A New Routine
This was life
Coffee in the evening the way you like it
Daily “breakfast meetings” before work, when we were all still gummy from sleep
Popping the top off a bottle of wine and burning cooking dinner
The conversation jumping out of us to eager ears
Or sometimes dripping from us,
As slow and sweet as molasses
This was the endless day
Where everything finally took the time to stay the same
The music was always on
The sun never want down
No one ever walked out the door and drove away
I used to go to bed hoping I would wake up somewhere different
Now, I don’t want to go to sleep at all.”
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i haven't seen a lot of asks on your page but omg i really like your little quotation-from-books-you'll-never-write things~ keep up the creativity 💕
Thanks that is so nice of you! ❣️
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“I love you dearly and desperately; the way I crave food when I am hungry but still stop to enjoy the taste.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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“Lost in a desert
With sand made from memories
Millions of them,
But so small,
I really can’t see one at all.”
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The Sun on Your Irises
“With my sandpaper skin I wonder if you dare to touch me
There are weights in my muscles,
I am much too heavy to lift
My heart comes out of my mouth gurgling
Struggling for a breath of meaning
In the dead seconds, it chokes out words often far removed from what I intended
But nonetheless I expect love
In my crooked-cut, half-glued, tacky scrapbook state, I want to be cherished
Even in my ultimate expression of burden I beg you to stay
I would like the brevity of a laugh to become the endlessness of a future
Your eyes flicker through movie clips when I catch them just right
Blink. This is real
Blink. Can’t you see it?
Blink. There is it. The new path. Just keep walking.
In the moments of quiet joy I know peace
It is shaky and timid
Arriving just as I do—uncertain
Stapled and taped just to hold itself together
But existing.
In flashes and bursts,
Small smiles and quiet good nights
Slowly, hope rises.”
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“Now more than ever I am learning how to hate someone you love
Like, I hate you for ignoring my pain
But you taught me how to drive a car and bought me my first bong
I’m so angry that you don’t really care that he hurt me
But I’ve spent my whole life finding a family in you and I can’t just turn off those memories
Maybe everything just evens out
A beautiful math equation where both sides are equal
And I’m just left at zero
In between heartbreak and happiness
But not feeling much of anything
I’ve seen the fight for me run through someone else’s veins
I wonder why you cannot do the same
I know it is out there,
A love that feels angry for me
I’m nauseous at your naivety
Absolutely broken by your delusions
But I love you so much
Are you really gone?”
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I wish you hadn’t pretended for so long
Should you take off your disguise or should I take off these glasses?
Something is distorted
I want to remove this new lens but I think it’s the type of thing you can’t unsee
From now on I just picture strangers as closed doors before they’ve even opened
And I think of you as someone else
Do I say goodbye now or when you actually walk out the door?
Maybe I should have said goodbye a long time ago
You didn’t tell us when you left.
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“2019 will grant the change that the pain of the past begs for.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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I Know Heaven Is A Mind State,
I’ve Been A Couple Times //
J. Cole
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“Eternity came in front of a campfire and below the darkest sky.
It found me in the back seat of your car and in your living room.
It was on the mountain, in my pool, at that one restaurant, in the high school gymnasium.
Eternity is everywhere,
Waiting for a steady heartbeat, music at just the right volume, and for you and them to be right next to me.
Immortality is hopeless, but I would much rather die right here in whatever this is.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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“I’m forgetting how it felt to love you and sometimes that’s scarier than the pain of remembering.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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“There is fragility in a love that is compelled to exist
In parents and siblings and all others that share the same blood
Their love comes, at least partly, from obligation
They are tied to you in a way they can’t explain
This lack of explanation ultimately becomes a weakness
Because when things are difficult, when times are trying and you have made decisions they are not fond of,
That obligation will be forgotten
And their love will quickly fade,
Given to the ones they have chosen rather than the ones they were forced to bear
I can’t trust a compelled love
I can’t trust my family to grant me support because they are supposed to
I can only trust those that have picked me
Even though I am not their daughter or sister or niece or cousin
They have decided to love me,
and they know every single reason why.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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“I hate breaking promises I made to myself—it feels like the deepest betrayal.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed.
- @probably-not-interesting
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“I want to show you how a bedroom can become a tomb
One where there used to be a bed and a nightstand and a girl that’s long dead now
How if you take all those away and fill it with office supplies and a treadmill it can break your heart but it can also set you free
This place only has old pictures of you
There used to be spare clothes for when there was a chance you would stay the night
But you grew out of them and the house grew out of you
I guess in some ways that’s lonely,
Knowing that you have no way to return, or that maybe they just don’t want you to
But in others ways, it’s all the answers you’ve ever needed
The empty closet and the filing cabinet tell you to run away and never come back
This was only a home for who you once were
Go away, there is somewhere much safer waiting for you
It beckons you with love and hope
A roadmap to nowhere but up,
Lights illuminating not just the end but the whole damn tunnel
The future can only begin when you drop that weight
Lock the front door
Turn on your car, pull out of the driveway
Return to the highway that will take you where you have always meant to be. “
- @probably-not-interesting
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“My grandma is known for being a hostess
She invites all kinds of people into her house
She asks strangers over for Sunday night dinner,
Acquaintances come to Thanksgiving,
Distant relatives and a friend of a friend are there at Christmas
She told me that with her, everyone has a place at the table
A bed when they need it
A family when they don’t have one
I guess her offer even extends to monsters
The shadow walks in with a smile and I don’t have the nerve to scream because this is a party
This is a holiday
We don’t make a scene
To be fair, it’s not her fault that painful flashbacks aren’t exactly dinner conversation
No one wants to hear about that time when the well dressed boy over there decided he didn’t need to ask permission, least of all me
But he’s here
And he’s hungry
So he’s eating our food
We say our thanks to my grandma’s God in a big circle, hands clasped
I wonder if the shadow’s food is blessed the same way ours is
Inside my brain, I bang my head against the table
I knock off the plates
I throw the remote at the TV and tell the goddamn Alexa to stop playing the “Calming Jazz” station
But outside, I down my martini and ask for a refill
A few more down my throat and I’m staring at him with glassy eyes
Across the room I’m daring him to make the first move
But I know he never will
Because despite his power, despite his greed and his thirst and his manipulation
He’s a coward
It is then that I decide I will eat in peace
One day, I will have a house of my own
And everyone will be welcome to my food
My beds
And my family
Everyone, except for anger and fear
They are guests that are much too hard to host.”
- @probably-not-interesting
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“Who told you the lies that you finally decided to believe about yourself?
What teacher taught you that you were too stupid?
Which coach yelled that you weren’t fast enough or strong enough?
What mentor reminded you that you don’t have any talent?
Which family member made you feel worthless?
When did you decide they were right?
You were born into this world without any shame
Innocent, and unable to feel the one emotion that is dictated solely by others
Until you grew older,
And side comments started adding up
Snickers turn to cackles
They tried to drill into your mind that something about you is unforgivable
Only to be managed in the form of a joke
Who’s voice is it that plays in your head, louder than your own?
What do they tell you when no one else can hear?”
- @probably-not-interesting
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