hiro-gari · 3 years
Something I realized just now at 3 AM..
We usually headcanoned Zenko and Tareo would be the ones who connected Garou with Badd, the fact that both of the kids knowing them (also Tareo now have met Badd in the manga, maybe again soon at the end of battle?).
But let me tell you about this: Remember in webcomic, King accidentally found Garou when he was meditated in the middle of woods, right? And in the manga version, King goes with Badd towards the battlefield, right? What if King becomes the one person who could connect Badd with Garou?? 👀👀✨
King is one of Badd’s coworker who can be trusted on keeping secrets better than any other fellow heroes. Not only that, now he went to the battle location together with Badd and probably must watching over the reckless delinquent hero during combat the whole time until it was ended with the defeat of Garou.
If the headcanon of Badd defending Garou will becomes true (hopefully), King would also be there to witness it, too.
Now imagine when King accidentally encountered the newly redeemed Garou in the middle of forest and Garou noticed him, reassured King that he wont do the whole hero hunting anymore. He just want to talk with King for awhile about two things:
“Is the little brat (Tareo) alright?”
“Is Metal Bat okay?”
Garou asked those things because he knew King was the person who saved Tareo from Monster Assosiation, also the person who came with Badd together and has the responsibility to keep an eye for him.
I was imagining a composed Garou and a frightened King sitting side-by-side near the river, all in a tranquil peaceful forest setting, with Garou calmly asking the questions to King because he was curious and genuinely worried about those two.
Garou regretted the fact he still couldn’t see Tareo again, at least in his current situation, to say thank you for always believing in him and even stood up for him so bravely. He was so proud of the little brat.
On the other hand, Garou was worried about Badd because he rebelled against both his own S-Class coworkers and the higher ups in Hero Association just to defend Garou. Telling them that they went too far and too quick to judge someone from a false assumption. Especially when there’s an innocent honest witness who knows Garou truly, confessing the whole things about the real truth of the Hero Hunter.
Then Badd allowed Garou to escape from the battlefield, resulting in angering most of S-Class heroes.
At that time, Garou realized that Badd endangered himself, risking his job reputation as an S-Class Hero for fraternizing a supposed enemy and rejecting the Hero Association’s order. That’s why Garou asked King if the delinquent hero was okay after the incident happened.
Carefully, King telling him that unfortunately because of the incident, it put a strain between Badd and Hero Association. Badd calling out all of Hero Association’s bullshits about the whole things regarding Garou’s situation. From what King had witnessed in the meeting room, it was like hell during the post-war report meeting.
The whole debate between Badd and HA’s execs finally culminated with Badd walking out from Hero Association in silent fury, declaring he had enough of them and wanted to resign from Hero Association as soon as possible once he finished writing the resignation letter. The next day, Badd was officially not Hero Association member anymore. Then several heroes also one by one following his steps, too.
Listening to King’s explanation, Garou was shocked at how far Badd would sacrificed himself because he helped the Human Monster escaped from the wrath of S-Class heroes. It made Garou felt guilty for making so many troubles in the hero’s life: forcing Badd to fight him against his will at the first meeting, putting him into hospital with heavy wounded body, then destroying him again in their rematch. Now he was indirectly ruined his job, too.
Despite all of those things, the hero still willing to defend Garou to the extent putting himself in “me against the world” situation with the entire Hero Association members. The unwavering strong determination of Badd, Garou really admired it and also being very grateful for him. Because of Tareo and Badd, he still can survive.
In the end, Garou thanked King for telling him the truth, also for listening to Tareo’s message to not bullying him like the most heroes did. Garou respects King because of that.
Before they parted way again, Garou asked King to let Badd know that he was alive and doinb well now, that he wanted to thanking Badd for everything Badd has done for the sake of him.
And he wanted to say, that to him, Badd is his Hero. His ideal Hero.
Garou letting out a gentle but genuine smile when he said that, seems like he was happy to finally finding someone he had been searching for since he was a kid. An ideal hero who has a heart of gold, who has unwavering “Fighting Spirit” and a belief of fairness. Who never afraid to call out people’s bullshits and hate bullying, just like Garou does.
If only Garou could meet Badd in a totally different situation, he wanted to be on Badd’s side. As frienemies, or bestfriends, or partners, or maybe more.. They would be great together. If only Fate allowed them..
King understood Garou’s message and promised he would relay it to Badd once he could find him, since they were not coworkers anymore. But luckily, King has Badd’s phone contact so he would try to notify him soon.
After thanking and wishing eachother the best, King finally left Garou continuing his soul-purifying meditation in the middle of woods and started heading back home quickly as soon as possible. It was so nerve-wracking for King to have a deep talk directly with the (ex) Hero Hunter, not to mention listening to his entire “love confession” for his own (ex) coworker in just a few metres from him, what the hell..
Such a weird day for King, but strangely he was so happy for them both. Now he understand that Garou is not like what his fellow heroes said. Maybe someday Garou would get a second chance (or third?) to meet Badd again and reconciliated with him so they could have much better relationship than before..
Bonus headcanon:
It would be so good if Garou offering King for martial art training, since King also wanted to strengthen himself. As long as there is a determination, even from a weak man, Garou really appreciated the spirit. He would definitely gives the best martial art training course for King. Maybe the end result wasn’t so good, but at least King was willing to try and that’s what matters.
In return, Garou would ask any new information from Badd. From what King have seen, Garou is like a highschooler boy who got a big crush on his classmate but didn’t have any clue what should he do, at all. Seems like Badd is Garou’s first love, considering everything Badd has done for the ex Hero Hunter made Garou becomes so enamored of him.
King couldn’t help but giving some wise advice for him in case someday Garou comes back to the city to meet Badd again. He hoped his advice would helped Garou on figuring out his true feeling for Badd. How could Garou be able to learn and analyze enemies’ fighting style in a matter of seconds, when he couldn’t even analyze his own feeling himself?? Huge migraine coming through King’s head as he realized his new job as a love consultant for Garou.
On the other hand, King also keep befriending Badd despite they’re technically not coworkers anymore. And I think Badd wouldn’t judge King about him committing a fraud, even he would supporting King wholeheartedly after hearing King wanted to be a better man. Sometimes Badd would hangouts on King’s place playing some games with King and Saitama, or chatting with Genos who happens to accompany Saitama at King’s place.
When King telling Badd about his encounter with Garou, Badd immediately asking him if Garou was okay as he worried so much for that wolfman since he fled from the battlefield. King reassured Badd that Garou was alright and currently still hiding from the public for awhile until the situation good enough for his coming back.
Then King explained all the things Garou had said about Badd, in which made the delinquent hero very flustered. Not expecting Garou would say something sweet like that and even harbouring a crush on him, too! From watching Badd’s reaction, King guessed this is the first time Badd receiving some genuine appreciation and love confession at the same time. Gotta make these “love inexperience” teenagers’ relationship works out fine, then.
There he was. King being a good friend (also a cupid) for both Badd and Garou, relaying messages to both of them regularly: to Garou whenever he has martial art training session with Garou, and to Badd whenever Badd is not busy working for Neo Heroes.
Garou refused to give away his hideout place to Badd as he wasn’t ready to meet Badd yet, no matter how much Badd been wanting to see him. Badd was determinated to find Garou and kick his ass himself for making him worried, and also because he missed Garou so much. While King just wanted all of these teenagers’ love drama ended well so he could rest soon.
At some point, Badd had decided to find Garou himself as he went towards Garou’s supposed location. But once he arrived on there, Garou has already gone. Not only that, King also couldn’t track Garou anymore since probably he probably had guessed that Badd would come to search for him.
Feeling deeply disappointed because he couldn’t see Garou or even heard his voice, Badd returned back to home with heavy heart. Badd was just wanted Garou to say those sweet love confession by himself in front of him. So, Badd could give immediate answer Garou could listen directly that Badd would accept Garou for what he is, and that he was willing to help Garou getting a better life.
But since Garou wasn’t ready yet, what Badd could do?
At the same time on the downtown area of some city, a certain wolfman just starting his first part-time job. Garou hoped this could be a good beginning of his new life as a changed man. He would proved Badd that he can be a better person, because of him..
—- THE END —–
At first, this headcanon supposed to be a short one but I got carried away, lol! 😂
I noticed King was kinda underappreciated, so why not giving him an important role since he got involved with both of them in canon (although we still haven’t know yet at how much interaction between Garou and King at that webcomic chapter, we only could assumed the probability).
We have seen the impact of King’s genuine wise advice on Saitama, that’s such very good trait from him. Seeing how it turned out well for Saitama, why not King becomes love consultant for these dumbass-in-love teenagers? 😚💕
I apologized if this headcanon looks sucks waaaah forgive me, I start writing this at 4 AM and just finished at 6 AM with a little to no sleep, I’m so sorry 😅🙇💦
Any other thought about this headcanon, anyone? 👀✨😳👉👈 @hiro-gari @the-goddessfighter @garous-nipple
Thank you so much for reading this another silly headcanon! I hope you enjoyed it 😭🙏💕💞💖💝💐
Also thank you, Lilia, for always putting up with me and the whole random dumbass writings of mine! You’re the best, ilysm 😘💖
Have a nice day, guys! 🍀🌻
Awe my goodness yeesss, some love for King!! He fits the role of confidant SO perfectly, he’s never really judgmental except of himself 😔, and seems like he’d be a great listener. Although yeah he’d be terrified of Garou at first 😭😂 but once he realizes his questions are those of someone genuinely concerned, he chills out a bit *King Engine quiets slightly*
Garou being worried about Tareo and grateful that he stood up for him 😢 aww my heart.. I so hope for a reunion between them after Garou’s through being awakened and all
And Garou learning about the hell Badd raised after the fact 😩 like he’s already feeling shitty and taking a Long Shower to clear his head, now he’s feeling responsible for getting his ideal Hero fired basically :// it’s the perfect conditions for him to just confess everything to King don’t let him find out he’s bff’s with Saitama yet tho 😳 awkward
This bonus headcanon!! Yes!! I was reading the webcomic and getting so sad that no one would genuinely take the time to even consider training King 😩 I was like, there’s a perfectly good martial artist right!! there!! waiting for a redemption arc!! Even if he doesn’t end up being the best at it, maybe Garou could at least help with boosting King’s confidence a little bit aww... and in return he’s just like passing little love notes between them because they’re clueless teenagers 😂 But he seems like the romantic type, I doubt he’d mind too much 😌 but I’m sure that witnessing their terrible awkwardness would get frustrating askdkdksk NOW KISS ALREADY
Thank you anon, I always appreciate your writings so much 😚💗💕🌸 you never fail to brighten my day ILY!!
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