#Real History
underground-secret · 12 days
Chappell Roan at the VMAs was everything. People keep confusing her outfit with Joan of Arc but she was actually Julie D’aubigny, which is so much more impactful. Let me explain.
In simple terms she was very good at fencing and she even did opera singing. But what really connects her to what Chappell did is her love story. Julie was a queer woman, she often dressed in men’s clothing but did not attempt to come off as a man.
At some point she had a relationship with a woman, yes a romantic one. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the girl was shipped off to a convent to prevent the two from being in contact. And to frame it simply Julie followed after her, snuck in pretending to be apart of the whole thing, created this whole elaborate plan to sneak her lover out which included getting a dead nuns body and placing it in the girls bed followed by burning the building down, therefore faking the girls death.
They ran away together. But, a couple months later the girl went back to her family. Julie’s plan was found out and she was charged as a man on a variety of crimes, she was sentenced to death by burning.
Now let’s put this all together.
1. Chappell was consistently using swords
2. In the performance she looked back and shot a flaming arrow at a building burning it down which goes back to the burning of the convent.
3. The song performed was Good Luck, Babe! And Julie’s lover going back to her family is so Good Luck, Babe! coded. Like literally ur lover followed you to a conversion thing, setting up this whole thing so that you can run away together and love freely and then you go back home to ur family and she dies at the stake. Although not surprising for the time period it’s still so crazy and soooo poetic.
4. Julie d'Aubigny has this whole tragic queer story and Chappells music centers around that sort of thing, and what’s more impactful than a literal gay performer dressing as a gay performer who was killed for being gay?
Do you guys see what I mean??? So, while I love the edits I’m seeing please keep in mind that it is not Joan of Arc. In fact, I think it’s super important that this is corrected considering how real and tragic Julie’s story was.
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luluy33art · 3 months
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Real conversation I had with my mom
Marinette is the character I relate the most bc of this regard, Chloe is still my favorite tho
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in-pleasant-company · 2 months
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cyber-clown · 1 month
Old Gnome Proverb: "you can tickle a fellow til he turns red in the cheeks, but you can't tell a mouse when he squeaks!"
Old Orc Proverb: "i fuck with Asking Orcxandria heavy bro"
Old Elf Proverb: "and upon the 5th moon of the centennial cycle, the Dramatic Ukes shall distribute ceremonial Boys Love magazines, all in attendance shall redo the semeuke.com quiz just incase they hath shifted in their stature, and the reading of the Yaoi shall commence for the Fortnite until the sun dips lowest in the mountains"
Old Dwarf Proverb: "HOA RECRUITMENT Posted by BurlyMother444 (CHAMPION OF THE BAKESALE) 8015 Posts any1 looking 4 HOA in World of Wisconsin? good tax breaks, nepotism trades, 401k grinding advice. PM 4 details"
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vigilantkatholixx · 2 months
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An incredible article on how Russians were never Rus, how 'Rus' were actually ancient Ukrainians, and how Russians actually stole history from Ukraine (previously - Kyiv Rus)
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Let me tell you a little story.
A story about my ancestors pain.
in the 1800's (1831) the first residential school opened by the federal government of Canada and the Catholic Church.
They sent "missonaries" to aboriginal reserves and would take any child that would be school aged. These parents had no choice. It was give us the child(ren) or we will take them (which involved killing the parents).
Children in the schools were not allowed to speak their native language and were literally lashed every time they did not speak in English. They were forced to abandon their culture and beliefs for Catholic/ Christianity. They never saw their parents again. They were forced to stay in these schools until they graduated. They were beaten, they were molested, they were killed. Children buried in shallow Graves on the schools grounds.
in one school they found 200 dead bodies. Dead children...
and people deny this happened.
My grandmother was in a residential school. She was raped. She was beaten. Her knuckles were permanently messed up. She was in the school from the age of 4 to 16 I believe. She does not remember her native language or customs. I cannot speak for my grandfather, but my grandmother was a husk of a human.
This is reality. This happened. We learned about this in school.
Listening to aboriginal women talk about anytime they walked into a white town they would be mocked, beaten, raped, killed, or left for dead.
I had a few speakers in a class tell us their stories. One in particular, she was the oldest of the speakers. We all cried after her speech. There were three other aboriginal students and we all spoke to the woman and hugged her. We thanked her for being brave enough to speak to our class. We were proud she was able to rediscover her culture after her residential school experience.
Please stop erasing history because you; don't like it, because it makes you look bad, because it makes you sad, because it makes you angry.
That is what history is, we were supposed to learn from our mistakes.
So far, most don't even acknowledge the fact they learned nothing in multiple generations.
If you think this is "made up" or "fake", go fucking back to where you came from asshole.
You should fucking feel horrible. That's real history for you.
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lupoteodoro · 6 months
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you tell me these are not Damian Lewis and Ron Livingston in the Eagle's Nest???
via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWWBMG8mYlg
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unhingedtiktoks · 15 days
Description: TikTok from user mmarkroberts. He says "Have you ever been on a night out and something just so whimsical happens to you? If you told someone about it the next day that wasn't there they just wouldn't believe you because it was so magical. Cause something like that happened to me the other night and no one believed me. I was walking home from the bar alone, as I do because I will not get an Uber. And as I was walking home I was on the sidewalk and I could see walking towards me the silhouette of somebody wearing this big top hat. And at first I was like 'that's weird' and I was like 'you know what, it's 2024 nothing fazes me.' As this figure with the top hat was getting closer, I could make out more and more of the details and I quickly realized that it was Abraham Lincoln. Somebody was cosplaying as Abraham Lincoln and walking on the sidewalk. Before Abe could pass me on the sidewalk, he stopped and he was just like 'Excuse me sir can I ask you a question?' and he tilted his top hat towards me, and I wasn't gonna ignore Abraham Lincoln so I was just like 'hey what's up?' He goes on to be like 'Have you seen Benjamin Franklin around these parts?' I was just like 'You mean the founding father Benjamin Franklin?' and he was just like 'yes.' And I thought that he was just being funny and wanted to do, like, a stupid roleplay so I was just like 'yes, I saw him over yonder' and I like pointed ahead. Little did I know he was being serious and he actually starts walking with me because I pointed in the direction that I was walking. So I'm just walking with Abraham Lincoln down the sidewalk. Eventually we get to the corner and I kid you not, when I look down the corner street, I see someone cosplaying as Benjamin Franklin. I tell Abe, I'm just like 'I think I found your buddy.' And he just profusely thanks me in his transatlantic accent, and then he runs up to the person cosplaying as Benjamin Franklin. Turns out they are more than just buddies because Abraham Lincoln starts making out with Benjamin Franklin. So there I was, just watching Miss Shelly the history teacher's fanfiction play out in real time. Happy pride month. Yeah I still don't know if I was on some sort of prank YouTube show or some sort of social experiment."
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fauxfickle · 10 months
I just had a dream were World War One ended because me and a soldier from the opposing side found out we were both Vinesauce fans
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b-wise-not-weak81 · 30 days
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underground-secret · 11 days
is there any source for chapell being julie d'aubigny?
This is a great question! And i’m gonna be so honest when i say im not really sure. I too thought she was Joan of Arc, which is of course slay but didn’t exactly make sense with the story being told through the performance. So, when i saw people saying she was Julie d’aubigny i wanted to do some research on her and, well, you know where that went.
I should correct myself: while i don’t know for certain who Chappell really intended to be i find that it is likely to be Julie rather than Joan of Arc.
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"Noah's Flood is NOT a Myth!" Geologists Confirm
Millions of people have labeled the FLOOD story in Genesis as a MYTH, a fairytale — something that never really happened... Until this fascinating fossil of a jellyfish was found! Now, geologists around the world realize that the Biblical narrative wasn't wrong after all...
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in-pleasant-company · 3 months
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Martha Yates Jones and Pinkie Yates in a Decorated Buggy for Juneteenth, 1908, Houston Public Library
Hope everyone is having a restful and joyful Juneteenth!
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moeitsu · 4 months
My town’s historical society was re-opened today. I found this photo album of what it looked like in the late 1800’s
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Red Dead has turned me into a historian now I guess
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darishima · 24 days
i actually love the feeling of getting whacked with a tail it's so silly like. -1hp -1hp -1hp. and it's so worth it.
cat smell is so divine youre so correct for that..... i love it too but I'm secretly lowkey allergic to cats so it's a little treat i only sometimes afford myself
are there any historical periods or events that interest you? what's your roman empire?
um um um ohh answering these qeustions while im drunk is so difficult.. yet its makes it more fun.. like a challenge or perhaps a video game quest. im thinking so har.d uh fuc i like nuclear reactor meltdowns like um i cant remember the name right now but the one where the guy was pinned to the ceiling by rubble uh where they were manually lifting the reactr up and down and the pin slipped or wtv. wasso cool. also that ummm the oil line that broke and trapped the guys. what ewas htat. the uh fuck. the underground oil pipe that broke and sucked the guys in and they had t o like crawl in the sludge i cant remmebr that name either it was horroifing though. oh but what i really love is cave diving deaths like i eat that shit up if someone dies horrifically in a cramped tiny cave space thats my SHIT. i like historical events where people die in awful ways apparenly. um as for like Bigger Events.. i dontk now. nothing. im a little.. stupid... about history... greece i like ancient grreeece a lot... th gree mepire is my roman mepire
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