#Tsukihito Amanuma
redhatmeg · 3 months
How Sensui recruited Amanuma is horrible on a bit different level than how he did with Mitarai.
Mitarai was susceptible to Sensui's manipulation due to his own abuse. Amanuma is just neglected and naive. He obviously has no sense of stranger danger, he will trust an adult if they pay attention to him and his interests. He even explicitly says that his parents don't have time for him between work and bickering.
Both Amanuma and Mitarai are child soldiers for him, and there is something eerily real about the way he manipulates them.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For day 10 of the event, I used the phrase ‘big sweaters’ for the Sensui Seven from Yu Yu Hakusho! This is another fandom I don’t often get to write for, and never really for these characters, so I hope any fans of the series will enjoy the headcanons 😊
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Big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
Shinobu Sensui really doesn’t have a preference at all. He’s fine with whatever, temperature wise. If his body gets too warm, he’ll take off layers, if it gets too cold, he’ll throw on extra layers. He’s really not too in tune with his physical body, outside of what’s needed to make sure it’s alive, functioning as it should, and in peak physical performance for his goals and ambitions. Petty things like a preferred temperature? Never even crosses his mind.
Itsuki would slightly prefer warmer weather. He’s not too upset when things get chillier or anything. He’s not throwing temper tantrums or acting pissy when snow comes. He just comments that he can’t wait for the return of the warmer weather. Besides, at that time his precious Sensui is walking around in less clothing and that always makes Itsuki very happy, which is part of what makes him prefer warmer weather. The other factor is simply that he’s someone who gets cold very easily.
Kaname is the only one who definitively prefers the colder weather. Kaname runs warm as a person, but at the same time, he’s always most comfortable in layers, particularly in his motorcycle jacket. Colder weather ensures that he can be in his leather without overheating or having to strip it off. That being said, he wants colder weather without the snow and ice because once those are down, his motorcycle needs to be taken off the road for both his and the public’s safety.
Meanwhile, Sadao and Amanuma are both people who really do prefer warmer weather. Sadao prefers all the wide variety of different treats and special foods that come out in the warmer weather. Meanwhile, warmer weather means only one thing to Amanuma – summer vacation and not having to be cooped up in school, with all of his childish and boring classmates.
Both Mitarai and Kamiya don’t really hold strong preferences towards winter or summer weather because both do prefer the in-between weather of spring and fall. Mitarai prefers spring, with the weather pleasant enough to just wear a sweater or a light coat, and the frequent rain showers casting a hazy, misty light on life itself. Kamiya, meanwhile, prefers fall, with its weather  perfect for layers and the symbolisms of nature dying and going into hibernation for yet another year.
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sinningtree · 4 months
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I see this take a lot and honestly, it makes me really sad. This is not the most disturbing thing to come out of this show, to me. This is not the most disturbing episode, the more fucked up thing Yu Yu Hakusho did was arguably the episode before this one.
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
all three of the people we know for sure koenma resurrects within the span of yyh canonically play video games. also, none of the characters that die permanently are confirmed to be gamers. therefore,
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 year
We all need to talk about how Yusuke Urameshi kept up with a truck on a goddamn BIKE 🔥
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genkais-arcade · 3 years
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Photos taken seconds before disaster
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shizukais · 3 years
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Team Sensui Seven - Their Respectives Tomorrows
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tarzanman · 3 years
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YuYuHakusho chapter black, sensui’s 7
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that-is-tat-o · 3 years
It's Amanuma's birthday apparently, happy birthday bb.
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[Image ID:
Two screenshots of Amanuma from the yyh anime.
On the first picture he is smiling and has his arms behind his head, he is wearing a sky blue sweater and light blue shorts.
On the second picture he is sitting on a red chair with one of his arms on the armrest and his other arm is stretched out, he is smiling. He is wearing a yellow coat with some horns on the hood, the hood also has a G on it.
End image ID.]
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reikaidetective · 3 years
Tsukihito Amanuma (Game Master) plays Animal Crossing and Legend of Zelda.
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itoastedatoaster · 4 years
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I just think they’re neat :)
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redhatmeg · 3 months
Aww, Sensui Four turned their life around.
But I kinda wish that Mitarai got to Yusuke and Kuwabara's high school. I would like him to be Kuwabara's schoolmate.
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polmcarts · 5 years
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My piece for the Yu Yu Hakusho Haute couture zine ♥
I chose Sensui’s Seven. Enjoy!
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yyh4ever · 5 years
YYH Official Characters Book: Togashi’s comments about Itsuki, Dr. Kamiya, Mitarai, Hagiri, Amanuma and Makihara.
Itsuki - “Gate Keeper”: has the ability to open a dimensional door. He is a lower B-class youkai called "Yaminade", but can move into the subspace in an event of emergency in addition to have a quite high defense. After being almost defeated by Sensui, they started *dating. It seems he was going out with other humans before meeting Sensui.
*T/N: the verb “tsukiai” (つきあい) is generally used when you’re going out on a date with someone, but the meaning can change according to the context. For example: “to accompany somebody” without any romantic involvement. But, as we don’t have enough context here, I think the author wanted to leave their relationship open to interpretation.
Minoru Kamiya -  “Doctor”: can make humans sick within his territory’s area using a virus created with "nen”. He also has a knifehand strike (tegatana) like a sharp scalpel. He’s an excellent surgeon but has no professional ethics. He is always dreaming of cutting people up. He was involved in an injury case that occurred during his school days, but it was handled confidentially by his father’s power, the hospital director. He still has a complex about this incident and wants to kill his father one day.
Kiyoshi Mitarai - “Seaman”: can mix his own blood with liquid to create a liquid organism. Once captured, you cannot escape unless you defeat him. He’s once drowned in water, he is good at swimming but has a fear of water somewhere in his mind. He recently stopped the swimming school after attending for five years. But the reason wasn’t the fear of water, he was disgusted with himself who sexually looked at women in swimsuits.
Kaname Hagiri - “Sniper”: has the ability to use his energy to manifest targets on an opponents' body and to imprint his energy into projectiles that will never miss the targets. At the age of 16, he was attending a private high school. His father was a police officer but died in service two years ago. Contrary to his public face of an exemplary policeman, Hagiri feared and looked down on his father who was a vicious drinker at home. His future dream is to be a lawyer or a criminal.
Tsukihito Amanuma - “Game Master”: can bring video games to life and make the opponent a character in the game. He’s an only child whose parents both work. He’s a daydreamer and has great confidence in himself. He often goes to convenience stores, arcades and baseball fields near his house. "If you have a TV and a game, even if the world is ruined it’s not  a big deal," he says, but in fact he is lonely person.
Sadao Makihara - “Gourmet”: swallows other people’s bodies completely, making their abilities his own. His hobby, as the name suggests, is eating. He was clumsy and sluggish and was called by the nicknamed "ox" in high school. He’s not the type that makes an effort, but always wanted “to be good at sports, become strong and improve his grades.” These desires combined with his hobby and the incident of the Demon World’s tunnel, awakened his  "gourmet" ability.
Sources: Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book Reikai Shinshiroku, pp.192-193 (2005) & Weekly Shounen JUMP 3-4 (1994) by @sinnasuk3.
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仙水 サイド: 仙水の野望のコマとなる、6人の能力者たち! 中でも、樹はの仙水の片腕として手をかす妖怪なのだ!!
樹 ( いつき ) “門番” (ゲートキーパー) : 次元の扉をあける能力を持つ。"闇撫"と呼ばれる 妖怪で 、 妖力はB級の下位程度 だが 、 いざとなればお亜空間に移動できる能力を持ち防御力はかなり高い。仙水に倒されかけるが 、 その後仙水と 、 つきあい始める。仙水の前にも興味を持ってつきあった人間が何人かいるらしい。
神谷実(かみや みのる)“医師” (ドクター): 念で作ったウイルスで領域内の人間を病気にする。又、鋭いメスのように手刀を持っている。優れた外科医だが 、 職業的倫理はない。いつも人を切り刻む夢を見ている。学生時代に起こした傷害事件が病院長の父の力で内密に処理された事がコンプレックスとなり、いつか父を殺しってやり たいと思っている 。
学生時代に傷害事件を起こしているが 、病院長をしている父親の力で内密に処理されている。今でもこの事がコンプレックスとなっていて、いつか父親を殺しってやりたいと思っている。
御手洗清志(みたらい きよし) “水兵”(シーマン) : 自らの血液を液体に混ぜ, 液体生物を作り 出すことができる。この中に取り込まれると, 彼を倒さない限り脱出できない。昔、水で溺れたことがある彼は、泳ぎは得意だが心のどこかに水に対する恐怖心がある。五年通っていたスイミングスクールも最近やめた。しかし理由は水への恐怖心ではなく、水着の女性を性的に見てしまう自分がいやになったからだ。 
刃霧要(はぎり かなめ) “狙撃手”(スナイパー): 自らの気を的に変え敵の肉体にしるし、気を込り送んだ物質を確実に命中させる。私立高校に通う16歳で、父親は警官だったが2年前に殉職。模範的な警官という表の顔とは逆に 、 家では酒乱だった父を彼は恐れ、軽蔑もしていた。そんな彼の将来の夢は弁護士か犯罪者。
天沼 月人 (あまぬまつきひと)  “遊熟者” (ゲームマスター): ゲームを現実化し、相手をゲームの登場人物にすることができる。一人っ子で両親は共働き。空想家で自信家。よくいく場所はコンビニ・ゲームセンター・家の近くの野球場。「TVとゲームさえあれば、世界が破滅しても別にいい」と言う彼だが、実はさびしがり屋なのだ。
巻原 定男(まきはらさだお) “美食家”(グルメ): 相手の身体をまるのみして、その能力を自分のものとしてしまう。領域名通り、食うのが趣味。不器用で動きが鈍く、高校時代は「ウシ」というあだ名で呼ばれていた。努力をするようなタイプではなく、常日頃から「楽してスポーツがうまくなりたい」「強くなりたい」「成績を上げたい」と思っている。その事と趣味が相まって、魔界の扉の事件では“美食家”の能力が覚醒する事となった。
出典: 公式キャラクターズブック 霊界紳士録 (2005年) & 週刊少年ジャンプ1994年3·4号
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sha-and-mikau · 5 years
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Scanned by me. 💜
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Tsukihito Amanuma (Yuu Yuu Hakusho)  » November 7
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