to ask for them, a very special menu of aphrodisiacs.
But even these pale in popularity compared to the plump berries dipped in the solidified sweetened paste of oily roasted fermented theobroma seeds, Jinana's sole source of which has been cut off by some sort of apparent schism taking place within the Church of TerraGaia.
"The berries I can get elsewhere, the 'chocolate'? Not so much. If I'm to save Carapace's single busiest day of the standard year, then I'm going to have to get creative. And I'm going to need your help, Brother."
S/he grins, slipping a packet of near-microscopic needles coated in five different species-specific amnestics into a hidden pocket. "Or is all of this beneath you, O Knight of the First?"
"This is what that stuff is made from?" Tsedi sniffs curiously at a pilfered pod as Jinana dresses the minor scrapes acquired in the process of hijacking half an Imperial tonne of 'chocolate'.
"The flesh is edible - and apparently tasty - but you have to let it ferment on the seeds to get the best product. It's quite a process. Fortunately, we... diverted more than enough of the final product to cover my needs."
S/he gives him a sidelong look. "That was quite a performance with the Hexen guard, I must say. It's a shame he won't remember it."
Tsedi can't quite hide his mild embarrassment, not from hir. "All in a day's work for a chevalier, right?"
Jinana smiles. "And not a single fatality. Thank you, Brother."
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
Finally, FINALLY I have collected enough assets to do MerMay!
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This one will go a lil differently from previous Renderpaloozas - I'll be taking requests all week (5/1/23 - 5/7/23), but instead of trying to cram all the renders into the same week, I'll be pacing myself and releasing them throughout the month.
Choices and rules are under the cut. I can't possibly show every variation available, feel free to DM me if you want to see texture options or have any questions!
Requests are now CLOSED.
You can find the request queue here!
Please limit to 2 requests per requestor.
One character per render.
Renders will have a prefab underwater scene as a backdrop.
Poses will be chosen by me.
If you request someone else's OC, I will have to okay it with the OC's creator first!
I reserve the right to close the request window at any time, I am but one little guy and I can only do so much T_T
I will append a request queue to this post as requests come in! If you send a request and don't see it appear in the queue within a day, tumblr probably ate your request :c Try again!
Tail Choices:
Classic Merfolk (choose tailfin)
Seahorse Tail
Fantasy Lionfish Tail
Octo-Mer (fem base characters only, sadly)
Shark Tail (choose arm fins, scars, body paint)
Classic Mermaid (with gills, fem base only)
Eel Tail (with gills, masc base only)
Fancy Tails (choose fin options)
Snake Tails (choose scale options)
Texture Choices:
Color - most of these have a huge array of colors and patterns available. Feel free to DM me about the choices available for the tail you've chosen! I can also make some basic color adjustments to suit. You can also just leave it up to me!
Glossy/Metallic/Pearly/Bioluminescent - I can make the tail have a fancy sheen or bioluminescent markings!
Pearls, gems, gold, silver; rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and body chains; facial and body piercings - I can adorn your mer in jewelry if you like! Give a general vibe and I'll do my best to fulfill it from my large library of jewelry assets. (Otherwise, they'll just have their usual jewelry.)
Armor - I can put armor on the top half of your mer. Choose from fantasy or realistic styles.
Modesty top - if your mer has breasts, they can go bare (will mark the render as Mature) or I can choose a little fantasy top for them to wear. (If your mer goes bare, I can absolutely give them nip piercings btw)
Masc mers can absolutely wear a little crop top too, as a treat :)
Unless otherwise specified, characters will have their usual hair, but you can request a long-haired version for your mer!
Available Models:
Heron @vesuvian-disaster
Marcus Aquila @vesuvian-disaster
Hjordis @vesuvian-disaster
Miloš @xx-sharpfawngz-xxx
Donna @bottomvalerius
Vida @apprenticevida
Turel @fullyfunctionalapprentice
Bastien @daisydevorak
Ell'iandyr @foxfirefallout
Tsedi @joasakura
Arsenic @arsenicxarcana
Coatli @coyoxxtl
Evander @luasworkshop
Yeshe (because it's funny)
Have Fun!
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Name(s): Tsedi Mys, "Teddy Muse", Adamalech the Most Fabulous
Height: 5'10"
Hair: Purple and green. All. of. it.
Eyes: Hazel-brown (occasionally red)
Type: Demon/human gestalt
Occupation: Vigilante, barista
Unaffiliated with the Mage Underground, he nonetheless seems to show up an awful lot.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
The ol' ADHD is hittin real bad, here's a sample of the conflicting impulses currently warring in my brain during a holiday week where I won't really have the time to do any of it anyway:
Whole new non-Apprentice Jinilya continuity via means of Evander
The constant urge to stuff Julian into period clothing
Barbarella-style space-heaux pinups with Tsedi and Jinana
But Nadiavember...
Turel carrying Jinana around like this
But what about the three half-finished renders already in progress?
Or the five new models you're working on?
But Have You Considered Reversed Sphinx-Demon Jinana
Getting Trashed with Hjordis
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About 15 Years Ago:
Nobody is gonna take care of my cat.
It's crazy to Teddy that this is what his last thoughts are going to be. That no one will take care of his fat, scarred tabby because there's a crazy man with his hand around his throat, choking him while he inexpertly tries to also stab him to death.
He had never really minded the sex work. It had kept him fed- at least until it hadn’t. Things had been too grim for too long, and by the time he'd picked up the businessman in his fancy car with his fancy suit, he'd been ignoring his internal warning system a little too frequently.
His murderer is monologuing, going on about how he's always wanted to see the light leave someone's eyes, blah blah blah and all Teddy can think about is his cat.
His bloody hands find an empty bottle on the ground and when he smashes it into the guy's face, it just gets his head pounded into the wall with a scream.
And that's when he sees it. The hallucination that is a peacock. But also a horse. And kind of a guy. And as fucked up looking as Teddy feels. There is so much blood and he can't talk can't breathe but he reaches out because he's got nothing left and no one is going to take care of his cat. Help me.
And then he and he were they and they were I and bloody hands stripped the coat and expensive watch and wallet from the desiccated corpse crumbling in the rain.
He wasn't even hungry anymore.
Cascade City at night has places no one in their right mind would ever go, places where getting mugged was the LEAST of your worries. The trail- the faintest scent of sulfur and blood and cruelty leads him down Weyer to what had been a church.
(You have got to be kidding me. On the nose much?) The thought would be comical if the stakes weren't lives, and he rapped on the heavy wooden door. "Hello? A friend told me this was a safe place to spend the night?"
He waited, bracing when the door opened a crack. The hollow eyed Preacher Man peering back at him. "Go away. There's nothing for you here."
"I disagree." Tsedi said as he kicked the door in, sending the man tumbling backwards in a shower of splinters. The Preacher lay on the floor, twitching slightly, and Tsedi followed the almost imperceptible lines, up up past the rafters into the bell tower. "Come out come out."
In response, a head plopped to the floor beside him. Slowly, Tsedi looked down at the ruined visage. One of the folks from the camp. Up above him, the smell of blood was strong. He looked back up just in time to see a mass of foul-smelling demon crash into him like a moistly-sticky Prius.
{IF YOU CAN'T PROTECT YOUR LIVESTOCK, INCUBUS, MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE A FARMER} it screeched in his face in a rush of breath that smelled like hot garbage.
It was fetid, wet, smothering him like a gross, soggy blanket, but it screamed nonetheless as he drove a burning peacock plume into it. The demon pulled off of him with a grotesque sucking noise as Tsedi conjured a ring of plumes, the eyes burning with unearthly flame. "I hope you found them delicious, because you're never going to enjoy anything again."
Zeke hadn't meant to follow him - but Teddy had always brought them food, always made sure the girls on the corner were safe. He was a good... well. Zeke wasn't sure what Teddy was, but he was glad he was on their side.
He could smell the smoke before he got to the old church, and the orange flames licked at the night sky, smoke billowing up in lurid columns.
Zeke approached, then scrambled backwards as a nearby wall blew out in a shower of masonry and flame. A spider- or at least something resembling one and the size of a car tumbled across the pavement, struggling to stand as bits plopped off, sizzling like tar on the sidewalk.
Out of the flames a figure stepped. "They weren't livestock, you sentient shit. They were people."
One eye saw Teddy the coffee guy, black goop splattering his coat and face, rage in his eyes that burned in contrast with the cold of his voice.
But the other, the one that saw ghosts and demons, saw something else. The centaur was as black as the night sky, an enormous peacock tail shivering behind him, each of the feathers' eyes flickering with flame. His head was a helm in the shape of a horse's head, with eyes glowing incandescently red, an extravagant plume of more feathers atop it. The back hooves glowed red with flame and the front were talons, clicking against the shattered stone as he delicately made his way down. "No one, not even hell, is going to miss you."
Zeke looked away from the screaming, down at his battered little notebook and the drawings within. One page, the creature with it's peacock tail, holding a box of muffins, smiling. "You got a light inside you, man. Like nothing else. Glad you're on our side."
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About 15 Years Ago:
Adra had Fallen not because of politics or ego, but because the Human World was full of delights the Celestial could not imagine, and agonies it would rather not acknowledge.
If he could sample the first, and perhaps alleviate the second, then that seemed a better lot than most.
But, stumbling down a dark, rainy alley, half-materialized, once-brilliant plumage burnt and torn and losing ichor at an alarming rate, Adra had never considered those agonies might be turned on him. The so-called diablero had clearly learned their trade on the internet, and the so-called exorcism was more like being stabbed repeatedly with a piece of vaguely sharpened lumber.
And he was going to Cease, in a shitty alleyway between an abandoned pizza parlor and a drug house. (Great)
And then, Adra found salvation in a pair of desperate, bloodied eyes.
Tsedi hummed as he put the chairs up on the tables for the night, surreptitously watching his boss on her phone. There was a look on her face that was clumsy, chunky stew of relief and grief and a hundred other things, and when she hung up, he meandered over to her, tapping the broom handle on his shoulder. "Stevie, you ok?"
She looked at him, her face clearly struggling to find the right expression. "They found Doug." She said after a moment, turning the phone over in her hands. "In a shitty motel with a needle in his arm and an empty wallet."
"I'd say i was sorry for your loss, but after what he did to you. To the kids..." Tsedi tilted his head, gaze going to where the bruises on her face were still hidden under makeup.
"Yeah." She took a deep breath. "Do you think you can finish closing up without me? I have to go to the coroners and..."
"I mean, absolutely but... You need someone to take you?" he set the broom down, leaning on the handle.
Stevie shook her head. "I'm gonna call my sister. Thanks Teddy." She patted his arm. "Thank you for all the times you listened, and for the makeup tips." Stevie shrugged a bit. "Thanks."
"Call your sister, do what you gotta, I'll call Monique later and let her know she's gotta keep an eye on things while you're out."
"Go." He said with a gentle force. "You need to take care of yourself, ok?"
She nodded in a little daze. "You're an angel sometimes, you know that?" and turned away to call.
It would have been so much easier to have just drained the life out of that piece of shit, he thought as he swept. But this way was better for her- a scumbag dead in a shitty motel after a night of drugs and hookers. No big murder investigation sniffing around, no possible suicide complicating Stevie getting what meagre insurance the creep had. Besides, pleasure tasted good. Doug's feelings tasted like hot garbage, and he wasn't that hungry.
After Stevie was gone, he packed up the baked goods that were going to hit expiry, and then peered out the window. Up across the narrow street, the bookstore lights were still on. (Really.) he shook his head and quickly whipped up a chai latte before heading out into the cold of the Cascade City night.
Balancing the drink and the box of muffins in one hand, he opened the door, listening to the jingle of wards scribed into the bells. They prickled like a sock full of nettles for a moment, then he pushed through. "Jin?" he asked loudly. He'd never actually been in the store before, just chatted with the owner in the doorway on occasion. It smelled exactly like he expected.
The bookseller peered up from behind the counter, hir hair askew as s/he shoved something underneath. "Tsedi?! Hi. Look..."
He offered hir the chai. "Working kind of late? You didn't stop in for your diabetes special this afternoon, so i was a little worried."
S/he took the chai and breathed deep of the spices. "Just some stuff going on." Jinana turned the cup in her hands, smiling at the warmth. "Thanks. How'd you know I was working late?"
He pointed, deadpan, to the coffee shop's window across the street.
"So, you got any romance novels in this place?" He asked, and s/he deadpan pointed to the "OCCULT BOOKS" sign. "You'd think there would be occult romances." he muttered, then turned back to hir. "You know you are literally the only person who ever gets my name right?"
Jinana looked at him very seriously for a moment. "Names are important."
Tsedi chuckled. "Yeah. Yeah, they are. Don't work too late, and be safe, ok?" He saluted hir with the box. "I have a delivery to make on my way."
"Thanks," s/he leaned on the counter, watching him flinch again, ever so slightly as he left.
The homeless camp was under the 32nd Street bridge. A drainage gulley was not the best place to live, but it was better than some, Tsedi thought as he picked his way over a rusted bicycle.
But it was oddly quiet, empty. A small fire burned, a grizzled old man beside it, but no one else. The wards he'd dropped here and there still glimmered, small things- mostly stay-nots to keep the cops from paying too much attention to them.
"Zeke, my man." Tsedi announced himself and presented the box. "What happened?"
Zeke peered up at him, one eye milky-blind, the other dark, gleaming in the firelight. "Some preacher man came earlier, said he was from a new shelter." He said, taking the box with one hand. In the other he balanced a notepad and a stump of a pencil, the paper covered with drawings.
"Preacher man." Tsedi repeated, sitting down on a stump.
Zeke looked at him hard. "Back in the war, when I took a bullet in the head..." he touched the scars around his blind eye. "Started seein' shit with my dead eye, I told you that once."
Tsedi nodded, watching as Zeke set down the muffin box. "I see ghosts and demons and the VA, they don't believe me. But you. You been bringin' pastries here for a year and you never even blink when I say that."
"World's full of ghosts and demons. I'm surprised most people don't see them, to be honest." Tsedi shrugged, and passed his hand near the fire. "So this Preacher Man. Which was he?"
"Empty. Some kinda black ... string leadin out of his back into the night. No one listened to me, all they heard was what he was sellin." He held up the drawings. "You reckon you know what that is?"
"I'm just a barista, I don't know shit." Tsedi said, pushing himself up. "He stood right over there?" He pointed to a spot just beyond the wards.
Zeke nodded. "Sure did."
"Did he say where this shelter was?" Tsedi stared at the spot, then back at the old man.
"Down on Weyer somewhere." Zeke tore off the drawing and handed it to Tsedi. On the sheet beneath were sketches of all the others who had come and gone from the little camp. "Somethin' ain't right, Teddy."
Tsedi took the drawing, and stared at the handsome, hollow-eyed man. "You said he was empty."
"People got somethin' in them, all of them. Light dark, warm, cold. It's their hearts, i think." He sat back and took a muffin. "You wanna know what i see when I look at you?"
"Nah." Tsedi shook his head. "You have a good night, stay safe, ok?"
Zeke scoffed a little "Yeah. You too."
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Masterpost: The Courtesan and the Knight of the First Flower
(Or,  Tsedi Mys and Jinana Aditya, 🦚The Peacock Hair Squad🦚)
Prompt: Do You Regret Letting Me Close?
Prompt: Your Biggest Regret by @joasakura
Prompt: Thank You For Last Night by @joasakura
Prompt: Braiding The Other’s Hair
Knight of Heriox: To The Garden by @joasakura
Dressed in Lingerie
Terminal Swaglessness by @joasakura
The Courtesan and the Knight of the First Flower
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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The Courtesan and the Knight of The First Flower share a little bathtime relaxation, with refreshing glasses of loquat juice to hand.
Link to full version under the cut! Tsedi and the Knight of Heriox universe belong to @joasakura 💙
Warnings: nip piercings, some bush.
Full Version (1800x1800px)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
A2 Jinana and Tsedi JUDGING the shit out of someone in the sexiest way possible XD
[ Renderpalooza! ]
"Those tusk-rings with that outfit? Oh dear... I think I detect a terminal lack of swag, Brother."
It was super fun to make Courtesan Jinana and place hir in Tsedi's natural habitat! Clearly they are attending some official function, in uniform. 😆
(link to full size under the cut!)
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[ Full Size Render ]
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Progress, now with a decorative Tsedi 🤗
Posing is only half the battle; still got lots of shader and prop work left to do! The lotuses will be translucent with glowing centers, the pool has a glowing bottom that doesn’t show in the Viewport, and the floor has a high-tech tiling pattern that also glows a bit. The Future is G L O W I N G
I just love casual, comfortable nudity, ok
(Tsedi, of course, belongs to @joasakura!)
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