#Twyla Boogeyman G1
black-bonnie · 7 months
Blacktober, Day 3
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Twyla Boogeyman
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waterlilylatte · 5 months
the Monster High Diaries art is unmatched <3
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horrorshowing · 3 months
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champion-of-love · 11 months
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Monster High: 13 Wishes (2013) + Letterboxd Reviews
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dallenborry · 6 months
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What if you suddenly changed species with your beasties? 👻 Heres Twyla as a werewolf!
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cowboyballads · 1 year
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twyla is so eepygender shes so sleepy and i aspire to be like her. she needs more sleepwear
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kutsante · 2 months
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thunderstomm · 3 months
I was originally not going to make a post about this, but after seeing a few other posts about it, I wanted to make my own. I have a LOT to talk about.
TW: Transphobia, Homophobia, Ableism
If you don’t know what I’m taking about- there was a post made by a user, who’s name I will not disclose or share, who discussed how they would rewrite the new Monster High G3 Cartoon. While some of the points were mundane, or points of preference, others made me very uncomfortable, as they got rid of much of the diversity that G3 has brought into the Monster High Universe. I want to quickly go through three of the points that I felt were erasing these steps in diversity, and my thoughts on each one, and why I think that it’s iffy, to say the least.
First is the statement “all of the couples from G1 will stay together”. While this may read to some as a preference for the old couples, in the context of rewriting G3- it comes across as the erasure of both couples involving a neurodivergent character being the subject of a crush, and being seen as desirable and loved (Manny x Twyla), and what probably was the intended couples they wanted to seperate, the canonically queer ships. In particular, this is most likely against Clankie (and POSSIBLY an s2 ship which I won’t say by name because some people want to go in blind. Instead I will refer to it as 🧡💚.). In this rewrite context, wanting to take away queer relationships which many writers and designers for Monster High have fought for in many shapes and forms. G1 never had explicit queer characters, the closest things being a scrapped SDCC diary entry (Valentine x Spelldon), Post-Ending 3rd party statements (Clawdeen is a Lesbian, Rebecca x Venus, etc.) and implied characters (Kiyomi). While these are okay, they are NOT the same as explicit queer couples, which are arguably more important to push forward in the talk and scope of present and future representation.
While it is okay to prefer the G1 ships, in the context of bringing them back for G3, it erases these queer couples, and ignores the lore and universe of G3. In G3, Cleo and Deuce are exes. And if you don’t like that, you can still watch G1!! It’s not magically disappeared, the movies and shows and music is all still out there, and most of it is free! But, erasing Clankie, 🧡💚, and other potential queer ships in G3, for the preservation of a m/f ship isn’t okay.
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On the subject of erasure, there is the statement “Frankie is still non-binary, but now uses she/they pronouns”. A character canonically using they/them in cartoons, especially ones made for kids, are uncommon. Honestly, I don’t even know if I could name 10, and that says more about the state of non-binary representation than it does about me. While changing the pronouns of a cisgender character to gender neutral ones is often done in fandom, and often not a point of issue, taking a character who is canonically non-binary and solely uses they/them and giving them typically gendered pronouns erases that under represented group, and allows for transphobes to ignore the “they” in “she/they”, and only use “she” for the character. This is an issue in real life too, for many who use multiple sets of pronouns, including myself (they (preferred) / he) ! We deserve both of their sets of pronouns to be used, and people who only use they/them deserve to be referred to by and as they/them. These changes hurt everyone.
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Then, we come to the one I see the most talk about, and the one that made me audibly yell “what the f-?!”- taking away Twyla’s canon autism diagnosis, and symptoms & traits, and replacing it with autism coding, so that she is easier to identify with. First of all- easier for who??? Neurotypicals ?? It is incredibly rare to see a character on kids TV outright say “I am autistic”, and Twyla is wonderful as representation. Twyla will not resonate or be relatable to every person- but that is true for all characters, not just autistic ones. Autistic people are not a monolith, it is a spectrum, with many different ways to present itself. Also… taking away all of her traits and symptoms to make her more relatable? These traits and symptoms are what would have made her “autistic coded”, and without them, you have a character who is NT.
Autism isn’t a quirky word you can use to describe anyone, it is a disability, that myself and many others have, and see misrepresented time and time again. And to say that a good example of it is not good, and would be better off to be erased and replaced with coding is insane. Coding is okay, but that’s all it is. Real spoken representation matters so much to me, and so many other people, even if the characters we see are not identical to us in those symptoms and traits they exhibit. These characters should not be changed, but rather, more autistic characters, with different presenting symptoms and traits, should be introduced !
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You can like G1, you can prefer G1, but that does not mean that you have to make a sanitised version of G3, that makes it identical to G1. In terms of representation, there is no arguing that G3 has G1 beat. The poster said on their post that “any new characters would be made more relatable”, but… to who? Because I relate to a lot of the G3 characters more than the G1 ones, and I grew up loving G1! It’s not been wiped, all of the media still exists for you to watch, and make headcanons for ! If you like G1- good for you! But please, stop trying to make G3 exactly like it. Because change is inevitable in these kinds of reboots, and it allows for the representation some want to take away.
Thank-You for those who read all the way!
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chalkspider · 1 year
G1 Twyla she’s very awesome too 💚💜
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shamrockst4r · 1 year
Q: "kiddos, aren't y'all tired from the fact that most of the questions revolve around relationships and crushes?"
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it's an 'ask me' thing from another platform but with monster high chars! and this one in particular is a secret santa gift for @makukhtse twyla's design and personal headcanons belong to her <333 i just designed an outfit for twyla
also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, i'm not a native english speaker, but what i am is sleep deprived sooo yeah
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auchaczer · 1 year
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my favorite ghoul 💜🗝️
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fieldworm · 19 days
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Twyla :)
This is from my sketchbook!!! It's about a year old and I really wanna redraw this but I couldn't get this quilt skirt idea out of my mind and I haven't since lol
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crabbyhellfire · 1 year
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I have a favourite doll line that I’m totally normal about 😳
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cutepilleddd · 1 year
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My Twyla Boogieman redesign!
I always felt it was a bit odd that Twyla, at least to me, looked and dressed like she was as old as the main ghouls. Her and Howleen are supposed to be middle school girls, so I used how I dressed in 7th grade as a reference for her.
I also feel like her style in the movies and show was really just to meet the marks for an eccentric fashion doll, which I don’t really blame the creators for, so I changed it to not only fit her age but her personality.
My redesign is supposed to be a redesign of generation 1 Twyla, but I decided to add the rainbow infinity pin on her cardigan because I caught news of her being canonically autistic in generation 3, which I thought matched up with generation 1 Twyla nicely. This is also why I added headphones, with generation 3 Twyla saying that she doesn’t like loudness.
Her short hair doesn’t have much rhyme or reason behind it, I was going to give her a shorter, more pixie cut like haircut—I decided to leave it at neck length. I always just felt like Twyla would look cute with short hair.
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just-someone-online · 10 months
More Monster High Headcanons
There'll probably be one more of these before I get them out of my system lol. Again, I haven't finished the diaries yet so some of the G1 headcanons might not gel super well with them.
River Styxx does in fact have a scythe, but after putting one too many holes into her dad's boat due to carelessness, her access to it has been restricted.
G3 Lagoona's scales were indeed blue when she was little, but as she grew older, they began shifting hues to pink.
While most monsters say nonboonary instead of nonbinary, skeletons and similar boney monsters refer to it as being nonspineary.
Despite all three versions of Draculaura being vegetarians, one of them (Not sure who. Probably not G2) has turned somebody to save their life. She doesn't like to talk about it.
While most monsters lived alone after the Great Fright Flight, many formed small communities around the world. Emphasis on small, as they needed to be able to quickly evacuate if any humans stumbled upon them.
Not all zombies speak zombie. Some grow up speaking whatever the dominant language is where they live while others simply don't use the language until their larynx begins rotting away. Moanica is the former and G3 Ghoulia is the latter.
Even though humans have largely forgotten that monsters exist, there have been some unfortunate incidents, hence why a lot of the monsters the Ghoul Squad found were living on their own.
G2 Clawdeen (And I suppose all werewolves by extension) has a tail, but after being bitten by teething werepups one too many times, she prefers to keep it tucked away.
G1 and G2 Twyla are autistic, they told me themselves. One of them (Both of them?) has a little hourglass necklace that she stims with.
For a few months after Electrified, Frankie had some issues regulating her electricity. Sometimes they'd give off a minor jolt, but other times she was shooting off enough electricity to power a classroom. They hope they never have to absorb a city's worth of power ever again.
Alivia has a habit of twisting at her bolts when she's thinking and it makes Frankie's heart stop every time they catch her doing it. "Those are holding your skull together! Stop it!"
G3 Cleo has never had a good school picture. You could take a picture of her falling down the stairs with your iCoffin and she'd look amazing in it, but if it were for the fearbook, she'd look like a mess.
The first time the ghouls invited G2 Twyla to a creepover, there was a brief moment where they thought she bailed on them partway through. Turns out she had fallen asleep and sank into the shadows.
G1 and G2 Frankie have no idea where babies come from (Well, non-simulacrum babies) and none of their friends want to deal with the secondhand embarrassment of explaining. G3 on the other hand, learned when they got a flashback to one of their brain donors learning.
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cuddly-vamp · 5 months
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My current doll displays! I have around 15 dolls in total now (I had to use dollect to count them), one is just hiding in the jewelry box coffin in the first image.
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