#Turnstile  gate un
soul-controller · 2 years
A Change Of Possession
When Lindsay Thomas first thought that attending a Cincinnati Bengals football game with her boyfriend Aaron would be the death of her, she didn’t think that it would literally happen. But alas, Aaron’s eagerness to get to the stadium and witness his favorite team play led to his foot pressing down a little bit too hard and causing the car to reach dangerous levels of speed. All it took was one unaware driver to attempt a lane change and Aaron’s reflexes to avoid a collision failed miserably as the car spun out and ended up flipping and barrel rolling countless times. Throughout this endeavor, Lindsay had no chance to really comprehend what was going on. One second she was scrolling through social media and liking posts about her friend’s newest engagement, then suddenly there was a moment of intense pain before everything faded away into complete darkness…
Although the darkness was quite inviting to Lindsay, it seemed as though it wasn’t quite her time to move on as a stark white light was filling the dark tunnel that her soul was traveling through. As she finally was encompassed by the light, the woman slowly parted her eyelids and gasped at what she saw. Instead of seeing the pearly gates of heaven, she found herself standing in front of Paycor Stadium, the home of the Cincinnati Bengals.
Looking around in shock, the woman watched as fans stood outside the security turnstiles excitedly chatting with others in line. Despite her loudest attempts to get someone’s attention and ask what’s happening to her, it seemed as though no one else could hear her. On the verge of a breakdown due to the overstimulation of both going through a car crash and seeing this vast sea of fans ignore her, the woman lifted her hands up towards her face so she could cry into them. But upon doing so, the woman stopped as she saw that instead of the lightly tanned complexion that she often sported, Lindsay was now stuck with a ghastly blue complexion. Unfortunately though, the realization of what happened to her quickly became apparent as she watched a small slip of paper suddenly blow through the wind and pass directly through her hand as it tumbled down to the ground. Holy shit, I’m a ghost!
Although the woman was quite literally on the verge of a breakdown, this was ultimately hindered for the time being as a familiar voice loudly called her name. Lifting her eyes up and looking around, the woman gasped in relief as she saw a specter version of Aaron levitating above the crowd searching for her. As she began to run towards her high-flying boyfriend, she soon found that each stride was taking longer and longer for her feet to touch the ground as she remained in the air for a few milliseconds. Luckily though, this revelation was finally the knowledge she needed to propel herself up towards her boyfriend. Now at a rapid pace, the girl pushed off from the ground and slowly levitated up towards Aaron, who had finally found her and smiled widely.
Upon grabbing onto each other, the duo were relieved to find that they could physically hold each other given the fact that they were unable to feel anything else as they walked on the ground and over scattered trash. As they embraced and held each other into a tight hug, the duo were relieved to be reunited once more despite the tragic consequences.
Looking for a place more quiet than the rowdy lines outside the stadium, Aaron led the way for the couple to phase through the iron gates surrounding the venue and into the stadium itself. As they finally found themselves inside the inner halls of the stadium where the staff worked, the duo talked and tried their best to figure out what was going on. So while the circumstances surrounding it were fuzzy for some reason, the duo were confident in the fact that they had both somehow perished on the way to the football game. Yet as they were beginning to pass towards a bright light, the couple both found themselves outside the venue for some reason. Although they were unsure why this was occurring and whether it was due to unfinished business, the couple were sure of the fact that they didn’t want to ascend to the afterlife. They were young and still had lives to lead, so they didn’t want to give it up no matter how appealing the concept of the afterlife sounded. As such, it was Aaron who quickly proposed the idea of using their ghostly forms to possess someone at the stadium. Unsure of what was going on but with no other options, Lindsay listened intently as her boyfriend proposed the concept of possessing a Bengals football player and cheerleader so they could continue to be together in perfectly hunky bodies. 
Although Lindsay countered his idea with her own of just settling for another young couple attending the game, Aaron was able to quickly convince her that since they’re ghosts now they might as well go for something different than what they used to be. So despite the crazy plan that Aaron had proposed of taking over two unsuspecting peoples’ lives and the moral dilemma that continued to run through her mind, Lindsay was willing to try anything to get a second chance at life and thus eagerly agreed with Aaron’s idea.
As the couple slowly levitated through the inner halls of the stadium, Lindsay couldn’t help but jump as Aaron suddenly broke their silence with a loud gasp. “Oh shit, it’s Logan Wilson. He’s a great player” he exclaimed, extending a hand out and pointing towards a man quickly pacing down the hall. Although that name certainly meant nothing to Lindsay, a quick glance at his body made her instantly swoon. With his gorgeous visage (she was a sucker for a strong and prominent nose and nice plump lips) and slightly muscular physique that easily filled out his clothing, she immediately found herself encouraging her boyfriend to take him over. Envisioning having her boyfriend inside that body pleasuring her was quite an erotic sight, so she was quite relieved watching as Aaron built up the momentum and rushed towards the hunk. 
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Given the fact that no human could see their presence, Logan was completely unaware of the spirit that was rushing towards him before it was too late. Upon watching as Aaron made an impact head-first into Logan’s firm chest, Lindsay watched in worry as the spectral version of her boyfriend fully disappeared within the player’s torso. For several seconds, she watched in worry for any sign that Aaron’s plan had been a success.
Soon, an answer came as Logan’s emotionless face suddenly shifted into a wide smirk. “It worked,” he quietly said, trying his best to keep his voice low to inform his girlfriend of what’s going on. 
Although Lindsay herself couldn’t feel any real sensations due to her ghostly form, she knew that that voice would give her butterflies in her stomach if she still had one! Even though Logan’s voice was fairly normal for an adult male, there was this underlying sense of deep dopeyness within it that left Lindsay swooning even more. She loved that Aaron was an accomplished journalist and all, but the concept of having her frail and weak boyfriend in the body of a hunky himbo was a dream come true.  
“Linds, I can’t see you anymore, but it worked. I’m Logan Wilson now! Go find a body as fast as you can,” he said with a smile, taking a moment to drop his bag and take a look at his two hands. After observing the wider and slightly callused hands that were fitting for a linebacker, Aaron couldn’t resist taking a moment to subtly run these hands along his body and feel the ripples of Logan’s abs and slight hills of his pecs. Upon cheekily taking a moment to lift the waistband of the player’s pants and underwear to take a quick glance at his new and improved manhood, the man smirked as he lifted his arms and flexed. Upon glancing at his modest biceps for a moment, the man’s attention was quickly caught by the brand new ink that he would be rocking while inside Logan’s body. Despite not being overly religious, Aaron was more than willing to go along with the cross tattoo due to just how badass he thought it looked on him.
While Aaron continued to flex and check out his new body, Lindsay was very much enjoying the view as she further fantasized about how much she was going to love kissing her boyfriend’s gorgeous new face and worshiping his muscles. Just as the two of them continued to check out more of Logan’s body, a loud voice down the hallway suddenly interrupted both of them. 
“Wilson, where the fuck have you been!?” 
As Lindsay and Aaron both looked up, they watched as a buff older man was angrily marching towards the two of them. Of course, as soon as he stopped in front of Aaron and began speaking to him, Lindsay reminded herself that there was no way that the man was speaking to her. Due to this, she observed as the older man, whose badge indicated him to be part of the coaching staff, grilled the possessed football player about not being in the locker room to get ready since the game was about to start. 
Trying his best to defuse the situation, Aaron apologized and said that he was running a bit late but he was ready to go. Given the fact that he couldn’t see where his girlfriend was anymore, the man’s eyes rapidly darted around as the coach grabbed onto Logan’s shirt sleeve and began to tug him towards the locker room. As he slowly mouthed for Lindsay to go find a body as soon as possible, the brand new hunk was ultimately pulled away into the thick crowd of staff heading towards the locker room.
Now with Aaron inside Logan’s body and being dragged away by someone on the coaching staff, Lindsay found herself feeling increased pressure to figure out a new host body fast. Understandably, there was a lingering sense of fear that waiting too long would cause her soul to get pulled back into the vast darkness as she traversed to the other side (whatever that may be). As such, Lindsay used her newfound gift of levitation to quickly bob and weave her way through the busy inner halls of the stadium in search of a new body.
Luckily, it didn’t take long before Lindsay’s eyes focused on a woman decked out in a cheerleading uniform. Although her back was turned while talking with someone and Lindsay could only see the woman’s slim and curvy figure along with her voluminous blonde hair that fell down past her shoulder blades, the recently deceased ghost was more than willing to accept it as her new body. As such, the female spirit propelled herself faster and faster in hopes of claiming her new life.
Unfortunately for Lindsay, it seemed as though the cheerleader had finished up her conversation as she suddenly turned and began to walk away. Given the rapid speeds she was traveling at, the woman was unable to slow herself down as she found herself slingshotting directly into the cheerleader’s chatting partner - a bulky football player. “Oh fuck no,” she exclaimed, trying her best to change her trajectory and curve past the football player to continue her plan of possessing the cheerleader. Although she was certainly willing to accept mostly any bodies so she could get a second chance to live again, trading her gender and becoming a man was a nightmare scenario for her. Despite loathing the concept, it soon became clear that her fate had been sealed as Lindsay closed her eyes while her spirit rushed directly towards the hunk and shot itself directly into his open mouth. 
Upon making contact with the back of the man’s throat, the impact of Lindsay’s soul provided an unintended side effect as the player suddenly tumbled back before falling back and landing on the hard concrete floor. Although Lindsay was still seeing darkness due to closing her eyes in fear of the impact, the addition of a nice warmth calmed the woman as she realized that she was feeling firm and corporeal once more. On top of this, the random sound of some low volume rap music filled Lindsay’s head and proved that she certainly wasn’t a ghost anymore. Despite only listening to upbeat pop music in her old life, she was more than willing to accept the mumble rap as a sign of success. Along with this realization , the sudden reappearance of physical sensations like pain against her head, shoulders, and ass further proved that her possession attempt was a success.
As such, Lindsay slowly peeled her eyes open and gasped as she found countless people hovering over her. Gasping in shock, the woman was caught off-guard as several members of staff (as evident by the badges hung around their necks) extended a hand out towards her and asked about if the man was ok. Through this sudden onslaught of questions, Lindsay was able to quickly pick up on the name of the man she was currently inside - Sam. Upon extending a hand out and allowing the staff to help her back up to the ground, the woman shook her head and rapidly blinked her eyes due to the intense migraine against the back of her head. 
Upon lifting an arm up to check on the pain at the back of hunk’s wide head, Lindsay’s eyes widened as she caught sight of the thick bulging bicep that limited how far she could extend her arm back. Just from the quick glance she made at it, Lindsay knew for a fact that the man’s bicep was bigger than one of her old thighs! Still quite dazed from the possession, Lindsay allowed herself to be led away by staff as they told her that they were going to have the team doctor make sure that the fall hadn’t given the football player a concussion. 
Throughout this entire walk, Lindsay then got her first opportunity to realize just how broad, bulky, and manly she was now. Instead of being a dainty woman with a modelesque figure, she felt gigantic as this imposing football player that was fully stacked with firm muscle. On top of that, each step that loudly pounded across the floor gave way to several new sensations. Firstly, the man’s sizable thighs caused Lindsay to adjust her gait to compensate in order to avoid any unnecessary chafing. Moving to her rear end, Sam’s sizable but firm ass couldn’t help but wobble slightly with each powerful step she took. 
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Although these were certainly significant changes for her to adapt to, the sensation of a slight bounce in the crotch area revealed a semi-firm boner in Sam’s pants (which was clearly due to his attraction to the cheerleader he had been talking to previously) and caused the woman to comprehend that she was now in possession of a cock instead of a pussy. Continuing to think about the difference between her female form and Sam’s masculine one, a quick glance down at the tight compression shirt that Sam was wearing revealed two thick slabs of pectorals that were somehow bigger than her small A-cup breasts! This man was absolutely built to be a dominant force in athletics, which left Lindsay rightfully worried about her new life given the fact that she had no knowledge about football.
After arriving into the small room and sitting down on an examination table, the woman anxiously fiddled her wider and meatier thumbs upon waiting for the doctor’s arrival. Once the small middle-aged doctor arrived, he wasted no time going through a quick concussion test to check on the status of the Bengals player. After having the possessed player go through balance and visual tests that the new Sam passed with flying colors, the cognitive evaluation was where things got a bit more dicey. Although Lindsay was able to successfully confirm that the player’s name was Sam and that he was a player on the Cincinnati Bengals, other questions such as his birthday and last name left the woman understandably stumped. Luckily though, the doctor was more than willing to provide those details to the new man and then ask him to repeat them back to him.
“My name is Sam Hubbard and I’m a player on the Cincinnati Bengals. I was born June 29th, 1995,” the brand new player puppeted back to the man, which was seemingly enough for the doctor to clear the hunk for play and send him off to the locker room. Despite her best objections due to the fear of not knowing how to play, the doctor remained committed to his decision and had the staff ultimately escort Lindsay back to the locker room.
Upon arriving into the locker room, Lindsay awkwardly returned pleasantries to other players who seemingly had a close relationship to the real Sam as she searched for the body that she had seen her boyfriend possess earlier. Despite the hecticness of the crowded room of countless hunks in various stages of undress, Sam was finally able to find Aaron in his hunky new body and pull him back to a more secluded area of the locker room.
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Of course, Aaron tried his best to pretend as if he was the real Logan Wilson, but this facade quickly fell as Sam revealed the truth behind who was in control of this body. Understandably, Aaron was quite concerned about the status of his girlfriend given the fact that the cheerleader plan had clearly gone awry. Although it was certainly not something the former Lindsay was finally coming around to, she quickly pushed that aside as a more pressing matter emerged - her lack of football knowledge and skill. 
So after the new Logan Wilson gave a quick crash course on Sam’s position and what he was expected to do on the field, Lindsay was quite concerned about the prospects of having to stand her ground and be a strong defensive force. Luckily though, Aaron revealed that he would be on the field with her and could help her as best as he could in between plays to give her tips. Before the two could continue coming up with a plan, the Bengals coach finally arrived and gave a rousing pep talk as Lindsay stripped out of Sam’s tight clothing and slipped into his football gear and uniform. The woman finished just in time as the coach finished speaking and began to lead the team out to the now-full stadium of players eagerly awaiting for an incredible football game.
Despite a few hiccups throughout, Lindsay was able to slowly understand Sam’s position and do her best to prevent the Bengals’ opponent from progressing further down the field with Aaron’s encouraging words. Luckily, his impressive and well-built physique was a saving grace in helping stop the opponents dead in their tracks as they were unable to move Lindsay’s new bulky body an inch. By the end of the game, the Bengals defense was able to completely decimate the offense and thus allow their offense to beat the other team by over 30 points. Amusingly, the commentators after the game singled out two key performers in the game - Bengals linebacker Logan Wilson and defensive end Sam Hubbard. 
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Although in time Aaron would discover that he was now married with a wife and had no attraction at all towards Sam Hubbard’s body, this turned out to be perfectly fine as Lindsay had some changes of her own. While Lindsay hadn’t become married by possessing Sam, she did in fact gain Sam’s heterosexuality. In fact, she was able to find a new girlfriend that left her quite amused. Throughout happenstance, Lindsay found herself dating the Bengals cheerleader that she had originally planned on possessing. Although she hadn’t found any attraction originally to the woman’s curvy figure and perky ass, it was now one of Lindsay’s favorite things about her new girlfriend whenever the couple undressed and began to fool around in bed. Given the fact that she used to be a woman herself, Lindsay was quite amused by just how wonderfully she was able to take care of her new girlfriend by making sure she was constantly sexually fulfilled via vaginal or oral sex.
So while the couple ultimately did end up going their own separate ways by gaining these new bodies, Lindsay and Aaron still remained the closest of friends both on and off the field. While playing football the duo were able to be an unstoppable force for the Bengals defense, while off the field they loved to spend their free time working out or hanging out at each other’s places to play video games and watch football together. Although it was safe to say that this wasn’t the life either individual had planned for themselves, Lindsay and Aaron were determined to take advantage of their second chance of life as best they could!
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Tektronix Technologies has successfully integrated face recognition panels to speed gate turnstiles which can be used in spaces like banks or corporate offices where safety, security and aesthetics are important so as to impress the visitors. FR that can monitor body temperature while entering the premises is also equipped to raise an alarm if unauthorized person tries to enter without permission.
This makes our Smart Turnstiles customizable, one of the latest technology in access control system which are easy to use an install and a great way to secure your premises.
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Wednesday 6th (part two)
wr[ote] 3pp and ends kind let[ter] and had sent it off ‘Miss W-[Walker] Hewarth Grange York’ in answer to her parc[e]l and let[ter] 4 pp and 1/2 page of envelope by Joseph Booth who arriv[e]d ab[ou]t 11 1/2 a.m. - he br[ou]ght a pastille bot[tom] and asparagus for my a[un]t and cream cheese for Mar[ian - n[o]t cert[ain] wheth[e]r Doctor Belco[mbe] will let Miss W-[Walker] gi[ve] up her lodg[in]g so soon as we talk[e]d of bid her to na[me] it to h[i]m no mo[re] till I see h[e]r mys[elf] - if the silver handled knives at £3.10.0 a doz[en] and presentable pattern and in good condition, to buy them by all means - fr[om] 3 to 7 the witch Berlin China I ha[ve] no mo doubt ab[ou]t to look at it but no more till I am w[i]th her - my aunt rather bet[ter] again that I am n[o]t afraid of hav[in]g to put off our Rokeby plan – sh[oul]d ha[ve] s[e]nt Matt[hew] yest[erday] b[u]t he d[i]d n[o]t get his clothes till aft[ernoo]n, and then I f[ou]nd he h[a]d and inflammat[io]n ab[ou]t his ankle that I s[e]nt h[i]m to Mr. Sund[erlan]d - hope he will be ab[le] to go on Fri[day] -
let[ter] p[e]r post this morn[in]g 3 pp and 1/2 then 1st p[age] cross[e]d fr[om] I[sabella] N[orcliffe] - Langton - they are to be off on the 14th at Finebridge that night and meet Miss Beckett then as she passes in the Rockingham coach - go to the Gloucest[e]r hot[e]l Piccad[ill]y Lond[on] and be off on Sun[day] fr[om] the cust[o]m h[ou]se per steam for Calais - asks me to wr[ite] in a day or 2 - and say if I w[oul]d advise them to go to Meuricés - yes! cert[ainl]y all th[in]gs consid[ere]d – they take Cowper, Miss Becketts’ maid hav[in]g died and she, Miss Beckett, n[o]t lik[in]g to go w[i]thout one - they do n[o]t kno[w] Mrs Nor[cliffe]’s plan’s -
Fr[om] 12 aft[er] send[in]g off my let[ter] to Miss W-[Walker] - out w[i]th John mov[in]g the remaind[e]r of the flow[e]rs fr[om] the front of the house - then fr[om] 1 to 3 weed[in]g lillies oppos[i]te the hut - then s[e]nt Miss W-[Walker]'s let[ter] and parcels to Cliff Hill and Crownest by Joseph Booth - the boy w[a]s q[uie]t 17 last Dec[embe]r – awkw[ar]d b[u]t m[u]ch grown s[in]ce I saw him then (December end of at Langton)-
Fr[om] 3 to 7 out w[i]th one or other Mallison and 3 men, Pickles and 2 ditto tak[in]g away off fr[om] under front of house etc cetera and Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s Haworth tak[in]g up upper kitchen floor, And hang[in]g little turnstile gate into the appr[oa]ch r[oa]d – din[ner] at 7 and coff[ee] - out again at 7 1/2 to 9 saunt[erin]g ab[ou]t - then 15 min[ute]s w[i]th Mar[ian] 35 min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t and wr[ote] the last 22 lines of today till 11 5/60 - fine day n[o]t m[u]ch sun b[u]t warm F 61° now at 11 5/60 p.m. –
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starlinkindia · 4 years
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This blog will describe about various access control barriers used to restrict unwanted entries and their working with biometric access control machines
Barriers: Outlaw unauthorized entries
We can easily find tripod turnstile and flap barriers at most of the social places which meets numerous visitors daily. Tripod turnstile also called as baffle gates allow entry of a single person at a time and will get open when showed a smart card, token, pass or similar. however, tripod turnstile can be a mechanical gate made of steel or a tri shaped steel arm frame which rotates as per the entry of visitors through it. Not only in public places but corporate buildings, offices & departments use tripod turnstile to secure the area. Boom barriers are majorly used at the entry gates of factories, plants, warehouses and other big setups so that no commercial or private vehicle can enter the area without permission.
Biometrics with access control:
Turnstile tripod and flap barriers when equipped with a biometric access control machine can strictly monitor  the entries in an office reserved only for office employees through it. Not only entries but it can also help in notifying about an employee and its presence in the office as attendance can be marked through the same system as well. The biometric attendance machine can also act as an access control machine with these safety barriers which in turn can solve the attendance issue on the entry gate as well ensuring complete knock out of UN-authorized access in a building.
Access barriers have 2 sensors on both the ends along with the biometric machine on one end and a finger/card scanner on another. When an employee reaches near the barrier, sensor no. 1 gets active, on punching a finger/smart card on the machine, it firstly check in its biometric database if it is a valid or invalid entry and then sends the signals to the main control board inside the access barrier which is also known as the main working head. it sends the signals to the controller and then to the motor inside an access barrier, which further sends the signal to the output and the barrier gets open.
Similarly, when a visitor passes through the sensor no. 2, it sends the signal to the motor and the barrier gets closed.
2 switches and a 4 pin connector inside a barrier are connected to a common output which is responsible for entries from the left and right side of an access barrier.
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Too Heavy To Fly
Iron Butterfly Concert - September 5, 1969
By. Stephen Jay Morris
February 1, 2019
©Scientific Morality
It was the Summer of 1969.  There were two historical events:  The Woodstock Peace and Music festival and the moon landing. I remember hearing about Woodstock. I don’t remember the moon landing. I must have been in a coma—I just don’t remember.  Maybe I would were I subjected to hypnosis or injected with sodium pentothal or some other truth serum.
In any case, it was late August when I got a call from my partner in music, Phillip.  He’d gotten two tickets to see Iron Butterfly at the Hollywood Bowl.  It was to be on a Friday night.  There were two opening acts, Lee Michaels and porn connoisseur John Mayall.  I’d never heard of Lee Michaels but Mayall I had.  He was a British blues musician.  I was not really into him; I viewed him as a fake jazz blues player. But, as for Iron Butterfly?  Fuck yeah!  Psychedelic, man!
One thing that was so cool about Phillip was that he always paid my way.  Of all the concerts we attended together, I never paid a cent.
It was a week before my first year of high school.  I was to attend Fairfax High and he would go to Hamilton.  We took a public bus to the concert and his mother would drive us home afterward. It was one of those rare, cool summer days in L.A. when the temperature reached just 71 degrees, 62 that night. I wore a blue work shirt, blue jeans, and Converse sneakers.  My hair was starting to get long and my dad had threatened to cut my hair while I was sleeping.  My mom, always my savior, took me to a Hollywood stylist where I got what was known as a “Shag” haircut. Phillip’s hair, however, looked like that of Brian Jones in 1966.
The City of Los Angeles managed the Hollywood Bowl.  It was an expansive outdoor auditorium, situated in a huge canyon in the Hollywood Hills.  Rock promoters would rent the roofless venue and put on lucrative concerts. Homeowners that lived in the surrounding hills would complain about the noise to the City. If I am not mistaken, the Homeowners Association eventually took the matter to court.  I don’t know what the results of that case were, but I do recall that the Bowl stopped having rock concerts after a while.  
The Hollywood Bowl is configured in a peculiar way. Its architect, Lloyd Wright, was the son of Frank Lloyd Wright.  I think it was Lloyd Wright who designed the Oscar statue for the academy awards. There is a fountain at the Bowl���s main entrance with a sculptured image of the Oscar above it.
L.A.’s iconic, Top 10 radio station, KRLA AM, was sponsoring the concert.  Ironically, they would never play a John Mayall or Lee Michaels’ song.  Since the City ran this venue, the Los Angeles Police Department provided security.  Throughout the night, they roamed the vicinity in pairs, with expressions of mistrust and anger on their lily-white faces.  The sweet aroma of Marijuana drifted through the air.  The cops were outnumbered, so they just pretended not to notice.  Other aromas filled the air as well:  head shop perfumes for hippie chicks, like the standard Patchouli Oil.  I wasn’t too keen on that fragrance; it smelled like an old canvass tent.  Jasmine was another, which was okay, but I really loved the Strawberry scented oil.  There were lots of Hippie chicks trucking around in their tight, hip hugger jeans and crop tops.  They all wore their long hair parted in the middle, flowing down to the middle of their backs, some wild and curly, others nicely brushed and straight. In any case, I was pitching a tent so I un-tucked my powder blue work shirt to hide any evidence of my bad intentions or desire for free love.
Before entering the main auditorium, there is a walkway leading from the ticket booths and turnstiles to the entrance, and right at the entrance gate could be found every street peddler imaginable.  They were selling underground papers, band tee shirts, and dope.  The drug dealers would talk under their breath so that only you could hear them: “Acid?  I got some really cool Acid!”  “Weed?  It’s Columbian, man!” “Yeah, right!  You know, the son of a bitch grew it in his college dorm closet!”  I would see these types over the next four years at every concert I went to.
Some how, though, the Hollywood Bowl was just not the right milieu for a rock concert.  It was better suited for some musical production, or a symphony orchestra; something like that.
We had decent seats somewhere in the middle section. The stage was brightly lit and the night sky had a sprinkling of stars.  After all, this was L.A., the smog capital.  One thing I regret about that night was that I never got a program. Now that would have had been a treasured collectable!
The first act to perform was a duo:  Lee Michaels playing this big ass, Hammond Organ, and a drummer known a “Frosty.”  Their music was basically Rhythm & Blues.  Phillip liked these guys, but I played dilettante because I didn’t want to insult him.  Back in those days, it was obligatory that every drummer played a solo.  Lee Michaels simply walked off the stage while Frosty just banged away the entire time.  It went on for at least 30 minutes.  It had been my habit, during any drum solo, to go and take a wiz or buy some junk food from the concession stand.  Drum solos were common on record albums.
Lee Michaels was local guy from L.A.  He would end up being a one hit wonder with his song, “You Know What I Mean?”  That was in 1971.  It sounded like a song for the Roller Rink.  You know what I mean?
Next came John Mayall.  This British, blow hard thought he was Roland Kirk.  Not even close.  He alternated between harmonica and flute.  Sometimes he played guitar.  He performed this song called “Room to Move,” where in the middle of it, he’d play a harmonica, then spit it out, making these weird mouth noises. He did it rhythmically, so I guess it was okay.  The audience loved it.  Of course they would—they were all fucked up on drugs!
Then came the Butterfly.  The first thing I noticed was that they didn’t have their usual light show behind them.  I guess they couldn’t afford it or it was passé. They did their set and left the stage. They got an encore.  When they got back on stage, guess what song they played?  “In-a-Gadda-da-Vida.”   When the first note of that song rang out, the audience went nuts!  Everybody rushed the stage!  Phil did, and so did I.  There is nothing that a skinny teenager like me needed more than to be crushed to death by a mob!  Before I knew it, I was being pushed forward toward the stage without any recourse!  Along the front of the stage, there was a line of cops guarding the band.  Somebody in the crowd yelled out, “Revolution!”  Huh?  I thought revolution was in the streets, not at the Hollywood Bowl?
Suddenly, the head fuzz told the band to stop playing, and they did.  He then yelled into a megaphone:  “Concert over, go home!”
We did.  What a night!
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May 6th Tuesday (part one)
6 55/60
12 50/60
Ver[y] fine morn[in]g – ready at 8 3/4 and on till br[ea]kf[a]st at 9 1/2 - Pickells and Dick in the morn[in]g and the oth[e]r man (John Ombler, cropper) w[i]th them in the aft[ernoo]n tak[in]g clay out (10 in[ches] deeper) of the n[or]th parl[ou]r – Mallins[o]n and 3 men - hew[in]g exc[ept] 1 man and lastly 2 pull[in]g d[o]wn wall and mak[in]g pl[a]ce for turnstile on rath[e]r lit[tle] turn gates and the door (what stood in coal pl[a]ce n[ea]r embouchure of wat[e]r clos[e]t) in the appr[oa]ch r[oa]d, the gate now being boarded being so heavy in wind if stuck hav[in]g so m[u]ch pow[e]r that so[me] easier ent[ran]ce yet secure ag[ain]st sheep and cat[tle] must be planned – Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[a]rth busy ab[ou]t hang[in]g the gate now door and finish[in]g board[in]g it -
John brought 3 rows (3 1 of a woodrup and 2 plants of yellow jasmine) outsides for wall[in]g up lit[tle] gateways in the morn[in]g and w[a]s mov[in]g flowerb[eds] fr[om] und[e]r draw[in]g r[oo]m and hall wind[ow]s and plant[in]g out 16 rhododend[ro]n Ponticum , 12 laurustinus, and 25 yews fr[om] Throp that ca[me] this aft[ernoo]n - kept Pickells and his men to help h[i]m till aft[e]r 7 and the masons till even aft[e]r that - John ill and bil[iou]s today - Pickells sprained his ankle (done yes[terday], and s[e]nt Matt[hew] ab[ou]t 8 to Mr Sund[erlan]d on the old man, c[oul]d n[o]t walk, w[i]th an inflam[e]d ankle - the young man, ga[ve] an embrogation and s[ai]d it w[oul]d soon be well , b[u]t he w[a]s to go ag[ai]n tomor[row]- out all the day (w[i]th John in the aft[ernoon], exc[ept] from 1/2 to 3 asleep in my study –
din[ner] at 6, my soup and roast mutt[o]n , then out ag[ai]n and ca[m]e in at 7 to rice pudd[in]g and coff[ee] then out ag[ai]n till 9 1/2 - 1/4 h[ou]r w[i]th Mar[ia]n and d[itt]o w[i]th my a[un]t - n[o]te let[ter] this morn[in]g forward[e]d by Miss Walker from Mrs Scott n[o]te GW Ellis, York, Satu[rday] 3 May to say my let[ter] had been so long unans[were]d on acc[oun]t of her husb[an]d be[in]g fr[om] ho[me] b[u]t Joseph w[a]s to be off as today - Miss W-[Walker] fill[e]d up the blank pap[e]r - good acc[oun]t of hers - Sarah a gr[ea]t comf[or]t there – th[in]ks Dr Belco[mbe] h[a]s n[o]t heard an[y]th[in]g particular about self me or if he has he behaves magnanimously -
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