#being aboriginal
cree-future-rabbi · 29 days
1. Jews are indigenous to the area (just deal with it, maybe crack open a history book, or something educational, not memes)
2. I don't care about your white people issues
3. I am an indigenous Canadian. My family went through so much pain because of your stupid colonizer ancestors.
3. Both sides of my family are victims of horrendous things, genocide, torture, putting people on a rock and expecting them to be okay, while white people and non-aboriginal people can have beautiful land.
4. Residential Schools were a horrible truth.
5. The average age of you is about 20. Think about that. You complained you didn't get a proper education. Well, you sure proved it.
6. Palistine peoples are going through horrendous things FROM THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT daily. This includes torture of children. Kids who defied one order strapped to a wooden post and whipped with electrical cables. They need to be liberated from their oppressive government. A government that brainwashed the entire country to hate Jews. A country teaching their children marytism is the only way to get into heaven. There is fucking proof of this.
7. You don't care about the palestinian-people, you're just an antisemitic hive-mind because none of you can critically think or debate
8. I remember when debates on tumblr took days to result in personal insults
9. You are screaming over the people who are ACTUALLY needing to be heard.
10. This war, this terroist organization is a senseless loss of life.
11. The UN and hamas have admitted "quietly" to lying and exaggerating the civilan count
12. This war has the lowest civilian casualties of any war in modern history. Don't believe me, look it up. USvs. Afghanistan is DISGUSTING
13. Jihad soldiers attack in plain clothes, they are often counted as "inoccent civilians" when they just killed a bunch of innocent civilians
14. Hamas stated many times he will not stop until the Country of Israel is destroyed and every Jew is dead.
15. Antisemitism and antizionism its the same. I love how you won't listen to us but you can make up words and use it as a scapegoat for you to be as antisemitic as you want.
16. Hamas is starving his own people. He was given billions for infrastructure and did not build any bomb shelters? If Israel is killing so many people, why wouldn't you build power plants, food, water, and bomb shelters? Why does Israel provide you with your resources when you constantly attack them? Because they'd rather help the citizens more than hamas wants to.
Are you fucking blind, deaf, and dumb? THINK, GO READ SOME PEER REVIEWED INFO YOU SAD PEOPLE
Fuck you, eh. 🖐🎤
Now tell me you aren't filled with antisemitism and hate.
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ciderjacks · 6 months
ok but holy shit the snake imagery in deadloch was so fucking GOOD IT WAS SO GOOD
(Spoilers for Deadloch ahead be warned if ur gonna watch it, I encourage you to scroll bc it’s really really good watching it unfold without spoilers)
Margaret Carruthers being represented as a snake (and as the devil at certain points but that’s less of the focus here) throughout the series was so SO good
Like we hear her say early on that the snakes have “taken over” the island (which is why she claims she won’t let anyone on it), then of course Fay and the kids refer to her and her family as Snakes
then as the story is building, the snakes stay a central theme within that storyline. No one can see the graveyard because it’s “been overrun with snakes”, which are an obvious parallel to her and her family colonizing the town. (It’s impossible to get rid of them, they make breeding with their cousins work, etc)
when Abbey is on the island too far up, she appears behind her and tells her not to go there “or else she’ll get bit”, in a really ominous threatening way, which makes sense because *spoiler warning* she fully killed her brother because he wanted to open up the island to the aboriginal people. It sounds like a threat because it is a threat. She is the snake. AND OF COURSE she then dies while trying to dig up her brothers body, because she (a white colonist) didn’t understand the land of wildlife enough to properly deal with the snakes, and so got bitten.
it’s so poetic and terrifying like there’s other stuff too I couldn’t describe all of it
She was also imo the scariest part of the show by far
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dailypearldoodles · 1 year
for your consideration. Human tilly and human froggy and their horribly cursed little beast pearl <3
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Day 272
Just Froggy for now because I'm still don't have a finalized design for Tilly, but I had a great time designing Froggy!
Although keep in mind we are only on episode 1 of limited life so Froggy's design will be subject to change if we get any new info about her or something lol
She's a Siamese cat so I made her a little thai girl :D i had a bit of trouble like, finding clothing or hairstyles that was like, from thai, was appropriate with what i wanted, and helped the cat silhouette because cat. but! i found a set of drawings by nalunalulove that was like, disney princesses in thai traditional clothing and that helped a ton :D
no backstory for her yet, again we literally only have a half episode of information on her lmao
also her colored sketch under the cut :D
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fagidarity · 8 months
wildest thing about the referendum to me is the people convinced it’s gonna divide the whole country and throw it into chaos. like it’s literally just voting on whether there should be an advisory body of indigenous australians in the government (y’know, like there is for a large amount of other demographics of people who fucking live here and are affected by the governments choices) and making it part of the constitution to have it there so that it can’t be abolished by racist fuckwits. this is literally only a good thing
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shoezuki · 1 year
one thing that has stuck with me from the latest kerfuffle i got into on twitter is like. there was one person arguin w one the homies that my bio stating i was white isnt accurate because white people cant be people of colour or a poc so putting 'white' in my bio was the reason people wouldnt acknoweldge Im mixed. and like. that shit has stuck w me
cuz to me that seems fucked up towards mixed ppl like me who have that white background mixed with some non-white identity. but thinking about it i can ABSOLUTELY understand the idea of it due to the notion that white people cannot be poc. cuz that sentence in itself is SENSIBLE. like oh Obviously white people cannot be in the non-white community, so therefore mixed people 'cannot' identify as white????
but i keep thinking about it cuz. wow that shit really pointed out an issue that is so obviously present when it comes to recognizing and acknowledging mixed people like me. Because regardless of how much of a Person Of Colour i am or how much aboriginal background i got, i look very white. I have possibly more typically white experiences than typically aboriginal ones. I have blue eyes as when i was a kid I had naturally blonde hair and there was the joke that i was the whitest in my family because of it. which despite the joke is pretty damn true. people dont see me on the street and say oh thats an indigenous person, and the extremely rare times someone sees me as non-white its usually another indigenous person yknow.
I think its like. its kinda led to this revelation of mine i suppose. On one hand i've come to terms with the idea that i am Aboriginal AND white in the sense that i cant just pick either or as both aspects of me have influenced my entire existence as a mixed person. but its really hit home on why i've struggled so much with seeing myself as being in the non-white community or recognizing myself as a person of colour. because the only 'requirement' of being a poc is Not being white. but does that instantly eliminate all mixed white and non-white people like me from being anything other than white? does that not just further the notion that mixed ppl have to just 'pick a side'? Wouldnt decrying my white identity to be a poc then just diminish my own experiences with white privilege and passing as white?
#ask to tag#idk i think its like. when it comes to racial groups and racialized peoples it tends to seem more#black and white (lmao)#in the sense that ethnicity and race isnt something changeable therefore it is treated as more concrete aspects of identity#rather than the fluidity of gender or sexuality when it comes to identity#but in actuality. its really not so easy with race either#like the lines between races and even between that of being white and being non-white isnt so clear#like ive spent years feeling guilt for my identity. as a kid i tried to get rid of my indigenous identity#and somewhat more recently i felt guilty for being white#and its only recently ive resolved that i can be both#but i hadnt explicitly thought about how much of an outlier that makes me#but honestly with mixed white poc i feel its worse to try and limit or get rid of the white aspects of us#like we cannot ignore how it has benefited us or how our general ease as being seen as white has made our lives easier#like i always think of a friend i had in highschool who was also native#but she had the more traditional features of darker skin and black or dark hair unlike me#and we bonded a lot over our aboriginal identity#but the fact she experienced more blatant descrimination than me was a constant factor in our relationship#like it is not something us white poc should not ignore! our expiriences with both privilege and descrimination is unique and unavoidable#i feel the idea of you cannot be white and a poc really tries to bury the privilege of that though. and thus the varied experiences#idk man i been thinkin bout it a lot#like maybe the inclusion of white people who are mixed should be noted in non-white circles more. because of this weird#inbetween we have
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hussyknee · 2 months
KJ Charles, absolutely nobody was going around calling Black and brown people "people of colour" in the 1800s. They were called and called themselves "coloured people". It's relevant that the only terminology they had was subtly Othering and coined by whites. Nobody is going to go into vapours if 19th century characters use it. Stop jolting me out of your otherwise very good stories with self-conscious rummage for modern PC terms.
Also for the love of God just say "black" instead of pussy-footing around going "dark skinned". I can't tell who's Indian, Black or Portuguese with this shit. It's a racial and political identity, not a dirty word.
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plaguespoken · 4 months
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wildzero1999 · 5 months
neighbours having an australian day bbq🙄🙄
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bakuraryxu · 1 year
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rain-after-thunder · 1 year
WTF google!
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so i was googeling some stuff on aboriginal Australians, and these were the top suggestions. 
racism sure is a thing huh...
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cree-future-rabbi · 1 month
Let me tell you a little story.
A story about my ancestors pain.
in the 1800's (1831) the first residential school opened by the federal government of Canada and the Catholic Church.
They sent "missonaries" to aboriginal reserves and would take any child that would be school aged. These parents had no choice. It was give us the child(ren) or we will take them (which involved killing the parents).
Children in the schools were not allowed to speak their native language and were literally lashed every time they did not speak in English. They were forced to abandon their culture and beliefs for Catholic/ Christianity. They never saw their parents again. They were forced to stay in these schools until they graduated. They were beaten, they were molested, they were killed. Children buried in shallow Graves on the schools grounds.
in one school they found 200 dead bodies. Dead children...
and people deny this happened.
My grandmother was in a residential school. She was raped. She was beaten. Her knuckles were permanently messed up. She was in the school from the age of 4 to 16 I believe. She does not remember her native language or customs. I cannot speak for my grandfather, but my grandmother was a husk of a human.
This is reality. This happened. We learned about this in school.
Listening to aboriginal women talk about anytime they walked into a white town they would be mocked, beaten, raped, killed, or left for dead.
I had a few speakers in a class tell us their stories. One in particular, she was the oldest of the speakers. We all cried after her speech. There were three other aboriginal students and we all spoke to the woman and hugged her. We thanked her for being brave enough to speak to our class. We were proud she was able to rediscover her culture after her residential school experience.
Please stop erasing history because you; don't like it, because it makes you look bad, because it makes you sad, because it makes you angry.
That is what history is, we were supposed to learn from our mistakes.
So far, most don't even acknowledge the fact they learned nothing in multiple generations.
If you think this is "made up" or "fake", go fucking back to where you came from asshole.
You should fucking feel horrible. That's real history for you.
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hasellia · 9 months
I looked up local indigenous belief, and I'm THIS close to doxing myself. I can't believe the internet found one of the most important beings in my tiny communities' indigenous culture and turned them into a wacky cooky cryptid. What the actual fuck.
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spookcataloger · 1 year
“The story of Aunt Vav” by Blue (2014)
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cridhe · 2 years
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an historical example of why the radfem concept of ‘women as a class’ is only viable from the perspective of priveleged white women. without intersectional analysis of the impact of race and class u end up with stuff like this: white women advocating for their involvement in the genocide of indigenous peoples because they see themselves as women first and foremost, with absolutely no understanding of their position in colonial power structures. from the book “White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia 1880-1940″ by Margaret D. Jacobs
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legionofpotatoes · 1 year
can't believe I just spent three hours watching a movie about masculine anxiety in the nuclear family model, told through cartoon alien tribes wearing Mãori tattoos
#I dont know man I just dont vibe with these films. they're so weird to me for some reason#it's the mix of heavyhanded metaphorizing from a convoluted white savior pov with just the most uninteresting possible stories told within#and what beefs me the most is how good the cinematic grammar and dramatic sense is. like the execution is so good#not just technically (which was also great) but also on the storytelling ABCs level. pretty close to perfect#the structural edit wonked it a bit and dialogue wasn't always up to snuff#but generally speaking storycraft was firing on all cylinders yet telling the most uninteresting possible story imaginable. weird movies#both of them honestly. just weird#can't gel with them at all. and I NEVER forgive these insane runtimes either#I am heretically opposed to 3hr slogs. especially for something as simple as this. i hate doing mental structural re-edits while watching#but with movies like this it is impossible not to. just weird man#and the whole environmentalist angle is like fine whatever but the aboriginal aliens are such a clunky plot device#very very weird and sketchy and the optics are just all over. not for me to semiotically call this out i guess but leaves a very strange#taste nevertheless#and again technically it's just an utter magic trick and almost transcendent at times. but that is all momentsry candy without#meaningful story holding it together. just a guy being a dad except they're cartoons in space and also indigenous and super heteronormative#so fucking weird. and man you could feel james horner's absence so keenly#no longer a musical rhythm guiding the edit. other way around now. always a loss when this happens imo#it just felt like such an american dad family dynamics in this opposing context of an alien tribe#they were five minutes away from having back of the van arguments. all the 'bros' were insufferable#and dont get me started on the fucking sequelbaiting. sigourney weaver and the general and the weird dreadlocks guy all were#essentially just setting up sequel hooks and that was so grating in a movie already so long. eugh#anyway that was my review thanks for reading#text
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jainkoa · 11 months
When will my people be free from only ever being casted as a cop in popular Australian media?
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