#Tycho Chief Of Ops
pedroam-bang · 3 years
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“Rocinante” MCRN Tachi (ECF 270) - The Expanse (2020)
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diver5ion · 4 years
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witchravenfox · 4 years
The Expanse S5.3 Spoilers
Drummer goes commando. I love that woman. Not many as badass as her floating around her in space. Drummer wants justice for Ashford, and I love that. It really highlights just how much she trusted him, respected him in the end. And I think the fact that she let Inaros go before is really chewing at her.
Damn, people still after protomolecule. Does this shit ever end?
I have to say though, Fred Johnson’s office cracked me a bit. The way that Holden stands on one side with his arms hiked up on his *ever so hot* hips and then you have Bull on the other pulling a similar stance of macho aggression with his arms crossed over his chest, both scream ‘I am man listen to me roar’ vibes. Meanwhile, Fred is framed by them perched on his desk getting pissed off. Also, I don’t trust the unnamed officer that is like Fred’s PA- dodgy as fuck. Silent and deadly, always in the room for private conversations... traitor. I am hoping Fred is not dumb right now.
Naomi, oh Naomi. I don’t know how old Filip was when you left him thinking whatever was going on in your mind, but it’s clearly been more than just a few years. People have long memories, especially when they have someone else who may be manipulating them, and I can’t help but feel this journey may have been for wasted. Oh Betrayal, always betrayal. Hunch on where that’s going- not sharing that possible spoiler
Alex is a nice guy, right? He is friendly and he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He tries to see the good in everybody. But, I feel like Babbage is shaking him down for info, when it’s supposed to be the other way. Damn it, I knew Babbage was dodgy as hell. She likely is working with the Admiral. Oh he knows how to get taken advantage of.
Bobbie, proving she is not just a fighter but a thinker, but I’m worried that chasing the top fish in the pond means she can’t see the high aspirations of others and what they will do to get there (I am 100% talking Babbage).
Chrisjen... damn she is being blocked here, there and everywhere, but, she is a fighter. I have a feeling we will need that.
Last scene of the episode had me going ‘oh that’s not a good thing, oh wow that’s a bad sign... holy shit.’ Do with that as you will.
PS- please don’t think I didn’t notice there was no sign of Amos. I noticed.
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‘We Need to Instill a Respect for the Work of Human Hands’
New Post has been published on http://usnewsaggregator.com/we-need-to-instill-a-respect-for-the-work-of-human-hands/
‘We Need to Instill a Respect for the Work of Human Hands’
— Linda, New York.
Bowe Bergdahl Pleads Guilty
Credit Andrew Craft/The Fayetteville Observer, via Associated Press
3. Strip away the spin and what we have is someone who did something wrong and needs to be punished for it. Really, it actually is that simple.
— August West, Midwest, reacting to an article about Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl pleading guilty to desertion for leaving his post in Afghanistan and endangering the soldiers who searched for him.
4. What Bowe suffered in captivity is more than enough punishment. He was tortured for years like an animal. Give him a dishonorable discharge, a million community service hours and let him go home.
— Mabel Bejar, on The New York Times’s Facebook page, describing Sergeant Bergdahl’s years as a prisoner of the Taliban.
California Wildfires
Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times
5. In my neighborhood we had ash falling from the sky. Toxics in the air caused those with asthma and allergies to feel their bodies react with gagging and air passages swelling. Those within a few miles of the fires had pollutants that topped that of Beijing.
— David B., San Rafael, Calif., reacting to a story by Thomas Fuller, the San Francisco bureau chief for The Times, about his experience covering the fires in Northern California.
Olympian Says She Too Was Molested
Credit Julie Jacobson/Associated Press
6. The most compelling part of gymnast McKayla Maroney’s story is how she would go on to perform right after being abused. That’s basically what women have to do after we experience abuse or harassment, we have had to put our heads down and continue to perform our duties without causing a scene and inconveniencing anyone with our pain.
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— Holly Currier, on The Times’s Facebook page, reacting to an article about the American gymnast McKayla Maroney saying she was molested by a team physician who is already facing criminal charges for molesting other gymnasts.
Lupita Nyong’o Speaks Out About Harvey Weinstein
Credit Jesse Dittmar for The New York Times
7. When I was 21, I had an interview for a fairly menial job. When I was shown in, three vice presidents of the company were present. They asked me my name and offered me a seat on a stationary bicycle. I said I preferred the couch. I cannot imagine what gave me the strength to take that stand. I was hired, and was later asked by fellow employees if I had to sit on the bicycle. It was an inside joke in the company. These men are bullies, and it does my heart good to see just one of them crash and burn!
— Anne Flink, Charlestown, Mass., reacting to an Op-Ed by Lupita Nyong’o describing how she was sexually harassed by the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.
Astronomers Observe Neutron Stars Colliding
Credit Robin Dienel/The Carnegie Institution for Science
8. These are the new explorers, greater in their way as Magellan, Columbus, and Cook. Once again, the genius of Einstein and Chandrasekhar and the other giants of the last century shines out.
The article brings back the moment when some would say the world of today opened out: In 1572, Tycho Brahe observed a new star, a supernova in the constellation Cassiopeia. So he knew that the cosmology of the world since Aristotle was mistaken, and the heavens above were not unchanging. It took a few more decades before the work of Kepler and Galileo firmly established the beginnings of the scientific revolution to which we owe the modern world.
— Hari Prasad, Washington, D.C., reacting to an article about astronomers who saw and heard for the first time the sights and sounds of two neutron stars colliding.
A Bull Runs in Brooklyn
Credit Holly Pickett for The New York Times
9. “Obviously a Brooklyn Dodger.”
— Max, New York, reacting to an article about a bull who escaped in Brooklyn.
How Did Wolves Evolve Into Dogs?
10. “It was the belly rubs.”
— Jen Anthony Matthews, on The Times’s Facebook page, reacting to a video about the evolution of wolves.
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