#UPT Patch
the deep winter in the park beginning to recede, and although there are still many patches of snow, sporadic visitors are returning. lynxgirl park ranger asleep in her little cabin. radio waves excite the tall antenna, awakening her teletype machine. Ding! clack clack clack, it prints:
the lynxgirl ranger reaching and reaching from beneath her wool blankets and grabbing the printout off the machine. she sheds the blankets all off, falling around her as she finishes reading. checking her backpack, all supplies are there. dressing in the tough, olive colored garb of her rangerhood. she takes the carbine off the wall. one, two, three, four, five, six rounds .46 magnum through the loading gate. throw the lever; a seventh. outside, checking the vitals of her noble ATV Sprucestrider. Mounting it and motoring off. Just another day in the park.
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fictional-seviper · 7 years
Intel Processor Security Flaws
[posted January 11, 2018]
What's going on?
Over the past month, tech companies have become frantic while trying to patch two hardware flaws (Meltdown and Spectre) which allow downloaded applications to access secure data on computers with Intel and AMD chips (i.e., most computers built in the last two decades). Through this flaw, nefarious developers could have one of their apps capture data from other apps (e.g., web browsers or streaming services) on your computer without needing permission. As a result, those developers would have access to sensitive information (e.g., passwords or account info), without the computer owner being any wiser.
Given the severity of the flaw, patches for known variants of the flaws have already started rolling out. Unfortunately, because the flaws are hardware issues, the patches come with a severe drawback: slower processing speed. Until recently, the speculated drops in speed were feared to be severe. Luckily, the problem may barely be noticeable for some (upt to 8% for processors made since 2015) but detrimental to others.
Intel recently stated:
In certain cases, [after downloading the patches,] some users may see a more noticeable impact. For instance, users who use web applications that involve complex JavaScript operations may see a somewhat higher impact (up to 10 percent based on our initial measurements).
What does this mean for you?
If you only use your computer to browse the web, watch videos, or play lite games, not much...if you purchased your computer mid-2015 or later. Intel's recent estimates relate to 6th generation and later processors, which launched in 2015. The impact on older computers could be a lot more severe. While new computers sold after 2015 will experience a slowdown between 5% and 10%, all other computers could experience slowdowns up to 30% (barring future updates from Intel). Slow processing won't hinder anyone's ability to browse Tumblr, but it will impact how well computers may run processor-intensive art programs (e.g., SAI or Photoshop) and video games (e.g., Overwatch or PUBG). Additionally, as each computer ages and programs require more processing power, small decreases in processing speed could escalate further.
What are the alternatives
This time, there are none. While AMD processors appear less affected by the related security flaws, they are not completely unaffected and will receive similar patches which may affect performance. To get around the patches, people could choose to opt out of future upgrades, but the resultant security flaws could prove troublesome in the future. Without flaws patched, individuals may gain larger access to secure data stored on your computer. Thus, it's a trade-off of processing speed for necessary amounts of security. Future iterations of Intel's processors will undoubtedly fix the hardware problem, but, until then, just be aware of the risks and download any patches that come through the pipeline.
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othercat2 · 8 years
fic: two for mirth 31/?
Commander Nona Egbert is a dark-skinned human with startlingly pale blue eyes and dark hair that is graying at the temples and sides. She’s curvy with broad shoulders and strong looking, short fingered hands. She’s accompanied by a young human man with a slightly lighter skin tone and eyes a darker blue, his dark hair in short twists, and a young human woman with startlingly pink-purple eyes and arrow-straight white-blonde hair. Both are about Dave’s age, neither are in uniform. 
“Ambassassin Vantas, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person,” the commander says in clear if accented Alternian once Karkat and Dave transfer from The Iron Castigation of Heretics to Kingfisher, a mid-sized Terran  battleship. “The Grand Highblood has told me a great deal about you.” Instead of holding out one hand to shake, she holds out both hands.
“My moirail has told me a lot about you, Commander,” Karkat says, clasping her hands. “I’m glad to finally meet his ‘trickster-sis,’ in person.”
“His highness is someone I am happy to be in ‘cahoots’ with,” she says with a chuckle. “Allow me to introduce my grandson John Egbert; he’ll be your translator, and also Dr. Lalonde, a xeno-anthropology and sociology expert to assist you with any cultural miscommunications.”  
Karkat nods, and indicates Dave. “This is Dave Strider, my concubine,” he says. (Because Dave said: “So, no euphemisms, okay? Not companion, or personal assistant or escort or chaperon or anything like that. Concubine.” And he agreed, and has no idea of why Dave insisted. He has even less of an idea of why he agreed given the slight but very visible frowns on both Egbert and Lalonde’s faces. Or maybe they’re frowning because of the visible, yellowing bruises, or the stiff way Dave is still moving after having cracked his ribs. Goddamit Gamzee.)
“A retired gladiator, or not so retired?” Commander Egbert asks. (Friendly, calm, and if Karkat isn’t mistaken, giving a very clear reason for the bruising. It doesn’t make Egbert the younger relax, but Lalonde looks curious and intent as only a scholar can.)
“Retired, but I recently had a little exhibition of my swordkind skills,” Dave says. “You should see the other guy,” he says in English.
“Makara may have sent a video of the exhibition,” Commander Egbert says with a smile. “We can talk about the diplomatic tour over dinner, if that would be all right with you?”
Karkat nods. “Of course.”
The commander has a crew member escort Karkat and Dave to a suite with a meeting block, two bedrooms and an ablution block. There is no recuperacoon but that’s what sopor patches are for. Karkat unpacks a bit, and listens to the sound of Dave doing the same in his own room. He thinks he’ll be able to hear if Dave has nightmares and wake him up if necessary. (It had gotten to be a thing on The Iron Castigation: waking Dave up and watching movies on the console, or just sitting with him until Dave could go back to sleep.)  
He takes a shower after that and changes into clothes suitable for dinner with a ship’s captain (and potentially his assigned handlers/diplomatic assistants). He finds Dave sitting at the computer console in the suite, exploring the ship’s intranet, or trying to from the tone of his mutter. “...Why is English so stupid and how the hell did I forget how stupid it is, nothing is spelled how it sounds and I don’t really remember how it sounds…oh hi, Master,” Dave says as he notices Karkat.
“Find anything interesting?” Karkat asks, peering over Dave’s shoulder.
“News articles, some conversations in the social interaction and entertainment forums on the intranet, some movies and serial programming,” Dave says. “Also I kind of tried to look up Egbert and Lalonde.” He maximizes a browser window filled with tabs. “Their public profiles and some article titles and one book title from Lalonde. This is apparently Egbert Junior’s first big diplomatic assignment. He’s mostly worked on translating official communications, with some volunteer work with the repatriated communities previously.”
“That’s definitely interesting,” Karkat says. They change places, Dave standing, and Karkat sitting at the console and looking through the tabs. “They probably picked him because direct descent is enough like being in-clade to count. Maybe also because of the volunteer work, personal experience to go with the academic represented by Lalonde.” For about twenty minutes of research, it was extremely comprehensive, and Karkat tells Dave so.
“I am definitely more than an athletic figure with well-defined muscles and simmering, challenging stare, Master,” Dave says with a teasing grin.
 It takes Karkat a second to catch it. “No, you’re also a smart ass,” Karkat says, giving Dave an unimpressed look for the description he’d paraphrased. The description belonged to one of the leads from his second novel, A Comedy of Errors in Which a Highblood Moirail Manages Her Moirail’s Quadrants by Acquiring a Pitch Concubine for Him. The Concubine, a Former Soldier With a Tragic Past Turns Out to be More Pitiable than Hateable and the Moirail Flips Into Dangerously Pale Feelings for Him, Endangering His Pale Relationship With the Highblood. It was from the initial impression formed by Seemus Harper of his new pitch concubine, before he realizes how pitiful Tyrann Anisaz actually is. “I think you’re reading in English is not as bad as you think,” Karkat says.
“How’s yours?” Dave asks.
“Better than my spoken, which isn’t saying much,” Karkat says. “I should be able to figure it out, though the articles look pretty dry and academic.”
“I also pulled up a dictionary site,” Dave says.
“Thanks for that, and for the research,” Karkat says. “Go take a shower and get ready for dinner.”  Dave heads off for the ablution block.
The dinner goes fairly well. The meal involves sliced, roasted meat over roasted vegetables served with a brown sauce. There was also a cold pasta dish with shrimp, a long stalky vegetable that had been wrapped in fatty slivers of meat and then grilled, and something involving grain, fermented milk fat and fungus. Dessert was chocolate mousse with whipped milk fat that leaves Karkat feeling slightly buzzed, because of the combination of chocolate and sugar.  
Dinner conversation ranges across a number of topics. Books are discussed, the backgrounds of his handlers, personal stories. Dave shares a few of his own, and in general seems a lot calmer and less on edge than he had been when he’d met the UPT Ambassador. The handlers as Dave a few questions, a few of them slightly too personal, but Dave seems more amused than offended by them. (Karkat is relieved while also being irritated. Egbert the younger did not seem to be very good at being diplomatic.)
Karkat asks the younger Egbert about his experience working with the repatriated, and Dr. Lalonde discusses the difficulties the repatriated are having with reintegrating with human society.  “It would be more accurate to state that they aren’t being allowed to integrate on their own terms,” Dr. Lalonde says in response to a question from Karkat. “Which has led to a number of misunderstandings which in turn led to the repatriated falling back on what could be best described as cultural defense mechanisms.”
“No, pretty their reaction to what’s happening is completely human behavior,” John says in English. “No vaguely speciest theories necessary.”
“There is nothing vague speciest about Toby Cameron’s work. His studies about the subversive elements of lowblood interaction and communication are key to my research,” Lalonde replies.
“It was crappy military PsyOp bullsh--uh sorry Grandma, no offense,” John says. “Sorry Ambassador.”
“Offense taken young man,” Commander Egbert says with mock sternness.
“No, it was pretty interesting, from what I understood, which wasn’t a lot,” Karkat says.
“Kinda hella salacious though, flirting with each other right in front of the Ambassador,” Dave says. “Totally shameless.”
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hyaluroliftpills · 4 years
Nutrition Hacks Keto Hack : Recommendations For Over The Counter Excellent Manner To Lose Weight
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Faerie by Lara Thomas.
We ran until the screams faded into the background but my head now seemed poisoned with the terrifying sounds I’d heard. I didn’t know how far we’d travelled, if it was safe but Avan seemed sure we could stop. We placed the girl down on a patch of grass and Avan began to tend to her instantly. I turned away as he began dressing her wounds. I’d learnt these techniques from papa but seeing it actually happening… my stomach wasn’t ready.  
“Is she going to be okay?” I asked warily, the lump in my throat apparent. 
“She’s going to be fine.” Avan responded bluntly. “We need to keep moving. The forest isn’t safe.“ 
“My family are still in there!” I snapped. 
“Your family either made it, or they didn’t.  If you go back you WILL die.” Avan replied bluntly again.  
“The caves…” I stuttered. I re-centred myself ready to navigate, he was right, they either made it out or they didn’t. I couldn’t go back, at least I had Brokk. 
“The caves are only 2 miles north of Melana, we must be close already.” 
“Lead the way.” Avan said as he picked up the girl he called Sayanna over his shoulders. “We need to keep up the pace.” 
For the first time since the market, I was thinking semi-clearly. I won’t lie and say I was at my most intelligent but circumstantially, I was pretty held together. Avan was so quiet, unsure if it was his personality or if he was as scared as I was I thought an attempt to converse would be wise… for all I knew I could be camping out with him for a while. 
“So, what do you think is going……” 
Before I could finish my question a force strong enough to knock us off our feet erupted and before our eyes Melana Forest went up in flames. Dark, almost dirty yet royal fuchsia coloured flames. I recognised the colour distinctively… 
“Piro…” I whispered. And I knew what was going on.  
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End of chapter 1….. Faerie by Lara Thomas. We ran until the screams faded into the background but my head now seemed poisoned with the terrifying sounds I'd heard.
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Wow do I wish this was my UPT class...
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