#Tw cruel treatment of aboriginals
Let me tell you a little story.
A story about my ancestors pain.
in the 1800's (1831) the first residential school opened by the federal government of Canada and the Catholic Church.
They sent "missonaries" to aboriginal reserves and would take any child that would be school aged. These parents had no choice. It was give us the child(ren) or we will take them (which involved killing the parents).
Children in the schools were not allowed to speak their native language and were literally lashed every time they did not speak in English. They were forced to abandon their culture and beliefs for Catholic/ Christianity. They never saw their parents again. They were forced to stay in these schools until they graduated. They were beaten, they were molested, they were killed. Children buried in shallow Graves on the schools grounds.
in one school they found 200 dead bodies. Dead children...
and people deny this happened.
My grandmother was in a residential school. She was raped. She was beaten. Her knuckles were permanently messed up. She was in the school from the age of 4 to 16 I believe. She does not remember her native language or customs. I cannot speak for my grandfather, but my grandmother was a husk of a human.
This is reality. This happened. We learned about this in school.
Listening to aboriginal women talk about anytime they walked into a white town they would be mocked, beaten, raped, killed, or left for dead.
I had a few speakers in a class tell us their stories. One in particular, she was the oldest of the speakers. We all cried after her speech. There were three other aboriginal students and we all spoke to the woman and hugged her. We thanked her for being brave enough to speak to our class. We were proud she was able to rediscover her culture after her residential school experience.
Please stop erasing history because you; don't like it, because it makes you look bad, because it makes you sad, because it makes you angry.
That is what history is, we were supposed to learn from our mistakes.
So far, most don't even acknowledge the fact they learned nothing in multiple generations.
If you think this is "made up" or "fake", go fucking back to where you came from asshole.
You should fucking feel horrible. That's real history for you.
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