#Jinana Aditya
the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Putting on his makeup, ft. Modern AU Jinana's brightly lit boho bathroom
Links to full size renders under the cut!
Render 1 ft. Jinana's face and Julian's back-laces
Render 2 ft. Julian's eager expression and some of his bush
Render 3 Full Body
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epoch-smog · 1 year
@bottomvalerius i see you jerma posting and also this image made me laugh how dare you
@the-iron-orchid bc it's ur child.
Didnt do the entire sound/video bc this was already a lot to edit but this came to mind instantly and had to scribble it out like a possessed pencil.
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devoraqs · 2 years
The Experiment 🍋
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Pairing: Jinacha (Jinana x Alexander) Word Count: ~1375 Content Warnings: PWP, nipple play (lots of it), marking Summary: In which Jinana and a scientist run an experiment
Jinana’s eyes roved over the exposed flesh of Alexander’s chest, his bare pectorals framed artfully by the carefully tailored shirt he had selected. Technically, he was still fully clothed, but the dark blue satin lined with silver embroidery parted at the top of his rib cage and snaked round under his pecs, up over his shoulders, and rejoined at the hollow of his throat leaving the majority of the skin bare. The marks that Jinana had left before were still just visible, though before long they’d be joined by fresh ones. His trousers and small clothes were pushed down around his hips, and while Jinana had no intention of touching him just yet, s/he had a perfect view of the effects hir administrations would cause. All part of the experiment, after all. 
His arms were bound simply behind his back with matching leather cuffs; this had the dual purpose of making sure Alexander kept his hands to himself while Jinana put their hypotheses into practice, and pulling his shoulders back just enough that his chest was pushed out. 
“Those are new,” Jinana remarked, when s/he took in the piercings Alexander had put in his nipples. The usual plain gold bar had been replaced by silver rings with a short chain hanging off them, rounded off with a half moon charm that had a small hinge on it.
Alexander nodded, letting the corner of his mouth twist into a wry grin,
“The half moons are more than decorative,”
“I see,” Jinana replied, pleased, “I’m sure I’ll make good use of them, then.”
S/he flicked hir eyes to the small array of instruments and toys laid out on the table beside them. He wondered if they’d even get around to using them, if he’d need even more stimulation. Part of the beauty of the experiment, he supposed. The excitement of the mere concept made a pleasant rush buzz through him.
 Jinana reached out and ran hir thumb over Alexander’s bottom lip, and Alexander’s eyes lidded slightly, breath catching in anticipation as he met hir gaze,
“Your eyes stay on me,” s/he said, quietly but firmly, and then s/he began.
With one hand s/he travelled across the expanse of skin before hir, fingers carding through the fine red hair. S/he felt rather than heard the soft puff of air as Alexander sighed at the touch, his eyelids flickering ever so slightly. A good start, a promising one, but no results as of yet. A stroke of fingers around the stars of the Aquarius over his heart, circling the neat lines that connected the small white diamonds of stars together, then down to just brush over Alexander’s left nipple and the chain that hung from it. 
The touch, light as it was, sent a tingle down Alexander’s spine. Jinana circled the rosy skin as it peaked beneath hir fingertips, and this rendered a small sound from the back of Alexander’s throat. A light, almost delicate flush began to spot his cheekbones, and though his eyelids fluttered and grew heavy, they stayed trained on Jinana even as s/he took in every detail of his body as it shifted under hir ministrations. Experimentally, s/he closed hir thumb and forefinger around the peaked bud and pinched, not too firmly yet, just enough for Alexander to feel the light pressure. The result was instantaneous: Alexander keened into the touch and his cock jumped. Jinana smiled,
“Well, Laal, it seems that our hypothesis shows promise after all.”
“A strong start to the proceedings,” Alexander replied, voice slightly tight where his breathing was becoming laboured, “though at the moment results would be inconclusive.”
Jinana pinched again, harder this time, and Alexander let out a small yelp followed by a longer moan when s/he began to roll hir fingers slowly, deliciously agonisingly slowly. The rosy spots on his cheeks blossomed out across his face and licked down his neck under the deep blue fabric of his shirt, emerging to creep across his chest. He felt heat wash over his skin, beating across him with every thump of his slowly accelerating pulse, and pooling and tightening in his core. 
He saw Jinana’s gaze fix on the pulse point in his neck and s/he leaned down to suck at it, tasting the thrum of his heartbeat under hir tongue, but as soon as Alexander let his eyes roll back into his head and savour the feeling, s/he leant back again. After all, that was not part of their experiment as it was, but instead posed a query for the future: if this proved to be a success, then what else could Jinana test on him? 
And judging by the way Alexander’s cock was already more than half-hard before Jinana had even given the rest of his chest much attention, this experiment was certainly on track to success, though neither Jinana nor Alexander were keen to reach any firm conclusions just yet. As it happened, the pair of them when discussing the experiment decided unanimously to draw out the process as long as possible, and by now Jinana had come to know what on Alexander’s body would cause catalysis and so s/he knew how best to control the rate of reaction.
Jinana continued to roll the nipple between hir fingers, varying the pressure as s/he did. Alexander’s eyelids fluttered blissfully, though as soon as they closed Jinana released him entirely and stepped back. Alexander, batting his eyes open wide, made a soft noise of protest at the loss of contact. Jinana raised an eyebrow,
“Now, now. I did say to keep your eyes on me, did I not?”
“You did,” Alexander’s voice was rasping at the edges, “I’ll be good, I promise.”
Jinana hummed, reaching out and tucking a loose strand of Alexander’s hair back behind his ear,
“And I know you can be. You want to continue?”
A wordless affirmation, and Alexander shifted his position a little to make sure Jinana still had both a good view and enough room to work. 
Jinana bent and kissed the hot skin of Alexander’s forehead before sliding hir hand down and across his chest once more. Alexander’s eyes, the pupils blown with desire, traced hir every move. An experimental gentle flick here, a more forceful raking of nails there, and Alexander was squirming and writhing under hir touch as every bit of contact sent electric tingles straight to his spine. This juxtaposed quite wonderfully with the ache in his now stiff cock, and while he wasn’t quite pushed to his peak yet (Jinana seemed to be meticulously making sure of that), release was visible yet hanging tantalisingly out of reach. 
Really, he thought, they could probably call the experiment a success already. Their theory, that Jinana would be able to get Alexander off and make him come just by touching his chest, was as good as proven at this point.Jinana almost certainly thought the same, but that by no means meant stopping. Not when Alexander felt pleasure pulsing through him, and Jinana took in every detail of his face, his trembling body with an approving, satisfied smile. S/he praised him each time a moan or hiss escaped his lips, and reprimanded whenever his eyes strayed from what s/he was doing. Some of the toys were trialled; a dainty feather proved to be ticklish rather than titillating, some spare ice that they’d collected for aftercare made Alexander shiver pleasantly. 
Jinana let hir fingers play with one of the soft chains and pendant dangling from Alexander’s piercing, humming in thought,
“These half moons, you said they’re more than decorative?”
“Aye,” the monosyllable was just about all Alexander could manage, “I see,” Jinana replied, toying with the silver pendant, “how do they work?”
S/he twisted the chain slightly, and a garbled moan tumbled from Alexander’s lips before he could any coherent words out,
“The catch at the back… they open.”
Jinana made a noise of pleasant surprise, and deftly flicked the tiny catch open. The half moon opened out into a perfect circle, with the catch twisting into what looked like it could be a tightening mechanism,
“Now, that’s quite clever,” Jinana said, raising hir eyebrows,
Alexander, flustered as he was, managed a small grin,
“One of my better designs, I think.”
“Let’s put them to the test, then.”
They fit perfectly around the piercings, and Alexander keened into Jinana’s fingers as s/he slipped the rings onto each nipple and began to experiment with the tightening key. A string of curses slipped from his lips in succession, dissolving into a moan. 
“You do make the loveliest sounds, Laal,” s/he remarked softly. S/he was so close to him now that the utterance was a scattered breath against skin as red as his hair, as red as the ruby that s/he’d named him after, and he shuddered. Another tweak, and another sound was drawn from Alexander’s mouth. Almost as a reward, Jinana pressed hir lips to one of his pectorals in a languid kiss, but then nipped sharply with hir teeth and sucked. S/he repeated this again, and again, and again, leaving three darkening pink rosettes scattered across his chest. Alexander felt his head almost begin to spin. 
Jiana occupied hirself with the twisting and tightening mechanism for a while; s/he alternated hands, tweaking with one on one side, and stroking feather-light circles around the pinched skin on the other side with hir other hand. S/he had found an effective balance, easing off when the pressure became too much, and soothing while still being sure that hir touch was working Alexander into a frenzy. His throat bobbed as he swallowed dryly, keeping himself focused became more difficult by the second. It took all the resolve and determination he could still muster to concentrate, even as he felt like his skin was set alight and he wanted nothing more to close his eyes and let the flame wash over him. (Luckily, he noted in he small part of his brain capable of logic, there were no lit candles in the room at present, lest his control slip and an unexpected bolt of magic would result in some singed wallpaper.)
But concentrate he did, breathing deeply and heavily, his pulse thudding under Jinana’s fingertips. He was certain s/he could feel it, could see how good he was being, and the little noises of approval s/he was making in the back of hir throat confirmed it. 
Another kiss, another bite, another reddening rose of teeth marks and flushed skin. Alexander swore, shuddering from head to toe. He was just now becoming aware of a twinge in his knees and legs from his position, and in his shoulders where his bound arms held them back. The taut muscles shook slightly. Jinana paused ever so briefly, “Do you want to stop?”
Alexander shook his head,
“Keep going. Please, keep going.”
He offered her as wry a smile as he could, which s/he returned,
“Ever a diligent scientist, Alexander. Determined to see this experiment through to the end?”
“Aye,” he breathed, “I -ah, fuck,- I believe we may… may be close to a breakthrough now.”
Alexander almost felt Jinana’s eyes trace down his body to his straining prick, and s/he hummed in agreement. Alexander half hoped s/he’d take pity on him, but that wasn’t a factor in their experiment and Jinana was right, he was determined to see this through. It wasn’t such a matter of ‘if’ anymore, definitely a matter of ‘when’, but the ‘when’ in question seemed both far away and blisteringly close. 
Jinana loosened the half moon clamps, letting them fall back to dangling. S/he kissed around the sensitive skin, laying hir palm flat over the aquarius tattoo. Hir eyes slid briefly over to the table, gauging whether to try another toy, but ultimately decided against it. Alexander was glad for it, the frisson of skin on skin, lips and teeth and tongue, was by far the best. 
His breaths were rendered shallow now, and ragged. His pulse thundered in his ears, and an incoherent sound passed his lips.
“There, Laal,” he heard Jinana almost whisper, hir breath cool, “come for me. There’s a good boy.”
Barely four gasps of air, and he was pushed blissfully over the edge. That pleasant tingle of fire finally engulfed him, his head fell back onto his shoulders, a groan of something that may have been words, may have been a curse, may have been Jinana’s name, or may just have been an expression of pure delight spilled from his throat. 
It took a second for him to come back to himself and try to wrangle his breathing back under control, Jinana was also breathing heavily but smiled, pleased. The haze of orgasm gone, he could feel the soreness in his joints, on his nipples from the clamps, and where the skin had been scratched. The satin of his shirt was clinging to him and darkened with sweat, and would certainly have to be cleaned thoroughly. Nevertheless, boneless and sated, he sagged contentedly back onto his heels. Jinana waved hir finger and the leather cuffs sprang open, freeing his wrists. He lumbered to his feet, flexing his wrists and rolling his shoulders. Jinana reached up and undid the button at his throat, and peeled the shirt off of him.
They sat down on the plush settee that had been pushed against the wall, Jinana applying ice and a salve, and they finally relaxed into the soft cushions (and into each other). There were several minutes of comfortable silence while they cleaned each other up, caught their breath, and tended to the reddened, tender skin on Alexander’s chest. Then,
“Results conclusive?” asked Alexander,
Jinana laughed, “Exceedingly. Although, I’ll admit to this one fault in our proceedings.”
“Meticulous as we were with method, I notice neither of us were keeping time.”
Alexander raised his eyebrows in mock shock, “Ah, a fault indeed. Well, this can only mean one thing. For the sake of validity of results, I’d suggest a repeat in the future. What say you?”
Jinana kissed his temple, “An excellent proposition, Dr MacRionnag.”
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the-iron-orchid-rp · 2 years
[closed rp] Return To Vesuvia
“Oh, you can see the Palace from here!”
Jinana leans on the railing of the ship, looking out eagerly over the water. The summer sun glimmers on the surface of the calm sea, and reflects back brilliantly from the marble facade and golden spires of the Palace that perches on high, overlooking Vesuvia proper.
Anjali hisses softly and hides her face in Jinana’s skirts. She receives absent, comforting scratches behind her large tufted ears. “Oh, bitya, it’s all right. We’ll be back on land soon.”
But Jinana’s smile fades as s/he notices a low shape off to starboard, and the growing murkiness of the water as they approach. Even the crew seem hushed as the Lazaret comes into view, and several make the signs against the Eye, to ward off any misfortune that might come from the mere sight of such an ill-omened place.
“They said it was bad, but this...” Jinana’s murmured words trail off as s/he turns to Heron. His face is as impassive as ever, but for a very faint tightening about his eyes and mouth. S/he reaches out to place hir arm around his waist, offering what comfort s/he can.
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apprenticevida · 3 years
Turns out one of the best ways to get me to draw is reading really great smut of powerful doms.
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Jinana, specifically when s/he talks into hir ring in this fic by @the-iron-orchid
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Sam, The Duke has been in the forefront of my mind after reading this fic by @c0nsul-valerius
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foxfirefallout · 2 years
🍻: The evening has reached the philosophical stage, words slightly blurry with drink and the long night. Jinana rests hir chin on folded hands, looking levelly at Ell'iandyr from under somewhat heavy kohl-ringed lids. "What do you think is holding you back in life?" s/he asks. "What keeps you from your dreams?"
Ell met hir gaze for a long moment, focusing on the words before glancing away and sighing. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing," they replied before their lips quirked in a rueful little smile.
"Except, of course, myself. My own fears and anxieties. I have done some very... foolhardy things, because I was young, and believed I could. And they worked out for me. But the farther I get away from that time, the more I worry. 'what if this time is different?' 'what if I'm wrong?' 'what if?" They sigh and take another sip, only to find that their glass was empty. Probably for the best at this point.
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daisydevorak · 3 years
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@the-iron-orchid I did it, I did the fanart. ;w; ihopeididntmaketoomanymistakesaaa.
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vesuvian-disaster · 4 years
Jinana on Heron’s “Relationships”
Jinana: [notices Heron has something] “Heron! Heron what do you have?”
Heron: [clutching another asshole noble to have a dysfunctional relationship with]
Jinana: [advancing on Heron] “You put that back where you found it right now!”
Heron: [flees]
Jinana: [gives chase] “Heron! Drop it!”
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luasworkshop · 3 years
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The Hanged Man bound on the Wheel of Fortune. Perhaps Jinana Aditya, who's patron is the wheel, will give him a spin?
Undraped version below the cut:
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This was @the-iron-orchid's idea - and I loved it too much not to run with it. The symbology, harmony, and visuals are just *chefs kiss*. (I spent so long on this... oh man, I have been fooled into taking some time on something of my own volition...)
And here's the obligatory shitpost version.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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"Don't think you can get too cheeky, just because it's your birthday."
Julian making the case for going back to bed right after breakfast. (It's his birthday, after all...)
Featuring wall art and rainbow unicorn-beetles by @featherwurm / @luasworkshop!
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devoraqs · 2 years
'14: grabbing hand to show them something' for Jinacha? :3
The dusky blue twilight of a hot summer day found Alexander and Jinana lounging somewhat languidly in his flat, the door to the balcony flung wide open. Alexander had left Jinana on the settee with the last few bites of the lemon and lavender cake they'd had for dessert to tune his telescope and light the lanterns, when suddenly he dashed back inside, breathless and with a twinkle in his eyes, "Jinana, you must come and see this!" he said, quietly but with pure excitement shot through each syllable. He seized Jinana's hand, pulling hir lightly to hir feet, and nigh ran back out to the balcony.
"Look," his voice dropped to a hushed whisper, and with his free hand he pointed to one of the larger potted bushes where sat a large butterfly, its wings a beautiful, almost iridescent blue.
"Oh!" came Jinana's soft gasp, coloured with awe, "a giant blue morpho."
"Mmh," Alexander nodded, "it's beautiful."
As they watched, the morpho delicately took flight and ascended into the darkening sky. Alexander and Jinana's hands were still joined as their eyes traced the graceful arcs of the butterfly's flight, and almost imperceptibly and as easily as breathing, they leant into each other.
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the-iron-orchid-rp · 2 years
I like to think that Heron’s trunk-bearing Floating Disk spell follows him at the exact same distance and height above the ground no matter what, while Jinana’s bobs around and slows down and catches up (though it never falls behind by more than 5 or 6 feet).
Also the fact that these two will just... walk around the city like that with absolutely zero fucks given, very them lmao
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
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Requested By: The Squad
Eelya seems to be thinking about the sorts of things one might get up to with an octo-mer partner... and of course, Jinana is entirely willing to help him find out. 🐙
(Detail snippet below, links to full 2k renders under the cut!)
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[ Full Render 1 ]
[ Full Render 2 ]
[ Full Render 3 ]
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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get bit idiot.jpg
Julian can get gnawed on, as a treat. (Part 1 of ???)
Details, tech notes, and link to 2k render under the cut!
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Mostly I just wanted to show off Julian's new and more detailed skin, now with faint freckles!
Every model has at least 6 individual sets of 4k resolution textures: face, head, torso, arms, legs, and eyes. Each of these sets has 4-6 maps for various channels of the skin shader. Sometimes I luck out and I can use a single set of texture resources, but more commonly I remix anywhere from 2-3 different sets to get what I want. Julian required 3 sets layered on each other, plus some custom detailing by hand. Sometimes u just gotta Skrunkle that Man
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
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🧜🏽‍♀️ MERMAYPALOOZA! 🧜🏼‍♂️
A quick render of Jinana (Classic mermaid with gills) to get my underwater scene ready for more mers. I will be randomizing the queue as I go, so stay tuned!
Requests are OPEN until Sunday, 5/7/23.
(Link to full size render under the cut, here's a detail snippet:)
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Full Size Render
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
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Still can't render bc it's a million degrees, but here's something dumb I was working on before temps got super bad: Modern Jinana on hir duochrome mint-green-and-hot-pink scooter 😆
(Grub Life logo by @luasworkshop lmao)
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