winter2468 · 1 month
ASOIAF modern AU I am working an office job at the generic Lannister Company and it's shit, the company culture is shit but the pay is actually kind of decent and I tell myself I can stick it out. I get stuck in the queue for the office coffee machine behind Tyrion Lannister (we both have insomnia. skipping the morning espresso is not an option). The previous and only time I saw him he was very drunk at an office party and I'm not sure if he remembers and I don't want to ask. His phone keeps buzzing. Apparently his recently disabled older brother is in some kind of Twitter feud with a championship woman fencer for reasons which remain unclear. We bitch about the woefully inadequate workplace disability adjustments for 5-10 mins until the coffee machine is free. We both want height-adjustable desks for our various disabilities but Tywin Lannister is Not splashing out for that. A week later I open my phone to check the morning news and Tyrion Lannister is missing on the run for shooting his father with a fucking crossbow. And scene.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
love how an ongoing theme in this show is that no one who ends up in the seat of power is taken as seriously as they'd like- rhaenyra, aegon, and now aemond have all had to have their "i am queen/king/regent" moments. add in the context of tywin lannister's quote about how "any man who must say 'i am the king' is no true king" and we've got some good fucking soup
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efpizza · 1 year
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Portrait of Lord Tywin of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Head of House Lannister 
"When his once-thick golden hair had begun to recede, he had commanded his barber to shave his head; Lord Tywin did not believe in half measures."
I had this idea of Tywin commissioning a formal portrait of himself after he shaved his hair, as a way to assert his new look among people
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ilynpilled · 2 years
tywin au where instead of terrorizing the realm he terrorizes twitter timelines by becoming a millionaire educator tradcath account
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mundoasoiaf · 24 days
"Tywin Lannister, que não estivera presente no banquete do Leão Vermelho, nunca enfraqueceu em sua decisão de fazer esses vassalos altaneiros ficarem de joelhos. No final do ano de 261 d.C., ele enviou corvos para Castamere e para Salão Tarbeck, exigindo que Roger e Reynard Reyne e Lorde e a Senhora Tarbeck se apresentassem em Rochedo Casterly ― para responder por seus crimes. Em vez disso, os Reyne e os Tarbeck escolheram o desafio, como Sor Tywin certamente sabia que fariam. As duas casas se levantaram em revolta aberta, renunciando à fidelidade a Rochedo Casterly." - O Mundo de Gelo e Fogo // As Terras Ocidentais
🎨: Pedro H. Cardoso
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iclarye · 3 months
this whole house of the dragon session on the internet that brings with it game of thrones reminds me how hot tywin lannister is, man idk I would that grandpa without hesitation
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themotherofblood · 1 year
I think I need to go to horny jail. I’m rewatching Game of Thrones and my first thought when Tywin came on screen was ‘Oh my god it’s Daddy Lannister!’ 🫣 I’m terrible
You and me both sis, Tywin is a horrible father BUT
My man was arguably one of the best husbands in all of Westeros.
He was ambitious yet gave up being hand of the king when his wife was insulted. Had Aerys not been king, my man would have Daemon’d him too.
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Also Charles Dance is just mhmhmhmhmhhm.
That man knows he is fine, and that’s that. We just know he was the biggest chad/ play boy during his time, which was the 50s/60s but wtf, he had a tween daughter at this age 🙏🏼
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beru-m · 9 months
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some e7 things
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atomicniire · 1 year
Tywin Lannister is a rare example of a character who actually committed an in universe war crime
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rosaluxembae · 2 years
A lot of the Lannisters (including close maternal cousins) are just pretty normal, more or less decent people. So obviously there's Myrcella and Tommen but also Kevan and Daven and Genna. They all seem pretty well balanced individuals with healthy relationships with the rest of their family.
Then you have Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion, who you're supposed to dislike at the start but as the series goes on you're supposed to end up somewhere between "vaguely more sympathetic understanding why they ended up like that", and "actually liking them because they're really just misunderstood". They're more open to interpretation (where on that spectrum they are for you depends on which character you're talking about and who the reader is). Regardless of what you think if them, none of them are exactly normal or healthy tho. (There's also Lancel who doesn't exactly have a normal healthy relationship with his cousins)
It's only really Tywin and Joffrey that *really* suck. Even those two you're supposed to understand a bit why they ended up like that but I think in a less sympathetic way than the three siblings.
But I think when people say The Lannisters they normally think of the most fucked up ones. I mean it partly makes sense because if their proximity to the plot but it's interesting that they're actually fairly rare.
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gojuo · 1 year
Tell us now your top 5 most hated characters on ASOAIF and F&B please!
My no.1 most hated ASOIAF character is Tywin Lannister. I hate this man. I hate him very much. I wish he would go away and die somewhere where he will inconvenience no one but the vultures. I loathe his manner. I loathe his style. I loathe the fact that he dares draw breath in a world where my loved ones do not or rather cannot because he murdered them. I loathe that he was rewarded for behavior which, in-universe, he should have been quartered for. I want him dead. I want to kill him and destroy him. I want him died. #SCENE #ANGER #FUCK #DIE #HATERED
There is not a single ounce — not even a miniscule amount ­— of sympathy I have for this scumbag. Not a single thing likeable about him. Not a single redeeming quality he has to his name. From the first moment he showed up on page until the very last mention of him, he was nothing short of disgusting. He is diabolical, satanic, monstrous, loathsome, ghoulish, sadistic, cruel, insert every single synonym of the term demonic here, etc. etc. I hate him. I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him.
The whole “Yeah he’s evil uwu but Charles Dance is so granddaddy I can fix him <3" sales pitch this low IQ fandom has been pushing since the dawn of that accursed adaptation on top of it all only makes the intense disgust I hold for him so much fucking worse. Tywin Lannister has no conscience, no charisma, no morals, and he has no honor — all of that in an un-sexy way, one of the greatest crimes a villain with no traumatic backstory could objectively ever commit. Never mind the beyond immoral execution of the Red Wedding (“Machiavellian” my ass. Any stupid fool who says this crap needs to go back to elementary school in order to relearn how to read and how to interpret literature and themes in literature right the fuck now), never mind the severe mental torture he’s put his own flesh and blood through to the point where two of them are in a destructive incestuous relationship with each other and the other pushed to the point of patricide, this monster had his son's fourteen-year-old little child-wife gangraped by his guards, had each of them give her a silver coin after one was done with her, then had thirteen-year-old Tyrion rape her last and, contrary to the others, give her a gold coin because “Lannisters are worth more”. All because she was a common-born little girl who dared to marry the disabled son he hated so much. Am I supposed to think this piece of shit falls under the sexy evil category of villains? What sad backstory does this trash have to his name that would woobify him enough to “if villain bad why sexy” him? His father had a few mistresses after his mother died and gave them gifts and cared for them? Was that the tragic past of his that elevated him enough for people to wash their conscience clean so to cross moral boundaries all to lust after this so-called “sexy villain”? Tywin Lannister had his father’s mistress, who was nothing but a poor common-born daughter of a candle-maker, stripped naked and paraded through the streets of Lannisport for two whole goddamn weeks, and forced her to tell every man she came across that she was a thief and a whore, quite alike to what he did to Tysha as well. This man hates women. I cannot stress this enough, like Tywin Lannister hates women. And not just women, but especially commoner women. His modus operandi is inflicting sadistic sexual violence on any and all women he doesn’t like (which is like, all of them). As a true “if villain bad then why sexy” connoisseur and quite frankly, the president of the club, this man is not, never was and never will be a part of that esteemed category of villains.
And you know something that’s a veeery personal ick of mine — and this is really the icing on the cake for me — is shit-for-brains dickriders of this ghoul having the gall to pretend like he did not explicitly order the murder of Elia and her babies, that he apparently just “let” Clegane and Lorch loose on them. These low IQ fucks know what that demon did to his father’s poor mistress and what he did to little Tysha, and then somehow they still think this sadist with a severely fragile ego did not tell Clegane and Lorch to do what they did to her with his own mouth? Any waste-of-space who parrots this BNF-drivel (all said in order to minimize what happened to Elia, Rhaenys and the baby in place for Aegon) is not only going on my blocklist like immediately, they also need to die. Respectfully.
Now, I mostly spoke on his character from a moral standpoint, but I want to make clear that this loser’s shortcomings aren’t only morality-based. All the shit-for-brains stans this demon has know he has no morals so they always deflect to the “b-b-but he’s a military genius, that’s why I like him, I’m so edgy!!!” excuse and I want to emphasize how fucking stupid you have to be to believe Tywin is anything but brainless. AFFC is literally right there. GRRM’s explicitly spells out to the reader through Jaime’s POV how fucking stupid Tywin was in everything that he did. How the only show of military genius this demon had was through being nothing but a bully. All his work unraveled the second he died. He built nothing, and he will go down in history as nothing. That’s why his one and only legacy will always be that he got murdered on the shitter by his own son, like the fucking loser that he is.
I hate this fucking character with every fiber of my being.
On number 2 stands Aerys II Targeryen. Do I even need to explain this? What I said about Tywin applies to this racist, rapist, fascist piece of shit as well. I’m not going to waste my time and money psychoanalyzing this bottom-of-the-barrel trash. Aerys is the pinnacular culmination of three hundred years of Targaryen delusion, self-worship, egotism and five thousand years of Valyrian hubris, god-complex, and megalomania. Him and his daughter both, but I’ll get to her in a minute. This man’s lucky he’s only got 2 stans — and those two are only stanning just to be contrarians — unlike Tywin, who’s got an actual dedicated fanbase. Ugh. Two peas in a pod. One edge he has over Tywin is that at the very least Aerys has some sort of tragic backstory that’s actually valid. Too bad for him idgaf. Pour one out for Rhaella :(
My third most hated is ... Daenerys. Man… How do I even open this can of worms… I’ve a whole tag dedicated to hating her, soooo awkwardly waves hand in that direction. Everything about Daenerys is just so … racist. Racist on an in-universe level, racist on a meta level and racist on a fandom level, so I was never going to like Daenerys no matter what. The fact that she has the most insane and delusional and downright disgusting fanbase ever in all of media history really doesn’t help her case. If they hadn’t been this rabid and racist, then I don’t think I would have hated her this much. Because then I could’ve just had her character be as she is: the Paul Astreides of the series. A false Messiah, basically. The meta-level racism (GRRM making every single antagonist in her plotline nothing but walking, talking Reel Bad Arabs tropes; the use of POV trap which leads to none of the brown and black supporting characters in her story having a voice; GRRM’s own racism as in exotic-erotic tropes for all of the Essosi people, really badly researched POC cultures he based the Essosi off of, using brown and black people as nothing but props for the main white girl) and Daenerys’ in-universe racism (conquering and colonizing lands and peoples; white saviorism; imperialism; her hypocritical use of slavery) would still be there, of course, and I still would not have been able to stomach it meaning I still would not have rooted for her in any way, but then at the very least I would not have been subjected to a long decade of fandom racism being justified through the excuse of her freeing slaves from evil Reel Bad Arabs (spoiler alert: she is not freeing anybody).
Ugh, I don’t wanna talk about her. Everything about her from her character to the plot and storyline and her place in the narrative is downright insulting to me as a WOC, and quite frankly, any WOC that lays down their lives to defend this girl baffles me. Like, stop it. Please have some self-respect.
Then comes Jaehaerys the Old King. Father and inventor of misogyny. It’s crazy.
No. 5 is Rhaenys I and Daeron I the Young Dragon. EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES AGAINST THE DORNISH SHALL FALL!!!
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lord-tywin-lannister · 2 months
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*curtsies* Hello, Lord Tywin! I made these for you!
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lousfuntime · 19 days
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fieldandfountain · 2 years
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Young Tywin and Aerys
Thank you to @wildfirefruitjars for making me absolutely obsessed with them and their bizarre dynamic.
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stavosmissionary · 2 years
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the lion in winter x asoiaf: lannister edition
(inspired by my beloved @rhaecent 's epic fancast posts)
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mundoasoiaf · 10 months
"Ele é um cão, como diz ser. Um cão meio louco e de temperamento ruim que morde qualquer mão que tente lhe fazer um agrado, e que ao mesmo tempo despedaçará qualquer homem que tente fazer mal aos seus donos." - A Fúria dos Reis // Sansa IV
🎨: Elia Illustration
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